6thAPAAPA 6th Edition

Table of Contents

APA General Rules ...... 1 APA Title Page ...... 1 References: General Rules ...... 2 In-Text Citations: General Rules ...... 3 Sections and Headings in a Paper ...... 3 Web Sources...... 4 Web Page: Corporate Author, No Date Web Page: College Web Page: Direct Quote, No Page Numbers Web Document: PDF Report Government Report Twitter Update or Tweet Encyclopedia or Dictionary Entry Encyclopedia or Dictionary Entry: No Author Online Forum/Discussion Group Message Blog Post Journal, Magazine, and Newspaper Articles, from Library Databases or Print Sources ...... 5 Journal Article: One Author Journal Article: One Author, with DOI Journal Article: Two Authors Journal Article: Three to Five Authors Journal Article: Six or Seven Authors Journal Article: Eight or More Authors Journal Articles: Two Articles from Authors with Same Last Name Magazine Article ...... 6 Magazine Article: No Author Published Interview: No Title Newspaper Article: Library Database Newspaper Article: No Author, Library Database Newspaper Article: Print Book Review Dissertation/Thesis SWOT Analysis Articles from RxTx Database Journal, Magazine, Newspaper Articles, from Online Sources ...... 7 Journal Article: without DOI Journal Article: with DOI Journal Article: with Author and No Date Journal Abstract: Online Magazine Article Newspaper Article Newspaper Article: No Author Press Release

i Books ...... 8 One Author Two Authors Three to Five Authors Six or Seven Authors Eight or More Authors Edited Book Chapter in an Edited Book Corporate, Organization, or Agency as the Author Reference Book Encyclopedia Article Two Books by the Same Author

eBooks ...... 9 Electronic Version of a Print Book: DOI Available Electronic Version of a Print Book: No DOI Chapter in an eBook Reference Work: Online, No Author, No Date Audiovisual Media ...... 9 Television Broadcast Television Series, Episode Video Movie YouTube Video ...... 10 TED Talk Music Recording Podcast Image: Online, Basic Format Image: Online, No Author Painting in Online Collection Map: Online Datasets Image: Online, No Author, No Title Personal Communication...... 10 Class Lecture Notes Class Handouts ...... 11 Lecture Notes: Posted to FanshaweOnline PowerPoint Presentation: Posted to FanshaweOnline Supplementary Material ...... 11 Brochure Government Document Report from a Private Organization Map Poster Presentation PowerPoint Presentation: Posted Online Custom Course Materials: Reprinted from Another Source In-Text Citation Examples ...... 12 Short Direct Quote: Two Authors Long Direct Quote: More than 40 Words Paraphrase: More than Six Authors Indirect Source Information Obtained from Two or More Sources Work Designated as Anonymous Online Quote: Page Numbers Unavailable, Use of Paragraph Number Online Quote: Page Numbers Unavailable, Use of Heading and Paragraph Number Interview or Other Personal Communication Citation Use Figures and Tables ...... 13-14

Document created in collaboration with the Learning Centre January 2019 Running head: APA REFERENCES & CITATIONS 1 General Rules • APA (American Psychological Association) style is used for some programs in science disciplines and most programs in social science disciplines. • APA puts an emphasis on a resource’s date of creation. • Times New Roman, size 12 font is used throughout publications (including titles). • Everything is double-spaced (on 8.5 X 11 inch paper). • Margins are 1 inch (2.54 cm) on all sides. • Beginning with the title page, number the pages in the top right corner of each page. • APA uses in-text citations in the body of publications. In addition, it requires a separate reference page. APA Title Page

Shorten the title if it is 1 Running head: COLLEGE STUDENT STRESS over 50 characters Running head instructions: The words “Running head” appear only on the first page. For the rest of the paper, include just the essay name. The name of the essay is in capitals. To format running head and numbering: - Use: Insert >Page number >Top of page >Plain number 1. - Click: Different First Page - Type: Name of essay, tab to move page number to right side

