ATO, Kappa Sig ...... 2 fh - for~~ v Student Loans ...... 4 Yo-yo ...... 4 Arts ...... 5 Police Blotter ...... 9

ngAT TTAiVt' nA nXTTTI C r . - ...... _ V¥ULUMr Y94, NUMBRK 3 MIT, CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSE'ITTI'S FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22. 1974 CENTS- I - ~ ~ ~~~~- - _ -- , -- FIVE-- I ----- Fccchanges graduation By Mike McNamee matics Hartley Rogers, to be- nature of the MIT student body, A change in the faculty regu- come an ex-officio-nmerrm-ber of Hanham-stated, had necessitated lations governing the date of the CEP. Rogers would take the- the current review of the re- Commencement was the only committee seat designated.for quirements, as well as "wear and business completed at the Febru- the Undergraduate Plannring Pro- tear" on the old requirement ary faculty meeting on Wednes- fessor, a post which has been system. "Hardly any of the rules day, as the faculty discussed vacant since around 1967. The still applied as they were inten- proposals to change the member- motion, introduced by Chairman ded to," the Dean added. "It has ship of the Committee on Edu- of the Faculty Professor Elias become difficult to tell what the cational Policy and to revise 3s~ ,~,:~~·~~"'i,7 the Gyftopoulos, was discussed rules are - there is an ambiguity Humanities and Social Science briefly, and voting on the in what role humanities should (HSS) requirement. measure was postponed until the play at MIT." March faculty meeting. Most of the discussion at the Most of the meeting was de- The humanities requirement meeting centered on the role of voted to discussion of the pro- Over half of -the two-hour- humanities at the Institute, and posal made by the CEP and the long meeting was concerned how well the current proposal School of Humanities and Social with discussion of the proposed would meet that role. Two Contrary to prior claims, MIT does not have the world's Iargest Sciences to change the Institute changes in the Institute require- ammendments to the proposed yo-yo. This 58 pound, four-foot wide yo-yo is part of the aerial requirements in H&SS. (see arti- ment in the Humanities and requirements were offered by show of the US Army's .Silver Eagles precision flying helicopter cle below). The 90 to I 00 facul- Social Sciences. Dean Harold members of the faculty of the team, and is almost ztwice as large as the 30-pound, 26-inch yo-yo ty members present had time, Hanham of the School of School of Humanities and Social built during IAP by students in Mechanical Engineering. What's however, to vote unanimously to Humanities introduced the pro- Sciences, but were not discussed more, the Army's yo-yo works. For the full story, see Letters on change the date of Commence- posal, explaining that it was the' at the meeting. Voting on the page 4. ment from the second Friday first attempt to revise the H&SS proposed changes was postponed after the end of classes to the requirement since it was first until the March faculty meeting. third Monday after classes are established by the Lewis Com- {Editor's note - An explana- concluded. mission in 1949. tion of the proposed require- kMIT bucks nat7 trends;e "The Lewis Commission- ment appears in today's issue of This change was proposed by came down hard for the Western The Tech; a full explanation and final applications rising a special committee appointed Tradition sequence that is in- analysis of the discussion at the to study the problems of "end- corporated into the current re- faculty meeting will be printed By Storm Kauffman did not represent a sizeable pro- of-term crunch" which was first quirements," Hanham noted. in next Tuesday's The Tech.) Final applications for admis- portion of the total - blacks, for discussed by the faculty at its "~rhey established a cultural The faculty went into closed November meeting sion 'to the MIT Class of 1978 example, being only 4% of all (see The core, and pushed 'national heri- session for the last item on the will exceed 4358, which is applicants. He called the increase Tech, 11/26/73), and will take tage' as an important part of the agenda, which was the considera- approximately 20% more than "encouraging" but stated that humamities requirement." tion of candidates for February last year, according to Assistant "despite an intensified search we Professor of Mathematics Enormous changes in the degrees. Director of Admissions Cynthia still have not found adequate James Munkres, chairman of the Bloomquist. ways to increase the minority Ad Hoc Committee on End-of- Figures tabulated as of Febru- representation 'at MIT as much Term Arrangements, described Changet should broaden ary 13 showed that about a fifth as we would want." the change in the Commence- of the applicants were women - He continued,."Finding mi- ment date as the best- of the 887 women and 3471 men. nority students with adequate options available for "long-term Human-i-ties equireiment changes to facilitate end-of-term These numbers apply only to preparation in high school math- By Mike McNamee criteria that is not a clear con- "complete applications" which ematics.and science is still one of' situations." Rather than trying census of the faculty of the to muddle through the current (Mike McNamee is News Edi- are those which include all the most important and difficult tor of The Tech and has been School, but which the heads of necessary input (student applica- tasks facing the admissions of- situation, which many faculty the various departments in the members fear does not allow reporting on the review of the tion, transcript, advisor or in- fice at MIT:' Humanities and Social Science School seem to feel is workable The applicant breakdown enough time to process grades and well-founded. With the ap- structor evaluations, etc.) and for graduating seniors, or change requirement since October. This are ready to be reviewed by the shows 24 Puerto Ricans (250% is the first of two articles analyz- proval and recommendation of admissions staff. of last year), 26 Mexican-Ameri- the nature of Commencement the CEP, these criteria were dis- by not giving the degrees at the ing the proposed requirement. Only comparison figures from cans (400%), 47 Spanish-Amer- -Editor) cussed at the faculty meeting; January 30 of last year were icans (down to 70% of last year). ceremonies (a practice many col- they will be voted upon at the leges have already adopted), the The proposed change in the available, but based on these the Out of this applicant pool, Institute Humanities and Social March meeting. number of women applicants has the Admissions Office will admit committee decided that there The new would be fewer problems in- Science requirement, suggested requirement increased 93% (from 438 in a sufficient number (probably by the Committee on Education- There are four important 1973 to 852 on January 30, about 1700) to achieve a class volved if Commencement was changes from the old re- postponed over a weekend. al Policy and the Council of the 1974). Other comparisons size of about 1000. However, School of Humanities and Social quirement corporated in the new showed that applications from uncertainties in the admissions "None of the problems asso- Sciences at the faculty meeting proposals (for a full statement of men had increased some 10%, process could cause the class to ciated with this change are ter- Wednesday, is the result of a the proposal, see the box on applications from blacks 40%, be somewhat smaller or larger. ribly serious," Munkres stated. long process of modification and page 3): and applications from other mi- Richardson estimated that The faculty vote to adopt the revision of what many MIT stu- 1) Fields - areas of concen- nority groups had also grown between 15% and 25% of the proposed change was unani- dents seem to regard as one of tration or particular disciplines significantly. incoming class would be female. mous. their most distasteful require- will be established in the Schools While Director of Admissions In a previous interview with The The faculty also discussed a ments. of Humanities and Social Sci- Pete Richardson was pleased Tech, Richardson has expressed change in the faculty rules that The review of the require- ence, and Architecture and Ur-. with this increase, he pointed (Please turn to page 3) would allow the new Associate ment was started expressly be- ban Planning. There are 15 out that minority applicants still Provost, Professor of Mathe- cause of student's distaste for Fields designated in the require- humanities. According to re- ment, with provisions for adding marks made by Dean Harold others. Most of the Fields are Hanham (of the School of Hu- representative of departments or Institute begins drought aid manities and Social Sciences at sections in the schools, but some the faculty meeting, student ob- are interdisciplinary, and addi- jections to the narrowness of the tions to the list are being By Jules Mollere ever, which provided a strong structure could not have been freshman and sophomore re- planned. Dr. Hans Guggenheim, a re- base." built without the permission and quirements and the feeling of 2) A distribution requirement search affiliate in the Depart- The water-storage structure, enthusiasm of the regional chief. compulsion caused by the cur- would be established; a student ment of Architecture, labeled as as built, consists of a brick wall "He (the chief) began by rent requirement system has led would be required to take thtree "very successful" his trip to nine feet in diameter and height regarding the project as ours and to a system that "students are subjects, each from a different drought stricken West Africa to lined on the bottom with a soil simply letting me do it as an old flocking to get out of." This is field, from a list of subjects demonstrate a new water storage cement basin and by chicken friend. We had the hardest time evidenced by the growth in re- designated for that purpose. This technique. wire and ferro-cement along the trying to convince him that the cent years of the number of is intended to parallel the cur- Guggenheim and the five stu- sides. Water is funneled into the structure would be strong subjects for satisfying the first rent freshman and sophomore dents who accompanied him to system from adjacent roofs enough to hold. Before long two years' requirements, and the lists of required subjects, while Mali had originally intended to through clay pipes. though he actually began to number of petitions that stu- opening that list up to other convert Dogon graineries into "The roof of the unit created work on it himself and finally dents have filed to get around fields that are not represented water collection and storage quite a problem. The Dogon wound't even let anybody else the requirements - an "ava- now on the lists (such as Econo- tanks. The Dogon are one of the were afraid that a flat roof work on 'his' water castle." lanche" that has been increasing mics, Art and Architecture, many people in West Africa un- would collapse during the rains. "'I- doubt that very many each year. Psychology, etc.). Distribution dergoing their fifth year of se- A dome large enough to cover it other projects can boast of such Faculty in the School of Hu- subjects, the School hopes, will vere drought. however, simply isn't in their participation by the most influ- manities and Social Sciences add breadth to a student's pro- "We soon found out that we technical repetoire and would ential man in the area. He was (especially Associate Dean gram, preferably in the first two couldn't do what we'd planned," conflict with the architecture really our only chance of accep- Donald Blackmer) has been years. said Guggenheim. "The grain- around it. We finally settled on a tance in his area of ritual juris- working since July to evolve a 3) By the start of his third eries are built on stones or plat- dome of reduced area such as diction, and had he even let us new set of requirements to re- year, a student would be re- forms which would have been the Dogon normally use 'but work on the project but not on place the old ones, originally quired to declare a concentra- crushed under the pressure. supported with wooden cross- his land and with his assistance established in 1949 and based on tion in some field, and would be There was a rocky outcropping bars." (Please turn to page 9) the work of the Lewis Commis- (Please turn to page 3} in the chief's compound, how- Guggenheim stressed that the sion. They have evolved a set of PAGE FRIDAY,:FEBRUARY22,, 1974 THETECH 2 .-_...... __ .. _,

Moving across the river-

KS and ATO treact to a new house By T. Blakey Hurt "It's a house, it's nice, it's new," said one of the newly moved-in members of Alpha Tan Omega. The 1.2 million dollar U-s,.h- ---U---mp --- combined dwelling of the ATO and Kappa Sigma located along __ _ _ - _-- ,___ i Memorial Drive certainly bore witness to the statement. _ _._.-,R- --_ I With spacious new rooms, on the MIT campus and including new furniture, the new houses seem to be a large step up fort both fraternities. "Things seem kind of antiseptic" was one comment that showed the nostalgia of one of the occupants. The general feeling, however, was that the place was very well Announcing: liked, as most of the residents were generally enthusiastic. The fact that "we can eat more lunches," is one of the benefits that the ATO's cited; another is the ease with which "home" can be reached. l'he - Did the move cause any major changes? "No" the brothers e responded. "We're still the same people, we just have a new surrounding," Would there by any increase of contact between 0- -A I the ATO's and Kappa Sigma since the houses were not only next door but interconnected?" "Not really. We've always been close with them. Maybe a little bit closer now because of the general plant layout," said on ATO member. Both houses rely on common heating and sanitation facilities so that there is a ' · 9 t 1/ necessity for more communication, but this is the only reason for

the two to become closer. There will be an increased participation L with the Institute because of the proximity, the ATOs felt. Other than enjoying the new surroundings, the new location and house seems to have affected the fraternities very little.

