
Volume 19 Issue 8 September 2019 Proistamenos: Fr. Jon Emanuelson

Church News ummer is winding down. Days are get- ting shorter, the Northern Lights are giving a great light show, and the Holy Trin- ity family is working hard to have another successful festi- val. Many thanks to Aaron & Missy’s leadership, the army of cookie bakers, the army of soulvakia makers, and the others working on prepar- ing and getting the word out. We extend our love and sympathy to Joe Beardsley and his family on the recent passing of his brother. The family had a chance to drive to New Jersey just two weeks prior to his brother’s death and had the chance to say their anticipatory good-byes then. Table of Contents Several members of our Church News...... 1 Welcome Home Ted...... 14 Church Family traveled Priest Message...... 3 : Faith, Hope & Charity..... 17 abroad this summer and we Chris Karagiannes...... 6 Stewardship ...... 19 Elevation of the Cross...... 9 Memorials...... 20 welcome them home. Dina George Nichols...... 10 Calendar...... 23 Medouris enjoyed a three- Remember you can see Bulletin on line at holytrinity.me.goarch.org under “Resources”, then Current Newletter continued on pg. 4 Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church

Council Members Bulletin of the Food for fellowhip time President Parish of the John Carson...... (714) 658-5867 after church Holy Trinity September Vice President Greek Orthodox Church 1...... Karagiannes Family Melissa Landry...... (207) 576-5925 8...... Festival Clean-up Treasurer 15...... Pelletier...... (207) 624-1084 September 22...... Assistant Treasurer 29...... 2019 Stella Gammaitoni...... (207) 333-2672 Secretary If you wish to host a Peter Vayanos...... (617) 838-8408 memorial or sponsor food for after church fellowship John Kesaris...... (207) 622-5381 please sign up. John Kroger...... (207) 689-6132 Peter Mars...... (207)933-4949 Dina Medouris...... (207) 240-6264 Jaye Mendros-Goulet.....(207) 956-8650 Roger Park...... (207) 754-1134

155 Hogan Road P. O. Box 1344 Lewiston, Maine 04243-1344 Phone & Fax (207) 783-6795 Committees Photographers: Building & Addition: John Stass, Mike Pelletier Le Gloahec Cemetery: Michael Pelletier Education: Chris Sirois Writers: Festival: Aaron Landry David LeGloahec Finance & Endowment: Dorothy Moskovis, Mike Pelletier. Margery Mars Fr. Jon Emanuelson Hellenic Heritage: Georgia Chomas Interior: Stella Gammaitoni, John Rozos Light of Life is the monthly publication of Holy Trinity Greek Maintenance: Jim Simones, Harry Simones, Stella Gammaitoni Orthodox Church Parish Historical Society: John Kesaris of Lewiston, Maine under the Metropolis of Boston Spiritual Enrichment: Ann Robinson of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese Stewardship: Melissa Simones Landry of America. Librarian: Tom Goodwin It is intended for the communication Ladies Society: Christine Sirois and edification of the community of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church Choir Directors: John Rozos, Chris Gianopoulos and its friends. Sunday School Director: Stella Gammaitoni, Christine Kroger Publication created using: Adobe® InDesign® CS-5, Adobe® Photoshop® Readers: George Simones, David LeGloahec, John Rozos, C.S.5, Art Explosion® 750,000, Macromedia Freehand® 9.0, IconGraphics™ Byzantine Jaye Goulet ClipArt on an Apple iMac. Acolyte Guide: Roger Park fonts used: Palatino, Papyrus & Optima. Book Store Manger: Desrée Tanquay See us on the web at Visitation Committee: Margery Mars (933-4949) & Christine Sirois holytrinity.me.goarch.org (784-7107) Other Members: Ann Pelletier, Dotty Moskovis, George Simones, Rosemary Goranites, Deserée Tanquay, and John Rozos. 2 September 2019 Priest’s Message On the Ecclesiastical New Year

