
Articles Homospory 2002: An Odyssey of Progress in Genetics and

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CHRISTOPHER H. HAUFLER http://bioscience.oxfordjournals.org/

he homosporous vascular , including and Tother graceful, primarily forest-dwelling groups such as FERNS AND OTHER HOMOSPOROUS the ground pines and horsetails, are the extant representatives of ancient lineages that once dominated the land surface. VASCULAR PLANTS HAVE HIGHLY POLY- Although the very well-studied plants find their closest PLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBERS, BUT relatives (sister group) among these species (Pryer et al. 2001), called homosporous , genetic aspects of ho- THEY EXPRESS TRAITS FOLLOWING mosporous plants have not been studied extensively. In ad- at University of Kansas Libraries on September 11, 2014 dition to the homosporous species, there are extant het- DIPLOID MODELS AND, ALTHOUGH erosporous pteridophytes—among them the water ferns (), spike (Selaginellaceae), and quill- CAPABLE OF EXTREME INBREEDING, ARE worts (Isoetaceae)—and extinct heterosporous lineages, PREDOMINANTLY OUTCROSSING which are well represented in the record. But these “evolutionary experiments”in the heterosporous way of , whose ancestors are homosporous, did not result in the ex- tems and evolutionary potential. All vascular life cycles traordinary burst of diversification seen among the seed feature an alternation of genetically different phases: sporo- plants, and they are not the focus of this review. However, there phytes, the diploid portion of the life cycle responsible for the are more than 10,000 homosporous pteridophyte species on production of , and , the haploid gener- Earth today, and homospory appears to be the foundation on ation that yields . The homosporous pteridophytes which all extant plant groups stand. Thus valuable insights for produce spores that are uniform in size, whereas heterosporous understanding the origin and biodiversity of groups such as species (including seed plants) produce spores of two differ- the flowering plants could be gained from a solid under- ent sizes, and . This seemingly sim- standing of homosporous lineages. ple difference in size extends to the mode of sexual re- Unfortunately, developing and testing hypotheses about the production. Heterosporous species have unisexual genetics and evolution of homosporous pteridophytes has gametophytes—microspores produce exclusively male ga- been a difficult enterprise, because although homosporous metophytes and , while megaspores germinate to ini- plants share many structural features with their much- tiate only female gametophytes and eggs. In contrast, all studied heterosporous siblings, the reproductive biology of spores of homosporous species can become bisexual game- these two groups is quite different. Nonetheless, the last quar- ter century has seen considerable change in our under- standing of pteridophyte evolution and genetics. This re- Christopher H. Haufler (e-mail: [email protected]) is a professor in the view will consider how new discoveries, insights, and Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of hypotheses have modified our perceptions of homosporous Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045, and president of the American Society. pteridophytes and assess the impact that these changes have He studies the evolution and phylogenetic history of ferns, focusing on the had on understanding basic aspects of plant genetics. narrow boundary between population genetics and macroevolutionary Homosporous pteridophytes possess biological attributes processes; he is especially fascinated by modes and mechanisms of speciation. that complicate a thorough understanding of their genetic sys- © 2002 American Institute of Biological Sciences.

December 2002 / Vol. 52 No. 12 • BioScience 1081 Articles tophytes, bearing both eggs and sperm on the same individ- • Gene flow in homosporous species occurs through dis- ual. Such distinctive genetic architecture as well as aspects of persal of spores and sperm, which contrasts markedly life history and ecology can influence patterns and processes with seed and dispersal. of evolution. Only by fully integrating all of these components • In thinking about the movement of genes between indi- can we obtain an accurate picture of the evolutionary potential viduals and populations, it is necessary to consider the of homosporous pteridophytes. The following elements of ho- high dispersal capacity of unicellular spores and to bal- ance this against the limitations imposed by the restrict- mosporous species pertain to genetic analyses: ed habitat requirements for growth and maturation of • Critical genetic processes (meiosis and fertilization) the gametophytes. occur on separate plants growing in different microhab- itats (figure 1). Gametophytes generally colonize moist, More than 20 years ago, Edward Klekowski (1979), who can open soil in often disturbed microsites, whereas sporo- validly be called the father of modern studies on pteridophyte phytes are typically found in well-established, mature genetics, published a summary and synthesis of the unique sites. features of homosporous pteridophytes. Klekowski, who had Downloaded from • Because a bisexual is the product of a sin- been studying these plants for more than a dozen years, ar- gle meiotic event and produces genetically uniform eggs gued convincingly that the features of homosporous vascu- and sperm, biologists have predicted that homosporous lar plants required a modified set of rules to develop hy- pteridophytes are highly inbred and that these popula- potheses about their genetic composition and reproductive tions may have greatly reduced levels of genetic varia- biology. Since 1979, Klekowski’s controversial views have http://bioscience.oxfordjournals.org/ tion. provided the focus for numerous studies and have led to a new • All homosporous pteridophytes have high chromosome set of syntheses about homosporous pteridophyte genetics. numbers, and genetic analyses and assumptions about In the following sections, a picture of homosporous plant evolutionary potential that are regularly applied to oth- genetic systems will be developed by proceeding in an or- er organisms may not be appropriate. ganismal hierarchy: A description of the characteristics of in- dividuals and their genetic makeup provides the basis for a discussion of hypotheses about how these genomic characteristics evolved, which leads to an analysis of how these fea- at University of Kansas Libraries on September 11, 2014 tures influence breeding system interactions or potential interactions between individuals, which ultimately yields a synthesis of popu- lation-level features and evolutionary processes. In this hierarchy, the first question that must be asked is, “What constitutes an indi- vidual?”Because homosporous pteridophytes alternate between two strikingly different and fully independent generations, when one looks at a typical fern growing in the , one sees only one of two compo- nents of the whole fern individual (figure 1). The sporophyte is the larger, generally peren- nial generation. The diminutive and generally ephemeral gametophytes are found in habi- tats that are usually quite dissimilar from those of the sporophyte. Both generations Figure 1. Homosporous pteridophytes alternate between two entirely indepen- and the processes they contain are critical dent generations. Bisexual gametophytes produce both egg-containing archego- for species survival, but from a genetic per- nia and sperm-producing antheridia. Fertilization occurs when the motile spective, the sporophyte could be considered sperm swim down the necks of the archegonia and unite with the egg, forming the less important generation. Although it is the diploid zygote. Not all gametophytes of homosporous species become bisex- true that meiosis takes place on the sporo- ual, and not all bisexual gametophytes are capable of self-fertilization. The phyte, fertilization occurs when unite single-celled zygote divides mitotically and matures to form the sporophyte. with eggs on the gametophyte. Thus, the On the underside of sporophyte are clusters of sporangia (sori). Meiosis products of the gametophyte actually deter- occurs in the sporangia, producing tetrads of spores that are released into the mine the genetic composition of the sporo- air. Under suitable conditions, the spores germinate and grow by mitotic cell phyte. Through meiosis, the sporophyte can divisions to form the gametophyte. only release recombinations of the compo-