- lf '

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-. .I .- .- . i . .- . . , i * , , I _ _ z ______THE TECH FRI'DAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1974 PAGE 3 _ __ I_ __ L IL LLI_ ------UIL--L_ I -- I F 11~.I ...... ______pL____ _LEADERS NEEDED I Humities ne choic coming a omm An"lalf newmm I Imak@cmin-i Co 4-6 week bicycling, camping trips for 14-17 years olds through the countrysides of (Continuedfrom page 1) However, to encourage students requirement to other fields," munication skills. This reflects a the world. Leaders must be to explore languages in depth, it Blaclkmer stated. assigned an advisor in that -field strong feeling among the faculty single and age 21 or older. will be necessary for a student to Administering the system of the School that distribution Information from Student, to help him plan a three- or take two elementary courses in a Major responsibility for admi- four-subject program. This paral- subjects should be broadening Hosteling Program of New language before he can count nistering the new set of require- experiences, and qhould irnmrove lels the upper-class humanities one towards his distribution. ments would be given to a England, Maple Hill, Roches- requirement, but, under the new Blackmer stated at the meet- the writing and speaking skills of ter Vermont 05767. Phone 1 3-member committee ap- MlT students. requirement, each field would be ing Wednesday that he felt the pointed and chaired by the Dean 802-767-3297. L i responsible for establishing its major change in the requirement of the School of Social Science IDistribution subjects next L own concentration criteria. The year, Blackmer stated, will "pro- was "the ending of the hierarchy and Humanities. This commit- TENNIS FOR TWO advisor would be responsible for of fields that has been implicit in tee, with representatives from bably be the subjects that are set helping the student plan his pro- the structure of the require- each of MIT's five Schools up now for freshman and sopho- $2.00 per Person gram, and for making sure that ment." This hierarchy, he said, among its members, would be mores, plus a few others that the student satisfied the require- was both a cause and an effect primarily responsible for decid- will be designated." He added, Hit a friend with a few hundred ments of his concentration. of the fact that the subjects ing on subjects to be included on ."We don't expect to see any tennis balls. Great fun, great ex- available to freshmen and sopho- the list of distribution subjects. curricula changes for at least a ercise, great practice. 4) Elementary subjects in mores have been limited until The charge of the committee term, and probably not until foreign languages, which have recent years to literature and is not specifically stated in the 1975-76." (The second article in THE TENNIS RANGE not counted toward satisfying history. proposal that was discussed by this analysis will deal with the any sections of the old require- "Student and faculty atti- the faculty, but guidelines for discussions at Wednesday's facul- 100 Mass. Ave.(corner Newbury) ment, will be counted towards tudes have made compelling the subjects on the distribution ty meeting and some of the Auditorium subway stop the distribution . requirement. arguements for opening up the list were set up. Distribution controversies involved with the 247-305 1

new requirement. -Editor) - r -I subjects "would clearly not be -----_--I_ II- i The MIT program in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences is an integral intended to reflect departmental A_ part of each undergraduate's educational experience. It shares in a prime The Historic OLD VILNA SHULa objective of the Institute's entire undergraduate curriculum: to provide a or disciplinary concrens narrow- 16 Phillips St., Beacon Hill, Boston critical acquaintance with different modes of inquiry and the relations ly conceived;" they should have invites the Jewish students to our Traditional among them. The program attempts to stimulate an understanding and "a central concern with values," Orthodox Services. appreciation of the past as well as of the present, and of other cultures as including emphasis on historical well as our own. It encourages participation in those creative and perspective, non-quantitative FRIDAY: Sundown SABBATH: 9 am expressive activities which enrich life. It seeks to develop a broadened followed by a delicious Kiddush thought, and developing com- b-*I -- -- I -* --·-I- _ ---------" ------i awareness of the implications of science and technology for society. These I I -- ~. r~ ¥ .... I ------·-a general aims are embodied in an Arts, Humanities and Social Science requirement, whose intention is: (1) to ensure that each student has experience in several of the distinctive Fields of study and cognitive styles that tile program contains; and (2) to provide for work at a reasonably advanced level in one of those fields. The offerings in the program cover the fields listed below, Anthropology and Archaeology Linguistics Creative Writing Literature J.-T. BAKER CHEMICAL COMPANY Economics Music _ Foreign Languages Philosophy has exciting career opportunities History Political Science History of Art and Architecture Psychology for career-minded Labor in Industrial Societv Urban Studies The Institute Requirement professionals in: 1. Every candidate for a bachelor's degree must have completed a minimum of eight term subjects in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, normally at the rate of one per term. 2. Distribution. At least three of the required eight subjects must be chosen from a specially designated list. Each field is represented on the distribution list by one or anuftacturing, more subjects. The three distribution subjects must be selected from three separate Fields and are normally to be taken during a student's first two R B b b years. 3. Concentrationn. No later than the start of the'third year of study, each student must select a field in which to concentrate. The requirements for Concentration are set by each Field and vary somewhat in form, but they consist basically of either three or four subjects in (or closely related Finance to) that field. An individual's program of concentration is arranged in consultation with an advisor designated by the field of the student's choice. A student who has already taken a Distribution subject in his or her larketing field of concentration may count that subject as part of the concentration requirement as well. Minoratfies: numbers up, Baker will be but smaller percentages ON CAMPBUS (Continuedfrom page 1) by the Admissions Office to increase applications from ON FEB.25,'74 hope that 25% of the applicant women. An extensive mailing See the Placement Office pool would be women but did was sent to 10,000 women who for more specific information, agree that the 20% projection took the PSAT last year and was a significant improvement expressed interest in fields of- over the 12% in the Class of fered at MIT. This was made 1977. possible by the institution by The Admissions Office has the College Board people of a been pleasantly surprised by this student search service, which increase in the number of appli- MIT joined at first opportunity. l cants. Most other private univer- Bloomquist suggested that MIT sities in the nation are facing had gotten a jump on many the problem of declining applica- other colleges by using the ser- Company tions. One of the reasons why vice to contact potential appli- J. T. Baker Chemical the Academic Council decided cants. 222 Red School Lane · Phillipsburg, New Jersey 08865 to set the size of the Class of 1978 at 1000 was a wish to respond to this increase in inter- CAM PUS CUE (Country, urban or suburban living, whichever est in attending MIT. 590 Commonwealth Ave., you prefer. Phillipsburg is an attractive suburban The causes of the increase are community located in West Jersey on the not known. Speculation ranges Boston from the effect of MIT students' 20 minutes from Harvard Square Delaware River.) vacation visits to their old by MTA An Equal Opportunity Employer, M/F schools to a resurgence of sci- (1st stop aftpr Kenmore Square) ence and engineering to the pub- POCKET BILLIARDS licity received through the ABC series "What About Tomorrow" and which was based at MIT. PINBALL MACHIINES Bloomquist stressed the "Great for a Date"

importance of the effort made I u,... i --~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ - ,.,---- Y · I . I~I i

I NG BLOOD DRIVE I MAKE APPT NOW-SPRII formes availablefo tbby b/dg 10 > ;~nfo: x3-o79 11

