The Ocean Grove Time
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PAGE EIGHT FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1937 The Cheapest Printing is Often the Most Expensive in the End. We It; is the Wise Advertiser Who Grasps Do the Right Kind at a Fair His' Opportunity. His- Opportunity avenue, and Mrs. Howard Weston, Eye-ing the Crowd Shrewsbury; tliree grandchildren, Price. THE OCEAN GROVE TIME: . ' • is Right Now. ‘; , • r •Lonesome ■one brother, and four sisters. a & i t T / i r stionrr rnn:s VOL. XLII. Nc. 7 OCEAN GROVE. NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1937 FOUR CENTS 5! JK'CiiVre- Ntvwijpftjie.r SyoOlonte. I Bradley Beach Items ! ■ Vo «. ' /M'Ntriferyk'c. ■MiiititMiitttiiniiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininitiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiMiiiiiiiMiiiiuiiiiniti-: PLAN SPECIAL LKNTI-N MUSIC Miss Dorothy Schroeder, of Bel- COBB RESIGNS . ^^VX/.rilAT do you .’suppose that SEVEN CONFERENCES LISTED collections UP mar, is a new' employee at Tlie left Outlines I’roi'rams For SUGGESTS HEALTH LECTURES - Y ; rzirl. js,?/looking nt7fV First National Bank. ny 'j; Mrs: iicnderson asked tho ques- Raymond Earl in, G17 Second ' AS SCOUT HEAD S i. Paul’s Church 25''« IN JANUARY ,tioiV- off; her Jiusbanj as they took: the .cold. • it should be. hot enough Stephanie ■ *'■ I avenue, is confined to his home ON 1937 SEASON PROGRAM G. niO'mond Bartlett, director of LOCAL FOOD HANDLERS: their leisurely- ■ after, -. dinner stroll with an attack of neuritis. DV (tef?ipcraturc’al)oiit 105°) and long. W hyte cnoiigii : (about . > 10: ininutcs) . to ■ TO. ASSU M E POST .IN XKWJ music at St. Paul’s church, ' is i $50,7*22 cojjLk c j:i ;d b y o k a - a lo n g .R iv e r s id e , d r iv e . : . Mr. aind Mrs.' Daniel Wilkins, E L I Z A ^F-rank Henderson looked a t: the; 409 Bi'inlpy avenue, left-this week equalize the circulation and stimu j planning 'several musical features | . M . YORK STATE VATT’S OFKiCB- girl.'She was standing in the groon for Miami, Fla., whore they will late - the flow df stagnant blood | for Sunday evening 'services dur-| STEPHENSON back to- the luiigs where, its. im patch of grass that lay between the FTER 36 Years of Eervlce. this 5 spend the balance of the winter. Dr. Henson States Schedule Is Not Completed ' J ” .# i ing .Lent. ' . • (' Unique Plan Proposed at Neptune Board of , will travel to every ttaM In tb. Union. letter, nnd Mome Scrvice purities may ' be burned up. A drive ahd the river and she kept the trip will continue for a t lo u t . rt*r. Follow the .white Mr. anti Mrs. William Rofjbins glassful or two of water while in Barbour Apppints Commitlee lo| The -coming Sunday.evening, the lohnson Recommends Construction searching the sky as if for an air line weekly, beginning at the star ot New Jersey. and son Lloyd, 401 Fifth avenue, Dircclor the tub will help to start prcspira- Yet— Sees Promise of a Good Season. Select NewyKxccutivc For Mon-[series of programs will be .jnagu- of Traffic Circle Opposite Main Health For Education ox Food Handlers sh ip .. left recently for Miami, Fla., to J ersey C entral tion, or a hot lemonade after retir Spriinif Ffow w f?' Tn "Looks as if she see spend the remainder of the winter. " .mouth Council; Considerable I ratud with special piuno and organ P ower & L ight ing will have the same cffcct. Avenue Gates as* State Highway shooting'stars or some fireworks,’* Richard Hubbs, son of Mr. and “Dwight L. Moody” Day Is Planned; Also Orowth Shown in^^ .Last Ten!^kct5cns ^ Miss Thelma Mount As Alternative To Compulsory' Physical “ WHAT I FOUND IN LOUISIANA” Co . This is bv no means a new or Project. replied Henderson.’ Mrs. Leon Hubb3, 40G Me Cabe Full Bloom Now • . land Kermit Stewart. Mr. Stewart, We arrived in this great state leans. We entered the city. by . way original treatment for colds or iea rs. - • . I . t . .- lt ’ ‘.'She interests me. Let’s sit down avenue, who has had the measles, their prevention. Grandma recom To Be “ Gideon’s Day” Services. p:amst, is .music supervisor in the ; According to the monthly report; Examination. ' of Louisiana about four o’clock in of the Huey Long Bridge, one of is* able to be about again. “GETTING INTO HOT. here ond rest,’'’ suggested Mrs. Hen WATER” mended it and used it long ago. But Frank Cobb, for ten years Scout j Neptune schools. Miss Mount, who of Collector Walter il. Gravatt, I d e r s o n tho afternoon and. found the the finest in the country and ab Raymond JohnsOn, Jr., 404 Sec it is now much simpler and more Artificial Beauties For Executive of Momiiouth Council,Recently..was awarded a scholar- HERE