1082 BioScience • December 2002 / Vol. 52 No. 12 Articles nent genomes that were amalgamated through fertilization What if most homosporous plants are polyploid? on the gametophyte. Klekowski (1973) advanced hypotheses that high lev- As noted above, homosporous species produce gameto- els actually may have been selected to maintain and release ge- phytes that are potentially bisexual, having both eggs and netic variability in homosporous plants. Klekowski reasoned sperms on a single, multicellular, haploid individual that that if bisexual gametophytes of homosporous plants fre- grew by mitosis and differentiation from a unicellular spore. quently fertilized themselves, lineages should rapidly become This condition actually imparts to homosporous species highly homozygous and lose the capacity to store and release greater breeding system amplitude than their heterosporous the genetic variability necessary to remain evolutionarily ac- relatives possess. Because gametophytic bisexuality enables fer- tive; therefore, homosporous plant lineages became poly- tilization to yield a variety of genetically different products, ploid as an adaptive reaction to the deleterious effects of Klekowski (1979) developed a special set of terms to de- rampant inbreeding. scribe the breeding systems possible for homosporous plants Klekowski reached these conclusions by correlating direct (figure 2). To refer to true outcrossing (as applied to het- observations and widely held assumptions about homo- Downloaded from erosporous plants), Klekowski coined the term intergameto- sporous pteridophyte biology. A common evolutionary path- phytic crossing, in which a sperm from a gametophyte of one way in homosporous pteridophytes and other plants that re- sporophyte fertilizes the egg of a gametophyte from a second sults in higher chromosome numbers is a process called sporophyte, similar to the process of the pollen from one flow- allopolyploidy (figure 3). This pathway begins when the sperm http://bioscience.oxfordjournals.org/ ering plant being transferred to the of a second plant. from one diploid species (A1A1) unites with the egg of a sec- Corresponding to selfing in heterosporous species is ond diploid species (A2A2). In this notation, each haploid set intergametophytic selfing, in which a sperm from one game- of chromosomes is indicated by the same capital letter, A, be- tophyte fertilizes the egg from a second gametophyte, but both cause for hybrids to form there must be significant genetic gametophytes had the same sporophyte parent, similar to compatibility between the component genomes (e.g., consider the pollen from the anther of one landing on the the similarity between the donkey and the horse that hy- stigma of the same flower. Finally, to describe the type of fer- bridize to yield vigorous but sterile mules). The subscript num- tilization that is possible only for bisexual gametophytes in bers 1 and 2, on the other hand, are used to designate the ge- which a sperm from a gametophyte fertilizes an egg from the netic distinctness of these haploid sets. When hybridization same gametophyte, Klekowski suggested the term intra- occurs between species from the same genus of homosporous at University of Kansas Libraries on September 11, 2014 gametophytic selfing. Because eggs and sperms from a single plants, there appear to be few barriers to prevent the initia- gametophyte are genetically identical, intragametophytic self- tion of interspecific zygotes (Schneller 1981). Although many ing produces that are 100% homozygous in a sin- of these zygotes are not vi- gle generation, a condition that takes even obligately selfing able, in the somatic or vege- a heterosporous plants many generations to approach. This tative cells of some hybrids, capacity for absolute inbreeding has important implications the two “parental” genomes when trying to understand individual and populational are sufficiently compatible to genetics. yield cells that can replicate without problem through b The genetics of individuals mitotic divisions, and robust

Exploring the genetics of individual homosporous plants sporophytes (A1A2) often re- has involved intrigue and deception. Biologists have been sult. In the reproductive cells intrigued by homosporous plants because they are genetically of the sporangia, however, distinct from seed plants. Homosporous plants have been con- meiosis rather than mitosis c sidered stellar exemplars of polyploidy and inbreeding. In- is responsible for producing dividuals are usually called polyploid if their somatic cells have spores (figure 1). Even in the more than two complete sets of chromosomes. In an- most vigorous interspecific giosperms, the dividing line between diploid and polyploid hybrids, the reproductive cells chromosome numbers has been set at n = 13 or 14 (Grant 1981). Using this base line, about 50% of flowering plants can Figure 2. Breeding system options for homosporous be considered polyploid. When the same numbers are applied pteridophytes. (a) Intragametophytic selfing. Sperm from to the pteridophytes, over 95% may be called polyploid. Such a single gametophyte fertilizes the egg of that same game- statistics suggest that homosporous plants constitute an odd tophyte. (b) Intergametophytic selfing. Sperm from one group that demands special consideration when developing gametophyte fertilizes the egg of a neighboring gameto- ideas about patterns and processes of evolution. However, as phyte, but both gametophytes arose from spores of the intriguing as this unique feature of homosporous plants is, same sporophyte. (c) Intergametophytic crossing. Sperm biologists were deceived when trying to extrapolate from from one gametophyte fertilizes the egg of a neighboring these observations to explain genetic expression and breed- gametophyte, and the two gametophytes arose from ing system attributes. spores of different sporophytes.

December 2002 / Vol. 52 No. 12 • BioScience 1083 Articles

are quite similar, even though they are not homol- ogous. Thus, homoeologous chromosomes are those that are partially homologous. Each time a new species originates through allopolyploidy, every in- dividual of that new lineage has both homologous and homoeologous sets of chromosomes. Which brings us back to Klekowski’s conundrum. Bisexual gametophytes of homosporous species ap- pear likely to form new sporophytes by intragame- tophytic selfing (fertilizing their eggs with their own sperm). This single event would make their homol- ogous chromosomes identical and their gene ex- pression completely homozygous (an inbreeding Downloaded from nightmare). Each allopolyploid individual, however, stores additional genetic variability in its homoeol- ogous chromosomes. Stated succinctly, because the progenitors of allopolyploids are genetically differ- ent, the polyploid amalgamation of these dissimilar http://bioscience.oxfordjournals.org/ sets would generate homoeologous heterozygosity even if the plants had become homologous homozygotes through intragametophytic selfing. Thus, each in- Figure 3. Allopolyploid speciation is initiated when hybridization dividual of an allopolyploid species should carry a certain amount of “built-in”homoeologous genetic occurs between diploid species A1 and A2. The resulting hybrid is repro- ductively incompetent (sterile) because, although homoeologous hap- variability, even if intragametophytic selfing elimi- nates homologous variability. loid genomes A1 and A2 are sufficiently similar to form a vigorous sporophyte (the considerable similarity of the genomes is denoted by Is there a way to recombine the homoeologous ge- netic variation that is stored in each allopolyploid in- having both share the letter A), the two genomes are sufficiently diver- at University of Kansas Libraries on September 11, 2014 gent to prevent bivalent formation during meiosis (critical differentia- dividual? Klekowski suggested that during meiosis it tion of genomes is denoted by separate subscripts 1 and 2). Through was likely for some pairing to occur between ho- polyploidization, that hybrid regains reproductive competency, because moeologous chromosomes rather than all pairing be- bivalents can form between the duplicated homologous diploid ing restricted to homologous chromosomes. Just as genomes A A and A A . heterozygous diploid individuals produce variation 1 2 1 2 in their progeny, pairing between homoeologues poised to form spores usually fail to yield viable products, be- would result in variability among the offspring of even the cause the two haploid sets (one from each parent species) are most homologously homozygous allopolyploid. Especially sufficiently divergent that they will not pair properly with each given the large number of chromosomes, this seemed to be other to form bivalents during meiosis (something that they a reasonable and likely event. For this system to be relevant do not have to accomplish during mitosis). to organisms, however, there were three requirements: Sterile interspecific hybrids can regain sexual reproductive 1. The genes carried on homoeologous chromosomes competency through genome doubling. In an allotetraploid must be genetically different from each other.

