ST. ANTHONY HOLY MASS SCHEDULE Saturday (Traditional Latin Mass) …………….....9:00 am Saturday (Sunday Liturgy) ……………………....5:00 pm Sunday 9:00am, 11:00am, 1:00pm (Spanish), Monday Communion Service……………….…....6:30 pm September 29, 2019 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday …..…..7:30 am Friday (when school is in session) …….…..……. 8:15 am

SUMMER CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Diocese of Charleston Monday–Thursday …………..…….…..8:00 am - 4:00 pm Most Rev. Robert E. Guglielmone SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION CLERGY Saturday……..4:00 - 4:45 pm and available upon request.

Rev. Robert E. Morey, Pastor SACRAMENT OF HOLY MATRIMONY [email protected] Arrangements must be made six months in advance. Reginald A.T. Armstrong, Woodall, Jr., Deacon SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Bruce A. Fortnum, Ph.D., Deacon Parents must be registered and active members of the Par- ish and attend one class before the child is baptized. CONTACT INFORMATION Please call the Church Office to register for the next class Church Office.. 843-662-5674……….Fax..843-662-4800 to be held on September 29th at 8:00 am in classroom A. Rectory ……………………………………843-665-5853 MISSION STATEMENT Deacon Armstrong……………………..….843-615-5639 As a community of faith, we the members of St. St. Anthony School Anthony Parish are committed to follow Jesus Christ Faith, Family, Knowledge, Service through prayer and the sacraments, the study of His Word, Grades 3K - 8……………………………...843-662-1910 the teachings of His Church, Evangelization, and through reaching out in service to our fellow human beings, pa- 2536 West Hoffmeyer Road, Florence, SC 29501 rishioners and non-parishioners, with love, respect, and P.O. Box 5327, Florence, SC 29502 support. Church and School Website TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SEPTEMBER 29, 2019


Parish Secretary, Andrea Foyle ...... 662-5674 [email protected] Parish Business Administrator, Dixie Coats ...... 662-5674 Pastoral Facilitator, Regina Arde………………...…..662-5674 DRE, Rae Anne MalvaGomes ...... 662-5674 Music Director, Kevin Verbe ...... 662-5674 Sunday Baptism class 8 am Youth Ministers, Lyn and Richard O’Donnell .... 843-245-0813 29 Scout Sunday 11 am Mass Hispanic Ministry Facilitators, No CYO Alex Villalobos & Moraima Romero ...... 662-5674 ext. 227 School Principal, Kristine Galemmo ...... 662-1910 Tuesday Men’s Club meeting 7 pm School Financial Secretary, Ann O’Donnell ...... 662-1910 1 School Board Chairwoman, Kathleen Mazick ...... 662-1910

Wed. Gymnastics 3:30 pm 2 CCD dinner 5:15 - 5:35 pm PARISH ORGANIZATIONS/COMMITTEES CCD class 5:45 - 7 pm Adoration Coordinator, Georgette Falcone ...... 665-2716 Bible Study 6 pm Altar Cloths, Regina Arde ...... 292-8574 Hispanic Prayer Group 6 pm Altar Servers, Calvin Duncan ...... 250-4774 RCIA 7:15 pm American Heritage Girls, Suzanna Linton………….. 496-5089 Choir practice 7:00 pm Bible Study, Wed. am - Dcn. Bruce Fortnum...... 662-5674 Wed. pm - Mike Hill…………………...601-0269 CYO, Lyn and Richard O’Donnell ...... 843-245-0813 Thurs. Prayer Shawl 1 pm Disaster Relief Committee, Kevin Casper ...... 662-5674 3 American Heritage Girls 4 pm Embrace Your Neighbor…………………………...... 662-5674 Ecumenical Committee, Marjorie Busscher ...... 667-0859 Friday Blessing of the Animals 2:30 pm Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, 4 Julie Manley ...... 667-0040 Knights of Columbus, Mike Hill ……………..……..601-0269 Saturday First Saturday Latin Mass with Marian Devo- Lectors, Rick Richey……………………...…… 843-621-1457 5 tions and Benediction 9 am Little Rock Bible Study, Warren Busscher ...... 667-0859 Spanish Baptism Class 10 am Meals on Wheels, Robin and Michael Tange…...843-260-4735 Ministers of Consolation Sunday Men’s Club Breakfast 10 am Regina Arde ...... 292-8574 6 CYO 5:30 pm Theresa Efferson...... 346-4661 Ministers of Hospitality (Ushers), Steve Srutkowski ...... 317-1802 Monday Trail Life 6:30 pm in classroom A Parking Lot Mission ...... 662-5674 7 Escuela de Fe 7 pm in 8th grade classroom Pastoral Council, Don Manley……………………….667-0040 Prayer Shawl Ministry, Carol Germain ...... 667-9702 Right to Life Committee ...... 662-5674 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), Dcn. Regi Armstrong ...... 662-5674 Senior Ministry, Noreen McFann ...... 409-7097 Sick & Homebound Ministry, Dcn. Bruce Fortnum ... 662-5674 St. Anthony Men’s Club, Doug Amon ...... 843-861-4586 Trail Life USA Troop 0490, Dcn. Woodall……..…...662-5674 Transportation Minister, Vincent Rolland ...... 615-1654 Women of St. Anthony, Silvia Jeanton……….....718-581-6844 Young at Heart, Noreen McFann ...... 409-7097 St. Anthony School is currently accepting resumes for the 4th grade teaching position. To be considered, please email a letter of intent and resume to Mrs. Kristine Galemmo at [email protected]. Can- didate must have a current teaching certification and prior teaching experience preferred.


