National Inventory of Radioactive Materials and Waste: Synthesis Report
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2009 EDITION All of these documents are available on CD-Rom and on on and CD-Rom on available are documents these of All 8000 +33(0)1 4611 Tel. 92298 Châtenay-Malabry cedex rue Jean-Monnet 1-7, AGENCY MANAGEMENT WASTE RADIOACTIVE NATIONAL FRENCH OF THE National Inventory OF Radioactive Material S AND Waste where you can also make your suggestions your canalsomake you where the Andra internet website Andra internet the Summary Report families describingthe Catalogue Inventory Geographical ReportSynthesis © Andra - 351 - June 2009 - 4,000 copies - DCAI-CO-09-0051 - ISSN: 1629-170X – Graphical design and production: Avec ou sans sucre Printing: Corlet - Printing certified by Imprim’Vert using vegetable inks on partially recycled paper, FSC certified - Distributed free - Not for sale National Inventory of Radioactive Materials and Waste Synthesis Report National InventoryNational Materials andWaste ofRadioactive Report Synthesis Although "small-scale nuclear activities" waste producers (hospitals, me- dium-sized research centres and industries making occasional use of ra- dioactive objects, etc.) only account for a fraction of waste, they represent foreword most of the sites concerned. The list of these producers and the related data have been updated and supplemented where necessary. The addi- tional data included should not, however, make the reader lose sight of the fact that the National Inventory is only published every three years. Its approach is therefore macroscopic and cannot refl ect variations in the We are pleased to present the third edition of the National Inventory of activities of these producers. Radioactive Materials and Waste, which is a refl ection of Andra's long-term commitment to its inventory-related activities. These activities receive fi - Progress has been made in the treatment of sites contaminated by radio- nancial backing from the French Ministry of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable activity and the National Inventory takes into account the recommendation Development and Territorial Planning. The National Inventory is a corner- made by the French High Committee on Transparency and Information on stone in the management of these materials and waste in that it provides Nuclear Safety to standardise information on legacy waste disposal sites. input for the French National Radioactive Materials and Waste Manage- The National Inventory lists 23 such legacy waste sites, with a clearer clas- ment Plan (PNGMDR), soon to be reviewed by the Government. sifi cation and fuller details than in the 2006 edition. Besides the record sheets, a specifi c section on this subject has been added to Subchapter Andra has opted for the same four-volume structure as that adopted for 3.1 of this Synthesis Report. the 2004 and 2006 Inventories: Synthesis Report, Summary Report, Cata- Other improvements or supplementary information have been included to logue describing the families and Geographical Inventory, together with a take into account Government requests, suggestions made by the National CD-ROM. Readers have expressed their preference for this presentation Inventory Steering Committee or readers, or simply added at Andra's own which off ers them a great deal of information in an easily accessible for- initiative. For example: the section on radioactive materials has been ex- mat, whatever their background or motives for reading the Inventory. This panded; the distribution of waste by owner is more fi nely detailed; foreign presentation also considerably simplifi es comparison with other editions waste in France on a temporary basis is presented for each country con- of the Inventory. cerned; a new section is included, showing the capacity of existing storage sites for French waste pending the opening of two future disposal facilities With an eye to effi ciency and sustainable development, Andra now off ers - an LLW-LL repository to be opened in 2019 and an HLW and ILW-LL re- the producers and holders of radioactive materials and waste an online pository scheduled for 2025. Lastly, an appendix has been added for legacy declaration tool and ready-completed declaration forms. This saves paper waste dumped in the Atlantic or in the Channel and for waste from nuclear and time and reduces CO emissions - for everyone's benefi t. 2 tests in the Pacifi c. The National Inventory provides a snapshot of the stocks of radioactive ma- The purpose of the National Inventory and the responsibilities and role of terials and waste as at 31 December 2007. In addition, it includes forecasts the various parties involved in radioactive waste management have also of these stocks for 2020 and 2030, as well as a statement of "committed" been explained for information. Bibliographical references are included for waste at the end of life of existing nuclear facilities and those licensed further reading. for construction, based on industrial forecasts. Some signifi cant changes compared with the 2006 National Inventory will have