Many years ago when I was a semi- narian at Holy Cross, I worked at the condominium complex down the street called Cabot Estates as a valet. It was a great for a seminarian because it allowed me to study for a good portion of the 8 hour shift. One of the cool things about the mid-rise buildings I worked in was that the majority of residents were Jewish. I loved to quiz them on their own tradition. As Greek Orthodox Christians we may be the last Judeo-Christian Church. Thus, knowing how both traditions parallel one an- other, with ours taking on a new meaning in Christ, I loved the residents and they loved me. One year, we were coming up on the Exal- tation of the Cross and the beginning of the ac- ademic year. We, as Orthodox Christians, had just started the ecclesiastical new year on Sep- tember 1st. The Jewish new year falls in the second half of September and is called Rosh HaShanah. The Israelites start their religious calendar from the time of and Sarah and thus the year was 5749. My question for the residents was simple: “What year is it in the Jewish Calendar?” It was interesting the responses I received and often humorous. The new year is now 5780 in Jewish Calendar and is celebrated September 29-October 1 this year. The year of our Lord, Anno Domini or Got Church News? A.D. in Latin, is considered to start on January Send your text, your pictures, 1st, since the time of the Gregorian calendar. your inspirations, whatever it is, Yet, our Church new year is always remem- send it to: bered September 1st. Both remembrances call

3 [email protected] continued on pg. 5 Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church

Church News continued from pg.1 week visit to England and got to see much of that country. Also Ted Mihilakis, along with his son Steve and his wife Alysha, and their children“TJ” and Marilena, spent three weeks in Greece. Please note: There will be NO Catechism (Bible Study) classes on September 2, 9, or 16. They will re- sume on Monday, September 23, from 6:30 to 7:30 P.M. We extend our best wishes for a successful school year to all the children and youth of Holy Trinity! It is with great joy that Mike and Ann Pelletier an- nounce the arrival of their first grandchild, a pre- cious little girl named Emmelia. Emmy, daugh- ter of Melissa and Matt, was born in Portland, Oregon on August 6 and weighed 6 lbs. 11oz and was 20” in length. The proud new grandpar- ents were there to welcome her on her arrival. We send our love and healing wishes to Nathalie Prouchinsky who this past week (August 29) had surgery of her right hand. Father Jon visited with her prior to surgery and gave her Holy Communion. We were saddened by the loss of two long time church members, Christos Karagiannes on July 9 at age 95 and George Nichols on August 11 at age 92. Both were devoted members of this Par- Grand-daddy Mike and Emmy on her birth- day! ish and served on the various boards within the Emmelia church. Please read about their lives in this issue. continued on pg. 6

4 September 2019 Priest’s Message continued from pg.3 to mind similar, yet different events. Both the Jewish and Christian new year call to mind the beginning of the creation of the universe by the one true and living God. Both speak of the harvest and the bless- ings that come from the abundant fruits of the earth. The Israelites are said to have entered the Promise Land in September as well. Most importantly, Jesus begins His ministry by reading the prophecy of and speaking of its fulfillment in His person in the synagogue in Nazareth! Thus, be- gins the earthly ministry of Christ our God. The Apolytikion Hymn for September 1st For the Indiction Mode 2.

O Fashioner of all creation, who made seasons and years by Your own authority, bless the crown of the year with Your goodness, O Lord, and preserve our rulers and Your city in peace, at the intercession of the , and save us. The Kontakion Hymn for September 1st Kontakion. Mode 4. You who were lifted.

You, the Creator and the Lord of the ages, O God of all, truly transcending all essence, we earnestly entreat, that You will bless the year, and, O tender- loving Lord, in Your infinite mercy, only Master, save us all who worship and serve You, O our Redeemer, and who cry with fear, “For all Your servants, make fruitful the coming year.” Let us prayerfully entreat God Almighty for our Holy Trinity parish and each and ev- eryone we love in this new year! We have much to be thankful for but let us strive for the fruit of the Holy Spirit in the new year. continued on pg. 7 5 Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church