Today’s Meditation

If you saw someone dead come to life tomorrow, what would you change about your life? Would you say “nothing”? That’s what Jesus seems to hope. After all, we already know what to do. In this Sunday’s Gospel, a rich man and a poor man pass away, the former to damnation and the latter to peaceful rest alongside the Jewish . The rich man asks if the poor man can appear to his brothers and advise them to live a more virtuous life. The parable offers a strong rebuke: “They have and the prophets. Let them listen to them.” In other words, they should already know what to do.

We, too, know what to do. More than Moses, Jesus Christ himself has spoken, and continues to speak through his Church. The rich man did not heed the wise words, despite knowing them. If we are convicted against certain Christian teachings in our heart, how much good will miraculous “proofs” do? We know more than the law and the prophets — we know the prophetic law of love proclaimed by Jesus Christ. Are we living like we believe it?

Where in our lives are we like the rich man? Do we know how to treat the poor but still we ignore them in our excess? Do we know the third commandment, but the Sunday liturgy feels “optional” when other weekend commitments arise? Have we heard Christ’s teachings on sexuality, but consider them out of reach for us? We have received a great many truths as Christian people. We are blessed by God with the sacraments and the abundance of His graces. We have what we need — in Him — to begin to live a virtuous life now. ©LPi

Lord, Hear Our Prayer Thank you for your generosity.

Please help ILLNESS: Hsin Yi Armstrong, Pete Offertory This Year Last Year to keep this August $36,083.00 $41,018.00 Balotti, Cadian Benabdallah, Joe Bibbo, list updated. Gregorio Binuya, Paz Binuya, John Parish repairs $ 1,610.00 $ 1,802.00 $ 777.20 $ 187.55 Blackwell, Patricia Bolton, Mary Brandis, Reed Brandis, Catholic School Martyna Brodecka, William Otis Buyck, Roselyn Assumption $ 2,806.00 $ 2,318.00 Miscellany $ 615.00 $ 700.00 Collins, Aidan Creech, Jean Cutler, Dorota Czarnocki, Irene Darden, Bunnie Dezinno, Mary Jo Dudgeon, Geor- Capital Campaign income for August - $17,138.94 gette Falcone, Bonnie Gensel, Johnny Guerriero, John The second collection this week is for Hanna, Donna Hatchell, Dan & Marge Henry, Clare and the Bishop’s Annual Appeal. William Jann, Sylvia Jeanton, Judy Jones, Rose Mary Next week it is for parish repairs and renovations. Kozacki, James Lavia, grandson of James Lavia, Kathy Lewis, Judy Lin, Jones Lockhart, Anthony Mancini, Jr., THE TRADITIONAL LATIN MASS Mary Lou Martinez, Terry Matthews, James Mazick, Lisa McLeod, Keith McKervery, Lois McKervey, Rich- This, the Extraordinary Form of the Holy Mass, will be of- ard Mitchell, Ann S. Nichols, George Nichols, Sydney fered each Saturday at 9:00 am, unless announced otherwise. Using the 1962 Roman Missal, Father will offer the Low O’Donnell, Dottie Parsons, Barbara Powell, Johnny Mass in Dialogue format. The congregation may join in some Powell, Joan Ratchko, Kathleen Schafer, Antoni Szczaw- responses. The readings will be read aloud in Latin and re- inski, Peg Tallon, Linda Tarte, Ralph and Betty Taylor, peated in English. Missalettes are available. Greg Werner, John Zelenka

