Sintetiche riflessioni sulla evoluzione della tecnologia e ’Industry A cura di Technology - Innovation T.I.TIM.TSC – Technological Scouting & Communication Numero 17 – 25 maggio 2018 L’Archivio delle Triggering News è a questo link

NTT employs Orbital Angular Momentum multiplexing for 100G wireless At&T Airship, OpenStack da AT&T con e SKT in Open Source Facebook e insieme per FWA con Wifi a 60 GHz nell'ultimo 200 metri ...progetto Facebook Terragraph Spain: Telefónica in 20m FTTH homes passed and 3.5m customers Ericsson pioneers machine learning network design for SoftBank OPPO demonstrates world’s first 5G video call with 3D images EE: Average UK Smart Home will have 50 connected devices by 2023 Digital Twin Technology Could Change How Networks Are Built and Monitored Una bella carrellata dall’ultimo TechCrunch Conference L'uomo polverizza l'auto autonoma sul giro secco Sky to create UK innovation centre Announcing the Netflix Research Website Continental invests in next-gen head-up display: Augmented Reality in the car The Pentagon is spending $1 billion to infuse the Army with robots Il fatturato del accesso (“ISP”) di ha superato quello della Pay TV Like Verizon, AT&T's Cool With the Sprint T-Mobile Merger AT&T userà probabilmente Android TV nel suo prossimo servizio OTT Video premium JPMorgan Chase is doubling down on artificial intelligence. IBM Adding 1,800 Jobs in France for AI, Blockchain & Cloud

5G e Future Net NTT employs Orbital Angular Momentum multiplexing for 100G wireless Una nuova modulazione radio permetterà di andare ancora più veloci ... le promesse del 5G non si fermano The laboratory tests combined OAM multiplexing with Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) technology and carried the signals a distance of 10m. NTT developed a transceiver operating in the 28 GHz band capable of OAM transmissionachieving large-capacity wireless transmission at a total bit rate of 100 Gbps. NTT believes the technology holds promise for achieving large-capacity wireless transmission at a 2 level about 100 times that of LTE and Wi-Fi and about 5 times that of current 5G.


At&T Airship, OpenStack da AT&T con Intel e SKT in Open Source avere un cloud "world class" è essenziale per poter lanciare la rete 5G e tutte le iniziative di automazione di rete e servizi e analytics e previsione che a AI. Poichè fare tutto da soli è troppo costoso, AT&T trova alleati attraverso iniziative OpenSource

Newly launched, the AT&T Airship open infrastructure project aims to simplify site operation for cloud operators. The company is working with Intel Corporation, the OpenStack Foundation and Korean telecom provider SKT . “Simply put, Airship lets you build a cloud easier than ever before,” said Amy Wheelus, AT&T vice president of Cloud and Domain 2.0 Platform Integration, in a blog post announcing Airship. Another role for Airship will be to “fuel and accelerate” AT&T’s Network AI initiative, which the company previously described as a framework for a range of open source projects that the company has undertaken. The framework determines how the projects integrate with and support one another, the company said.


Facebook e Qualcomm insieme per FWA con Wifi a 60 GHz nell'ultimo 200 metri ...progetto Facebook Terragraph Dopo l’annuncio simile con Nokia. Non bisogna mai sottovalutare WiFi Qualcomm said today it will work with Facebook to support Facebook Terragraph technology, a high-speed wireless offering designed for urban areas that Facebook has likened to “fiber in the air.” Qualcomm said it will integrate Terragraph technology in its pre-802.11 ay Wi-Fi chipsets. Facebook and Qualcomm said they expect to begin trials of the integrated solution in mid-2019. The 802.11 ay standard aims to boost the performance of Wi-Fi technology and is one element of Facebook Terragraph technology. Facebook Terragraph Technology Terragraph technology is designed to operate in an unlicensed portion of the millimeter wave band at 60 GHz. It uses multi-point multi-hop wireless technology based on client and distribution nodes designed for installation on what Facebook calls “street furniture” such as lamp posts and streetlights. The idea, as Yael Maguire, Facebook vice president of connectivity, explains in a video posted on the Terragraph web page, is to use the infrastructure of the city to create a network that can support “a really dense deployment” of nodes and to offer speeds comparable to what fiber can support at considerably lower cost. According to the Terragraph website, developers envision providing gigabit connectivity to single- or multi-family dwellings and 10 Gbps connectivity to apartment buildings and businesses and to support events. 3

