A l^-pound Freshman Orientation Kit and the first letter from home Welcome to Cam p Sw arthm ore

“My biggest piece of advice is to have fun this week and make the most of this tremendous opportunity before classes start.” This advice from Sophomore Bob Kuske was the first of many pieces of friendly advice Katherine Harper ’77 was to hear on her first day at Swarthmore. Kathie’s first day as a freshman began shortly after midnight when she boarded the plane to Philadelphia from her hometown of Tempe, Arizona. It was more than 24 hours later before Kathie got to bed in her new home in Wharton. In those 24-plus hours Kathie began the four-day process of getting oriented to her new life. A 77-man freshman orientation committee, composed mostly of sophomores, 1 had been working since last spring to plan activities that would give Kathie and her 342 classmates (the largest freshman class in | the College’s history) a helpful introduction | to the campus and to each other. They met them at the airport and train I station and manned the registration tables ini Parrish, where freshmen picked up a packet I literature they had assembled and their room key. They directed freshmen to their dormitories and helped them with luggage. They gave a tea for freshmen and their parents so they would have a chance to meet President Friend, also beginning his freshm year. Later President Friend addressed the freshman class in the Meeting House and th freshmen returned to their dorms for hall meetings with the upperclass resident assistants. The day ended with roving dorm parties which finally converged on Commonsj at 11 P.M. for beer and dancing and conversation. The next days were even fuller: advanced1 placement tests in languages, English literature, chemistry and biology; a swimmi test, conferences with faculty advisers, meetings with the deans, a game of Capture the Flag played with 300 squirt guns, a barbecue with faculty, a bonfire in the Cruffij' a square dance, a late night swim. Camp Swarthmore, as people have dubbed Fresh Orientation, was in full swing and the Class ’77 was prepped for the first day of classes. I On her first day, Kathie found her mailbox, unpacked, made friends, and looked up Admissions Officer Barbara Pearson Lange ’31, who was instrumental m setting up the new Rocky Mountain Scholarship which Kathie won.

Photographs by James Purring Camp Swarthmore

Kathie listens attentively to President Friend, whom she’d met at the Freshman tea, address the Class of ’77 in the Meeting House. On Sharpies patio she and roommates sort out the day’s advice, including “Down East Smoggy Air and Dirty Crum Creek Blues a pseudo­ subversive alternative to your freshman orientation handbook, published by The Committee to make Togetherness Omnipresent (CoTomato).

2 SWARTHMORE ALUMNl*r0BER Kathie and two of her three roommates hear Residen Assistant Cabot Christianson ’75 tell freshmen in his coed section of Wharton to lock their doors, be careful with candles, don’t put their beds on the floor, be sensitive to those around them, and to knock on his door any time with any problems. At freshmar dorm party, Kathie has fun and forgets her worry that she “ won’t be able to cut the academics.”

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The Bulletin, of which this publication is Volume LXXI, No. 2, is published in September, October, March, May, July, and twice in December and January by Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, 19081

¡Qjlff’OBER, 1973 For Louis Lupin ’77, a McCabe Delmarva Scholar from Claymont, Delaware, Freshman Orientation was different. Lou arrived on Camp Swarthmore campus the day after Labor Day to play football. By the time his classmates arrived, Football players have Lou said, “I more or less felt I was already their own special orientation oriented.” The only event he went to the first day of orientation was the Parrish party and only then because another football player dragged him. He went home early. There was little time for Lou, an enthusiastic jazz musician, to keep up with his routine of daily bass practice and his lessons had to be postponed until classes started. “I was too tired. Pre-season practice was pretty tough in terms of conditioning and the double sessions were exhausting, even though I had been in good shape from lifting weights all summer and running two miles a day since August 1.” Coach Millard Robinson conducted his own form of orientation over the summer with all his players, writing to the men and getting in touch with many returning lettermen personally. “I really liked all the football mailings,” says Lou. “It was cheering to know he cared that much.”


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After a full day sharpening his skills as defensive linebacker, Lou Lupin relaxes with another football player and classmate, Mike Ehrhardt.

SWARTHMORE ALUMNI W CTa S How an “I” battled a faceless “they” to rid the Potomac of the CIA’s unique form of industrial waste


I canoe to work. experiences of life in Washington: the lation explosion and big government Each morning, except when the Sycamore Island Canoe Club, the have overtaken the area, and Pulp Potomac is ice-bound or in flood, Canoe Cruisers Association, and all Run’s drainage basin has been vastly either alone or with one or two friends, the pleasures of white water canoeing. changed, although the Potomac Pali­ I park my car on MacArthur Boule­ It also provided the foundation for the sades through which it cuts remain vard, hike across two footbridges and Top Secret Slurry Caper. largely untouched. It is second-growth down a zig-zag path to the river bank, “Pulp Run” is a small year-round woodland: sycamore, hickory, persim­ take the rope-drawn ferry to Sycamore streamlet, unnamed on local maps, mon and pawpaw, together with the Island, launch my canoe on the quiet which winds through the northern Vir­ fallen hulks of old chestnut scattered aters of the Potomac and paddle ginia countryside and across the old along its slopes. The Leiter mansion cross to the shore. Once Leiter estate to enter the Potomac is gone, destroyed by fire, and the [there, I chain the canoe to a tree, hide River between Turkey Run and Little George Washington Memorial Park­ he paddles, and hike up through the Falls Rapids. The ruin of an old sum­ way runs along the crest of the pali­ SjSwoods, along the George Washington mer cottage—a fine old stone chimney sade, bridging Pulp Run with a cul­ '^■Memorial Parkway and into the north —stands on its western shore and the vert. Back farther from the river, the I jgate of the Central Intelligence now-abandoned National Capital Park massive Central Intelligence Agency l Agency’s grounds. In the evening I re- Trails #1 and # 2 cross its mouth. In headquarters building sits firmly J^erse the pattern. the 1930’s the water from this stream, astride the Pulp Run valley and, once All year around, canoeing is far and the spring at its source, was so again, Pulp Run follows its natural Superior to all other means of com­ pure that Sycamore Islanders used to course some thirty to fifty feet below uting—there are no problems of paddle or row across the river to bring the new ground level. As has always kidding in the snow storms and in back with them jugs full for their been the case, Pulp Run carries the [times of high water we merely use the drinking water. runoff from the rains and serves as the eddies and backwaters behind Ruperts Modernization, progress, the popu­ local storm sewer. The reshaping of sland to make our way up the land contours and the tream before heading out and large-scale paving operations errying across the flood to the which accompanied the build­ irginia shore. We often won- ing process sharply changed the er what the traffic helicopters run-off patterns, bringing heav­ bverhead think of us—but find ier water flows after each storm the wildlife, birds and flowers and increased erosion but, by- far more interesting and attrac­ and-large, the visual quality of tive. Unpredicted windstorms the water was remarkably un­ —and high waves on the Po­ changed. It remained cool, fresh tomac—have given us pause, and transparent—a lovely nat­ 3ut nothing can undercut the ural stream of water. satisfaction the canoe pool has Apparent catastrophe struck provided. Pulp Rim in the 1960’s, when, Canoeing to work has opened in a move which reduced air ^P the way to some of the best pollution and allowed for the

I igpCTOBER, 1973 5 “I canoe to work. Each morning with one or two friends, I park my car on MacArthur Boulevard, hike across two footbridges and down a zig-zag path to the river bank, take the rope-drawn ferry to Sycamore Island, launch my canoe on the quiet waters of the Potomac, and paddle across to the Virginia shore. Once there, I chain the canoe to a tree, hide the paddles, and hike up through the woods, along the George Washington Memorial Parkway, and into the north gate of the Central Intelligence Agency’s grounds. In the evening I reverse the pattern.”

Photographs by Walter Behr.

6 ¡recycling of paper products, the CIA however, was struggling with the pro­ regained the degree of patience needed. switched from burning its classified cedural problems of a large organiza­ Patience was rewarded. On Decem­ |vaste to reducing it to pulp through tion—with the further problems of ber 29 my phone rang. “John, you will I chemical process. The General Serv­ dealing with other large organizations: be pleased to know that as of Decem­ ices Administration now takes this The General Services Administration, ber 22 the overflow from the pulping pulp, solidifies it, introduces seeds and the Environmental Protection Agency, process has been diverted from the fertilizer, and spreads it over the strip and the Fairfax County Authorities. storm sewer into the Fairfax County pine area of West Virginia. Periodi- As a matter of record, all of these sewer system.” Since then Pulp Run ally, however, (and it frequently ap­ organizations have shown a real and has been running clear. peared to be a daily event) the pulping constructive concern for the reduction Although I had begun to fear that nks have had to be washed out. Quite of environmental pollution. action would never come, I am im­ naturally, this washing water was al­ I was greeted with skepticism, cool pressed, after the fact, that seven lowed to flow into the established drain reserve, and what I sensed as a degree months is a surprisingly short period the basement floor; and this base- of hostility on my first, and only, in which to have budged a large pent drain, designed to carry off the meeting with the officers charged with bureaucracy. I found later that the loff from rain storms and normal handling the Pulp Run Problem. Who actual cash outlay for the hookup into rater spillages, connected into the was this nut, they seemed to be ask­ the sewer system was about $2,000—a Itorm sewer. The water and its slurry ing, who was stirring up trouble over small price to pay—and that the de­ of pulp thus disappeared deep under- such a minor thing as this storm lay, if it can be so designated, was )pound in the Agency’s basement. Al­ sewer? I pointed out the exact location only a wait for official authorization to though it was not observed by the of the problem on an Agency map— arrive from the county for the con­ Hypers—Pulp Run emerges only after and this was duly recorded with a red nection. _t leaves the Agency grounds, out be­ grease pencil on an acetate overlay. My correspondence on this Pulp yond the fence deep in the woods— I volunteered to report regularly on Run Issue follows. It tells the story. ¡he stream was turned periodically the state of the stream, since I planned I would be fascinated to know what to a discolored sewer. In the mom- to observe it each morning and eve­ other communication, inhouse and gs, as a rule, the water ran clear and ning, and left the problem in the interagency, went into the Top Secret yean. In the afternoons, however, it hands of the bureaucracy. Slurry Caper. became thick with a slurry of paper The next morning all the coolness, May 10, 1971 larticles. The CIA was putting into skepticism and hostility evaporated. lie Potomac its own unique industrial I was told I was absolutely right. WTe Mr. Charles S. .aste of Top Secret Pulp. were polluting the stream. Top Secret Office of Logistics and Supply All this went unnoticed for about Pulp was the cause. I was urged to Dear Mr. S. le years—it was a small thing in the have patience. The problem was far I thought I’d give you a progress re­ |e of the Potomac—except when an more complex than, on the surface, it port on the state of the stream and the Kasional canoeist or walker stumbled might seem. Paper pulp has the char­ flow of the Top Secret Pulp into the jito the stream by mistake. Then in acteristic of clogging up sewer lines Potomac River. I recognize that there pril, 1971, we three Agency officers and turning rock-hard. The bureau­ has not been the time to install the bo had been canoeing to work (for cratic process is, at best, slow and in­ filter designed to keep the pulp from lasure and exercise) shifted our volved. Nonetheless, something would the river, but I thought you’d be inter­ fading place to the mouth of Pulp be done. Indeed, I remained patient— ested in one week’s observation. inn. what else could be done?—but chose On Monday mornings, last week and ¡Indignant at first, like other canoe- to provide the information I had today, the stream runs clear and seems |s before us, we soon turned to ex- ■ promised on the on-going state of the to remain in that state through to ©ration and ultimately to the con­ stream and its pulp content in written sometime Tueday. From Wednesday fusion that our Agency was guilty of reports and occasional phone calls. through Friday, especially in the after­ lllution. I, who have always enjoyed Frustration and irritation sometimes noons, the stream gets progressively ping battle with windmills—with the surfaced in the eight letters I filed be­ heavier with pulp—to the point where fadeless, faceless “they,” “them,” and tween May 10 and December 13. Prog­ it makes a very distinct color change ft” of large bureaucracies, launched a ress seemed almost nonexistent after in the water at the mouth of the stream junpaign to clean up this small but a first flurry of activity which resulted and out into the river. It soon is so di­ ■itating addition to the Potomac’s in filters being placed in the pulping luted and mixed, however, that it is i'oblems. plant’s storm sewer. I learned indi­ lost in the general flow of the river. lit was predictable that the faceless rectly, however, that my letters were Despite the variations in the color jireaucrats quickly disappeared to be having an effect even though they of the water through the week, the placed by individuals just as con- brought no replies. They were being sedimentary deposits of pulp on the jjrned and disturbed about the prob- used as ammunition in the negotia­ banks and in the stream bottom and fus as I was. Each in his own way, tions with the county authorities. I out into the river are quite permanent

PTOBER, 1973 7 —and thoroughly unpleasant to the water in the stream was relativel;jasg j touch. It will take quite a time of clear but at noon, observed from thgts_, natural flushing through heavy rains George Washington Memorial Part^^, to clear the area up. way, the stream was filled with t^nn_ I am very glad that steps are being whiteness of the pulp. -aking taken to stop this element of pollution I cannot urge too strongly effectÙNounf from going into the river. Two points action to stop this unnecessary and iiiear «= puzzle me still. First, how did it hap­ responsible pollution of the stream bnac , pen that the washings from our pulp­ the Agency. Aside from the endange^e v ing process were ever allowed to flow, ing of the water supply, which I mui)eautj untreated, into a natural stream? Sec­ assume to exist, this action is boun^j-Q^ to bring undesirable publicity to %£jeg ond, will the filtering of the pulp out Some of the attractions of commuting by of the wash return adequately pure canoe—geese, ducks, and occasionally a Agency. The state of the stream ca-gg^g water to the stream or are we still blue heron flying heavily along the shore. be observed from the highway itse To adding possibly dangerous wastes to and, beyond this, more and moi^ the river, now in a clear form? I have moved, on assignment. walkers, strolling along the shore froihat $ Finally, I must admit that I find it Though this complicates and lengthens Turkey Rim Picnic Area, are going delightful that, like the mines which my commuting time, I intend to con­ be upset by the appearance of >porac add acids to the river, the farms with tinue my canoeing to and from work shore line where the pulp flows innate their excessive nitrates, and the subur­ and will thus be able to keep you in­ the Potomac. fou a] ban homes with their phosphates, formed on the state of the stream * Sincerely, :lear, CIA’s unique form of industrial waste through the summer. John Seabury ThomsOjy eV( should be Top Secret Pulp. Sincerely, copy to J.Q.R. ;he ar Sincerely, John Seabury Thomson is bac John Seabury Thomson copy to J.Q.R. June 19, l^his I copy to J.Q.R. Mr. Charles S. houg] May 21, 1971 May 28, 1971 Office of Logistics and Supply >nly Mr. Charles S. Mr. Charles S. Dear Mr. S. This i Office of Logistics and Supply Office of Logistics and Supply The story in the Post this morni%ater Dear Mr. S. Dear Mr. S. “City Warned: Keep Out of Rive Thi Herewith my second report on the My report to you last Friday on the Creek” stirred me to further action Oepres state of the Agency pollution on the pollution problem in the stream flow­ this issue of pollution in the Potoma3rote( stream running into the Potomac. ing into the Potomac was overly opti­ I’m attaching a copy of the notes froihe qu It is my impression that conditions mistic. To my regret, I can say only two separate phone calls I made, bol’H be have improved, although the stream that I see little change from the situ­ because I think you’ll be interestfaidini water is not yet clear in the after­ ation before I drew the problem to and in order to show that, if I’m a n noons. At the moment there appears your attention almost a month ago. If on the issue of pollution, I’m a be to be little or none of the Top Secret a filter has in fact been installed, it anced nut. I object to exaggeration topy 1 Pulp flowing down into the river. I has made little or no improvement. the dangers as much as I do to addii trust this means that the filter you re­ Friday afternoon, May 21, the stream anything to our problems. I’m excee ferred to has been installed. Whether was as white with pulp as it has been ingly anxious that we tackle the prMr. C from this filter or from the excessive any time since I started observing it. lems of pollution in such a way tWffice rainfall of the past few days, the ef­ As I was canoeing this section of the the whole area will benefit throupear . fluent coming down the stream is now river on Saturday, I checked it again improved water conditions, and n Firs only a pale milky color. —and still the stream ran white. Mon­ through the closing of recreational fhe ge I am delighted with the apparent day the water was largely clear but cilities. Pver i improvement, but the question still re­ the stream bed, washed relatively Obviously my concerns are mueport mains to bother me. How is it that we clean by the earlier rains, was starting more deep-seated than mere personunnir are putting untreated, though filtered, to fill with the Slime I noted earlier. I irritation over the looks of the littccasi waste into the Potomac? If the water missed on Tuesday since I came to the stream at the landing place on tkilpir is the rinse from the pulping tanks, office by car, but on Wednesday in the Virginia shores. I’m in or on the rivpe de isn’t it still filled with chemicals? And, morning the stream was turning milky most of my free time and spend a govater if so, aren’t we still engaged in an im­ again. In the afternoon it was as thick deal of time introducing more peopmpo proper use of the natural stream and as it had been the preceding Friday. to its pleasures. This past weekeiwnen river? Thursday morning and evening the for example, I was the instructor inue w

8 SWARTHMORE ALUMNI ISSl'CTOB lve'dass for beginning white-water canoe- before I drew this to your attention. ticularly messy as I pass it on the way 1 ¡sts—we had some seventy Grumman The environmental conditions within home! In addition, however, the canoe ^arWnoes in the program at Old Angler’s the run are not perfect, naturally, but pool has been disrupted by a number 1 %in—and then spent Sunday morning we have come a long way toward re­ of things. One member, Joe M., retired aking members of the Montgomery storing the natural situation. and all of us have had breaks for va­ lC county Council on a tour of facilities You would probably be interested to cation time. Most serious, though, was 1(* ]iear Seneca—and down the old Pataw- know that back in the thirties and the fact that my canoe was stolen m yiac Canal on the Virginia Shores. early forties Pulp Run was so pure (Complaint #19,922 to the U.S. Park n^eiThe whole of the river valley is too that Sycamore Islanders used to row Police!) in the middle of July. mUi)eautiful to be tampered with either across the river to draw their drinking I am back in business again with a 'through carelessness about small quan- water from the stream. Naturally— new canoe—and will be reporting to 3 %ties of waste or excessive officious and sadly—we now rely on our own you at odd intervals when there is 1 Regulation of its use. well and a chlorinating system instead. something to note. In the meantime, itse To bring you up to date on the state My silence over these past weeks my thanks to you for the interest and m01»f the small stream, I’m convinced has been caused by a number of differ­ concern you have shown for this prob­ fr°lhat there has been a marked improve- ent factors. The most important of lem of pollution. n8 nent. Nonetheless, there is still a these has been my sense that every Sincerely, ^ Sporadic failure of the filter system, or time I plan to write a congratulatory John Seabury Thomson 1 ^whatever. Wednesday of last week, as note to you the stream turns up par- copy to J.Q.R. mu already know, the water was quite :lear, although it was markedly cloudy 'ms0>y evening. Thursday in the evening October 1, 1971 the nice balance and start a flow of he amount of gunk in the stream was Mr. Charles S. washings from the pulping tank down is bad as I’ve seen it since the start of Office of Logistics and Supply through the small stream—was justi­ 191his “campaign” of mine. On Friday, Dear Mr. S. fied. Starting Thursday, September 23, hough, the water was quite good and My reluctance to write you a note the stream has been going from bad to >nly mildly cloudy in the evening. last week—for fear that it would upset worse. Herewith my account: This morning, for what it is worth, the ‘ni%ater was clear again. Thursday, September 23: Stream clear at 7:45, milky at 5:45 p.m. Rive Thanks for letting me know that the Friday, September 24: Clear in the morning, increasingly milky in the on Representative of the Environmental afternoon. oma^rotection Agency was checking on Saturday and Sunday No observation. > fr<®ie quality of our waste in the stream. Monday, September 27: Clear both morning and afternoon. , bot’H be most interested in hearing his (This is the only day, apparently, when the tanks resfondings. have not been washed.) a 111 Sincerely, Tuesday, September 28: a b John Seabury Thomson Clear in the morning, milky in the afternoon. iontopy to J.Q.R. Wednesday, September 29: Slight discoloration in the morning, heavier milky ddii substance in the afternoon. scee September 22, 1971 Thursday, September 30: Almost clear in the morning, but the amount of proHr. Charles S. white pulp in the afternoon was the thickest since V thOffice of Logistics and Supply last May. A yellowish fungus-like deposit reap­ iroupear Mr. S. peared in the stream bed. Earlier such deposits d n First, let me congratulate you on had been flushed by the heavy rains this summer. ial fhe general condition of “Pulp Run.” Friday, October 10: The stream ran white in the morning for the first j)ver the past three months since I last time in months. The deposit in the stream bed is rruieported to you, the stream has been deeper, and foam floats in the pools. The water rsoiwnning clear most of the time. On the into the river was extensively discolored. s littccasions when it is evident that the >n gulping tanks have been washed down, I fear that there has been a rather I’ll keep my reports flowing to you 3 ri^be degree of pollution is such that the serious slippage on the part of the through the winter—unless you’d pre­ a govater has only turned a milky white pulpers from the standards you set. I fer I sent them to someone else. peopmporarily. We have not had the re- trust you can get them back on the Sincerely, ekeiWrrence of the thick white pulp resi- track—because it is a lovely little John Seabury Thomson >r iiue which was common back in April stream when it is clear. copy to J.Q.R.

ISStCTOBER, 1973 9 December 13,19 Mr. Charles S. ( Office of Logistics and Supply office Dear Mr. S. Dear My silence of the past six weeks i j d dicates neither declining interest in flAK state of Pulp Run nor satisfaction wi^ ht£ the progress which has been made ward elimination of the waste from stream. To the contrary, my conceA remains high, and I expect that |9ijH | the next few weeks I shall be obseigQ-^j ing the stream’s state more close F again. I have been pleased, indeed, to here , reverberations from my letter-writ^^ campaign. Tony Z., with whom I ppl 20 days of a seminar, tells me that y , mwfc.fl f ' ' area is the end user of my letters; “the 2; Canoeing to work introduced John Thomson 43 to the Top Secret Slurry Caper. they become ammunition in sions with county officials. A y o i^ 2 October 21, 1971 or those times when I’ve had to have officer tells of hearing that “the cant^ , Mr. Charles S. the car at the office. A pattern emerges, ists” are bringing pressure for po|hing Office of Logistics and Supply or appears to. It seems to me that the tion control. I do hope that all tiwater Dear Mr. S. filters start out quite effective, and will lead to the actual elimination)^^ I am most pleased to have chatted then become progressively more un­ the overflow. jramsl with you on the state of the stream— satisfactory. Finally, it would seem, we My recent observations of the strea^ ^ to learn that efforts continue to clear almost get back to conditions predat­ have been more irregular than H hort up our contribution to the Potomac’s ing the installations of the filters. And but the pattern remains consisteimore pollution and to learn that my notes then, once they have been cleaned, The mornings are good—the wat y 0 may have been of some use to the things are relatively good again. Even clear. The afternoons are bad withe a engineers. I’m attaching a more-or-less so, I must add that I continue to ob­ varying amounts of pulp and whiter;_w day-by-day account of the stream since ject to the washings when the stream water flowing into the river. Hiand the first of the month. The days with­ is no more discolored than a very water and heavy rainfall has helpj^ out observation are either weekends heavily watered skimmed milk. but the flow down through the woGflowe] is not sufficient to flush out the settig£rea] paper pulp—although the erosion ^arjy Afternoon Date Morning this small stream has been consid^^ v Friday Oct. 1 thick milky (1) stream clearing up able over the past year. fruit- Saturday Oct. 2 not observed not observed It has now been about seven moniperg-] Sunday Oct. 3 not observed not observed since I first started reporting on oour p Agency pollution problem and, !0j? a ^ Monday Oct. 4 clear slightly milky effect you know, I’ve been most pleased % a clear thin milky effect Tuesday Oct. 5 the efforts which have been made»Serve Wednesday Oct. 6 clear white and foamy abate the flow into the stream. I kncQf ra, Thursday Oct. 7 not observed not observed of course, that the wheels of burea^n d Friday Oct. 8 clear thick white state racy, like the mills of the gods, g^padd] Saturday thru Tuesday not observed slowly. I do hope, though, that we W€ ultimately find the way to tie into ^ ai Wednesday Oct. 13 clear thin milky public sewer system instead of jnclm Thursday Oct. 14 clear thin milky river. geese not observed Friday thru Sunday Sincerely, small Monday Oct. 18 clear thick milky state John Seabury Thor%auj Tuesday Oct. 19 clear thin milky copy to J.Q.R. along Sincerely, Ou John Seabury Thomson lutioi that f copy to J.Q.R.

S W A R T H M O R E A L U M N I ISSDCTO] 10 ’ ^ December 30, 1971 is quite good and that wildlife is re­ Mr. Charles S. turning. Ten years ago, when three of Office of Logistics and Supply us first started canoeing to work, we Dear Charles: once saw a deer along the shore. . s * I don’t know when I have received a Racoon and muskrat are plentiful and, m ¡phone call which has pleased and de- I guess, always have been. Recent re­ I W1 lighted me so much as yours of yester- turnees include both beaver and otter. de 'day. My warmest thanks and heartiest The number of trees felled by beaver m congratulations to you and to all our on the river islands and the )nce*Agency people who have put their shore, and most recently on the Vir­ ^ ovthought and effort into diverting the ginia shore is almost alarming. Finally, kseiS0MAT slurry from Pulp Run into this morning I saw my first beaver j os^the Fairfax sewer system. swimming upstream, in the middle of My paddling has been somewhat ir- the Potomac. As I approached him in 0 . 'regular recently, but I thought things my canoe, he dove for safety, giving a ^V ere changing. On the 21st the old sharp smack to the surface of the ^pattern of clear-water mornings and water with his tail. It was about six ia^ milky afternoons seemed to hold. On weeks ago that I saw my first otter, %he 23rd I wasn’t sure, but I thought it also swimming upstream. He, too, dove ^isclmight be improving, and on Tuesday, to get away from me, making a sleek ^°\he 28th (the next day I could pad- arc of brown as he went under. can!dle) I was certain that, indeed, some- Along with these specific attractions, P^thing had changed the quality of the the never-ending changes in the at­ ■J water remarkably. It was beautifully mosphere and the weather are a con­ J0 iclear this morning. It will take a heavy tinuous pleasure—and sometimes a rainstorm or two to wash out the re- challenge. (We drive to work if it is 3^W ining sediment, but that will come raining in the morning but, if it rains us\hortly. I shall now have to think up a in the afternoon, I always try to get ¡more fitting name for our little stream. the canoe back to the safety of Syca­ w You may be interested in some of more Island. Even in broad daylight TOP TEN r| uie attractions of commuting by canoe I had one canoe stolen from the Vir­ The Swarthmore College II tPll • • • . # —m addition to the physical exercise ginia shore where it had been chained Bulletin was named a Top Ten and the environmental improvement to a tree.) A few days ago when we Alumni Magazine in national ie^campaign which I enjoy. The spring had a particularly heavy fog on the competition sponsored by the woflowers along the river bank and the river we very nearly paddled in a com­ American Alumni Council last sedstream bed are lovely in April and plete circle—and ultimately made our June. It was the sixth year the uonjgariy May. In the late summer and way to the proper shore and our magazine has been so honored. ns%all we’ve found an abundance of wild stream-mouth landing by relying on The May, 1972, special issue on fruit—raspberries, pawpaws, and wild the sound of Little Falls Rapids to poetry was cited for special monpersimmons—and hickory nuts. Along guide us. We kept the roar of the excellence, and The Chronicle of on (our path up the hill we’ve had the nest water to our left as we paddled. Higher Education cited the nd’ of a Carolina wren hidden in the roots Once again, my deepest thanks and magazine for “superior reporting 3d of a large tree and were able to ob- warmest congratulations to you, and to of the institutional issues and iadeserve it from the first egg to a nest full our Agency, for responding so well to internal problems of higher I k^of ravenous young birds. Flood waters this minor aspect of the truly import­ education.” The other Top Ten ureaon the river knocked us out of our ant problem of protecting and improv­ alumni periodicals are from ’> ^paddling routine for about two weeks ing our environment. It has given me Brown, Cornell (Alumni News we so we never saw the young birds take a great deal of faith in our sensitivity and Engineering: Cornell ^^bff and fly. Bird life on the river has and our willingness to take corrective Quarterly), Harvard, University °* included mergansers and Canada actions. of Massachusetts at Amherst, geese, several varieties of duck and A happy new year to you. Come University of Missouri, Notre smaller water fowl, gulls and two down and visit our stream in 1972. It Dame, University of Pennsyl­ hor%eautiful blue heron that fly heavily is a lovely sight and will now be even vania, and Pomona. along the river shore. more beautiful. The College also won a direct Our concern for the problems of pol­ Very Sincerely, mail award for its annual giving lution should not blind us to the fact John Seabury Thomson mailing “Swarthmore still risks that fishing in this area of the Potomac copy to J.Q.R. eating its own tail.”


Do the aims for Swarthmore set forth by the founding Quakers still ring true ?

DOTO] 12 SWARTHMORE ALUMNI ISS In recent years we have marked a therefore, of similarly minded Friends on May 4, 1864. The charter made it number of centennial anniversaries in Philadelphia and New York. clear that what was intended was no connected with the beginnings of A meeting of Friends from the three mere boarding school but an institu­ Swarthmore College. In 1964 we cele­ Yearly Meetings was held in Balti­ tion authorized to provide instruction brated the centennial of the granting more on October 2, 1860, which re­ in the arts and sciences and to grant of the College charter. In the fall of sulted in an organization called the the usual degrees. The name Swarth­ 1969, when the present seniors came Friends Educational Association and more College was chosen to com­ as freshmen, President Cross pointed a document called an “Address of memorate Swarthmoor Hall in the out that the actual opening of the some Members of the Religious So­ north of England where George Fox College occurred one hundred years ciety of Friends to their fellow mem­ established a center of Quaker activity before, in the fall of 1869. The first bers proposing the establishment of a and found a wife. graduating class was the Class of 1873. Boarding School for Friends children, Plans were laid and committees ap­ and the first degrees were conferred and for the education of teachers.” pointed to raise the necessary funds. in that year. In 1973, it is appropriate It was signed by 77 Friends from The method adopted was the offering for us to observe that we have come Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New of shares, but it was made clear from to the centennial of that occasion. York. They acted as individuals, and the start that no profits were to be The Class of 1873 had 26 members not as official representatives, and it expected. The subscribers or stock­ when they entered as freshmen, but was clear from the beginning that they holders formed the corporation which ^ by the time they were seniors there did not intend that the proposed in­ elected officers and a Board of Mana­ jwere only six. The Class of 1973 stitution be directly controlled by the gers. The Board had responsibility for numbered 330 as freshmen, and 294 Yearly Meetings. overseeing the operation of the Col­ ^received degrees at Commencement in Among the 77 signers were a num­ lege and made annual reports to the ^ June. It is obvious that far fewer per- ber of distinguished persons: In the Corporation. SS^Jlisted until graduation in the early Baltimore group were Martha E. One of the first actions of the Board ^Sftrears and that attrition was much Tyson, who had originated the pro­ was the naming of Edward Parrish, a ^higher. Was it easier to flunk out in posal several years before; Benjamin pharmaceutical scientist, as the first j l h e old days and harder to remain for Hallowell, whose scientific interests president. The new president took jjpSthe full four years? Have we made the helped to give shape to the proposed leave from his business and profes­ Bjkrequirements for graduation less strin- institution; and Samuel M. Janney, sional interests in Philadelphia and feent so that many more can remain an educator and the author of schol­ immediately went to work raising (and receive degrees? arly books on Quaker history. The money. An architectural firm was en­ Let’s go back even more than one Philadelphia group included Lucretia gaged, and plans were drawn for a undred years and look briefly at the Mott, the abolitionist and advocate of building to house the new institution. ■»«reasons why the College was estab- women’s rights, and Edward Parrish, The principal architect was Addison ished and at the aims and objectives who later became the first president. Hutton, a Philadelphia Friend who f those who established it. To do so The New York group included Samuel later designed buildings both for Hav- e must go back to the 1850’s when a Willets, who later became president of erford and Bryn Mawr and for West- oup of Quakers in Baltimore began the Board and whose generous con­ town and George School. o hold meetings to consider the im- tributions enabled the building fund The cornerstone of the building we gjjprovement of educational opportuni­ to reach its goal. It is perhaps invidi­ know as Parrish Hall was laid on May t ie s in the Society of Friends. They ous to name these and not others, for 10, 1866, and two important and re­ ecided that the chief need was for a one recognizes in the list the names vealing addresses were delivered: one ^Jboarding school where young people of many families who have supported by President Parrish and one by Dr. ould obtain an education beyond the the College faithfully through several Joseph Thomas, an editor and author ‘common branches,” and for a college generations. of Philadelphia. These addresses con­ here teachers might be trained for The selection of a site for the new tain the clearest statements I have riends schools. Quakers were begin- institution provoked some controversy found of the aims and ideas in the mg to feel the need for secondary between advocates of a city location minds of the persons who established Jid higher education and very few and those who favored the country. A Swarthmore College. chools which seemed satisfactory solution was soon reached, however, In his address President Parrish set ere available to them. The few that and a farm was purchased some 11 forth four aims for the new College: existed were essentially local and miles southwest of Philadelphia. A (1) coeducation, (2) academic stand­ drew their students from a limited charter was applied for and granted by ards equal to those of the best col­ area. There was a clear need for an the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania leges, (3) a liberal, balanced curricu­ institution of the sort proposed by the lum, and (4) a “guarded education” Baltimore Friends, but it soon became BY JOHN M. MOORE which placed moral values in the high­ evident that the plan would require Professor Emeritus of est position. It will be instructive to wider support. They enlisted the help, Philosophy and Religion see what has happened to these aims