Church News continued from pg.4 Christos Karagiannes 1924 – 2019 Christos “Chris” “Christie” Karagiannes, 95, of Augus- ta, died peacefully Tuesday, July 9, 2019. Christos was born in Manchester, N.H. on June 26, 1924, the son of Michael and Paraskeve (Nasikas) Karagiannes. Chris’s parents, who had been living and working in Manches- ter for many years, decided to return to Grevena in northern Greece when Chris was six months. Chris and his twin brother, John, brother, Charlie and sis- ter, Vasiliki worked on the family farm. He often said the hardest job he ever had was picking tobacco leaves. He de- parted well before dawn and often fell asleep on the way to the fields while riding on the back of a donkey. World War II brought the Italian/Nazi in- vasion to Greece. Christos and his brother became part of the Greek guerilla underground planting bombs, in- terrupting the flow of troops and supplies to the front whenever possible. Following WWII, Uncle Sam “invit- ed” Chris and his brothers to join the U.S. Army, as they were U.S. citizens, and they accepted passage to America. Upon their arrival in the United States, the Army classi- fied them as 4-F because the brothers knew no English. Chris was proud to say he and his brothers paid the gov- ernment back every cent of the cost of the tickets. Chris and his brothers intended destination was Manchester, N.H., their birthplace. However, an aunt living in Au- gusta learned of their pending arrival and sent her old- est son to bring them to Maine. Chris primarily worked in the restaurant business, Pine Tree Lunch, The Blaine Restaurant and then McClellan’s. In 1949, Christos de- cided to settle down and married Aliki “Alice” Siola, a girl who lived two doors from his parent’s house in Grevena, Greece. They were married for 65 years. 6 continued on pg. 8 September 2019

Priest’s Message continued from pg.5 May God bless our comings in and our going out! May we continue to grow in life, faith and spiritual understanding. I want to sincerely thank all those who worked so diligent- ly for this year’s Greek Festi- val! It is a blessing to have such a great community building event every year at this time. God bless you and keep you. Love, Fr. Jon.

7 Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church continued from pg. 6 Church News Chris and Alice worked at McClellan’s for several years where his hard work and menu changes increased profit so much that it caught the attention of a senior store manager in NewYork. Chris was offered a good job and great pay but Chris and Alice decided Augusta was a better place to raise children. In 1953 Chris took advantage of an opportunity to buy a little restaurant on Riverside Drive, the Riverside Restaurant which he and Aliki operated until their retirement in 1988. The original name was slightly altered when the telephone company informed him that people were asking where Christie’s Restaurant was located. The name was changed to Christie’s Riverside Restaurant but usually just called Christie’s. Christos and Aliki worked the restaurant long hours, seven days a week, serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Their success was not only due to hard work, but also the delicious homemade Greek and American food at family friendly prices; the most important ingredients for success at the restaurant were the friendly, outgoing personalities and generosity. Christie’s motto, “Where you are not just a customer, but a friend” was also the way Chris lived his life. Most children would remember Chris telling them if they ate their dinner they could pick out something from the famous candy counter. One employee who worked at Christie’s made several observations, work hard, do it right the first time because you’d just have to do it again, eat quickly because it could get busy really fast and plan to go on a diet because you’ll gain 10 pounds the first month of work. Chris felt his workers should never have to pay for a meal at the restaurant. He did not like to see anyone walk out the door hungry. Upon his retirement Christos enjoyed travelling to Greece, gardening, and especially spending time with his grandchildren. He had a heart of gold and was willing to help anyone in need. Chris was predeceased by his wife of 65 years, Aliki; his twin brother, John and wife, Kalliope, brother Charles and wife, Roketi and former wife, Theresa, sister, Vasiliki and her husband, Vasilis. In his autobiography Chris wrote: “I want my children and grandchildren to know that one of the primary influences in my life was my church. From the first time I stepped back on to Augusta soil in 1945, I became involved in the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church….To me there was nothing more important in my growing years than the church….I gave myself totally to every effort required by the church….I love my church and I love our God for giving me the ability to do the things He called upon me to do.” We extend condolences to his daughter, Theodora C. Karagiannis and her husband, Dr. Emil Karagiannis of Manchester, N.H., his son, Michael A. Karagiannes and his wife, Heath- er, of Augusta; grandchildren, Aliki of Quincy, Mass., Olga Karagiannis of Boston, Mass., and Kristina (Karagiannis) and husband, Michael Ehrenberg of New York City, Alexander, Chris- tos and Nicholas Karagiannes; along with many nieces and nephews here and in Greece. The 40-day Memorial for Chris will be held on September 1, 2019 here at the church during morning Liturgy with a meal to follow in the Church Hall. 8 + May his memory be eternal. continued on pg. 10 September 2019

