NSIAD-91-166 El Salvador: Military Assistance Has Helped Counter But
ll~liftvl St.at,ths (;thnt*ral At~t~ollrll,irrb~~fi~e ___ “.-- -.__II..,“-1- __..I ._ ..” _^“_l_ __“”..__ _,. ._. .._... ,”.. *“, 11- -_-_._.... __-. --.-----l_-..-.--- -_--_---- Report, t,o the I-IorWY~able GAO Kd ward M. Kcmr~ody, IJ .S. Stmde .l__l-l” _-_1 “--m-“1.. April I!)91 EL SALVADOR Military Assistance Has Helped Counter but Not Overcome the Insurgency -.-“_(- _.~ ._-. _.- _-.l___l_^-__l_-__ - -... -“----p--m- -.-.-- --- National Security and International Affairs Division B-242216 April 23,199l The Honorable Edward M. Kennedy United States Senate Dear Senator Kennedy: In responseto your request, this report describeswhat impact U.S. military assistanceto El Salvador has had on that country’s ability to counter insurgent forces, how the assistance has changed that country’s military capabilities, and how the assistancehas attempted to instill and support respect for democracy and human rights. Unless you release its contents earlier, we plan no further distribution of this report until 30 days from its issue date. At that time, we will send copies of the report to appropriate congressional committees and the Secretariesof Defenseand State. Major contributors to this report are listed in appendix I. If you have any questions, please call me on (202) 2754128. Sincerely yours, Joseph E. Kelley Director, Security and International Relations Issues l3xecutive Swnmary Since 1980, the United States has provided over $1 billion in military aid Purpose to El Salvador to assist the government in its fight against an insur- gency. Senator Edward M. Kennedy requested that GAO review the U.S.
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