Physical Chemistry Lab Report Rubric –Veldman Fall 2012
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Physical Chemistry Lab Report Rubric –Veldman Fall 2012 Formatting (10 Points) *Used ACS template *Times New Roman Font *Double spaced text Manuscript Criteria (20 Points) *1200-1500 words *Maximum of 3 Labeled figures, tables, charts graphs or images with captions *AT LEAST 5 Citations (ACS formatting) Language (10 Points) *No misspelled words *Correct usage *Past tense for methodology and discussion *Present tense when referring to data *Did not use pronouns (My, me, our, we etc.) Content (50 Points) *Abstract: Is a brief summary of the report including the methods used, all pertinent results and known values, mentions any known major error that may explain major inconsistencies. Max of 150 words *The information section is self-contained and sufficient to explain why the experiment was performed and why the method was used and how it could be used to yield the sought after result. ~400-500 words. *The methodology gave a concise and complete overview of what the experiment without delving into procedural monotony. Cite the Lab manual. ~200-300 words * Data/Results section should systematically present the data and mention any inconsistencies and how they were addressed (such as additional analysis preformed, or extra data collected). Includes a summary of the pertinent or key results and gives the literature values in an easily accessible way. *The discussion should be the focus of the report where the results summarized in the data section are explained and provides justification for the results or a well sported explanation for inconsistencies in the data. *Citations At least 5 citations in proper ACS format. Professionalism (10 Points) *Tone and explanations of the manuscript are professional and well sported with facts rather than excuses. Levels of Achievement Criteria Not Ready for Publish with Publish with Ready for Comments Publication Major Revisions Minor Revisions Publication Formatting 0 Points 5 Points 8 Points 10 Points Manuscript Criteria 0 Points 10 Points 15 Points 20 Points Language 0 Points 5 Points 8 Points 10 Points Content 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points Professionalism 0 Points 5 Points 8 Points 10 Points Over all / 100 Points Physical Chemistry Report • November 2012 Determination of the Enthalpy of Combustion of Sucrose Using Bomb Calorimetry Abstract The heat of combustion of sucrose (C12H22O11) was experimentally determined by adiabatic bomb ◦ calorimetry. The calorimeter constant Cvcal = 8.78 kJ/ C was determined via the combustion of standard benzoic acid (C7H6O2), DU = -26.41 kJ/g. Once the calorimeter had been calibrated, the change in internal energy of sucrose was determined to be -6.97 ± 0.03 kJ. Using the change in internal energy, the heat of combustion of sucrose DcH = -4599 ± 257.9 kJ/mol was estimated by substitution of the ideal gas law, DH = DU + R·Td·Dngas. The calculated heat of combustion was compared to an accepted literature value ◦ DcH solid = -5643.4 ± 1.8 kJ/mol resulting in an error of 18.50%. Introduction bustion must first be used to determine the calorimeter constant. The sample is made into ne of the oldest known scientific meth- a pellet, weighed, and then placed into a cru- ods used to measure energy transfer cible held inside the bomb. The sample comes Odue to heat evolution during a chemi- into contact with an ignition wire, and the cal reaction is known as calorimetry (1). The bomb is pressurized with 25-30 atmospheres device utilized to measure the energy transfer of oxygen gas. Once the bomb has been placed is known as a calorimeter. In particular, bomb into a known volume of water, and the initial calorimetry is a feasible way to determine the temperature has been determined and mea- unknown heat of combustion value of a sub- sured for a certain amount of time, the bomb is stance such as sucrose when a known heat of ignited and an electrical current passes through combustion value of a substance has been ac- to ignite the substance. Firing of the bomb, and curately determined and is easily accessible (2), consequently combustion of the substance, will such as that for benzoic acid. raise the temperature of the water quickly and Calorimeters are regularly enclosed by an significantly due to the heat evolved during the additional water bath that is kept at equal tem- course of the reaction. This process will give perature to the calorimeter in order to avoid initial temperature (Tinitial) and final tempera- heat loss from the system to the surroundings. ture (T f inal), which will be used to determine Such systems are termed adiabatic because the heat capacity (Cvcal) of the calorimeter via heat (q) is not lost nor gained, thus q is equal