OCTOBER, 1973 I IS! 13 “What we Americans have most to fear is a dead level of mediocrity in . . . education” over the course of a century and mediocrity in the education of oiiuniti< whether they are relevant to the Col­ people. . . . Many persons seem to tydvan lege of today. lieve that a moderate education, These First, President Parrish said, “We joined with good common sense, Iquali aim to educate the sexes together.” sufficient for all the purposes of liinust: This may not sound revolutionary to­ It may be all that is needed for ordequir day, but it certainly seemed so at the nary occasions, but not for the highership time. Swarthmore was not the first co­ objects of our existence.” riandi educational college in the United These words might easily have beefonal States—this honor belongs to Oberlin taken as a text by Frank Aydelottrder —but it was one of the pioneers in the seventh president, whose adminh a ( this field. The idea of coeducation tration from 1921 to 1940 saw Swartipecia seemed far more radical in the con­ more develop fully into an institutinore servative East than in the Middle of the highest standards and standiiyell-n West of that day. It was called “an Dr. Aydelotte’s greatest monument hese impracticable fancy, born in the rev­ the Honors Program which was d Sur< erie of some speculative mind, well- veloped under his leadership and wiiolleg meaning perhaps but utterly ahead of strong faculty support. It is interestiibera] to note that the first graduates in tit the sober sense and prudent wisdom . . . Martha Tyson, original proposer anomalous, absurd.” In recent years Honors Program received their drho b we have seen a remarkable change of with the President, for when the in­ grees just fifty years ago, in 192iotiv; attitude toward coeducation and a stitution opened its doors in the fall Hence as we celebrate the completiim si sudden crumbling of traditional preju­ of 1869, the incoming students were of a full century of the history tiing dices. Institutions such as Princeton required to take a series of entrance Swarthmore College as a degree granemoc and Yale, long regarded as citadels examinations, and on the basis of ing institution, we are also celebratiisrve of male exclusiveness, have suddenly these examinations they were assigned a half-century of the Honors Program hea opened their doors to women, and to their respective classes. Only 26 Both the academic curriculum and tbader some of the women’s colleges have an­ were classified as freshmen and none athletic program were completeratia nounced their intention to become co­ was given advanced standing. The transformed under Dr. Aydelotte’hey educational. One cannot help wonder­ other 173 were assigned to the pre­ leadership, the relationship betwefith t ing whether what is intended is a paratory department. For seventeen students and faculty was greatly Pt tl full equality of the sexes or only a years the enrolment in the preparatory tered, and a marked change took plaeek t token representation. But perhaps we department exceeded that of the col­ in the nature of student interests aims should look about us in our own lege. As the qualifications of incoming activities. Swarthmore College thenPmpe house before we cast too many stones students improved, the more elemen­ tained the position of academic excfays. in the direction of others. Have we tary courses were dropped, but it was lence toward which it had betake achieved a full equality of the sexes not until 1894 that the preparatory de­ pointed from its beginning. ^ le when only a small number of our fac­ partment was finally discontinued. We must remind ourselves, hofill b< ulty are women, or when most offices This was one of the most important ever, that academic excellence in inict] in student organizations are regularly policy decisions in the history of institution is as difficult to maintain dead held by men? Swarthmore College. it is to attain in the first place. Th«*wart] The second aim was stated by Presi­ The second speaker at the laying of are insistent pressures in various (mg £ dent Parrish in these words: “We shall the cornerstone in 1866 was Dr. rections which must be withstood The propose a high grade of intellectual Joseph Thomas, an editor and author standards are to be kept at a hi|arris attainment for those who seek our connected with J. B. Lippincott and level and relevant to changing coniSe s] diploma.” He quoted with approval Co., the Philadelphia publishers, who tions. It is often said that the gre^th e the declaration made in the original later became professor of English at educational task of the present dayartm Address that what was sought was “an Swarthmore. Dr. Thomas strongly to provide better education for evePces, institution in which an education supported President Parrish’s demand body in a democratic society, and face could be obtained equal to that fur­ for high academic standards. “In my one would deny the necessity of tF10^ nished by the best colleges in the opinion,” he said, “what we Americans task. It is also said that we must paced land.” The faculty must have agreed have most to fear, is a dead level of vide compensatory educational op]*1086

14 S W A R T H M O R E A L U M N I ISSPT 0 B - “It is a false idea of education which . . . degrades it to a mere utilitarian basis”

f oiunities for those who have been dis- and women for business—it should fit to Advantaged and discriminated against, them for life with all its possibilities.” m, These demands for more genuine President Parrish expressed the hope se, ¡quality of educational opportunity “that those who shall hereafter guide f libust indeed be met, and to do so will its destinies shall be inspired with ordequire political and educational lead- a love of learning for its own sake,” ighership of a high order. Ever more de- and added “may they never cease to nanding and varied forms of profes- couple in their systems of training the i beefonal competence will be needed in highest intellectual culture with the slottrder to provide the necessary services development of the moral and reli­ ninh a complex society. It remains the gious elements of character.” But it is vartipecial task of institutions like Swarth- apparent today that the founders of tutinore to assist carefully selected and the College had certain blind spots: ndiivell-motivated young people to meet They did not see the need of system­ enthese exacting demands, atic instruction in what we call the is d Surely this means that Swarthmore social sciences or in social problems. I wiCollege should continue to provide The other blind spot is disclosed by estiiberal and pre-professional education their almost total neglect of the arts. in tit the highest possible level for those Edward Parrish, first president The fourth and last of the aims or ir drho have the necessary capacity and objectives for Swarthmore College out­ 192iotivation. If it is said that such an have a “modem” curriculum rather lined by President Parrish in 1866 >letiim smacks of elitism and that any- than a traditional one. In this he was was a “guarded education,” to use the >ry tiing of the sort is out of place in a undoubtedly following his own scien­ terminology preferred by the Quakers graiemocratrc society, one can only ob- tific and practical bent, for he was a at that time. It is perhaps unfortunate iratferve that a democratic society which scientist, a professor in the Philadel­ that he used an expression which to >gran healthy and functional must have phia College of Pharmacy, and one us may appear wholly negative. A nd traders. These leaders must be demo- who had taught that subject to medi­ guarded education seems to us to be a fleteratically chosen and responsible, cal students in the University. He was moral equivalent of the ivory tower, slotte’hey must be not merely well-trained also expressing the views of intellec­ and the viewpoint of the Quaker itwefith technical and professional skills tual leaders among the Quaker found­ founders undoubtedly had many nega­ tly Ut they must be persons who will ers of the College, such as Benjamin tive and restrictive features. In the t plaeek to understand the complex prob- Hallowell and Lucretia Mott. He did 18th century Quakers had built a pro­ ts aPnis of applying their professional not, however, go on to advocate a tective hedge about their sect in an len pmpetence in socially constructive primarily practical curriculum, as effort to keep themselves unspotted exdays. Any society which does not some elements in the Quaker com­ from the world. Similarly the Quakers bedake adequate provision for develop- munity doubtless hoped he would do. of the 19th century believed that edu­ ig leaders and servants of this sort The practical elements were recog­ cation should be carried on in a care­ hofiH be sowing the seeds of its own de­ nized in the provisions made for lab­ fully guarded environment. The school in fruction. It will condemn itself to that oratory work in the sciences, in the was to be “a garden enclosed” into tain dead level of mediocrity” which early establishment of a department which the evils of the world were not 'Th^warthmore College from the begin- of engineering, and in the emphasis to be permitted to penetrate. This was )us set out to overcome, given to the training of teachers. But why the founders located the College nod The third aim set forth by President those who wanted the College to go in the country far removed from the a hfarrish in 1866 was that the new col- much further in the direction of prac­ evils and temptations of city life. This coniSe should have a liberal curriculum tical training for business and me­ is why they tried to recreate in the ? grdth a balance between the main de- chanical trades were firmly put down. college community the value-laden at­ dayartments of knowledge. “The sci- “It is a false idea of education which mosphere of a well-regulated family. everlces,” he said, “will have here a limits it to any one class of studies That there were many regulations is and face not yet conceded to them in or degrades it to a mere utilitarian obvious, and many of them seem ab­ of tP10^] colleges.” President Parrish basis . . .” the President declared. “We surdly restrictive today. Yet we should Lst piaced his influence firmly behind claim a higher mission for Swarth­ remember that they were dealing at opp(lose who wished the new college to more College than that of fitting men first with a very youthful group, some

I ISSPTOBER, 1973 15 of whom were only twelve or thirteen “The Friends are not propagan­ any rate, there has been any weakei and few of whom were over twenty. dists,” he said. “They have not aimed ing of the moral sense or any chani They were beginning a daring experi­ to proselyte. They seek here to set up in the basic conviction that moi ment in coeducation, and they were an institution. . . . in which the incon­ values are central to a community! willing to go to great lengths to make sistency of war with pure Christianity a society. I am convinced that the it succeed. In their zeal for a guarded shall be made a matter of conscien­ is a clear line of continuity in tli education they even attempted for a tious examination. . . . in which truth respect from the early days of tl time to keep books of fiction out of the and duty shall be set far above mere College to the present. Indeed the library and pianos out of the parlors. expediency, and obedience to law be has been abundant evidence in rece But these extreme restrictions did not taught as limited only by the para­ years that the strength of moral at last very long. mount obligations of conscience. . . . tudes and commitments has be Under the dynamic and popular in which the Christian democracy of growing rather than diminishing, 'll leadership of President Swain, the the early Friends shall be maintained.” present generation of students mai value system of the College was very It is clear, therefore, that the found­ fests increasing sensitivity to a wit greatly changed. The old ideal of a ers established Swarthmore College on range of issues and values some guarded education was quietly dropped the basis of a philosophy which recog­ which were overlooked or ignored evi or transformed into an ideal which nized that certain moral values and a short time ago. combined service to society with edu­ commitments underlie the educational College life has taken on a m cation for successful living. The Col­ process. They knew what their values seriousness in recent years, and 1 1 lege was still predominantly Quaker, were and they made their commit­ convinced that this seriousness is! but the Quaker community itself was ments openly. They invited others who moral phenomenon of great impi rapidly losing its sectarian separate­ shared similar interests and values to tance. I am not, of course, saying th ness and breaking down the hedge take part with them in an educational “there is no sin £t old Swarthmorf which had kept it apart from the enterprise in which these values might what I am saying is that the moi world. So President Swain led the be sought and their applications sense of the present generation is cle College into a new era of comparative worked out in an atmosphere of con­ and keen and that while the spec! prosperity and confidence. The stu­ scientious and responsible freedom. forms of moral concern have shift! dents were permitted to develop extra­ Most of us would agree that the the capacity for concern is still presei curricular activities on an unprece­ founders of this College were right in We are very conscious of soci dented scale, and if it seems to us their conviction that the aims of edu­ problems nowadays, and we are i today that they went overboard in cation are moral as well as intellec­ creasingly aware that the moral co their enthusiasm for fraternities and tual. We too believe that intellectual ponent is of fundamental importai football, we must remember that they facility without moral integrity is dan­ in all of them. The extreme compli believed themselves to be escaping gerous both to the individual and to ity of the problems that confront from the trammels of an outmoded society. If our moral insights and is well understood here at Swat past and enjoying the freedom of a commitments take forms different from more. We are devoted to intellect! new era. those of a century ago, this should analysis and we are rightly suspicio It should also be remembered that not be surprising. We have long been of oversimplified answers. But we ( the old concept of a guarded education aware that also, I believe, sensitive to the ethii has its positive as well as its negative New occasions teach new duties, dimension of these problems and aspects. President Parrish explained it Time makes ancient good uncouth. would insist that no public policy thus: “It is our desire to give its A good many of the moral attitudes acceptable which does not take i proper place to that feature of moral and judgments which were unques­ count of this dimension. training. . . . which rests upon the tioned a century ago seem quaint or So much for the present; what recognition of the intuitive sense of abhorrent today, and the rules and the future? What direction will | right and wrong implanted by the regulations by which they were ex­ College take in the next period of Creator in every rational soul. . . . pressed seem not merely repressive life? These questions will doubt! that free agency which is the high pre­ but absurd. This distinction is signifi­ prove to be difficult and as challengi rogative of our nature.” It is apparent cant because it shows that the rejec­ as any that have been faced in the p that the first president, speaking no tion of certain beliefs and attitudes But we shall go forward in confide! doubt for an influential and liberal goes much deeper than just rebellion that our historic objectives are si segment of the Quaker community, —some rebelliousness is to be ex­ valid and that we can safely build thought of the moral purpose of the pected in any society, especially the foundations that have been College as something far beyond mere among the young. A real change in and truly laid. sectarian interests. He appealed rather the moral climate has taken place. It would be quite wrong, however, This article was adapted from Prof& to a general idealism which he be­ Moore’s baccalaureate address on lieved would command wide support. to think that here at Swarthmore, at 3, 1973.

16 S W A R T H M O R E A L U M N I lSi'CT0B sake Can TVP Replace Saturday night steaks? Cracked ;haii| moi wheat and apricot casserole rates four stars. lity i the Holy Cow! Swarthmore students re­ to offer more other vegetables than in n tl turned to campus in early September the past, too, with a possible reduc­ of tl to find their traditional Saturday night tion in the variety of condiments and the steak dinner had fallen victim to the sizes of servings. SAGA has a policy rece beef shortage. Instead of beefing, how­ of unlimited servings of entrees, salads, il at ever, they recognized they had a stake desserts, and beverages, with the ex­ be in the matter so they corralled Ed ception of Saturday nights when stu­ g. 1 Miller, Sharpies Food Service Direc­ dents are limited to single servings mai tor, who promised to bring those of steak, Rock Cornish game hens, i wit steaks back home on the range in mid- shrimp basket, or other such specials. ►me October. In the meantime, they would The popularity of vegetarian meals get roast beef—not a bad substitute. has been mixed and only those which " The SAGA, the Swarthmore dining serv­ have been well received will be con­ a m ice, made the front page of the Phoe­ tinued. nix in two successive issues as the food Says Ed Miller: “We are serving IV College situation was explained and future more fish, eggs, and dishes like cheese impi plans to cope with it were announced and brown rice casseroles, mushroom by Ed Miller. There will be shortages lg tl stroganoff over brown rice, and soy­ morf —the most severe expected in break­ bean pot pie. Cheese fondues are very fast meat, beef, mayonnaise, butter, moi popular and we’ve increased the fre­ oleo, perhaps milk and grain products. is cle quency of yogurt, fresh raw fruits and This seems to leave Superbean, as spec! vegetables, and we’re serving much Time refers to it, as the hoped-for- jhiftf more skim milk than usual.” saviour of the gourmet set. Or, as ■resei SAGA put it in the news release to sod the Phoenix, there will be “high pro­ ire i tein grain additives to select menu tl CO! items,” and the “introduction of nu­ irtai tritionally equivalent menu entrees mplf where substitution by necessity is re­ ont quired.” Jwari The once lowly U.S. soybean has ilecti indeed become Superbean, and not The current health-food inclination picio only at Swarthmore. It is the nation’s of young people helps them accept the we i No. 1 cash crop, most valuable farm new regimen, and SAGA opened a ethii export (sales abroad exceeded $2 bil­ Food Information Center this fall in i n d lion last year), and most volatile and Sharpies Dining Hall to offer fact )licy controversial commodity. Soybean oil sheets and bulletins on its problems. ike i is the major ingredient in salad and A SAGA manager is sometimes on cooking oils and margarine. Ground hand to answer questions and accept /hat up, the bean is used as an “extender” suggestions for improvement of the dll f that stretches out hamburger, ravioli, food and service. 1 of and soup. More protein-packed than Consensus among students is that ►ubtl fresh red meat, some admirers even SAGA is really trying hard to produce lengi allege that roasted soybeans will in­ tasteful and satisfying meals. Joann le p crease sexual vigor. Bodurtha ’74 says, “Some of their in­ fidet The soybean additive that SAGA novations are really great. The alterna­ re d proposes as a food supplement is TVP, tive to a salami and cheese sandwich uiia a textured vegetable protein which con­ at lunch today was a cracked wheat sists of soybeans which are defatted and apricot casserole. Really excel­ and dehydrated to give a product with lent.” up to 90 per cent protein and the tex­ SAGA’s college division (one of ’rof& m Jl ture of meat. five divisions) is nationwide. Locally The Swarthmore menu can expect (continued on page 49)

I iSifCTOBER, 1973 17 1

“It feels so good to con back,” said Ann Freidingi Siegle ’48 halfway throuj come BACK her 25th reunion weekeif last June. Ann was one of more ths To the campus for Alumni Day, 1973 one thousand alumni who returned t the campus to celebrate Alumni on June 2. Reunion ’73 was the MpSI miliar mix of renewing friendship¿ 1 attending a faculty lecture, remin|^l| cing, and catching up with the n r o l buildings on campus. It was also a few events special itself: a balloon ascension from front campus, a box lunch on ref checked tablecloths under the tri outside Sharpies Dining Hall, a tri ute to Vice-President Edward Cratsley who was just finishing up third stint as interim president, mui by Danny Goldwater ’43 and Crum Creek Ramblers, and an alu baseball game witli a lineup dive: enough to include at times Dick Hj ’53 on the mound, Amy Roosevelt 1 in left field, and Sam Carpenter in fj manager’s box. On the serious side, the A1 Council ended the distinction of vice president for men and a vH president for women and went on ri ord as disallowing any assumptij that the presidency of the Alumni h sociation was reserved for men. New officers for the Alumni As ciation were announced as folio' Alden S. Bennett ’40, president; R Wilcox Mahler ’49, vice presidej Jed S. Rakoff ’64, vice president; Sarita Smith Berry ’55, secretary. Three classes announced spec] gifts to the College to mark their unions. The Class of 1923, under leadership of A. Prescott Willis Walter H. Keighton, Jr., colle $16,750 for its Special Library B Fund. The Class of 1937 culminated a fi’ year fund-raising effort under Sami Kalkstein with a gift of $33,000 fori endowed scholarship honoring Even L. Hunt, dean and professor emeri The 25th class reunion gift $7,852 from 1948 was presented President Philip K. Evans to set an endowed fund for faculty-stud joint research projects.

18 S W A R T H M O R E A L U M N I ISS Some one thousand came back for a fried chicken box lunch outside Sharpies Dining Hall on Alumni Day, 1973, including about 50 children of alumni for whom special events had been planned by Tom Elverson ’75 and a staff of other young people. After lunch Vice-President Edward K. Cratsley and his wife Jane thanked the Swarthmore Alumni Association for voting them honorary members while Stephen G. Lax ’41, president of the Board, looked on. W. Marshall Schmidt ’47 association president, passed the office on to Alden S. Bennett ’40 and Ruth Wilcox Mahler ’49 became a vice president. GOIHG BACK

Dean Emeritus Everett L. Hunt came back to the campus to be honored with an endowed scholarship created and named for him by the Class of ’37. Sam Kalkstein, at his left, led the five-year money-raising effort for his class that resulted in $33,000. Music lovers had the varied fare that included Senior Edward Polochick in concert in the amphitheater and Danny Goldwater’s Crum Creek Ramblers. An eager and diverse roster of old-timers seized the opportunity to bat against Dick Hall ’53, former major league pitcher, in the afternoon’s baseball gan Johnny Abrams ’34 and Phil Evans ’48 discussed strategy with Amy Roosevelt ’48, before Amy took her turn at bat. More off-field activity engaged Snitz Schneider ’23, Dick Hall ’53, and Bill Stauffer

Sideline action: Bill Stetson ’33 and Sam Gary ’49 standing; Howard Sipler ’33 Bob Bergner ’46, and Henry McCone ’46. GOlflG BACK As the band played “Anchors A weigh” and then “Nearer My God to Thee,” Anthony Fairbanks ’28 piloted his balloon with his one passenger, classmate Ellis Bishop, up, up, and away from the front campus. A flaccid wind shortened the flight to 45 minutes. On opposite page Veteran Pilot Fairbanks directs the exacting operation of inflating the nylon balloon with propane gas to its 60-foot height.

Photographs by Walter Holt ^Jwarthmore s moral equivalent of endowment truly exists in those alumni, parents, friends, and organizations who made and pledged to the College 6,942 gifts totaling $2,344,021.82 during the academic year just past. Their names are gratefully listed on the following pages. People who volunteer their financial support to the College and who urge others to do so express a com­ mitment that is, year in and year out, a crucial part of Swarthmore’s current budget and future strength. Just for example, gifts this year are directly responsible for the new Lang Music Building, for the new Center for Social and Policy Studies, for scholarships, for a 5*A% increase in salaries, for the autumn crocuses that brightened Magill Walk, and for the optimism with which President Friend begins to plan for the balance of this decade. The generous presence of those who gave all this to Swarthmore is an inspiration to all who work at the College and urges us to paraphrase William James and his quest for a “moral equivalent of war. ” The list that follows truly represents Swarthmore’s moral equivalent of endowment — the most important endowment the College can have. Kendall Landis Vice President - Alum ni, Development, Public Relations 1912

' Class F Swarthmore’s Total Annual Support $2,344,021.82 WILLI. i Numbt Unrestricted 409,407..57 Partici) Alumn Restricted — current 264,557.,38 I Total < Eugei Elisat Endowment ...... 1,058,640.17,058,640..17 ‘Carol •Chari •Helen Research Grants 606,114..98 ‘Amy ♦Willia ♦Helen Building 5,301,.72 ♦Phebe ‘Anne •Ruth ‘Elean •Anstii Number of Gifts ‘Laure •Mary •Chari 5548 A lum ni...... • • ...... , $ 431,470.88 In hoi ♦Edith 850 Parents ...... • 63,312.40 Evaly 1913 Industry and Foundations...... 929,464.89 215 Class R DA VIC 308 Friends...... 19,628.90 ' Numbe i Partici/: 8 Federal and State Governments .. 606,114.98 : Alumni ! TotalC 13 . Bequests...... • - 294,029.77 In hoi ♦W.Ma ‘Mary 1 6942 $2,344,021.82 •Tacy 1 ‘Philip •Roswi •Juanit ‘David Estate ‘Kathr *Iva A{ ‘Margu •Ruth ( ‘Alden •Charle Swarthmore College Development Prograi •Ethel ] •James •Grace Earl A •Josepl July 1,1972 to June 30,1973 . Mary I ‘Marior ‘Dorotl Inmer Elizabi ALUMNI CONTRIBUTORS In the class statistics, number of donors and percentage of participation reflect the *J. RUS! proportion of alumni who made a gift to Swarthmore, regardless of its designated pul •Newto«Hei"n° | *Elizab< * Asterisks indicate a continuous giving record for the past five years. ^ ‘Letitia

1909 Class Representative: ‘Irvana Wood Tyson ; Class Re ESTHER F. BALDWIN ‘ Margery Cornell Wintringer Class Representative: VICTOF Class Representative: Class Representative: Number o f Donors: 15 ‘Marguerite Rose Wollerton ELIZABETH R. LIPPINCOTT Participation: 6 Z 5 KENDALL LANDIS Number Alumni Fund: $ 2 ,0 1 6 .9 7 I Number of Donors: 2 N um ber o f D o n o rs: 6 [ Participi $ 2 ,0 4 1 .9 7 N um ber o f D o n o rs: 4 Participation: 22.2 Participation: 4 6 .2 Total G ifts: I Alumni i A lu m n i F u n d : $ 3 3 5 .0 0 Alumni Fund: $ 1 0 5 .0 0 ‘Caroline Atkinson Alford Participation: 20.0 Class Representative: l Total G i Alumni Fund: $5,869.47 Total G ifts: $ 3 3 5 .0 0 Total G ifts: $ 1 0 5 .0 0 ‘Esther E. Baldwin In memory of Edward H. Cavin EDWARD B. LUCKIE Total Gifts: $168,877.70 Mary North Chenoweth Beulah ‘ Hyslop Edith B. Eachus ‘Pauline M. DurnaU •Consta ‘ Lynne L. Merritt Marian Leedom Hoskins N um ber o f D o n o rs: 17 Estate of James E. Verree ’83 ‘Clementine Hulburt Gibson ‘Elliot 1 In memory of Louis N. Robinson ‘ Helen DiUistin Johnson Participation: 54.S Sarah Bancroft Clark ’97 (Deceased) ‘Elizabeth R. Lippincott Alumni Fund: $2,699.50 •Edith S ‘Arthur H. Jenkins ’01 ‘Helen Carre Turner (Deceased) ‘M. Louis Johnson ‘Edith Gibbs Reeder Total Gifts: $2,724.50 Paul N. In memory of J. Warner E. Love ’01 In memory of Helen Carre Turner In memory of Walter Krider Estate i Beatrice Victory Sautter ‘ Helen Boardman Lough lin Estate of Elizabeth N. Baker ’02 Adele Hammond Bowers •Raymo Hilda Gansman Rosin ’02 1906 *E. Carleton MacDowell 1908 Emma Marshall Clausen •Laura I In memory of Hallie Hulburt ‘Alice Timmons Montgomery Class Representative: In memory of Raymond K. Mary S Douglas ’03 Class Representative: ‘Edith Taylor Muir S. BLAIR LUCKIE, JR. Denworth •Louise Estate of Howard S. Evans ’03 KATHARINE GRIEST Frank B. Ridgway ‘Helen Herr Hartle •May Hr Estate of Norman S. Passmore ’03 Number o f Donors: 15 N um ber o f D o n o rs: 11 ‘ Jean Williamson Roberts •Kathari Participation: 8 3 .3 Edith Taylor Smith ‘Edith Baker Hunt •Asa P. Way ’03 (Deceased) Participation: 100.0 Edward B. Luckie Marion ‘ Nora Stabler Worth ’03 Alumni Fund: $ 7 8 5 .0 0 Alumni Fund: $ 4 2 1 .0 0 Thomas Jay Sproul •John H Mary Truman Welsh Edna Passmore Lukens Total G ifts: $ 1 ,2 8 5 .0 0 Total G ifts: $ 4 2 1 .0 0 •Elizabeth White McCarthy Harold Eleanoi ‘Gertrude Bricker Baker (Deceased) In memory of Samuel Francis Butler 1910 ‘ Mabelle Whitehead Moore Class Representative: Ethel K ‘ Marie Sabsovich BarreU ‘Davis R. Garretson (Deceased) ‘Susannah Gregg Oblinger ♦William B. Cocks ELLIE SIMONS BASSETT ‘Louisa Harvey Poley •Marjori In memory of Davis R. Garretson N um ber o f D o n o rs: 13 John J. Class Representative: ‘Jane R. Harper ‘Ruth Verlenden Poley ‘Katharine Griest Participation: 50.0 ELMA LEW IS HARPER ‘Emilie Hill (Deceased) ‘Margaret Broomell Pritchard Rachel ♦Mary Yamall Kent Alumni Fund: $1,460.00 ‘ Rachel Robinson Jones (Deceased) In memory of Elizabeth Price •Walter 1 ‘Florence Stapler Lippincott Total Gifts: $1,470.00 Mary E: N um ber o f D o n o rs: 5 ‘Roberts Leinau, Jr. ‘Henry T. Moore Robinson Participation: 5 0 .0 ‘ Emilia Schoenemann Leroy ‘ Ellie Simons Bassett Gladys K. Smith •Claude ‘Elisabeth James Norton •Sara Wi Alumni Fund: $ 3 1 0 .0 0 *S. Blair Luckie, Jr. ‘ Adelaide McGinnis Davis In memory of Attnabelle Boyle Edith Mather Page Victor» Total G ifts: $ 3 1 0 .0 0 ‘Esther Eisenhower Palmer ‘Susanna H. Parry ‘Anna Griscom Elkinton Sproul ‘Elizabeth Johnson Pyle Beulah R. Green ‘Angeline Power Thatcher •Florenc ‘Frances Richardson •Ruth M ‘Anna Smedley Bar tram Florence Monaghan Thatcher ‘Dorothy Lista Simons •William L. Jenkins In honor of Angeline Power ‘Elrna Lewis Harper In memory of Richard C. Thatcher ‘Virginia D. Keeney Thatcher •Carolini ‘Berenice C. Skidelsky •Edith V\ ‘ Anna Wolff Miller ‘ Mabel Vernon ‘Ethel Albertson Post Florence Smedley Vernon ‘Elizabeth G. Wilgus (Deceased) ‘Verna V ‘ Louise Fahnestock Poole Caroline Washburn Wells Estate of Elizabeth G. Wilgus Marie SeUers •Joseph H. WilHts In honor of Louise Fahnestock Poole ‘Philip T. Sharpies ‘Therese Spackman Willits •William ‘ Barclay White ‘ Mildred Bentley Wilson In hone *William West Wilson ‘Edith Lewis White ‘Katharine Wolff ‘Esther Barnes Shepherd ‘Elizabeth Cadwallader Wood

