Security Council Set to Hit Israel on Raid UNITED NATIONS, N
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Rain Likely Rain likely and cold today. THEDMLY HOME Clearing and turning colder T Bed Bank, Freehold f tonight. Sunny and cold to- morrow. I Long Branch J FINAL (Bee Details Page 2) Monmouth County''s Home Newspaper for 90 Years VOL. 91, NO. 131 RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31,1968 16 PAGES TEN CENTS Crime Probe Lawyer Hits Tlimsy' Evidence TRENTON (AP)'—The lawyer for a committee investiga- He told the legislative committee that Sen. Sido L. Ridolfi replied that he had represented Simone on three, Brennan said under cross-examination that young Pro- ting allegations that legislators are "too comfortable" with Ridolfi, D-Mercer, and Assemblymen John A. Selecky, R- separate occasions between 1954 and 1961, all involving faci apparently had no criminal record. organized crime characterized as "flimsy" yesterday much Mercer, and David Friedland, D-Hudson, were on his list of civil cases. He said he had no knowledge of Simone's al- POLICE CHIEF APPEARS of the evidence given by an assistant attorney general who those he considered "too comfortable" with organized crime. leged ties to organized crime "about five or six years after Selecky added that' when he arrived in court to testify, made the charges. The three vehemently denied any wrongdoing. I last represented him." he found the police chief of his township, who was also ap- "If the testimony is as flimsy in the other three cases Brennan also said that Assemblyman C. Richard Fiore, Brennan said Selecky testified as a character witness pearing as a character witness for young Profaci. as it was in at least two of the three today, I don't think R-Essex, was not one of those on bis list. in a motor vehicle violation case-in behalf of Salvatore Pro- Brennan said that he was reluctant to testify about any more names should be exposed to the public," Sidney Fiore had been quoted by a legislative aide as saying faci Jr., son of an alleged Mafia chieftain in Brooklyn. Friedland because the case in which he said Friedland is P. McCord said after the opening hearing into the charges. he was being pressured by a reputed Mafia leader. He said Selecky should have known about Profaci's involved is being held open for further investigation. Three names have been made public and three other Brennan, son of U. S. Supreme Court Justice William arrest last April after a state trooper saw him coming from He said the case involved two criminal complaints , legislators have allegedly been linked to the Mafia. J. Brenhan, testified that Ridolfi "represented or was some- the woods near a site where a hole resembling a grave had against a John Digilio, whom he described as an enforcer The hearing resumes today. how part of a real estate transaction in which a home was been dug. That case is still under investigation. Brennan and a loan shark. He said the complaints "were quashed, The main witness yesterday was Assistant Attorney conveyed to a John Simone." He said that state police said the case had received widesppread newspaper publicity. were killed or whatever word you want to use and Assembly- General William J. Brennan in, who made the original records showed that Simone is a captain in the "Bruno" Selecky said he knew Profaci as "a good citizen of the man Friedland somehow participated in this action." charges at a meeting of journalists. Mafia family of Philadelphia. community wherein he resides." (See LAWYER, Pg. 2, Col. 6) Security Council Set To Hit Israel on Raid UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. hours. The council adjourned ed on the Israeli-Lebanese ports of U.N. member coun- tions Monday failed to pro- (AP> — Security Council con- at 1 a.m. after three hours of border since the Israeli at- tries. duce agreement. demnation of Israel for its debate, and another meeting tack on the Beirut airport Sat- 3. Condemantion and a Jacob Malik, the chief So- commando attack on Beirut was scheduled for 3 p.m. urday night. threat of further action viet delegate, charged at-' International Airport appeared In Tel Aviv, the Israeli ar- 3 Proposals •against Israel under provi- tempts were being made be- imminent 'today, but most my reported that Arab guer- Three proposals for Secur- sions of the U.N. Charter hind the scenes to "emascu- members shunned Arab and rillas slipped into Israel from ity Council action were being dealing with threats to peace late" the resolution, in an ob- Soviet demands for strong Lebanon early today, fired six considered in private negotia- if Israel does not halt its re- vious "reference to U.S. efforts punitive action. bazooka rockets into a frontier tions among U.N. delegates: prisal attacks. to promote a resolution that Calls for sanctions and de- settlemen