- -- L I L- -Y -- -i PAGE 4 ~FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1974 THETECH 'ni- . . .. 'i I .- . . . - I ...... I _Y_ __ In Case of Insomnia - Space: Just a whole Nixon is trying to axe loans (again)! By Storm Kauffman nity Grants differ from Basic Educational merely certify the amount of need to the lot of nothing? The Nixon Administration is in the Opportunity Grants in that the latter lender, while for students from a family process of making its annual attempt to provide outright grant support for only with a greater income the college must By Storm Kauffman axe student loan programs. the neediest while the former are not as determine by review of family financial The space program is a prime example According to the New York Times (16 restrictive. Guaranteed loans provide a status the amount of need. Sponsors of of the previously mentioned "Science: February), "the administration has pro- federal subsidy to banks to cover the 7%o the liberalized conditions now recognize The Selling . ." (The Tech, 15 Feb.) posed that the federal government cease interest while the student is in college and that access loans has in fact been hin- "what did we get out of it today'> subsidizing interest on student loans also insure the lending institution that the dered by the added effort in determining attitude. (I'll issue the warning now that (guaranteed loans) except for those per- government will cover any delinquent need. I'm somewhat of a bug about tle impor- sons most in need." debts. Two weeks ago, tance of space exploration.) Space suffers Rep. James G. The government supports several loan What the Nixon Administration wishes O'Hara, D-Mbich. introduced a bill to from being able to promise only long- programs, four of which are open to to do is to stop such subsidizing of permit students from families with in- term or spinoff benefits. children of middle-income families. (see guaranteed loans despite Congress' appar- comes up to $20,000 to quaify for fully The list of advantages derived from below) However, in the past several years, ent desire to retain such aid for those subsidized loans up to $2000. This NASA and related programs is lengthy. Nixon has repeatedly attempted to chan- from middle-income as well as needy would, in effect, restore the pre-1972 law Understandings into human phsiology nel most student aid funds to only those familes. If enacted, the proposal would with a new income ceiling of $20,000. and psychology, earth resources studies who are considered to be in exceptional mean a loss of federal interest subsidies O'Hara is chairman of the House Educa- pinpointing the location of vital deposits, need. So far, Congress has rejected all for about half a million students now tion subcommittee and has been a leading fuel cell technology which may become attempts to cut aid to middle-class stu- receiving guaranteed loans. Most of these opponent of cessation of aid to the the backbone of a future "hydrogen dents, and it is believed that this trend are from mniddle-income families. middle class. economy" energy system, pioneering will continue. Although another 400,000 other stu- MIT has not had any time to comment work on photovoltaic cells, and even such Basically, there are five federal aid dents from low-income families would on the Nixon proposal, but it should be intangibles as the view of our own small programs: National Direct Student Loans not be affected (and would, in fact, have clear that the O'Hara bill would be much planet as a unity alone in vacuous black- (NDSL), College Work Study, Educational their outright grants increased to cover the more beneficial to MIT and the ness (too gushy?) are among its products. Opportunity Grants, Basic Educational any interest payments on loans they have students likely to come to the Institute. 'But the cliche, "what have you done for Opportunity Grants, and Guaranteed taken), MIT would be hit fairly hard as Certainly, the federal government and the us lately," remains in force, and space Loans. most of its federal aid funds are received people in the low-income brackets should will never be a place of instantaneous NDSL is federally financed and post- by middle-class students. not object to continuing this subsidy plan returns (unless we finally meet those pones accruement of interest until after In 1972 Congress altered the guaran- as long as the needy still receive the aid super-advanced, benevolent aliens so pop- graduation and then charges only a 3% teed loan program to remove the ceiling which they deserve. ular is some SF). rate. College Work Study funds support of $15,000 on family income on the Perhaps the exploration should be left education-related work at schools, thus grounds that the buying power of such an The Tech regrets to announce the to a later time, when humanity is less providing some funds to the student from income had been greatly eroded by infla- resignation of Fred Hutchison '75 hectic and less materialistic. The wonders an outside source. Educational Opportu- tion. For these families a college must from the position of Sports Editor. of the universe are something to be Dan Gantt '75 has been elected Sports savored, But, for fear that once we turn Editor, and Glenn Brownstein '77 is our back we may find it difficult to Letters to The Tech Associate Sports Editor. resuem, we must continue the space L ~~~- , ...... effort on some level. Copter yo-Yo More Reamer Reaction I chafe at the thought that no manned Continuous Nevvs Service To the Editor: To the Editor: missions are scheduled after 1975. (The The February 5th issue of The Daily year whe~n a joint US-USSR mission will This press clipping made its way to my desk through Reamer has achieved an unprecedented AR Ammar, r make space a train of tittering troops one of the few areas in which who, until now, had complete confidence record of coarse vulgarity and blatant slo IP the two powers have successfully co- sexism. Its insensitivity, lack of taste and operated, not just coexisted - and isn't in our claim to the world's biggest yo-yo. Since 1881 Drat! appeal to baseness demeans not only The that almost worth all the billions itself?) Academe! Je vouz challenge!! Tech organization but everyone in this Vol. XCIV, No. 5 February 22,1974 We could have had men on Mars by the The community. I write to protest, in the Balb Moole '76( Cllairperson turn of the century, given the commit- US Army Silver Eagles precision flying strongest possible terms, Storm. Kuffrnallnl '75:L1itor-ib-ChieJ' ment and the guarantees of sufficient helicopter team boasts of a 58- this annual dis- pound, four-feet-in-diameter, authentic, play of inhuman and I believe utterly Norlmall SandIle' '75: Ixecwlivec Il:Uitor funding (and they hardly need be larger no-gimmicks-attached5 humorless crudity. than present levels) to do so. And a workable yo-yo. Jo ln Hanzel '76: Alaiag'ing l,:itor And it is played from a helicopter. Paul E. Gray St ephlen Shagoury '76; Bulsiness Alatagrlc'F golden opportunity has been botched in Seriously, we have been using our Chancellor failure to take full advantage of planetary giant yo-yo as part of our normal aerial SteveWallllml '75, K-obrt Nilssii '7( alignment to conduct a Grand Tour robo- performance at shows around the coun- Coeds for PKA Julia Malakie '77: tic exploration of several outer planets try. The Silver Eagles is the relatively new To the Editor: Nighllt I:litors for the price of one. (In saving a nickel The Tuesday, February 12 issue of Army equivalent of the Air Force Thun- Michaell McNlamee '7(6; iNe, s I:litcrw now, we cost ourselves a quarter later, derbirds and the Navy Blue Angels. We The Tech carried an article entitled, "100 and I don't refer to inflation.) The pros- are an Army recruiting and information more women than we can house ... ," in Neal Vitale '7i;Arts Il:itor pect for any space stations after Skylab is tool. Playing the yo-yo is one way we which you made reference to the efforts Tom Vid(ic '7(,: Phtorograto/ l:Iitotr even more bleak than the chances of the on the part of two fraternities, including Dan Gantt, Sports Editor reusable demonstrate the versatility of Army heli- launch vehicle (due to fly in copters. our own, to go coed next year. The 1979). In fact, the one future bright spot article stated, "Chi Phi and Pi Kappa will be the Viking Mars landers, but no I hope these photographs of our "Bo- L[.e Tower. Ad u'i;A(Ising.1 aiagcr zo" helicopter and his yo-yo authenticate Alpha are both in the process of drawing Tilm Kiml pes. Rogel (;,oldstelini '74. plans yet exist to follow those. up plans for making their houses coed; The USSR, too, has failed in space. our boast. R'aul Schindleir 7-. [7Daviti Teichlbau ill '74, To a less august body, we' would Chi Phi is fairly well along with their While developing a brilliant remote ex- plans. ," yet made no further refer- Said\i' Yulke '74. Dave (;teen '75: camouflage our claim. 'Cotrihltitv l?/(:ittors ploration system, they have suffered re- Happy yo-yoing. ence to Pi Kappa Alpha. Although we peated losses in their manned program realize that no ill intent was considered, until they have cut manned flights to a Donald S. Galla MarIariet Br-atileau '77, Bill'('okllhin '77: Commanding the wording of the article implies that we minimum. Robots can gather useful infor- at Pi Kappa Alpha are not "fairly well Associaite /Vewts 5Ilitors mation, but they are hardly as satisfying Copy of letter to James H. Williams, along with our plans," which is simply Ke nl Isa acso ll '7 5: Associalt Nighlt 1Clitor (or, admittedly as costly) as letting men Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engi- not true. Glenn Brownstein;.4ssociateSports Editor explore in person. neering Our efforts date back to the founding .llak Slc1, 1 '7(,:' ,7 vsoc. Ad Allarna,'r Space exploration must continue. brothers of our chapter, who wanted Liz' Wise; A ccoln Though it should not be at the expense of Fem Crew Complaint from the start for our house to be coed. is Receilable pressing earth needs, the program can To the Editor, Two years ago we made a serious effort Robel-rt Elkiln: MlanagjserialConsutltasn t continue to push man's frontiers farther The -MIT Women's Varsity crew does to go coed, but failed to do so because of David Lee: C'icrlatiolnManager outward if given the chance. No matter not appreciate not being mentioned in problems within the house. We have since Doug Mc Loed: Cir-cllationlStaf' what are our present attitudes about the the article "Crew in Florida." As the solved these problems and are now lVNewvs value of coming to know our solar system writer of that article well knew, the MIT making a much stronger effort than that - and universe - men will eventually be Varsity Women's crew along with the Bert l lalstead '75, Hioward Sitzer '75. of two years ago. We intend to submit Ken Davis '76, Wendy Peikes '76, (and the light barrier be MIT Varsity Heavy Weight crew went to our written proposal to go coed to the damned). It is in man's nature to poke his FIT to row- during Jan. and followed a deans on Friday, February 1 5, two days Greg Saltzman '76, Henry Frechter '77, nose into any place that he hasn't al- rigorous schedule of workouts, etc. etc. later than Chi Phi. We have spent many Michael Garry '77, Jonathan Horn '77, ready. So a word of warning to the writer of hours of intense discussion on the sub- Steve Keith '77, Stephen Malienbaum '77, So the important thing becomes the that article, he may swear a' us all he ject, and feel we are ready to go coed. In Jules Mollere '77,- Curtis Reeves maintenance of our spa ce capability, wants in the hall of the Institute, but if short, we are more than "fairly well along Aodluction StaJt.' avoiding the attritional loss of the skill he should dare to appear at the boathouse with-our plans." We -thanksyou.for the -Friank.M cG i t li '75.-Tolz l BiirneV '76. and talent which has been accumulated at while the MIT Varsity Women's crew is opportunity to clear up this misconcep- NASA over the years. Michael Graves '76, Mindy Lipson '76, there he will be -thrown into the Charles tion. Cathy Medich '77, Vincent Richman '77, In refusing to lay a little -aside to r the and left to drown., Richard Moomaw, President .Gayanne Gray, John Kavazanjian future, we also cheat. ourselves of; the: ,. ·', '. Member MIT Varsity Kenneth Bachman, Kernneth Shultz, excitement of discoveries in the preseint. .'~~ > . Women's Crew Phlotogapi' v.ta&a ., Coeducational Committee Co-Chairmen ~~.....i, _ '-Wl-x O I Slherry Grobstein '74. Robert Oislaker '76 THEI7CAS?:". O F- ... by Brant parker and Johnny hart Tonm Kliniowicz '77, Dave Relinaii '77 c Richlrd Rehil '77 M Q, >,-o ¥SI)orts StaqJ. = a m - l'aUl Bayer, RIady Young '74, Doniald Slobrys '75,' Rick Bauer '77 C3. 5cond ('lass postage paid at Bostcol, Massa- 'thtl'~cl~. 7 ' lI'<'h ;s 1,ttblisl al'h(\xicc ;; xx\,,.|k duilin g the c()11clle a,t , Pta\.' flulilng LOdlcgc ~>VngN'O._ vs ';lli()nx, ,111ld M)1ct. tL(ling tIhe fil'St \C. k ill Augist, rh5 The iW2(l Ic)(}lil W0-483, Ml'l SI' LI(I t I C ,'Itr, M4Mw.,, c IhItl e I l.s \ elltic, c, t N'OGco (,;1111h;idge, Na'~'~;L hu ctlI, 02 I .i9.' l'I leph1il: . acV ·r Oc;i(' ic 7i7, 5.1- 1 4 1. tIlnitte Sta t.s MIalI r;t1.,,: N.S.00 for m11 )'car, ~. (0 l i' [ at) " c.;}rq. THE TECH F R i DAY, McFE BUARY 22, 1974 PAGE 5 I ______I __

