PAGE EIGHT FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1937 The Cheapest Printing is Often the Most Expensive in the End. We It; is the Wise Advertiser Who Grasps Do the Right Kind at a Fair His' Opportunity. His- Opportunity avenue, and Mrs. Howard Weston, Eye-ing the Crowd Shrewsbury; tliree grandchildren, Price. THE OCEAN GROVE TIME: . ' • is Right Now. ‘; , • r •Lonesome ■one brother, and four sisters. a & i t T / i r stionrr rnn:s VOL. XLII. Nc. 7 OCEAN GROVE. NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1937 FOUR CENTS 5! JK'CiiVre- Ntvwijpftjie.r SyoOlonte. I Bradley Beach Items ! ■ Vo «. ' /M'Ntriferyk'c. ■MiiititMiitttiiniiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininitiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiMiiiiiiiMiiiiuiiiiniti-: PLAN SPECIAL LKNTI-N MUSIC Miss Dorothy Schroeder, of Bel- COBB RESIGNS . ^^VX/.rilAT do you .’suppose that SEVEN CONFERENCES LISTED collections UP mar, is a new' employee at Tlie left Outlines I’roi'rams For SUGGESTS HEALTH LECTURES - Y ; rzirl. js,?/looking nt7fV First National Bank. ny 'j; Mrs: iicnderson asked tho ques- Raymond Earl in, G17 Second ' AS SCOUT HEAD S i. Paul’s Church 25''« IN JANUARY ,tioiV- off; her Jiusbanj as they took: the .cold. • it should be. hot enough Stephanie ■ *'■ I avenue, is confined to his home ON 1937 SEASON PROGRAM G. niO'mond Bartlett, director of LOCAL FOOD HANDLERS: their leisurely- ■ after, -. dinner stroll with an attack of neuritis. DV (tef?ipcraturc’al)oiit 105°) and long. W hyte cnoiigii : (about . > 10: ininutcs) . to ■ TO. ASSU M E POST .IN XKWJ music at St. Paul’s church, ' is i $50,7*22 cojjLk c j:i ;d b y o k a - a lo n g .R iv e r s id e , d r iv e . : . Mr. aind Mrs.' Daniel Wilkins, E L I Z A ^F-rank Henderson looked a t: the; 409 Bi'inlpy avenue, left-this week equalize the circulation and stimu­ j planning 'several musical features | . M . YORK STATE VATT’S OFKiCB- girl.'She was standing in the groon for Miami, Fla., whore they will late - the flow df stagnant blood | for Sunday evening 'services dur-| STEPHENSON back to- the luiigs where, its. im­ patch of grass that lay between the FTER 36 Years of Eervlce. this 5 spend the balance of the winter. Dr. Henson States Schedule Is Not Completed ' J ” .# i ing .Lent. ' . • (' Unique Plan Proposed at Neptune Board of , will travel to every ttaM In tb. Union. letter, nnd Mome Scrvice purities may ' be burned up. A drive ahd the river and she kept the trip will continue for a t lo u t . rt*r. Follow the .white Mr. anti Mrs. William Rofjbins glassful or two of water while in Barbour Apppints Commitlee lo| The -coming Sunday.evening, the lohnson Recommends Construction searching the sky as if for an air­ line weekly, beginning at the star ot New Jersey. and son Lloyd, 401 Fifth avenue, Dircclor the tub will help to start prcspira- Yet— Sees Promise of a Good Season. Select NewyKxccutivc For Mon-[series of programs will be .jnagu- of Traffic Circle Opposite Main Health For Education ox Food Handlers sh ip .. left recently for Miami, Fla., to J ersey C entral tion, or a hot lemonade after retir­ Spriinif Ffow w f?' Tn "Looks as if she expected.to see spend the remainder of the winter. " .mouth Council; Considerable I ratud with special piuno and organ P ower & L ight ing will have the same cffcct. Avenue Gates as* State Highway shooting'stars or some fireworks,’* Richard Hubbs, son of Mr. and “Dwight L. Moody” Day Is Planned; Also Orowth Shown in^^ .Last Ten!^kct5cns ^ Miss Thelma Mount As Alternative To Compulsory' Physical “ WHAT I FOUND IN LOUISIANA” Co . This is bv no means a new or Project. replied Henderson.’ Mrs. Leon Hubb3, 40G Me Cabe Full Bloom Now • . land Kermit Stewart. Mr. Stewart, We arrived in this great state leans. We entered the city. by . way original treatment for colds or iea rs. - • . I . t . .- lt ’ ‘.'She interests me. Let’s sit down avenue, who has had the measles, their prevention. Grandma recom­ To Be “ Gideon’s Day” Services. p:amst, is .music supervisor in the ; According to the monthly report; Examination. ' of Louisiana about four o’clock in of the Huey Long Bridge, one of is* able to be about again. “GETTING INTO HOT. here ond rest,’'’ suggested Mrs. Hen­ WATER” mended it and used it long ago. But Frank Cobb, for ten years Scout j Neptune schools. Miss Mount, who of Collector Walter il. Gravatt, I d e r s o n tho afternoon and. found the the finest in the country and ab­ Raymond JohnsOn, Jr., 404 Sec­ it is now much simpler and more Artificial Beauties For Executive of Momiiouth Council,Recently..was awarded a scholar- HERE is much we may know cfTcctivc,: certainly, by virtue of a submitted