Facebook Terragraph Nodes (Source: Facebook Code website) “Cities are the center of education and opportunities for jobs,” comments Maguire in the Terragraph video. “The trend is toward more and more urbanization.” He notes in the video that the technology will need a “rich ecosystem of partners,” including cities that will need to make infrastructure available to support the technology and internet service providers that would install the technology. A press release about the Facebook/ Qualcomm deal noted that Qualcomm has optimized its technology for use in outdoor backhaul applications by introducing enhancements such as a TDMA- based protocol, time synchronized nodes, channel bonding and a massive antenna array to optimize performance of its new chipset in urban areas. Facebook previously announced that Nokia would supply wireless passive optical network (WPON) technology for use with Terragraph. Source:


Spain: Telefónica in 20m FTTH homes passed and 3.5m customers ci son voluti 6 anni per raggiungere questi risultati, abbastanza un unicum in Europa Spanish telco Telefónica has broken a new record by passing 20 million homes with FTTH – 70 per cent of all households in the country. The company – which claims to have the largest FTTH network in Europe – has completed the FTTH deployment in the country’s largest cities with 244,000km of cable and is now focussing on the medium and smaller cities, with plans to reach 25 million homes by 2020. After six years of FTTH deployment, Telefónica already has over 3.5 million customers, 58 per cent of its bandwidth clients with 2.2 million enjoying up to 600 Mbps speeds. The second FTTH operator is Orange with over 12 million homes with plans to reach 16 million by 2020. has 10.3 million FTTH homes.


Ericsson pioneers machine learning network design for SoftBank Anche TIM è attiva sul tema SoftBank a leading mobile operator in Japan, has implemented an innovative method for radio access network design from Ericsson based on machine intelligence. The service groups cells in clusters and takes statistics from cell overlapping and potential to use carrier 4 aggregation between cells into account, thus reducing operational expenditure and improving network performance. Compared to traditional network design methods, it cut the lead time by 40 percent. Tags: AI Source:


OPPO demonstrates world’s first 5G video call with 3D images In pratica una videoconferenza su 5G in formato 3D; interessante che i terminali siano prototipi di smartphone con chip pre-commerciali di Qualcomm e che venga da un giovane dragone cinese nel mondo degli smartphone come Oppo The team was able to reproduce a 3D portrait image on a remote receiver. The demo used colour and 3D depth information collected via a structured light 3D camera on an OPPO phone. This was transmitted via 5G NR (New Radio) terminal prototypes from Qualcomm Technologies and eventually displayed on a remote display screen. On a Skype call, for example, the 3D imaging would allow the caller’s perspective to change based on their position and angle.


Cloud, IoT, AI EE: Average UK Smart Home will have 50 connected devices by 2023 A proposito di massive IoT The average UK household will contain 50 connected devices by 2023 as the Smart Home sub- sector booms, according to , CEO of BT's Consumer Division. Speaking at a BT Consumer Group event in London on Tuesday, Allera said that the number of connected devices per household was set to increase 5-fold over the next five years, leaving numerous opportunities for telcos to capitalise on. BT's mobile subsidiary, EE, has identified the Smart Home sub-sector as a key market in which to grow its . Speaking at the same event, EE's managing director for Marketing, Max Taylor, announced that the company would be launching a new range of Smart Home products and services in June 2018. Source: Average-UK-Smart-Home-will-have-50-


Digital Twin Technology Could Change How Networks Are Built and Monitored Tema affascinantissimo 5

Though it has yet to be realized at scale, digital twinning has tremendous potential beyond manufacturing and product development, where it’s primarily deployed today. “Over time, digital representations of virtually every aspect of our world will be connected dynamically with their real-world counterparts...City planners, digital marketers, healthcare professionals, and industrial planners will all benefit from this long-term shift to the integrated digital twin world.” In my view, there’s at least one more group that could easily be added to the list of people likely to benefit from digital twinning: networking professionals. In today’s day and age, effective network configuration is defined first and foremost by flexibility — that is, by the ability to adapt to fluctuations in network traffic, resource demands, and security protocols. Source:


Una bella carrellata dall’ultimo TechCrunch Conference Orrificanti: robot da compagnia, robot trasportatori, esoscheletri … chiamate un designer e uno psicologo cognitivo!