Swarthmore Alumni l^*¡ Octob« ‘Ruth Craighead Gawthrop ‘Marian Stokes Pedraza Elizabeth Atherholt Kemp ‘Paul F. Gemmill •Charles F. Philips (Deceased) William P. Kemp ' Class R e p re se n ta tive: Class Representative: ‘Louis M. Click ‘ Allin H. Pierce John W. Klopp WILLIAM K. HOYT. SR. N O RM A N S H E R R E R D Charla G. Hull Helene Scott Price Ruth Woodward Klopp ‘ Marion F. Jackson ‘Esther Hayes Reed ‘Elizabeth Knabe i Number o f D o n o rs: 18 N um ber o f D o n o rs: 3 4 Franees Stokes Janney (Deceased) ‘Eleanor Runk Reppert George H. Kolb Participation: 4 3 .9 Participation: 6 1 .8 ‘Florence Tice Knauss ‘Mary Vernam Rice Charles P. Larkin, Jr. Alum ni F u n d : $ 2 ,6 0 5 .0 0 A lu m n i F u n d : $ 2 ,5 4 8 .0 0 ‘Walter B. Lang ‘Mary Wilson Ridpath Marjorie Kistler Larkin [ Total G ifts: $ 3 ,3 0 5 .0 0 Total G ifts: $ 5 ,7 5 0 .5 0 ‘ Rhoda A. Lippincott ‘William*!.. Ridpath, Jr. Charles W. Lukens *J. Tenney Mason ‘Dorothy Thomas Schell ‘ Grace Wilson Miller f Eugene E. Ayres, Jr. (Deceased) Jessica Granville-Smith Abt ‘Margaret Allen Morgan ‘Phyllis Komori Sellers ‘Juliet Mace Miller I Elisabeth H. Bartlett (Deceased) ‘Sarah Sheppard Beckett ‘Julia Young Murray Melanie Dolman Seymour Grace E. Moore { ‘Carolyn Smedley Colburn In memory of William M. Beury ‘Clarence G. Myers Andrew Simpson Donald S. Morgan | ‘Charles A. Collins ‘Jane Henry Boedker *R. Marguerite Neely ‘Eleanor Atkinson Smith Dorothy Kinsley Moylan f ‘Helen Marr Cook ‘Sara Darlington In memory of Theoa Hamilton Ruth Breuninger Stickle ‘PaulW. Neuenschwander | ‘Amy Baker Ferguson ‘ Bertha E. Delaplaine Rutherford ‘Elizabeth Stotsenburg ‘Paula Pagelow I "William K. Hoyt ‘Lilian Pile Dressier (Deceased) ‘Norman G. Shidle Franklin P. Stow ‘Caroline N. Philips I ‘Helen Blanton Levy ‘James R. Frorer ‘Clementine Smith Smith ‘Elinor Stout Sundt Roberta Gilmore Poland , I *Phebe Lukens Miller Isabel Pugh Fussell ‘Walter E. Smith ‘Helen C. Toerring ‘Lorna Christie Reed | ‘Anne Haslett Price ‘Ethel Shoemaker Green ' ‘Elizabeth Worth Spackman ‘Marian Ware Waikling Helen E. Samuel I ‘Ruth Ayers Rinek ‘Dorothy Powell Greer ‘Sarah L. Strong ‘May Frescoln Sangree } ‘Eleanor A. Rittenhouse ‘Josephine Griffiths Weber ‘Margaret Milne Gunner t ‘Anna E. Sullivan Harold S. Webster Frances Miller Scott I ‘Austin A. Scott ‘Helen Evans Hayday ‘William W. Tomlinson ‘Margaret Wilson Wheelock ‘Elizabeth Justice Shortlidge f ‘Laurence Price Sharpies ‘Jean Yerkes Henry Frances Baker Walton Charles H. Yardley Adele Siemons Sommerfeld I ‘Mary Osgood Taylor *Reba Camp Hodge ‘Helen Coles Wood •Helen Knight Warren I ‘Charles G. Thatcher ‘Sara Appleby Hutchins 1920 ‘Edith Evans Wiese I In honor of Charles G. Thatcher 1918 ‘Mabel Craft Killey *J. Frederic Wiese 1 ‘Edith F. Tracey ‘Margaret McIntosh Linton Class Representative: ‘Hannah Eavenson Wood I Evalynn H. Walker ‘Mary Swisher Loucks Class Representative: JESSE G. JOHNSON ‘Thomas B. McCabe W ILLIAM J. REILLY 1922 I 1913 ‘John Mason, Jr. N um ber o f D o n o rs: 3 8 Number of Donors: 37 ‘William W. Matson Participation: 5 5 .9 Class Representative: Participation: 54.4 | Class R e p re se n ta tive: ‘Frank C. Oren Alumni Fund: $ 2 ,0 8 1 .0 0 G E O R G E W. S T E W A R T Alumni Fund: $8,232.50 DAVID T. DUNNING ‘Martha L. Pancoast Total G ifts: $ 3 ,0 7 5 .5 0 Total Gifts: $14,106.25 ‘Marian V. Philips Number o f Donors: 41 John W. Pratt Letitia McNeel Arant Participation: f Number of Donors: 27 ‘Frances L. Baird 3 6 .6 t Participation: 50.9 ‘Helen Farley Price In memory of C. Biddle Atlee Alumni Fund: $ 1 ,2 9 0 .0 0 ‘Robert S. Blau Elisabeth Williams Roberts ‘Elizabeth Jones Barnard Total G ifts: $ 1 ,3 6 7 .1 6 1 Alumni Fund: $2,818.00 ‘Eleanor Stabler Clarke [ Total Gifts: $2?,993.05 ‘Vera Walton Schrader Ann Williams Brandt Norman Sherrerd ‘ Margaretta Cope Curtin Julia Bope Brock ‘Margaret Culin Adams ‘Catharine Wright Donnelly In honor of the Class of 1913 ‘Anna Miller Smith Edwin M. Bush In memory of Dorothy Anderson *W. Mark Bittle ‘ Helen Bernshouse Smith ‘Emily Buckman Dowdell Ida Meigs Bush Bowler ‘Blanche King Dreizler ‘Mary F. Blackburn (Deceased) ‘Carleton M. Thomas In memory of Helen Sigler Carpenter ‘William B. Brosius •Tacy Hough Brownback *H. Earle Twining (Deceased) ‘Mary Thatcher Fitts ‘Alfred J. Chalmers Edward L. Campbell ‘Virginia A. Glenn •Phihp J. Carpenter In memory of H. Earle Twining In memory of George Conahey ‘Winnie Weihenmayer Campbell ‘Roswitha Kudlich Davis ‘L, Eloise Vest Louise Waygood Goodman ‘Marvin H. Coombs William P. Carter ‘Juanita May Downes Ida Belle Downey Zink ‘Esther Nichols Hall M. Genevieve Tarby Douchet ‘Charlotte S. Chrisman ‘David T. Dunning Scott Paper Company Foundation ‘Jess Halsted Lena Clark Eagan Allen G. Clark ‘George P. Hayes ‘Jeannette Dell Clark Estate of Kenneth V. Farmer 1916 ‘David B. Fell ‘Kathryn Fell Gideon ‘Helen Rebmann Ingersoll Doris Hays Fenton ‘Josephine Moorhead Clarke *Iva Appleby Goehring Herbert W. Jackson ‘Frank W. Fetter Meta Yarnall Fow Class Representative: ‘Marguerite Hallowell In memory of Elizabeth Andrews Jenks In memory of A. Tench Francis In memory of Carl J. Geiges L H Y A T T E B Y •Ruth Carlile Hinkel Florence Shoemaker Keay Mildred Williard Fry ‘Helen Thorne Griscom (Deceased) ‘Alden B. Jones ‘ Mary Virginia Kingsbury ‘Sara Mayhew Gayner ‘ Benjamin E. Groff N um ber o f D o n o rs: ‘Charles R. McConner (Deceased) 2 6 In memory of Ruth Kistler Virginia Wilcox Gilbert Frank Hoke Participation: ‘Ethel Bates Mitchell 49 .1 ‘Florence Cook Litvackoff Clifford R. Gillam ‘Henrietta Keller Howell * a Alumni Fund: $ 2 ,0 3 3 .0 0 •James Monaghan ‘ Mary L. Lukens Cornelia Stabler Gillam Edith Cugley Huey Total G ifts: •Grace Greene Müsset $ 2 ,1 9 8 .0 0 ‘Elizabeth Miller Major ‘Charlotte Bunting Green ‘Frank H. Jackson Earl A. Oakley „ In memory of C. Paul Nay Gertrude McCabe Harvey ‘Elsa Palmer Jenkins *T. Lees Bartleson •Josephine Foster Pastorino Samuel Ogden Paul M. Hess ♦Elizabeth Walter Jones (Deceased) ‘Isabel Jenkins Booth ‘Katherine Price Olin In memory of F. Norton Landon Mary Elizabeth Pidgeon ‘Susan B. Booth Dorothy Coffin Hickey ‘Marion Coles Roberts Dorothy Johnson Orchard Elizabeth Jones Holden ‘Anne Gault Lewis ‘Florence Snyder Broadbent ‘Helen Darlington Patton ‘Marion Warner Lippincott •Dorothy Phillips Robinson ‘ Hazel H. Brown ‘Beatrice Whiteside Hood ‘Carl D. Pratt Henry I. Hoot Dorothy J. Little In memory of James J. Schock Herbert L. Brown ‘Virginia Postlethwaite Pratt ‘Jessie G. Johnson ♦John G Longstreth Elizabeth Jackson Shaffner ‘Mary Harvey Burn ‘William J. Reilly Charlotte Goette McCurdy ‘William P. Lowden he I *J. Russell Snyder ‘ Ruth Stephenson Clegg •Newton E. Tarble Esther Snyder Shelly ‘Lucy Penrose Owings •Robin Breuninger Lukens ‘Dorothy Super Conahey (Deceased) •Frank H. Marks dpui •Helen Tatman Mary Markle Skipper •Mary Tyler Powell ‘Ellsworth F. Curtin •Opal Robinson Solenberger ‘Elizabeth Phillips Turner ‘Ellen Swartz Pratt Hannah Kirk Mathews Fred C. Dennis ‘Emily L. Vanloon Mary Baumgartner Miller ‘Letitia McHose Wolverton Henry W. Dunn Norris J. Reynolds ‘Abigail Ellsworth Warnick ‘ Hope Richardson Roberts •Dorothy P. Nassau *L. Hyatt Eby ‘Clare Richardson Weltz ‘Ruth Newton ‘David P. Harry, Jr. Isabel Jacobs Ruth ‘Beatrice Newcomer White •Charlotte Moore Sitterly R. Spotswood Pollard ‘Sewell W. Hodge ‘Helen Gawthrop Worth In memory of Henrietta A. Smith ‘Jean Knowles Reymond Alice Van Horn Hunter Ralph M. Wright ‘Mary Donovan Stuart ‘Morrisa Williams Sangston j Class R ep resen ta tive: Elizabeth Kurtz Hutchison ‘Esther Philips Zerega ‘Harry M. Sellers I VICTORIA LESLEY STEIGELMAN ’ Sarah Rose Hutchison ‘Marguerite Drew Vedeler Harriet Renshaw Widing ‘Eleanor A. Shinn In memory of James J. Jackson 1919 ‘Carol Gibbs Smith I Number o f D o n o rs: 2 9 ‘ Ruth Lumis LaBaw ‘Ruth Rodenboh Wright ‘Clarence H. Yoder Elizabeth Miller Stabler Participation: 55.8 James B. Melick Class Representative: ‘John L. Stainton t Alumni Fund: $3,466.27 *J. Siddons Neville ANDREW SIMPSON ‘George W. Stewart I Total Gifts: $3,581.27 1921 In memory of John E. Orchard Gladys Haldeman Tasman P. Carl Shrode N um ber o f D o n o rs: 49 I Beulah Elliott Atkinson Class Representative: ‘Elsie Smith Thompson Lewis L. Tanguy Participation: 6 2 .0 ‘ Hannah Darlington Trescott n | "Constance Lincoln Ball Edith Satterth waite Thom ELIZABETH KNABE [ ‘Elliot M. Barnard A lu m n i F u n d : $ 1 ,5 5 0 .0 0 ‘William P. Ware 54.8 ‘Eliza Ulrich Ullman Total G ifts: $ 1 ,5 9 2 .5 0 Travelers Insurance Companies 99.50 E ‘Edith S. Blackburn *D. Herbert Way Number of Donors: 51 j Paul N. Blessing Participation: 41.1 24.50 ‘Marie S. Weeks ‘Margaret Powell Aitken f Estate of Howard M. Buckman Alumni Fund: $1,663.50 1923 In memory of Earl H. Weltz Helen Young Ayton | ‘Raymond T. Bye Total Gifts: $1,708.50 *H. Fenimore Baker, Jr. Class Representative: S *Laura Parry Cadwallader 1917 ‘Claire Strawn Albertson [ Mary Smith Clappison ‘Norris C. Barnard A L B E R T W. P R E S T O N ♦Ruth Cross Barnard ‘Margaret Embery Allen | ‘Louise K. Clement Class Representative: ‘Elizabeth F. Barth ‘May Haines Cope •Catharine R. Belville N um ber o f D o n o rs: 68 WALTER £ SMITH ‘William M. Blaisdell Participation: 65.4 i ‘Katharine M. Denworth Ardis Baldwin Blackburn ‘Frances Williams Browin ‘Boyd J. Brown Alumni Fund: $4,451.25 Marion Hallowell Evans Number o f Donors: 3 7 ‘George L. Burnett I ‘John H. Githens . Janet M. Brown Total Gifts: $21,136.25 Participation: 5 5 .2 Ruth Williams Carter Paul W. Chandler Harold A. Jackson (Deceased) Alumni Fund: $ 2 ,7 4 5 .0 0 In memory of William L. Cornog Virginia L. Coleman *J. Garner Anthony Eleanore A. Lewis Total G ifts: $ 5 ,1 5 9 .5 0 In memory of Charlesanna B. Coles W. Hamilton Aulenbach [ Ethel Keech Logan *Mary I. Crosley ‘Elizabeth Frorer Dew In memory of Leon H. Collins, Jr. ‘Albert E. Baker ‘Marjorie Gideon Maguire ‘Frances Maxwell Atkinson ‘Marc P. Dowdell ‘David M. Dennison Edwin S. Baker John J, Matthews Boyd T. Barnard ‘John P. Ferris Walter H. Dickinson ‘Dorothy Clendenning Benner Rachel Shoemaker Matthews ‘Helen Ickes Bartleson ‘Elizabeth Watson Gardy Elizabeth Schellinger Douglass Jean Bond Bowers ' "alter H. Mohr ‘Esther Pattison Beckett ‘Jane Brown Gemmill ‘Eleanore Butler Dreibelbies ‘Evelyn Arnold Braun Mary Emma Schmidt ‘John W. Bell Dorothea Darlington Hendrixson ‘Dorothy Koller Dunlap ‘Anna Roberts Brosius : *Claude C. Smith ‘Minnie Gould Beury ‘Madeleine Krauskopf Hillman ‘Lucy Rainier Dunn ‘Howard B. Brunner (Deceased) ‘Sara Webster Smith ‘ Helen Daniels Bloomsburg In memory of Charles M. Howell Miriam Jenkins Elsbree Cornelia Coy Clark Victoria Lesley Steigelman ‘Isaac Carpenter, Jr. Dorothy F. Lucas Wayland H. Elsbree Paul L. Clark Florence Miller Tinney Marian Firmin Cline ‘Mildred Tily MacFarlane Miriam Baily Gilpin *J. Edward Clyde 8 w ^ ars^la^ Trimble Florence Kennedy Corse ‘ Dorothy J. MacKenzie W. Minton Harvey James A. Cochrane ^Caroline Shoemaker Waters ‘ Helen Inglis Cramp Katherine Fahnestock Miller ‘Ella R. Hoyt Nancy Bancroft Coles Edith Williams Way ‘Esther Helen Culver ‘Sarah Goff Mowen William R. Huey ♦Ruth Watters Colton Verna Way Wood Clark W. Davis ‘Isabel Briggs Myers ‘George B. Jackson ‘William A. Worth Margaret Stafford Coxe In memory of Hilda Lang Denworth ‘Jacob Nevyas ‘Edwin M. Joseph Elwood S. Deakyne In honor of William A. Worth ‘ Harriet Keen Dunlap ‘Edgar Z. Palmer ‘Eleanor Paxson Keighton Frances Gillespie Drake

