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Roses have thorns! The Haqq too has thorns! “We strike SUBSCRIPTION RATES (2015) baatil with the TWELVE ISSUES South Africa ................…...................... R30 Haqq. Then it Neighbouring States ….......................... $15 crushes the All Other Countries .............................. $20 brains of baatil.” (Qur’aan) “Most of the munaafiqeen of my Ummah are its qaaris.” (Hadith) UESTION Assaal- brate then it begins to say correct, it is improper to and were ruined in bid’ah spend a few minutes in amu alykum wa- ALLAH ALLAH itself all prescribe it for a beginner. and self-conceit with the- solitude and reflect on QQQ rahmatullahi wa day and all night, then it If the Naqshabandi shaikh se types of acts prescribed Maut and the Qabr. Mu- barakatuhu Mufti Saab I flows with the name of to whom you are connect- by miscreant so-called haasabah is to reflect on have an enquiry about a ALLAH. This is the zikr ed is Zulfiqar Ahmad, ‘shaikhs’. These occult the day’s events – your certain type of zikr. My of the Naqshbandi Silsila then know that he is not a acts are not acts of deeds and statements dur- shaikh who is a shaikh in reliable Shaikh of Ta- ibaadat. They are not ing the day. Reflect on Besides the heart, there the Naqshbandi Silsila sawwuf. He is not a deeds for which there is this and recite Istighfaar. are 6 other points in the prescribed for me mu- staunch upholder of the thawaab (reward). They Do not at this stage be- body known as lataaif, the raqabah, which is to sit in Sunnah. In fact, he fla- are spiritual remedies to come involved in practices same exercise is then solitude with one’s head grantly perpetrates fisq treat ailments. But quacks bordering on the occult. It done on all of these. Can down and to think that and fujoor. It is therefore regard these practices as could be spiritually detri- you shed some light upon nobody is in the world not permissible to be relat- the highest form of mental. this please? Is doing zikr except me and Allah Sub- ed to such a person. You ibaadat. This is bid’ah and on the heart jaaiz? Is it Furthermore, our advice is hanahoo, then to imagine are liable to stray from the dangerous. They prescribe not bid'at? If I start this that you should politely a beam of noor is coming Shariah. such practices for all and will I be doing bid'at? and respectfully sever from the Arsh of Allah sundry. And are the 7 lataaif also A qualified Shaikh of Ta- your relationship with the into the heart, and all rewardable? May Allah sawwuf will first pre- Our advice is that you person who is supposed to evil and filth of the dunya reward you with the best scribe Taubah and empha- should not engage in this be a Naqshabandi shaikh, is being extinguished in the dunya and akhirat. size observance of the type of Muraaqabah. Ra- but who has not as yet from the heart and the Shariah and adoption of ther engage in the Mu- smelt of the frangrance of heart is replying by say- ANSWER the Sunnah. It is improper raaqabah which Naqshabandiyyat, leave ing ALLAH ALLAH AL- The Muraaqbah is correct. and not permissible to in- Rasulullah (sallallahu alone having set foot in LAH, not with the tongue, There are six Lataa-if in volve a beginner in prac- alayhi wasallam) himself the spiritual Path of the but just with the heart. the human body, and ac- tices which have no rela- had prescribed for the en- Naqshabandi Sufi Then after doing this ex- cording to some Auliya tionship with the Sunnah tire Ummah, and that is Tariqah. He is astray and ercise regularly the spir- there are eight. and the Shariah. Many Muraaqabah Maut and itual heart begins to vi- (Continued on page 10) While the muraaqabah is people have gone astray Muhaasabah. At night imals. their death, they are still Regardless of anger and living an adulterous life. Besides a word of kufr, the three divorces. Although manding that he writes out how severe it may be, nev- Remember that Talaaq, most dangerous word with her utterance is baseless Talaaq. The moron hus- er utter the word Talaaq. no matter how it is ad- heart-rending consequenc- and the divorce is not val- band, incensed by the in- This word should be elimi- ministered, whether in es is Talaaq. From the in- id, the husband jokingly discretion of the stupid nated from the husband’s anger or love, whether numerable letters we re- said divorce to her