(A1A1A2A2), for example, two identical genomes are present 2. The genes must be actively translated into products (A1A2 and A1A2) whose chromosomes can now pair per- used by the organism that could be acted upon by selec- fectly and form bivalents during meiosis. Diploid spores con- tive or other agents. taining one set of genes from each of the two parental species 3. In homologously homozygous individuals, there must are produced. Via mitosis (having the biparental genome be pairing between homoeologous chromosomes to A1A2), the diploid gametophytes developing from these spores recombine this genetic variation among progeny. produce sperm that fertilize eggs carrying the same A1A2 genome, and a new A1A1A2A2 tetraploid sporophyte results. Assuming these requirements were being met in naturally In each individual of these new polyploid lineages, there are occurring species, how could it be detected and how could this two complete genomes. Some chromosomes from each prog- interesting hypothesis be tested? enitor are, of course, homologous (those from set A1 and A1, or from set A2 and A2), and these pair to form bivalents dur- Genetic control of morphological and other traits. ing meiosis, whereas those from the different progenitors One way to assess the genetic constitution of individuals is by are termed homoeologous (from chromosome sets A1 and considering the expression of genetically determined traits A2). Presumably the fact that the two species will form vig- through controlled breeding programs. This is the method that orous hybrids means that the bulk of their chromosomes Mendel used in making his important discoveries about plant

1084 BioScience • December 2002 / Vol. 52 No. 12 Articles genetics. If homosporous pteridophytes were highly poly- tained more recessive alleles than they “should have” if only ploid, each trait would be determined not by two (as in homologous chromosomes formed bivalents. diploid organisms) but by four or more different genes. In sim- These cytological data elucidated a mechanism by which ple diploids, crossing two suspected heterozygous individu- variability stored among homoeologous genomes could be re- als (Aa x Aa) yields an expected 1:2:1 ratio of homozygous leased and demonstrated that this process was operating in dominants (AA) to heterozygotes (Aa) to homozygous re- . However, the chromosome number of C. thal- cessives (aa). However, if each trait is controlled by four or ictroides is 78, double the base number of 39 found among more genes (or alleles of the same gene), depending on how other members of Ceratopteris. Thus, even relative to other independently the alleles segregate, the proportion of each Ceratopteris species, C. thalictroides is a polyploid. genotype will differ substantially from the diploid 1:2:1 ratio. The segregation arrays rapidly become more complex. For ex- Molecular tests of homoeologous gene expression. ample, in a tetraploid, if every diploid carried a ho- Structurally (chemically) different yet functionally similar Downloaded from moeologously heterozygous genotype for each trait (A1a1A2a2), enzymes are called isozymes and, using the technique of elec- even in the unusual situation where each allele of each du- trophoresis, it is possible to detect the different forms of the plicated gene sorted independently, only a tiny fraction of the enzymes present in cells. The genetically pertinent aspect of progeny from a cross between two such individuals (A1a1A2a2 these biochemical features is that each isozyme is coded by a x A a A a ) would express the recessive trait. Thus, if all genes different DNA sequence and many isozymes represent single 1 1 2 2 http://bioscience.oxfordjournals.org/ and alleles were expressing active products, a very different out- gene products. These biochemical characters can be used to come from controlled crosses among polyploids would be ex- address questions about the genomic constitution of organ- pected compared with that in diploids. isms. In the early 1900s, during the Victorian fern craze in Eng- In the seed plants, Gottlieb (1982) showed that because each land (Allen 1969), Andersson-Kottö (1929) conducted cross- allelic variant could code for a separate enzyme that may be ing studies. She considered the genetic control of both mor- detected electrophoretically, the higher the ploidy the greater phological and life cycle traits, and she discovered that most the number of enzyme variants. For monomeric enzymes, features followed diploid genetic (Mendelian) models of in- diploids have a maximum of two variant bands for each en- heritance. The only departure from typical diploid inheritance zyme, tetraploids have a maximum of four variants, hexaploids patterns occurred among individuals having variegated max out at six variants, and so forth. Gottlieb used this evi- at University of Kansas Libraries on September 11, 2014 mutations. Klekowski (1979) drew attention to these studies dence to suggest that absolute chromosome numbers should of variegation as evidence for possibly polyploid genetic sys- not be the sole criterion for determining whether an organ- tems in ferns. However, variegation genetics are complicated, ism is diploid or polyploid. Rather, he suggested, the essen- because such patterns result from mutations in tial attribute of polyploidy is genome multiplication and at- and are frequently inherited through the cytoplasm rather than tendant increases in the number of gene loci. Assuming that the nucleus (Kirk and Tilney-Bassett 1978). Andersson-Kottö different genes should produce slightly different enzyme (1938) herself states that “the only clear case of polyploid seg- products, Gottlieb concluded that polyploids should have regation of a mendelian character in a fern to my knowledge more isozymes (more gene products) than diploids. In most occurs in Phyllitis scolopendrium” (p. 293). This case involved cases, surveys of seed plants have upheld this assumption a “fertile hybrid between a ‘peculiar’ with 50 chromosomes and (but see Elisens and Crawford 1988), and thus have led to the a gametophyte of normal Scolopendrium type with 30 chro- application of isozyme evidence in determining ploidal lev- mosomes, the hybrid having 80 chromosomes”(Andersson- els in plants. Kottö 1938, p. 293). Andersson-Kottö’s studies provided ev- Using electrophoresis, it is possible to determine whether idence that homosporous species with high chromosome homosporous plants are isozymic diploids or polyploids. numbers expressed traits consistent with diploid, not poly- Initial work indicated that homoeologous genomes were ac- ploid, models of inheritance, but more information was nec- tive and that pairing between them was releasing this stored essary before conclusions about the universality of these find- variability. Using inbred lines of the bracken fern, Pteridium ings could be developed. aquilinum, Chapman and colleagues (1979) presented the re- sults of an electrophoretic analysis of enzyme variability. Cytogenetic tests for homoeologous chromosome This study concluded that numerous isozyme variants of pairing. Using inbred lines and gametophytic genetic mark- each enzyme were present and that the progeny of inbred ers from Ceratopteris thalictroides, Hickok (1978a, 1978b) sporophytes contained enzyme combinations that would not was able to demonstrate that 1% to 3% of the progeny con- be possible without homoeologous pairing. This work ap- tained combinations of alleles that must have resulted from peared to provide support for the hypothesis that (a) homo- pairing between homoeologues. Hybrids between inbred sporous plants were highly polyploid and (b) the several sets lines showed higher percentages of aberrant progeny that of chromosomes (genomes) that were contained in each most likely arose because nonhomologous chromosomes polyploid stored variability that was released through pairing paired during meiosis, giving rise to segregants that con- between homoeologous genomes during meiosis.