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photo by Wanda Fischer ______I __ David Bromberg (see page 7) PAGE 6 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1974 THE TECH T I -' u iM i - _ _ The situation was somewhat dif- splashes of sax (Howard Casey) and very ferent the last time a Boston football Abbey Roadish guitar work. Then comes Posthumous "," an inspired John W s - "I team fled The Hub. In January of 1949, when Ted Collins' Boston Yanks Lennon spoof. The voice is perfect, the transferred to New York City, it was lyrics just inane enough tobe convincing. basically a financial problem: the Parsons Musically, the guitar is uncompromisingly Yanks had lost $800,000 in four years brutal, the rest stark enough to effective- m- j- -f at Fenway Park. Even then, finding a by Jeff Palmer ly satirize John's primal scream period r playing site was another thorn in Ted's and some of his similarly influenced later So it goes. Beantown gains a soccer Grievous Angel -Gram Parsons (Reprise) team and looses a football franchise. pigskin: the Giants were entrenched in. work. If there ever had to be a Paul-John the Polo Grounds, and Yankee Sta- To add to the mystery surrounding the feud, it should have been carried out on The North American Soccer League puzzling death and subsequent cremation has awarded Boston (as well as Balti- dium was the home of the financially this level of craftsmanship, instead of via reeling New York Yankees of the of Gram Parsons last summer is a song by obsequious lyrical slurs. more, Los Angeles, San Fransisco, Richie Furay, All-American Football Conference, the the title track of Poco's On side two, the first song is Band's Seattle, Vancouver, San Jose, Washing- Crazy Eyes album. The lyrics read "you ton D.C., and Denver) a franchise for "Other League" of the time. The next only throwback to the throwaway con- year, the AAFC folded, the Colts, sing songs about brass buttons and shiny fection that has taken up much of Paul's this Summer, and already a soccer war silver shoes," which is a direct reference is on between the just-named Minute- 49ers, and Browns joining the NFL, energies the past couple of years. The and the Yankees disbanding, a few to a Gram Parsons tune also on Crazy melody, lifted from "Rocky Racoon," is men and the established American Eyes: Soccer League Boston Astros. "Aaahh, players going over to the Bulldogs, They follow: almost catchy, but "" is a bitter- yer just a buncha bush league shit- who now had sole possession of Yan- "Down among the South Carolina ly sweet pill to swallow. Everyone raves heads." "Oh yeah?" "Yeah." "Sez kee stadium and thus changed their :pines you spent most of your lifetime in about "Let Me Roll It" being a great who?" "Sez us." Meanwhile, the name to the Yankees, confusing the deep thought/ Then changes came about Lennon parody, but why don't they World Football Leagues announced hell out of everything. Eventually, the and you find the time you spent wasn't notice that "" is an equally this week that the Boston Bulls' em- team moved to Dallas for one season, quite reason for being bought/ So now to devastating , with its bryonic operation will be moved to then became the Baltimore Colts in be or not to be is the question . . now/ double-tracked harmonies, celestial guitar New York, and after all the research I 1953, the original Colts having folded Crazy Eyes don't you forget how" riffs, and cry for universal harmony or did last week to chronicle the history after one season in the NFL., The fact that this song was published whatever. The mantric spell is broken of Boston pro football. The Bulls will Its been agreat couple of weeks for in 1969, the same year that "Brass only by a savage guitar break at the end. be renamed, and are now only one of Boston sportscasters, with Clark Booth Buttons" was first published, turns the Ah, "," Paul's gift to AM the many franchises aborted in the Ireferring to Bobby Orr's "slap-shit" and lyrics into strangely prophetic verse. car radios, a bouncy little cruising num- organizational prehistory of the Len Berman describing the Harvard Listening to Grievous Angel, Gram ber, wherein McC. rediscovers the mind- various recently formed pro sports Beanpot Hockey Tournament champs Parsons' posthumous album, I am remind- less wonder of the electric teenage guitar. loops; they are doomed to sheepishly as "dicking around the net." Else- ed of an old Latin phrase I learned in high "Picasso's Last Words" is a multilayered, reside, for the rest of eternity, with where, the grape vine reports that Dick school. It is de mortuis nil nisi bonurm, ever-evolving piece, a lovely tribute to the the likes of the Miami Screaming Stockton, recently divorced in NYC. which translated means "of the dead grand old painter, with a reed break Eagles, the New York Freighters, and where he toils for CBS, is being con- speak nothing but good." Yet this album reminiscent, aptly enough. of "When I'm the AFL's Minneapolis team. (If any soled by one Joey Heatherton. is just more of his first album,-GP. 64," and a small "Jet" reprise, related of you remember who those first two The Atlanta Braves seem to be to the original in a way that's the inverse staunchly dedicated to looking out for Grievous Angel has its exceptional mo- never were, meet me at the end of this ments such as the mellow "1000 Wed- of the relation between "Sgt. Pepper" column and we'll go get smashed.) Number One when it comes to their, ding" and his pretty rendition of "Brass and its reprise. "Nineteen Hundred and Did I say the Bulls are moving to record-chasing drawing card Hank Buttons," and there is a nece re-work of Eighty Five" is a puzzling song, hinting at New York? Well, that's not quite right. Aaron. Hank finished the '73 season some oh-so-familiar inspiration, but never his old Byrds tune, "Hickory Wind." But · Actually, they'll be playing, for two with 713 career home runs, one short many of the songs seem to blend together betraying it. Gentle synthesizer padding seasons at least until Yankee Stadium ,of Babe Ruth's all-time record.Thus, as two country roundups of either whin- and Paul's curiously disguised voice round is refurbished, in Jersey City's Roose- the tie-setting no.714, and -the tie.. ing pedal steel ballads or fiddle-banjo- out amost enjoyable package. velt Stadium, a pitifully decrepit, breaking no.715 will happen relatively guitar breakdowns. deserves all the rave 25,000-capacity hole across the Hud- soon-in the 1974 season, perhaps in Again the musicians on his album are the first couple games. Problem: the reviews its bound to receive. Its a care- son River, which has, in the past, been rich in talent, and I think that now fully wrought compendium of sophisti- the home of the Triple A International Braves' first home game is the 4th of Emmylou Harris, who sings beautifully the season, for they play three in cated pop, a joy to listen to, a sad League's off-and-on Little Giants; the with Gram on most of the album, could reminder of the magical day I broke open Atlantic Coast Football League's Cincinnati before the home-opener. have a promising solo career if she can Jersey Jays in the late Sixties, and even Solution: Aaron will be "saved" for Abbey Road. I have only two complaints, withstand the inevitable comparisons to and, they're more or less beaurocratic. occasionally the Dodgers before they Atlanta fans, and won't start in Cinci,- Linda Ronstadt's voice. went west, young man. Stadiumwise, although the Braves" management says One, a poster is included with the album, Grievous Angel is enjoyable as it stands. a bit more organized but- every bit as they didn't stand to fare much better he will be available for pinch-hitting alone, yet it doesn't progress from his in The Hub than in Gotham: summer chores. Fat chance on that. worthless as the White Album poster; toss first album, and sadly, Gram's chances for it out. Second, why couldn't Paul have Schaefer dates are unavailable until the This maneuver by the Braves plants development, in all aspects, have middle of September (the WFL starts included a version of the great "Six the NL officials' collective ass squarely tragically run out. O'Clock" he and Linda wrote for Ringo's play in July) due to conflicts with on the horns of the dilemma: no Foxboro Raceway's schedule. The ----- X i i -- LP? For that matter, when are all of matter what they do, they're contra- Paurs uncollected singles Bulls' management had been negotiating vening a seemingly inviolate principle and other un- with B.U. for the use of Nickerson t albumized work going to be rounded up of baseball, If a laissez faire attitude is into an album? Stuff like Field, capacity 15,000 but is this adopted, the unwritten rule-that states "Hi Hi Hi," major league? Mc and "Give Ireland Back To the Irish," "Live a team must field is "very best" and Let Die,'> "Mary Had a Little Lamb," Stadium problems did not necessi- starting nine, in order to make "every tate the move, however. It was a legal Linda's mysterious "," the leffort" to win, is shot to hell., it-is Zoo Gang theme, "Another Day," "Gotta matter, baby (as the Who might sing.) this possibility that sportswriters sge'f- on McRun See, Howard Baldwin, owner of the Sing, Gotta Dance" from Paul's TeeVee to be so violently decrying.'But What special, and assorted forgotten flipsides club (right now little more than coach is the alternative? Should' -the :NL by Mark Astolfi Bbe Parilli, some 30 signed bodies in such as "Country Dreaming," "The president's office, or Commissioner Mess," "Oh Woman Oh Why," and "C varying states of disability, and a Kuhn himself, be allowed to instruct a Band On the Run - Wings (Apple) couple secretaries) is also president of Band On the Run is without a doubt Moon." Apple,.are you listening, I think manager that he must play a certain ,we're ready for 'em now. the WHA Whalers. New Jersey sports body? Can Darrell Johnson, for exam- the best of the 15 post-B3eatles albums entrepreneur Robert Schmertz owns Ole, be forbidden to give Yaz two days and, not at all coincidentally, it best B-nmE~s~B~a~aa. M , the Whalers. Both gentlemen were rest on the bench? How many errors is recaptures that unique blend of technical awarded WFL franchises, and its con- a shortstop allowed to make before sophistication and musical playfulness THE TECH ARTS SECTION flict of interest when two hockey the rules' allow him to be yanked from that characterized as one of partners are also football rivals. Thus, the game? It seems to me that this the most entertaining and best loved, if Bob and Howie decided to consolidate latter alternative could potentially an- not "heavy" or "serious," bands in the Arts Editor the football organizations in New nihilate not only baseball but all pro- history of pop. In terms of songwriting, NEAL VITALE York. The franchise Schmertz was fessional sports. And while "saving" arrangements, and production, Paul granted for New York has been tem- Aaron for the home-opener seems a bit shines on this album, which sounds sur- porarily reassigned to Boston, but will shady, a similar concept of "saving" is prisingly fuller than , Associate Editors eventually, according to WFL prexy common pradice in the majors: if a despite the departure of Henry Sports/Television Gary Davidson, be placed in Portland, team is heading towards the playoffs, McCullough and , leaving Salt lake City, New Orleans, or late season pitching rotations are the Wings membership down to three. MARK ASTOLFI Mexico City, thus keeping the number usually juggled so that the staff ace -Unlike the monotonously lightweight of WFL teams at twelve, to be divided not only gets a couple extra days rest, silly putty that has constituted much of up into three four-team divisions with- but is also; ready to pitch in the first Paul's work of late, the ten cuts on Band Mlusic/Media in two weeks. game of the series, and thuas,'if need touch many bases, some hard, some soft, JOHN.KROUT Finding playing sites has been a be, start in more games than if he presenting a wide selection of styles and serious problem for the new football started'the second or third game. And temperments, a potpourri reminiscent of league. Last week the'Memphis team latter Beatle albums.- do we wish 'tooutlaw the practice, Classical Music was switched to Houston, for the :w. hen the scd6e is lopsided and itfs late Briefly: side one opens with the title reason that Memphis city officials are in the game, of giving the starters-a cufts its a mini-medeley, begnning with- STEPHEN OWADES holding off building a stadium until rest and letting the kids play a couple several undeveloped and divergent song they are assured an NFL franchise. of ininngs?. Can a' team that does this. fragments, then seguing into the body of Drama The Florida entry has been variously be said to be failing to field its "best" the cut, which is a good-natured, infec- referred to as based in Miami, Jackson- team: if the team that's ahead pulls its .tious little tune, a masterpiece of creative SANDRA YULKE ville, and Orlando. The"Washington- regulars,. the other team might catch restraint. "let," the new monster'single, Baltimore" group will most likely be up; and the- the losing team spells the -based in Annapolis, Maryland. Also, the is the 'gem of the 'album, a surging, Graphics/Production starters, they are, in effect, conceding crashing rock number, modest .little trend (cf. Buffalo Bills, Detroit Lions, defeat. Thus, uncouth as. the Braves' reggae guitar licks gracing a thoroughly JOHN HANZEL New York -Giants, our own Pats) in 'plan.may seem, they can't be stopped. placement of pro stadia has been, in non-reggae song. Here; as elsewhere, The best solution would be-for the powerhouse guitar chording is tempered the past few years, out of the core city Braves to announce that Hank will Arts Staff and into the suburbs. · If the energy by an uncluttered synthesizer interlude. start in Cincinnati after all, then bench '.'Bluebird" is next uP, a pleasant MATTHEW FARBER crises turns out to be long term, this him at the last minute with a sprained ballad which is gentle without being trend may have to be reversed. toenail. Or perhaps Eddie Mathews can BOB REINA Baldwin cited the energy crunch as wimpy, tender while not the least bit let Hank play, but, warm him that any castrated. "Mrs. Vanderbilt" is then built WANDA FISCHER one of the oroblems just before he homer he hits will cost himsa fine of .upon a modified "Oh-Bla-Di, Oh-Bla-Da" JEFF PALMER herded up hisBulls and moved 'em out. 1000 bananas. base, nondescript except for brief BOB ROSS t il. ; - · ~~ I-- ___,, miIllLI · C-9C I I q THETECH' FRIDAY, FEBRUARY--. --I.