Life Skills Approach to Child and Adolescent Healthy Human Development
Pan American Health Organization Division of Health Promotion and Protection Family Health and Population Program Adolescent Health Unit Life Skills Approach to Child and Adolescent Healthy Human Development Leena Mangrulkar, Research Associate, HHD/EDC Cheryl Vince Whitman, Director, HHD and Senior Vice President, EDC Marc Posner, Senior Research Associate, HHD/EDC Health and Human Development Programs (HHD), a division of Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC) Funded by: Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) W.K. Kellogg Foundation September 2001 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to acknowledge the following individuals for providing valuable interviews about their experience working on life skills programs in Latin America and the Caribbean: Patricia Brandon, Amanda Bravo, Hannia Fallas, Katrin Kasischke, Arthur Richardson, Luz Sayago, Ginet Vargas Obando. The authors would also like to acknowledge the following individuals for reviewing this document and providing valuable comments and guidance: Lucimar Rodrigues, Sergio Meresman, Deborah Haber, Leonardo Mantilla, Christine Blaber, Siobhan Murphy, Michael Rosati, Phyllis Scattergood, Ronald Slaby, Carmen Aldinger, Maria Teresa Cerqueira, Matilde Maddaleno, Luis Codina, Solange Valenzuela, Francisca Infante and Paola Morello. Requests for permission to reproduce this publication, in part or in full, should be addressed to: Adolescent Health and Development Unit, Division of Health Promotion and Protection, Pan American Health Organization, 525 23rd St.,
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