aint Helen, the mother of Constan- The Elevation of the tine the Great, when she was already ad- Venerable and vanced in years, undertook, in her great Life-Giving Cross piety, the hardships of a journey to Jerusalem in September 14 search of the cross, about the year 325. A temple to Aphrodite had been raised up by the Emperor Hadrian upon Golgotha, to defile and cover with oblivion the place where the saving Passion had been suffered. Helen had the statue of Aphrodite destroyed, and the earth removed, revealing the Tomb of our Lord, and three crosses. Of these, it was believed that one must be that of our Lord, the other two of the thieves crucified with Him; but Saint Helen was at a loss which one might be the Wood of our salvation. At the inspira- tion of Saint Macarius, Archbishop of Jerusalem, a lady of Jerusalem, who was already at the point of death from a certain disease, was brought to touch the crosses, and as soon as she came near to the Cross of our Lord, she was made perfectly whole. Consequently, the precious Cross was lifted on high by Archbishop Macarius of Jerusalem; as he stood on the ambo, and when the people beheld it, they cried out, “Lord have mercy.” It should be noted that after its discovery, a portion of the venerable Cross was taken to Constantinople as a blessing. The rest was left in Jerusalem in the magnificent church built by Saint Helen, until the year 614. At that time, the Persians plundered Palestine and took the Cross to their own country (see Jan. 22, Saint Anastasius the Persian). Late, in the year 628, Emperor Heraclius set out on a military campaign, retrieved the Cross, and after bringing it to Constantinople, himself escorted it back to Jerusalem, where he restored it to its place. Rest from labour. A Fast is observed to- day, whatever day of the week it may be. 9 Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church

Church News 2018 Festival continued from pg. 8 George P. Nichols: 1927-2019 George Peter Nichols of Palm Coast, Fla., formerly of Auburn, Maine, passed away after a long illness on August 11, 2019. George was born in 1927 in Lewiston, the son of Peter Nichols and Thelxy (Rallis) Nichols. He graduated from Lewiston High and then joined the Navy to serve during World War II. He was stationed on the USS Day- ton. Upon return from the service, he attended the Uni- versity of Maine and graduated with a degree in Civil Engineering. During his extensive career as an engineer, he collaborated on many projects with architects, as well as national and local contractors, where he oversaw the construction phase of projects for paper mills, power plants, schools, hospitals and municipal buildings. One of his career highlights was managing the installation of the entire security system at the George H.W. Bush Estate in Kennebunkport, Maine, during Vice-President Bush’s tenure. George was an active and Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in Lewiston, Maine, where he served on the Parish Council for more than 35 years. He donated his services for the architectural design of the current Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in Lewiston, Maine, as well as the supervision of the ongo- ing construction, and served as general contractor. For his service to the community, he was recognized as a recipient of the Diocese Award by Metropolitan Methodios, of the Boston Diocese. George also served as President of the George C. Chase Chapter Order of Ahepa. In Florida, he was a member of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church of St. Augustine. George was also a life-long member of Tranquil Lodge #29 Order of 10 Masons and the Kora Temple Shriners. George lived in September 2019

11 Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church

Church News continued from pg. 10 Auburn for many years with his wife, Cynthia, and two daughters, and eventually re- tired with Cynthia, to Palm Coast, Florida in 1998. He re- mained active until recently, walking, bicycling, playing bridge, and taking care of all of the home needs. He enjoyed spending time with his family. He was a devoted and loving husband, father and grandfa- ther and was always available to those who needed help. He was a kind and gentle per- son whom everyone loved. His sense of humor touched everyone who knew him. We extend our heartfelt sym- pathy to his wife Cynthia (Markos) of 52 years; daugh- ters Kristen Nichols of Boston, Mass., and Elizabeth Nichols Donabedian (John) of Burling- ton, Mass.; grandchildren Kiki and Ty (Kristen); sisters Cleo George of Seal Beach, Calif., and Angela Hill (Alex) of Palm Coast, Fla., sister-in-laws An- gelica (George) Barrett of Cum- berland, and Diana Markos of Old Orchard Beach; along with many nieces and nephews.