HOMEBOUND: Mary Brandis IF YOU NEED A PRIEST... If you are sick, hospitalized, or homebound and you NURSING HOME / ASSISTED LIVING: need a priest, please call! Hospitals will not give out Joyce Gingras, Ann Harrison, Linda Holloway, Betty patient information; therefore, we have no way of know- Scaturro ing your needs. If you would like Communion or a visit, MILITARY SERVICE: you must notify the Church Office. Please arrange to Edward Olszanowski, Jr., Andrew and Kacie Anderson, receive the Anointing of the Sick before a scheduled pro- James W. Horahan, Sarah Casper Naletelich, Evan cedure by contacting the Parish Office at 662-5674 or Souchet, John P. O’Donnell, Brad Linton the Pastor at 665-5853. After the Holy Mass is a good time to request anointing.

TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SEPTEMBER 29, 2019 Holy Mass Schedule and Intentions Change for Our Babies Campaign

The Women of St. Anthony will hand out baby bot- th th tles at all Masses the weekends of October 5 & 6 MONDAY, September 30 & October 12th & 13th to all parishioners who are 6:30 pm Communion Service willing to fill & return them with their spare change. TUESDAY, October 1 If you would like to make a donation by check, 7:30 am Mary Griffith please make your check payable to Lighthouse Ministries. WEDNESDAY, October 2 7:30 am Reba Ellwanger Every filled bottle is a gift that helps prevent

THURSDAY, October 3 child abuse and neglect through Lighthouse 7:30 am Bill Bennett Ministries Working Mothers Education and Sup- port Program. FRIDAY, October 4 7:30 am Brad Linton Special Intention Baby bottles must be returned no later than the th th 8:15 am Bill Bennett weekend of October 26 & 27 , 2019. Bottles can be returned to the Parish Office if more SATURDAY, October 5 convenient. 9:00 am Fr. Michael Thank you for your support! Ordination Anniversary .Latin Mass 5:00 pm Eugene Griebel

SUNDAY, October 6 9:00 am Doreen Tinker 11:00 am Deceased members of the Bogdanowicz family. 1:00 pm For the parish Spanish Mass LIFE CHAIN is a silent prayer vigil by Christians to communicate their opposition to abortion. Participants prayerfully display uniform signs (provided at the site) We pray for the repose of the soul of which state the truth about abortion. It is an opportunity Mary Pat Morris, for local churches to unite in prayer and stand for the mother of Kristine Galemmo. rights of the unborn. Everyone who believes in the pro- tection of unborn children and their mothers is invited to participate.

Readings for the Week LIFE CHAIN is observed throughout the U.S. and Can- ada. This is not a political event. This year the event is Readings for the week of September 29, 2019 on Oct. 6th. Sunday: Am 6:1a, 4-7/Ps 146:7, 8-9, 9-10 [1b]/1 Tm 6:11-16/ Lk 16:19-31 LOCAL LIFE CHAINS Monday: Zec 8:1-8/Ps 102:16-18, 19-21, 29 and 22-23 Sumter: Meet at the Gateway Plaza sign in the1300 block [17]/Lk 9:46-50 of Broad Street to pick up a sign by 2:15 pm. The Chain is Tuesday: Zec 8:20-23/Ps 87:1b-3, 4-5, 6-7 [Zec 8:23]/Lk 9:51-56 from 2:30 to 3:30 pm. Wednesday: Neh 2:1-8/Ps 137:1-2, 3, 4-5, 6 [6ab]/Mt 18:1-5, 10 Hartsville: Meet at St. Mary’s at 12:30 pm at 363 N. 5th Thursday: Neh 8:1-4a, 5-6, 7b-12/Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 11 [9ab]/Lk 10:1-12 St. Chain from 1-2 pm at the corner of 5th and Home Ave. Friday: Bar 1:15-22/Ps 79:1b-2, 3-5, 8, 9 [9]/Lk 10:13-16 Saturday: Bar 4:5-12, 27-29/Ps 69:33-35, 36-37 [34]/Lk 10:17-24 Next Sunday: Hb 1:2-3; 2:2-4/Ps 95:1-2, 6-7, 8-9 [8]/2 Tm 1:6-8, 13-14/Lk 17:5-10 The Blessing of the Animals in honor of St. will be Observances for the week of September 29, 2019 Sunday: 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time on Friday, Oct. 4th at 2:30 pm Monday: St. , Priest & Tuesday: St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus, & Doctor of in front of the church. the Church Wednesday: The Holy Guardian Angels This is a church and school event. Friday: St. Francis of Assisi


