The 16th Winona Computer Science Undergraduate Research Symposium April 27, 2016 9:30am to 12:30pm Kryzsko Commons Purple Rooms 247 & 248 Winona State University Winona, MN Sponsored by the Department of Computer Science at Winona State University Table of Contents Title Author Page Comparing Linux Operating Systems for the John Bellows 8 Raspberry Pi 2 Winona State University Speed Index and Critical Path Rendering Malek Hakim 41 Performance for Isomorphic Single Page Winona State University Applications Effectiveness of Children Online Privacy Komal Bansal 1 Strategies Winona State University Java Implementation of Cox Proportional Nathan Martin 28 Hazards Model Winona State University Distance Accuracies with Mobile Applications Nathan Karlstad 22 And Tracking Watches Winona State University Performance Analysis of ArrayList and Hashmap Asiqur Rahman 33 Winona State University Mesh Sensor Network for Atmospheric and Nicholas McNeely 14 Weather Data Acquisition Winona State University Configuring a Drone Flight Controller over WiFi Mitchell Gerber 18 Winona State University ii Effectiveness of Children Online Privacy Strategies Komal Bansal Winona State University April 22, 2016
[email protected] ABSTRACT these guidelines [1]: 1. Provide a clear and complete privacy policy on their The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) is a website Federal Trade Commission (FTC) approved regulation directed 2. Obtain verifiable parental consent before collecting towards websites/apps that collect and use personal information private information about their children (PI) of children under 13 years of age. Under COPPA, FTC has 3. Provide parents access to the information collected on approved a fees-based Safe Harbor program, in which their children and allow them to withdraw permission websites/apps would be subjected to the disciplinary procedures on future collection on their children’s information of the Safe Harbor in lieu of the FTC enforcement.