College Student Stress Title of paper

Janice M. Jones Student name

Fanshawe College Institution name

Include other course information as required by instructor

Document created in collaboration with the Learning Centre January 2019 APA REFERENCES & CITATIONS 2 References Page Guidelines The references page, located at the end of the paper, identifies all published sources used in the paper. Style:

• Begin the references list on a new page. Center the title "References" in regular, size 12 font at the top of the page. The header information continues on this page. • Double space between ALL lines. • If a reference entry is two or more lines long, use a hanging indent. In Word, go to the home tab and click on the bottom corner of the Paragraph section and open the Indentation section; go to Special and select Hanging from the dropdown list. Authors: • Alphabetize by last name and include the initial(s) of given name(s): Black, S. E. • If there is no author, use the editor’s name: Jones, L. C. (Ed.). • If neither author nor editor is available, use the source title. • Separate names with commas, and use an ampersand (&) before the last author’s name: Maree, J. M., Johnson, D. M., & McKenzie, C.S.

Dates: • When no publication date is given, use (n.d.) to indicate no date. • For online resources, use retrieval dates only when the source material changes over time (e.g. wikis, and web pages that might be updated frequently). • For monthly publications, include the month in full: (2016, March); for daily publications, include the full date: (2017, May, 5).


• For all source titles, including those from books, chapters, and articles, use sentence case (only the first word of the title, the first word after a colon, and proper nouns (names) are capitalized). • Any referenced items that are part of a larger source (e.g. journal articles, chapters from edited books) appear non-italicized. Stand-alone and larger works (e.g. authored books, PDF documents, the names of journals, the names of newspapers) are italicized. • Note: The exception to the capitalization rule is that the names of periodicals (e.g. journals, magazines, newspapers) follow title case (each major word is capitalized): Journal of Advanced Physics. Places of Publication:

• Include the city and the state/province abbreviation for publishers in Canada/USA: London, ON; Boston, MA. Include the city and country for publishers outside of Canada/USA: Sydney, Australia.

Publishers: • Give the publisher's name in brief, without corporate terms such as Inc., Ltd., Co. or Publishers. • However, retain the words Books and Press. • If the author and publisher are the same, use the word Author as the name of the publisher (see Brochure example on page 11).

DOIs: • Digital Object Identifiers are a code of letters and numbers that uniquely identifies an object. If it is available, include it in the reference. • Examples: doi:10.2113/gssajg.119.1.39 and http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pmatsci.2016.07.002

Document created in collaboration with the Learning Centre January 2019 APA REFERENCES & CITATIONS 3 In-Text Citation Guidelines Each use of source information within a paper requires an in-text citation: (author, year) or (author, year, p.#). All direct quotes (word for word) and paraphrases (ideas put into your own words) must be cited. Paraphrased information: Only the author and year, (Blau, 2014), are necessary for paraphrased citations although the use of page numbers, (Blau, 2014, p.14), is encouraged. Note: The author and year can also be incorporated into your sentences instead of in parentheses (brackets): "In 2014, Blau argued that..." Direct quotations: Cite the author, year, and page number(s): (Blau, 2014, p.14). Use p. for a single page number and pp. for multiple page numbers (if quote continues onto a second page). Direct quotes from electronic sources without page numbers: • If paragraph numbers are visible, use only the abbreviation “para.” and the number. • If there are no visible paragraph numbers and the document has headings, cite the closest heading and the paragraph number counted from the heading: (London Health Sciences Foundation, 2018, New Equipment for Cancer Testing, para. 2). • If the section heading is very long, you can shorten it to the first few words and put it in quotation marks. For example, the title “Impact of Fluoride on School-Aged Children in Rural Northern ” can be shortened in the citation: (Smith, 2018, “Impact of Fluoride,” para. 4). • If there aren’t any headings, just use (author, year, para. #) and count the paragraphs from the main title. Short quotes: Direct quotes shorter than 40 words are embedded in your text; use quotation marks. Long quotes: Direct quotes longer than 40 words do not use quotation marks. They are placed in an indented, double-spaced, block of text (see page 12). If punctuation such as question marks or exclamation points are part of the quote, include them. Authors: • No author: Use an abbreviated version of the work’s title in quotations: (“Ipperwash,” 2015). • 3-5 authors: Include all authors in first in-text citation, then use the first author et al. for subsequent citations: (Jones et al., 2014). • 6 or more authors: Use the first author et al. for all citations right away: (Kim et al., 2018). Dates: If no date is present, use n.d.: (Black, n.d.). Personal Communication (Interviews/Emails/Letters etc.): Personal communications, such as emails, memos and interviews are not included in the reference page because they are not retrievable. However, clearly identify these sources in the body of the paper (see page 12). Sections and Headings in a Paper Section Titles in a Paper: All standard sections of a paper including the abstract, author’s note, title of your paper, references, and appendices are centered and written in regular, title case font (see title example on page 1). Headings in a Paper: Headings are used to further organize a paper. Each heading has a different style to show the paper’s structure. There are 5 levels of heading styles in APA. Begin with the first level and use other levels to subdivide your topic, if needed (see examples below).