12 +May his memory be eternal. September 2019

13 Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church Welcome Home, Ted Mihalakis Contributed by Peter Mars

For Ted Mihalakis, the words ‘Welcome Home’ hold more than one meaning. Since the early 1990’s Ted has not had the opportunity, until earlier this month, to enjoy a true vacation. Just three weeks ago after working every single day, seven days a week, for so many years, was he able to join with some of his family in a journey to his native homeland of Greece. There he was greeted by relatives he had not seen in years with the words ‘Welcome Home.’ According to Ted’s daughter-in-law, Alysha, after an exciting reunion with loved ones, his first priority was to jump into the beautiful, warm, blue water of the Ionian Sea. Not being a swimmer made no difference to him as this was something he had been looking forward to over the past many years. Alysha said that watching Ted’s enjoyment was reminiscent of “Human history is the long a child’s first exposure to the ocean. terrible story of man From the beginning of their arrival at their village, it was a constant catering to the travelers’ every trying to find something need and want by their loving extended family. What other than God could have been the visitors’ every care or concern had been covered by those who were so happy to see their which will make him happy.” family from America. This was truly the first time in Ted’s life that he did not have to worry over the many –C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity requirements of running his restaurant, Winthrop House of Pizza. The only thing missing from making this the perfect trip would have been the accompaniment of the love of his life, Despina, who had been welcomed home in her new life with Christ three years ago this Dial-A-Greek Pastry past July. All of their hard work had been in building is Coming a successful business for the benefit of their children. November 17, 2019 As such, much of what transpired was the formation of wonderful young people whose eventual ethics were Look for announcents in November. Be based on their parents’ teachings. The rewards through ready to tell your friends & get their order hard work and, more importantly, dedication to the in for all those sweet treats. Greek Orthodox faith and many gifts to the church, as well as to people in need, were important to Ted and Despina. Their generous charity, a reflection of their love of God and compassion for His people, is evident. Welcome home, Ted! 14 September 2019

T H E L E W I S T O N - A U B U R N


* O PE N I N G N I G H T * T H U R S DAY, S E PTE M B E R 5 4 : 0 0 -8 : 0 0 PM • G Y R O S + B A K L A V A O N LY • T A V E R N A - B e e r a n d w i n e • G R E E K D A N C E L E S S O N S 5 p m , 6 p m , 7 p m

F R I DAY, S E PT 6 - S AT U R DAY, S E PT 7 * F U L L FE S T I VA L DAYS * 1 1 : 0 0 A M -9 : 0 0 PM

• F O O D T E N T - F U L L M E N U • T A V E R N A • P A S T R I E S / B R E A D S • T R E A S U R E T R O V E • C H U R C H T O U R S • G R E E K M E R C H A N D I S E • R A F F L E - F o o d B a s k e t , F r a m e d A n c i e n t B i b l i c a l C o i n

H o l y Tr i n i t y G r e e k O r t h o d o x C h u r c h 1 5 5 H o g a n R d , L e w i s t o n , M E ( 2 0 7 ) 7 8 3 - 6 7 9 5

15 Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church

16 September 2019 Saints Faith, Hope, and he story of a second-century Roman Charity and their mother who sacrificed herself and her Mother Sophia three children in the name of Jesus Christ is September 17 not the often repeated family tale, principally because it is anything but a bedtime story, which for sheer horror is unsurpassed even in the imaginations of today’s writers of grisly screen scenarios. It would be far better to tell of the family delights and Christian fidelity and to mention in passing that they were put to death for their faith, but the stark truth has to be faced to underscore the depth of belief in the Saviour. The spiritual attainment of this alone is positive proof that Christianity transcends every aspect of human life to focus on the eternity of the soul. The mother of this rare family bore the classical Greek name of Sophia, her three daughters bear the familiar Anglicized names of Faith (Pisti), Hope (Elpitha), and Charity (Agapi). This quartet of frail females stood up to the brutal might of fellow man emerging into the light to convert Rome at a time when a mere whisper of dissent others, who perceived the glow of happiness could mean death to a Roman citizen, Christian which was not to be found in the pagan or pagan. Sophia was a widow under whose temples nor in the company of those who loving care her three daughters acquired a poise shared their spiritual darkness. Fate decreed and Christian virtue looked upon with respect that this blessed family would be called by the village which they left for the more upon to assert their faith in an incredibly rewarding city life of Rome, the Eternal City. monstrous test of Christian endurance. Sophia and her three lovely little girls milled The Emperor Hadrian did not share about unobtrusively in the teeming city, but in the the majority view that Christianity was Christian community that gathered in candlelight a harmless form of worship practiced by in the catacombs to worship the Messiah, they patriotic Romans, but looked upon them became highly respected figures, the children as enemies of the state whose Kingdom of all the more so because of their display of deep Heaven sought to displace his authority. He devotion to the Saviour and to their mother. In instituted a sweeping wave of persecution the dark recesses of the subterranean shelters, the with an army of operatives infiltrating all family drew themselves closer to God and to their 17 Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church