¡Içuij October, 1973 * Katharine Hayes Durand ♦Bertha Ogden Rozenberg .♦Marretta P. King ♦Jack B. Thompson 1929 ♦Lois Thompson Thompson ♦Isabelle Fussell Ewing In memory of Roger Russell ♦Sherman J. Kreuzburg ♦Mary Meyer Tolman Class Representative: Mary Short Fisher ♦Adele Weiler Sargent ♦Eleanore Leech Joseph J. Tomlin PHILIP E. COLEMAN John C. Fretz ♦porothy Evans Seltzer ♦Elizabeth Burton Levering Samuel B. Gaumer ♦M. Elizabeth Shinn ♦Harry L. Lundy ♦Rebecca Hathaway Torreson ♦Esther Briegel Stehle Herbert F. McCord ♦Virginia Melick Turner Number of Donors: 63 Helen Rigby Harvey Participation: 51.2 ♦Katherine Taylor Hodgkinson ♦Mary Swartzlander ♦Harold E. Mertz ♦Catharine Cocks Vail ♦Thomas -T. Taylor ♦Orrick Metcalfe ♦Robert A. Ward Alumni Fund: $3,892.50 ♦Frank H. Jackson Total Gifts: $4,040.00 Elizabeth Anderson Katzenbach C. Margaret Kennady Thompson * David C. Meyer ♦Frances McCafferty White ♦Walter B. Keighton James C. Tily Lucius D. Mills ♦Carolyn Heame Williams Susannah Beury Keller Peter E. Told ♦J. Clinton Molitor Elmer D. Wilt ♦Bradley C. Algeo, Jr. Alice Hutchinson Ayres Mary Elizabeth Kemp Gladys Cisney Trismen William F. Ogden ♦Norman H. Winde ♦Susan Mason Kendall Eliza Fischer Tull ♦Rogers Palmer Ruth Longacre Wright Anna Hull Baker Lawrence B. Lewis In memory of Thomas H. Urdahl ♦E. Dillwyn Parrish ♦Esther Thomson Yeagley In memory of Curtis L. Barnes ♦William A. Limberger ♦Donald L. Velde ♦Katharine Turner Parsons Esther White Yoh ♦Caroline Robison Bishop ♦Wallace R. Linton ♦Albert J. Williams, Jr. ♦Frances Spence Plate ♦Alice Entrekin Brown ♦Alice Hoagland MacNair ♦Mildred F. Wilson ♦William B. Plate Jane Griest Browne John R. McCain In memory of Catherine Fitzhugh ♦Elizabeth Sharpies Pusey ♦Joseph Calhoun Helen Osier McKendree (Deceased) Wood Florence Meade Puzon 1928 ♦Mary Roberts Calhoun M. Blanche McMullen ♦Elizabeth Bean Wood ♦Eunice Jones Russell Mary Anders Cassel ♦Gertrude Malz E. Lawrence Worstall ♦Ruth Ennis Sawyer Class Representative: ♦Marion Harris Churchill NEWLIN R. SMITH Henrietta Turner Mason Catharine Wilson Wright ♦Elizabeth Stamford Sharpless ♦Myer Cohen ♦Elizabeth Lanning Massie In memory of Gertrude W. Yarnall F. Maxwell Shuster Philip E. Coleman N um ber o f D o n o rs: 85 ♦O. Hammond Coles H. Davis Merion Merck Company Foundation George W. Spangler Participation: 66.9 Robert G. Dawes Tacy Walton Merion ♦Grace V. Thoenen Alumni Fund: $10,722.40 ♦H. Mortimer Drake ♦Lillian Perkins Metcalf 1925 ♦Richard F. Thompson Total Gifts: $11,007.40 Ann Johnson Moore Marjorie Mode Tily ♦James D. Egleson Elinor Brecht Enterline Ruth Tanguy Oliver Class Representative: ♦Frederick S. Townley ANNA POWELL POOLE ♦Jean Prosser Webster Anonymous ♦Constance S. Gaskill ♦Elizabeth C. Palmer ♦Arthur G. Baker *H. Thomas Hallowell, Jr. ♦Mary D. Palmer ♦Mae Krell Weisfelder ♦Florence Sellers Baker Roberta Norton Hood t ♦William H. Paxson N um ber o f D o n o rs: 49 Katharine Carl Whitney Participation: 45.8 Anne Gaumer Wieand ♦Olive Deane Baker ♦Sylvia Windle Humphrey ♦Kathryn Pflaum Harold S. Berry ♦Paul M. James G Gayton Postlethwaite Alumni Fund: $2,859.00 ♦Neil H. Wilson Total Gifts: $16,540.00 Dorothy Troy Young ♦Ellis G. Bishop ♦Livingston S. Jennings ♦Albert W. Preston ♦Anne Philips Blake ♦Margaret Walton Jensen ♦Walter C. Pusey, Jr. INA Foundation H. Dickson Ash Pitney-Bowes, Inc. Avery Blake Isabel Morgan Lauder ♦Margaret Byrd Rawson Mary Elizabeth Bull ♦William E. Lednum, Jr. Henry D. Rentschler ♦Elizabeth Biddle Ayars (Deceased) ♦Alan J. Blau 1927 ♦Marian Pratt Burdick Morris M. Lee, Jr. ♦Sara Bitler Reynolds ♦Gertrude Bowers Burdsall ♦Amy Chase Loftin ♦Andrew B. Ritter ♦Jean Marsh Brownfield ♦Robert H. Burdsall Class Representative: Margaret Corse Burr Elizabeth Clack McCaul Elsie Brown Roberts In memory of Elizabeth Van Brakle ♦Dorothy Shoemaker McDiarmid ♦Alban E. Rogers ♦Anna T. Burr ROBERT B. CLOTHIER Coffin ♦Horace B. McGuire ♦Edward J. Rutter Alice Reddie Callaghan ♦John J. Coughlin ♦Elizabeth Ogden McLain Vincent B. Schneider ♦Anna Louise Campion Number of Donors: 83 ♦Ducksilla Baffin Dimming ♦Will McLain, III Rena Sprague Sharpies George K. Chandler Participation: 58.5 Elisabeth Jenkins Dresser . ♦Eleanor Burch Martin ♦Kathryn Cleckner Skinkle S. Robinson Coale Alumni Fund: $3,480.50 ♦Dorothy R. Dunnells Mary Magruder Mayer *C. Norman Stabler Howard L. Davis, Jr. Total Gifts: $6,930.50 ♦John W. Dutton Theodore R. Miller ♦Martha Lippincott Stevens ♦Margaret Hopkins de Veer ♦Emma P. Engle Elisabeth Hoopes Moore ♦ Louise Firmin Thomas Elizabeth Lukens Elliott ♦Esther Howard Allen Anthony M. Fairbanks ♦Catharine Emhardt Morgan ♦Boyd M. Trescott Agnes Go wing Ferrell John U. Ayres ♦Henry C. Ford ♦H. Chandlee Turner (Deceased) Elizabeth Pollard Fetter ♦Rebecca Marsh Baker ♦Walter A. Muir ♦Caroline Lippincott Forman Mary Anderson O’Brien In memory of H. Chandlee Turner ♦Elizabeth Murray Gaffney *W. Herman Barcus ♦Thomas H.L. Foster Anne Wain Ody Estate of H. Chandlee Turner ♦David K. Hemmerly Elizabeth Winchester Barnhardt *W. Carlton Henderson Jean Mayer Batten Eilene Slack Galloway Linda Chandler Paton ♦Juanita Brunenmiller Weaver Ruth Shellman Hart A. Prescott Willis (Deceased) • Lydia T. Hicks ♦Leroy G. Baum ♦Bertha Hull Paxson Edith Steinlein Berg George A. Hay Elizabeth Palmenberg Pugh ♦Roselynd Atherholt Wood ♦Helen Yarnall Jackson ♦George M. Booth Emlyn M. Hodge William M. Rice Margaret C. Young ♦Dorothy Burt Kistler ♦Sarah Pratt Brock ♦Edna Griffiths Holmstrom ♦Gertrude Paxson Seibert Hercules Incorporated Lester S. Knapp ♦Cicely C. Browne ♦Margaret DeLaney Johnston ♦Victor R. Selover Travelers Insurance-Companies Irvin C. Kreemer Elizabeth Viskniskki Butler ♦Serena B. Kearns ♦Thomas P. Sharpies Turner Construction Company ♦Jean C. Lawrence Marjorie Lapham Lewis *G. Lewis Campbell' Albert D. Keller ♦Daniel F. Smith ♦Robert B. Clothier ♦Jeannette Poore Kelly Grace Heritage Smith 1924 Charles H. Limberger ♦J. Willard Lippincott (Deceased) ♦Ruth McCauley Clyde ♦Ruth E. Kern ♦Marion Bonner Smith ♦Margaret Walton Mayall Marcia Perry Cook ♦Ruth A. Kerwin ♦^iarion Collins Smith Class Representative: ♦Ruth E. Cornell ♦Gertrude Gilmore Lafore ♦Harold Edward Snyder H. MERLE MULLOY ♦Beatrice Clugston Moore ♦Helen G. Moore Dorothea Kern Devereux Mary Frances Langford ♦Harold Elam Snyder ♦Katherine Rittenhouse Long ♦Dorothy Liberton Nash Johanna Zuydhoek Dickie Donovan B. Spangler N um ber o f D o n o rs: 5 7 Marguerite Lukens Martha J. Stauffer Participation: 47.1 ♦Mary Virginia Parkhurst Edmund U. Fairbanks Lillian Pace Fielder Olga Rubinow Lurie ♦Shaler Stidham Alumni Fund: $2,230.50 ♦Helen Lippincott Parrish ♦Margaret Way Pickett ♦Marjorie Fish Alexander MacDougall ♦Elizabeth Thompson VanHart Total Gifts: $3,914.25 Holbrook M. MacNeille (Deceased) ♦George Plowman Elizabeth Miller Folwell ♦Louise Eaton Walker Jessie Hoffman Gilmore ♦Margaret Somerville Mclnerney Roberta Boak Wasser C. Clifford Barnes ♦Anna Powell Poole ♦Carolyn Buckwell Glaser ♦Caroline Biddle Malin ♦Frederick G. Weigand (Deceased) ♦Isabel Fritts Ban ♦Mary Lees Reifschneider ♦Margaret Jameson Gowdy Esther Felter Mallonee *F, Fisher White ♦Alice Schrack Batteiger Myra Gesner Robinson Charles E. Mears ♦Howard J. Wood Robert P. Bodine ♦Alice M. Rogers S. Warren Hall, III ♦Inez Coulter Russell ♦Roger W. Hallowell Ruey Sieger Messenger Ruth Bonner Frances Fogg Meyers 1930 ♦Virginia Smith Brill ♦Joseph B. Shane Fredrika Dement Hilliard ♦Homer L. Shantz, Jr. ♦Mary J. Hornaday ♦Thomas Moore, Jr. Maurice J. Brinton, Jr. Class Representatives: ♦M. Josephine Smith Edward C. Jenkins *L. Donald Moyer Riddell Young Brown ♦Evelyn Haworth Nicholson HAROLD F. CARTER and . ‘Katherine Cornell Stainton ♦A. Sidney Johnson, Jr. In memory of Marjorie Goetze Elizabeth Moffitt O’Brien RUTH CLEAVER CARTER Alfred K. Stidham Margaret Witsil Johnson Campbell ♦Douglass W. Orr ♦Anne Engle Taylor ♦Robert E.L. Johnson ♦Herbert E. Cliff Joseph E. Pappano N um ber o f D o n o rs: 65 ♦Eleanor Bonner Webb ♦Nolan L. Kaltreider ♦Anne Hunt Coe ♦Mary Sullivan Patterson Participation: 53.7 ♦Margaret Pusey Williams Louise Parkhurst Krug S. Louis Cornish ♦Alice E. Folwell Pratt Alumni Fund: $10,375.59 Walter K. Woolman, Jr. ♦Robert W. Lafore Mary Walter Dickinson Ruth Smith Prinz Total Gifts: $49,480.09 ♦Esther Fisher Duryee Marjorie Voelker Worstall ♦Edward F. Lang Leah Shreiner Leeds Anne Kennedy Rapport • ‘Dorothea Rushmore Egan ♦Winifred Rumble Reynolds ♦Francis C. Alden Esther Hicks Emory 1926 Robert L. Lindahl ♦John H. Lippincott, Jr. Mary Wright Richie ♦Jean Fahringer Biddle (Deceased) Florence Green Ewing ♦Dorothy Brown Rickards In memory of Jean Fahringer Biddle ♦Alice Blackburn Flitcraft Class Representative: ♦May Brown Lloyd ♦Harriet Gore Looney ♦Mary L. Robison Dorothy Wolf Bikle ♦Eleanor Carmichael Gallagher ELIZABETH SHARPLES PUSEY ♦Elizabeth Huey MacNutt Hilah Rounds Mary McKenzie Bliss ♦Mary Jones Gilbert ♦George W. McKeag ♦Anna Sundberg Sadi ♦Ruth Jackson Boone Edward A. Green Number of Donors: 53 ♦Helen Woodward Manges ♦Robert L. Silber ♦William A. Boone ♦Janet Krall Groff Participation: 43.4 Katherine Reed Mears ♦Frances Dowdy Simon Robert L. Booth ♦Elizabeth Hamilton Heazlett Alumni Fund: $5,677.43 ♦Selina Turner Bradley Total Gifts: $5,947.43 ♦Anna R. Meloney Josephine Bornet Smith In memory of Thomas Hertzberg ♦Mylon Merriam ♦Newlin R. Smith Louis S. Bringhurst ♦Mahlon C. Hinebaugh, Jr. ♦Barton Calvert Audrey Bond Alciatore ♦Anna Williams Metcalfe ♦Anne Willis Stein Gertrude Hollingsworth Edwin L. Palmer, Jr. Mary Jackson Strenge ♦Harold F. Carter Margaret Jessen ♦Hazen V. Baird ♦Ruth Deaver Carter ♦Elizabeth Bartleson Booth ♦S. Copeland Palmer, Jr. George B. Taylor, Jr. Luther L. Linderman ♦Julien Cornell ♦Carol Paxson Brainerd ♦J. Roland Pennock ♦Nell Rubins Thompson Robert H. Lloyd ♦Virginia Stratton Cornell ♦Lucille J. Buchanan Helen Fletcher Putney Charles E. Tilton ♦Helen Beach McCarty Samuel R.M. Reynolds ♦Raymond A. Townley ♦Franklin C. Eden In memory of K. Payne Martin ♦George B. Clothier In memory of Edgar Emerson ♦William C. Coles, Jr. ♦Charles E. Rickards ♦Selden Y. Trimble, IV ♦Mary Moore Miller ♦Alice Jenkinson Ripley ♦Elizabeth Hopper Tucker ♦Haines B. Felter In memory of Richmond P. Miller ♦Wilmer D. Coles ♦Frances Pace Crosby ♦W. John Rust ♦Paul M. Van Wegen ♦Eleanor Flexner ♦Herbert C. Mode ♦Warn« W. Gardner ♦Emilie Spear Dutton ♦Katharine Snyder Sasse Ora Lewis Wheatley Phillips L. Morrison ♦Dorothy Differ Gondos ♦Marjorie Macadam Ellis Ayres C. Seaman Robert K. Whitten H. Merle Mulloy ♦Josephine Tremain Gould Robert W. Graham ♦Walter O. Simon ♦Esther Wilson Widing ♦Frederick A. Musselman R. Lisle Gould ♦Virginia Brown Greer ♦Robert M. Stabler ♦Theodore Widing Josephine Zartman Nichols ♦Margaret Gurney ♦Dorothy Merrill Gulick Valeska Urdahl Stieren ♦Albert F. Wiessler ♦Barbara Ruth Olinger ♦C. Bertram Hammell ♦Dorothy Bowers Hallowell ♦Erma Goldsmith Strauss ♦Margaret B. Williams T. Sumner Oliver Alice Casey Hay ♦Leonard M. Hanan ♦Walter S. Studdiford ♦Gertrude Jolls Winde Joseph H. Penrose Virginia Fell Hey sham ♦Hanson H. Hodge ♦Theodore Sucklow ♦Alice Jemison Wood Dorothy Sniffen Pinkstone ♦Frances Ramsey Worth Eldredge M. Hiller ♦Margaret Levering Puhl ♦Estelle Hickey Jarden Herbert K. Taylor, Jr. ♦Elizabeth McCabe Thieme Charlotte Salmon Wright ♦Louise Yerkes Kain F. Elizabeth Rogers ♦Louise Merritt Kennedy Swarthmore Alumni Issue 4 [ ‘Richard M. Rain ‘ Mariana Webster Robinson 1933 •Walter T. Baker, Jr. I ‘Ada Fuller Keefer •Walter H. Robinson •Cynthia Wentworth Hannum •Donald W. Baxter •Herbert B. Harlow [ ‘Frances Eaton Kraaymes ‘Caroline Jackson Rushmore Class Representative: •Nina Bowers Beecham Edson S. Harris, Jr. | ‘Helen Headley Krist ‘Leon A. Rushmore, Jr. EDITH JACKSON NELSON David W. Bishop Ken Hechler [ ‘Edward M. Lapham, Jr. Carson V. Ryan 1 Rebecca Hadley Larson •John S. Brod •David Heilig ‘Amelia Emhardt Sands Number of Donors: 81 •Robert M. Browning •Theodore Herman [ ‘Malcolm R. Longshore ‘ Eleanor Martindale Scattergood Participation: 53.6 •Mimi Schafer Buresh *H. Kimble Hicks I Hugh McDiarmid •Roy D. Simon Alumni Fund: $7,762.50 •Robert J. Cadigan James C. Hid {' ‘Mary B. Newman •Ruth Calwell Snyder Total Gifts: $8,336.25 *S. Dean Caldwell, 3rd •Barbara Ivins | ‘Marian Hamming Nicely Jane Michener Spangler •Helen Mansfield Carroll •Emdy D. Jarratt [ »Thomas S. Nicely ‘Marjorie M. Starbard •Constance Draper Ankenbrandt [ Dorothy Ackart Nichols Thomas G. Casey Dorothy Hirst King ‘David W. Stickney •Willis C. Armstrong •Lucile Montgomery Churchill [ »Catharine Hatfield Olmsted •Robert L. Testwuide E. Frederick Koster Edith Baltz Baldwin •Stephen Clark John W. Laws I ‘Henry L. Parrish Margaret Mix Thomas •Mary Vlachos Barden •J. Stokes Clement, Jr. •Robert B. Lewis [ Mary Ogden Parrish ‘Margaret Williams Thompson [ ‘Eleanor Janney Parsons •Barbara Colona Bennett •Margaret Anderson Crowley Doris Sonneborn Lippincott ‘ Donald C. Turner •John M.G Betts •Helen Van Tuyl Davis [ ‘Edward M. Passmore William R. Tyson •Kathleen Burnett McCann I ‘Nancy Deane Passmore •Barbara Batt Bond •Elizabeth Seaman Dawes Kate Walker McCrumm •Merritt S. Webster •Maradel Geuting Burton Margaret Cresson Detweiler I »William Poole •Howard C Westwood •Dino E. McCurdy | ‘Francis M. Radford Mary Tupper Cable •Ruth Kewley Donahower Alexander W. Morton •Frank H. Williams •Elizabeth Scattergood Carson f In memory of Robert Redman •Rose Bennett Williams •Edith M. Dudgeon •John G. Moxey, Jr. I Anna Biddle Russell •Aldyth Longshore Claiborn •Dorothy Coleman Engler •Janet Viskniskki Munson Raymond H. Wilson, Jr. '*W. Wendell Clepper [ Martha Bantom Samuel •Barbara Briggs Winde •Janet Snedden Finch •Caroline Dunham Naylor [ •Theodora Abbott Schreiber Joseph D. Coppock Kathleen Dillon Fraze •John H. Nixon •Natalie Harper Wood •Hunter Corbett | ‘Anna Rickards Sensenig Mary Helene Brown Fretz ♦Courtland D. Perkins \ *C. Brooke Worth •Jeannette Marr Corbett [ ‘Marion Staley Sharpies •Helen Andrews Zehner •Ruth Hallowed Gray •Marguerite Tamblyn Pierson I »Katherine Smedley •James L. Crider, Jr. •Lucinda Thomas Hafkenschiel •J. Richard Reid American Standard, Inc. Florence Cocks Daniels I ‘Helen Bessemer Stollnitz Corning Glass Works Foundation •Virginia Sutton Harrington Emma Michael Reynolds •Emily Howland Darling •Janet Post Herkart James N. Rice I ‘Margaret Spencer Stradley A. Oram Davies [ Paul T. Strong Joan Weds Hopwood •Margaret Hardy Sachter Edwin G. Delaney •Raymond M. Immerwahr Thalia Hammer Schultz i ‘Henry G. Swain •Margaret Ball Dellmuth f ‘Ferris Thomsen •Edward L. Jackson •Watson Snyder, Jr. •Henry F. Donahower •Katherine Grier Joyce David J. Somers I Harold B. Thomson 1932 •Bassett Ferguson, Jr. Dorothy Humphreys Keenan Jean Kingsbury Sorensen I ‘Ralph W. Tipping •Frank E. Fischer [ H. Haines Turner Class Representative: •James F. Kedy Edith Lent Taylor •Charlotte Kimball Gilbert *M. Thomas Kennedy •Sue Thomas Turner [ ‘Elizabeth Harbold Westkott RUTH CLINE WRIGHT •Lewis M. Gill •Mary Amthor Kent •Jean Brosius Walton f ‘Stanley I. Winde •Yvonne Muser Given | ‘JohnS. Worth Calvin T. Klopp Edward R. Weismdler Janet Graves •Isabella Eustice Leach F. Joachim Weyl I ‘Merida Grey Worth N um ber o f D o n o rs: 6 5 •Walter W. Herrmann I Ralph W. Yoder Participation: 49.2 •Mabel Dement Lee Dow Corning Corporation •Ada Clement Jones •Paul W. Lunkenheimer Gibbs & Hid, Inc. |: ‘Eleanor Jenkins Zendt Alumni Fund: $2,754,50 •Harold D. Jones Total Gifts: $2,789.50 •Jane Parrott MacGid ■ Aetna Life and Casualty •George T. Joyce 1936 I Hershey Fund •L. Thomas MacGid, Jr. William H. Kain •Grace Shedy Mader •Barbara Crosse Kellogg John K. Mahon Class Representative: Loretta Mercer LaClair CAMPBELL G. MURPHY •Dorothy Slee Algeo In memory of Clifford E. Maser •Marie Brede Laug •Anne Bowly Maxfield Hilda Loram Bailey •William F. Lee N um ber o f D o n o rs: 6 6 ¡ 1931 •E. Sidney Baker •Marian Hubbed Mowatt Participation: 47.1 •Katherine Rowe Lentz •Nancy Foster Neumann •Katherine Hunt Bennett Alumni Fund: $5,985.10 •Eugenie Harshbarger Lewis G. William Orr I Class R epresen ta tive: •Anne Chapman Booth Total Gifu: $6.439.71 Dorothy Underwood Livezey •James A. Perkins WILLIAM J. CRESSON, JR. •Nora R. Booth •Gustav G Meckling •Jean Harvey Anderson •Edward M. Brecher •Frank C. Pierson Catharine Himes Miller •Elizabeth Carver Preston Elsie Pitman Avila [ Number o f D o n o rs: 8 2 •Kenneth F. Broomell Franklin Miller, Jr. •Charles C. Price •Winifred Johnson Baker I Participation: 54.3 Catherine Rambo Bull Max B. Miller, Jr. •Helen Price Belser l Alumni Fund: $10.265.68 •Joseph E. Colson •Marion Hirst Pritchard •Katharine Morris Mills Lorraine Marshad Pyle Richard L. Bigelow | Total G ifts : $ 1 0 ,6 3 0 .6 8 John A. Crowl •Marcia Lamond Moxey •Frank H. Blumenthal •Robert C. DaCosta •Frances Lang Reid •Edith Jackson Nelson Renato A. Ricca •Mary McCarty Bye j »Kathryn Kerlin Albertson •Winifred Marvin Daniell John G Parry, III Carolyn Keyes Cadwadader | Joseph L, Atkinson Stanley H. Daniels •Ruth Lippincott Rice Mary Lu Spurrier Parry •Ellis B. Ridgway, Jr. *T. Sidney Cadwadader, II I Arthur F. Baldwin Katharine Wilson Davies •Frances Passmore Pike Eleanor Gies Coes i ‘Mariana Chapman Barmettler •Edmund Dawes •George S. Schairer *H. Lloyd Pike ■•Pauline Tarbox Schairer •Louise Watkins Crane ( *WiIliam 1. Battin, Jr. •Anna Janney DeArmond Louise Hiller Poole •Phdip D. D od I Marguerite E. Baur •Dorothy F. Deininger •Sarah Dunning Schear •Franklin Porter •Grace Biddle Schembs •Philip A. Crowl [ ‘Cement M. Biddle •James B. Doak Helen Flanagan Randle Emdy P. Dodge I ‘Jean Harvey Bodman •Winston M. Dudley (Deceased) •Margaret Wolman Schwartz •Mary Tomlinson Rives •Helen Packard Smith Lenore Boyer Dunn [ ‘Richard C. Bond Ralph A. Emling In memory of Robert V. Schembs *J. Earle Edwards, Jr. I ‘Janet Walton Burke Dorcas Eyler Ensor Katherine Rea Sonneman •Warren L. Sharfman •Elizabeth Blessing Van Kirk •AUce Robinson Erb - [ •Irwin G. Burton •Helen Townsend Farrow Howard D. Sipler Marise Fairlamb Van T rump Clayton L. Farrady, Jr. | Amanda Hurlock Chaffee •Sally Salmon Fisher Erik L. Sjostrom •Katharine Pennypacker Waterhouse •James A. Finley, Jr. I ‘Martha Wood Christian •Doris Runge Fleer •Jane Moore Smith Evelyn Dotterer Weideman •Sherman Garrison, Jr. I ‘Ralph L. Connor Frances Reinhold Fussell •Thomas R. Smith •Louise Stubbs Williams •Charles R. Gerner [ ‘John M. Cookenbach •Margaret Littlewood Gibbs *W. Jerome Smith •Helen Malone Glass I ‘John D. Corbit, Jr. (Deceased) •Dorothy Ogle Graham •Ned B. Widiams •Ellen Lamb Snodgrass •Frederick E. Widits •Mary Laird Graeser f *William J. Cresson, Jr. •Robert E. Hadeler Babette Schiller Spiegel •Robert K. Greenfield I Paul D. Crowl •W. Lynn Hendrickson •Ida Bowman Worth •Winifred Scales Steams •Robert E. Worth •Franklin J. Gutchess [ ‘Margaret Orr Curtis Florence A. Hoadley •Willis Stetson •Virginia Ademan Hartswick [ *Carl K. Dellmuth William H. Ingersoll •Porter R. Wray •Grace Synder Stuart •Robert A. Young •Katharine Tyson Haupt | ‘Hyman Diamond •J. Russell Jones Sylvia E. Thomas Bethlehem Steel Corporation •Joan Keder Hertzberg [ Robert Hulburt Douglas •Max Kohn Patricia Dent Trammell Walter R. Hickman I Price Dowdy •Edna Pusey Legg Engler Instrument Company, Inc. Catherine Pierson Turner Honeywell, Inc. William M. Hickman I ‘Margaret Dewees Foster •Davis L. Lewis, Jr. •Howard S. Turner •Elisabeth Coale Humphrey I Helen Booth Goldsborough Edith Bowman Lippincott •Daniel S. Volkmar 1935 •Richard Humphrey [ ‘Alice Wardell.Grafflin •Marian Pierce Love Franz Von Bitter •Margaret Mauger Kedogg [ Henry C Hadley Benjamin Ludlow, Jr. •J. Edward Walker Stephen Laird I William M. Harvey •Edwin S. Lutton Class Representative: Anne Mode Walton ELIZABETH BLAIR COCHRAN Eugenia White Lawrence [ ‘Mary HuU Hoy •Virginia Melchior Lutton Edward H. Walton Katherine Lever j ‘Esther Seaman Jackson •Helen Cocklin Marples Elizabeth Stammelbach Welding •Ruth Henderson McDowed I ‘Lawrence E. Jewett •Louise Windle Mook N um ber o f D o n o rs: 6 0 Weldon Welding Participation: 48.0 Eleanor Guckes Middleton [ David C. Jillson Katherine Herschleb Newman •Elizabeth Passmore Willis •Elinor Potter Mider | *W.T. Jones Jean Walton Noyes Alumni Fund: $4,505.00 •Richard B. Willis Total Gifts: $4,795.00 •Dorothy Hoyt Mollin ( Thomas S. Keefer, Jr. •Helen West Nutting Alice Cope Wills f H. Dietz Keller, Jr. Campbed G. Murphy Helen Grumpelt Oren Alla Tomashevsky Wright •Eugenie Holt Arbuthnot Barbara Blackburn Myers I ‘Robert E, Kintner •William H. Perloff •Velma Wetzel Zellner •Kathryn Bassett I “Clara Sigman Kitsch •Charlotte Jones Newman •Ray L. Potter Carrier Corporation Foundation, Inc. Elizabeth Lane Beardsley | ‘Robert H. Lamey •Paul B. Oehmann Kathleen C. Quinn Dresser Foundation •Jane Sid Birge •Catherine Bays Parrish Anna Ridgway Lang •Jean Reynolds Scott Paper Company Foundation Anne Branson Boardman •Lawrence L. Parrish ■Barbara Pearson Lange Katharine Thompson Ryan Tenneco Foundation Myron L. Boardman Thomas W. Lapham •Priscilla Johnson Patton Frederick D. Silber, Jr. Turner Construction Company •Martha Spencer Burke •Helen Shdcock Post Mary Palmer Lichtenberg Priscilla Yard Silber United Illuminating Company •Rosemary Cowden Cadigan •Richard Post ^ or<*on Lippincott •Eda Patton Smack Mary Schorer Cake Donald M. Powed Beatrice Beach MacLeod •Ruth Hadley Smith 1934 Donald K. McGarrah •Dorothy Glenn Clement Emdy Carpenter Pratt •Mary Tyler Somervell •Elizabeth Blair Cochran •Mary Elma White Price Ruth Stauffer McKee Robert C. Sonneman Class Representative: •Marcia Hadzsits Crawford •Marlette Plum Sawyer Elizabeth Maxfield-Miller •Elizabeth S. Stirling P A U L W. L U N K E N H E IM E R Elizabeth Heibel Metzl •Lydia Ballard Crowl Robert S. Schairer •Helen Gates Taylor George P. Cuttino •Frances Smith Scheldt . In memory of Florence V. Miller •Louis S. Walton, Jr. Number of Donors: 81 [ ,Adelaide Emley Minogue David E. Davis Margaret Barber Scholten •Priscilla Miller Weed Participation: 49.1 •Shirley Davis •David H. Scud [ Margaret Zabriskie Nichols •Mabel Lawrence Whitney Alumni Fund: $5,924.00 E Edward L. Noyes •Elizabeth Woodbridge Doak John W. Seybold Carolyn Jones Williams Total Gifts: $7,125.17 •John P. Sinclair j Margaret Davis Palmer (Deceased) Thomas A. Wilson •Galen W. Ewing •Elizabeth Krider Snowden I Rutherford T. Phillips Ruth Cline Wright •John Abrams [ ‘David L. Price •Elizabeth Chaney Ferguson •Christine Robinson Taylor Haskins & Sells Foundation, Inc. •Frances Allen Archer •William D. Taylor [ ^Elizabeth Newcomb Rayner Eden Pearson Fogg (Deceased) Prudential Insurance Company of •Elinor Clapp Arguimbau •Edith Serrid Galloway •Robert C. Turner l Sonneborn Read America •Abigail Dewing Avery Frances Cole Garen •WUliam F. Whyte i Pemon Reisner Bethlehem Steel Corporation •Elizabeth Geddes Baker Mary Eden Dobbins Grant •Elizabeth Smith Winn I October, 1973 Elizabeth Coffin Wright 1938 ♦Charlotte Dean Appleton Ernest D. Courant ♦Guy Henle ♦Barbara Shaw Bell Alfred D. UoxJ Jr. ♦Dorothy Maland Ilg Hartford Insurance Group Class Representative: ♦Charles R. Bell ♦Marian Edwards Cox ♦Eleanor Jones Ingersoll Foundation, Inc. ELIZABETH STUBBS COOPER Lukens Steel Foundation ♦Elise Stone Bell ♦Charles H. Crothers *S. Peter Karlow Mary Louise Holbrook Kelly Honeywell, Inc. Number of Donors: 85 ♦Joseph C. Bender ♦Hope Griswold Curfman Participation: 45.0 ♦William E. Boom ♦Ralph L Dunlap, Jr. ♦Stephen G. Lax Alumni Fund: $9,682.38 Mary C. Bowers ♦Charles A. Eberle, Jr. Barbara Stone Lindsay Total Gifts: $85.432.38 ♦Vincent S. Boyer ♦Mary Lois Broomell Eberle ♦Elizabeth Murch Livingston 1937 Grace Thomas Brickley Mary Ellen Sturdevant Foster ♦Philip B. Lorenz Alfred F. Ash ♦John R. Brown Robert W. Foster ♦Ellen Williams Luker Margaret Peter Ashelman Paul H. Buchanan, Jr. Margaret Tebbetts Frantz , William C. MacPhail Class Representative: In memory of Jane Klaer Aspinall Martha Stevens Burton Dorothy Hubbell Gemmill ♦Martha Cleavinger McCaskie MANNING A. SMITH James H. Beardsley ♦Arthur G. Carlson ♦Jacqueline Parsons Goodwin Jane Richardson Mapes Grace Koch Belden ♦Edward G. Caruthers ♦Elizabeth K. Graves John F. Marshall Ellen Schock Bishop Mary Goodwin Cheydleut ♦Edward F. Green ♦Joanna Hill Mikesell Number of Donors: 88 Boris Blai, Jr. Janet Hill Coerr ♦Laura Knapp Harper Victor M. Mills Participation: 48.1 ♦Alan Bloch ♦Louis F. Coffin, Jr. ♦Marion S. Hayden ♦Elizabeth Malcolm Murray Alumni Fund: $7,799.19 ♦George D. Braden ♦F. Marjorie Cook ♦Edward D. Henderson Jane Wheeler Norman Total Gifts: $10,981.17 Emily C. Brearley Lawrence C. Craig ♦Peter Henle Helen Osmun Parker ♦John H. Breckenridge Rachel Martenet Craig ♦Theda Ostrander Henle ♦Morgan Pirnie Christian B. Anfinsen, Jr. ♦Miriam Booth Breckenridge Samuel A. Epstein Alan Homans ♦Samuel Raymond Samuel F. Ashelman, Jr. David Brown ♦Ralph H. Fisher Esther G. Howes ♦Dorothy Turner Reed Francis W. Atkinson, Jr. ♦Lois Wright Brown Alexandra Illmer Forsythe ♦Raymond C. Ingersoll ♦J. David Reed Muriel White Baker Augustus Buddington Katherine Gibson Gilbert fEdward A. Jakle J. Mark Robinson ♦Katharine White Beecher ♦Charles A. Caldwell ♦Mary Grinnell Gordon ♦Rhoda Barney Jenkins ♦Alex M. Rosenblum, Jr. ♦Elizabeth Dobson Broomell Jane Ramseyer Cameron ♦Elizabeth Taylor Goshorn Carl F. Johnson ♦Gabriele Derenberg Schiff *G. Lupton Broomell, Jr. ♦John R. Carlson, Jr. ♦Robert M. Goshorn ♦Donald E. Johnson Marian Parker Sedgwick ♦C. Oliver Burt ♦Harriet Dana Carroll Mary Hoagland Gruen ♦Adalyn Purdy Jones ♦Richard B. Setlow ♦Margaret Stichler Carlson ♦William R. Carroll Florence Yard Harris ♦Mary Ellis Kahler ♦Adrienne Shero ♦Keith W. Chalmers ♦David W. Chaney ♦Dale L. Herndon In memory of John H. Kaufmann ♦Frances L. Shero ♦Arnold F. Clark ♦Faith Barsalow Chaney ♦Elizabeth Michael Hopkins ♦Barbara Mandelbaum Kirchheimer ♦Anne Davis Shullenberger ♦Marguerite Cotsworth Clark Elizabeth Willits Cocks Louise Kaltenbach Howard ♦Virginia Burger Knight ♦Marjorie Todd Simonds ♦Eleanor Eves Cogshall Carl C. Colket Gretchen Watson Hughes Doris English Kocenski ♦Jerome Simson ♦James H. Cogshall ♦Elizabeth Stubbs Cooper M. Alice Rickey Jakle ♦Helen Zentmyer Kreykenbohm Alice Robinson Smith ♦Benjamin Cooper George B. Cooper ♦Joan Woollcott Jennings ♦Betty Rogers Langdon ♦Beatrice Noehren Smith ♦Isabel Benkert Daly In memory of Elizabeth Mims Couch ♦Edmund Jones ♦Jean Ellen Lashly ♦Richard O. Smith William Diebold, Jr. Katherine Moore Cushman Margaret Chase Judd Evelyn Spencer Lees ♦Robb V. Smith Marion Ellis Downs ♦Katharine Proctor Douglass ♦Elizabeth Goodrich Kalkstein Jean Handler Lempert ♦Ruth Wilbur Stickney ♦Mary Phillips Engle ♦Jane Reuter Duvall ♦Mary Solis-Cohen Keller ♦Helen Crosby Lewy ♦Donald Stix Ruth Shoemaker Flaccus ♦Marjorie Van Deusen Edwards ♦Walter Lamb ' ♦Sherman C. Lloyd, Jr. Albert G. Thatcher ♦Joan Kelley Fowler ♦Alice Fernsler Elbert ♦William T. Livingston Margaret Harding Love ♦Caroline D. Underwood ♦Ward S. Fowler Hertha Eisenmenger Flack ♦Leland S. MacPhail, Jr. Martin L. Low \ ♦Ruth Franck Van Collie ♦James R. Gardner Jean Tompkins Fort _ Anne Stone Mcllvain Robert M. McCormack E. Joseph Verlie, Jr. ♦Margaret L. Germann ♦Ann Lapham Frazer ♦David McIntyre ♦Dorothy Macy, Jr. Elizabeth Earll Verlie Grace Eckman Gilbert ♦E. Wayne Frazer ♦Janet Wilson Malcolm Edith-Harper Marshall ♦Robert I. Walter ♦Joseph H. Hafkenschiel, Jr. ♦Lynne Gaede Ruth Ackerman Maximowicz ♦Charles F.R. Mifflin Margery Brearley Ward Mason Haire ♦Elizabeth Brosius Garrison Eva Ladenburg Mayer ♦Walker L. Mifflin, Jr. Frances Brown Watts ♦A. Thomas Hallowell ♦David A. Goldsmith Olive Hendricks Mayer ♦Richard P. Moses , ♦Jane Northup White J. Alan Harper ♦Kermit Gordon Sarah Underhill Nafe Dhan G. Mukerji, II ♦Barbara Jean Winne 4 ♦Richard Heavenrich ♦William T. Harrison David M. Olds ♦Celia Price Patterson ♦George A. Wright, Jr. ♦Kate Meyer Herman ♦Vartan Hartunian ♦James S. Ottenberg Robert W. Poole Armstrong Cork Company M. Virginia Jacobs Hill Carolyn Hogeland Herting ♦Eleanor Johnson Painter ♦A. Willis Post C.I.T. Foundation, Inc. Ruth Lewis Hill Margaret Deknatel Hinman ♦William D. Patterson ♦Joseph M. Redheffer Columbia Gas System Service ♦Louise P. Housel ♦Catharine M. Hitchcock ^Gertrude Maginniss Peelle Rebecca Robinson Rhoads Corporation Barbara Lesher Hughes Elizabeth Way Honeyman ♦Robert B. Peelle ♦Charles S. Rice Coming Glass Works Foundation ♦Margaret Parton Hussey ♦Elizabeth Bittle Johns ♦Margaret Wood Post Jane Rittenhouse General Electric Foundation Frank A. Hutson, Jr. ♦Charlotte Weaver Jones ♦Helen Jones Rake ♦Lewis M. Robbins International Business Machines ♦Samuel I. Kalkstein Caro la Zigrosser Kavanaugh ♦William C. Rittman Martha McCord Robinson Corporation Elizabeth Jackson Kamp ♦Nathan S. Kline Robert B. Rockwood Albert Roy Morgan Guaranty Trust Company Virginia Lupton Keller Mary Jane Miller Koster ♦Ann Douglass Salomon ♦Jane Kellock Setlow of N.Y. Charitable Trust and Wayne L. Lees ♦Eugene M. Lang Nancy Bockius Scott ♦Arthur F.F. Snyder Foundation Charles W. Loeb ♦John H. Lashly Mary Ryan Seagrave ♦Mary Roelofs Stott Singer Foundation W. Allen Longshore, Jr. ♦Anne Tracy Lederer Gertrude Blood Seybold ♦Jane Gilruth Strong ♦Charles S. Lyon ♦Frederick A. Levering, III ♦Caroline Shero Edward P. Thatcher | Constance Smith McNally ♦Margaret Bill Lewis ♦Jean C. Slack * Jean MacDonald Thomas 1942 Betty Dennis Milner John K. Love, Jr. ♦Eleanor Smith Smith Jean Maguire Thompson Carol R. Murphy ♦Clare Heilman Loventhal ♦Margaret Trimble Smith ♦Procter Thomson, Jr. Class Representative: ♦James A. Murphy ♦Elizabeth Matz McIntosh Mary Belknap Solin Phyllis Stevens Van Antwerp LINDSAY H. WOLFE ♦Betsy Marvin McKinney ♦Elvin R. Souder ♦Marion Rydholm Van Brunt ♦Alison Carswell Naylor 6 7 Harold P. Newton, Jr. ♦James A. Malcolm, Jr. Barbara Stearns ♦Byron H. Waksman N um ber o f D o n o rs: 4 3 .2 ♦Hazel Burritt Oehler ♦Ruth Feely Merrill ♦Clio Barnes Stearns Betsy Platt Weiner Participation: In memory of Camill J. Peter, Jr. ♦William L. Nute, Jr. ♦Mary Whitford Streit ♦Minnie Moore Weiss Alumni Fund: $ 4 ,6 3 3 1 4 $ 6 ,9 3 6 .9 9 Margaret Rhoads Pohe Nathalie Irvine O’Connell Frederick C. Strong, III Margaret Rusk White Total G ifts: ♦Mina Waterman Power ♦Peter F: Oesper ♦Margaret King Stroop American Standard, Inc. Eleanor Russell Pratt ♦Elizabeth Henszey Owers ♦John C. Thomas Martin Marietta Corporation ♦Isabel Bennett Abbott Donald H. Purcell Ruth Colman Peterson Jane Hastings Thompson Foundation ♦Eleanore-Green Akina Olva Faust Quick ♦Mary Herrick Porter ♦AldenTodd White Motor Corporation ♦David E. Alburger Elizabeth Stilz Reinhardt ♦Harry F. Reid, Jr. Robert B. Walker Nancy Hart Allison Barton W. Rope Sarah Deardorff Reider John B. Warrington, Jr. 1941 Janice Robb Anderson ♦Elizabeth Rowland ♦Katharine Scherman Rosin Gordon S. Watts ♦Constance Kent Barnett ♦Helen Solis-Cohen Sax ♦Helen Schmidt Rubio Virginia Morse Wells Class Representative: ♦Doris Barbano Blanche E. Morton Schaffran Estate of Edith Runge Gary White JOHN A. M ILLER, II ♦Caroline Manning Bolton William T. Scott Anne Warren Sensenig ♦Edward H. Worth, Jr. ♦George C. Bond ♦Erwin F. Shrader ♦Russell M. Shepherd James S. Zinner Number of Donors: 77 ♦Margot Seward Botsford ♦Anne Brooke Smith ♦Mary McDermott Shideler Atlantic Richfield Foundation ' Participation: 44.5 Virginia Brown Bushnell ♦Elizabeth Haller Smith ♦Eric L. Simmons Corning Glass Works Foundation Alumni Fund: $7,780.95 Ellyn Viehoever Chesley ♦Manning A. Smith ♦William F. Smith, II General Electric Foundation Total Gifts: $13,352.20 Howard Y. Clymer Martha L. Smith ♦Carolyn Yerkes Spaulding Haskins & Sells Foundation, Inc. ♦Mary Griscom Colegrove ♦Barbara Brooks Smoyer ♦Jean Weltmer Stetson Massachusetts Mutual Life Eugene Ackerman ♦Ann Whitford Comstock *C. Arthur Spaulding, Jr. , «Elizabeth Watson Stiles Insurance Company ♦Vera Starbard Adkins Jane Vogt Cooke Thomas F. Spencer ♦Virginia Vawter Storr Rohm and Haas Company ♦Claude E. Anderson, Jr. ♦Stanton E. Cope ♦Patty Morris Stabler Marian Snyder Ware ♦Frank W. Appleton, Jr. ♦David S. Cowden Carolyn Wood Stamford Ann Trimble Warren 1940 ♦Barbara Ballou *C. Leroy Darlington ♦Frances Dering Stewart Elizabeth Bjggerstaff Wathen Barbara Beckjord Batten ♦Janet Carpenter Deckert ♦Richard J. Storr ♦Gertrude S. Weaver Class Representative: ♦Ethel Wolf Boyer ♦Paul A. Dewald ♦Margaret Cupilt Struble ♦Deborah O. Wing LAWRENCE C WOLFE ♦Josephine Clarke Braden ♦Margaret Shoemaker Dietz ♦Alma Helbing S tucker Joseph Winston F. Preston Buckman Rowland E. Dietz ♦Leonard F. Swift ♦Richard B. Wray N um ber o f D o n o rs: 8 4 ♦Ross Clinchy, Jr. ♦William H. Dietz ♦Janet Hart Sylvester Dresser Foundation Participation: 4 1 .4 David B. Cooper ♦Margaret Macomber Douglas Isabel Wilde Thomson Ford Motor Company Fund A lu m n i F u n d : $ 6 ,9 9 5 .0 8 Elizabeth Jackson Coulter Phyllis Tait Dunham J. Archer Turner, Jr. General Electric Foundation Total G ifts: $ 8 ,0 5 2 .5 8 ♦Anthony J. Degutis , ♦Sarah Lindley Ehrich Nancy Mann Van Dervoort Medusa Foundation John W. Delaplaine ♦Mary Weintraub Felsten Marjorie Kleine Vela Mobil Foundation, Inc. . Barbara Binger Abrams Lois Corke Desantis ♦John K. Griffin ♦Barbara Pearson Walker Northwestern Mutual Life ♦William C. Adamson ♦Frederick S. Donnelly, Jr. Virginia Boggs Gunn ♦Ann E. Whitcraft Insurance Company ♦Cornelia Brown Bailey ♦Barbara Morehead Ferguson ♦Roger K. Harter ♦Sidney L. Wickenhaver Science Research Associates, Inc. ♦Alden S. Bennett ♦John B. Ferguson, Jr. Niels Haugaard ♦Frederick J. Wiest, Jr. ♦Eleanor Yearsley Bennett Marjorie Reid Foley ♦Edith G. Henderson ♦Jean Dithridge Wohlsen 1939 Jeanne Cotten Blum Hazel Bazett Froscher John F. Kelly ♦Elaine Gerstley Fuld Barbara Bowman Kirkpatrick Richard M. Worth Class Representative: ♦Edward B. Booher Sarah Mills Garbart ♦Martha Van Kleeck Knoke General Electric Foundation ROBERT B. WALKER Jean Woehling Bosler Gulf Oil Corporation ♦Miles W. Bowker ♦William W. Geddes Mary Milne Kyle Johnson and Johnson N um ber o f D o n o rs 8 3 ♦Frank Broomell Helen Tomlinson Gibson ♦Henry B. Reader Mobil Foundation, Inc. Participation: 4 7 .7 ♦Elizabeth Walker Burnes ♦Dorothy Rakestraw Gould Sarah Lee Lippincott The New Yorker A lu m n i F u n d : $ 6 .3 2 6 .6 8 Miriam Wight Cheesman Margaret Johnson Hall *S. Blair Luckie, in Turner Construction Company Total G ifts: $ 7 ,2 2 1 .2 9 ♦Llewellyn Clevenger ♦Grant Heilman ♦Helen Spencer Lynch 6 Swarthmore Alumni Issue •Isabel Logan Lyon •Janet Bartleson Mochel •Robert L. Pyle International Business Machines •Jerome Abrams •Dalton C. McAlister Peter A. Morris Robert E. Rath Corporation •A. Howard Albertson, Jr. Jennie Bradfield McBean yirginia Donchian Murray Janet McCloskey Robbins Westinghouse Educational •Kenneth Allebach •Katherine Keeler Mace •Donald G. Olesen Elizabeth Paine Sawyer Foundation •Janet Hotson Baker •Anne Jones Martin Claire Barton Olsen •Walter A. Scheiber •Miyoko Inouye Bassett ♦Charles C. Martin ’ Paul S. Ousley •Doris Parker Shalley 1946 •Dorothea Darrow Bone Elizabeth Letts Metcalf Charles A. Pettit •Ernest K. Smith, Jr. •Howard C. Bowman •Gilbert B. Mustin •Laurama Page Pixton •Ralph R. Sonnenschein Class Representative: •Kenneth T. Brown Joseph Radford, Jr. Lois Decker O’Neill •Robert N. Stauffer JOAN BUESCHING McNAGNY •Susanne Bradley Bush •Morton1 S. Rafe •Margaret Davies Ottenberg •Elizabeth Hoisington Stewart •Margaret Harrison Canedy •Paul Restall Anne H. Pike Elmer A. Talcott, Jr. Number of Donors: 85 •Walton F. Canedy William H. Richards •Mary Boileau Ramsey Patricia Lum Taylor Participation: 37.8 -•Demaris Affleck Carrell •Elizabeth Ramsey Reagan •Joseph T. Riemer •Ann Pike Ulrey Alumni Fund: $11,365.47 •John S. Carson •David W. Riley Jacqueline Quadow Russler Jane Cox Vonnegut Total Gifts: $21.410.47 •William J. Carter Peter P. Schauffler Joan Lothrop Schaffer •Gordon Walker •Vaughan G Chambers, Jr. Lucy Selligman Schneider Helen Connors Schell •Jacqueline Alden Wilke •Helen Dean Baldwin Barbara Norfleet Cohn •William W. Slocum, Jr. •Walter T. Skallcrup, Jr. Gretchen Wood Williams Elizabeth Dempf Barnhart •Elizabeth Pope Compton Charles F. Spitzer ♦June Corey Smith Hannah Broomell Wilson •George C. Beebe •David Cornfeld Emilie Sylvester Staisey •Charles B. Tachau •David H. Winne •John C. Beers Douglas w. Cray Madeleine Tan Sweeting Thomas O. Taylor Phyllis Nelson Yuhas •Joan J. Brewster •Anna Torrey Davis •Elizabeth Peirce Swift •John S. Thomson John E. Zerbe Frederika Nelson Brooks C. RUssell de Burlo, Jr. •Virginia Lyons Tear •Margaret Bebie Thomson Armstrong Cork Company •Frances Blackburn Burns •Robert L. Decker •W. Dean Trautman Mary Stewart Trageser General Electric Foundation •Jean Gibson Burrowes •Alice Deatherage Denton •Jeanne Curtis Whitesell •A. Robert Trudel International Business Machines •Gale Colton Bushnell •Gordon W. Douglas •Lindsay a Wolfe •Miles G. Wedeman Corporation •Scot Butler •John W. Douglass •Cynthig Swartley Zimmer Charles Wenar Rohm and Haas Company •Patricia Frank Carey •Byron S. Ebersole American Welding & Manufacturing •Martha Grawols Werle Westinghouse Educational •Alice Mustin Caril Carolyn Taylor Farrow Company Foundation •David C. Whipple Foundation Milan S. Cerstvik Lucretia Gottlieb Floor General Electric Foundation •Barclay White, Jr. •Elinor Jones Clapp •Laille Schütz Gabinet NCR Foundation Emily Gruen White 1945 •Mary Frohman Cohen •Clifford R. Gillam, Jr. The New Yorker Lois Walton White •Sally MacLellan Councill •Mildred Webb Gillam Square D Foundation Lenore Manley Wildsmith C lass, Represen tative: •Carroll I. Crawford Hugh R. Gilmore Union Oil Company of California •Robert L. Young FRANK S. GREENWALD Ruth Smith Creech Willa Freeman Grunes Foundation American Welding & Manufacturing •William T. Delp •Susan Smith Harrer Company Foundation N um ber o f D o n o rs: 72 Barbara Bowen Doak Robert G. Hayden 1943 Ciba-Geigy Corporation Participation: 32 7 Dorothy Gamble DuBose David L. Hewitt Container Corporation of America Alumni Fund: $4,043.13 Ida Curtis Ennenga •Herbert R. Hillman, Jr. Class Representative: Federated Department Stores, Inc. Total Gifts: $4,103.13 •John H. Ferger Peter G. Holloway CLAIRE BARTON OLSEN General Cable Fund •Doris Bye Ferm •Donald E. Kelley General Electric Foundation Janet McCombs Baldwin •Victor H. Frankel William N. Kinnard, Jr. Number of Donors: 103 International Telephone & Mary Jane Gray Bassett •Mary Ann Gehres •Jack Kleiner Participation: 40.9 Telegraph Corporation •Harold W. Benditt Marie Cooley Haabestad •Robert R. Kuske Alumni Fund: $7,569.82 Chicopee Manufacturing Company John C. Bennett •Barbara Gawthrop Hallowell •Elizabeth Schauffler Lyman Total Gifts: $7,614.82 Philadelphia Quartz Company Marjorie Way Berkovits Nancy Frick Hammond •Richard W. Lyman Price Waterhouse Foundation Jane Matthias Berryman •Grace Kemp Harris •Patricia Johnson Maack •Eleanor Rittman Adams Westinghouse Educational Elise Knaur Brigham •Susan E. Harwig Stefan Machlup ' Georgia Samman Aikin Foundation William T. Brodie Nancy Smith Hayden Henry C. Marshall ■ *R Morris Bassett George S. Bryan, Jr. Virginia Staman Herring Dale Shoup Mayer Majorie Ann .Bassett 1944 •Richard C. Burrowes Rosemary Accola Hewitt Patricia Sevringhaus Melgard •Royce E. Beatty •Jonathan F. Bushnell Nancy Dodge Holloway •Marjorie D. Moerschner Nicholas A. Beldecos Class Representative: •Penelope Warren Caccavo •Nancy Garver Hoover •James H. Nash •Winifred Cammack Bond DAVID H. WINNE •Jeptha J. Carrell Dorothy Willenbucher Imlay Barbara Swindell Nolin •Jane Hand Bonthron •Lucy Axelbank Cifuentes Elizabeth Landon Jacobs Marilyn Rosen Oliensis : Carol Dowdell Brumbaugh N um ber o f D o n o rs: 79 •Laura Cadwallader Clappison H. Warren Jacobs Gwinn F. Owens •William R. Busing Participation: 3 8 .5 Anna R. Condit Kathe Solis-Cohen Jacoby •Mary Steytler Park •Joan Collet Butler Alum ni 'Fund: $ 1 2 ,0 8 0 .3 6 Martha Counts In memory of Martin S. Kapp Chauncey C. Paxson, Jr. •Jane Pike Buxton Total G ifts: $ 1 2 ,0 9 0 .3 6 •Barbara Taylor Crawford •Phyllis Kinkead Kelley •Henry E. Peelle, Jr. : Lois Green Carr •Thomas B. Darlington •Jerome S. Kohlberg, Jr. Alan L. Rossbach •Reed L. Colegrove Anonymous •Miriam Goldforb Dinerman David H. Linton •Mary Lowens Rowe Elisabeth Thorn Coleman •Frank Akutowicz Agnes Burdett Domingos •Samuel M. Loescher Howard M. Sachar Robert E. Coleman Barbara Burt Aina son Harriet Frorer Durham •Elizabeth Lucas *W. Marshall Schmidt Ruth Brownell Cooper •Edward F. Babbott John F.A. Earley Sarah Demond Lutz Charles H. Scriver •Jean Williams Culpepper Mary Brewster Bamber •Phyllis Groff Eastburn' •Isabel Gamble MacCaffrey •William C. Sieck •Anna Huntington Deming Harriet Bender Barr Hugh M. Edgerton •Margot Williams McCann •Catherine J. Smith Betty Gawthrop Donnelly Robert J. Beck Henrietta Pyle Ewing •Joan Buesching McNagny •Donald W. Smith , Orville W. Donnelly Craig L. Benjamin Francis E. Fairman, III Edwin M. Michael D. Barclay Spence •John L. Dugan, Jr. •Margaret Keeler Bowen •Harriet Sisk Fish Peter L. Miller Hanna Kenmore Still r Frances Sears Eliot Catherine Doane Burkett •Alice Green Fredman Bruno Mussetto •Robert K. Stone | Johan W. Eliot •William G. Carson •Prudence Hyde Gibbons Janet Gerig Newman •George J. Strauss William J. Erdman •Winifred Boak Comlossy David I. Gilchrist Gerald E. Nolin Lilo Teutsch Strauss .