~~~~~~~~~~~~_ 22. 1974 PAGE 7 viewers at home. Oh sure, he said, I could get cheap laffs if I wanted them. Anyone can let down his pants and get a laff, whereupon he stood up, unbuckled, and Bromberg: dropped 'em, exposing- his jockey shorts. Or I could paint a funny face on my chest and you'd howl, right?, unbut- toning his shirt to reveal a grotesque face dead or alive? on his slightly flabby frontside. Now by Daniel P. Dern Albert was beginning to rave, as he turned to a table behind the armchair. Who can't This is another chapter of the con- get a laff with the ole custard pie, he tinuing saga of guitar-wizard-made-good. shouted, smashing one into his face. Or a David Bromberg's struggle with the pound cake!!, grinding one with both record and performing industry of- hands into the custard. A liberal applica- America. To kill a little suspense at the tion of whipped cream followed, another start, the latest battle seems to be a draw. pie, then all washed down with Seltzer Last week saw David- Bromberg play- water. Then came the topper; standing ing live at the Performance Center in there, trousers around his ankles, a stupid Harvard Square... since the Center face leering from his torso, covered with is relatively new, a few words. Rumor had garbage, he paused, regained control, and it that this place was set up as one of the said, "But I couldn't come out here and better places to do a gig in Boston area. do all that just for laffs, because, ladies It's on the third floor of the Spaghetti and gentlemen, this isn't me!!" Then, as Emporium complex, and has a three the music boomed, he shuffled away, dollar cover charge (also known as "ad- caught in the narrow spot, pausing once, mission fee.") twice, to gaze back at the audience he I haven't hung out at nightclubs couldn't see. And once he waved, a before, so I have little to judge by. The humble acknowledgement of the curse Performance Center is not a coffeehouse. that was his to bear, the insatiable desire Tables, hanging plants, bars at both ends; to make people laugh, a passion that can The 'Lectric Chair," to Bromberg's own. ed humor, where the genius often lies in a P.A. playing Baez or Loggins & Messina "You Got' To Suffer If You Want To Sing turn into the cruellest form of emotional, far too loud. No food, just drinks - three the conception of the bit, the actual if not physical, self-abuse. In five short The Blues." Even though the action was a execution becoming little more than a prices, with soda or beer 75 cents and minutes, Albert had made 'em howl yet bit slow at times, the band continued to tedious technicality (cf.butter in taxis, on booze higher. The Profit Motive strikes hit the peaks. Bill Novik played an said something important as well; did it again. The only redeeming feature is that. their Radio Hour show.) Even the CG's sink in, I wonder, that he was what he amazingly mean sax, and an equally 15-minute "Where's Johnny" never lags. the staff is not dressed up in silly co.s- had dramatically joked about? stunning clarinet; Peter Eckland just gets This is one of the best routines on the tumes. But anyway, he has a new record out, hotter every time. The simpler folk songs album, wherein the crudely sophomoric On to the show. Unadvertised and get left behind a lot these days, but the ,Comedy Minus One, and its mostly a live unasked for, we were given forty-five humor of the Tonight Show is taken to show is still good. recording. There are three basic bits: two minutes of some new performer named its sublimely outrageous extreme. For are quite funny, concerning the auditions Dave's third album, Wanted Dead or example, Allee Willis. This was her first profes- as the opening applause quells, for a new national anthem, and the sional gig. She had a three-piece band and Alive, is good news and bad news. Side "Johnny" sez "I haven't had a hand like One is the dead side. It was recorded a tribulations of being an opening act. The a backup vocal/dance trio. She did home- that since I was goosed by Mighty Joe style and content is contemporary if just written songs and comedy. year and a half ago in San Francisco, with Young!" When "Johnny" announces that people like Jerry Garcia helping out, and a little-bit Las Vegas-ish, a rambling, easy- As a rule, I don't drink. However, the gay activist on the show will be giving going narrative, and Albert laughs along has only moments of worth. The quality there are times I can see taking it up. The a speech in Anaheim, "Don Rickles" with the audience, obviously having a only good comments I have are that they of the sound is execrable; the enthusiasm pipes up, "Anaheim, huh? Ya gonna cop good time for himself. He's clever, he's -of the players is medium. The songs are know their act well - every movement, a feel offa Goofy?" And when "Don" is inventive, he's better than Robert Klein overly long and drawn out, every oo-wah-wah fitted together - and I momentarily stuck for an epitaph for ("He's Johnny Carson's best friend, he's admire the supporting six for going Side Two is the live side, sounds like "Ed," he calls him "you fat turd." The slept with Ed Sullivan.") But the show- through with the whole thing smiling. it, captures the feeling of it, and is audience roars, and its certainly a telling case bit of the album is a failure; Albert But let's face it. Entertainment is not generally worth-while. The opening insight into the nature of Rickles' brand becomes your straight-man. There's a achieved by yanking out little American "Lectric Chair" and "Stateboro Blues/ of humor, not to knock it. But for all the script included, and pauses on the record flags and. hurling confetti. (Yes, they even Church Bell Blues" capture all the feeling rediculous bathroom gags, some uninten- for you to- read your lines. You tell of Bromberg solo and Bromberg group in did that.) Comedy is not carrying out a tional by the beleaguered "Johnny," and someone about this, and for some strange performance, with a crisp live texture to prop book labelled "Diary" and reading the constant barrage of "Hiyoooo!"s, the reason, they think it's a dynamite idea. the recording. "Kansas City" comes off; about summer camp dry humping and bit works because of the voices. They're But it just doesn't work; who the hell the only song on this side I didn't care for uncredited, but somebody does a fine how dumb you were as a kid. There is wants to read along with a read, even if was the closer, "New Lee Highway nothing funny about someone's being Johnny Carson, and the Rickles sounds he is getting laffs. Its a true enough Blues." If you think one good side makes like the real thing; whoever 'does Ed has stupid on stage. I could not laugh with, insight, though, everyone wants to be a an album worth buying, this one could be and would not laugh at them. They were the verbal mannerisms down, but the comedian, on your list. Bromberg has yet to come but ... Otherwise, this is a trying. The songs were all on key, but I voice itself isn't quite -right, but close funny record. out with the unified, well-produced un- enough. It lends a surprisingly realistic can't remember any of them, they forgettable album he is capable of. feel to the sketch, .making it all the more The Tale Of the Giant Rat Of Sumatra weren't very interesting. There were al- is the first full-fledged Firesign Theatre But the saga is barely begun. funny, although -most no -pauses or talking to the audi- probably eventually it'll collaboration in almost a year, and, un- _ _ _ _ _ seem tame bpside.the real thing. ence; and once it was clear we weren't like their past three efforts, it eschews paying too much attention, they went on Most of-.the. other. bits are OK, too: dizzyingly elaborate space/time contor- without us. Maybe this is what nightclubs "In Someone's Sneakers" is a wonder- tions fully stupid . poem recited by Rod in favor of a more-or-less coherent are all about. All the Bar Mitzvah acts I ^ funny thing plot, padded with more puns and play- McPoem, again- with great voice imper- ever saw were honest, at least: make noise sonation. "A Date With Danger" is nos- on-words per second than you'll find and get the people to dance once they're anywhere outside of a Marx Bros. movie, talgic, the soundtrack to a sleazy High drunk enough. As a writer I find acts like. Its consulting defective Hemlock Stones Skool VD film: "He had lost a part of his this one a blessing; they will encourage about tat.. versus a cloaked and 'plugged-in cur youth he could never get back, as well as people to go back to reading books. by Mark Astolfi known only as The Electrician, in a You may rightly guess that the audi- five dollars that he won't see again," bloody tapestry of A. Conan Doyle's intones the pure Dr. Ernest Ranchman, ence was none too thrilled by the time once-mentioned but never chronicled (the The singularly unfunny offering of M.D. There are also two great musical the stage was clear. But Bromberg did world isn't ready, we were told) adven- comedy albums over the past few months numbers, a promo for the. latest black- come out on stage at last. He launched had this critic beginning to wonder ture. As always, the boys delight in into his traditional opening number, sploitation flick, "King Pin" (produced making passing references to past albums. whether we were witnessing the swansong by Kareem Abdul Fetchit), and a brilliant "Hardworking John," and all was well of this art, recorded comedy. It is thus There's really little more to say; this again. Jay Unger stepped up- with his Jackson 5ive parody called. "You Can't record is a madcap, swirling kaleidoscope with a great deal of relief that I can Judge A Book By Its Hair," wherein the fiddle, Tony Markelis struck up the report on three records which, while all of, wait a minute, didn't I say that on the electric amputee bass, Bill Novik brought hero joins the Motown -establishment for other side of this page? Where am I? I'd are flawed and none are classics, are fun but mostly profit: "I even ;bought a out his sax, and Peter Ecklund came in chock full of enough inventive humor and better check. with his golden cornet. In no time at all business suit, and traded dress." A satire to get you over the cold winter couple of the bits fall flat, but apart from [isdse 'cnod3 sril lo sigood-olonom they were cookin'. Then suddenly Dave months. 3miT nssomil biotlnsl uisdl ni bslsdsiiu and Jay each had a mandolin going, and an infectious obession with VD (does it sliqas( .ss1l-lazsni bioaszdn2a The Credibility Gap, for one. My burn when the CG pees, I wonder) and sis were started clapping in time so hard they !igilo belxoa3o lo noilotlo3 2idl ,2aijqsi initial reaction was that these four guys other 'fashionably funny sexual and scato- couldn't stop. would be just another Firesign Theatre N"a-- .lnulD .Aloinon ianhsol lo arifqsb Nothing but two mandolins holding logical topics, the material is at times ripoff, but I was pleasantly mistaken. inspired, and mostly very funny. Produc- everybody on the edge of their seats, While some of the voice characterizations (MAA) a k1iAAsdoHt - %otZ K zX as\z smiling, stomping and having a good time. tion is flawless, and these guys are great are out of the FST repetoire, and the at voice impersonation, and know what i as mudls bnosa2 £ bs2sselsx srEAoiAI David Bromberg's come quite far in setting of one of the bits, "Lance Learns .;16oD srll bns oaoq moeil asdmsM .1a2it three years; his original guitar and song- .they can do with it. I -giye. this album. 4 To Box," is a shabby facsimile of. the laffs duta 5. tatnms bnis r2lEW sot bnrs s22asnsM 'to writing talents are now overshadowed by opening breakfast scene of "Highschool :§ni2sl5sltti ,sUpinU eaidI o0 zalfiiA2 1si Albert Brooks is one of the best- young his genius for putting together hot talent Madness" (on Don't Crush That Dwarf, ;dlao: bns yixlnuoz ;Alo1lo noilos11lo bands and making them go. Confusion comics in existence today. A bit he did st sdT .rlTdsrimbs mudls Msr b5suboiq Hand :Me the Pliers, featuring Porgie, his lo sogsnsvbs sdil bns bnsd lts on that would destroy many other leaders Dad - "I'm People's Commissioner Tire- on the Tonight Show about a month ago had to have been seen to be appreciated; I abnri'i nsi:izum luR'llIa zair-solsgrignov doesn't faze him in the least; whether it's biter .now, and nobody's sweetheart!" - asking Charlie Daniels to come out from' -it was devastating. The man came out, sat. .3doHI >!aiA bisug yam 2mudls zid- no and their intrenching tools), the similarity. aizrWmisil naslslad zsri dAirlw noilsnasla backstage with his banjo, or keeping the stops . there. Messrs. Beebe, McKean, down at, an easy-chair, end-table,, and L- .zlliJ2svs12 Zf 213mm0o'hsq music going while he or somebody else Shearer, and Lander wisely choose not to lamp 'arrangement a la Marty Mull, and: pulls a new instrument from the pile in muscle onto the FST's incompareably proceeded- to- muse about his career, finally. admitting that he was scared: .he- Its alright, they're writing Greek. back, the audience is never lost. The insane turf; A Great Gift Idea contains fearless crew hits it almost every time. wasn't even thirty, and already he'd run Anyhow, 4 or 5 Crazy Guys pull out all nine cuts, covering a wide range of topics the stops and don't put them back in till Except for Tony, everybody worked out and styles, and the humor is a bit more out of material. This 3-minute monologue on at least three instruments, so at one long after the record has run its course. plebian and less cerebral than that of the was done perfectly straight, with' no Personally, I liked 'em better the other time there were three fiddles, another FST. 'More importantly, each satiric in- jokes, no puns, nothing, and I'was-sitting way, incomprehensible. At any rate, you time clarinet and mellophone, again two spiration is brought to- realization quick- at the edge of my seat wondering what he guitars and a pennywhistle. The songs don't have to be stoned to see what's ly; nothing is overdone or dragged on had up his sleeve. Yes, he confessed, he'd happening, I think, or something. "By the ranged from traditionals like "Travellin' after the comic thrust has subsided. This run out of bits, and he had decided to be Man," "Kansas City," and "Send Me To blood of St. Menses, Oi'm from Ire- unlike the NatLampCo's brand of record- upfront about it to the audience and land . . ." IL PAGE 8 FRIDAY,FEBRUARY 22, 1974 THE TECH

