Treatment and Recycling of Spent Nuclear Fuel
Couvmono6GB.qxd 29/05/09 20:33 Page 1 Commissariat à l’énergie atomique Commissariat à l’énergie atomique e-den A Nuclear Energy Division Monograph e-den Even as civil nuclear energy is experiencing a real resurgence in interest, there is a need also to know A Nuclear Energy Division precisely what is involved in the issue, whether it be nuclear energy itself, or the associated science, and Monograph technology. And yet, overviews, evidencing a good scientific level, as regards this type of energy, are scarce… To make good this virtual absence, and highlight its own work in due manner, the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA: Commissariat à l’énergie atomique) is setting out, in the form of short mono- graphs, a comprehensive overview of its own ongoing research, in the area of civil nuclear energy. Such research being diverse, and multidisciplinary, this series of CEA monographs explores, and surveys topics as varied, if complementary, as the reactors of the future, nuclear fuel, materials under irradiation, Treatment and recycling or nuclear waste… Aimed both at scientists hailing from other areas of expertise, wishing to appraise themselves of the of spent nuclear fuel issues at hand, and a wider public, interested in learning about the present, and future technological envi- Actinide partitioning – Application to waste management ronment, these CEA monographs set out the recent findings from research, together with their context, and the challenges they involve. Treatment and recycling of spent nuclear fuel Actinide partitioning – ubsequent to its in-reactor dwell time, spent fuel still Application to waste S contains large amounts of materials that are recoverable, management fuel of spent nuclear reatment and recycling for value-added energy purposes (uranium, plutonium), T together with fission products, and minor actinides, these making up the residues from nuclear reactions.
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