•John B. Felton *E. Winslow Councill Neil Gilmour, Jr. Margaret Wickes Nutting •John C. Fergus Jane Ballard Swan •Arthur M. Dannenberg •Frank S. Greenwald •Edward H. Page Theodore B. Thoma •Constance Spink Fleming •Byron G. Davis, Jr. Anne Jackson Grim •Annette Richards Parent •Adelaide Brokaw Tolberg George C. Ford Esther Ridpath Delapiaine Walter R. Guild Achsah Darnell Pitcher •Jane W. Torrey •Margaret McCain Ford Shirley Hirst Dierolf •Mary Stewart Hafer •John E. Pixton, Jr. •Ransom H. Turner, Jr. Herbert W. Fraser •Roswell C. Dikeman •Dorothy Lucking Hagerty H. Phelps Potter •DeanW. Freed Elizabeth Crawford Uhlman •Amy Green Dobronyi Katherine Strong Hammond Marianne Frey Potter •Nancy Eberle Valtin Sidney Friend, Jr. •Margaret Dougherty Donnelly Neal E. Heffernan •Oscar M. Powell, Jr. •Volkert Y. Veeder •Daniel J. Ganister •Robert L. Ehrmann Margaret Chadwell Howe Marilyn Peelle Rath William B. Wenner •Margaret Woodruff Glenn Peter Elias Barton L. Jenks, Jr. Jeannette Streit Rohatyn •John R. Wenzel Daniel L. Goldwater George R. Engle Verdenal Hoag Johnson •Nancy Grace Roman Michael M. Wertheimer Elizabeth Haines Goldwater Mary Louise Denton Engle •Margaret Portis Kuhns Patricia Barns Rose •Ebenezer D. Williams, Jr. Ira J. Greenhill _ ‘Matson G. Ewell •Ann Millis Leavenworth; Miriam Douglas Sanner •Elinor P. Griest Jeanne Fischer Winch •Martha Fuchs Ferger Margaret Walker Lippincott •Cornelia Clarke Schmidt •Mary Ellen Yardley •Ruth Clark Griffin Barbara Mott Ford •Harry E. McCloskey •Charles E. Seiler, Jr. •Kathryn Detreux Halpern •Lada Hulka Y oung •Louise Zimmerman Forscher •Pope B. Mclntire David C. Solt Ford Motor Company Fund Jean Forster Hanchett Thomas Frank Allen S. Mariner •Patricia Rupp Sourbeer *Wilberta Moody Hardy General Electric Foundation •George R. Freifeld Barbara Hoskins Marshall Dayrell McClure Spence Girard Bank •Theresa Votaw Harman •Virginia Pennoyer Gehringer •Margaret E. Marshall James Starrels., Joan White Harrison Massachusetts.Mutual Life John H. Githens, Jr. Glover B. Mayfield •Carol Dragstedt Stauffer •Robert C. Hecht Insurance Company Beatrice Stoalabarger Grubbs Samuel F. Meisenhelder •Hildreth H. Strode Parker Foundation : Barbara Whipple Heilman Juergen W. Heberle Zoe Steliotes Meisenhelder Anne Murphy Swann : ‘Barbara Valentine Hertz Provident Mutual Life Insurance •George A. Heise •John B. Mochel •Francis G Tatem, Jr. ' Company of Philadelphia •Virginia Curry Hille Kala Rosenthal Herlands •Jane Martin Newcomer Virginia Cobb Thibodeaux ; *Mary Ann Myerscough Hubei •Priscilla Holmes Herz stein Catharine MacDonald Nichols •Dorothy Bowman Trippel 1948 Mary MacDonald Jackson Anne Miller Hockman *H. Mitchell Perry, Jr. Alice Ohlinger Weaver I H. Walter Jones, Jr. •Louise Williams Hoffman Doris Carr Pettier Barbara Coles Webster ‘Olwen M. Jones Class Representative: Faith Neumann Jansen •Winnifred Poland Pierce Louise Yoder Wells RICHARD M. GREEN \ Diana Dodge Josselson Jane Reppert Jenks Ann Solis-Cohen Rosenthal Nancy Fitts Wilkinson j Peter W. Kaiser Ellen Thompson Jennings •Marion King Schlefer •Milton A. Wohl Mead Smith Karras Number of Donors: 137 •Edward M.T. Jones Nancy Edwards Schoepperle Mary Dutton Wolfe Participation: 56.6 t Herbert J. Leimbach, Jr. Elizabeth deNiord Jones Ursula Marsh Scott Cyprus Mines Corporation Alumni Fund: $9,871.04 Jeana Davison Levinthal •Faye Stewart Jose •Harriet Tutelman Seligson International Business Machines Total Gifts: $18,393.74 !■ L Eldon Lindley, Jr. •Victor R. Jose •Bernice Abe Tajima Corporation iean Robinson Loeb Jean Keen •Warren Uchimoto Ford Motor Company Fund Anonymous •Caroline Van Sickle Luckie Carolyn Roberts Kennett •Jean Blanchard Umland * Prank L, Lyman JohrrF. Adamson •Evelyn J. Kline Nancy Robinson Waldman 1947 •Alice Papazian Ashodian ’•Elizabeth Darbishire McNeill •Doris Morrell Leader •Barbara Johnson Walton ; Henry R. Mahler John M. Austin Emilie Smith Loring •Jane Barus Wehncke Class Representative: Mary Westergaard Barnes ^William J. Marshall •William F. McNagny •Lois E. Wells VAUGHAN C. CHAMBERS, JR. : Anne Estrin Maurer •Susan Corson Beebe Gertrude Courant Moser Raymond F. Winch . James P. Bowditch ■•Richard H. Mayfield •Tomomi Murakami •Nancy Kent Ziebur Number of Donors: 85 •Carroll G. Bowen •David B.Meenan •Charles E. Newitt Austin Company Foundation Participation: 43.4 i Jane Morss Meyer Frances Carey Brown •Nancy Morgan Ponch Bethlehem Steel Corporation Alumni Fund: $5,171.00 S William H. Mills Robert Z. Brown Henry L. Price, Jr. Exxon Education Foundation Total Gifts: $5,741.00 Barbara Lucking Brubaker sue °ttober, 1973 7 »John M. Brumbaugh »Betty MackTwarog Lynne Davis Mifflin Betty Nathan Eisler 1951 Clifford M. Bryant »Eloise Schlichting Twombly »John L. Need »Alice Hay Enders Elizabeth Horton Buckheit »Richard C. Unger Thomas G. Nichols »Allen C. Enders Class Representative: Betty Hummell Bullen »Rolf Valtin Jean Mkhener Nicholson »Egjst Faccioli CHARLES M. REILLY Joseph A. Bullen,. Jr. Nelson S. Van Valen Robert Z. Norman Frank T. Ficaiya Berel Caesar Robert Howard Vernon »Barbara Muller Ornstein »James A. Fligg, Jr. N um ber o f D o n o rs: 107 Marie F ailla Campbell Eleanor Wickes Waldrop Hector V. Otero Barbara Forrest Participation: 41.8 »Helen Hill Caughey »Dorothy Gotwald Wehrle Barbara Beebe Parrish Heloise Albritton Frame Alumni Fund: $9,333.43 »Janet MacLellan Clark Andrew W. Weil »Edward B. Perkins »Paula Angle Franklin Total Gifts: $9,518.43 Joan Gallmeyer Clark James R. Whipple »Jean Ashmead Perkins »John W. Frommer, Jr. William J. Clark »Robert V. Whitman Oren A. Peterson »Bernard A. Fusaro »Dabney R. Altaffer Joanna Meyer Cooper Carolyn Bryan Wilson Kathleen Scott Pilla »Robert L. Ganter Winifred H. Armstrong Esther Leeds Cooperman ' Bethlehem Steel Corporation Eugene R. Pinto Van R. Gathany Edwin D. Arsht Richard E. Cordray General Electric Foundation »Thomas F.A. Plaut »William W. Gifford »Lotte Lazarsfeld Bailyn A. Norman Cranin International Business Machines Colgate S. Prentice »Hope Sieck Gilliams »Mary Elizabeth Beech Virginia Butts Cryer Corporation »Jordan B. Rabin Michael H. Goff »Donald S. Blough Philip D. Curtin International Telephone & Andrea Wolf Rabinowitz Robert G. Greena wait Harold E. Botsford, Jr. »Barbara Betsch Davison Telegraph Corporation »Louis N. Rashin »Anne Rogers Gruenberg *D. Tyner Brown »Jesse C. Denton Massachusetts Mutual Life Daniel R. Rectanus Paul S. Guinn, Jr. »Martha Penfield Brown Ann Meckes Detwilei Insurance Company Alan L. Rein stein »Jonathan G. Hanke Joyce Kimball Burbank Ruth Vogt Devlin Metropolitan Life Insurance »Edward Rivlin William B. Hansel *G wynne Denton Burkhardt Patricia Plank Dickinson Company W. Woodward Sanville John M. Harker »Roberta Grow« Carey »Barbara Babcock Dolliver Provident Life Insurance Company »Thomas R. Saunders »Robert E. Harris In memory of Harriet Gallagher »Philip K. Evans of Philadelphia Julia Wolf Schiller Georgeann Thomas Haykin Cromwell Bradley Fisk, Jr. Prudential Insurance Company »Kathleen Blau Shapiro »Frank B. Hege, Jr. John F. Cromwell William L. Ford of America Jeannette Haas Sheppard •John W. Hopkirk »Ethan C Deinard William H. Frederick, Jr. Rohm & Haas Company Joel L. Siner John L. Jones Richard W. Dole, Jr. Edward L. Frost J. Walter Thompson Company Warren C. Skipp J. Parry Jones »Faith Woodward Eckler Lois Ledwith Frost Fund, Inc. Margaret Comfort Smith »William Ken H. Michael Eisler Isabel Bro wn Galligan Westinghouse Educational »Joann Broadhurst Sparks Iris Costikyan Kinnard »Franklin M. Elliott »Barbara Moore Gary Foundation »Richard A. Spierling Thomas L. Kinney »Naida Das Elliott »Alice Higley Gilbert Xerox Fund »Laura McKnight Stabler Joan Litchard Kittredge »Wolfgang Epstein »Philip L. Gilbert Ann Alderfer Stowell »G. Adrian Kuyp«, Jr. Ellen Lovell Evans Richard Goldberg 1949 »Chalmers C. Stroup »Louis E. Levy »Robert C. Forrey Paula Adler Golden Charles E. Taylor, Jr. »James P. Lewis *D. Graham Foster, Jr. Richard M. Green Class Representative: George A. Test »Elizabeth Ayer Lockhart W. Wallace Francis Nadia Smeallie Griffin HERBERT S. DORDtCK »Joan Ellwood Thomas *Aase Arnold Loescher Edwin N. Freeman F.rling H. Haabestad, Jr. »Samuel J. Todes »Ruth Merson Lyon William B. Fussell David F. Hawke N um ber o f D o n o rs: 125 George F. Townes »Janet Dunn MacKenzie Newton Garver »Barbara Darrow Hays Participation: 37.3 Ruth Prestzat Trescott »Robert G. McBride •Joyce Mertz Gilmore »Samuel P. Hays Alumni Fund: $9,649.10 »Laura Reppert Unger »Yvonne Motley McCabe •Ursula Freund Goebel Joan Adams Heineman Total Gifts: $9,839.10 »Heinz Valtin »John H. McLagan Bruce B. Graves Richard H. Heineman Paul W.J. van der Veur »Edward Mahler »Anne Ritschard Hall John C. Henchel Anne McLaren Abbate »Richard W. Walkling »Elizabeth Hoag Mangelsdorf Ripley Schemm Hansen »Warren P. Higgins »Joyce Favorite Aker boom »Lise Wertheimer Wallach »Sidney H. Mitchell Elizabeth Lewis Harker »John E. Houtman •Murray G. Albertson Byron Welch Gordon C. Mochel »Anna Mull« Hirschsprung *J. Allan Hovey, Jr. Robert N. Alfandre Barbara Nelson Wells Patricia Lackey Mochel »Alan R. Hunt »Richard M. Hurd *R. Otto Amann »William H. Will *J. Thomas Montgomery H. Karl Ihrig, Jr. Richard A. Johnston Winston S. Bailey »David K. Witheford »Frederick R. Morey »Nancy Bixler Isaacs Grisella Hall Kerr •Norman W. Baker ♦Leo G. Woerner M. Jane Hooper Mullins M. Christine Meyers Jameson »Thomas Killip, IQ Joanne Donovan Banta »Theodore P. Wright, Jr. Elizabeth Clum Myers »Elisabeth R. Jenks J. Vernon Kindall »Robert B. Benham Doddridge R. Young In memory of Shifra Levy Nathan »Mary L. Johnson Robert G. Kuller Alice Clifford Blachly »Kay Ropp Zimmerman »Marion Harkness Nentwig »Anne Ashbaugh Kamrin *E. Kendall Landis Robert C. Bleke Bethlehem Steel Corporation »William K. Norwood »Nancy Kenney Kannappan »David S. Lindau »Brigitte Frankel Bowman Bunker-Ramo Foundation, Inc. »Sylvia Turlington O’Neill »David B. Kelter Suzanne Cleeland Lindell »Theodore R. Bromwell CPC International, Inc. »Katashi Oita Elisabeth Boessenkool Ketchcl Dorothy Seiler Longaker »Virginia Stem Brown General Electric Foundation David A. Peele Sumi Mitsudo Koide »John M. Longstreet »Edwin M. Bush, Jr. IN A Foundation Robert K. Platt Robin Cooley Krivanek Abraham A. Lurie Jonathan Claney International Telephone & J. David Ramsey »Sue Rose Levinson »John B. McCrory »Edward M. Clark Telegraph Corporation. Mary Herndon Ravdin »Jean Dinwoodey Linehan »Mary Burnside Mangelsdorf »Margaret Thomson Colgan Massachusetts Mutual Life William D. Ravdin *Rob«t M. McCarthy Winifred Muir Martinek Forrest S. Compton Insurance Company •Jerry Ravetz »JohnC. McIntyre »Samuel R. Mason, Jr. Charles M. Conver Morgan Guaranty Trust Company Anne Matthews Rawson Jean M att« Mandler Carolien Powers Maynard »William L. Cornog, Jr. of N.Y. Charitable Trust & Kenneth Rawson 1 »Lark Hargraves March »Jeanne Cummins Mellinger •Walter Cosinuke Foundation »James I. Reilly Alan R. Matthias Alice McNees Michael Barbara Lea Couphos Scott Paper Company Foundation »Mary Boyer Restall Suzanne Lewis Matthias Ann Thompson Milter Gloria Lane Cushing Sherwin-Williams Foundation »William H. Rieser Arthur P. Mattuck Betty Bassett Miller Marjorie Merwin Daggett Towers, Perrin, Forster & »Carol Amster Rivlin »Jack H. Meter Helen Blankenagel Miller Joyce Kidder Davis Crosby, Inc. Gertrude Joch Robinson »Anne Thomas Moore Barbara Sosman Munson Edith Perla deGanon Turner Construction Company T. Thacher Robinson Miriam Strasburg« Moss »Elizabeth Monk Myers Daniel P. Deiwiler Willard D. Roth Setha Goodyear Olson »Jane Blair Nash »James M. Dolliver 1950 Ralph L. Roy »Robert J. Osborn •Edward P. Neuburg »William B. Eldredge »Joseph D. Rutledge »Andrea Wilcox Palm« •Helen Green Neuburg »Ernst Epstein Class Representatives: Jerome A. Sader »Clarkson T. Palm« Mary Perot Nichols Sarah Wood Fell MARY HERDON RAVDIN AND »Robert E. Sanders »Ellen Ash Peters Francis T. Nicholson JohnW. Fiske W ILLIAM D. RAVDIN Stephen M. Sickle »Robert H. Peters, Jr. Arthur North »Selma Eble Flood »Barbara Tipping Sieck Gerald A. Pollack Elizabeth Clemens North Robert B. Frear Number of Donors: 137 Marcia Olds Singley »Harold A. Prusa *G. Bruce Overton, III Elizabeth Kschinka Frost Participation: 42.0 »Richard N. Smith Charles H. Randall »Iris Miroy Ovshinsky »Alice Heyroth Gifford Alumni Fund: $7,21250 Frank Solomon, Jr. »Richard L. Raymond Donald G. Oyler Harriet Cohen Gilbert Total Gifts: $7,767.50 »Anne Larchar Spitzer »Charles M. Reilly John G. Parrish »Maralyn Orbison Gillespie •Dirk J. Spruyt •Lewis A. Rivlin »Raymond Peterson, Jr. »Howard S. Gilliams Anonymous »Charles Norman Stabler, Jr. »Janet Merrill Roeder Burdette C. Poland »Morton J. Golhib »Edwin J. Alexander L. Janney Stabler, Jr. John A. Romberg« Kay Thurman Powell »Donald J. Gordon »Margaret P. Allen »Gwendolyn Hamilton Stevens Margery Davis Rom b«g« »Edward B. Rawson Richard S. Green *E. Boyd Asphmdh Alden Stevenson Ann Megonigal Rosenthal »Nancy Bumholtz Rawson Mary Guckes Harrell »Arpine Levonian Baghdoyan »William F. Strauss Jonas O. Rosenthal »Amy Roosevelt George Haverstick, Jr. »Joseph H. Baffin Robert S. Sundt •Katherine Stainton Roser Edward L. Ruhe »Shirley Heckheimer Heinemann »Mary Teale Baffin Robert W. Tate »Barbara Bruce Rutledge Sue Williams Saul »Mary Lee Schell Herndon William J. Baffin, Jr. Margaret Hench Underwood »Robert D. Schick Mary Strawbridge SchaufQer Elizabeth Wilbur Hodges »Frank A. Beldecos *E. Allan Van Deusen »James F. Schwartz Marge Pearlman Scheuer Thomas V. Hodges, Jr. Margaret Weber Berger Diane Evans Vemon »Sally Shields Shane Walter Scheuer »Norman L. Houlberg Esther Jones Bissell »Alice Phair Walkling »Ursula Hahn Shears Howard A. Schneiderman William Hunter, Jr. Sally Hale Bowen Donald B. Walters »Elizabeth Fullagar Shipley Joan Poynton Schoepperle William B. Jameson •Philip W. Brickner Richard S. Washington, Jr. Daniel M. Sing« Marjory Clough Schwertner »Wilmer A. Jenkins, II Robert S. Brightman »William M. Weaver »Emily Dayton Slowinski Richard W. Schwertner »Herbert Kaiser »Richard C. Brown Stevens H. Weiss »Elizabeth Robertson Smith Edwin C. Severinghaus »Ruth Friedenthal Kanter »James G. Carson James W. Weston Ralph L. Smith •H. James Sheedy »John I. Kennedy »Jean Baker Carson Patricia Edwards Weston Steven S. Spenc« Joyce Smith Sheldon »Grace Leslie Kenyon Helene Vernou Case C. Frederick Weymulter »William T. Spock Wiliam M. Sheppard »Roy F. Knudsen Polly Pinsker Chill »Jane Price Willsea »Edward P. Stabler Anne Freidinger Siegle »John B. Koelle »Dorothy Brodie Clarke Mary K. Yntema Ruth Starrels Stem »Jane Ann Jones Smith Eleanor M. Lacy Donald W. Cooper Stephen A. Zellerbach »Lois Oblender Stoner Malcolm H. Smith »Betty White Lang Paul C. Couphos General Electric Foundation »Woodlief Thomas, Jr. »Alan B. Spitzer Walter H. Leser Lucille Handwerk Cusano International Business Machines •JohnW. Tomlinson »Gavin P. Spofford Betty Jo Larsh Lewis Richard T. Cushing Corporation »David L. Trout Harriet Cline Steams Lloyd W. Lewis »Martha Burton Darlington Marathon Oil Foundation, Inc. •Elisabeth Pantke Urtnowski Whitney K. Steams »Susan Lurie Lichten Edith Thatcher de Burlo Scott Paper Company Foundation •Nancy Heffeman Valtin »Peter D. Sternlight »William L. Lichten »Roy M. Dickinson Standard Oil Qndiana) Foundation* Anne Smith Weath«ford Roland P. Stratton, Jr. »Margaret L. MacLaren *W. Haines Dickinson, Jr. Inc. •Jane Case Weaver •Beth Ash Strode »Thomas B. McCabe, Jr. David H. Doehlert Travelers Insurance Companies »June Mül« Weisberg« »Dorothy L. Swerdlove »William J. McMillan Janet Hostetter Doehlert Turner Construction Company »Anita Dabrohua Wesson »Harriet Inglesby Thomas »Ruth Wilcox Mahler Birte Brix-Kjelgaard Eakin United Aircraft Corporation »David G. Wesson Laura Johnson Townes »Paul C. Mangelsdorf, Jr. *A. Ross Eclder Weyerhaeuser Company Foundation »Martha Hope West »Melvin B. Troy »William H. Matchett »Doris Gavett Egger 8 Swarthmore Alumni Issus •Oliver Wolcott Elizabeth Stem Uhr ‘Alice Stover Pickering Anne Waterson Gordon James E. Davis •John A. Yntema •Anne Pingon Valsing •Constance Gayl Pious E. Thomas Greene ‘ Shawn E. Disney Barbara Thompson Young *D. Charles Valsing ‘ Richard F. Potthoff Fred W. Grupp, Jr. •William F. Dominick, II •Eleonore M. Zimmermann Nancy Cliffe Vernon ‘Gordon W. Pratt ♦Charles A. Heisterkamp, III ‘Michael S. Dukakis American Metal Climax Foundation, ‘ Robert W. Wacha Amos C. Price, Jr. Judith Kahlenberg Hestoft ‘Kermeen Fristrom Inc. ‘Richard Waddington Carol MacIntyre Purcell William W. Holloway Winifred Liu Fu Bethlehem Steel Corporation •William Waterfield, Jr. Hedi Schmid Randall ‘Barbara Starfield Holtz man Carolyn Buck Funk Exxon Education Foundation •Wanda Tyler Will •Carl W. Rettenmeyer ‘Cornelia Fuller Hopfield •Wilmer K. Gallager, Jr. International Business Machines Malcolm R. Willison John M. Ridland ♦John J. Hopfield ♦Edward S. Gelardin Corporation ‘Elmer L. Winkler •Robert E. Rodgers, Jr. •John H. Jacobson, Jr. Nancy Rossmann Goodrich ‘ Helen Mag Wolcott ‘ Richard B. Roeder ‘Elise Faulkner Jones 1952 •Marcia Taylor Yntema Sonja Schulz Greenbaum A. Ellison Rumsey ‘William D. Jones, Jr. Shirley C. Grimes Bethlehem Steel Corporation Carole Quigg Rupp ‘Paul A. Kantrowitz •Dieter W. Gump Class Representative: General Electric Foundation Ursula Victor Santer ‘Marcia Allen Keller *J. Parker Hall, III G EO R G E W. P L A C E , J R . John Hancock Mutual Life ‘Deane Bellow Schneider Christopher M. Kennedy ‘Julia Lange Hall Insurance Company •Juliet Popper Shaffer ‘Verna Slinghoff Kerr Number o f Donors: 102 Merck Company Foundation Lawrence M. Handley •Helga Hearst Shareshian ‘Elena Sogan Kyle •R. Robert Harris, Jr. Participation: 4 3 .8 Rohm and Haas Company ‘Hanni Fey Sherman A lum ni F u n d : $ 6 ,5 7 4 .0 0 •Frederick W. Kyle ‘George W. Hartzell, Jr. Tenneco Foundation John D. Simon ‘ Frances E. Leland - Tota l G ifts : $ 6 ,8 6 4 .0 0 Textron Foundation Trust ‘David S. Haskell ‘Phoebe Burnett Snetsinger ‘Michael S. Lenrow Clement A. Hastie Westinghouse Educational ?J. Thomas Sdyars ♦Saul M. Levin I Anonymous Foundation Jane Hicks Hastie •Douglas M. Spencer Barbara Hill Lindsay •Elinor Meyer Haupt l ‘Katherine Worth Altaffer Xerox Fund Joan Price Spencer I Christine Parker Ammer •Charles L. Loucks William R. Hawkins ‘H. Thomas Stein ‘Ann Bradley Lowen Laura Salas Hawks I Toni Avery Bancroft 1953 •Elsa Bennett Struble - [ ‘Frances Commins Bennett ‘George Lowen ‘ Eugene E. Heaton, Jr. ‘Donald W. Sutherland, Jr. [ William L. Boll Grace Bunker Lowney Richard G. Hodgson Class Representative: ‘Barbara Calkins Swartout [ Anne Maurice Braham Corinne Lyman ‘ Neil A. Holtzman CHARLES L. JONES Philip E. Swayne ( ‘Philip W. Brandt •Norman M. McAvoy ‘John M. Hughlett, Jr. Richard C Taeuber 1 Helen Phillips Brightman Lucy Bunzl Malian ‘Karla Schriftgiesser Irvine Number o f Donors: 123 Katharine Peterken Tate 1 ‘William B. Brosius, Jr. Caroline Barrera Matzen ‘Paul M. James, Jr. Participation: 4 9 .4 •Donald S. Tayer | Guy A. Brusca Robert G. Merin •Peter A. Jensh Alumni Fund: $ 6 ,3 6 5 .3 8 ‘Merriilan Murray Thomas I ‘Susan Carver Buchanan L. Paul Metzger ‘ Miriam Eerkes Jones T o ta l G ifts : $ 6 ,8 6 5 .3 8 Sean F. Thompson i ‘Henry W. Burgess Rebecca Shimony Montgomery ‘W. Melville Jones, III Barbara Turlington t ‘Elizabeth Cuddy Bum ‘Philip M. Allen ‘ Hannah Thomas Morehouse Sharon Davis Kaplan ' James M. van der Veen Richard H. Morrow, Jr. Joanna Viedt Raster f ‘Evans H. Burn ‘Ronald Altman Frances Farrell Viglielmo [ ‘Peter Calingaert •John R. Ambruster, Jr. ‘ Susan Weil Nessen Jane Walker Kennedy ‘ Robert A. Walkling J. William Newitt ‘ Han Kyo Kim I ‘Rusty Smith Camarius ‘Carol Holbrook Baldi Eleanor Hall Webb I ‘Woodward L. Carter, Jr. •Ethan F. Ball, Jr. ‘Jay G. Ochroch ‘George A Lamb Robert C. Wentworth Elisabet Ore Orville Sarah Curtis Lichtenstein | *George W.Y. Chang •Arthur J. Beach John M. Worlock f *Constance Loeb Cohn ‘Anne Mott Booth •Frank A. Oski ‘John G. Lipsett Roger J. Youman ‘ Dolores Brock Partridge Alfred M. Liveright, II j Caroline Morrel Coleman ‘Elizabeth Alden Bowers ‘ Marguerite Morey Zabriskie | ‘Maureen Watson Crawford ‘Ann MacMillan Bradley Elizabeth Manson Pyle Donald S. McKinley American Can Company Foundation ‘Alice Smith Ramsey Sandra Heilviel Maleson [ Anne Gilbert Curtin ♦Deborah Richardson Brewster Burlington Industries Foundation [ ‘Maryal Stone Dale ‘David W. Brown ‘Phyllis Hall Raymond ‘Paul N. Marcus Combustion Engineering, Inc. •Ann Reeves Reed Margot Ravage Marek I Thomas F. Dernburg Mari E. Bull First National Bank of Boston I Esther Fiske Doherty John N. Calvin Winston Riley, III •Bruce J. Miller, Jr. ICI America, Inc. ♦Kenneth D. Roberts Betty Drake Mosedale I *Chnstine Rosenblatt Downing ‘Joseph L. Carroll Johnson & Johnson i Roger A. Feldman ‘Mary Bartlett Caskey Leonard G. Rorer Jane Boetcher Newitt Johnson’s Wax Fund, Inc. Robert M. Schless ‘Hugh H. Nissenson i ‘Marielle Schwantes Fenstermacher ‘ Priscilla Hayward Crago Scott Paper Company Foundation |*E. Jay Finkel Dominic A. Cusano •Bruce R. Scott Alice Lund Norris | Jane Fletcher Fiske ‘Joel H. Shapiro ‘Mary Ann Smith 0 ?Nan Doris Cooperson DaRosa 1954 | ‘Elizabeth Graves Fraser ‘Carol Lange Davis •Peter F. Sielman ‘Josephine Black Pesaresi [‘Laurence W. Fredrick H. Clark Dean •Elizabeth Soyars Smith Donogh McCutcheon Phillips [ ‘Joyce Powell Gemert Class Representative: ♦Russell D: Snyder ‘Steven J. Phillips ‘Mary Eckler Dennison JOHN H. BENNETT [‘ Robert E. Gemert ‘George B. Doane, III •Lisa A. Steiner Theodore J. Phillips 1 ‘Junetta Kemp Gillespie Margaret K. Edsall •George W. Struble Anne Schick Place [‘Norman W. Green N um ber o f D o n o rs: 125 •Mary Wren Swain Beverley Bond Potter Eleanor Hutcheson Epler Participation: 5 0 .8 I Evelyn Popky Grinspoon Rosalind Reydel Esakof Gordon S. Togasaki •Lincoln T. Potter | Robert W. Hamilton A lu m n i F u n d : $ 8 ,0 2 6 .1 4 ‘Elizabeth Van Arsdel Trentlyon ‘Susan Rose Potter Nancy Newbegin Feldman T o ta l G ifts : $ 8 ,0 3 6 .1 4 i David A. Hansen ‘Charles A. Fenstermacher ‘Christa Eisenhauer Vanderbilt ‘Albert W. Preston, Jr. : ‘Avery R. Harrington Patricia Bryson Van Pelt •Thomas A. Preston Robert P. Fetter Mary Taylor Adelstein ¡‘Sarah Evarts Haskell ‘David A Fisk Peter Van Pelt Judith Livant Rapoport '*Amy Blatchford Hecht Franz Allina •Edward E. Wallach Robert H. Raymond •William C. Fitts, III William H. Armstrong r In memory of Marie deKiewiet *J. Garrett Forsythe, Jr. ‘Michael A Wallach ‘ Lee Campbell Reich [ Hemphill Jane H. Auch Leighton C. Whitaker, Jr. ‘Paul R. Resnick ‘Alison Owen Foster ‘David Bagish {•Dorothy Nehrling Higgins Mary Law Francis Suzanne Bevier Whitaker Weston S. Robinson, Jr. ‘ John W. High, Jr. Charles A. Baker ‘Marlee Turner Whiter aft Phoebe W. Rosenberry ‘Katherine Gulick Fricker Edith Riggs Barakat rEdwin A Hoey, Jr. Ivan H. Gabel •Nancy Glover Wilds ‘Gerd M. Rosenblatt r Paul A. Hummer •Peter B. Bart ‘Ann Passoth Williams ‘Daniel L. Ross •Jennifer Bell Gardy ‘Thomas J. Beatson, Jr. [‘Marian Ellenbogen Isenberg Theodore L. Goodfriend Louis C. Wislocki *H. Laurence Ross f Charles E. Jeanne Margaret Fraser Bell ‘Ann Harris Yasuhara Mary Jean Gray Schless John W. Gray ‘John H. Bennett | Frederic M. Jenkins •Robert A Griest, Jr. •Mary Miller Youngren ‘Ann Imlah Schneider Morel Baquie Jones ‘Eugene A Bentley, Jr. American Express Foundation William E. Shepard Carolyn Johnson Grigorov Jeanne Gould Bloom [Alan B. Kamman ‘ Robert J. Gumnit Chase Manhattan Bank Foundation ‘ Barbara Sicherman fLou is A. Kislik Anne Buenger Bloomfield Chrysler Corporation Fund Frank A Sieverts •Richard W. Hall •Elizabeth Wood Bowers [‘James A. Lande Dagmar Strandberg Hamilton Combustion Engineering, Inc. Jane Woodbridge Sieverts I Jennifer Lee •Cynthia Rau Boyer Continental Can Company, Inc. John Y. Simon ‘ Ludwig A. Hartmann Ernest W. Brauch ’ ["Franz S. Leichter Cutler-Hammer Foundation Mary Dunlevy Sindoni ‘ Nina Hauser ‘Kirby L. Broderick [DavidH. Lemke INA Foundation j ‘ Janet Bushman Spencer ‘ Barbara Jackson Hazard ‘Elizabeth Rash Brown [Janet Letts ♦Geoffrey C. Hazard, Jr. International Business Machines Sherril White Spencer [Arthur R. Lewis ‘Ralph S. Brown, Jr. Corporation Carl B. Sperry Lucy Steinbach Hernried Shirley McGonagle Burks I Lois Smith Lewis Wemer K. Honig John Hancock Mutual Life •Carol Elkins Stout “Paul E. Linsley Marcia Loomis Calvin Insurance Company ‘Joanna Dairymple Stuart ‘ Robert B. Howell Richard F. Carle ‘Beverly Miller Lloyd-Jones Richardson-Merrell, Inc. Lauren L. Suter ‘Peter L. Irvine *R. Page Carter fDonald J. Lloyd-Jones ‘Jeanne McKee Jacobson Sanders Associates, Inc. Howard M. Temin [Sarah Stacy McKay Walter B. Christmas Sara Hall Todd ‘Barbara Keay Jensh •Walter a Clark, Jr. ‘ Linda Gump Marshall Charles L. Jones 1955 Tamiyo Suematsu Togasaki [ Mary Kidder Marshall ‘Elizabeth Dun Colten ‘Elizabeth Murphey von Frankenberg •Thomas D. Jones, Jr. ‘Kenneth Conrow Class Representative: f Joan Berkowitz Mattuck ‘Joy Sundgaard Kaiser JOHN M. HUGHLETT, JR. Wolfgang O. Weigert i Sarah Grinnell Metzger ‘Margaret Meckes Conrow David M. Wilkison *C. Frederick Kellers Number of Donors: 111 t John A Miller ‘Harriet Donow Cornell ‘Betty Max Wise Emily Price Kennedy Participation: 44.0 (•Arthur S. Obermayer Marjorie Kolb Cox Donald L. Young ‘ Sheila Cohn Kislik •Milton C. Cummings, Jr. Alumni Fund: $6,951.76 ¡•Edward Pax son •Paul W. Kuznets Alcoa Foundation ‘ Donald E. Pearson *Dena Jacobson Dannenberg Total Gifts: $6,990.76 Armstrong Cork Company Ellin Ratcliffe Leggett ‘John J. Davis, Jr. Anonymous [George W. Place, Jr. ‘ Nina Williams Leichter Chase Manhattan Bank Foundation ‘David S. Dennison ‘Joyce Bok Ambruster pV. John Porter, Jr. ‘Joseph Levine Chrysler Corporation Fund f Sylvia Hand Pott ‘Alice Peatman Dettmers •George W. Bahlke AB. Dick Foundation Elizabeth Wilkins McMaster *W. Leonard Dettmers, Jr. ‘Valerie Worth Bahlke [Elspeth Monro Reagan ‘Clark P. Mangelsdorf International Business Machines pTiomasA Reiner In memory of Joyce Nugen Edwards Isabel MacDonald Baker Corporation •Barbara Smalley Meyer •Mary E. Evans Jean Douglas Bandler U-aura Maurer Roth ‘Nicholas D. Meyer Johnson’s Wax Fund, Inc. ‘ Herbert H. Fanning Farouk Barakat Lever Brothers Company •Henry M. Rueger •Carolyn Martin Miller “Nancy Boden Sargent E. Paul Feldman Grenelle Hunter Bauer New England Mutual Life ‘Morton S. Miller Edith May Ferrell ‘ Benjamin H. Beattie [Barbara Wolff Searle ‘Stanley Mills Insurance Company William R. Ferrell ♦Jerome Beker Rohm & Haas Company Priscilla Washburn Shaw ♦Nancy Heyroth Mitchell Anne S. Fines Sarita Smith Berry Schering Foundation, Inc. "Norman B. Sher Joanne Piper Morgan ■Maxine Frank Singer ‘Frances Lemke Fitts ‘Henry J. Bode, Jr. Xerox Fund •Edward F. Myers •Clarence C. Franck, Jr. ‘Caroline Thomas Bosbyshell •Susanne a Smith ‘Irene Alike Norwood John a Smucker, III Margery Bodansky Franklin ♦William A Bosbyshell 1956 ‘Theodore K. Osgood ‘John Frantz, Jr. geverly Bond Spalding ‘ Brenda Zatz Brown ‘Jane Gallagher Osier Michael L Freilich William H. Bruce Class Representative: "Sarah Hyslop Spofford ‘ Michael R. Paine Nathalie Goldstein Stern ‘Anne Chandler Fristroin •Virginia Perkins Carter JANE PIPER WORLEY John B. Paterson ‘ Halsey R. Frost ‘ Dorothy Day Ciarlo "Harold J. S war tout ‘Frances Benson Pearce N um ber o f D o n o rs: 9 9 ¡Card L. Thompson Sara Moltz Futterman Charles A Cooper Participation: 38.1 •Carol Brunner Pearson Marjorie Gatchell *J. Martin Cornell rJ. Richard Tomlinson ‘Elizabeth Harlow Phillips Alumni Fund: $4,81350 Arnold H. Gessel Arthur E. Curtis Total Gifts: $7,19350 [October, 1973 Joseph E. Adcock ’Ronald 1 New England Mutual Life ESB Foundation Anonymous »Jay Martin Anderson [Ruth Eisi »Robert I. Adler Insurance Company General Electric Foundation Barbara Deaton Anderson Mary Ann Mongon Angell (Carolyn 1 Johanna Rosenblatt Alger Scott Paper Company Foundation International Business Machines L. Wesley Argo Catherine Pinkney Armington (Edward J Craig F. Ash Westinghouse Educational Corporation Richard C. Austin Marjorie Thom Argo »Susan Handler Auth Ellen Glc Foundation Johnson & Johnson (Walter A. Virginia Hess Austin »Sigmund A. Beck Morgan Guaranty Trust Company »Ann M. Baerwald ¡Ann Cart Jesse I. Aweida Daniel L. Bell of N.Y. Charitable Trust & »David Baltimore 1958 Hanet Poi Maria Klemperer Aweida David A. Bennahum Foundation Gerald J. Batt »Robert A. Barr »Janet Senft Bentley Rosemary Crawford Bertram 1 Arthur R »Diana Scott Beattie »Sheila Brown Bishop Class Representative: Helen Tang Bhattacharyya Elijah Sw JANE ANN GILLEN WILLIAMS 1959 Priscilla Mitchell Bough ton Lyndall Cadbury Boal Gladys Brooks Block Inta Muir David C. Ruth Tuley Broderick »Sara Giddings Bode Class Representative: Irene Tilenius Bloom Number of Donors: 97 pavida Y Edna Apfel Casman »Ronald G. Bodkin EUGENIA BEAM ROSE William J. Boehmler Participation: 39.8 Richard 1 Maria Gleaton Cattell »Maxine Marcus Boshes »Judith Scorpil Bryer A lumni Fund: $5,109.00 Donald P Anne Solomon Clavel »Ellen M. Braunstein N um ber o f D o n o rs: $ 9 »Jane Foster Buckwalter Total Gifts: $5.129.0q Andries \ Charles L. Cogswell »Ann Lubin Buttenwieser Participation: 35.9 »Joseph M. Burns Deborah Vera Spohr Cohen Donald F. Campbell Alumni Fund: $3,376.75 *B. Michael Casper •Mary Louise Jones Cole Dorothy Norris Chillrud Carolyn Bakke Bacdayan Ronald F Karen Hultzen Belleau Total Gifts: $3,396.75 »Frederick N. Chase »Carolyn Cotton Cunningham'' »Hugh F. Coyle, Jr. »Sara Bolyard Chase Susan Co William H. Cunningham »Mary Roberts Craighill »Edwin V. Bishop Jerry Wh »Layeh Aronson Bock Anonymous »Christopher K. Clague Barbara Ache Davis »Dorothy Winter Dailey Esther ‘G »Catherine Glennan Borchert »John E. Adams *L. Wallace Clausen »Jane Holt de Frees •Mayer B. Davidson Melba Ca »Frank R. Borchert, Jr. »Judith Andrews Agard Irene Hartfield Cotton Gretchen Vogel Feldman »Phyllis Klock Dominick »Eleanor DuguidCraig ¡Susan Pic »Blaine A. Braniff Peter T. Atkinson tenoni Y Thomas W. Fetter *H. Filmore Dowling, Jr. »Robert L. Baker Robert T. Damask »Alan A. Braverman Carl W. Y •Elizabeth Kyle Frost »Marianne Durand »Margaret Lee Braniff John M. Darley Judith Puchner Breen Sylvia Di< »Marian Westover Gade »Clifford J. Earle, Jr. »Allan B. Brown Nancy G. Dellmuth William W. Bryan jdary Kell »Mary Anne Galloway Lois Glass Edgar »Winfred P. Buckwalter, III »David T. Denhardt Robert W. Ellis »Paul I. Corddry Hercules 1 »Judith Risk Gammon »Teresa Mathews Crayne Stephan R. Cavior »Georgetta Harrar Denhardt »Richard O. Gammon »Philip A. Fanning Honeywe »Matthew J. Dann »Monique Weston Clague »Nancy Peterson Ebert Max E. Gottesman Deborah Gross Farrington »Madge M. Ellis tnternatic Philip B. Dunham »Dennis G. Cole I Corpor Miriam Blau Grabois »Ruth Ellenbogen Flaxman L. David Cole »Joan Schuster Faber Felicia Forsythe Foulkes I. Newton Durboraw, III Sterling E »Sara K. Guthrie Peter G. Durkson »Jean Wellman Coleman »Peter L. Faber Howard T. Hallowell, III »Mary Longenecker Frorer William W. Fairchild United A .»Nancy Bowies Ellin »John P. Dahinter Harriet Fitzhugh Handley. Richard L. Fussell »Sarah Messolonghites Flaherty »Richard B. Darlington »William B. Fairley 961 •Gretchen Mann Handwerger »Mary Boyce Gelfman Deborah MacAdam Forrester »Stephanie Moss Day »Jeanette Strasser Falk Felicity Heath Hansen »James M. Gibson »Peter G. Filene »Robert A. Freedman John W. De Pauw Ilass Repr Jean Eden Gilbert Sandra Ha Fink •Janet Kuhl Hays Carol Friedman Gilligan Jane Bassett Differding IUGH P. Kathryn Hayes Head »Nancy'A. Goolsby ‘ Marjory Whidden Frisch Julia Eaker Goodman »Elizabeth Deutsch Earle Peter D. Heagle Neil R. Grabois Paul Frishkoff Richard B. Gould »R. Lane Emerson, Jr. lumber ol Louise Robertson Hodgson »Tekla Schnore Grinins »James B. Fritts Edward A. Green, Jr. »Eric P. Erlanson tyticip a ti »Anne Holland Hohenemser »Ferris Hall Carol Cullum Geil *R. Kent Greenawalt »George C. Eskin lum ni Fu •David B. Holland »Elizabeth Ross Hammond »Elise Landau Gideionse »Judith Branch Hart Richard I. Feinberg otal G ifta Nancy Kenyon Hulme »Samuel L. Hayes, III Elinor Lee Fisher »Martin C. Gideonse »Margery Paxson Jones Karen Christianson Holloway »Joan Sawin Heald Martha Schaff Helmreich James S. Forrester, Jr. John M. Goodman Peter P. I »Donald L. Kimmel, Jr. Harriet Mangrum Howe Kay Senegas Gottesman Peta M. Henderson »Beth Stevens Freedman Marilyn I Elizabeth Smith Kolowrat W. Alan Huebner »Lewis R. Gaty, II »Marcia Montin Grant Roberta D’Amico Kolp »Vanetta McFeely Hunter Karen Helm Hester Keil R. A »Marianne Edel Gibson »A. Seth Greenwald lean Lem •Lois Rostow Kuznets George K. Huntington »John M. Hoffman »Christoph Hohenemser »Seth Gibson »David M. Griffiths Margaret »Ruth Cooper Lamb »Francis M. James, III Steven N. Gilborn »Susan Detweiler Hanger »Barbara Gallagher Jannuzi Lawrence N. Howe Sheila Ms »Peter Lenrow »John E. Gillmdr John W. Harbeson R. Creigh »Ruth Renfer Lenrow Katherine Applegate King Lois Doubleday Howe »Grace Spendlove Inglis »Susan Barker Gutterman »Arthur R. Hauver William E »Roger E. Levien Stephen H. King »William H. Hague »Constance Longshore Hauver Norton B. Knopf Elaine Martin James pay Lorr »Carl M. Levin Josephine Weissman Hall »Robert B. Heaton Harvey W »Joanna Rudge Long Wharton R. Kresge »Janet Lewis James David F. Jenkins »Carol Anderson Hanawalt »Larison F. Helm Myra Bar: Nancy Hickman Lufburrow Jane Flax Lattes »Margery Wagener Heitbrink »Thomas D. Henderer Jean Carter Leathern »Albert L. Johnson, III ' lohn R. ( »Caro E. Luhrs Elizabeth Hormann Johnson J. Scott Hildum »Gene I. Higashi Lawrence •Christian E. McMurtrie »Eugene L. Leboy Marilyn Hughes Johnson - »John W. Hoffman Betty Jo Bendigo Hildum Parol Pra; John K. McNulty »Phoebe Starfield Leboy »Vera Lundy Jones Miriam Repp Hoffman »Frederic F. Hinze Hugo M. i »Cowles Mallory Sara Cox Levi »Anthony L. Joseph Paul C.Y. Huang »David A. Horr (eroine S. »Robert E. Meyers *G. Stephen Lloyd Michael C. Hudson Alison Seelye Howard Jean Affleck Lowe »Joseph E. Keller, Jr. Richard V •Carolyn Shuler Minionis Libby Seifer Hummer James Hurchalla Linda H. Wiltrud Richter Mott-Smith »Donald McGrady B. Wayne Kinyon Conrad G. Lattes »Anne Grimes Imboden Karen Huston Jacobs Mary Lou »William G. Nelson, IV Elizabeth Wilson McKinley Herbert G. Lau »Margaret Lacy James Harry J.J. Kahrs Cecily La »Patricia Dilley O’Neil »Robert W. McMinn Mary Janson Leslie Judith Hpnderson Jones »Barbara Klamon Kopytoff Laura L. 1 Eleanor Lanning Osborne Beverly Bruhn Major »David M. Kanef »Miriam Siegmeister Koren »Dorothea Borgmann Mendelson Sarah Teller Lottick Linda Gr; Eric Osterweil Robert C. McDiarmid Elizabeth Karpati »Mary Gooden Laudati Valter M. Joseph H. Ottemiller Christa Mayr Menzel »Marilyn Mathews King Frederick V. Lawrence, Jr. Patricia Niles Middlebrook In memory of J. Blair McMillin landra D. Wilther H. Paine, Jr. Nancy Stetson Kroon »Linda Rothwell Lee feter D. I Susanna Spier Miyake »Tamzin MacDonald McMinn John B. Peatman »Ruth Gilman Lewis »William F. Lee, Jr. ). Craig I »Gilles R.G. Monif »Marianne Wertheim Makman •Audrey S. Penn Maria Gerhard Marzahl »Brian B. Loss Margaret Dickie Linden Catharine •France Juliard Pruitt »Minna Newman Nathan son Ken Matsumoto »Michael R. Lusignan »Janet B. Lockard Inn Scrii »Judith Ramseyer Charles J. Odenweller, Jr. »Marcia McCoy Mallory Susan Turner Lokich »Barbara Fassett Oski »James H. Miller I Peter E Jessica Heimbach Raymond »Charles A. Miller Donald K. Mallet )avid H. 1 William H. Perloff, Jr. »Harriet Nerlove Mischel Ralph C. Rinzler »Jean Inglis Nebel »Linda Habas Mantel Inn Sing] »Jon A. Peterson »Carol Gayle Moodie »Frances Myers Risius . »Linda Aurand Nelson Joan Stadler Martin Sidney 01 »Stephen H. Pitkin Judith Gilman Moore Diana Wagner Roeder »Carol Wills Oberbrunner »David W. Matsen (avid F. ] Laudie Dimmette Porter Judy Kazan Morris Harry A. Roeder Anne Parker Odenweller J. Peter May ley wood Welles K. Reymond Alice Crawford Nicolson Judith Skillman Roseman JohnW. Pendleton »Frederick W. Meister panna M W. Carter Reynolds •David Noyes ' •Albert M. Ross William Poole, VII *Heli Spiegel Meltsner partita K: »Judith Polgar Ruchkin »Nancy Kaltreider Rosenblatt »Bruce Oakley »Deborah Hacker Oakley »Nathan J. Price Lynn N. Milgrim onathan »Bernard D. Sarachek »Barbara Tracy Ross Barbara Hopf Offenhartz »Lennoe Huffman Quillinan »Joel S. Mindel Jretchen »Donna Olsen Satterfield Ralph C. Rosser, Jr. »Deborah Goodyear Rector Robert T. Moore f. Jean G Harriet Holran Schley John A. Rowe Jane Noel Oliver Marilyn Sutton Peatman »Caroline Carlson Redden »Helen Spann Morse Vendy C< Paul N. Senior »Louis E. Rowley »Johanna Mautner Plaut »Mark E. Robart »John H. Munch lerritt W *J. Lawrence Shane •Pamela Vogeley Rubin David H. Porter John A. Robbins »Judith S. Nordblom lelen Ho »Priscilla Kingsley Sharpless »Stephen B. Rubin Harriet Latham Robinson Peter O. Offenhartz ill Harris »Stanley Spitzer Andrea Bear Rugh »Dorothy V. Ramm Wayne H. Richter Caroline Pippin Rose Barbara Ryan Oscar flly Prit< »Ann Chase Starr »Eben H. Sales Joan Wasser Robinson »Eugenia Beam Rose John M. Palka inn Harp »Janet Lundquist Steere Michael E. Schoeman William T. Salisbury Yvonne Schaelchlin Palka leverly B »David Steinmuller »Roderick M. Rose »Sari Ginsburg Seiff Esther Darlington Rosenberg »Corinne Seither »Robert L. Patten (avid W. •Peter S. Svirsky »Martha Porter Shane »Audrey Plimpton Schlick Tim A. Shopen Barbara J. Payne Undi Lif »Anne Christian Tedeschi »Ann Stoddard Sielman Elaine Keller Seitz Elizabeth EameS Siebold »David S. Plaut lobert D, »Mary E. Tovell »Peter Simkin Alexander Shakow »Penelope Payson Simkin Mary Lynne Ahroon Poole Lines E. 1 Susan Raymond Vogel Bettina French Smith »Michael I. Sobel Donald L. Potter paries E. »Carl von Frankenberg •Robert C. Stever »Eric C. Sharpless »Ruth Ottaway Sherer »Thomas H. Stevenson Douglas R. Price [lan K. K Robert C. Wallach Betty Jane Yannet Stone »Fred B. Stollnitz »William T. Robinson, III ptriciaC •Carolyn Michaelson Weiner Jeremy J. Stone *J. Edward Skeath »Carolyn Walch Slay man Laurence H. Stookey P. Peter Rosen |>hn R. K Frances King Widmann Patricia Blake Sutton Lloyd D. Tarlin, Jr. Margaret Ann Roth (ate Kille Anne Pacsu Wieland Ronald E. Sutton J ames C. Slechta Helen L. Smits »Elizabeth Elliott Van Lenten Karen Orner Rudin jpbert H. Tryon S. Wieland David P. Tice William W. Walls, Jr. »Charles F.C. Ruff pian E. Hallowell Foundation »Ken Warthin Virginia Gunn Steel »Charles F. Stroebel Candace Q. Watt »Susan Willis Ruff lobert S. Honeywell, Inc. »Stephen B. Watkins »Georgia Sommers Wright »George B. Salzberg ■ois A. W »Jeanette Lust Wilson »Betsey Hiller Tabraham Scott Paper Company Foundation Sarah Shaw Wright »Michael L. Sananman pemy r »Joan Hall Wise Katherine Gervais Trezevant Towers, Perrin, Forster & Crosby, General Electric Foundation »Norman S. Sarachek (Hen B. N Inc. Roger A. Witt Caroline Davy Weber Brenda Schwabacher Webster W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. »Aiko Okada Sato jaija Baj; Stephen S. Wolff ohn R. V Lily Frank Youman Babette Barbash Weksler •Joan Bond Sax 1957 »Catherine Hebley Schane hilip Mo: Jo Anne Loftus Young Marc E. Weksler 1960 »H. Philip Schane, Jr. Randolph •William R. Young Jane Ann Gillen Williams Class Representative: Class Representative: Sigh P. N Matthew Zucker Elaine Blume Wilson »Lee M. Schmidt LOUIS C. ROWLEY ROBERT B. HEATON »Anne Dzamba Sessa isa Haen American Home Products »Carol Euwema Wolf John H. Shertzer psanne I Corporation »Edward L. Wolf Number of Donors: 109 Number of Donors: 139 (net Joni Cutler-Hammer Foundation »Charles M. Wyndham, III Alan M. Shorb Participation: 44-9 Participation: 96.3 »Roger J. Shott jnnifer A Alumni Fund: $5,961.60 A.B. Dick Foundation »Susan Lindsay Youker »Irma Praise Yucht Alumni Fund: $5,497.76 •Ann Brownell Sloane jorothy S Total Gifts: $6,210.60 General Electric Foundation Total Gifts: $5,54Z76 Swarthmore Alumni Issue «ober. 10 (Ronald H. Smith Barbara Hall Partee Reida Johnson Kimmel Joan Garrett Goodyear Katherine Taylor Colfelt [Ruth Eisenhower Snider ♦Faith Harris Patten Rose-Marie Bentele Klipstein ♦Jo Eager Gordon ♦Joyce McAvoy Colket (Carolyn Panzer Sobel David H Peterson ♦Stephen D. Koch Lynne Fleming Goss ♦L. Shelley Smith Conture (Edward J. Steiner ♦Carol Hart Pizer Peter S. Latham Robert G. Harftwell Nina Wilson Cornell Ellen Glowacki Strauss R. Willis Post Don Latshaw Mary Robertson Hartman Katrina van Benschoten Darnell Jane Hay Price (Walter A. Strong, III ♦Mary C. McCutchan Rita Koplowitz Headrick Susanna Roberts Davison ¡Ann Carter Swayne * Richard H. Quarles pnda Fulton McKay ♦John C. Henley ♦Elizabeth GronkiewicZ Deal ♦Yale Richmond Hanet Powell Swenson Susan Ehrlich Martin Thomas F. Hirsch Margaret Hodgkin Durham [Arthur R. Swift ♦Virginia Garrett Rovnyak Robert J. Mason Frederick B. Hoffmann Edith Twombly Eddy ♦Robert S. Rowley Elijah Swift, V David A. Maybee ♦E. Michael Holden ♦Susan Zinn Eisinger Myra Jordan Samuels Inta Muiznieks Tannehill L. Lee Moore, III ♦Catherine Hall Horr Raymond H. Ellis W. Gero w Schick, Jr. David C. Teller ♦William J. Morehouse Helen Heitmann Ives ♦Susan Foster Fleisig John Schuchardt faavida Young Teller ♦Marty Scott Myer Laurie Daniels Jackson Duncan K. Foley ♦Eleanor S. Schuker Richard N. Thomas John B. Nesbitt ♦Carl G. Jockusch, Jr. Helene Marie Peet Foley ♦June Rothman Scott Donald P. Tucker Charles L. Orr Joan Tompsett Johnson Marion C. Foster ♦Margretta Reed Seashore ¡Andries Van Dam ♦Nicholas Passell ♦Tessa Jordan ♦Martha McCrumm Fritts Thomas W. Sharpless Deborah Kurmes Van Dam In memory of Morton Patla Sucheng Chan Juergensmeyer Edward Ganz Joseph J.Y. Shin Ronald F. Walter ♦Caroline Hodges Persell H. Scott Kane, III ♦Robert P. Gordon ♦Diane Marshall Shott Susan Cotts Watkins ♦Ruth Brosi Phillips Susan Womer Katzev ♦Richard L. Green Thomas C. Snell Terry Whitehand Watson Anthony J. Plitnik David R. Keyser Peter S. Grubmeyer Charles E. Snygg Esther ‘Glaser’ Wilson ♦Louis B. Potter Martha McKee Keyser ♦Robert S. Harrington ♦William K. Sfell Melba Carr Wilson Rosemary Werner Putnam Alice Handsaker Kidder Lucas P. Hart, III D. Claire Faust Stephens Susan Pickett Worf Judy Schwartz Rabb ♦Elizabeth Welfling King ♦Peter H. Hartline Edgar A. Stephens Benoni Y. Wu David C. Richardson ♦Richard I. Kittredge ♦David A. Heider Sherwood E. Sterling Carl W. Yoder Jane Shelby Richardson Charles Y.K. Kondo Archer Dodson Heinzen Hans R. Stoll Sylvia Diedrich Yoder Robin Ridington Patricia Horan Latham ♦Robert J. Hickey, Jr. ♦Sabina Mueller Sulgrove ¡dary Keller Zervigon ♦Margaret Pickett Roeske J. Frederick Laucius ♦Arthur D. Hlavaty ♦Alice Carroll Swift Hercules Incorporated Stanley Rosenberg Jonathan D. Leavitt ♦Lydia Razran Hooke Honeywell, Inc. ♦Dorothy Garrison Swift ♦Jonathan L. Rosner Lynn Hollen Lees ♦William H. Hooke International Business Machines Henry C. Tappen, Jr. ♦Paul A. Rothman Helen Rees Lessner Ted V.J. Houle f Corporation E. Louise Todd Taylor ♦Frederick Russell William H. Lipshutz Robert Jacobi Sterling Drug Company, Inc. ♦Joan Lutton Taylor ♦Stuart J. Safft Michael M. Lister ♦Elizabeth Northrop Jockusch United Aircraft Corporation Susan Bannerman Thesenga ♦Don L. Scarborough ♦Caroline Eubank Lyke William S. Johnson ♦Judith Taylor Uehlein Peter J. Schoenbach ♦Robert F. Lyke Penelope Townsend Jones 1961 ♦Jon Van Til Stephen C. Schoenbaum ♦Gail S. MacColl Robert A. Kapp ♦Kristin Bergstrom Vessey ♦Mary Murphy Schroeder ♦Thomas A. McCrosson, Jr. Katherine Moore Kauffman !lass Representative: ♦Stephen H. Vessey Yohko Suzuki Shorb ♦Helen Garrison McLaughlin ♦Barbara Kline King \UGH P. NESBITT Belinda Streit Vrielink ♦Joanna Ferber Shulman Richard E. Mabry Elizabeth Morrow Kist Marymina Helwig Wallis Arthur J. Siegel Suzanne Merrill Maybee Andrea Hoff Knox lumber o f D o n o rs: , 119 ♦Paul C. Waser Lloyd B. Sirman, Jr. ♦Robert D. Menaker Terese Loeb Kreuzer brticipation: 49.4 ♦Sarah Kibbee Weinberg Emily Malsin Sitkin ♦Margaret Schoenberg Menzin ♦Daniel H. Lederer \lumni Fund: $4,458.62 William A. Welsh, Jr.' ♦A. John Solodar Susan Wickens Merrill Rebecca Todd Lehmann otal Gifts: $4,473.62 Michael D.M. Westgate J. Kirker Stephens Constance Kain Milner Scott K. Lehmann ♦Patricia Myers Westine Philip J. Stone ♦Barbara Seymour Morehouse David N. Levin Peter P. Aizupitis ♦John B. Wheeler John E. Tannehill Patricia Handwerk Noragon Michael W. Lillie Marilyn Back Anderson Susan Kreps Wilkes ♦Patience Parrish Taylor Claire Bishop Nyandoro ♦Marvin J. Lipschutz Neil R. Austrian Richard B. Willis, Jr. ♦Douglas C. Thompson ♦Torrence D. Parsons ♦Bennett Lorber lean Lennox Baierlein George M. Wilson ♦T. Jeffrey Toy James S. Patton Margaret Doehlert Barovich Bethlehem Steel Corporation R. Jared Lubarsky ♦E. Carl Uehlein, Jr. ♦Lawrence S. Phillips Miki McCaslin Sheila Maginniss Bell International Business Machines Stephanie Ross van Reigersberg ♦Richard E. Poole R. Creighton Booth Corporation Joyce Thompson Mabry Margaret Segal Walch Clyde V. Prestowitz, Jr. Richard W. Mansbach IVilliam E. Brownfield NCR Foundation Peter S. Walch Robert D. Putnam pay Lorraine Burgiel Pren-Hall Foundation Peter S. Miller Nina deAngeli Walls ♦Judith Aitken Ramaley E. Ohmer Milton, III Harvey W. Caplan David A. Walter Wendelin Grafflin Reymond Myra Barrett Casper 1962 Robert W. Newman David H. Wegman Jane Stewart Rosenzweig Nancy Lee Nickerson John R. Champlin Thomas C. Saylor Class Representative: ♦John L. Weinberg ♦Joseph R. Peterson Lawrence C. Christianson ♦Peter S. Westine Ellen Perchonock Schaefer Carol Pray Churchill JOHN T. WARRINGTON, JR. ♦John C. Pollock ♦Margaret Kaetzel Wheeler Ronald S. Scott Howard N. Rabinowitz Hugo M. Churchill Kathleen Malley White ♦Blake W.IJ. Smith N um ber o f D o n o rs: 114 ♦Jed S. Rakoff jerome S. Cohen Mary Chase Wiellette ♦R. Evan Smith Participation: 3 9 .9 Eric R. Ries Richard W. Coles ♦Albert J. Williams, III Julie Mackay Snell Linda H. Cooley Alumni Fund: $ 3 ,6 1 6 .7 1 ♦John A. Riggs Jo Ann Chatelain Wood ♦Daniel I. Sober Rosita Sarnoff Mary Louise Jacobson'Cotton Total G ifts: $ 6 ,1 3 1 .7 1 ♦John H. Wright ♦Jane Jonas Srivastava Ronald G. Schaffer Cecily Langdale Davis Brian E. Appel Commercial Credit Companies - *C. William Steelman Laura L. Denny James D. Schembs Paul S. Armington Foundation, Inc. Diana Judd Stevens ♦John S. Schuster Linda Grant De Pauw Itek Corporation ♦Ellen L. Asher ♦Michael D. Taylor ♦Carol O. Seabrook Valter M. Dickey Sandoz-Wander, Inc. Deborah Ayres ♦Dorothy Perry Toy Mary H. Smith jandra D. Dixon Richard C. Bechtel, Jr, United Aircraft Corporation Hanspeter P.F. Treuenfels jeter D. Ebersole Susan Smart Smith Bernard M. Berman ' Nancy Lindberg van Itallie Alan L. Spielman >. Craig Edwards George F. Bertsch 1963 ♦Maria Russell Warth Amy F.J. Stone Catharine Nicely Emsden C. Stephen Beshore Dorothy Earley Weitzman James E. Thorpe, III Lnn Scribner Erlanson Stephen L. Bloom Class Representative: Martin L. Weitzman sPaul Todd i Peter Euben Penelope Jones Bowie C. W ILLIAM STEELMAN Edwenna Rosser Werner Lila K. Towle )avid a Felter Peter Brandt ♦Isabelle Phillips Williams ♦Israel L. Tyler Inn Singleterry Ferebee ♦Elisabeth Potts Brown N um ber o f D o n o rs: 115 Jonathan S. Willis, III ♦Richard W. Weeks, n Bdney Oltman Ferrell David A. Burack Participation: 4 5 .3 ♦Philip K. Wion Conrad J. Weiler, Jr. (avid F. Fitchett Lawrence J. Caroff Alumni Fund: $ 3 ,2 3 5 .2 5 Sarah Edmundson Wu Roslyn Rivkin Weinberger leywoodW. Fleisig ♦Elizabeth Holden Carter Total G ifts: $ 3 ,3 8 5 .2 5 Holly Humphrey Wyand ♦James M. Weiss panna Meigs Fried ♦Walter F. Carter Elaine Finkelstein Zablocki ♦David M. Winn lartha Krist Fritts Mary Sargent Coles ♦Alison Archibald Anderson CI.T. Foundation, Inc. Friedner D. Wittman onathan F. Galloway ♦William B. Cotton William M. Baker General Electric Foundation George T. Wolf Sretchen Gayle N. Jean Thompson Crist Michael H. Bancroft Hewlett-Packard Company V. Jean Geil ♦Ellen Faber Wright James C. Dick Martha Barcalow Barrett International Business Machines Vendy Coleman Goble ♦Elizabeth Sams Yeo ♦Diana M. Drake ♦David L. Bartlett Corporation Peat, Marwick, Mitchell Foundation lerritt W. Hallowell David V. Edwards Erica Strong Batt The New Yorker jelen Howard Harmon Lee Rosenblum Edwards ♦Susan Ware Bauer - Trust Company of ill Harris 1965 Georgene Mallonee Elliott JohnC. Bell New York Foundation ¡ally Pritchard Hayman Charles H. Ellis, Jr. Janet Oestreich Bernstein knn Harper Heaton Class Representatives: Katharine Peckham Emlen Daniel J. Booser 1964 PHILLIP G. HOFFER AND leverly Burt Henderson Stephen T. Emlen Monica Pannwitt Bradsher lav id W. Henderson DAVID C. ROWLEY Joan C. Espenschied Leo B. Braudy landi Liff Holahan Class Representative: ♦Thomas a Evans H. Kurt Christensen lobert D, Hollenberg G OLIVER BURT, III N um ber o f D o n o rs: 110 ♦Suzanne Wright Fletcher Mary Williams Clark Smes E. Humphreys Participation: 421 ♦Carol Fox Foelak Nancy Hall Colburn Number o f Donors: 101 Alumni Fund: $3,147.00 paries E. Jackson *R. Kimbel Colket Man K. Kaplan Anne Koopmans Frankel Participation: 3 9 .3 Total Gifts: $3,147.00 ♦Cynthia A. Ganung Mary Putney Coote A lu m n i F u n d : $ 2 ,6 3 3 .5 0 ptricia Clark Kenschaft ■ E. Kevin Cornell phn R. Kern ♦Robert L. Goble Total G ifts: $ 2 ,6 4 3 .5 0 Anonymous Glenn E. Coven, Jr. Ute Killebrew Ronald S. Goor Ellen Tolies Baker Allen H. Greenleaf John C. Cratsley Samuel B. Allison Louise Brandon Barker pbert H. Koehl ♦John J. Creighton pi (an E. Kraemer Nicolas Fischer Hahn Wallace Crucjger Ayres ♦Christina L. Bitting Daniel R. Headrick ♦Elizabeth Maxfield Crofts lobert S. Lande William S. Ayres ♦Peter A. Bloom ♦James a Himes Linda Greenfield Davis Barbara Edwards Banet ♦Elizabeth Winn Brandt net Jones Osteryoung ♦ Courant Jay S. Kerzner Allan F. Gibbard ♦William T. Carpenter Richard E. Damon Binifer Abraham Page David H Kidder George S. Glass frothy Smith Pam ♦Susan Slade Carroll W. David Darby Charles B. Kimmel ♦Marilyn Tindall Glater Lucy Fuchsman Cherbas Steven A. Delibert «ober, 1973 11 J. Blair Dean Cooter Richard R. McCurdy Verena Hostettler Putnam Patricia ] ♦Alan S. Douglas Rita B. Baab John F. McDiarmid Penelope Bellamy Rabe [RoyE. V In memory of Philip Barley Robert D. Cooter , Julia Bunce Elfving Deborah Taylor Damon Lucy Schneider McDiarmid Robin Smith Reasoner Michael i Anne Taylor Emerson Stephen H. Bennett Gillian H. Dean John C. Mather Richard A. Rinaldi ■Arlene Z Lonnie Roth Fairchild Wendy Prindle Berlind Burt M. Robert A. Doughty Christopher P. Miller F. John Rogers In memory of Devin V. Fitch Richard H. Bonder Nory Miller Jeffrey Ruda McNeil 1 William A. Bradford, Jr. ♦Andrew L. Faber •Warren L. Forsythe Robert L. Gordon, Jr. ♦V. James Miller Ellen L. Schall In memory of Jonathan D. ♦Steven H. Brandt Pamela W. Gore ♦Fred H. Montgomery Steven J. Schostal Freudenthal Stephen R. Burstein H. Ann Heisler Ohren Deborah E. Seeley \1971 Sharon Townley Burt ♦Mary Ellen Grafflin Susan Stanford Friedman ♦William M. Hauser Robert V. Rawson Betsy Weisberger Seifter Mona C. Frishman Craig L. Campbell Bruce W. Reedy Christopher A. Taylor Class Re¡i Maureen Kulbaitis Cassidy Michael E. Herbert Elizabeth Holder Harris ♦Stephen B. Hitchner, Jr. Bruce L. Rockwood Dorothy C. Twining JO H N C. Virginia Blake Harris Jane-Carol Johnson Catlin ♦Judith Mebane Rowley Alfred O. Weller CAROL Dorothy Woods Chronister Thomas K. Hodous Marilyn WarkentinHasler Marc Hofstadter Lee Alan Sanders Barry M. Wohl ♦Ann Mueller Heider David D. Clark ♦Isabel Vteeland Hoverman John O. Schairer David D. Wright Number i ♦Katherine J. Heller James L. Cristol Mark Huberman John J. Seidenfeld Camille Smith Yinger Participa Barbara Jahnel Dingfield William L. Henning, Jr. Douglas B. Huron David W. Singleton John M. Yinger A lum ni t Elsa Jane Dixler Elizabeth Albertson Higginbotham ♦Gladys H. Irish Diana Royce Smith Steven R. Yussen T o ta l GH ♦Theodore J. Duff ♦Phillip G. Hoffer William S. Jacobs ♦Lawrence J. Smith Peter M. Zimmerman ♦Judith Graybeal Eagle Shelby Fiske Hoffman Cecelia M. Johnson • ♦Marc J. Sonnenfeld Steven H. Zimmerman Robert L ♦Sandra Moore Faber Christine Holden Jean Powers Kamp Wilbur G. Streams CNA Foundation Susan Ye Ruth Sandbergh Fay ♦William K. Hoyt, Jr. Peter J. Katzenstein Robert B. Suter Ford Motor Company Fund ¡Barbara l ♦Vivian Ling Hsu . In memory of Daniel Feigin ♦David E. Swanson General Electric Foundation Steven J. Stephen L. Gessner Russell G. Kimura ♦Gregory K. Ingram ♦Charles R. Lansberry Maria G. Szilagyi Hbffmann-La Roche Foundation Richard 1 Steven G. Goldblatt Emmanuel O. Isu Barbara Finch Lawson •Joseph D.C. Wilson, IH International Business Machines F. Adele ♦Ray S., Jackendoff Linda LVnes Groetzinger Edith T. Young Corporation H. Williar Jill Robinson Grubb, Ulle Lepassar Laura Sue Kaufman Karen Seashore Louis Julie Biddle Zimmerman Richardson-Merrell, Inc. David M. Daniel L. Kegan Thomas C. Grubb, Jr. Smith Kline & French Foundation Robert S. Patricia Lykens Hankins Jane Lang McGrew Glenn C. Kenton 1969 , Washington National Insurance garbata I Arthur J. Hartz Donald Marritz Elizabeth Ring Kolasky ♦Richard H. Martin Company Sylvia J .i Ann Marie Hild Kouatly Ellen Langenheim Henle Class Representatives: Alexande ♦Kate Donnelly Hickey ♦Stephen B. Maurer ♦Thomas R. Kramer Candida Fraze Moskovitz NANCY Y. BEKAVAC AND 1970 Constane Linda Dunbar Kravitz ♦Pamela Corbett Hoffer GREGORY J. ENG LUND Ljiljana N ♦John A. Hooke Susan Munch Richard B. Latner Katharine Rubio Murdock Class Representatives: Peter G. ( ♦Marjorie Limber Lederer Susan Booth Houle N um ber o f D o n o rs: 9 6 WALTER C BO N D A N D Jairo A. ( Jane Spavins Ingalls Priscilla Coit Murphy •William C. Lewis, Jr. Robert G. Murray Participation: 3 2 9 LUCINDA M. LEW IS Robert M Dorthea Madsen Liebold ♦Elizabeth Smith Ingram ♦Robin Hannay Nelson Alumni Fund: $ 2 ,0 2 8 .3 1 Joanne F Suzanne Lorant ♦Eric B. Jacobs T o ta l G ifts : $ 2 ,4 8 4 .8 1 N um ber o f D o n o rs: 7 7 Kathleen ♦Stratton C. Jaquette Samuel C. Newbury ♦John J. McKelvey, III Catherine Hydef Ogden Participation: 2 6 1, Martha M ♦Robert A. Mabry Nancy Beall Jarvis J. Mark Alexander A lu m n i F u n d : $ 1 ,2 1 2 7 7 William A Elena Williams Jenny ♦Robert B. Peelle, Jr. ♦Barbara Weber Mather Spencer C. Putnam Bernard D. Anderson Total G ifts: $ 1 ,2 1 2 7 7 fane Eige Mary Young Kapp M. Elisa \ *T. Michael Mather ♦Elenor G. Reid Philip Barker John E. Mercer Frederick J. Koster Nancy Y. Bekavac Lauren Bernstein Adamson Kathleen Elizabeth Daniel Large Charles M. Rosenberg ♦Peter B. Meyer Barbara Ingersoll Rothenberg Elizabeth Leavelle Bennett Stephen Arbuthnot Constano Carol Peruzzi Mikelsons Stephen B. Lichtenberg Catherine S. Bielitz Douglas A. Bacon Barbara E Sara Lawrence Lightfoot Rudolf V.B. Rucker *C. Grant Miller Ann E. Blakely Sarah Bancroft lohn H. ( Helen Heusner Lojek Niels D. Schonbeck Karin Benecke Miller Barbara Bell Seely Farrell Bloch A. Louisa Beck JohniD. ( Nancy Bashore Loomis Steven D. ♦Sara Shettleworth Mrosovsky Maitland S. Sharpe Terry Lewis Blumberg Brigitte Schmidt Bell Ruth Perl Melanie Skagen Munshi Robert D. MacPherson Roger S. Shatzkin Joseph G. Bodies' < John C.W. Bennett Clark A. Murdock Mabel Hultin Meltzer Anne L. Sheldon James R. Buchanan v Douglas H. Blair Nancy Sh ♦Linda Smith Nathanson ♦Howard V. Mindus Estate of Linford R. Smith George Caplan Arthur Block Richard I ♦Stephen L. Nathanson Robert A. Nussbaum In memory of Linford R. Smith Francine Jo Cardman Walter C. Bond Charles R Paul S. Needham ♦Ross H. Ogden Jonathan W. Stewart Elizabeth Jane Coleman Janet Mather BriggS Louise C. ♦Jeremiah Nelson Margaret Sprague Oravetz ♦Edith DuBose Streams t Diane Pennell Cook N John E. Briggs Sylvia K. Margaret C. Nelson Bruce R. Patton Margaret Tanner Tewson Stephen H. Cook Vera Grant Brown David W. Kenneth ! Lucia M. Norton ♦Stephen B.L. Penrose, III Jan W. Van der Sande Taylor Cope, II Elizabeth Raleigh Brownlee ♦David S.C. Pao John Q. Perdue, Jr. Lisa Weymouth G. David Crockett Michael A. Brownlee Mark H. J ♦Hervey C. Parke, UI Judith Ann Petsonk Louise Lichtenberg Wilson Ellen Daniell Bruce M. Bush Monica C ♦Anne Few Passell Harsh V. Pittie ♦David H. Wise Mark W. Dean John Chaffee Helen Dai ♦Walter H. Pinkus Daniel A. Pope ♦Phyllis Wang Wise Allen Dietrich Beverly Lyon Clark Judith Cu ♦Raphael L. Podolsky Lee Vandenberg Potter Arnold W. Yanof Peter J. Dikeman Roger D. Clark Jonathan Suzanne Rekate Post •Jean Lyon Preer Elizabeth Bixler Yanof Bruce T. Draine In memory of Stephanie L. Cooley ¡Frederick Joy Kolehmainen Reynolds ♦James R. Preer Richard J. Yeager Terry S. Drayman James G. Cuthbertson Cornelia i ♦Frederick M. Rhoades Steven M. Daniel A. Prener Richard A. Young Ellis Dudley, Jr. \ Mark Daniel Cheryl Wi Joseph W. Price, IV Thomas A. Riddell ♦Nancy High Zelnick Gretchen DeLamater Edgar Deborah Ann DeMott ♦Elizabeth Probasco Rodewald Ray R. M ♦David G Rowley General Foods Fund, Inc. John P. Edgar Peter E. Dodge Sylvia Bogsch Rucker Carol Weiss Rosenberg Merck Company Foundation Theodore Eisenberg Cheryl Thompson Eckwahl Susan A. Elizabeth Rosenberg Rumelt Frank W. Schafer Travelers Insurance Companies Jacqueline Ellis John R. Fields Sheila Ma Susan Gross Salzmann Richard P. Scheinman Jonathan K. Ellis Carolyn E. Frick Linda Bat ♦Claire Giloane Sebastian Allen E. Shoenberger Gregory J. Enghind Mary J. Good Robert J. Cynthia Grant Shoenberger 1968 ♦Dorita Sewell Christine Erb William E. Greiner Kenneth, . Michael G. Sinclair Paula Spil ♦Corey R. Smith Class Representatives: Lyon D. Evans, Jr. C. Eric Gulotta Judith McConnell Sondheimer Mark R. I ♦Eric N. Smith LYNN M. ETHEREDGE AND Alan Feldman Laura J. Hassler *E. Dare Rust Thompson George E. William L. Springer, II DIANA ROYCE SMITH Barbara H. Fitts Anne Newman Hirsh field Paul M. Stevens ♦Richard R. Truitt Carolyn Cymbalak Foster Elizabeth K. Hood Rick T. R Nicholas 1 ♦Ann E. Stuart Jonathan Vaughan Number of Donors: 6 2 Robert S. Fowler Bentley P. Jenkins ♦Thomas R. Watts Lucinda I ♦David Swenson Participation: 2 3 .7 Donald Fujihira Henry W. Jones, III , ♦Thompson Webb, III Janet Saai Earl E. Tarble A lu m n i F u n d : $ 1 ,5 4 0 .7 2 Jean Bell Goldblatt William R. Kennedy Walter E. Westman ♦Joel S. Taylor Total G ifts: $ 1 ,6 4 0 .7 2 Marianne Goldstein Ann Shepardson Kimura Ursula Bentele Tenny ♦Robert B. Williams Sarah J. Graetz Benjamin J. Kuipers Susan B. Wolschina ♦Louise Seelinger Thompson Walter L. Adamson John B. Greenly William E. Ladd Stuart J. Youngner ♦Suzanne Lovett Tilton Susan W. Almy Jeffrey A. Hart Bradley N. Lemke ♦Thomas V. Tilton ♦John M. Zelnick ♦Robert E. Bartkus Joan Goldhammer Hart Lucinda M. Lewis Bruce E. Tischler Regina G. Ziegler ♦Florence Daly Battis William B. Herdle Bruce E. Lohman Exxon Education Foundation John G. Troyer Marsha McAfee Bera David Hilgers Victoria M. Lundquist Stephanie Fantl Troyer Ford Motor Company Fund William J. Blackton Joan Glass Hilgers Deborah Carey Lyons ♦Diane Levine Umemoto General Foods Fund, Inc. Eric S. Blumberg Anne Yarbrough Huron Guy McLean ♦Sally A. Warren International Business Machines Daniel R. Botsford, Jr. Bonnie Gregory Inouye Ruth N. McNeill ♦Nancy L. Weiss Corporation ♦Frank I. Brown Heather E. Jackson Beth Ann Maier Nancy Strong Weyant INA Foundation Liiida Creasey Brown Teresa Rose Kennedy Stephen R. Marion David S. White ♦Nancy Eichhom Cadmus Margaret Anne Kohn Robert Mellman Cynthia Willbern Wilmoth 1967 ♦Robert R. Cadmus, Jr. Randall W. Larrimore Michael S. Namiki David C. Wright Paul N. Courant Linda J. Lee K. Kristina Nygaard Coca-Cola Company Class Representatives: Katherine Conner Doughty Laura Lein , Kathryn Sharp O’Neal First National Bank of Boston FRANKLIN J. APFEL AND •William J. Edgar Mary von Dorster Lestz R. Michael O’Neal Ford Motor Company Fund EDITH DuBOSE STREAMS ♦Norma Elias Lynne Oakland Liptay Patricia L. O’Regan Hart Schaffner & Marx •Lynn M. Etheredge Helen I. Lorn Joyce M. Olum International Business Machines Number o f Donors: 7 6 ♦Charles A. Floto Stephan G. Lynn Andre C. Pool Corporation Participation: 2 7 .3 Emily Albrink Fowler Garth S. MacDonald Jeffrey B. Remmel Barbara S. Gard Robert J. McKay Paula Bernstein Remmel 1966 Alumni Fund: $ 3 ,9 2 6 8 9 Total G ifts: $ 3 ,9 2 6 8 9 ♦Jean Warren Goad Thomas J. McKay Alan J. Robin Class Representative: Carl F. Goodwin Paul J. McMahon Caroline Robinson Sanders RICHARD R. TRUITT Hannah Gardner Aizupitis Donna Fischer Goodwin Edna Ilyin Miller Jessica Gross Schairer Ward C. Allen Glenna Giveans Gregor Robin Feuer Miller Roy J. Shanker N um ber o f D o n o rs: 8 7 Charles R. Bailey Richard L. Gregor Donald E. Mitchell 2 William I. Shorter Participation: 33.6 ♦Judy Lee Bartella David F. Hastings Harriet O. Nelson Ruth Stein Singleton Alumni Fund: $1,820.81 ♦David G. Battis Martha Oliphant Hastings Mary A. Noland Boyd Justin Slomoff Total Gifts: $1,866.81 Marshall Beil Teresa Healy Daniel E. Nussbaum Charles B. Spadoni John C. Booser Roger Hillson Thomas A. O’Donnell Dahrl Hill Taylor Freeland K. Abbott, Jr. Franklin H. Briggs, IV ♦Robert Hoe, VI E. Michael O’Neill Paul L. Taylor Janet Griffin Abbott J. Christopher Brown ♦Kathy MacLeod Hooke Paul E. Peelle Ellen R. Thompson Thomas A. Allaway Mary Nafe Chase Joya Tanaka Konishi Frederick R. Peiffer Stephen B. Trippel Roxanne Rensch Allen Rod J. Chronister Leo M. Leva Karen Spitulnik Peiffer Seth Tyler M. Elaine Gibbard Allman Susan Butts Clark ♦Lewis M. Lutton In memory of John W. Perdue Susan Vivell Brenda Porster Amato Andrew D. Cook Ray P. McClain Deborah M. Prince Tom Warrington Swarthmore Alumni law* ¡footer. 12 Patricia Ingram Whelan Robert M. Scheiber John V. Lubar John C. Hilke Richard W. Wilson [Roy E. Wilber David J. Scheidlinger Seth A, Mellon David S. Hough Elizabeth R, Wood Michael G Wing E. Margaret Schmidt Helen L. Miehle Julia S. Hough Andrea Wuest [Arlene Zarembka Geoffrey Selling Marcia E. Murakami Dale D. Hughes, Jr. William P. Yarrow Burt M. Zurer H. Alan Shapiro Edward T. Nelson Richard G. Hutcheson, III Susan C. Zaveruha McNeil Laboratories, Inc. L Murdock Smith, III Wendy Palmer Hilary Huttner Anthony J. Zwig James H. Stark Andrew D. Pike Joann B. Jones Elaine Kuehn Stonestrom George R. Pitts Susanna Juram 1974 ¡1971 Mabry Chambliss Swanson Vaughn Polansky Robert J. Keelan Charles S. Thomforde Robin M. Potter Karen G. Kelly Mitchell K. Black Christine L. Tolins Class Representatives: Ann Reichelderfer Shahnaz Kianian Joann N. Bodurtha Ralph W. Tryon JOHN C. BAER AND Carol Schrader Reitz Martha P. King Tura D. Campanella CAROL HARTNETT SIECK Mary Stott Tyler David A. Reitz Eric M. Kraus Stephen R. Fast Marc S. Walter Alan D. Rosskamm Elizabeth C. Krogh Carol A. Hall Number o f D o n o rs: 77 Marc J. Wertheimer Margaret Chasms Sanders Richard J. Kuhta Donna M. Kirshbaum Participation: 27.9 Charles E. Williams, Jr. Susan M. Schultz Angelica M. LaMorto Katrina E. Robeck Alumni Fund: $2,171.06 Guy M. Yates Mary L. Seubold Virginia A. Lancina Wotal Gifts■ $2,621.06 Pamela SL John Zurer David C. Shilton David W. Landau 1975 McNeil Laboratories, Inc. Robert N. Shriver, Jr. William L. Larsen Robert L. Abrahams Richardson-Merrell, Inc. W. Claymore Sieck Gordon K. Lavin Ellen M. Barry Susan Yelsey Aldrich „ Emily A. Siegel Elizabeth A. Leader Janet A. Beck [Barbara A Atkin 1972 R. Bruce Smith Thomas H. Lee Martha Booser Black Steven J. Bardwell Peter M. Solar Robert M. Lembo Deborah E. David Richard W. Beatty Class Representative: Peter Stonestrom Stephanie J. Levy Martha W. Harrell F. Adele Blakely RUTH GANISTER Hidemichi Tai Richard J. Lichtenbeig In memory of Susan J. Holzer H. William Bowman Christopher R. Tapscott Debra A. Lieberman Grace E. Huffman David M. Bressoud Number o f Donors: 8 2 Helen S. Tartar Renee Lomell David A. McElhinny Robert S. Briggs Participation: 2 5 .2 Laurie Tompkins Patricia A. McDonald John B. McKiiterick Barbara Hunter Chaffee A lu m n i F u n d : $ 7 1 3 .0 0 Mark E. Vander Schaaf Gustav McLeavy David R. Marion Sylvia J. Chin Total G ifts: $ 7 3 3 .0 0 Lee Walker Mary Ann Maggiore Susan C. Milius Alexander P. Cilento Ellen V. Weissman Eleanor E. Maloney Judy E. Nicholson Constance H. Cole Ernest B. Abbott Daniel P. White, Jr. Judith E. Meighan Jeffrey J. Scheuer Ljiljana Milosavljevic Cook David M. Adamson C. Duncan Wright Leon A. Metlay Margaret J. Stone [Peter G. Cook Thomas K. Aldrich Julia A. Wrubel i Mark Miller fairo A. Correa Edward M. Bassett, III Jonathan R. Zall Kristine Strateff Moore 1976 Robert M. Cushman Suzanne Cochran Bond Caroline G. Morgan loanne Flum Cuthbertson Virginia L. Bordewieck 1973 G. Malcolm Murray Cynthia Campbell Kathleen L. Daerr Linda J. Bovard Class of 1973 John Nadas Kathryn M. Conway Martha Meier Dean Kenneth I. Bowman Sandra J. Alexander Sandra M. O’Brien Stanton E. Cope, Jr. William A. Dellalfar Margaret A. Browning Julius R. Arief Steven I. Ojalvo John P. Devlin Jane Eigenrauch Judith M. Buchanan Jeffrey 0. Barckley Richard I. Ortega Mara Kreslins M. Elisa Wright Eisenberg Emily W. Bushnell Allison M. Barnes Robert K. Oye Barry T. Mehlman Kathleen H. Felmey Bruce J. Campbell David J. Bates Jeffrey W. Pepper Teresa A. Nicholas Constance B. Fleming Ellen M. Campbell Frederick C. Bennett Mary Beth Pereira Joan K. Smith Barbara B. Gibson Mary Jo Carr Ronald Blaha John W. Peterson Carol L. Swingle John H. Gilbert, III Sally V. Carson Susan I. Bromberg James R. Pugh Seth R. Tanenbaum JohniD. Goldman • Lawrence P. Clark Bernard L. Brown Wallis B. Ramsey Margaret L. Willits Steven D. Gordon Susan Corcoran Stephen M. Brown Frederick C. Ribe Ruth Perlmutter Hazen Ann B. Craddock David R. Bulkley Marilee Roberg SPECIAL Nancy Shoemaker Hegner Arlene J. Dannenberg Lynn Marple Cantrell Jan E. Rood Richard E. Hegner Melissa R. Dietz .Michael A. Caplin Joan E. Rubinstein Frederick F. Liu Charles R. Helleloid Allen C. Edgar William B. Carr, Jr. . Miriam A. Scheiber Pao G Pien Louise C. Hellwig Mary F. Edgar Cornell S.L. Chun Laura L. Scheuer Serita Pereira Spadoni Sylvia K. Humphrey Ruth E. Canister Christine A. Cooke Jeffrey V. Schon David W. Inouye Muriel Garfunkel Gillick Christopher G. Crain Richard A. Schultz NAVY Kenneth R. Jewell Steven J. Glass Susan E. Crockford Pamela D. Simson Mark H. Jones Catherine A. Good John W. Csordas Richard C. Slawsky Kent F. Balls Monica Car sky Kennedy Patricia M. Granfield Caroline B. Curtis Christine Wulfhorst Snyder Paul E. Barnhart Helen Darmara Kinder Mark H. Gromko Glenn S. Davis Christopher H. Stinson Arthur R. Hamed Judith Outright Larrimore Elizabeth Dolliver Gulotta Sandra A. Dembski Paul J. Susko Peter Liloia, Jr. Jonathan R. Lax Arthur M. Hauptman Jennifer A. Dion Randall Thomas Morgan L. Miller [Frederick M. Leader Steven L. Heiser Michael T. Donahue Ruth H. Thomas Donald A. Purdy Cornelia R. McCurdy M. Jane Holding Carey W. Donovan James R. Thompson Charles O. Rose Steven M. Melov Emily J. Howe Kathleen A. Draine Elizabeth H. Tobin Howard Stoertz, Jr. Cheryl Warfield Mitchell Hamilton M. Hoyler, Jr. Elizabeth J. Enloe Grant M. Trippel Ray R. Mullins Deborah Deutch Jewell Gerald A. Epstein Joseph L. Turner MASTERS Susan A. Myers Jo Lynne Johnson William H. Epstein Galip A. Ulsoy Sheila Marie Naughton Alan M. Jones Jonathan A. Fairbanks Reiko Ushiba Linda Ann Parrish Linda Barrett Osborne Beatrice M. Jordan Wayne F. Fosier Anke Vanhilst Robert J. Osborne Jeffrey M. Jordan Bettye B. Friedberg Sally A. Vogel HONORARY Kenneth A. Oye Margaret Jann Jordan Joan D. Gaylin Scott J. Walsh Paula Spilner Parmentier David Kalkstein Peter M. Gibson Ming Yee Wang H. Jermain Creighton Mark R. Proctor David F. Keely, III Linda L. Graham Anne E. Warren Clarence R. Moll George E. Reed, Jr. Michael Kelcy Andrea J. Hackel Noreen M. Webb John W. Nason Rick T. Reitze Giles K. Kemp Jan T. Hahn Robert A. Weissman Alexander C. Purdy Nicholas E. Reynolds Margaret D. Knowles Steven W. Hansen Abigail A. Wickham Hilton S. Read Lucinda Lee Roff Dale G. Larrimore Beth Ha slam Judith H. Wilson Barbara Weisberger (anet Saad Christopher Leinberger Deborah Smith Hilke Richard S. Wilson John C. Wister