Method 1: Centered, Bold, Title Case Participants in Study A 2: Flush-left, Bold, Title Case

Personal background. 3: Indented, Bold, Sentence Case, Period

Social demographics. 4. Indented, Bold, Italics, Sentence Case, Period Formal education. 5. Indented, Italics, Sentence Case, Period

* Heading types 1-2: paragraph begins on line below, indented. * Heading types 3-5: paragraph begins on same line as heading.

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Web Page: Corporate use n.d. if no date listed Authoring agency/author Date accessed Author, No Date Title of web page Note: In the reference, include retrieval date only if you think Canadian Nurses Association. (n.d.). The practice of nursing. Retrieved September content could change over time. 7, 2018 from https://www.cna-aiic.ca/en/nursing-practice/the-practice-of- Note: In the citation, write out the author's name in full and the nursing acronym in square brackets the First in-text citation: (Canadian Nurses Association [CNA], n.d.) first time; then, only use the acronym in subsequent citations. Subsequent citations: (CNA, n.d.) Web Page: College Fanshawe College, Admissions. (n.d.). Tuition & fees. Retrieved August 30, 2018 from Note: The department follows http://www.fanshawec.ca/admissions/tuition-fees the comma after the main institution. In-text citation: (Fanshawe College, Admissions, n.d.) London Health Sciences Foundation. (2018). Donors fuel cancer research breakthroughs Web Page: Direct Quote, No and fund new equipment. Retrieved from https://lhsf.ca/news/donors-fuel- Page Numbers cancer-research-breakthroughs-and-fund-new-equipment Note: Use a subheading (if In-text citation (paraphrase): (London Health Sciences Foundation, 2018) available) and paragraph In-text citation (direct quote): (London Health Sciences Foundation, 2018, New number for a direct quotation. Equipment for Cancer Testing, para. 2) Web Document: PDF Report DelValle, T. B. (2016). Gardening in raised beds. Retrieved from Note: For reports (both online and http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/pdffiles/EP/EP47200.pdf in print), use italics for the title. In-text citation: (DelValle, 2016) Canada, Fisheries and Oceans. (2015). Angler’s guide 2015-2016 (Cat. No. Fs111- Government Report 1/2015E). Retrieved from http://www.nfl.dfo- mpo.gc.ca/NL/AG/ Note: Add the catalogue or anglersguide publication number if given. In-text citation: (Canada, Fisheries & Oceans, 2015) Twitter Update or Tweet Trudeau, J. [JustinTrudeau]. (2018, October 18). On this day in 1929, Canadian women were finally Note: Provide the user’s real name, if recognized as “persons” under the law. Today, we pay tribute to the Famous Five, whose fight for known, before the screen name in square equality helped women take their rightful place in our democracy [Tweet]. Retrieved from https:// brackets. If only the screen name is twitter.com/JustinTrudeau/status/1052893242172301312 known, provide it without brackets. In-text citation: (Trudeau, 2018) Encyclopedia or Dictionary Herrero, S. (2015). Bear attacks. In The Canadian encyclopedia. Retrieved June 5, 2016 Entry from http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en Note: Cite the home page of the reference work. In-text citation: (Herrero, 2015) Encyclopedia or Dictionary Dyslexia. (2017). In Cambridge dictionary. Retrieved January 5, 2017 from Entry: No Author http://dictionary.cambridge.org/ Note: Use quotation marks for title in the in-text citation. In-text citation: (“Dyslexia,” 2017) Online Forum/Discussion ant. (2015, April 27). The religion of climate change [Online forum comment]. Group message Retrieved from http://www.booktalk.org/the-religion-of- climate-change- Note: Use the author’s name or t19593.html screen name. In-text citation: (ant, 2015) Blog Post Allen, T. (2015, May 7). Leaving your comfort zone is not something to avoid [Blog post]. Retrieved from http://tomsbiketrip.com/two- mountain-bike- bothy-adventures-across-the-scottish-highlands/ In-text citation: (Allen, 2015)