December 2002 / Vol. 52 No. 12 • BioScience 1085 Articles

Although this first attempt to test Klekowski’s homoeolo- Explaining polyploid origins. Two main models have gous heterozygosity model appeared decisive, subsequent been proposed to explain the evolution of the chromosomal work with other homosporous plant groups (which ulti- polyploidy–genetic diploidy paradox. Soltis and Soltis (1987a) mately included a reanalysis of P. aquilinum by Wolf and advanced the hypothesis that the immediate ancestors of ho- colleagues [1987]) generated a very different picture. Plants mosporous plant lineages contained high chromosome num- with chromosome numbers that are decidedly high com- bers and that high numbers are, therefore, a basic character- pared to those of seed plants, but are basal within homo- istic of the homosporous pteridophytes. sporous plant genera (see table 1), exhibited isozyme num- An alternative hypothesis (Haufler 1987) suggested that ho- bers considered typical of diploid seed plants, rather than mosporous lineages began with low chromosome numbers showing the anticipated multiplication of enzyme bands and that our current homosporous “diploid” species arose (Haufler and Soltis 1986). These data indicated that, rather through episodes of polyploidy, which were followed by than a single standard for differentiating diploids and poly- genetic diploidization in these new polyploids via gene Downloaded from ploids, there was a series of basic chromosome numbers in the silencing and loss by of progenitor taxa with lower homosporous plants; moreover, only taxa having chromosome chromosome numbers. Thus, in the group as a whole, chro- numbers that were multiples of the generically basal ones con- mosome numbers would continue to increase while genetic tained enzyme profiles that met Gottlieb’s functional definition diploidy was maintained. of polyploids (table 1). The evidence from the homosporous Only a few studies have focused on testing these models at http://bioscience.oxfordjournals.org/ plants also represented a significant breakdown of the cor- the DNA level. Pichersky and colleagues (1990) found a respondence between isozyme number and chromosome larger-than-expected number of defective a/b- number in defining polyploidy. binding protein genes in Polystichum munitum at 2n = 82. When reconsidered from this perspective, other lines of ev- McGrath and colleagues (1994) discovered evidence of silenced idence also supported the distinction between “chromosomal” genes in C. richardii at 2n = 78, and later McGrath and Hickok (1999) showed that this species also had multiple ribosomal polyploidy and “genetic expression”of polyploidy. Klekowski RNA gene loci. These studies are all consistent with models and Davis (1977) studied the distribution of somatic mutants of homosporous pteridophyte evolution via cycles of poly- among gametophytic progeny of a 2n = 44 pteridophyte and ploidy followed by gene silencing. Achieving diploidy through found a 1:1 segregation ratio, typical of a diploid genetic sys- the silencing of superfluous genes may be selectively advan- tem. Schneller (1979) worked with morphological traits con- at University of Kansas Libraries on September 11, 2014 tageous and, as in other organisms, diploidy may be the best trolled by single genes in the lady fern (Athyrium filix-femina, compromise genomic condition for preserving and releasing 2n = 80) and concluded that their pattern of inheritance the genetic variation that is required to evolve. could be explained by assuming a diploid genetic system. Masuyama (1986) analyzed the genetic control of breeding Breeding systems of individuals. If homosporous systems in Phegopteris (2n = 60) and indicated that a diploid plant gametophytes fertilized themselves regularly (a rea- model fit the data best. Finally, in controlled crossing exper- sonable assumption, given the bisexuality of individual ga- iments involving mutants of a “diploid” (2n = 78) species in metophytes), a very different set of constraints would be im- the genus Ceratopteris (Hickok 1985), results suggested diploid posed at the population level than if gametophytic expression for the single gene mutants. The accumulated ev- self-fertilization were rare. Studies have indeed shown that in- idence yielded a genetic paradox for homosporous vascular dividual gametophytes can often form sporophytes (reviewed plant lineages: Although homosporous plants could be defined in Klekowski 1979). However, other studies summarized by as polyploids based on their absolute chromosome num- Lloyd (1974) have shown that the potential for gametophytic bers, they were diploids when it came to isozyme numbers. bisexuality does not necessarily translate to a predisposition for inbreeding. A revised perspective on polyploidy in homo- Studies of the “isolate potential” of homosporous plants sporous plants. On the basis of the accumulated genetic (Peck et al. 1990) provide direct evidence on the breeding sys- data, species having the lowest extant chromosome num- tem of a given species. By placing one gametophyte in each bers within genera should be considered diploid, whereas culture vessel, inducing sperm release by watering, and assaying polyploids are those species having multiples of such gener- the number of individual gametophytes that form sporo- ically basal numbers. Thus, from the standpoint of genetic ex- phytes, the capacity of species to generate new sporophytes pression, an absolute chromosome number cutoff between from single spores can be predicted. These data can then be diploidy and polyploidy does not exist. The hitch in this rel- used to generate testable hypotheses about breeding systems ativistic genetic definition of ploidy levels is that it relates only in nature. Species whose gametophytes have a low isolate to the current situation and ignores the historical, evolu- potential (that is, they rarely form sporophytes when iso- tionary component of species. We do not know where all these lated) should be outcrossing in nature. Species that have a high seemingly superfluous chromosomes came from, nor do we isolate potential are expected to be highly inbred. Peck and col- understand why homosporous plant genetics should depart leagues (1990) demonstrated a broad range of isolate poten- so markedly from well-studied angiosperm systems. tials among those species tested, with isolated gametophytes