the following equation: DUbenz= -Cvcal·(T f inal- to 0. The temperature change of the water is Tinitial). Knowing the relationship between heat then measured to determine the energy output of combustion and internal energy, the follow- of the sample combustion. The calorimeter is ing equation can be employed: DU=DH-D(pv) treated as an adiabatic system because it was (3). By treating the products of the combustion thermally insulated and was proficient in pre- reaction as ideal gasses, the following equation venting heat loss. then arises: DH=DU+RTDngas (4), bestowing In order to use this method to calculate heat the enthalpy of combustion of a pure substance of combustion of a substance, a substance such such as sucrose, which was used in this experi- as benzoic acid with a known heat of com- ment. 1 Physical Chemistry Report • November 2012 Methodology Data and Discussion The energy (DU) of benzoic acid is known to be -26.41 kJ/g (4). This value made possible The calorimeter holds a metal, thick-walled the determination of the calorimeter constant container, which is the bomb. The bomb holds ◦ (Cvcal), which was calculated to be 8.78 kJ/ C. the sample to be burned, which will first be Figure 1 shows temperature vs. time for the benzoic acid then sucrose, in a metal crucible. benzoic acid combustion. After the ignition of A small length of wire, about 10 cm, feeds the sucrose sample with an unknown heat of through and is in direct contact with the sam- combustion, the experimental heat of combus- ple. An electric current is passed through the tion for sucrose can be determined. The litera- wire, heating it rapidly, thus initiating combus- ture value for the heat of combustion (DH) of tion. The bomb must then be sealed tightly sucrose is -5643 kJ/mol (5). The literature value and filled with pure oxygen at 25-30 atm. It was also determined via bomb calorimetry so is important to fill and vent the oxygen a cou- the experimental differences should be negli- ple of times first to flush out any atmospheric gible. Table 1 summarizes the results of the nitrogen, then fill a third time without vent- bomb calorimetry experiment. Trial 1 of this ing to pressurize the bomb. The bomb is then experiment yielded a value of -4782 kJ/mol ready to be placed in the calorimeter. Water and trial 2 produced a value of -4417 kJ/mol, is poured into the calorimeter, completely sub- thus the average DH was -4599 ± 257.9 kJ/mol. merging the bomb, and must constantly be Figure 2 shows temperature vs. time for the stirred to help ensure a uniform temperature two sucrose combustion trials. However, this throughout the bath, which itself is isolated average value does not quite compare to the from the surroundings. literature value, and the percent error equates to 18.50%. Figure 2, however, display the data Equipped with a thermometer, the temper- as expected; initial temperature is stable, there ature is measured before combustion for 10 is a steep and steady increase once the bomb minutes, once the bomb has been fired for ap- is ignited, and then the temperature begins to proximately 10 minutes, and after the sample slowly decrease after the maximum tempera- has been combusted. For speedy and com- ture has been reached. This behavior is typical plete combustion of the sample, the system is of a combustion reaction in which bonds are connected electrically and a current is passed breaking and releasing energy in the form of through the wire. The temperature then rises heat. rather quickly and the sample is ignited, dur- ing which, the wire may also be mostly or completely burned. The walls of the bomb are made of thick alloy metal to make certain that combustion takes place at constant volume. We are therefore primarily concerned with change in internal energy, U. When this internal energy is released from the sample being combusted, it will be maintained in the water bath and the walls of the bomb due to the fact that the system is adiabatic as the apparatus is ther- mally insulated. Finally, by measuring the rise The 18.50% difference could be the result in temperature and the heat capacity of the of several factors. The pressure of the oxygen calorimeter via the calibration run, it is possi- in the bomb varied with each trial. There was ble to measure the internal energy released by 26 atm in the calibration trial, 23 atm in su- the reaction. crose trial 1 run, and 22 atm in sucrose trial 2 Physical Chemistry Report • November 2012 Figure 1: Temperature vs. time graph for the combustion of benzoic acid. The mass of the benzoic acid pellet was 0.4200 g and the pressure inside the bomb was 26 atm. 2 run. Also, the initial temperature of the would require 4.186 more Joules of energy to in- water should have been above 25 ◦C but was crease the temperature by 1 ◦C.