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 Use this format for articles from Library Databases or Print Journals/Newspapers  If the periodical uses continuous pagination throughout a particular volume, list only the volume number, not the issue number. If each issue begins with page 1, list the issue number as well.  Articles from Library Databases: it is not necessary to include the “retrieved from URL” information, although it is not incorrect to do so. If available, include DOI (Digital Object Identifier).

Journal Article: 1 Author Last name First initial Publication year Journal name

Blau, J. (2015). Fusing Europe's energy research. Research Technology Management, 58(1), 4-6. Article title (sentence case) Vol. No. in italics Issue Pages No. (if (if present) present) Include a page number for direct quotations; it is optional for paraphrases. In-text citation: (Blau, 2015, p. 5) Journal Article: DOI Kazantsev, E. (2013). Optimal boundary conditions for ORCA-2 model. Ocean Dynamics, 63(8), 943-959. doi:10.1007/s10236-013-0639-8 Note: If available, include Digital Object Identifier (DOI). In-text citation: (Kazantsev, 2013)

Journal Article: 2 Authors Hutson, H., & Schaffer, R. H. (2015). Achievement learning. Journal of Distance Education, 8(4), 45-51. In-text citation: (Hutson & Schaffer, 2015)

Journal Article: 3 to 5 Authors van Tonder, D. M., Fourie, C. S., & Maree, J. M. (2016). Development of a solar desalination plant. South African Journal of Geology, 119(1), 39- 46. doi:10.2113/gssajg.119.1.39 First in-text citation: (van Tonder, Fourie, & Maree, 2016) Subsequent citations: (van Tonder et al., 2016) Journal Article: 6 or 7 Allen, M., Fardo, F., Dietz, M. J., Hillebrandt, H., Friston, K. J., Rees, G., & Roepstorff, Authors A. (2016). Anterior insula coordinates hierarchical processing of tactile Note: The reference includes all mismatch responses. NeuroImage, 127, 34-43. authors; the in-text citation only includes the first author et al. In-text citation: (Allen et al., 2016) Example without issue number Journal Article: 8 or More Pfeufer, A., van Noord, C., Marciante, K. D., Arking, D. E., Larson, M. G., Smith, A. V., Authors . . . Heckbert, S. R. (2010). Genome-wide association study of PR Note: The reference includes the first interval. Nature Genetics, 42(2), 153-159. 6 authors, followed by 3 dots, then the last author’s name; the in-text citation only includes the first author In-text citation: (Pfeufer et al., 2009) et al. Journal Article: 2 Sources Kim, H. & Smith, R. (2016). Industrial Development. Journal of Industry, 5(4), 30-38. with Same Last Name Note: Include the first initial of the Kim, J. & Lee, J. (2014). Optimal operation of green campus based on demand first author in each source in the response. International Journal of Control & Automation, 7(12), 415-424. in-text citations; reference format stays the same. In-text citations: (H. Kim & Smith, 2016) and (J. Kim & Lee, 2014)

Document created in collaboration with the Learning Centre January 2019 APA REFERENCES & CITATIONS 6