1086 BioScience • December 2002 / Vol. 52 No. 12 Articles in most species hav- Table 1. A comparison of chromosome numbers and genetic expression, as revealed via isozymes in ing far less than 100% representative pteridophyte genera. capability to produce sporophytes. It is likely Relative Isozymic Actual vegetative (somatic) chromosome numbers ploidal level expression Polypodium Cystopteris Pteridium that a greater number of recessive lethal 6n Hexaploid 216 222 252 —— 4n Tetraploid 144 152 168 208 genes are present in 2n Diploid 72 74 84 104 species with a low iso- late potential than in those with a high iso- Note: All chromosome numbers shown would be considered to be polyploid numbers in seed plants. The lowest chro- mosome numbers in each are the lowest extant ones in the genera listed. In all cases, isozymic expression typical of late potential. Because diploid plants was observed at these generically basal chromosome numbers. These numbers show that in pteridophytes, it gametophytic self- is not possible to use chromosome numbers to designate a single numerical dividing line between diploids and polyploids. fertilization would The “diploid” number of chromosomes is different in each genus. Downloaded from lead to total homozy- gosity and therefore expression of all recessive genes, game- tion among the developing . Circumstantial evi- tophytes that carry only a single recessive lethal gene could not dence suggests that this mechanism is applicable because form sporophytes. In genetically diploid organisms, the join- few, if any, gametophytes ultimately produce more than a sin- ing of gametes that carry different genotypes, which must be gle sporophyte. This same mechanism can select against zy- http://bioscience.oxfordjournals.org/ an evolutionarily selected process, can reduce the risk of the gotes containing recessive lethals. expression of recessive lethals (however, individuals that It may be that polyploidization could radically modify the carry recessive lethals in heterozygous combinations can still breeding system of homosporous plant species. About 44% be healthy and vigorous). of extant homosporous plants are polyploids, even if poly- There also appear to be both genetical and chemical mech- ploidy is defined as being above generically basal chromo- anisms to promote outcrossing in homosporous species. some numbers (Vida 1976). Electrophoretic analyses showed Production of a pheromone (antheridiogen) by gameto- that these “recent” polyploids do have more isozymes (Werth phytes of some species may enhance the frequency of out- et al. 1985, Haufler and Soltis 1986, Haufler et al. 1990), and crossing. This pheromone is released from mature gameto- therefore more active genes per trait, than do their diploid at University of Kansas Libraries on September 11, 2014 phytes (those having a defined ) and causes relatives. In polyploid systems, single gene mutations, which neighboring immature gametophytes to develop exclusively are usually recessive, would not be immediately apparent, male gametangia (antheridia). The production of such uni- and the presence (because of polyploidy) of homoeolo- sexual gametophytes can increase the frequency of outcross- gous copies of dominant genes retards the expression of any ing (reviewed in Schneller et al. 1990). In addition to these an- recessive mutations. In the context of the control of breed- theridiogen mechanisms, several studies have shown that ing systems, these duplicated genes would permit the ac- archegonia may form before antheridia, and by the time an- cumulation of several recessive lethals, as long as at least one theridia appeared, each gametophyte already had numerous dominant gene was still active. With such buffering pro- archegonia (Lloyd 1974). In some cases, when gametophytes tection against lethals, polyploids could be more tolerant of were grown individually, each produced hundreds of archego- intragametophytic selfing than could diploids. Masuyama nia and never formed antheridia (Haufler and Gastony 1978). and Watano (1990) summarized studies that provide evi- These attributes may be coordinated and may actually re- dence for the substantial differences between the breeding inforce each other in establishing gametophytic systems that systems in diploid and polyploid species and concluded will promote outcrossing. For example, in a given population, that the gametophytes of diploids promote outcrossing, the first spores to germinate produce gametophytes that ma- while those of tetraploids allow inbreeding. Such a differ- ture with and archegonia. Neighboring spores ence in breeding system may explain in part the geographic that germinate later (or those stored in subterranean spore success of polyploids relative to diploids. Through in- banks; Dyer and Lindsay 1992, Haufler and Welling 1994) fall breeding, the polyploids could establish new sporophytes under the influence of antheridiogen produced by the meri- from single spores, whereas the presence of recessive lethals stematic gametophytes and therefore mature as males. In or outcrossing mechanisms, or both, in diploids would re- the presence of water, sperms released from the male game- quire that at least two genetically different gametophytes ma- tophytes fertilize the eggs of the female gametophytes. In ad- ture in close proximity and that the sperm from one fertil- dition, Klekowski (1982) has reported that some female ga- ize the egg on the other to successfully generate a new metophytes show evidence of a “soft selection”mechanism to sporophyte. ensure that the more vigorous sporophytic genotypes will be produced. Soft selection works as follows: Each female ga- Genetics of individuals: metophyte contains numerous archegonia and, with water and Summary and implications actively swimming sperm present, several archegonia can Perhaps the most revolutionary discovery about pteridophyte become fertilized simultaneously. This establishes competi- genetics in recent years is that although homosporous plants