three woman of deficient intelli- vocabularly. Every man three in one session or ceive on this issue, we un- times. Immediately there- gence reacted like a wom- who has uttered Talaaq spread over years, is val- derstand that Talaaq is be- after, understanding the an, and in anger wrote out emotionally has regretted. id. Three Talaaqs ut- ing grossly misused on a implications of his utter- three Talaaqs and gave it Some trade their Imaan tered at once are massive scale. The effect ance, he hastened to the to her. As soon as he had by becoming Salafis to THREE divorces, not is irreversible, and the re- Ulama for the fatwa. But it administered the three Ta- ‘benefit’ from the baatil one as the juhala propa- gret is enduring. was too late. Several Ula- laaq, she was shocked, and Salafi view that three Ta- gate. When provoked by the ma confirmed the validity wailed to no avail. Now laaqs are to be considered wife’s indiscretion, the of the three Talaaqs. Now she wants to know why he Even if the wife is in the as one Talaaq, in the way state of haidh or pregnan- husband flaring up with it is worse than a funeral had written the Talaaqs. Christians believe with anger reacts with the utter- in his house. His stupid The brains of people op- cy, Talaaq will be valid their doctrine of trinity – despite it being sinful to ance of Talaaq, and many carelessness has shattered erate in weird ways. When that three gods equal one a time, with THREE Ta- his home and his life. Both husband and wife argue issue Talaaq in these god. Many others who states. Nevertheless, the laaqs to his eternal regret – are crying profusely, but and fall into shaitaan’s lack fear for Allah Ta’ala, a regret which is futile for the damage is irreparable. trap, even the supposedly Talaaq is valid. Further- and who are Muslim by more, even if the word Ta- the damage is irreparable. Talaaq uttered in anger, intelligent man behaves in default, simply live togeth- Just recently a husband love or joke is valid . bizarre ways. He utterly laaq or any of its deriva- er as husband and wife. tives or its translation in and wife whilst engaging Another moron woman debases his intelligence They lead a life of adul- in affectionate play, laugh- in an argument with her and whatever dignity he any language, is uttered tery producing illegitimate without intention, then too ingly uttered three Ta- husband shoved a paper may have. They conduct children. At the time of laaqs. The wife too uttered and pen into his face de- themselves worse than an- the Talaaq is valid. Vol. 23 no. 02 The Majlis Page 2 THE MAJLIS Q & A P.O. BOX 3393 PORT ELIZABETH SOUTH AFRICA 6056 Q. When does a small sin be- Ta’ala to bestow the thawaab of come big? the recital to whomever you wish. A. There is no such thing as a Q. A person leads a comfortable farah amounts may be given to sev- small sin. All sins are big and lia- life. He has a house, vehicle, etc. Q. I have violated about 25 oaths. How should I expiate this sin? eral persons. ble for punishment. The issue of a However, he does not have the A. The expiation (Kaffaarah) for an If a person is genuinely unable sin being ‘small’ is of mere tech- Nisaab of Zakaat. Can I give oath is the price of about 2 kilo- to afford the monetary Kaffaarah, nical import. One sin is ‘small’ in him my Zakaat? grams flour. It is valid to pay the then for one oath he has to fast three relation to another sin. An abusive A. It is not permissible to give the Kaffaarah in cash. But the Kaffaar- consecutive days, i.e. one after the word uttered is ‘small’ in relation person Zakaat. He has ample food ah of one oath must be given to on- after without an in between break. to physically assaulting a person. to eat, clothes to wear and a nice ly one poor Muslim. It may not be It is permissible to pay the Kaf- It comes in the Hadith: “Beware of house and car. Zakaat is the Haqq divided and given to two persons. faarah over a period of time as one regarding sins to be small.” primarily of the Fuqara and Also, on one day, the Kaffaarah of is able to afford. It is not incumbent Q. How long does a person re- Masaakeen. two oaths may not be given to one to pay the Kaffaarah of all the 25 main a faasiq? Q. What is the ruling regarding person. On one day, several Kaf- oaths in a lump sum immediately. A. A person remains a faasiq as kuffaar eating styles (eating with long as he commits fisq, i.e.