Magazine Article Muhlke, C. (2015, April). Working lunch. Bon Appetit, 60(4), 68. In-text citation: (Muhlke, 2015) Magazine Article: No Author Your top shots. (2017, March). Backpacker, 45(2), 78-88. Note: Use a capitalized title in In-text citation: (“Your Top Shots,” 2017, p. 80) quotation marks for the in-text citation. Published Interview: No Title Lamrani, S. (2014). [Interview with Eusebio Leal Spengler]. International Journal of Note: Create a descriptive title in Cuban Studies, 6(2), 127-136. square brackets. In-text citation: (Lamrani, 2014)

Newspaper Article: Nahwegahbow, B. (2015, April). First Nations rally against anti-terrorism legislation. Library Database Windspeaker, 33(1), 7. In-text citation: (Nahwegahbow, 2015)

Newspaper Article: No Ipperwash barrier symbol of tensions. (2015, May 22). London Community News Author, Library database [London, Ontario], 1. Note: The in-text citation uses quotation marks around In-text citation: (“Ipperwash,” 2015) shortened title. Newspaper Article: Print Warmington, J. (2012, January 30). Guilty as charged. , p. A1.

In-text citation: (Warmington, 2012)

Book Review Merkel, J. (2015). Father and son, together and apart [Review of the book Saarinen Houses]. Architectural Record, 203(4), 38. In-text citation: (Merkel, 2015) Dissertation/Thesis Huang, S. (2006). The effects of music on cancer pain (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source. (Order No. 3239633) In-text citation: (Huang, 2006) SWOT Analysis MarketLine (2017, January 9). Marathon Oil Corporation SWOT Analysis,1-9. In-text citation: (MarketLine, 2017) McCormack, D. G. (2016). Asthma in adults. In Canadian Pharmacists Article from RxTx Database Association, RxTx. Retrieved February 21, 2017 from https://www.e- Note: The URL is for the therapeutics.ca/search database’s home search page. In-text citation: (McCormack, 2016)

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 Use this format for articles from Online Sources other than Library databases.  Use the same rules as for articles from Library databases (see above), but also include retrieval information: Retrieved from http://www.etc or DOI  Include DOI (Digital Object Identifier) when available. You do not need a URL if you have a DOI.

Journal Article: Online Majka, C. (2010). Insects attracted to maple sap: Observations from Prince Edward without DOI Island, Canada. ZooKeys, 51, 73-83. Retrieved from http://www.pensoft.net/ In-text citation: (Majka, 2010, p. 75)

Journal Article: Online with Gayner, C., & Kar, K. K. (2016). Recent advances in thermoelectric materials. Progress DOI in Materials Science, 83, 330-382. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pmatsci.2016.07.002

In-text citation: (Gayner & Kar, 2016, p. 360) Journal Article: Online Simmons, B. (n.d.). Using technology. Journal of Distance Education. Retrieved from with Author and No http://www.JDE.com/technologies.on.ca Date In-text citation: (Simmons, n.d.)

Journal Abstract: Online Beuthe, M. (2015). Tides on Europa: The membrane paradigm. Icarus, 248, 109- 134. Abstract retrieved from Astronomy Abstract Service at Note: Use when full text is http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abstract_service.htm not available. In-text citation: (Beuthe, 2015)

Magazine Article: Online Zimmerman, T. (2015, May). Can captive dolphins be returned to the wild? National Geographic. Retrieved from http://www.nationalgeographic.com Note: Give the URL of the magazine’s home page. In-text citation: (Zimmerman, 2015)

Newspaper Article: Online Davidson, J. R. (2015, May 20). How sleep plays a role in depression (and vice versa). The Globe and Mail. Retrieved from http://www.theglobeandmail.com Note: Give the URL of the newspaper’s home page. In-text citation: (Davidson, 2015)

Newspaper Article: Online, Philippines seeks ‘stronger commitment’ from U.S. in South China Sea dispute. (2015, No Author May 25). The Globe and Mail. Retrieved from http://www.theglobeandmail.com Note: The citation uses quotation : (“Philippines,” 2015) marks around shortened title. In-text citation