December 2002 / Vol. 52 No. 12 • BioScience 1087 Articles have many chromosomes, at a series of generically basic phytes in a single step. Furthermore, this new allopolyploid chromosome numbers, they are functionally diploids (table gametophyte will likely be immune to any genetic problem 1). The lack of correspondence between chromosome num- of inbreeding because of the fixed homoeologous heterozy- bers and genetic expression necessitates the formulation of new gosity. As Walker (1979) states succinctly,“The heterosporous hypotheses about how such a system could have evolved and plant in to establish polyploidy must meet very rigor- what impact it has on the population biology of homo- ous conditions both in time and space, whereas the homo- sporous plants. The fact is that in vascular plants, no matter sporous plant has to fulfill much less demanding conditions” what the presumed ancestry of a species is, if it is homo- (p. 100). It seems clear, therefore, that the basic features of ho- sporous, the species has more chromosomes than if it is het- mospory enhance the possibility that each of the steps criti- erosporous. Being homosporous may impose a different set cal for the evolution of higher ploidy will occur. of evolutionary constraints and predispositions on species than But what about the evolution of genetic diploidy at high does being heterosporous. chromosome numbers? If the ancestors of extant homo- What are the differences between homosporous and het- sporous species all were diploid at high chromosome num- Downloaded from erosporous organisms that may influence interpretations of bers, then we would not have to consider diploidization as an their genetic systems? Homosporous plants appear more ongoing process that regularly proceeds to completion. How- likely than heterosporous ones to become polyploid, because ever, proposing high chromosome numbers as a unique, de- inherent characteristics of homosporous plants may increase rived feature of the homosporous pteridophytes means that the likelihood of both interspecific hybridization and chro- species with high chromosome numbers are more closely http://bioscience.oxfordjournals.org/ mosome doubling (figure 4). related to each other than they are to all other species. Is The frequency of hybridization may be enhanced because such an assumption reasonable? It would follow that the ho- many spores are produced, which may germinate to yield mosporous genera Lycopodium and Dryopteris are more many gametophytes. If gametophytes of different species are closely related than Lycopodium is to heterosporous found in the same vicinity (occupying the same “safe sites”; or Dryopteris is to heterosporous Marsilea (the heterosporous Cousens et al. 1985), the sharing of gametes between game- species all have low base chromosome numbers). There are tophytes (perhaps mediated by antheridiogen) is probable. strenuous arguments against such evolutionary allegiances Formation of hybrids is likely because homosporous plants based on paleobotanical, anatomical, morphological, and lack the sophisticated prefertilization mecha- at University of Kansas Libraries on September 11, 2014 nisms that often prevent interaction between heterosporous species (e.g., insect mechanisms and pollen–stigma compatibility Homosporous pteridophytes Seed plants interactions in flowering plants). The frequency of polyploidization also may be enhanced because the transformation of sterile hybrids to fertile polyploids occurs most frequently by the production of unreduced spores during meiosis (Harlan and deWet 1975). Homosporous plants produce extraordinary quantities of spores and, because most are perennials, it is reasonable to assume that long- lived hybrid individuals will eventually pro- duce and release unreduced spores. Finally, as pointed out by Walker (1979), once a polyploid gametophyte has been formed by a homo- sporous plant, it is much more likely that it will generate a polyploid sporophyte than would a - heterosporous plant. In the latter case, two demonstrably rare events must occur simulta- neously—both a polyploid and a polyploid must be formed to pro- duce the egg and sperm that are necessary to ini- tiate a new sporophyte (figure 4). Because homosporous gametophytes are hermaphro- ditic, polyploid eggs and sperms are adjacent to Figure 4. Comparing stages of allopolyploid formation in homosporous each other and intragametophytic selfing pteridophytes with similar aspects of seed plants. Attributes of reproductive (which, as discussed above, may be especially fre- biology promoting a high frequency of allopolyploidy in homosporous quent in polyploids) will yield polyploid sporo- species are emphasized.

1088 BioScience • December 2002 / Vol. 52 No. 12 Articles molecular evidence (Pryer et al. 2001). Lycopodium and Se- to refer to all of the enzyme variants coded by individual ge- laginella are sister lycopod taxa, whereas Dryopteris and Mar- netic loci and the term allozyme refers to enzymes assignable silea are both ferns. Alternatively, it could be that species to the various alleles at a given locus. with lower chromosome numbers evolved by extraordinary For analyzing enzyme variation, statistics that are com- loss of chromosomes. If this were true, why would only the monly used to compare populations and develop conclusions heterosporous pteridophytes, such as Selaginella and Marsilea, about types of breeding systems that operate in nature include reduce their numbers of chromosomes? determinations of the levels of polymorphism and het- An alternative path begins with all species having low erozygosity. Polymorphism refers to the actual number of dif- chromosome numbers, with only the homosporous ones ferent alleles (allozymes) that are present in a population. An evolving high numbers. If this is true, then each homo- isozyme that has two or more allozymes at a frequency greater sporous lineage could have evolved the condition of chro- than 5% is said to be polymorphic. The more allozymes mosomal polyploidy with genetic diploidy independently. there are per locus, the more polymorphic the population is Three observations make this hypothesis likely. said to be and, presumably, the greater the likelihood that the Downloaded from 1. Truly polyploid homosporous plants (which contain population contains evolutionarily significant levels of genetic chromosome numbers that are multiples of extant basal variability. Other aspects of the genetic composition of in- sets), whose wide geographic distribution may indicate dividuals can be important at the population level. By de- that they are “old” taxa, show a loss of duplicated termining the number of heterozygous loci in individuals and isozyme loci. populations, we can assess the type of breeding system that http://bioscience.oxfordjournals.org/ 2. “Younger” (that is, less widely distributed) polyploids predominates in the population. The more heterozygotes do not show such a loss of duplicated expression. This that are present, the more outcrossing between genetically dif- is evidence for progressive gene silencing over time ferent egg and sperm that must have taken place. (Haufler and Werth 1986). Analyzing how variability is partitioned can provide insights 3. A corollary to evidence that polyploids show high rates into the evolutionary dynamics of a species. Population bi- of gametophytic self-fertilization (because any recessive ologists discovered, for example, that some species have most lethals are “covered” by duplicated, dominant genes) is of their total variability housed in each separate population, that silenced genes would be rapidly fixed into the whereas others dispersed their variability among their pop- genome. Because of this mating system, homosporous ulations. With outcrossing breeding systems, the movement species could become diploidized more rapidly than at University of Kansas Libraries on September 11, 2014 of alleles between individuals and among populations is heterosporous species, given that the latter are not capa- ble of intragametophytic selfing. more likely than if inbreeding predominates. Thus, a species whose populations all contain the same alleles at about the The accumulated evidence and inferences, therefore, appear same frequencies is likely to be primarily outcrossing. When to favor the episodic origin of polyploids followed by grad- individual populations of a species accumulate unique allelic ual gene silencing, but more studies are necessary. More frequencies, inbreeding is more prevalent. Common sense sug- molecular studies at the genome level will help to discover gests that if species differ in the way that they compartmen- whether there is solid evidence of “fossilized,”silenced genes talize their variability, they probably differ in other ways. that are no longer functional. Thus, analysis of the partitioning of variability can be used to compare the mating system features and gene flow char- The population genetics acteristics (how genes are shared between individuals and pop- of homosporous plants ulations) of species. Although debating the origin of the current genetic compo- sition of homosporous species should continue, it is clear that Population statistics. Population biologists use confor- for purposes of genetic analysis, we cannot consider homo- mance to Hardy-Weinberg (H-W) frequencies as an indica- sporous plant species having generically basal chromosome tor of the type of mating system. Populations that conform numbers as polyploids (table 1). This now well-documented to H-W equilibrium maintain a predictable proportion of in- observation has important implications at the populational dividuals as homozygotes and heterozygotes. Departures level, where the evolutionary opportunities and parameters from H-W can be caused by several forces, including non- relating to diploids are quite different from those of polyploids. random breeding, selection, migration, and so on. Excesses Models for the expression of traits based on a diploid frame- in heterozygote frequencies are expected in outcrossing work will simply not produce the same results as those based species, while excesses in homozygote frequencies are con- on an assumption of polyploidy. sidered characteristic of inbreeding species. The fixation in- dex (F) specifically examines the proportion of heterozy- Electrophoresis and population genetics. As was the gotes (Wright 1931). When F approaches –1, there is an case for determining individual genetic features, elec- excess of heterozygotes in the population, whereas when F trophoretically detectable enzyme variability is very useful in nears +1, the population is deficient in heterozygotes. Trans- examining the genetic composition of populations. In elec- lating this to the biology of the species, at F = –1, the popu- trophoretic studies, by convention the term isozyme is used lations would be highly outcrossing, at F = 0, the populations