Issue October, 1973 13 ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTORS TO SWARTHMORE COLLEGE Friends of Swarthmore

Mrs. Harry M. Sellers Mi. John B. Aaron Mrs. John B. Felton Longwood Gardens Mrs. John C. Fergus Elizabeth Ford Love, M.D. Mrs. J. Brooks Semple Mi. and Mis. Charles E. Acker Mrs. Joseph B. Shane Mrs. Sherman Adams Mrs. Else G. Feinsler Mr. Samuel C. Loventhal Mrs. James A. Field, Jr. . Mr. John B. McClatchy Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Shaw Mr. Jack Akerboom Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Shillingsburg I Mr. Clark R. Allison Mrs. William K. Flaccus Mrs. Roy McCorkle Mr. Stevenson W. Fletcher, Jr. Mr. H. Woodward MiDowell Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Sibbett Mrs. William E. Almy Miss Isabelle Sicklick Alumnae Discussion Group Mr. and Mrs. William M. Flook, Jr. Mr. John D. McCrumm Mrs. Merrill J. Fowle Mr. David J. McKee Miss Zelda Sicklick L.J. Appell, Jr. Mrs. J. Edward Skeath Mrs. William Cornell Archbold Mrs. Edward Fox Mr. James J. McKeehen Mr. and Mrs. Alan P. Slack Dr. Samuel R. Aspinall Miss Anna Frank Mr. Edward R. McLean Mr. William O. Aydelotte Mrs. William H. Frederick, Jr. Mrs. J. Blair McMillin Mrs. R.M. Slater Mr. and Mrs. John H. McWilliams Celeste Bailey Mr. Dean Freiday Mrs. Herbert B. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Baker, Jr. French, Fink, Markle & McCallion Mr. and Mrs. Alfred R. Maass Mrs. Howard B. Smith Mrs. Curtis L. Barnes Mr. and Mrs. F. Herman Fritz, Jr. Mr. Risley Major Mrs. M. Walters Smith Mr. Kenneth P. Barrow, Jr. Mrs. Maureen Froggatt Mr. and Mrs. George C. Makin, III Mr. Stanley C. Smoyer Mrs. E. Morris Bassett Dr. George R. Funkhouser Mr. Robert A. Malin Dr. and Mrs. James W. Snively Miss Elizabeth Bassett Mrs. Richard L. Fussell Mr. Frank E. Mamrol, Jr. Mrs. Philip C. Snow Mr. and Mrs. Preston C. Bassett Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gaines Mr. Joseph Markle Mr. and Mrs. James D. Sorbet Mr. Lowell W. Bauer Miss Beth Ganister Estate of Clara B. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Snyder Mrs. Noel A. Beebe Mrs. Davis R. Garretson Mr. Alfred S. Martin Mrs. John M. St. John Mr. Ray H. Bendiner Mrs. James M. Gassaway Mr. Carl N. Martin, Jr. Mr. William P. Starr, Jr. Mr. Lewis Benson Mrs. Walter Geer Mrs. K. Payne Martin Mrs. Terry Stern Mr. and Mrs. Morris Berd Dr. Kelson A. Gelfman Mrs. Clifford E. Maser Mrs. Phillip J. Stone Mrs. Carl M. Beresin Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Gilbert Mr. Donald F. Miano Mr. Carroll P. Streeter Mrs. Jean Berke Mr. George Gillespie Mrs. Arthur H. Miller Miss Vera Sullivan Mr. Curtis Billings Mr. Robert W. Gilmore Mrs. Richmond P. Miller In memory of Alfred Swan Mr. and Mrs. Robert Billings Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Glessner Mrs. Clarence R. Moll Swarthmore Garden Club Swarthmore Presbyterian Church Mrs. Alfred Elliott Bissell Mrs. Louis M. Glick Monday Morning Tennis Group Mrs. Thomas H. Blackburn Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Goff Mr. Albert Monillos Mrs. Charles M. Swartz Mr. Weston H. Blake Mr. and Mrs. William A. Golz Mr. and Mrs. John M. Moore Mr. E. Crajg Sweeten Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bloom Dr. T.A. Grauel, Jr. Mr. Peter R. Morehouse t Mr. J.ohn V. Talmage Mrs. Earl E. Tarble Mr. John R.H. Blum Mr. and Mrs. H. Thorn Greenwood, III Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Morey ( Mrs. Robert L. Testwuide Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Borer Mr. P.T. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Morrill Mrs. Charles E. Thomas Mr. and Mis. Leon Bramson Mi. and Mrs. Norman Gross Mr. and Mrs. Maxey N. Morrison Mr. Richard I. Gruber Mr. A.J. Morrone Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher P. Thornton I Mr. and Mrs. Walton Brand Thursday Morning Tennis Group Mr. and Mrs. J. George Breitling Mr. Philip Hall Mr. Paul Moss 1 Mr. and Mrs. Max Tietjens Mrs. Charles H. Brennan Mr. and Mrs. William Hallman Mrs. John K. Murphy Mrs. Alex Tisdale Mr. and Mrs. Heinrich W. Brinkmann Mrs. Howard T. Hallowell, 3rd Mr. and Mrs. J. David Narbeth Mr. Theodore P. Halperin Miss Mary G North Mrs. Peter E. Told Mr. Dave Brown Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Topping Mrs. Edwin H. Brown Miss Elizabeth L. Harrar Margaret C. Norton Mrs. Frank Torpey Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Brown Mr. John M. Harter Mr. and Mrs. William J. O’Rourke Mr. and Mrs. C. Wesley Tyson Mrs. Priscilla M. Brown Mrs. Francis L. Harrigan Mr. Stanford R. Ovshinsky Mrs. Alexander Ulin Miss Vera D. Bruestle Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hartmann In memory of Kurt J. Palmer In honor of Peter van de Kamp Mr. and Mrs. E. John Bucci Mrs. Edmund L. Harvey Mr. L. Benjamin Palmer The Village Gardeners Mr. Joseph E. Burt Mr. Geoffrey W. Hayden Mrs. G. Stuart Patterson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert M Walker Mrs. S. Frank Butler Mr. Willard C. Heiss Mrs. John M. Pearson f The James R. Calkins Family Heritage Plantation of Sandwich Mrs. W.B. Pegram Mrs. John K. Walsh Camera & Hobby Shop Mr. E. Dyson Her ting In memory of Mark Park Penrose Mrs. Norman M. Walter Mr. and Mrs. C.B. Campbell Mrs. Morris L. Hicks Mr: and Mrs. G.W. Pepper Mr. W. Wyclif Walton Mr. and Mis. William T. Campbell, Jr. Mrs. Julian W. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Warren Pharo Ms. Elizabeth P. Weinstein Dr. William B. Carey Mrs. R.L. Hill Philadelphia Dermatological Society Dr. and Mrs. Franklin H. West Mr. and Mrs. Samuel T. Carpenter Hill and Hollow Garden Club Miss Edith Philips Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Whittlesey f Mrs. Edward H. Cavin Mrs. Elam M. Hitchner, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pier sail, Jr. Mrs. Clair Wilcox Mr. and Mrs. Britton Chance Mr. and Mrs. Elam M. Hitchner, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Piker Mr. and Mrs. W. Bradford Wiley Mr. George R. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Elam M. Hitchner, III Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Pittock Mr. Howard H. Williams Mr. Nathan M. Clark Mrs. Arthur N. Holcombe Mr. Edward G. Poole, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Wilson Mrs. A. Ludlow Clayden (Deceased) Mrs. James Hornaday Mr. Stephen C. Poole Mr. and Mrs. J. Kenneth Wittle Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Clement Mrs. Charles M. Howell Mr. and Mrs. William Poole Mr. and Mrs. Roland L. Wolcott Miss Susan Cobbs Mr. Robert D. Hulme Providence Garden Club of Women’s Club of Swarthmore In honor of Susan Cobbs Dr. H. Alan Hume Pennsylvania Women of Trinity Episcopal Church | Mr. G. West Cochrane Mrs. Alan R. Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Prudente Women’s Auxiliary of the Institute off In memory of Joseph Conard Mrs. Richard E. Hunt \(rs. Donald H. Pugh Electrical and Electronics Mr. Peter Conlin Ingleneuk Tea House The William Lowell Putnam Engineers Mr. and Mrs. John T. Connor Mrs. JohnW. Iliff Mathematical Competition Mr. and Mrs. Grahame Wood Mrs. E. Laurence Conwell Mrs. Evans G. Innes Mrs. Catherine A. Quinlan Mrs. Harry Wood Mrs. William L. Cornog Mr. Joseph M. Irwin Mr. Alan Rabinowitz Mr. J. Harry Wood Mrs. Harry Coslett Dr. and Mrs. Harold L. Israel Mr. Kenneth F. Radeloff Mr. and Mrs. Clifford A. Woodbury I Mr. Charles D. Couch . Mrs. Henry Jackson Mr. Lee M. Raden Mr. James H. Worth. The Country Gardeners Mrs. James J. Jackson Miss Virginia Rath Mrs. Richard M. Worth Mr. Ralph E. Cox Mr. Barton L. Jenks Mrs. Carl E. Ray Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Worth Dr. Alan D. Craig Mr. Coleman Jennings Miss Jeannette L. Raymond Mrs. William A. Worth Mr. and Mrs. M.A. Cramer, Jr. Mrs. Leonard Jones Mrs. Robert Redman Mr. William A. Worth, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison M. Wright jl Mr. Charles O. Cresson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Joseph Mr. R. David Redner Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G. YOung, Jr.. Mrs. James L. Crider, Jr. Mr. Conway D. Judd Mr. William A. Reiss J The Reverend Alexander C. Zabriskit I Mrs. W.S. Croddy Mrs. John H. Kaufmann Mr. Christopher C. Richter Miss Pat Daft Mr. W. Leslie Keighton Mrs. Frederick Rhoades Dr. and Mrs. B.M Zimmerman Mrs. Richard M. Daniel Mrs. McClure Kelley Mrs. Joseph T. Riemer Miss Ellen Zimmerman Mrs. Arthur M. Dannenberg, Jr. Mrs. Henry A. Kimmel Mrs. Joe E. Riggs Mr. Marc Zimmerman Mr. George Barker Davis Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Kingham Mrs. Lewis M. Robbins United Brands Foundation, Inc. In memory of M. J. DeAno Mr. Joseph M. Kirchheimer Mr. and Mrs. Gjlbert P. Rose Miss Brucya L. Dedinsky Mr. John S. Kistler Mr. and Mrs. Alburt M. Rosenberg NON-ALUMNI PARENTS Mr. A. Myrvin DeLapp Mrs. Philip N. Kniskern Rose Tree Gardeners Anonymous Mr. William C. Denison Mrs. Walter W. Krider In honor of Mr. A.E. Rothstein Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Abel Mr. Robert A. Devlin Mrs. Richard Krementz, Jr. Mr. Stuart M. Rothstein Mrs. Ivan Adams Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. deWilde Mrs. George Krugovoy Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Rowe, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Adamson • § Mr. and Mrs. William G. Double Mrs. F. Norton Landon Mr. Thomas Rutherford Mr. and Mrs. Angelo F. Addona Patricia Dreher Mrs. John R. Larkin Miss Margery Ryerson Mi. and Mrs. Donald G. Agger Drexelbrook Garden Club In memory of Dorothea Leikin Mrs. Harrison T. Sales Mr. and Mrs. Herbert O. Albrecht I Mrs. William H. Driehaus Miss Anna Lenny Mr. and Mrs. Harold Salmanowitz Mr. and Mrs. William H. Albright, St I Mis. E.I. duPont Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop Lenz Mr. William P. Sanders Mrs. Rietta G. Albritton Mrs. P.S. duPont, IV ' Mr. Frederic J. Levine Mr. Henry F. Sanville, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene N. Aleinikoff 1 Dr. J. Robert Edwards Mrs. Clifford Lewis, III Saturday Morning Tennis Group Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Allaway j Mrs. Orrin M. Elliott Mrs. George E. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Savage Mrs. Clement E. Allen Mrs. Edgar Emerson Mr. Lawrence W. Linvill Dr. Daniel S. Sax Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Almy In honor of Robert Enders , Mr. John S. Liptay Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Scala Mr. and Mrs. William W. Arden, Sr. I Mrs. David Ewing Mr. and Mrs. Luzern Livingston Mrs. W. Gordon Scott Mr. and Mrs. John L. Alpert Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Faulkner Miss Anne Longstreth Mr. Townsend Scudder, III Swarthmore Alumni III 14 t Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf Amann Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Gabel | Mr. and Mrs. Albert D. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Combs Mr. and Mrs. J. Allan Hovey Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lipschutz Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Connery Mrs. Greta Gaiser Dr. and Mrs. Edgerton Howard i The Rev. and Mrs. Allan C. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. James M. Lister Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard A. Cook Mr. and Mrs. George G. Gallantz Mrs. John B. Hdward I Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Abraham J. Livant Dr. and Mrs. Charles D. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ganz Mr. and Mrs, Louis B. Howard I Mr. David H. Appel Mr. and Mrs. Silas Lloyd-Jones Mrs. George A. Cooper Mr. and Mrs. James R. Gardner Professor and Mrs. Herbert M. Howe I Mr. and Mrs. Shuichi Arakawa Mr. and Mrs. Erich Lob Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J. Corcoran Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Garfunkel Mr. and Mrs. Moore P. Huffman f Mr. and Mrs. Everett F. Armington Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Loeb Mrs. Richard Courant Mr. and Mrs. James H. Gatens Mr. and Mrs. Dale D. Hughes, Sr. I Captain and Mrs. Henry A. Arnold Mrs. Henry C. Lomb ' Mrs. Warren W. Coxe Mrs. Lewis Gaty Mrs. Paul M. Hummer Mr. William A. Longshore I Mr. and Mrs. William E. Arnstein The Rt. Rev. and Mrs. Lloyd Craighill Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Gaver Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Hunt I Colonel and Mrs. Ernest G. Atkin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lorber Mr. and Mrs. Burton E. Crandell Mrs. Loyd F. Gehres Professor and Mrs. Holland Hunter Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lubar 1 Colonel and Mrs. Edward C. Atkinson Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Cratsley Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gemmill Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Hyde | Mr. and Mrs. Franklin S. Atwater Mr. and Mrs. C. Milton Luminais The Hon. and Mrs. William A. Crawford Dr. Elaine F. Genkins Mr. Clyde K. Hyder f Mr. and Mrs. Marcel D. Aubry Mr. and Mrs. David S. Luxenberg Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson P. Creighton The Rt. Rev. and Mrs. Robert F. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ingram [ Dr. and Mrs. Payson B. Ayres Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Lyke Mrs. Richard J. Cross Gibson, Jr. Mrs. Saburo Inouye Mr. and Mrs. G. Brinton Lykens I Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Back Mrs. Irene M Csordas Dr. and Mrs. Russell Gibson Mr. and Mrs. George J. Irwin I Dr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Backup Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Lyon Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Cullum Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus V. Giddings Mr. Jack Itzkowitz Mr. S. Herbert Lyons E Mr. and Mrs. Hans Baerwald Mr. and Mrs. Leon Cushman Dr. and Mrs. John H. Gilbert, II Mr. and Mrs. George C. Izenour ( Mr. and Mrs. W. Herbert Bahlke Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. McAfee Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Dana Mrs. John J. Gillen Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Jackson Mrs. Thomas B. McAvoy, Jr. | Dr. and Mrs. Clarence P. "Baker Mr. and Mrs. Frederick I. Daniels Mr. and Mrs. Saul Gillick Captain and Mrs. Clifton E. Jackson f Mrs. E. Wight Bakke Mrs. George R. McBride Mrs. Matthew L. Dann Dr. Nicholas S. Gimbel Mrs. Solomon A. Jacobson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. McCrosson, Sr. I Mrs. Ethan F. Ball, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur J. Darby Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Ginsburg Mr. Edward Jahoda I Mrs. Graeme C. Banner man Mrs. Marjorie M. McCutchan Mr. and Mrs. John G. Darley Mr. and Mrs. Neville O. Gittens, Jr, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Jaquette Mr. and Mrs. George C. McGhee | Mr. and Mrs. Norman Barasch Mrs. Daniel C. Darrow Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Glaseroff Mr. and Mrs. Lee W. Jenkins Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. McKinstry I- Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Barber Dr. and Mrs. Leon Davidson Dr. and Mrs. George A. Glass Professor and Mrs. Alvin H. Johnson Mrs. Wilfrid C. McLaughlin I Mr. and Mrs. Marvin A. Barckley Colonel and Mrs. Edward G. Davis Mr. and Mrs. H. Bentley Glass Dr. and Mrs. Curtis M. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell McMillan, Sr. 1 Mr. and Mrs. George E. Bardwell Mr. and Mrs. John Davis Dr. and Mrs. Philip M. Glatstein f Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Barker Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Johnson Mrs. Elizabeth K. McNees Mr. and Mrs. Willard L. Dayton Mr. and Mrs. T. Keith Glennan Mrs. A.M. Johnston a Mrs. Reginald Barrett Mr. and Mrs. E. Paul Dean Mr. and Mrs. David L. MacAdam Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Glick Mrs. Toulson Johnston Mrs. James R. MacDonald I Mr. and Mrs. Glenn G. Bartle Dr. and Mrs. John E. Deardorff Mr. and Mrs. Jean Glouchevitch 1 Mr. and Mrs. E. Butler Beaumont Mr. August F. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. MacDonald Dr. and Mrs. Paul K. Deats, Jr. Mr. and Mtsl Max Gold Mr. and Mrs. Noble S. Jones I Mr. James C. Becker Mr. and Mrs. Curtis G. Dell Mr. and Mrs. H.G. MacPherson Mr. and Mrs. Leon Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Victor W. Maerki I Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Becker Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Denton Dr. and Mrs. Alexander Goldman Dr. and Mrs. William C. Jones Mr. and Mrs. John E. Maloney I Mr. and Mrs. Leland L. Beik Mrs. Howard C. Deshong Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Goldman Mr. and Mrs. William D. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mansbach I Mrs. A.J. Bekavac Mrs. Emile Despres Dr. and Mrs. J. Leonard Goldner Mr. and Mrs. Fred O. Josties Mr. Harold J. Manson I Mrs. Stanley T. Bennett Dr. and Mrs. George F. Deutsch Dr. and Mrs. Richard W-. Goldsmith I The Hon. & Mrs. W. Tapley Bennett, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Merle G. Kaetzel Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Maraniss Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Devlin Mr. and Mrs. Simon Goldsmith Mr. Nat M. Kahn In memory of Harold March [ Dr. and Mrs. Max Bentele Mrs. V. Stewart Dewald Mrs. Moise H. Goldstein | Mr. Sydney Berde Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Kahn Mrs. Jack Margulis Mr. and Mrs. John A. DeWitt Dr. and Mrs. Herbert S. Gooden Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kanef Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Mather I Mr. and Mrs. William D. Berg Mr. and Mrs. Sigmund Diamond Mrs. Minnie B. Goodkin | Dr. Ruth P. Berkeley Mr. and Mrs. Jacob M. Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Maurer Mr. and Mrs. John L. Dichter Mr. and Mrs. George Goolsby Mr. Paul Kapp | Mr. and Mrs. Morris Berlind Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maurice Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dietrich Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Goor Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kardonski I Mr. and Mrs. T. Roland Berner Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Mausner Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DiMedio Mrs. David Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Alfons Karny t Dr. and Mrs. Byron E. Besse Mr. and Mrs. Milton Max Mr. and Mrs. John D. Dixon Mrs. George T. Go timer Mr. and Mrs. Sirol Katz | Mr. and Mrs. William G. Betsch Mr. and Mrs. Harold V. Maybee Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Dodge Mr. and Mrs. Hans J. Gottlieb Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Kauzmann I Mr. and Mrs. Elliott L. Biskind Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Mayberry Dr. and Mrs. William T. Donner Mr. and Mrs. Vitaly M. Gottlieb Dr. and Mrs. Elias E. Kawas | Mr. and Mrs. Marvin E. Black Mrs. Faith V. Medlin Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Donow Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Gould Mrs. F.M, Keelan Mr. and Mrs. George Mehlman l Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Blackburn Mrs. Leonia G.L. Dorsey Mrs. Walter J. Graham Mr. and Mrs. C. Russell Keeler I Dr. and Mrs. B. Black-schaffer Mr. and Mrs. William F. Meister Mr. and Mrs. Emery W. Dougherty Mr. and Mrs. John P. Granfield Mr. and Mrs. Alan Keith-Lucas Dr. and Mrs. Robert Mellon 1 Mr. and Mrs. Hector D. Blair Mr. and Mrs. Laurance E. Dow Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Grant Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Kellers | Mr. and Mrs. Clarence I. Blau Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Melov Mr. and Mrs. R. Rex Downie Dr. and Mrs. Max D. Graves Dr. and Mrs. Walter W. Kemp Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Menaker f Dr. and Mrs. Austin Bloch Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Drummond Mrs. Ewell E. Green | Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bly Professor and Mrs. Oscar Kempthorne Mr. and Mrs. James A. Meriwether Mr. and Mrs. J. Pendleton DuBose Mrs. May G. Green Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kendall | Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Boardman Professor and Mrs. Walter M Merrill Mrs. Albert N. Durand Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Greenberg Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Kennedy Professor and Mrs. Miklos Bodanszky Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard E.O. Meyer f Dr. and Mrs. Winfield B. Durrell Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Greenfield Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kennedy t Dr. and Mrs. Hendrik W. Bode Dr. and Mrs. Louis L. Meyers Mr. and Mrs. William Dvonch Mr. and Mrs. John W. Greiner Mr. and Mrs. John R. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. C. Glenn Miller f Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Bode, Sr. Mrs. Ethel S. Gross Mrs. Madeline L. Early Mr. and Mrs. Gerald C. Kerr Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. Miller I Mr. and Mrs. James Bodurtha Mrs. Gordon F. Eaton Professor and Mrs. Llewellyn Z. Gross [ Mrs. Margaret C. Bolyard Mrs. Melville G. Kershaw Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeXL-MiUer. Jr. Gordon F. Eaton (Deceased) Mr. and Mrs. Otto Gross Dr. and Mrs. Homer D. Kesten Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller j Dr. and Mrs. Philip K. Bondy Mrs. Robert D. Edgar Dr. Jack Grundfest Mr. Austin S. Kibbee, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Miller | Mr. and Mrs. Philip Booth Dr. and Mrs. William T. Edmundson Dr. William Gump. Mr. and Mrs. Kazuo Kimura Dr. Frances K. Millican. I Mrs. Henry W. Bopp Ms. Margery H. Edson Mr. and Mrs. Lauren R. Gunn | Mrs. Daniel R. Botsford Dr. and Mrs. Harry King Mr. and Mrs. Wayne T. Mitchell The Hon. and Mrs. Joshua Eilberg Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Guthrie . Mrs. Helen S. Kirschner Mr. and Mrs. Norman L. Mochel f Mrs. Imogen C. Bowers Mrs. Jacob S. Eisinger Mr. and Mrs. David B. Hall | Dr. and Mrs. Allen J. Boyer Mr. and Mrs. John E. Kirwan Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Moffit Mrs. Henry H. Elias Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Hall Mrs. Louis K. Kislik Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Moore 1 Mrs. Bertha Branch Mrs. Juliette Elias Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hanau I Mr. and Mrs. W.N. Brandon Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Kitzinger Mrs. P.B. Morehouse Mr. and Mrs. Victor Elias Mr. and Mrs. Morrison Handsaker Dr. and Mrs. Friedrich Klemperer Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Morey j Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert L. Braxton Mrs. Nath Ellengogen Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm Hargraves | Dr. and Mrs. T. Berry Brazleton Mr. and Mrs. Merle Kling Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Elliott Mr. and Mrs. James J. Harley Dr. and Mrs. A. William Kneller Mr. and Mrs. John S. Morrel I Mr. and Mrs. F.C. Breckenridge Mr. and Mrs. Tilmer O. Engebretson Mr. and Mrs. Julian E. Harris I Mrs. John W. Brett Mr. and Mrs. John Kness Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Morrow Mr. and Mrs. Roger Enloe Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Harris | Dr. Walter Briehl Dr. and Mrs. George M. Knowles Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Morse Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Epstein Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Hart » Mis. Edgar S. Brightman Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kohn Mr. and Mrs. Henry V. Moss Mrs. Klaus W. Epstein Dr. and Mrs. George W. Hartzell Dr. and Mrs. Yoshio Kondo Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Motley E Mr. and Mrs. Martin R. Broadbooks Mr. and Mrs. James-Etheredge Mr. William J.A. Harvest Mrs. Hunter Brooke Mr. and Mrs. Tjalling C. Koopmans Mrs. Harry C. Moyer Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Etheridge Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin Haskell Mrs. Sidney Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Mueller I Mr. and Mrs. T. Robert Broughton Mr. and Mrs. William T. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Hawkins | Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Brown Dr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Kreps Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Munch Mr. and Mrs. Jacob A. Evanson Mr. and Mrs. Ervil E. Hawkinson Mr. and Mrs. Wharton W. Kresge Mr. and Mrs. Richard Murphy I Dr. and Mrs. Lauren E. Brubaker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Even Dr. and Mrs. B. William Haydu | Mrs. Betty L. Bruges Mr. and Mrs. George E. Kristeller Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Murray Mr. and Mrs. Alexander W. Faber Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hayward E Mr. Caldwell Buck Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Kschinka Mrs. Bruno Mussetto Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fagin Mr. and Mrs. Solomon J. Heifetz Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Kuehn Mrs. Ralph W. Mutchler t Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Buda Mrs. Herbert J. Fanning Mr. and Mrs. Marvin S. Heiser Mr. and Mrs. Theodore O. Kuhl | Mrs. Floyd J. Buffington Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Myers Mr. and Mrs. Mark Feigin Mr. and Mrs. William Heitmann Mr. and Mrs. Henri Kummerman I The Rev. and Mrs. Cyril V. Burke Mr. and Mrs. Morris L. Myers Mr. and Mrs. Ignace Feiner Mr. and Mrs. Thpmas Hell wig Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Kyle Mr. and Mrs. Shinya Namiki I Mr. and Mrs. Carl Burkow Mrs. Elizabeth Feingold Mr. and Mrs. Atcheson L. Hench f Mrs. Leo Burnett Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Lackey Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Nathan Mr. and Mrs. Donald Feitel Dr. and Mrs. Alex Henderson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lucius M. Lamar, III | Dr. Frank D. Burns Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nathanson Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Fetterley Mr. and Mrs. Elyot Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Lamb I Mr. and Mrs. George A. Burrell Mr. and Mrs. Macy Navasky Mrs. Eugene Fezandie Mrs. Paul Henle Mr. and Mrs. Carmelo LaMorto I Dr, and Mrs. Jacob Burstein Mr. and Mrs. Sidney R. Neale Mr. and Mrs. John V. Finch Mrs. Francis M. Henley Mr. and Mrs. James H. Landau I Mr. and Mrs. John M. Calimafde Mrs. Harry W. Need Mrs. Jacob E. Fine singer Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Herdle Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Lang Mr. and Mrs. James B. Nelson I Mrs. Daniel S. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Fink Dr. and Mrs. Sidney S. Hertz Mr. and Mrs. Sydney L. Langer Mrs. Fritz Nelson | Mr. and Mrs. William P. Cantwell Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Finkelson Dr. and Mrs. Milton Heskel Mrs. Charles E. La lining I Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Cap Ian Dr. and Mrs. E.M. Nesbitt Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Fishman Mrs. Marcia Hess Mr. and Mrs. Hugh R. Lamer Dr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Newman I Mr. and Mrs. E. Grafton Carlisle Mr. and Mrs. John Fitzgibbons Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Heubert I Mrs. Anne K. Carr Mr. and Mrs. David E. Larsen Mr. and Mrs. Ray T. Nixon Dr. and Mrs. Nathan Flax Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Hey man Mr. and Mrs. Willard H. Larsh Mr. and Mrs. David C. Nordblom | Dr. and Mrs. John B. Carroll Mr. and Mrs. G. Peter Fleck / Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hilke [' Mrs. E. Norval Carter Mr. and Mrs. Voris V. Latshaw Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. North Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Flinker Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Himes Mr. and Mrs. Bing Fai Lau [ Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Carter Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Nussbaum Mrs. Dorothy J. Floto Mrs. Julius Hirsch Mr. and Mrs. M.C. Lauenstein, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Oakley I Mr. and Mrs. Barry Casper Mr. and Mrs. John E. Forsythe Dr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Hitchner I Mr. and Mrs. C.R. Chambers Mr. and Mrs. Marvin B. Lavin Mr. and Mrs. William E. O’Brien Dr. and Mrs. Duncan G. Foster Dr. and Mrs. Julius H. Hlavaty Dr. and Mrs. Henry D. Lederer Dr. and Mrs. Mitchell Oestreich i m. and Mrs. David Chandler Mrs. John H. Foster Mr. and Mrs. Beyne Ho | The Rev. and Mrs. J. Russell Chandler Mrs. Kurt L. Lederer Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Offenhartz Professor and Mrs. Mark G. Foster Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. Hodges Mr. and Mrs. Kan Lee Mr. and Mrs. John R. Oldenburg f Mr. and Mrs. Emil T. Chanlett Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Foster Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoe, Jr. | Mr. and Mrs. John C. Chew Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Lehmann Mr. and Mrs. James B. Olney Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Frank Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Hoenemeyer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest S. Leiser Dr. and Mrs. Rudblf Osgood | Mr. and Mrs. Raynard Christianson Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Freudenthal Mr. and Mrs. Kurt W. Hoff £ ?“ ■ and Mrs. Howard Mon Kong Chun Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Leja Mr. and Mrs. Everett J. Osterweil Dr. and Mrs. Charles N. Frey Mrs. George C. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Marx Leva Mrs. John R. Otter £ Mr. and Mrs. John R. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Philip-H. Frey Mr. Kurt H. Hohenemser | and Mrs. Kenneth S. Clark, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred A. Levinson Mr. and Mrs. George H. Otto Mrs. Ralph Freyer Mr. and Mrs. A. John Holden, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Abram Levy Mr. and Mrs. George M. Oye I Dr. and Mrs. James S. Clarke Mrs. Anne Fried Mrs. Edward M. Holder I Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Clum Mr. and Mrs. David Lewis Mr. Martin E. Packard Mr. and Mrs. Maurice A. Fried Mr. and Mrs. Bishop Holifield [ Mr. and Mrs. John D. Cochran Mr. and Mrs. John D. Lewis Mrs. Helen L. Pallme Mrs. G. William Frimd Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Hook Mr. and Mrs. Alan A. Lichtenberg Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Palmer I Mr. and Mrs. David R. Coffman Mrs. Louis H. Frishkoff Dr. and Mrs. Jacob Horowitz | w. and Mrs. Abraham L. Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lichtenberg Dr. and Mrs. E. Hoyt Palmer Mr. and Mrs.' Carl J. Fristrom Mr. and Mrs. Carel W. Horsting The Hon. and Mrs. Joseph Liff Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur J. Palmer | Mr-and Mrs. Robert Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Morris Fritts Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Hostettler | Mr. and Mrs. Waldo E. Cohn Mrs. August A. Lincoln Mrs. Roland D. Parks Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Fuchsman Dr. and Mrs. Robert Hotchkiss £ Mr- and Mrs. Ben R. Cole Mr. and Mrs, George W. Lind, Jr. Roland D. Parks (Deceased) Mrs. Chalmers D. Fulton Mrs. John Hough Mr. and Mrs. Banadakoppa T. Lingappa Mr. and Mrs. S. William Pattis I October, 1973 15 Aid Association for Lutherans Mi. and Mrs. Henry Pearlman Mrs. Samuel S. Shepherd Mrs. Howard Weiss Armstrong Cork Company Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Sherman, Jr. /Mi. and Mrs. George Weissman Asplundh Tree Expert Company McNeil Laboratories, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John Pec Marathon Oil Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Sherrod Mr. and Mrs. Carl T. Welte Atlantic Richfield Foundation Mrs. Margaret H. Peele Mariner Foundation Trust Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. Shigeura Mr. and Mrs. Louis Werner Austin Company Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Peet Martin Marietta Corporation Mr. and Mrs. W. Theodore Peirce Mr. and Mrs. Philip Short Mr. and Mrs. John H. Wertheim Austin Memorial Foundation Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pepper Mrs. William I. Shorter Mrs. Virginia M. West F.A. Bartlett Tree Expert Company Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Mrs. Willard F. Perdue In memory of Sarah W. Shreiner Mr. and Mrs. John J. Whalen Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. ShriverT Mrs. Fannie S. White Bell Telephone Company of Company Mr. and Mrs. Leo C. Peruzzi Medusa Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Shucker Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. White Pennsylvania Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Peterson Merck Company Foundation 1 Mr. and Mrs. Claymore C. Sieck Mr. and Mrs. Peter N, Wiggins, III Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Petsonk Charles E. Merrill Trust Mr. and Mrs. Russell E. Philip Dr. and Mrs. Salvin Silverblatt In memory of Clair Wilcox Bethlehem Steel Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Wilkins Clement and Grace Biddle Metropolitan Life Insurance Company I Dai Mr. and Mrs. Max Philipp son Mr. and Mrs. William E. Sim kin Michael A. & Celia Miller Foundation, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Simon Dr. and Mrs. Byard Williams Foundation, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Fred W. Phillips Inc. died c Mr. Bernard Simon Mrs. David E. Williams Bunker-Ramo Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Basil H. Pillard 3M Company Dr. and Mrs. Hermann Pinkus Mrs. Jerome Simson Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Williams C.I.T. Foundation, Inc. he w; Mr. and Mrs. J. Spencer Willis, Jr. CNA Foundation Mobil Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Francis A. Pitlcin Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Slade Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of N.Y. end t Mr. and Mrs. E. Joseph Willits CPC International, Inc. Mrs. Barton F. Plimpton Mr. and Mrs. Abraham H. Sles Charitable Trust & Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Richard V. Wilson Caleb Foundation, Inc. iwitho Dr. and Mrs. Fred Plum Mrs. Clay R. Smith NCR Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Wilson Ed Lee & Jean Campe Mr. and Mrs. Sidney D. Podolsky Mrs. Courtney Smith NL Industries Foundation, Iric. say h Ms. Mary F. Wilson Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Allan Pope In memory of Courtney Smith NASA she s< Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Porter Estate of Courtney Smith Mr. David Winer Carrier Corporation Foundation, Inc. f Chase Manhattan Bank Foundation National Academy of Sciences Pritcl Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Posner Dr. and Mrs. DeWitt H. Smith Mrs. Hajnalka L. Winer National Foundation on the Arts & Mr. and Mrs. Bryant H. Prentice Mr. and Mrs. Peter Smith Mrs. Harry A. Winne Chester-Jensen Company, Inc. Chicopee Manufacturing Company Humanities time i Mrs. L. Cairl Price Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Smith Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Winpenny, Jr. National Institutes of Health Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Prusiner Mr. and Mrs. Waldo E. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Wion Chrysler Corporation Fund enjoy i Ciba-Geigy Corporation National Merit Scholarship Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Edmund W. Pugh, Ji. Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin L. Snavely Mr. and Mrs. David P. Wisdom National Science Foundation and a The Rev. and Mrs. Ralph B. Putney Mr. and Mrs. James C. Snipes Mrs. George B. Wislocki Coca-Cola Company Columbia Gas System Service New England Mutual Life Insurance to ser Mi. and Mrs. Martin S. Quigley Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Witkie Company Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Radding Mrs. Russell D. Snyder Mrs. James M. Wolf Corporation date, Columbus Foundation New York Community Trust Mrs. Freda Radford Mrs. C.A. Spaatz Mr. and Mrs. Ray D. Wolfe The New Yorker togetl Mr. and Mrs. William G. Raleigh Mr. and Mrs. George Spann Mr. and Mrs. Stanley W. Wolfson Combustion Engineering, Inc. Commercial Credit Companies Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance I hop Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin D. Ramsdell Mr. and Mrs. Feryl L. Spanninger Dr. and Mrs. Wayne W. Wong Company Mr. and Mrs. Evan Randolph Dr. and Mrs. Walter R. Spavins Mr. and Mrs. Alexander C. Wood, III Foundation, Inc. Container Corporation of America W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. Colleg Dr. and Mrs. John S. Rankin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Metro Spewock In memory of Harry Wood Edward L. Noyes & Company, Inc. Mr. and libs. Frederick J. Woodbridge Foundation was t Mr. and Mrs. Murray S. Raphel Mr. and Mrs. George A. Spiegelberg Olin Corporation Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Spier Dr. and Mrs. Victor D. Woronov Continental Can Company, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Alo Raun Oxford Foundation, Inc. Indiai Mrs. Harry Spitulnik Dr. and Mrs. David G. Wright Corning Glass Works Foundation Mrs. W. Pearce Rayner Parker Foundation Dr. and Mrs. David W. Spragiie Mrs. Henry A. Wright - Cottman, Drew & Coslett, Inc. iVhitt Mr. and Mrs. Marcel Reboussin Patton Roofing Company Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Springer, Jr. Mrs. Arthur Wubnig Cross Ridge Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Rees Peat, Marwick, Mitchell Foundation of th( Mrs. Larry E. Stage Mr. and Mrs. William C. Yarbrough Cutler-Hammer Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Reid, Jr. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Mr. and Mrs. William M. Stanton Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Y arrow Cyprus Mines Corporation J.U. ( Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. Reitze Pennsylvania Council on the Arts Mr. and Mrs. Martin Starfield Mrs. Edward C. Yeazell Joel Dean Foundation ijWhitt Dr. and Mrs. Albert C. Rekate Philadelphia Quartz Company Mrs. Fred Stark Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Yochelson A.B. Dick Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Abraham C. Resnick , Philadelphia Saving Fund Society Y.M.( Mr. and Mrs. William Ridington Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Steevei Mr. Robert H. Youman D’Olier Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Steib, Sr. Mrs. Whitney M. Young, Jr. Dow Corning Corporation Philip Morris, Inc. in thi Mr. and Mrs. Rudy F. Ries Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Rittenhouse Mrs. Herbert L. Stein Dr. J.S. Youngner Dresser Foundation had a Professor and Mrs. H. Kenyon Stell Mr. and Mrs. Victor A. Zaveruha E.I. duPont deNemours & Company, Company Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Roberts Pitney-Bowes, Inc. Professor and Mrs. Rothwell Stephens Professor and Mrs. John D. Zentmyer Inc. prunii Mr. and Mrs. Norman R, Roberts Pren-Hall Foundation Mr. and Mrs. A. Haeworth Robertson Mr. and Mrs. William N. Sternberg Mrs. Samuel E. Ziegler ESB Foundation ’ 1 wife, Professor and Mrs. F J. Zimmerman Eastman Kodak Company , Presser Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Stevens Price Waterhouse Foundation ters, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney D. Robinson Dr. and Mrs. Walton E. Stevens Mr. and Mrs. William Zimmerman, III Engler Instrument Company, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Zinn Equitable Life Assurance Society Provident Mutual Life Insurance Mr. and Mrs. William T. Robinson, Jr. Mrs. Rowley A, Stewart Company of Philadelphia We e Mr. and Mrs. Walter Zwig of the U.S. Dr. and Mrs. William Roemmich Mrs. de Villiers W. Steytler Provident National Bank I EIL Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Zykofsky Evenor Armingtori Fund Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Rogers Dr. and Mrs. Hobart E. Stocking Prudential Insurance Company of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Roose Mr. and Mrs. James M. Stone Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. William Ewing Foundation 16, 1! American Home Products Corporation Exxon Education Foundation America Dr. and Mrs. Armand M. Rose Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Stone Radio Corporation of America Home ASARCO Foundation Federated Department Stores, Inc. Mr. Milton D. Rosenau Mr. and Mrs. Walton L. Strauss Raytheon Company Dr. Edgar F. Rosenblatt Mr. and Mrs. Gaston Sudaka Atlantic Richfield Foundation Federation Foundation of Greater 'since Philadelphia Research Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Emil Rösenblatt Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Sullivan GI.T. Foundation, Inc. R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company Swart Chase Manhattan Bank Foundation Federation of Jewish Philanthropies Mr. and Mrs. Emil Rosenthal Mr. and Mrs. Ralph R. Sundquist, Jr. Richardson-Merrell, Inc. Coming Glass Works Foundation of N.Y. attenc Mrs. A. Louis Roai Mr. Leon Svirsky Rohm & Haas Company Exxon Education Foundation First Federal Savings and Loan Mr. and Mrs. Hai Ross Mr. and Mrs. Eric Swanson Leo & Barbara Rudnick Charitable «was c Firth Cleveland Steels, Inc. Association of Chester Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. Rothman Mrs. Florence P. Swift Trust Sept, General Electric Foundation First National Bank of Boston Dr. and Mrs. Martin Rothman Mr. and Mrs. William E. Swigart, Jr. S & H Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rothman Dr. and Mrs. Roy C. Swingle General Foods Fund, Inc. Firth Cleveland Steels, Inc. adopt' Flack Foundation Sanders Associates, Inc. Professor and Mrs. Äser Rothstein Mrs. Paul C. Tapley Hershey Fund Sandoz-Wander, Inc. and I Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Rothwell Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Tapscott International Business Machines Ruth & Peter Fleck Foundation, Inc. Ford Motor Company Fund Schering Foundation, Inc. who s Mr. and Mrs. Harvey G. Royce Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd D. Tallin Corporation Science Research Associates, Inc. International Telephone & Telegraph General Cable Fund Mr. Hymen Rubin Dr. and Mrs. John F. Taylor Scott Paper Company Foundation ithe 41 The Rev. and Mrs. Embry C. Rücker Corporation General Electric Foundation Mrs. Nell B. Taylor Sears-Roebuck Foundation Merck Company Foundation General Foods Fund, Inc. June Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Ruda Mrs. Rosamund S. Taylor Shell Companies Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Leo H. Rudnick Mr. and Mrs. Henry Temin Metropolitan Life Insurance Company General Motors Corporation to hei Gibbs & Hill, Inc. Sherwin-Williams Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Russell Mr. arid Mrs. Jade T. Temin 3M Company Thomas H. & Mary W. Shoemaker of 19 Mr. and Mrs. Emerson E. Russell Mrs. Richard C. Thatcher NL Industries Foundation, Inc. Girard Bank Fund Mr. and Mrs. James J. Ryan The Hòn. and Mrs. John R. Thim New England Mutual Life Insurance G.A. & E.W. Glass Foundation notice Singer Company Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. Sacks Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth V. Thimann Company Richard & Rhoda Goldman Fund Smith Kline & French Foundation made Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sahagian Mr. Edwin Thomas Olin Corporation Charitable Trust Regina Gross Fund Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Sailer Mr. and Mrs. George F. Thomas Philip Morris, Inc. Hunter Grubb Foundation, Inc. Social Service Fund Alumi Mr. and Mrs. Lucien B. S t John Mr. and Mrs. Maceo A. Thomas, Jr. Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Gulf Oil Corporation Southeast National Bank of gener; Professor and Mrs. Paul A. Samuelson Miss Maysie Thomas Company Stella & Charles Guttman Foundation Penrisylvania Mr. and Mrs. Moe Sarachek Mr. and Mrs. Victor Thomas Prudential Insurance Company of Hallowell Foundation Square D Foundation receiv Standard Oil (Indiana) F oundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William S. Savran Mr. Wright Thomas America Hart Schaffner & Marx Alumi Mr. and Mrs. Gérard Schaefer Mr. and Mrs. John F. Thompson R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company Haskins & Sells Foundation, Inc. Sterling Drug Company, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Otto S. Schairer Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Thompson Textron Foundation Trust Hartford Insurance Group Beatrice F. Stone Memorial Fund precia Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Schaps Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Toll Time Incorporated Hercules Incorporated Shipbuilding & Dry Dock I On Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Scheinman Mr. and Mrs. John Tomkins, Sr. Warner-Lambert Company Hershey Fund Company Swift & Company Foundation Katho Dr. and Mrs. A. Arthur Schiller Dr. and Mrs. Ralph M. ToveU Weyerhaeuser Company Foundation Hewlett-Packard Company Hoffmann-LaRoche Foundation Lloyd D. Tarlin Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Emil J.B. Schmidt Mrs. Anne B. Triggs BEQUESTS I atte Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Harvey J. Tucker Honeywell, Inc. Annette & Henry Teiriin Fund Tenneco Foundation went 1 Mr. and Mrs. William Schmiedel Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd P. Tyler Elizabeth Baker '02 Household Finance Corporation Textron Foundation Trust Di. and Mrs..Morton Schoenbaum Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Uehlein Carl.Bohn IBM World Trade Corporation leaf, ] J. Walter Thompson Company Fund, In*. Mr. and Mrs. Julian M. Schon Major General and Mrs. O.E. Ursin Howard Buckman ’14 ICI America, Inc. With 1 Mrs. Barbara Schulberg The Hon. and Mrs. Nobuhiko Ushiba Howard Evans ’03 INA Foundation Time Incorporated Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Schultz, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Levie van Dam Kenneth F armer ’13 International Business Machines Towers, Perrin, Forster & Crosby, Inc. the sa Mr. and Mrs. William N. Schultz Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Vanderbilt Arabella Miller Corporation Travelers Insurance Companies But Florence Miller ’31 Turner Construction Company I Mr. and Mrs. Jacob E. Schumacher Mrs. L.A. Van Kleeck International Telephone & Telegraph our 6i Mr. and Mrs. Stanley E. Seashore Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Vanni Norman Passmore ’03 Corporation Union Oil Company of California Mrs. Adolph L. Seelinger Mr. and Mrs. Irving Van Zandt, Jr. Edith Runge ’38 Itek Corporation Foundation and a Mi. and Mrs. Harry Seidman Mr. and Mrs. Frank Venes Courtney Smith Fred S. James & Company, Inc. United Aircraft Corporation for tl Mr. and Mrs. Percy Seiden Mrs. Julius Vexler H. Chandlee Turner ’23 Jewish Communal Fund of New York United Fruit Compariy Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Amy Selwyn Dr. and Mrs. Howard Vincent. James E. Verree ’83 John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance United Illuminating Company hiain 1 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Serena Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. von Roeder Clair----- I Wilcox M I . . Company United States Trust Company of years Dr. Webster Sewell Mr. and Mrs. John F. Wagener FOUNDATIONS AND CORPORATIONS Johnson & Johnson New York Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shaht MrS. Selman A. Waksman Aetna Life and Casualty Johnson’sWax Fund, Inc. Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. Charitable Trust T. M Mr. and Mrs. David Shanker Dr. Selman A. Waksman (Deceased) Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. Joint Committee on Powder Wallace-Eljabar Fund, Inc. Richai Mr. and Mrs. C.F. Stewart Sharpe Mr. and Mrs. J. Weston Walch Alcoa Foundation Diffraction Standards Warner-Lambert Company et Bui Dr. and Mrs. Earl H. Shatzkin Mr. and Mrs. David A. Wallach American Can Company Foundation Felix and Helen Juda Foundation Washington National Insurance Company Mrs. Charles B. Shaw Mr. and Mrs. John P. Walsh American Chemical Society William R. Kenan, Jr. Charitable Trust Thomas J. Watson Foundation head j. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Shaw, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Shih-Chum Wang American Express Foundation Koppers Company, Inc. Wayne Foundation, Inc. Patric Mr. and Mrs. George Shechtman Dr. and Mrs. William F. Warren American Home Products Corporation Lazard ______Freres & Company_ Westinghouse Educational Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Sydney R. SheB Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Wasser man American Metal Climax Foundation, Inc. Lever Brothers Company Weyerhaeuser Company Foundation tables Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Shennum Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Watt ASARCO Foundation Christian R, & Mary F. Lindback White Motor Corporation • had a Mr. and Mrs. Booth Shepard Mr. and Mrs. Louis R. Weber American Standard, Inc. Foundation Thomas H. White Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Shepard Mrs. George R. Weintraub American Welding & Manufacturing Carol Buttenwieser Loeb Foundation Wilson of Wallingford, Inc. Presid Mrs. Richard C. Shepherd Dr. and Mrs. Sidney Weintraub Company Foundation Lukens Steel Foundation Xerox Fund Swarthmore Alumni Issue 16 PCTOB jWhe College that college and is a trustee of the rector of the Alumni and Fund Offices Baruch College Fund. He is a former a bcontinued from page 17) and assistant editor of the Alumni ill L member of the board of directors of Bulletin. In addition she is working services Bryn Mawr, Haverford, the City College of New York Alumni with the Computer Center to make id ^franklin & Marshall, Cabrini, Rose- Association and was co-chairman of alumni records as accessible as possi­ sburpont, Immaculata, and Gwynedd Mer- the 25th Anniversary Committee of ble. She also is centralizing the bud­ 'Zidry colleges, in addition to Swarth- his class. In 1968 Mr. Weissman was gets for the various offices under the ^^pore, and “Swarthmore students join cited by the Alumni Association of supervision of Vice President Landis. ;he others in exhibiting the universal the City College of New York for In the development office Betty . Student taste for pizzas, hoagies, Slop- “distinguished post-graduate achieve­ Nathan Eisler ’50 is research associate therpy J°es> an<^ double hamburgers,” ac- ment” and presented City College’s and is assisting in planning a capital 3-hai»rding to Food Service Manager Dale Bernard M. Baruch Alumni Society program. She comes to Swarthmore Wfylollenbach. These entries all call for “Award of Achievement.” from the faculty of the Community ■ pat, and with much of the best U.S. A recent recipient of an award for College of Philadelphia, where she in N>eef slated to go to Japan in 1973, Ed distinguished service presented by the taught library science. I P'Miller and Dale Hollenbach may have mayor of New York City, Mr. Weiss­ Lark Hargraves March ’51 has also p. is much trouble supplying their Sharp- man has been honored also by the joined the development staff with re­ 0 ¿jes guests as the maitre d’ at Le Pa- Federation of Jewish Philanthropies sponsibilities for the parents program t tfyillon has supplying his. But they are for his civic and philanthropic en­ and The Swarthmore Challenge. Mrs. fj'ymg. deavors through the years. He is cur­ March formerly was secretary-treasur­ rently a member of the National (wM er and co-manager of Bay Garden ay at Citizens Committee of the United Food, Inc., and manager of Theatre Weissman Named to Board Community Campaigns of America, of Dance, Inc., in the Virgin Islands. durPeorge Weissman, president and chief the Business Committee for the Arts umnPperating officer of Philip Morris, and a director of Lincoln Center. esceinc., has been elected to the Board of Class of '77 Maintains (^Managers of Swarthmore College. He New Appointments in Preprofessional Trend rovei^ill fill the unexpired term of Howard Freshmen arriving on campus this le-hag. Turner ’33, chairman of the board Alumni, Development year represented 37 states, the ma­ jjjpd chief executive officer of the and Public Relations jority coming from the Mid-Atlantic Turner Construction Company, who Kendall Landis ’48, vice president for and northeastern United States; for­ «resigned citing business pressures. alumni, development, and public rela­ eign countries sent 15 students for a Mr. Weissman, whose term will run tions, has announced several recent combined student body of about 1200 through December 1975, has been administrative appointments within (there are 16 transfer and six special Chairman of the Parents’ Committee his departments. students). A large majority is resident. lubj^ Swarthmore since 1969-70, his Maralyn Orbison Gillespie ’49, di­ The 164 freshmen women and 178 > M.^ughter Ellen being a 1972 graduate. rector of the Office of Information freshmen men comprise the largest Services and editor of the Swarthmore freshman class in the history of | | Swarthmore, surpassing last year’s nbel Alumni Bulletin, was named director rchl of alumni affairs, responsible for or­ record-holder of 341. Their mean test ganized alumni activities not directly scores are about 680 on the English ;ingl involved with fund raising. She will Achievement and 660 on the SATS, a ¡wail M I serve as liaison with the College to the slight decline that follows a nation­ (me» Alumni Association, helping to initiate wide trend. The group shows a con­ ssiofl and to develop programs such as re­ tinuing high interest in preprofes­ le; 1 gional alumni meetings, continuing ed­ sional courses. Says Associate Dean 1 1 ucation programs, and Alumni Day. of Admissions Barbara Lange: “The Dinf Mrs. Gillespie joined the Swarthmore most frequently mentioned majors are administration in 1955 and for nine biology, political science, English, psy­ R years was also director of vocational chology, engineering, history, and guidance and placement. She will con­ mathematics. Students are interested 6 ,l| tinue as director of the Office of Infor­ in the first two areas because they ¡7, l l mation Services and editor of the Bul­ would like careers in medicine or law,

