1 (DOCUMEiT RESUME * 3D- 1A6 09.0 CG 010 259 TITLE Sex Discrimination and Sex Stereotyping in Vocational Education. Hearings before the Subcommittee on Elementary,SecondaryandIVocational:Education_o.f_tbe Committee on Education and Labor, House of Representatives, Ninety-Fourth Congress,-First Session. INSTITUTION Congress of the U.S" Washington, D.C. House' Committee on Education and Labor. PUB-- Mat- /5 NOTE 410p. EDRS-PRICE SF -$0.76 HC- $20.9U Plus Postage DESCRIPTORS Affirmative Action; *Elementary Secondary Education; *Government Publicat,ions; *Sex Discrimination; *Sex tereotypes; *VocatTonal Education ABS This document includes verbatim transcripts and prepared statements froM the hearings_on sex discrimination and sex stereotyping before the Subcommittee on Elementary, and Vocational Educat'on. e report-plieSents the-findings of the Subcommittee on the st tus of women in vocational education, the enforcement of afitidi urination legislation, possible research strategies in the , area of sex discrimination, and the results of a recently completed, 4 . civil rights survey. Included in the appendix is a detiiled research report entitled" lb:men in Vocational Education." This report examines the status of women in the world of work, sexism in society and education, staff-related problems for women in education, affirmative action for women in education and em lo sent, and implications for change in vodational/technicaleducation. (s.714- 4 -riS . , ....);%,.. ,Mt31**,****************4!*********41************************************ ,61..:-3-_ Docuients acquired by ERIC include many.infommil unpublished * _*:Materials_not_aIwilable from other sources. ERIC makes every effort * *.to,Otain the best copy available. Nevertheless, items of marginal. * l'repiqdRci.bility. are ofte4 encountered and this affects the. quality ..' 3i ._ ,t1r..of thClicrOfiche andehardcopy _reproductions ERIC.aaies.availahle 4 :riathe_P.RIC _Document Reproduction Service "(EDRSY.
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