Saints Hope… continued from pg. 17 sections of the city, spinning a giant web, which caught up with Sophia and her children. Not even the most hardened pagans anticipated that three girls, aged twelve, ten and nine respectively, would be punished for what could be construed as the offense of the mother. The magistrate Antiochos on the other hand saw in the arrest of the entire family an opportunity to wrest from the mother a disavowal of Christ rather than allow her flesh and blood to be punished. Sophia and her three daughters appeared as a group before the judgment of the pagan court which offered to release the entire family providing that the mother would deny the Saviour and raise her children as pagans. “Never confuse the person, All three daughters looked up to formed in the image of God, their mother to assure her that they with the evil that is in him: would remain as steadfast Christians with her and that she should feel no because evil is but guilt should they be put to death. a chance misfortune, The agonized Sophia was torn a devilish reverie. between the love for her children and the love for Jesus Christ. She turned to the court to plead that her children But the very essence be released, and they could inflict of the person is their tortures upon her. In a chorus of the image of God, small voices that would have melted the hardest of hearts, the youngsters and this remains in him cried out to their mother that they despite every disfigurement.” would rather join her in death to be continued on pg. 19 18 ~St. John of Kronstadt September 2019

Saints Hope… cont’d from pg. 17 Stewardship 2019 reunited in the Kingdom of Weekly IncomeBar Graph of Weekly Income 2019 Graph as of May 26 $10,000.00

God than to remain behind $9,000.00 On 5/26/19 without her. Sophia’s glance $8,000.00 took in $1649.00 $7,000.00 at the magistrate told her Weekly amount with full needed $2445.48 $6,000.00 time priest Dollars the next move was his. $5,000.00 Using $20K Dividends and $14K Capital Accounts $4,000.00

Incredibly the magistrate $3,000.00 Weekly amount with full

$2,000.00 time priest Using $20K was unmoved and ordered the Dividends and $24K Capital $1,000.00 first of the girls, Faith, to be Account. $- 12/22/18 01/22/19 02/22/19 03/22/19 04/22/19 05/22/19 06/22/19 07/22/19 08/22/19 09/22/19 10/22/19 11/22/19 12/22/19 put to torture before the eyes Sunday - date of income May 26 May

Weekly Amount received of her mother. When this failed Yearly BudgetWeekly Financial Requirements - Using Dividends($20K) and Capital Account($24K) 52weeks x 2445.48 = $127,164.96 Weekly Financial Requirements - Dividends ($20K) and Capital Account ($14K) to bring the mother to pleas for Amount has been readjusted due changing financial requirements mercy but instead the praises of the Lord, Faith was put to 100% Stewardship 2019 the sword. Hope followed her 90% sister in death, as did her sister 80% Budgeted $127,164.96 Charity, three innocents whose 70% horrified mother was dragged Stewardship Collected 60% to the side of their bodies, over as of May 26, 2019 which she continued to pray 50% Percent to Goal as she herself also died for the 40% Collected 32.9% Lord. The commemoration 30% ($6939.59 in the RED) we have gone through 2/5 of the year of these sweet saints on 20% September 17th has an 10% For the last few months added solemnity when their 0% The collection met the weekly budget complete story is unfolded. 5/19 times From “Orthodox Saints” Vol. 2 by Fr As shown by the graph above. George Poulos, Holy Cross Orthodox Press

If you wish to have a memorialMemorials in the bulletin, please see D. LeGloahec or eMail to:[email protected]. Listed below is the name and the last bulletin.

