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Nasa.Gov/Search.Jsp?R=19940022855 2020-06-16T13:30:04+00:00Z 2020-06-16T13:30:04+00:00Z NASA Conference Publication 10129 Vision-21 Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering in the Era of Cyberspace Proceedings of a symposium cosponsored by the NASA Lewis Research Center and the Ohio Aerospace Institute and held in Westlake, Ohio March 30-31, 1993 (NASA-CP-IOI2Q) VISION 21: N94-27358 INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCE AND --THRU-- m ENGINEERING IN THE ERA OF N94-27376 CY_ERSPACE (NASA) 274 p Uncl as I IASA G3/12 0206714 NASA Conference Publication 10129 Vision-21 Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering in the Era of Cyberspace Proceedings of a symposium cosponsored by the NASA Lewis Research Center and the Ohio Aerospace Institute and held in Westlake, Ohio March 30-31, 1993 NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration Office of Management Scientific and Technical Information Program 1993 Into the Era of Cyberspace Our robots precede us with infinite diversity exploring the universe delighting in complexity A matrix of neurons, we create our own reality of carbon and of silicon, we evolve toward what we chose to be. GL 1993 iii PilIJl)I4_$ PAG[ I!ILA!'_I(. NOT _t__O FOREWORD The symposium "Vision 21: Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering in the Era of Cyberspace" was held at the Holiday Inn in Westlake, Ohio on March 30-31, 1993, sponsored by the NASA Lewis Research Center's Aerospace Technology Directorate under the auspices of the NASA Office of Aeronautics, Exploration and Technology. In the NASA space program there is always a major focus on near-term development of technologies and hardware; however, there is also a continuing need to consider the more visionary far-term concepts and ideas that might lead to radical breakthroughs in the next century. This symposium was conducted to gather people who have an interest in speculative far-term concepts and advanced ideas to permit discussions and information exchange. In keeping with the intent to stimulate interdisciplinary thinking, we chose to invite as keynote speakers, four individuals who have made major contributions in two different fields. Hans Moravec, of the Robotics Laboratory at Carnegie Mellon University, is both a leading-edge roboticist and also was one of the first to propose several concepts for the use of tethers for orbital transportation. Vernor Vinge of San Diego State University is both a mathematician, a computer scientist, and a well-known science-fiction writer. Carol Stoker, of the Telepresence for Planetary Exploration Project at NASA Ames Research Center, is a leading researcher in both telerobotics and Mars. Myron Krueger of Artificial Reality Corporation is one of the founders of the emerging field of virtual reality, and is involved with both the arts and sciences of virtual reality. Papers for all the invited speakers are included as a separate section in these proceedings. The banquet speaker John Dalton, Project Manager of the EOS Ground System and Operations Projects at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, gave an address on "Information Systems to Support Research in Global Change', but did not submit a written paper. In addition to the invited speakers, contributed papers in the form of a poster session at the symposium presented concepts by a number of attendees; the papers that expand on the posters are included in a separate section of this conference publication. This approach maximized the interaction of participants with presenters and allowed presenters to answer questions and discuss concepts in a much detail as was needed. A series of workshops was also held during the symposium to explore topics of interest. The purpose of these workshops was to gather ideas and allow informal interaction among participants that explored and promoted synergics among various concepts and ideas. Summaries from these sessions are included as a section in this publication. The Vision-21 Committee would like to thank all participants for their parts in making the Vision 21 symposium a success. Our personal thanks also go to the OAI staff for supporting mailings for this symposium, and to Mecklar, Inc., for mailings to their virtual reality interest list. Dr. Sheila Bailey, General Chairman (*) Richard Ziegfeld, Sverdrup Task Coordinator(*) M.S. 302-1 -- Phone 216/433-2228 M.S. SVR-1 - Phone 216/977-1334 Dr. Geoffrey A. Landis, Technical Chairman (*) Jack Chen, OAI Coordinator (**) M.S. 302-1 -- Phone 216/433-2238 Phone 216/962-3091 Dr. Lester D. Nichols, Chairman Emeritus (*) Vannell Hassett, Logistics (OAI) (**) M.S. 142-5 Phone 216/962-2116 216/433-3213 (*) NASA Lewis Research Center (**) Ohio Aerospace Institute 21000 Brookpark Road 22800 Cedar Point Road Cleveland OH 44135 Brook Park Otl 44142 4_ TABLE OF CONTENTS VISION-21 COMMITTEE REMARKS * ° ° • ......... ° ° ............... ° ................ l What is Vision-21 ? Marc G. Millis, NASA Lewis Research Center ° ° " ° ° • ° • • " ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° .... • .... • ° ° ......... 3 The Need for Vision Geoffrey A. Landis, Sverdrup Technology, Inc. ° ° ° • ..... ° ° ° ° • ............ ° .............. 7 FEATURED SPEAKERS ........... *''" ''°''°''°'''°*" " **''' ..................... 9 The Coming Technological Singularity: How to Survive in the Post-Human Era Vernor Vinge, San Diego State University ............................................ 11 Telepresence in the Human Exploration of Mars: Field Studies in Analog Environments Carol R. Stoker, NASA Ames Research Center • "-"-" ..... • ........................... 23 The Universal Robot Hans Moravec, Carnegie Mellon University ........................................... 35 Veni, Video, Vici: The Merging of Computer and Video Technologies Jay G. Horowitz, NASA Lewis Research Center ........................................ 43 Interdisciplinary Technology Lester D. Nichols, NASA Lewis Research Center ....................................... 51 An Attainable Vision for Virtual Reality Myron W. Krueger, Artificial Reality Corporation ....................................... 61 POSTER SESSIONS---CONTRIBUTED PAPERS ....................................... 69 Parallel Algorithm for Dominant Points Correspondences in Robot Binocular Stereo Vision A. Al-tammami and B. Singh, University of Bradford .................................... 71 Sculpting in Cyberspace: Parallel Processing the Development of New Software Rob Fisher, Carnegie Mellon University .............................................. 83 Spiral Survey Expedition--A Proposal to Organize for the Survey, Exploration, and Eventual Colonization of the Milky Way Galaxy Scott Galloway, Scotter R&D ..................................................... I01 Utility Fog: A Universal Physical Substance J. Storrs Hall, Rutgers University .................................................. 115 Space Station Technology Testbed: 2010 Deep Space Transport Alan C. Holt, NASA Headquarters ................................................. 127 vii An Artificial Reality Environment for Remote Factory Control and Monitoring Chuck Kosta and Patrick D. Krolak, University of Massachusetts ............................ 153 The Fermi Paradox: An Approach Based on Percolation Theory Geoffrey A. Landis, Sverdrup Technology, Inc .......................................... 163 A Direct Current Rectification Scheme for Microwave Space Power Conversion Using Traveling Wave Electron Acceleration Robert M. Manning, NASA Lewis Research Center ...................................... 169 Two-Way EML Propulsion Concept Gerald David Nordley (Unaffiliated) ................................................ 179 Emerging Computer Technologies and the News Media of the Future Debra A. Vrabel, Sverdrup Technology, Inc ............................................ 181 Inertial Electrostatic Confinement as a Power Source for Electric Propulsion G.H. Miley, R. Burton, J. Javedani, Y. Yamamoto, A. Satsangi, Y. Gu, P. Heck, R. Nebel, N. Schulze, J. Christensen, D. Strellis, J. DeMora, S. Cooper, A. Ochao, and J. Fluhrer, University of Illinois ........................................................... 185 A Widely Adaptable Habitat Construction System Utilizing Space Resources Harry B. Wykes, The Brubaker Group ............................................... 231 Rocket Engine Numerical Simulator Ken Davidian, NASA Lewis Research Center .......................................... 241 WORKSHOP DISCUSSION SUMMARIES ........................................... 247 Workshop Summaries ............................................................ 249 Interaction with Vernor Vinge ....................................................... 25l Interaction with Carol Stoker ....................................................... 253 Virtual Reality: What's Real, What's Virtual, What's Not, and Where Should We Be Today Myron Krueger, Artificial Reality Corporation ......................................... 255 Space Propulsion Workshop Marc G. Millis, NASA Lewis Research Center ......................................... 257 Pigs in Cyberspace Hans Moravec, Carnegie Mellon University ........................................... 259 Sculpting in Cyberspace Rob Fisher, Carnegie Mellon University .............................................. 265 Notes From Technical Strategies, Virtual Reality, Telepresence, and Robotics in the Exploration of Mars 267 Carol Stoker, NASA Ames Research Center ........................................... viii Workshopon the Use of Cyberspace for Training Myron Krueger, Artificial Reality Corporation, and Ben Rodriquez, NASA Lewis Research Center ° ° "
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