caught the attentive More improvements in both the form and content of the report will be pos- reader's eye: fi rst, conditioning and disposal solutions for some categories sible in future editions. Feedback from readers provides us with a unique of waste have been reviewed in light of new fi ndings, or in accordance with opportunity to add to the Inventory and make it useful for as many people as guidelines defi ned in the PNGMDR and, second, the number of commit- possible, so comments are always welcome. ted facilities has grown, especially now that the Flamanville EPR has been licensed for construction. We hope you enjoy reading this third edition. Estimations of waste stocks in 2030, or at the end of life of existing facili- ties, can only be based on assumptions as to the future of facilities and the French Government's energy policy in the long term. These are matters for plant operators and the public authorities to decide. This part of the National Inventory addresses issues which Andra thought should be made accessible to as broad a public as possible, even if they are of a more tech- nical nature. The assessments made should be seen as estimations that are François-Michel Gonnot Marie-Claude Dupuis dependent on future decisions and policies. Chairman of Andra Chief Executive Offi cer of Andra 2/3 Although "small-scale nuclear activities" waste producers (hospitals, me- dium-sized research centres and industries making occasional use of ra- dioactive objects, etc.) only account for a fraction of waste, they represent foreword most of the sites concerned. The list of these producers and the related data have been updated and supplemented where necessary. The addi- tional data included should not, however, make the reader lose sight of the fact that the National Inventory is only published every three years. Its approach is therefore macroscopic and cannot refl ect variations in the We are pleased to present the third edition of the National Inventory of activities of these producers. Radioactive Materials and Waste, which is a refl ection of Andra's long-term commitment to its inventory-related activities. These activities receive fi - Progress has been made in the treatment of sites contaminated by radio- nancial backing from the French Ministry of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable activity and the National Inventory takes into account the recommendation Development and Territorial Planning. The National Inventory is a corner- made by the French High Committee on Transparency and Information on stone in the management of these materials and waste in that it provides Nuclear Safety to standardise information on legacy waste disposal sites. input for the French National Radioactive Materials and Waste Manage- The National Inventory lists 23 such legacy waste sites, with a clearer clas- ment Plan (PNGMDR), soon to be reviewed by the Government. sifi cation and fuller details than in the 2006 edition. Besides the record sheets, a specifi c section on this subject has been added to Subchapter Andra has opted for the same four-volume structure as that adopted for 3.1 of this Synthesis Report. the 2004 and 2006 Inventories: Synthesis Report, Summary Report, Cata- Other improvements or supplementary information have been included to logue describing the families and Geographical Inventory, together with a take into account Government requests, suggestions made by the National CD-ROM. Readers have expressed their preference for this presentation Inventory Steering Committee or readers, or simply added at Andra's own which off ers them a great deal of information in an easily accessible for- initiative. For example: the section on radioactive materials has been ex- mat, whatever their background or motives for reading the Inventory. This panded; the distribution of waste by owner is more fi nely detailed; foreign presentation also considerably simplifi es comparison with other editions waste in France on a temporary basis is presented for each country con- of the Inventory. cerned; a new section is included, showing the capacity of existing storage sites for French waste pending the opening of two future disposal facilities With an eye to effi ciency and sustainable development, Andra now off ers - an LLW-LL repository to be opened in 2019 and an HLW and ILW-LL re- the producers and holders of radioactive materials and waste an online pository scheduled for 2025. Lastly, an appendix has been added for legacy declaration tool and ready-completed declaration forms. This saves paper waste dumped in the Atlantic or in the Channel and for waste from nuclear and time and reduces CO emissions - for everyone's benefi t. 2 tests in the Pacifi c. The National Inventory provides a snapshot of the stocks of radioactive ma- The purpose of the National Inventory and the responsibilities and role of terials and waste as at 31 December 2007. In addition, it includes forecasts the various parties involved in radioactive waste management have also of these stocks for 2020 and 2030, as well as a statement of "committed" been explained for information.