Amfilo...... 12/2019 Pelletier...... Perpetual S. & A Bournakel...... 12/2019 Karvelas...... 12/2019 Samson...... Perpetual C. Bournakel...... 12/2019 Kesaris...... Perpetual Taxiarchis...... Perpetual Goranites...... Perpetual Kleros...... Perpetual Vlacheas (2)...... 12/2019 Hildreth...... Perpetual Margarones...... Perpetual James...... Perpetual Merkouis...... Perpetual 19 Karagiannes...... 12/2018 Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church MEMORIALS

In Memory of In Memory of Theodore & Ervin & Virginia Elizabeth Kleros Pelletier

May their memories be eternal May their memories be eternal

In Memory of In Memory of Mary James & Mary Samson Goranites

May her memory be eternal May their memories be eternal

In Memory of John In Memory of Margarones Lewis Kesaris

May his memory be eternal May his memory be eternal

In Memory of In Memory of Anthe Steve & James Loretta Karvelas May her memory be eternal May their memories be eternal

In Memory of In Memory of Nicholas Georgia & Evridice Taxiarchis Merkouris May their memories 20 May her memory be eternal be eternal September 2019 MEMORIALS In Memory of In Memory of Spero & Jennie Mary Vlacheas Vlacheas May her memory be eternal May their memories be eternal

In Memory of In Memory of Michel Prouchinsky Sophia Amfilio May his memory be eternal May her memory be eternal

In Memory of In Memory of John & Viola Chirstopher & Margarones Ethel Markos May their memories be eternal May their memories be eternal

In Memory of In Memory of Aliki Karagiannes Peter & Thelxy Nichols May her memory be eternal May their memories be eternal

In Memory of In Memory of Spiro & Antigone Charles Bournakel Bournakel

May his memory be eternal May their memories be eternal

In Memory of In Memory of Those slain in Bessie Virgina Beach Hildreth

May their memories be eternal May her memory be eternal 21 Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church * GREEK DINNER DANCE Greek and American Dancing Everyone welcome!

Saturday, October 12, 2019 6 to 11 p.m. Fireside Inn & Suites 81 Riverside Street, Portland, ME 04103

Music by Angelo Sotiropoulos $40/Adult $12/Children under 12

Tickets: Demos 207-799-6485 Sophia 207-284-7435 Joanna [email protected]

SPONSORED BY Hellenic Society Paideia of Maine

* NO TICKETS SOLD AT THE DOOR 22 ALWAYS A SELL OUT – BUY TICKETS EARLY! September 2019 September Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat

Begin1 of Ecclesi- 2 3 4 5 6 7 astical Year Orthros 9:00 AM Liturgy 10:00 AM Festival

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Nativity of the Men’s Breakfast Theotokos 7:30 AM Orthros 9:00 AM Liturgy 10:00 AM

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Sunday After the Holy Cross Orthros 9:00 AM Liturgy 10:00 AM Parish General Assembly Council 6:30 PM

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Vesperal Liturgy 1st Sunday of Catechism 6:30 Thomas the Luke Apostle 6:30 PM Orthros 9:00 AM Liturgy 10:00 AM

29 30 2nd Sunday of Luke Catechism 6:30 Orthros 9:00 AM Liturgy 10:00 AM

Memorials Cost in the Bulletin 2 Months...... $20.00 1 Year ...... $110.00 Perpetual (No Expiration) ..$1000.00

If you need Koliva (wheat) for a memorial, please contact the Ladies Society who will prepare it. There is no cost.

23 Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church

T H E L E W I S T O N - A U B U R N


* O PE N I N G N I G H T * T H U R S DAY, S E PTE M B E R 5 4 : 0 0 -8 : 0 0 PM • G Y R O S + B A K L A V A O N LY • T A V E R N A - B e e r a n d w i n e • G R E E K D A N C E L E S S O N S 5 p m , 6 p m , 7 p m

F R I DAY, S E PT 6 - S AT U R DAY, S E PT 7 * F U L L FE S T I VA L DAYS * 1 1 : 0 0 A M -9 : 0 0 PM

• F O O D T E N T - F U L L M E N U • T A V E R N A • P A S T R I E S / B R E A D S • T R E A S U R E T R O V E • C H U R C H T O U R S • G R E E K M E R C H A N D I S E • R A F F L E - F o o d B a s k e t , F r a m e d A n c i e n t B i b l i c a l C o i n

From:H o l y Tr i n i t y G r e e k O r t h o d o x C h u r c h Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church P.O. Box 1344 1551 5 5 H oHgano Rgoada n R d , L e w i s t o n , M E Lewiston, ME 04243-1344( 2 0 7 ) 7 8 3 - 6 7 9 5
