CALENDAR LISTINGGUIDELINES •Tolist an eventinPasa Week,send an email or press release to pasa@sfnewmexican .com or
[email protected]. •Send materialnolater than twoweeks priortothe desired publication date. •For each event,providethe following information: time,day,date, venue/address,ticket prices,web address,phone number,and brief description of event(15 to 20 words). •All submissions arewelcome; however, events areincluded in Pasa Week as space allows.Thereisnocharge forlistings. •Return of photos and other materials cannot be guaranteed. • Pasatiempo reservesthe righttopublish received information and photographs on TheNew Mexican's website. •Toadd your eventtoThe New Mexican online calendar, ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT CALENDAR andclick on the Calendar tab. •For further information contactPamela Beach:
[email protected], April5-11, 2019 202 E. MarcySt.,Santa Fe,NM87501, phone: 505-986-3019. CALENDAR COMPILED BY PAMELA BEACH&PATRICIALENIHAN FRIDAY 4/5 St.John’s College Santa Fe Dean's Lecture GreatHall,Peterson StudentCenter, 1160 Camino de Cruz Galleryand Museum Openings Blanca, 505-984-6000 Thomas Nail,associate professor of philosophy 7ArtsGallery at theUniversityofDenver, discusses Returning 125 Lincoln Ave, #110, 505-437-1107 to Lucretius;7:30 p.m., no charge. Landscapes Reimagined,3-D prints and digital paintings by TomMcGee; reception 5-7 p.m.; TelepoemBooth Speaker Series through April. Center forContemporaryArts, 1050 Old PecosTrail, 505-982-1338 AdobeGallery CCA'svintage phone booth installation offering 221 Canyon Rd., 505-955-0550 adial-a-poem elementservesasthe inspiration Diné Life and Legend: Paintings by Harrison Begay; forlecture- and poetry-readings; this week reception 5-7 p.m.; through May3. features apanel discussion by local speakers CharlotteJackson Fine Art on technology,poetry, and communication; 554 S.