-- -- ." . ~ - _

I CM some random comping from an electric position. But no matter how many times piano. Eddie Gomez is the only one Dave reminds us he's just a middle-class :,:,: WCAS Dies Super carrying chord changes, and he doesn't do muse seems decidedly bloke, Jobriath's '-.1 it very well. His solos are impeccable, but more accessable, less encumbered with apparently he thinks he can solo when- poetics qua poetics. The album is a strong WCAS radio (Kaiser-Globe broad-:i Steig ever he wants to (95% of the time). assortment of different musical avenues. · casting, 740 AM) is just about every- Sliding away from every note he hits, he There are melodic, structured rockers likce . thing that an AM radio station : by Bob Reina lets the music lose its tonality at times. "World Without End, '" shimmering per- ::: shouldn't be. WCAS doesn't play the But once you've grown accustomed to sonal anthems like "Take Me I'm Yours" :. same song five times within one hour; Monium - Jeremy Steig (Columbia) Gomez' obnoxious stringed ego, you will and "I'maman," gentle ballads, a dreamy ::. there are no "hype" dj's who usher the ' With the growing popularity of the have discovered you've purchased an circus tune "Space Clown," a 1930's iinext song in with their ya ya's out. electric -rock genre, it is reassuring to album of incredible virtuosity. Hollywood flash crooner called "Movie :.:. WCAS is a daylight station. It ::: hear an ensemble that can still be Queen." But nowhere does Jobriath's .: comes on at 8:00am and runs until .- classified as "Modern Jazz" without mocking humor emerge so powerfully as ,:.. early evening. It has three principal .- trying to sound like the Mahavishnu KWICKEE KWIZ in "Earthling," a four minute chunk of dj's: Rick Star, Frank Dudgeon, and . Orchestra. Jeremy Steig's Monium fits dclockwork rock about a saucerman re- ,:Moe Shore. Additionally, Jim comfortably into this context. by Dr. Hilerio Spacepipe, V.D. turning to Terra to check on the being he .:::Chevalier does the announcing for the ! The instrumental setup of the album is left here 7000 years ago: "Now I have to "Live at Passim's" series, the '- very simple: the band consists of Jeremy you Sunday afternoon broadcast from .- Steig on flute and bass flute, backed by know what makes you move the way do; I wanna examine you." Passim's Coffeeshop in Harvard 7 bassist Eddie Gomez and drummer Marty Square. Each man is soft-spoken and Morell. "Mason Land Express" and ~~~~9 9X -- Job is accompanied by some great "Monium" are typical examples of the easy-to-listen-to and knows his music I sidemen, including Peter Frampton, and, well; their music is all extremely@- Steig style. A very short simple melody again, nearly every song is a sonic joy, as opens each piece, followed by endless .: well-chosen material, which leans. carefully crafted and melodically cap- towards folky or contemporarily - improvisational acrobatics by Steig and tivating as Bowie's earlier stuff (Hunky jamming makes folky-style music. They play a great = Gomez. Listening to Steig Dory, Man Who Sold the World.) Jobriath of the likes of Dylan, Judy .- been ignored deal me wonder why the flute has sings about himself, never crude or gross, : Collins, Tom Paxton, The Band, as an important jazz instrument. perhaps a bit vain, sometimes perverse Although most of the album is free-form, Jonathan Edwards, David Bromberg,} but never perverted. Like Bowie, his love Joni Mitchell, Bonnie Raitt, Wendy Steig never bores me with his playing, songs, with one exception, thoroughly There are no recurring licks, and Steig Waldman, Maria Muldaur, Joan Baez, . will occasionally introduce a flutter bisexual. What amazes me is that a few etc., to mention but a few. to buzz or harmonic to give more variety to critics, thank goodness not most, seem ,.. IMusic is WCAS' primary concern,.- be put off by Jobriath's admitted sex-as- , but, all good things, it seems, either his music. His solo work on "Bluesdom" inspiration (even the Beach Boys did is incredible. ,'- turn into shortages or terminate Q: Which line is longest? horny songs, everybody goes horny songs entirely. The latter is WCAS' fate. :: 's drumming is quite except Anita Orangejuice) or the fact Kaiser-Globe has sold the station to adequate, but on "Space Maiden" he 4A: The bottom one. Hold the that-he won't hide his love away. In this :Z Family Stations, Inc., who will takes a rest. This cut is a rambling free page sideways. day and age, those who brandish their form. interplay between flute and bass, transpose the present format on March sexual squeamishness in public, and even :~' 1st to religious-oriented broadcasting. the two instruments weaving independent it bias their judgement of structure.- worse, let No more soft, folky-type music to melodies into an interesting artistic merit, are not well. A 40-foot .wake up to. And worse,'no more "Live, of the album is "Djinn I The high point Empire State Building that turns into a at Passim's." :: Djinn," where percussionist squirting penis may be excessive, in- •i. The sale of the station will be = is added for Latin flavor. He, along with Jolly(as in fantile, or stupid, but by the Lord High. processed quietly and unobtrusively ii drums and bass, establishes a droning Artistic Visionary, is it dirty? Sure its :: unless the people in this community - continuo, while two flutes and a bowed dirty, its supposed to be, but saying that' can make a case in WCAS' favor. I bass are overdubbed with echo to give a in judgement is like saying its big or made ':' have joined the WCAS bandwagon, and mysterioso quality to the piece. I had of plastic. of studio tinkering gay) Jobriath ':':I have some petitions in my office = expected a bit waiting to be signed. The petitions will I.: (Columbia is famous for it), but here it is by Mark Astolfi Yes, there are a couple of S&M re- the hope i very discreet. :':' be forwarded to the FCC in ferences on the record, but they play a that the FCC will grant the WCAS 2= Not so tasteful are the echo effects in Jobriath (Elektra) . small part, just as they play a small part "Dream Passage." The first part of the listening public a hearing on' Seldom has a new pop artist lived up in the psyches of each one of us, whether : WCAS' .- piece is totally devoid of percussion, and to his/her hype so ably as has done or not we care to admit it. Jobriath's two bowed basses, together with flute, I believe that the loss of WCAS in '- Jobriath. A masterful composer and element, musically, is neither shock nor its present format would be a severe.= are overdubbed with excess reverberation singer, he's bound to be compared to Dave shlock, but wry taste and earthy, ex- to give a mellotron effect. blow to music in the Boston area. If!:ii Bowie, which is not bad company at all. cessive wit. As far as his detractors, go you agree (or disagree, for that With flute and bass being the only The two sound somewhat alike (Job's take your medicine: two heaping tea- melodic instruments, there is a certain matter), please come to 56-701 from. voice leaning more towards Mick Jagger), spoons of S&M Sore Throat and Cough. about 10:00am to 4:00pm daily to :: emptiness on the album. After a while, both are openly as gay as not, both Stimulant - "Sometimes Worse Is you're dying to hear a guitar chord or approach genius in production and com- Better!" esg ona Wanda Fischer II \a...·r.rDIDr..r..·I.-_.Tc;.;·rrr··r···rr·r rrrlrrrr ','·:r:··I·:·I·I··;o;·;L;·;··$·rP; !alllrxsrasa··l·srrawrar·lrmrs·ra: -- ._ --_ly--,.-··-am·sp-·lrr-·s.a Short Stories - Harry Chapin (Elektra) Ass - Badfinger (Apple) Chapin is at his soul-rending best. Especially The first and at one time best of the Beatloid bands, "W*O*L*D," the sorry tale of an over-the-hill DJ. Some Badfinger has developed creative arthiritis, and is now may find Harry pretentious and devoid of any true outstripped by Raspberries, Big Star, Stealers Wheel, and insight into thie Human Condition, blah, blah, etc. My others. Only "The Winner," one of the two Todd advice; suspend judgement and cry along with Harry. Rundgren-produced cuts on Ass, shows any effort. -- MA Badfinger is fast wimping itself out of the buisness, and the hearts of its fans. -MA

