ATO, Kappa Sig ......... 2 fh - for~~ v Student Loans ........... 4 Yo-yo ................. 4 Arts ................... 5 Police Blotter ........... 9 ngAT TTAiVt' nA nXTTTI C r . - ....... .. .... _ V¥ULUMr Y94, NUMBRK 3 MIT, CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSE'ITTI'S FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22. 1974 CENTS- I - ~ ~ ~~~~- - _ -- , -- FIVE-- I ----- Fccchanges graduation By Mike McNamee matics Hartley Rogers, to be- nature of the MIT student body, A change in the faculty regu- come an ex-officio-nmerrm-ber of Hanham-stated, had necessitated lations governing the date of the CEP. Rogers would take the- the current review of the re- Commencement was the only committee seat designated.for quirements, as well as "wear and business completed at the Febru- the Undergraduate Plannring Pro- tear" on the old requirement ary faculty meeting on Wednes- fessor, a post which has been system. "Hardly any of the rules day, as the faculty discussed vacant since around 1967. The still applied as they were inten- proposals to change the member- motion, introduced by Chairman ded to," the Dean added. "It has ship of the Committee on Edu- of the Faculty Professor Elias become difficult to tell what the cational Policy and to revise 3s~ ,~,:~~·~~"'i,7 the Gyftopoulos, was discussed rules are - there is an ambiguity Humanities and Social Science briefly, and voting on the in what role humanities should (HSS) requirement. measure was postponed until the play at MIT." March faculty meeting. Most of the discussion at the Most of the meeting was de- The humanities requirement meeting centered on the role of voted to discussion of the pro- Over half of -the two-hour- humanities at the Institute, and posal made by the CEP and the long meeting was concerned how well the current proposal School of Humanities and Social with discussion of the proposed would meet that role. Two Contrary to prior claims, MIT does not have the world's Iargest Sciences to change the Institute changes in the Institute require- ammendments to the proposed yo-yo. This 58 pound, four-foot wide yo-yo is part of the aerial requirements in H&SS. (see arti- ment in the Humanities and requirements were offered by show of the US Army's .Silver Eagles precision flying helicopter cle below). The 90 to I 00 facul- Social Sciences. Dean Harold members of the faculty of the team, and is almost ztwice as large as the 30-pound, 26-inch yo-yo ty members present had time, Hanham of the School of School of Humanities and Social built during IAP by students in Mechanical Engineering. What's however, to vote unanimously to Humanities introduced the pro- Sciences, but were not discussed more, the Army's yo-yo works. For the full story, see Letters on change the date of Commence- posal, explaining that it was the' at the meeting. Voting on the page 4. ment from the second Friday first attempt to revise the H&SS proposed changes was postponed after the end of classes to the requirement since it was first until the March faculty meeting. third Monday after classes are established by the Lewis Com- {Editor's note - An explana- concluded. mission in 1949. tion of the proposed require- kMIT bucks nat7 trends;e "The Lewis Commission- ment appears in today's issue of This change was proposed by came down hard for the Western The Tech; a full explanation and final applications rising a special committee appointed Tradition sequence that is in- analysis of the discussion at the to study the problems of "end- corporated into the current re- faculty meeting will be printed By Storm Kauffman did not represent a sizeable pro- of-term crunch" which was first quirements," Hanham noted. in next Tuesday's The Tech.) Final applications for admis- portion of the total - blacks, for discussed by the faculty at its "~rhey established a cultural The faculty went into closed November meeting sion 'to the MIT Class of 1978 example, being only 4% of all (see The core, and pushed 'national heri- session for the last item on the will exceed 4358, which is applicants. He called the increase Tech, 11/26/73), and will take tage' as an important part of the agenda, which was the considera- approximately 20% more than "encouraging" but stated that humamities requirement." tion of candidates for February last year, according to Assistant "despite an intensified search we Professor of Mathematics Enormous changes in the degrees. Director of Admissions Cynthia still have not found adequate James Munkres, chairman of the Bloomquist. ways to increase the minority Ad Hoc Committee on End-of- Figures tabulated as of Febru- representation 'at MIT as much Term Arrangements, described Changet should broaden ary 13 showed that about a fifth as we would want." the change in the Commence- of the applicants were women - He continued,."Finding mi- ment date as the best- of the 887 women and 3471 men. nority students with adequate options available for "long-term Human-i-ties equireiment