and escaped. The •1. Condemnation of Isarel It appeared that the first- thev majority of the 15 coun- nial of landing permits to Is- rockets damaged a water pipe for the Beirut raid. condemnation of the raid with , ciTmembeis would.approve. raeli planes gained little "sup- and brought down an electric 2. Condemnation plus eco-' no perialties-^would be the But at the same time Malik port last night as the 15-na- line, but no one was injured, nomic sanctions, Including - resolution to win unanimous made much of the rare dis- SPECIAL LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE — Members of the special New Jersey leg- tion council met in urgent ses- an Israeli spokesman said. It cancellation of landing per- approval. play of unity among the coun- was the first incident report- sion for the second time in 24 mits for Israeli planes at air- Extensive private consulta- cil members, asserting that . islative committee set up to investigate alleged legislators' crime links are: seated the United States "for the from left, Sen. J. Edward Crabiel, D-Middlesex; Assemblyman. S. Howard Wood- first time in recent years" son, D-Mercer, and Sens. Alfred N. Beadleston, R-Monmouth, chairman, and Will- had condemned "an aggres- ard B. Knowlton, R-Bergen; standing from left, Sen. Richard J. Coffee, D-Mercer, Despite Pleas in Marlboro sive act by Israel against an Arab state." and Assemblymen-Joseph Hirlcala, D-Passaic, James Cafiero, R-Cape May, and Israel remained virtually Thomas R. Kean, R-Essex. (AP Wirephoto) without support in the "debate as it reiterated that • Satur- Zone Amendment Okayed day's raid on the Beirut air- port was iii retaliation for an MARLBORO -. Despite an- cil rescinded a zoning amend- Walter C. Grubb Jr. said it "We don't want to pay $5 Arab guerrilla attack on an guished pleas from several ment passed Nov. 26. was "a first step." ' in taxes. Four dollars "is bad Israeli airliner at Athens air- A Doblr Separates property owners to hold off a Several of the 35 persons-at- He said the Township Coun- enough," said Mr. Grubb. port last week. One Israeli new amendment to the zoning tending called the new mea- cil intends to appropriate • "If we don't do this now passenger was killed in that ordinance, Township Council sure "arbitrary" and hastily funds for the Planning Board we'll get past the point where., •attack. passed the measure involving presented and claimed tnaMt for additional planning with industry is attracted to invest Answering Lebanese claims 1 commercial: and industrial adversely affects their proper- the aid of a professional con- here. We'll miss the ball." for more than $40 million in Confusion, Order zones last night with three af- ties. Some complained be- sultant, and perhaps will ap- Mr. Youngman voted to re- damages for 13 destroyed air- firmative votes. cause of lack of adequate wa- ply for federal and state scind the ordinance passed craft, Israeli Ambassador Yo- TRENTON (AP) - Confu- aides, members of Attorney upstairs gallery. They Us-, Outgoing Councilman Law- ter and sewerage facilities. grants. Nov. 26 because of the ques- sef Tekoah replied: "The life sion and calm were only a Gen. Arthur J. Sills' office, tened quietly to the proceed- rence C, Youngman, whose Others said the zoning mea- He and Councilman John J. tions raised about its legality, of one Israeli citizen is worth doorway apart yesterday or the governor's office and ings for about two hours, but term 3s up today, abstained sure was not comprehensive McLaughlin said the measure but he called the new measure much more than all the metal when a special legislative ''working" press representa- their number dwindled after and Councilman Joseph A. enough. seeks to attract industry to "horrendous" and said it was and engines of planes de- committee launched its probe tives. it appeared that most of the Brodniak was absent. In supporting the zoning or- the township to do away vita "not enough, too soon." stroyed by the army unit. WJw of allegations that some law- When television newsmen testimony they were hearing makers have been "entirely in the hallway turned their had already been aired by At the same time the coun- dinance, Council President high taxes. (MARLBORO, Pg. 3, Col. 4) will pay for the loss of life?" too comfortable" with mem- "bright kleig lights on, Beadle- news media. bers of organized crime. ston had the troopers close Assemblyman David Fried- Decorum prevailed inside the ornate oak outer doors, land, D-Hudson, one of the the large, green-carpeted As- shutting off any intrusion three lawmakers identified by More Welfare at Lower Cost Seen sembly chamber from the through the glass. Asst. Atty. Gen, William J. moment that Sen. Alfred N. Scores of curiosity seekers Brennan III as being too Beadleston, R-Monmouth, the By HALLIE SCHRAEGEH cost to the county.