Aquashow- Elliott Murphy (Polydor) Assuming we all still need Dylan, and considering the god-awful state of musical impotence he's worked himself into these days, I nominate Elliott Murphy as Acting Dylan Surrogate. Live, he sounds like Bruce Mark Astolfi Springstein on quaaludes. An auspicious debut album, John Krout though. -MA Jeff Palmer 1 Rock On - David Essex (Columbia) A directionless collection of pseudo-Fifties poof, Sabbath Bloody Sabbath - Black Sabbath (Warner imitation reggae, and starkly wimpy ballads. Dave, stick Bros.) to acting. -MA The Downer-Heaven diplodicus psychecrunch monoto-boogie of the Ebony Sabbanauts continues unabated in their tankold Frozen Time Warp of slomo Nigel Lived - Murray Head (Columbia) synthesoid insect-fear. Despite the stunning cover A fascinating idea falling just this side of full fruition., graphics, this collection of recycled originals plumbs new Murray's dramatic diary of ups and downs in the life of a depths of roaring nonrock. Clunk. -- MA photo by Dave Tenenbaum Harry Chapin newcomer to London provides a few inspired lines for each cut; but while the story is dynamic, the lyrics don't .Bachman-Turner Overdrive H (Mercury) quite live up to it. Other faults are few - the She Is A Song - Rick Roberts (A&M) Guess Who alumnus Randy Bachman hasgot himself arrangements are tight and very descriptive; Murray's Rick has released a second album as impressive as lus one hell of a vehicle here; this is an LP of tight, vocal performance captures elation, loneliness, fear, and first. Members from Poco and the Colorado-based bands problem is, who cares?'-MA of Manassas and Joe Walsh and Barnstorm contribute hardassed rock. The only wonder with clarity and precision. The two sides are theirx skills to this unique, interesting, and satisfying labeled "Success" and "Failure;" it's a concept worth collection of follk, country and rock; Chris Hillman exploring. -JK produced the album admirably. The freedom of having Sufficiently Breathless - Captain Beyond (Capricorn) no set band and the advantage of being able to Captain Beyond's first LP was a marginally palpable congregate his skillful musician friends together to work collection of heavy metal thunkers. On this their new 16 and Savaged - Silvershead(MCA) on his albums may guard Rick Roberts against the one, they loosen up a bit, and have hit a happy medium Silverhead plays one of the most nondescript, uni- stagnation which has befallen the music of such capable between pretty acoustic melodies and dynamic space dimensional brands of rock and roll I've ever heard. Most performers as Steve Stills. -3P boogie. One of the most improved bands around, C.B. of the tunes on this album are built upon some deserves your eats, and vice versa.-MA- rediculously simple riff or chord progression, and the lyrics are for the most part of the fawning homoglitter Tattoo - Rory Gallagher (Polydor) variety. 1984 supermarket muzak, this. -MAi Blueprint - Rory Galhgher (Polydor) Troubador - Mike Silver (Rocket/MCA) Blueprint is limp blues with tinny, monotonous guitar This stuff feels just like American with strings and, and circuit diagrams on the cover. Forget it. Tattoo gets not surprisingly, Silvex shares session drummer Ray Booga! Booga! - David Steinberg(Columbia) more variety (read: more rock) into the material and Cooper with the nameless horsie trio. Which is to say, Steinberg, a Brilliant Young Jew Comic of the Sixties - drags Rory's guitar chops into the 21st century, scream- this troubador's spirit isn't strikingly original, but the Gone Sour in the Seventies, gets downright rancid on mg and kicking after a fashion, and after many years of ltrics and vocals work well enough and the acoustic this record. Cheap thrills for Downside Davie. The - practice. He's too short to be a Clapton, but he's good guitar is tantalizingly crisp and moody. If you crave one rendition of "Freakin' At the Freakers' Ball" is his nadir., .anyway.-JK more soft-rocker, here he is. -JK Ugha! Ugha!. -- MA 6 r~~~a~~rshr~~~~---i~~aa~~~---~~~~-- -s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~P~~·LM~~~~aaarr~~~~Cg~~~l--~~~~D1·~~~·--·ra-1-1 --~~~~a-- ---~~~~~~~------· - - ~~~~~~~~~rr~~-~~~n-~~~-~~lp·- - I lJL ~~~~~~~~~~FP~ C~~~~~9CI~~~W~ ------~~~~~~~~~~-B I C~~~~~lbll~~ THETECH FRIDAY,FEBRUARY 22,1974 PAGE9

J 1lI II e t S otter-- A, The .. _= =; =*H - Karl Taylor Compton i i I Police Blotter is a weekly compilation of Campus PatrolActivities on and off the MIT campus. Lecture Series Committee i I Items for the Blotter are selected by the Patroland are not edited or altered by The Tech. ! 2/13/74 while sitting in her room in 2/19/74 Presents a Program on Report of larceny of personal Runkle the door opened and a Larceny of a Black & White 19" property from jacket pocket male subject upon seeing her portable Zenith Television from Defense Against while playing tennis at the Bub- fled the area. Description given a lounge at MacGregor House. i ble. Jacket was hanging on rack to Campus Patrol, dark male, Theft occurred sometime be- unattended and contained 5'6", black hair, wearing dark tween 12:30pm, 2/18/74 and Unwanted Change $40.00 in cash, plus the usual sweater. Area search negative. 12:30am, 2/-19174. Set had been Mlain Speaker: i credit and identification cards 2/16/74 -4:00pm chained to a table with a pad- - and papers. Theft occurred Larceny from Senior House. lock which had been cut with a Ken Boulding sometime between 9:55pm and bolt i Compainant reports his room at cutter. A canvas indicated Institute of Behavioral Science, University of Colorado .f 11:20pm Holman was entered by persons that no one had been observed 2/14/74 unknown and the following i- removing the set. Valued at Respondents: Larceny from Building 36. Com- tems were stolen: Royal Type- $150.00. plainant reports the theft of a writer - value $50.00, and con- 2/19/74 Paul MacAvoy David Dodeson Dynaflow motor filter for an tents of wallet Attempted - $30.00. No larceny of a motor Management "Strategiesfor Sustainable Growth" aquarium plus two filter boxes, sign of forced entry, feels he vehicle. Complainant left his yel- total value $30.00. Theft oc- may have left door unlocked. A low MG in the basement level of t curred during the nights of 2/12 second report from an adjacent the East Garage. Had been out or 2/13. No sign of forced entry. room reported the theft of of town several days and upon Thursday, February 28 Complainant feels whoever took $7,.00, Harvard Coop Card and return found his ignition had l above is setting up a home a- New York State Operators Li- been removed in an apparent Room 9-150 4:00 pm quarium and may return for cense. theft attempt. -- _ -- -U i additional equipment. Patrols to ---. - --L-- - 1. I- , -I------_ -- i check area after closing. 2/16/74 - 5:38am I Report of an intruder at Senior House. Complainarnt reports that ilI I l classified ad vertsing

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Interested in more comfortable, longer wearing contact lenses? Then you should look Into our new "Wet Lens." Or if you I want, your present lenses can be "wet- II processed." Call or visit us for more information about "Wet Lenses" and our "sun- i screen" U.V.C. lenses. No obligation. 1"TACOT ENS SPECIALISTS 77 Summer St. Boston 542-1929 190 Lexington St., Waltham 894-1123 _LSoft C:ontact nsAvailable _ ------i PAGE 10 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1974 THE TECH _. . '~, ...... = . 1 T- . I'D CA enforces credii mit i Can't Get Your Car Fixed Right? Just five minutes from bldg. 10 is the best garage in By Howard D. Sitzer the Committee on Academic Freshmen in recent years, ac- Boston. Run by MIT Grads and staffed by top- Last year's faculty decision to Performance reported that cording to Smith, have used notch mechanics. Drop your car off in the morning restrict freshmen on the pass-fail course reeitration had been pass/fail to accumulate large a- and pick it up after work.(Or, if you want-do it system to a sixty-unit maximum monitored throughout the se- mounts of credit. When pass/fail yourself-Tools, parts, advice and space available at was austerely enforced during mester in order to bring about was established, Smith ex- reasonable rates). the first semester. An examina- complianice with the recent Insti- plained, the faculty intended it tion of transcripts revealed that tute ruling. The only problems as "a unique experience ot stua- HACKERS HAVEN 354-8610 only three students exceeded the confronted by the CAP per- ying without grades," which is credit allotment, primarily due tained to record-keeping and being undermined by the ac- Landsdowne Street-Cambridge, Mass. I ,, , - I, I i to technical variations. special academic programs such cumulation of credit. ,_, ___ ,__, , C Professor Arthur C. Smith of as the 18.01-18.02 sequence. "A bewildered freshman ar- I Museum of Fine Arts' rives here and hears 'You're only Early Music Series ;i taking fifty units; I'm taking Water storage methods eighty-five' and is pressured to presents compete," Smith observed. The AN EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ENTERTAINMENT 6 peer pressure problem was music hb Handel situation brought to the CAP's attention key to drought by faculty advisers and mem- Feb. 23. 8:30 PM, Sanders Theater bers of the freshman advisory Brandeis Chamber Orchestra with Robert Koff j council. John Gibbons at the harpsichord F The CAP acted as a watchdog ' .. · . ;, '. on the system rather than an Delores Leffingwell, soprano ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..~:· '.: . ,:: .:";. . , · :.;'.. evaluator of the credit limit. Tickets: $4 (Students $2) Call 267-9300, X340

Studies may be conducted by II , r .,,, R~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i i the Institute to determine the ramifications of couse limita- tions during the first year. Stu- dent performance in freshman CALCULATOR requirements may improve as well as increased involvemnent in CENTER extra-curricular activities. M.I..T. STUDENT CENTER. The system may also have its costs. The credit limit may im- i pede the sampling of courses in Iexas several deparments. This activity Instruments had been encouraged by the ability to enroll in an unlimited electronic calculators amount of elective courses. The For business, sience, lengineering, 5 Linguistics Department has been apprehensive of the-credit limit students, accounting, house@wives. B because students unable to fit a twelve-unit elective into their schedule might be dissuaded NEbEW LOW PRICES! the drought-striken area. from taking a language course. SR-11 THE EXCITING SLIDE- .r .'m I (Continued from page 1) requires a self-sufficient catch- I ment basin on the order of 24 RULE CALCULATOR our chances of expansion feet in diameter for 12,000 lit, wouldn't be very good. As it ers. Fortunately, the one thing turned out-i'think the venture we do have available at Nara is a 119.S 1us.A 9 was successful beyond what I lot of space." Solves simple arithmetic problerns or j could have hoped for." Guggenneim stated that ulti- tougher ones instantly including Pi, scientific notations, square roots, mately the credit for any success At the request of the Mali squares, reciprocals, constant, chain Guggenheim also must be shared by the studentg SRADIC 40ALtR government, CINEMAi and mixed calculations. Automatic visited the city of Nara in north- and the government and people full-floating decimal. 10-digit. Re- I in B west Mali where the drought is of Mali. "To be able to work chargeable and AC operation. Carry- E much more severe. someone else's country involves ing case, converterjcharger included. E mutual trust on the part of the "Water is so scarce," Stud Ctr Rm 407 $1l E government, people and visitors." i L--' L i Guggenheim remarked, "that --cc-- _--- c------------· II I people can't even cook their i meals. Sometimes they will go INTERACTIVE LECTURES F without food for two days be- SR-10 89 95 cause they can't spare the water. Ten in all, by Morrison, Lettvin, Sagan,cWood, Margulis, and Siever. WAS There has been a large influx of With numerous answers to interesting questions. May be heard any 99.95 people to Nara which is normal- time at Polaroid, 740 Main St. For further info, please call Karen The extra capacity 10-digit cal- ly well supplied by five huge Houston at 864-6000, ext. 2800. culator, in addition to four basic Iwe 7 - - , - Is~_ mare-lakes so large that you functions, performs square root, can't see from one side to the squares, reciprocals and scientific other. Those mare are now al- DIE)]NO'SIRESTAURANT notations. With AC adapter/ most completely dried up." PIZZA SUBS charger, "Our system can only serve as TI-2500 a last ditch defense for people S1 Mass. Ave., Boston and only for a limited period of time. With one hundred 13,000 FOR DELIVERIES OR FAST PICKUP liter units we can only supply Something to count on! 8-digit. people's basic needs during May CALL: 286-6381 .45 delivery charge Adds, subtracts, multiplies, di- and June, the worst two months, vides. Chain or constant opera- of drought. This is only a partial 200 minimum I= tion. Full floating decimal. solution but I think that's how Charger and carrying case. one has to attack this problem. mention this ad and geta 10%/ discount L i i II I To think one can solve it with r-7 I-- one genius idea is to invite fail- ~~~~~~~gg~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~w~~~~~~~~~~~~a~~~~~~~~~~~ir e~~~~~~~~~~~111' ' mm =ml~ ure." Guggenheim also said that the basic design of the unit would as~B have to be changed for its use at Nara. "The lesser rainfall there w~ a~~~ 08 In energy fields, communications, highway safety, consumer mfi protection, exploring inner and outer space, defense, environ- m9 c .N ment....Federal agencies have been given responsibility for m some of the most important work being done today. z = m~i Some of their jobs are unique, with projects and facilities m found nowhere else. All are challenging and offer excellent gm a4 Bmi 2 co 11 potential for advancement. Good people are in demand. · t~m JJm I Our nationwide network can get your name referred to agen- · ao ·bC6" cies in every part of the country. Chances are some of them u t are doing things you'd like to do. Q) Write to: Engineering Recruitment, Room 6AI I r-W _v~s~i To1 G u i 0 X Q~ i CEVCIL SERVICE COMMISSION I "I X W,4 1-1 m o is w ;z V~u ( .%lE= r- WASHINGTON,I D.C. 20415 -Z) II Elmmmo _ pp-_PnAMERICA IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER MOENj I' --· ------~------·- I I II-q ---s ... - . ~ .- 'P· e - -I - I -- IJ THETECH FRIDAYFEBRUARY22,1974 PAGE11