changes to facilitate end-of-term These numbers apply only to preparation in high school math- By Mike McNamee criteria that is not a clear con- "complete applications" which ematics.and science is still one of' situations." Rather than trying census of the faculty of the to muddle through the current (Mike McNamee is News Edi- are those which include all the most important and difficult tor of The Tech and has been School, but which the heads of necessary input (student applica- tasks facing the admissions of- situation, which many faculty the various departments in the members fear does not allow reporting on the review of the tion, transcript, advisor or in- fice at MIT:' Humanities and Social Science School seem to feel is workable The applicant breakdown enough time to process grades and well-founded. With the ap- structor evaluations, etc.) and for graduating seniors, or change requirement since October. This are ready to be reviewed by the shows 24 Puerto Ricans (250% is the first of two articles analyz- proval and recommendation of admissions staff. of last year), 26 Mexican-Ameri- the nature of Commencement the CEP, these criteria were dis- by not giving the degrees at the ing the proposed requirement. Only comparison figures from cans (400%), 47 Spanish-Amer- -Editor) cussed at the faculty meeting; January 30 of last year were icans (down to 70% of last year). ceremonies (a practice many col- they will be voted upon at the leges have already adopted), the The proposed change in the available, but based on these the Out of this applicant pool, Institute Humanities and Social March meeting. number of women applicants has the Admissions Office will admit committee decided that there The new would be fewer problems in- Science requirement, suggested requirement increased 93% (from 438 in a sufficient number (probably by the Committee on Education- There are four important 1973 to 852 on January 30, about 1700) to achieve a class volved if Commencement was changes from the old re- postponed over a weekend. al Policy and the Council of the 1974). Other comparisons size of about 1000. However, School of Humanities and Social quirement corporated in the new showed that applications from uncertainties in the admissions "None of the problems asso- Sciences at the faculty meeting proposals (for a full statement of men had increased some 10%, process could cause the class to ciated with this change are ter- Wednesday, is the result of a the proposal, see the box on applications from blacks 40%, be somewhat smaller or larger. ribly serious," Munkres stated. long process of modification and page 3): and applications from other mi- Richardson estimated that The faculty vote to adopt the revision of what many MIT stu- 1) Fields - areas of concen- nority groups had also grown between 15% and 25% of the proposed change was unani- dents seem to regard as one of tration or particular disciplines significantly. incoming class would be female. mous. their most distasteful require- will be established in the Schools While Director of Admissions In a previous interview with The The faculty also discussed a ments. of Humanities and Social Sci- Pete Richardson was pleased Tech, Richardson has expressed change in the faculty rules that The review of the require- ence, and Architecture and Ur-. with this increase, he pointed (Please turn to page 3) would allow the new Associate ment was started expressly be- ban Planning. There are 15 out that minority applicants still Provost, Professor of Mathe- cause of student's distaste for Fields designated in the require- humanities. According to re- ment, with provisions for adding marks made by Dean Harold others. Most of the Fields are Hanham (of the School of Hu- representative of departments or Institute begins drought aid manities and Social Sciences at sections in the schools, but some the faculty meeting, student ob- are interdisciplinary, and addi- jections to the narrowness of the tions to the list are being By Jules Mollere ever, which provided a strong structure could not have been freshman and sophomore re- planned. Dr. Hans Guggenheim, a re- base." built without the permission and quirements and the feeling of 2) A distribution requirement search affiliate in the Depart- The water-storage structure, enthusiasm of the regional chief. compulsion caused by the cur- would be established; a student ment of Architecture, labeled as as built, consists of a brick wall "He (the chief) began by rent requirement system has led would be required to take thtree "very successful" his trip to nine feet in diameter and height regarding the project as ours and to a system that "students are subjects, each from a different drought stricken West Africa to lined on the bottom with a soil simply letting me do it as an old flocking to get out of." This is field, from a list of subjects demonstrate a new water storage cement basin and by chicken friend.
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