To begin our school year, Father Morey led a Eucharistic The St. Anthony House System procession through our school blessing each room. Stu- dents knelt as He entered each classroom. Father Morey does this each year after our first Fall school Mass. This a beautiful way to begin a blessed school

Blessing of Our School

Students learn to work hard individually for the good of their house, along with working as a house team. Our house system encourages teamwork, friendship, coopera- tion and leadership. This year, considering our theme, “Making Known God’s Goodness,” our Houses will be focusing on service projects. Our students will be putting their Faith into Action.

We kicked off the year by hosting our first Come Back to Give Back event. It was a wonderful opportunity to build our community.


Welcome Visitors! REGULAR PARISH EVENTS Interested in becoming a New Parishioner?

Please take a moment and fill out this form. You can AMERICAN HERITAGE GIRLS meet on the first either drop it into the collection basket, bring it to our and third Thursdays of the month from 4-5:30 pm in parish office, or mail it to us. Classroom A from September to May.

We offer several ways to familiarize yourself with BIBLE STUDY classes meet on Wednesdays from your new community: a welcome packet (yes/no), 9:30-11:30 am in classroom A and at 6:00 pm in the giving you a call ____ (yes/no), or taking a tour of the gathering area of the Church. Classes are from parish school and/or church ____ (yes/no)? September to May.

Would you like your new home to be blessed? BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP If you have ______yes ______no suffered the loss of a loved one, this group may be able to help you through their camaraderie. Meetings are Please print: the second Tuesday of each month in Classroom A at 1 Name______pm. Address ______CATHOLIC YOUTH ORGANIZATION - Meetings City______Zip ______are on Sundays from 5:30-7 pm in the family center Phone number______from September through May. Best time to call ______Email address EMBRACE YOUR NEIGHBOR - Call the office if ______you would like to assist this hospitality ministry.

Welcome! We JOYFULLY look forward to meeting KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 5194 meet you and being your neighbors. at St. Anne’s or St. Anthony’s the second Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm. For more information contact Mike Hill at 843-601-0269.

FAITH AND TECHNOLOGY LEGION OF MARY meets Wednesdays at 7:30 am at St. Anne. Call Pat Srutkowski at 843-317-1802.

ST. ANTHONY PARISH APP As of September 30th, PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY (Knitting and Our Sunday Visitor will be discontinuing the Parish App. Crocheting) meets every Thursday from 1:00 - 3:30 This is due to a change in federal policies. pm in Classroom A. Items for the sick or for new arrivals are available by calling Carol Germain at 843- GET FORMED Every parishioner has 24/7 access to 667-9702. the best Catholic content on any device, including your computer, smartphone and tablet with internet access. SENIOR’S BINGO will meet in Classroom A on the Go to and enter Parish Code: second Wednesday of the month at 1:00 pm. For more E3MV87 information contact Noreen at 409-7097

ONLINE GIVING Sign up by visiting our parish web- TRAIL LIFE USA meets on the first and third site at and select the Online Giv- Mondays from 6-8 pm. Call Dcn. Mike Woodall at ing link. Our TEXT-TO-GIVE number is 843-547-5004. 843-662-5674. Meetings are from September to May.

LIGHTHOUSE CATHOLIC MEDIA There are lots of CDs to choose from in the kiosks in the gathering area WOMEN OF ST. ANTHONY meet the second and the church office. Suggested donation is $4 per CD. Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm.

YOUNG AT HEART meets at 11:30 am on the third Wednesday of the month at Stefano’s restaurant.