L'uomo polverizza l'auto autonoma sul giro secco Quindi: più facile giocare a scacchi o Go che guidare un’auto da corsa Nelle gare di Formula E alcune DevBot (le auto a guida autonoma) a sfidare gli esseri umani, per il momento con risultati deludenti. Nonostante gli sviluppi dell'intelligenza artificiale e della strumentazione in questo settore infatti guidare un'auto oltre certi limiti di velocità, tagliare una curva, decidere quando frenare, sono attività fortemente legate all'istinto. Per questo sulla pista di Roma, dopo alcuni giri di riscaldamento, Tuerck è riuscito a ottenere un tempo di 1:51.8, mentre il DevBot si è dovuto fermare a 2:18.4, subendo così un distacco di oltre 26 secondi, che non lascia spazio a dubbi e interpretazioni.


Sky to create UK innovation centre i tradizionali “centri ricerche” servono eccome, Sky ne apre uno a Londra (che costi!!) di 8000 mq che affianca i centri tecnologici di Leeds e Milano Sky has announced plans to build a dedicated innovation centre at its Osterley campus. 7

The 70,000 square feet centre will sit alongside existing tech sites in Leeds and . Staff will work across a number of disciplines including broadcast and streaming platforms, consumer products and the latest content innovations including virtual reality. The re-development of Sky’s campus has included the construction of five new buildings at Osterley that has also included the Sky News glass box live news studio.


Announcing the Netflix Research Website Non è corretto pensare che la ricerca in Silicon Valley la fanno solo le startup … We’re pleased to announce that we’ve launched a new website at that provides an overview of the research that we do here at Netflix. We have many amazing researchers working on a variety of hard problems and are happy to share some of our work with the world. Netflix embraces innovation and has been investing in research to power that innovation for many years. This started with an early focus in areas like recommendations and experimentation but has now expanded to several other research areas and application domains in our business including studio production, marketing, and content delivery. To maximize the impact of our research, we do not centralize research into a separate organization. Instead, we have many teams that pursue research in collaboration with business teams, engineering teams, and other researchers. While this has worked well internally, we have found that it can be difficult to navigate for people outside Netflix who may want to understand our work, connect with our people, or find job opportunities. Thus, we’ve created this website to provide a broad overview of our research. We hope that it provides more insight into some of the areas we work in, the research that we’ve done, and the challenges we face in continuing to make Netflix better. Source:

Continental invests in next-gen head-up display: Augmented Reality in the car Avremo parabrezza che sono in realtà display di AR come in foto Together with Silicon Valley startup Digilens, automotive supplier Continental plans to pave the way for augmented reality (AR) in vehicles. Digilens develops a holographic waveguide technology that is well suited for use in head-up displays. Continental has now increased its stake in Digilens to 18 percent.

With waveguide technology, augmented reality HUDs can be realized for a broad market than before. Sourc

e: continental-invests-next-gen-head-display

The Pentagon is spending $1 billion to infuse the Army with robots Mai più senza The Pentagon is investing roughly $1 billion over the next several years for the development of robots to be used in an array of roles alongside combat troops, Bloomberg reported.  The introduction of more robots into combat situations is intended to not only make life easier for troops, but also protect them from potentially fatal scenarios. 8

 The US military already uses robots in various capacities, such as for bomb disposal and scouting, but these new robots will reportedly be able to preform more sophisticated roles including complex reconnaissance, carrying soldier's gear, and detecting hazardous chemicals. Tags: AI, Robot Source:

in-every-formation-12925955.php Content and Services Il fatturato del accesso Internet (“ISP”) di Comcast ha superato quello della Pay TV Una rincorsa iniziata a inizio millenio. La struttura di costi e i margini delle due divisioni sono completamente diverse (per Comcast TV più di metà dei ricavi va in acquisto o produzione di contenuti). Vediamo se lo stesso avverrà con Sky che ha deciso di fare l’ISP! Comcast first had more internet subscribers than TV subscribers back in 2015, but its internet revenue is still catching up. Since then, Comcast’s internet business has grown to include more than 26 million subscribers, while its number of pay TV users has declined to 22 million — a difference of four million households. Last quarter, Comcast added 379,000 high-speed internet subscribers while losing 96,000 video customers. Revenue has followed slowly. Comcast’s high-speed internet revenue hit a high of $4.2 billion last quarter, nearly three quarters of its $5.7 billion in video revenue. That represents the smallest difference there’s ever been between those revenue streams — just $1.5 billion. It’s important to note that internet revenue costs Comcast a lot less than video, because it doesn’t have to create content for the internet. Last year, Comcast spent $12.9 billion on programming, or more than half of the $23 billion it generated from pay TV subscriptions.


Like Verizon, AT&T's Cool With the Sprint T-Mobile Merger Un’altra volpe che vede l’uva verde Much like Verizon, AT&T executives say they're not particularly worried about the Sprint and T-Mobile merger. AT&T Communications CEO John Donovan told attendees of a conference this week that the company won't be contesting or opposing the union. To hear Donovan tell it, AT&T doesn't really care about the merger because the company has its own strategy to execute and can't be bothered with what other competitors are up to.

AT&T userà probabilmente Android TV nel suo prossimo servizio OTT Video premium perplessità degli analisti sulla cessione di valore attraverso i dati a da at&t che contemporaneamente dichiara di voler sviluppare il business della pubblictà su TV OTT AT&T has confirmed that it will launch a premium over-the-top video service later this year, but it hasn't answered one fundamental question about how it will bring that service to market: What role will Google play? Using Google's operator tier for Android TV, AT&T would be able to control the user interface for its service, maintain direct subscriber billing and offer access to features like voice control and Google Search. However, AT&T would also have to allow consumer access to other parts of the Android ecosystem, including competitive video apps. But, and this is a big but, there's another hidden cost to the arrangement: data. Google gets to collect new data on user behavior when Android TV is deployed. If AT&T eventually migrates its entire customer base over to that OTT platform, that means new data on 25 million consumers 9 across the US. For an advertising company, that's a gold mine. Source:


JPMorgan Chase is doubling down on artificial intelligence. la corsa ai talenti AI in tutti i settori, anche quello finanziario bancario, è senza sosta: i chatbots non bastano mai The bank said in a note to employees on Thursday that it's hired Manuela Veloso as the company's first head of artificial intelligence research. Veloso comes to JPMorgan Chase from Carnegie Mellon University, where she's served as head of the machine learning department. The move comes as big players in the finance industry race to roll out AI, which could eventually be used for services ranging from fraud detection to loan approval, while making internal operations more efficient. "There's essentially been a mandate from the top of many of these institutions that AI and process management is something that should be heavily invested in," One of the first challenges is launching chatbots and voice assistants that can help with banking. Tags: AI Source:


IBM Adding 1,800 Jobs in France for AI, Blockchain & Cloud Chissà quanti saranno cervelli in fuga laureati in italia ... il risultato di un sistema paese affidabile, iniziative importanti di formazione come Ecole42 e StationF, 3 Mdi€ anno di VC (rispetto a 100 Mni in Italia) IBM today is announcing a set of investments and initiatives in France that will create 1,800 jobs during the next two years, in leading-edge areas like AI, blockchain, cloud computing and IoT. This is coupled with a major expansion in France of the world's largest network of training programs for "new collar" skills. "President Macron is making a big bet, and a smart one, that AI is going to transform every job, every profession and every industry," said Rometty. "At IBM, we share this belief and see evidence of it every day with Watson driving exponential impact here in France and around the world. That is why we are bringing 1,800 new jobs to France to meet growing demand for AI from our clients." IBM plans to hire business consultants, IT architects, developers and technical experts, including both new graduates and experienced professionals. The 1,800 new jobs include 400 AI-related roles IBM announced in March at the French AI for Humanity summit. In addition, the company is launching the IBM France Academy. The Academy, based in Paris and supported by online courses, will train IBM France employees, clients and partners to build modern skills for the AI-era. Tags: AI Source:


That’s All Folks!