December 2002 / Vol. 52 No. 12 • BioScience 1089 Articles would be mating randomly, and at F = +1, the populations conditions should not be surprising. Botanists are well aware would be highly inbred. that greenhouse experiments often have little relevance to nat- The availability of databases charting isozyme variation for ural populations. Some mating events that can be carried out pteridophytes provided another opportunity for considering in greenhouses would simply not occur under natural con- the unique genetic features of homosporous plants. Popula- ditions. Individuals normally separated by great geographi- tion biologists had not pondered how the capacity to be- cal distance can be forced to share gametes, species that co- come totally inbred in a single generation might affect pop- occur in nature but never have open at the same time ulation genetic statistics. McCauley and colleagues (1985) can be crosspollinated, and in orchids even intergeneric were the first to develop special equations for working with crosses can yield fully fertile offspring, but none of these populations of homosporous plants. Subsequently, Hedrick events would occur naturally. Perhaps because of the perceived (1987) and Holsinger (1987) built on McCauley and col- simplicity of the pteridophyte systems, any sophistication leagues’ work, but Holsinger’s equations are probably the that would promote outcrossing was considered unlikely. most useful, because they reduce the bias of the estimates and Among diploid homosporous pteridophytes, a close cor- Downloaded from allow the incorporation of data from more than one locus relation has been demonstrated between inferred breeding sys- (Holsinger 1990). tems and the distribution of genetic variation within or be- tween populations. Outcrossing species tend to house most Coordinating gametophytic and sporophytic mat- of the species-wide genetic variation within individual pop- ing system determinants. Prior to the development of ulations (Soltis and Soltis 1987c, 1988, Wolf et al. 1991). In con- http://bioscience.oxfordjournals.org/ isozyme databases, the information regarding breeding sys- trast, species with mixed mating systems (Soltis and Soltis tems in homosporous plants came from laboratory studies of 1987b, Murakami et al. 1997), and especially those that are in- gametophytes. By analyzing the genetic composition of sporo- breeding (McCauley et al. 1985, Soltis and Soltis 1986, Hauk phyte populations, it is possible in many cases to develop ac- and Haufler 1999), tend to have populations that contain curate descriptions of the mating system of the species. Hau- only part of the species-wide genetic variation and therefore fler and Soltis (1984) tested the laboratory-based prediction, show “population substructuring.” It is also interesting to developed by Haufler and Gastony (1978), that species of note that polyploid species, which because of their gene du- the desert fern Bommeria should be predominantly out- plication should not show evidence of genetic load and crossing. Electrophoretic studies of isozymes were used to should have inbreeding systems, also show the population sub- at University of Kansas Libraries on September 11, 2014 study natural sporophyte populations and to estimate the fre- structuring that is consistent with an inbreeding mating sys- quencies of outcrossing and, by using conservative methods tem (Suter et al. 2000). The available studies demonstrate, for identifying products of outcrossing events, Haufler and therefore, that homosporous pteridophyte species are not all Soltis estimated that at least 80% of B. hispida sporophytes highly inbred or evolutionarily stagnant, as had been as- were initiated through outcrossing. Subsequent investiga- sumed from a consideration of superficial features. tions (Haufler and Welling 1994) showed that Bommeria spores from subterranean spore banks could be stimulated to Gene flow. This term refers to the sharing of genes be- germinate and release sperm through the stimulation of an- tween individuals and populations. Most of the literature on theridiogen produced by aboveground gametophytes. The gene flow in plants comes from the study of angiosperms sperm from genetically different, soil-bound gametophytes where the movement of genes is often complicated by could fertilize eggs produced by the gametophytes on the vectors of pollen. Presumably, gene flow in homosporous surface. In short, studies of gametophytes and population bi- plants is accomplished by spore dispersal, and the forces act- ology revealed that complex mechanisms to promote out- ing on homosporous plants should be similar to those of crossing and preserve genetic variation have evolved, even in wind-pollinated species such as grasses and . species with what appear to be simple breeding systems. There are two ways to measure gene flow: either directly or Analyses of isozyme studies have provided additional in- indirectly. Direct measurements involve tracking the release formation about the sporophyte products of gametophyte of propagules from a source plant and actually determining breeding systems. If inbreeding predominated, values of F how far they move. Indirect measurements are based on ob- should be close to +1. However, as summarized by Soltis and serving the spatial distribution of particular features and Soltis (1989, 1990a, 1992), most diploid homosporous plants then statistically determining how this distribution relates to have F values that hover around 0, indicating that most ho- the sharing of genes between populations. mosporous plants probably have random mating systems Both of these approaches have been applied to homo- rather than a predisposition for selfing. These analyses also sporous plants. Using radioactive tracers (Conant 1978) and showed that intragametophytic selfing rates in most species spaced spore traps (Peck et al. 1990), it was possible to demon- are near 0 (Soltis and Soltis 1990b). These findings showed, strate that the distribution of spores released from ferns was therefore, that even though cultured gametophytes could be- leptokcurtic, that is, most of the released spores stayed near come hermaphroditic, and often could be forced to self- the parent plant, and only a small proportion traveled far from fertilize, such outcomes were not obtained in nature. Dis- the point of origin. In contrast, when studying the of the coveries that cultured gametophytes failed to mimic natural isolated island of Tristan de Cunha, Tryon (1966) concluded