¡7,1* letin, and Barbara Hillman, former di­ specifically, to help less fortunate II , rector of public relations and projects segments of the population. l lJ alumnus of the Bernard Baruch and grants at the Moore College of One-third of the Class of ’77 came - f ege of Business, Mr. Weissman is Art, will assist her with publications. from private schools and one-third is 72, [ Graduate Advisory Board of Kathryn Bassett ’35 continues as di­ receiving some type of financial aid.

IS* 1973 49 Second-class postage paid at Swarthmore, Pennsylvania 19081. Return requested. S' COLLEC

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Page 1

1 Welcome to Camp Swarthmore Page 1 5 Top Secret Slurry Caper By John Seahury Thomson ’43 12 A Hundred-year Reckoning By John M. Moore 17 The College N* 18 Going Back m 24 Class Notes

Cover story: Few freshmen were as lucky I as Kathie Harper to find a letter on her fir$ trip to her mailbox. But Kathie’s experiences during the first day of Freshman Orientation are fairly typical of the members of the Class of ’77— exhilarating, exhausting, and confusing—I and by day’s end Kathie had lost the Page 18 combination to her mailbox. Photograph I by James Purring.

Editor: Maralyn Orhison Gillespie ’49 Assistant Editors: Kathryn Bassett ’35 an<\ Barbara Hillman Designer: Robert Wood