Forest and Society. Vol. 4(1): 1-19, April 2020 Received: 2020-03-04; Accepted: 2020-04-26 ISSN: 2549-4724, E-ISSN: 2549-4333 Special Section on community-based conservation in the Wallacea region Introduction Review Article Community and conservation in Wallacea: Making the case for the region, a methodological framework, and research trends Micah R. Fisher 1,2, Bart Verheijen 1,3, Muhammad Alif K. Sahide 1* 1 Universitas Hasanuddin, Faculty of Forestry 2 University of Hawaii, Affiliate Faculty – Matsunaga Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution 3 University of Amsterdam * Corresponding author:
[email protected] Abstract: This introduction provides a review of articles published in the special section on community conservation in the Wallacea region. As editors to the special section, we worked with contributors over a series of workshops to reflexively identify challenges to conducting research on community and conservation in this important and often overlooked region. The challenges are attributable to the dynamism and remoteness of the region, as well as its peripheral position relative to the center of government in Indonesia. We begin this article by making the case for a concerted field of study for the Wallacea region. Next, we draw on empirical research and continued engagement from across Wallacea to propose a framework that helps make better sense of the often perplexing trends involving communities and conservation in the region. We call the framework ASLi, which addresses the key institutions that negotiate conservation and development, including Adat and adaptive local institutions and the State. We situate these institutions within the dimensions of Livelihoods and their relations with natural resources.