1090 BioScience • December 2002 / Vol. 52 No. 12 Articles that spores had traveled thousands of miles from South 1992a, Ranker et al. 1996, 2000, Li, and Haufler 1999). It America. From these and other studies, we may deduce that may be that as species become established on islands, there although only a small percentage of spores travels great dis- is a shift in breeding systems from an inbreeding mode that tances, because so many are released from each plant, signif- facilitates single-spore colonization to an outcrossing mode. icant range extensions can result. Switching to outcrossing would enable the colonists to ac- Indirect procedures often use electrophoresis to analyze the cumulate and maintain genetic variation in populations, de- distribution of isozyme variants within and between popu- velop diverse responses to climate change, adapt to opening lations. Statistics have been developed that are based on the habitat opportunities, radiate, and speciate. Once outcross- frequency of rare protein variants. When these rare proteins ing became established in a lineage, subsequent origins of is- are confined to individual populations they are referred to as land endemic offspring species would most likely start as “private alleles.”Slatkin (1985) showed mathematically that outcrossers. if gene flow is high, such “private alleles” will be at low fre- quencies, that is, individual populations will only rarely have Tropical pteridophyte population dynamics. The dis- Downloaded from unique proteins. If rates of gene flow are low, however, there cussions above illustrate that the genetic composition of in- will be a higher frequency of “private alleles.”Using Slatkin’s dividual pteridophyte species, the breeding capacities and procedures, Soltis and Soltis (1987c) showed that rates of gene interactions among gametophytes, and the migration of flow in Polystichum munitum are among the highest yet re- species via spore dispersal all have an influence on pterido- ported for plants. In a similar study of Pteridium aquilinum, phyte populations. Because most methods for determining http://bioscience.oxfordjournals.org/ Wolf and colleagues (1991) concluded that gene flow was so the patterns of genetic variation require the availability of well- great that the neighborhood size for this prominent compo- equipped laboratories, however, nearly all populational stud- nent of the flora of Great Britain was effectively the entire ies have focused on species from temperate climatic zones. country! When populations are locally available, fresh samples can be obtained and rapidly processed. Unfortunately, the high- Island pteridophytes provide evolutionary in- est diversity of pteridophytes is located in tropical regions hav- sights. Ever since Darwin and Wallace developed their the- ing restricted access to laboratory facilities. The small num- ories about mechanisms of evolution via natural selection, is- ber of studies that have involved tropical populations (Ranker lands have featured prominently as natural laboratories for 1992a, 1992b, Chiou and Farrar 1997, Hooper and Haufler at University of Kansas Libraries on September 11, 2014 testing theories and obtaining data about evolutionary pat- 1997, Chiou et al. 1998) demonstrate that (a) tropical systems terns and processes. Island systems have also provided some are complex and pteridophytes in those regions feature a valuable new information for understanding the structure of broad range of breeding systems, from inbreeding and mixed pteridophyte populations and the flow of genes among pop- mating (Ranker 1992a) to strongly outcrossed ones (Hooper ulations. Most analyses of island pteridophytes have focused and Haufler 1997); (b) populations of tropical pteridophytes on species in Hawaii. Some hypotheses about how plants harbor highly diverse individuals and may be capable of with the reproductive characteristics of pteridophytes “should” rapid recombinational radiation; and (c) future studies should function on islands have been supported, but others have not. endeavor to consider more species from tropical regions. Because pteridophytes use minute, unicellular, vagile spores Having high levels of genetic variation may provide tropical for dispersal, it has been assumed that ferns and related species with more opportunities for recombination, which can groups will be well represented in island . Indeed, pteri- influence genetic structure of individuals and populations and dophytes appear to be overrepresented on islands. Whereas thereby promote diversification. ferns account for only about 4% of species on Earth, they represent about 13% on the Hawaiian Islands and Genetics of populations: show similarly high proportions on other oceanic islands Summary and implications (Smith 1972). The study of the population biology of homosporous plants Additional support for the facile dispersability of fern is still in its infancy. As discussed here, however, available species comes from comparing endemism on individual is- databases and ongoing analyses have already provided us lands of the Hawaiian chain. Whereas 80% of with some fascinating insights into the mechanisms that species are endemic to single islands, only 6% of fern species control homosporous . First, by considering are found on only one Hawaiian island (Ranker et al. 2000). the partitioning of protein variants within and between pop- Homosporous pteridophytes may disperse more readily than ulations, we may conclude that most genetically diploid ho- other plants from continents. Ranker and colleagues (1994) mosporous plant species breed randomly in nature. Just as in used allozymic evidence to show that the inbreeding polyploid angiosperms, inbreeding may be a specialized trait confined Asplenium adiantum-nigrum had at least three and possibly to colonizing species. as many as 17 separate introductions to Hawaii. On the other Spores can bring about remarkable gene movement in hand, not all island pteridophytes are selfing species. Evi- homosporous plants. Not only is this important in thinking dence from populational studies demonstrates that well-es- about the population biology of pteridophytes, but it also re- tablished island endemics are primarily outcrossing (Ranker lates to the maintenance of barriers between species. We

December 2002 / Vol. 52 No. 12 • BioScience 1091 Articles know that in most cases homosporous plants lack prefertil- Acknowledgments ization mechanisms to prevent the fusion of gametes from any This review was inspired by conversations over the years with two individuals (Schneller 1981), that is, homosporous species numerous colleagues and students, and the author is in- do not have the specialized pollination mechanisms so well debted and grateful to all of them. Thanks go to three anony- developed in many angiosperms. Judging from the available mous reviewers for their insightful comments and to Terri results, we may also conclude that minute homosporous Hildebrand for helping to polish a final version. plant spores do travel long distances and therefore generate high rates of gene flow. Cousens and colleagues (1985) sug- References cited gested that habitats suitable for the growth of gametophytes Allen DE. 1969. The Victorian Fern Craze: A History of . Lon- don: Hutchison. (safe sites) are rare and may lead to the clustering of many dif- Andersson-Kottö I. 1929. A genetical investigation in Scolopendrium vulgare. ferent species in a single small space. If spores from separate Hereditas 12: 109–178.

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Antheridiogen and the breeding system in the operating within and between homosporous plant popula- fern genus Bommeria. Canadian Journal of Botany 56: 1594–1601. tions can be of great importance in clarifying the patterns and Haufler CH, Soltis DE. 1984. Obligate outcrossing in a homosporous fern: Field confirmation of a laboratory prediction. American Journal of processes of evolution in these unique organisms. Botany 71: 878–881. Current data concerning the genetics of individuals and ———. 1986. Genetic evidence suggests that homosporous ferns with high populations indicate that continued coordination of studies chromosome numbers are diploid. Proceedings of the National Academy on natural sporophyte populations with laboratory analyses of Sciences 83: 4389–4393. of gametophytes will enable us to develop a more complete Haufler CH, Welling CB. 1994. Antheridiogen, dark spore , and outcrossing mechanisms in Bommeria (Adiantaceae). 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Although we have already come a long way, addi- ciation in pteridophytes: Implications of contrasting patterns in ferns rep- tional studies of individuals and populations, especially in resenting temperate and tropical habitats. Plant Species Biology 15: tropical habitats, will complement and extend the available 223–236. Hauk WD, Haufler CH. 1999. Isozyme variability among cryptic species of data, thereby improving our appreciation of the variety of ways Botrychium subgenus Botrychium (). American Journal in which homosporous plants interact and generate novelty. of Botany 86: 614–633.

1092 BioScience • December 2002 / Vol. 52 No. 12 Articles

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December 2002 / Vol. 52 No. 12 • BioScience 1093