at Tuesday night’s meet-; They watched the girl who stood weather; - just fine, almost like sum- solutely free. Of toll. Words will ond avenue, recently recovered Predicting an outstanding sum­ Recognizing the difficulty and ■ ology, :diseases and their, proven-' slimly silhouetted against the fad­ from measles, is -still confined to •about hot water, . its uses, its continuous supply of water at the August 10-13, Conference of Mis­ Boy. Scouts, has tendered his i-es- |«lii'p at the Guilmnnt school of mu- ing of tile Neptune-township com-! nier time, and the roads wer ex­ not describe the city of New Or­ T Corsages and mer season for 1037, Dr. George compulsory . lion, venereal diseases, also a deni-.: ing pink of the Western sky. She his home with a sinus infection. cffccts, and its blessings; but what desired temperature by a mere sions; August 15-20, Conference of ignation to former United States I sic in New York, is the church or- mitteo, total- . collections for. the; expense of • enforcing cellent, thanks to the liate Huey leans, but it is a beautiful city oiistiation or : lecture on physical wore an anxious and, at times, a Miss Clara Jane Broome, daugh­ w'c might recall to mind right now, turn of the tap, whereas in the old W. Henson, president of the Oc­ Evangelism; August 27 to Sept G, Senator W. Warren Barbou chair- ] ganist. medical examination of food hand­ Long;. You may or m ay h o t think and we spent the week end in this Arrangements. month ’ of January amounted to wistful expression as she dropped ter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Broome, is the hot water 'bath as a health days the w'ater was usually carted ean GrOve Camp M eeting A ssocia­ Camp Meeting. of the Board, to take effect) Among the selections on the .exam ination, closing w ith <iues- from the kitchen in buckcts and $00,722,75, an increase of approxi- j lers, Health O fficer Wm. I her. eyes from their search of-the tliat Huey Long was crazy, *.n" city of cities. The new part of 506 Evergreen avenue, is slightly protcctor nnd restorative. • Each tion, this week wrote his views on an j tions and: answers.' • . / v. ' '■ ■ * , by the time the tub was filled the Sunday, July 18, will bo Moody March 1. Mr. Cobb resigns to take | program will be Dcmares^s “Fan- inately. 25c/r> over last year. For j thcavens. Whatever she looked for sane or even foolisli, but let- me the city has wide streets; with improved from a; severe ear infec­ winter sees an epidemic of .tho Applegate recommended to the; A qualified lecturer wonld be the program recently announced by Day,;in memory of the late evan­ charge in Westchester County, New i tasie,” “Kammeroi-'Ostrow,” by was not to be seen. tion. ‘ ;;i4 - S - ; . ' v,;; /.• co hi mo n cold, oft en followed r by water had cooled. W a k e -u p , the same month last year collec-; tell, you this,; Louisiana has lost beautiful’ homes; hundreds of them the devotional and program com­ Neptune Township board of health,! chosen to talk on the subject as- The girl, noticeably discouraged, Little Jackie Ryan, son of Mr.' “flu,’! and this winter has be.cn no Tlicn there is the sedative batli, cheer-up and gelise, Dw'ight L. Moody, who was York, where he will be Scout Ex­ Rubenstein, ahd Chopin's “Etude. tions were $48,980,81, one of the greatest promoters -it regular mansions; covering almost which produces a state of quiet and . snap - out o f mittee. (Tuesday night, a'course of public;signed. There would be no charge was walking toward them. She and Mrs. John Ryan, 602 Ever­ exception.' Hot water, used corrcct- bom 100 years ago. Drs. Speer ecutive fo r ; Siwanoy; Council,; with Opus 25, No. 1.” Some -of the ever libd or ever will have. Huey an entire block, .Trees, flowers rest, and. should be between ■ 920 m id •- '...winter, aigei i.ems lectures which food handlers would for the course and a certificate twisted the leather ,handlc of her green avenue, who has been suf­ ' ly, can be a constant protection Seven conferences have already and McDowell,• two close person­ headquarters at: New Rochelle. ; against a cold, or a weapon .to.com­ and 98o. .Remember that .baths doldrums; a t J ded in the collections were 1937; jbag. and her step lagged. There Long, may have made ■. 'mistakes, and shrubbery meet like huge fering from bronchitis is improv­ been arranged,; as well as Dwight be urged to attend. • ; would be issued to each person at- bat it, if necessary, r below 90° or above 98° are ; stimr V horn e : a n d ' al friends of Moody will speak and Unwilling, to accept the .resigna­ taxes, S33,307.91.; 1936, $6,608.40; r • " , ,.
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