is much we may know cfTcctivc,: certainly, by virtue of a submitted at Tuesday night’s meet-; They watched the girl who stood weather; - just fine, almost like sum- solutely free. Of toll. Words will ond avenue, recently recovered Predicting an outstanding sum Recognizing the difficulty and ■ ology, :diseases and their, proven-' slimly silhouetted against the fad from measles, is -still confined to •about hot water, . its uses, its continuous supply of water at the August 10-13, Conference of Mis Boy. Scouts, has tendered his i-es- |«lii'p at the Guilmnnt school of mu- ing of tile Neptune-township com-! nier time, and the roads wer ex not describe the city of New Or T Corsages and mer season for 1037, Dr. George compulsory . lion, venereal diseases, also a deni-.: ing pink of the Western sky. She his home with a sinus infection. cffccts, and its blessings; but what desired temperature by a mere sions; August 15-20, Conference of ignation to former United States I sic in New York, is the church or- mitteo, total- . collections for. the; expense of • enforcing cellent, thanks to the liate Huey leans, but it is a beautiful city oiistiation or : lecture on physical wore an anxious and, at times, a Miss Clara Jane Broome, daugh w'c might recall to mind right now, turn of the tap, whereas in the old W. Henson, president of the Oc Evangelism; August 27 to Sept G, Senator W. Warren Barbou chair- ] ganist. medical examination of food hand Long;. You may or m ay h o t think and we spent the week end in this Arrangements. month ’ of January amounted to wistful expression as she dropped ter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Broome, is the hot water 'bath as a health days the w'ater was usually carted ean GrOve Camp M eeting A ssocia Camp Meeting. of the Board, to take effect) Among the selections on the .exam ination, closing w ith <iues- from the kitchen in buckcts and $00,722,75, an increase of approxi- j lers, Health O fficer Wm. I her. eyes from their search of-the tliat Huey Long was crazy, *.n" city of cities. The new part of 506 Evergreen avenue, is slightly protcctor nnd restorative. • Each tion, this week wrote his views on an j tions and: answers.' • . / v. ' '■ ■ * , by the time the tub was filled the Sunday, July 18, will bo Moody March 1. Mr. Cobb resigns to take | program will be Dcmares^s “Fan- inately. 25c/r> over last year. For j thcavens. Whatever she looked for sane or even foolisli, but let- me the city has wide streets; with improved from a; severe ear infec winter sees an epidemic of .tho Applegate recommended to the; A qualified lecturer wonld be the program recently announced by Day,;in memory of the late evan charge in Westchester County, New i tasie,” “Kammeroi-'Ostrow,” by was not to be seen. tion. ‘ ;;i4 - S - ; . ' v,;; /.• co hi mo n cold, oft en followed r by water had cooled. W a k e -u p , the same month last year collec-; tell, you this,; Louisiana has lost beautiful’ homes; hundreds of them the devotional and program com Neptune Township board of health,! chosen to talk on the subject as- The girl, noticeably discouraged, Little Jackie Ryan, son of Mr.' “flu,’! and this winter has no Tlicn there is the sedative batli, cheer-up and gelise, Dw'ight L. Moody, who was York, where he will be Scout Ex Rubenstein, ahd Chopin's “Etude. tions were $48,980,81, one of the greatest promoters -it regular mansions; covering almost which produces a state of quiet and . snap - out o f mittee. (Tuesday night, a'course of public;signed. There would be no charge was walking toward them. She and Mrs. John Ryan, 602 Ever exception.' Hot water, used corrcct- bom 100 years ago. Drs. Speer ecutive fo r ; Siwanoy; Council,; with Opus 25, No. 1.” Some -of the ever libd or ever will have. Huey an entire block, .Trees, flowers rest, and. should be between ■ 920 m id •- '...winter, aigei i.ems lectures which food handlers would for the course and a certificate twisted the leather ,handlc of her green avenue, who has been suf ' ly, can be a constant protection Seven conferences have already and McDowell,• two close person headquarters at: New Rochelle. ; against a cold, or a weapon and 98o. .Remember that .baths doldrums; a t J ded in the collections were 1937; jbag. and her step lagged. There Long, may have made ■. 'mistakes, and shrubbery meet like huge fering from bronchitis is improv been arranged,; as well as Dwight be urged to attend. • ; would be issued to each person at- bat it, if necessary, r below 90° or above 98° are ; stimr V horn e : a n d ' al friends of Moody will speak and Unwilling, to accept the .resigna taxes, S33,307.91.; 1936, $6,608.40; r • " , ,.