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····8··l·P········BmsB·M ITRE

An Affirmative Action Employer i i Nommuchlb - PAGE 12 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22,1974 THE TECH

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- OF MIT rife teamn inproving; Has won four of last five By Joe Sacco powered by the MIT onslaught. MIT's rebuilding rifle team is Jesse Villagran '77 turned in an living up to Coach Jon Mooar's outstanding 274, followed by expectations, climaxing a four Geisler's 273, and Graham and out of five Winning streak with a Montgomery at 261 each. 1069-1043 victory over the Uni- "I'm very pleased with the versity of Rhode Island recently. team's performance," com- As opposed to the early sea- mented Coach Mooar. "You son's sporadic performance of must remember that we're 2-8, the Tech team has won four shooting almost entirely fresh- of its five matches since men and sophomores in their returning from IAP. Top indivi- first year on the team. Our two dual scores have jumped from teterans' first fired last year, MIT fourth in Division II skiing the high 250's in December to though not much; our lone ju- 274 as of last Saturday. nior is the oldest shooter on the The MIT ski team, hampered The Alpine events were held Alpine points. Nabelek turned a MIT's streak started February team." by a lack of training and snow the following day at Killington, fast time in his first run, but fell 8 with a 1033-839 romp over a Coach Mooar feels that the this season, skied to a fourth Vt. on the steep, icy Highline in the second. Had he not fallen, weak Boston State team. team's recent success has them -place finish in the EISA Division Racing Trail. Both the giant sla- he would have doubtless placed Sparked by the 260 shooting of driving hard to do even better, II Championships last weekend. lom and slalom courses were set in the top five. Stein straddled a Yolanta - Geisler '76, all four hoping to shoot over 1 100 before MIT finished with a total of 65.5 to be fast, and thus claimed a gate near the top of the icy Tech competitors scored within the season ends, "Although points in the four events, behind large number of falls and dis- course, and Ruf fell as well. four points of each other. there is considerable competi- Norwich 143.0, Bowdoin 96.5 qualifications from the field of Jaglom's two finishes placed him In another Greater Boston tion between the members to and Colby 76.5. Eleven teams 54 racers. None of MIT's top seventh in the Alpine combined, League meet, MIT racked up shoot well, in meets we are competed in the meet. three racers finished both runs in two places out of qualifying for 1039 points only to fall by nine beginning to truly shoot as a In an unusual scheduling of either event. the Division I's, while Fryer to a strong Northeastern team. team." events, the cross-country event In the morning giant slalom, placed ninth in the paper event. Glenn Graham '77 led the scor- In his first season as a rifle: was held first on Thursday after- MIT's top finisher was Drew Saturday afternoon the Nor- ing with a 264 mark. MIT easily coach, Mooau has received eX- noon at Norwich University in Jaglom '74, who finished 23rd, dic squad took over again at the outdistanced the other two com- emplary praise from both team Northfield, Vt. MIT, although followed by Marshall Fryer '77, 40 meter jump in Northfield. petitors in the meet: Harvard members and Rangemaster Tom slowed considerably through the who was 26th. John Nabelek Collier, with his best effort to scored 997 and Wentworth Insti- McLeninan. use of the wrong kind of wax, '74, Gary' Ruf '75, and Debbie date, finished third, behind Guy tute 860. The Tech team is looking nrion6theless'scored 36 points, Stein '76 all took spills in the and B. Bayley of Colby. This The team's latest match was forward to a tough home match- the team's largest total for a race. gave him second place in the illustrative of MIT's future in ttis Saturday morning against single event. Freshman Steve The team fared better in the Nordic combined. Evan rifle. URI, always a tough com- league-leading Norwich Univer- Ryan led the effort, finishing slalom that afternoon, where Schwartz '75 took 10th in the petitor in the New England Col- sity, Coast Guard and Dart- fifth in a time of 60:01 over the Jaglom placed 13th and Fryer jump to give the team 23 points legiate Rifle League, was over- mouth. 15 kilometer course, thus quali- 16th to score the team's only in the event. fying for the Division I Cham- - -- -- --- U R'''' -- pionships this weekend. Bob a_ w Fencing team rebounds; Collier '74 was sixth in 60:40 and Scott Weigle '74 was seventh in 61:30, to round out the scor- Annihilates Trinity 20-7 ing. Dennis Weatherell '77 2110{ -niB GCENTRAL placed 13th. Both Collier and E The MIT fencing team, re- all of their bouts with a combin- Weigle had finished in.the top bounding from a heartbreaking ation of subtle finesse and pow- three places over the rest of the loss to Harvard, went to Trinity er. Mark Hickman '75 lost his 18-fitl rUD SQUAR season, so the missed wax appar- x ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY College on Saturday and literally only bout, fighting a migraine ently proved costly. The event Featuring JIMA ROSKOFF - destroyed the Trinity fencing, headache which sidelined him was won by Stu Guy of Nor- and club. Anticipating an easy vic- for the rest of the meet. wich, in 57:32. tory, the Maestro Vitale and A GIRL NAMED SAMA6 Coach Sollee used many fresh- 684 Mas'sachusetts Ave. -'Cambridge, MA 868-5640 I sILY - h - I D---·i --L ------man and junior varsity fencers, C---- --- __ -- but still came away with a 20-7 ~YP-- II - · - - - victory. The sabremen formed the Gymnasts Jose third f backbone of Tech's assault. Even SEATS NOW with top man Dong Park '75 By Paul J. Bayer 7.65. Andy Rubel '74 took the fencing foil, they slashed their The MIT men's gymnastics only MIT first place, this coming ON SALE! opponents 8-1. Bob Shin '77 and team lost for the third time' this on the parallel bars. Jon Johnson 'Jim Kallmerten '75 shattered season last Saturday to Dart- '76 was the only other Engineer their foes without a loss. Barry mouth, 131.2-119.15. At the in the top three. He followed Williams '75 made the big jump same time the women's gymnas- Middleton with a third on rings. to the varsity team in fine style, tics team lost its second meet The MIT women performed AgeT thrashing his first two oppo- 52.0 to 44.8. well in their second meet ever. "sSAVE nents, then losing his last bout In the men's meet, David Lu Peg Frerking G led the team, after several questionable de- '77 led the scoring for the Tech scoring in all four events, includ- ENERGY, I ;PNo cisions. gymnasts with a total of 30.25, ing three third places. Ursula Two members of the fabulous scoring in five of the six events Goldstein G took second places in which he competed. Co-cap- TAKE A, .. all-freshmen foil team were un- in the two events who worked, fortunately absent, but Johan tain John Austin '74 was second balance beam and free exercise. SWA^N B~OAeT"vB Pepe Hernandez Akerman '77, Park, David Drey- in the scoring with 21.05. He SWAT"BO Feb. 20, 1974 Holli Jones '75, took third on PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE: TUES. THRU THURS. 8 P.M. / FRI. &SAT. 8 &10 P.M. / SUN. 3 &8 P.M. fuss '76, and Kevin Haggerty '77 now leads the team in scoring the beam and also scored in carried away a 6-3 victory. Trin- for the season. Alan Razak '75 vaulting. Martha LaFerrier, San- PRICES: TUES.-FRI. 6.50-5.00 / SAT. 7.50 & 6.00 / SUN. 6.50 & 5.00 ity's team is liberated -their placed in two events. His third dy Kelly ,75and Eileen I PERFs BEGIN FRmDA Y FEB 22th captain is a foilwoman. While place score of 8.5 on vaulting Schaeffer, '77, finished up the Akerman easily defeated her 5-0, was the highest score by any scoring. The balance beam was THECABDAETat eCSAIJSPLAIYOUSE Park and Haggerty had to strug- MIT gymnast this season. He 74 WARRENTON STREET - BOSTON, MASS. 02116 542-9441 gle to pull out a pair of 5-4 the best event for the women, also took second on parallel losing by only. l. decisions. She is the first woman bars. I _£__ I I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ____ fencer the team has come up The single event scorers were -Withone dual meet remaining against in competition and is a led by Jarvis Middleton '74. His the men have a record of 4-3. merit to her team. 8.0 on rings sustained his streak Inconsistency and injuries to The epee team also brought of nine straight dual meets with Larry Bell '74 and Bob Barrett Tech Coop Optical in a 6-3 victory. Mike Sarfatti scores in the eights. Neil Davies '74 have really hurt the team '76, manager of the team, made '74 took third on high bar with during the last three meets. his debut in epee, easily winning ,- II - - - ·------his first bout but losing his second. Although he has only 'Open 8:00 to 5:30 been fencing a few weeks, his 354-6165 natural style makes him a form- idable opponent of great pro- mise. As the epee team took five Larry$ Barber Shop men, only one fenced all three bouts, Jeremy Broner '76. He "for that well-groomed look" won his first bout easily, and his Razorcutting, sun lamp facial 54S Tech Square second was closely contested but won in overtime. The third he (opposite garage lost on a surprise maneuver from Serving Techmen for over 35 years · behind East Campus) his opponent. Jim Cook '75 and Chip Farley '75 brilliantly won P~llbPP~II~lb-- 1 -- - - II~-1~-·1 - 1--- j -UC -Y- --- I -II - I