Leave the needless activity and pointless thoughts of the MEDITACION DEL EVANGELIO day and seek God in the silence. It is there that you will ¿A quién servimos; a Dios o al Dinero? Se preguntaba al escu- hear His Voice. God, in the Person of Jesus Christ, char el Evangelio de la semana pasada. Ahora vienen los ejem- awaits you in the silence of the Blessed Sacrament. If plos en las lecturas de la liturgia de hoy, más claras y concre- you are thinking about going to the chapel for the first tas para un compromiso al cambio de vida. La lectura del pro- time for adoration or considering committing to an hour feta Amós dice lo siguiente al pueblo de Israel: “Tendidos en sus camas de marfil o arrellanados sobre sus sofás, comen a week, it is Jesus who is calling you. Don’t hesitate in corderitos del rebaño.” (Amós 6:4). Una buena respuesta vie- your response. ne de la 1o Carta de Timoteo: “Pero tú, hombre de Dios, huye

Our Adoration Chapel is open from 6 am to Midnight. de todo eso…vive con fe y amor, constancia y bondad.” (1de Timoteo 6:11). ¿Qué se puede aprender de estas lecturas? Son

Always revere the Sacred Silence in church and chapel. tan claras como el agua que bebemos. La riqueza no es mala; lo malo es no compartirla con los necesitados. Y no se trata Christ wants all to know His peace. solo de dinero, sino del tiempo de calidad, sonrisas, abrazos y decir un te quiero te necesito a la esposa y a los hijos y vice- versa la esposa a su esposo.

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 5194 and El Evangelio, con la parábola del rico y Lázaro, cae con toda ST. ANTHONY MEN’S CLUB la sabiduría y compasión de Dios hacía Lázaro; pobre huma- Golf Tournament namente hablando, pero rico al poseer a Dios en su vida. Fre- November 9, 2019 cuentemente, la persona se ciega a las necesidades de otros, a los que sufren dolor físico o espiritual. La Santa Madre Teresa Traces Golf Course de Calcuta decía sobre el sufrimiento lo siguiente: “Nuestros

Entry fee is $75 per player and it includes golf, cart, sufrimientos son caricias bondadosas de Dios, llamándonos para que nos volvamos a Él, y para hacernos reconocer que range balls, Milligan package, beverages on the course no somos nosotros los que controlamos nuestras vidas, sino and lunch. Entry Deadline is November 1st que es Dios quien tiene el control, y podemos confiar plena-

mente en Él.” ©LPi. Prizes for 1st place team and closest to the pin on two holes

Hole Sponsorship - $250 HORARIO DE LA OFICINA Contact Fran Barcomb 843-292-8986 LA OFICINA ESTÁ ABIERTA LOS MIÉRCOLES DE 5:00- A 6:00 PM Y LOS DOMINGOS DE 12:30 A 4:00 PM [email protected] CLASES PRE-BAUTISMALES EL PRIMER SÁBADO DEL MES A LAS 10:00 AM Y LOS BAUTISMOS “An Enchanted Evening” CADA TERCER SÁBADO DEL MES A LAS 11:00 AM. Saturday, October 5th - 6-11 pm Florence Country Club - Tickets $85 REQUISITOS PARA CUALQUIER SERVICIO: Cocktail Hour, Dinner, Silent and Live Auctions SI TIENE PLANEADO HACER UN BAUTIZO, Music by Palmetto Grove Band PRESENTACIÓN DE UN NIÑO O UNA Proceeds benefit St. Anne, Florence building fund QUINCEAÑERA ACÉRQUESE A LA IGLESIA POR LO For more information, please call 843-758-4719 MENOS DOS MESES ANTES PARA QUE LLENE TODOS LOS REQUISITOS QUE LA IGLESIA LE In this diocese, all adults who work with children must satisfy EXIGE. Y PARA LAS BODAS SE REQUIERE SEIS the following requirements: MESES DE ANTICIPACIÓN. -Bautizo: (registro de nacimiento y los padrinos deben ser

-Consent to a background screening by Law solteros o pareja casada por la iglesia) Enforcement -Quinceanera:( haber terminado los dos años de preparación -Complete the Safe Haven—It’s Up To You Online Adult para confirmación. Education Program -Bodas: Registro de bautismo, Primera Comunión y -Adhere to the Diocese of Charleston Code of Conduct Confirmación (seis meses de vigencia). (This document is available in Church office, School Office, Church Library, DRE office & ENTRONIZACIÓN El Sacerdote está proporcionando a online at los feligreses de la Sagrada Familia la oportunidad de tener -Read and acknowledge the Diocese of Charleston sus hogares bendecido con el imagen del Sagrado Corazón Sexual Abuse Policy and Procedures. de Jesús y Inmaculado Corazón de María. Si usted está interesado participar en esta inmensa gracia para usted y su The Victim Assistance Coordinator for this diocese is Louisa Storen, LISW. She is available to anyone who needs familia, por favor llame al Moraima Romero 843-662-5674 her assistance. 843-856-0748 or 1-800-921-8122 extensión 227.

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