Press Release Bombardier. (2017, February 3). Bombardier Global Aircraft surpass 2,500 takeoffs and landings in Aspen [Press release]. Retrieved from http://ir.bombardier.com/en/press-releases/press-releases/67410-bombardier- Note: The period comes after the global-aircraft-surpass-2-500-takeoffs-and-landings-in-aspen square brackets describing the title, not in between the two. In-text citation: (Bombardier, 2017)

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BOOKS - In-text citations: Include page numbers for direct quotes “ ”

1 Author Last Name Initials Year of Title of Book Edition (if present) Place of Publication Publication Mason, K.A. (2014). Biology fundamentals: Exploring life (10th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Note: Use pp. in your in-text citation to represent a quote Publisher that spans 2 or more pages. Include page number(s) for direct quote In-text citation: (Mason, 2014, pp. 25-26) 2 Authors Norman, A. W., & Henry, H. L. (2015). Hormones (3rd ed.). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Academic Press. Note: Include the full name of a country outside North America. In-text citation: (Norman & Henry, 2015) 3 to 5 Authors Crossan, M., Rouse, M., Fry, J., & Killing, J. P. (2013). Strategic analysis and Note: Include all authors in the action (8th ed.). Toronto, ON: Pearson. reference and for first in-text citation; in subsequent citations, use the first First in-text citation: (Crossan, Rouse, Fry, & Killing, 2013, p. 32) author’s last name followed by et al. Subsequent in-text citations: (Crossan et al., 2013) 6 or 7 Authors Barash, P. G., Cullen, B. F., Stoelting, R. K., Cahalan, M. K., Stock, M. C., & Ortega, R. Note: Include all authors in the (2013). Clinical anesthesia (7th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & reference. Use the first author's Wilkins. last name followed by et al. for all in-text citations. In-text citation: (Barash et al., 2013)

8 or More Authors Hong W. K., Bast, R. C., Hait, W. N., Kufe, D. W., Pollock, R. E. Weichselbaum, R. R., Note: The reference includes the … Frei, E. (2010). Cancer medicine. Shelton, CN: People’s Medical Publishing first 6 authors, followed by 3 dots, then the last author’s name; the House. in-text citation only includes the In-text citation: (Hong et al., 2010) first author's last name et al. Edited Book Thompson, T. (Ed.). (2015). Genetically modified food. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press. In-text citation: (Thompson, 2015) Chapter in an Edited Book Hall, M. (2014). Elder abuse. In P. Davies (Ed.), Invisible crimes and social harms (pp. Note: Only the first word of the 102-122). Hampshire, England: Palgrave Macmillan. chapter title and the first word of In-text citation: (Hall, 2014) the book title are capitalized. Corporate, Organization, Type Directors Club. (2014). Typography 35. New York, NY: Harper Design. or Agency Author In-text citation: (Type Directors Club, 2014) Reference Book Bryan, A. C. (Ed.). (2014). Magill’s medical guide (7th ed., Vols. 1-5). Ipswich, Note: If present, put the edition MA: Salem Press. and volume information in Bryan, 2014) brackets In-text citation: ( Encyclopedia Article Ross, E. W. (2014). Noam Chomsky. In the Encyclopedia of educational theory and philosophy (Vol. 1, pp. 127-128). Los Angeles, CA: SAGE. In-text citation: (Ross, 2014) Two Books by the Same Johnson, S. (2007). Microsoft Expression Web. New York, NY: Que. Author Johnson, S. (2013). Adobe Illustrator CC. New York, NY: Que. Note: Order entries by publication date from oldest to most recent. In-text citations: (Johnson, 2007) (Johnson, 2013)

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eBOOKS - Use same format as for books, but include retrieval information instead of publisher information. Schiraldi, G. R. (2001). The post-traumatic stress disorder sourcebook: A guide to Electronic Version of a Print healing, recovery, and growth [Adobe Digital Editions version]. doi: Book: DOI (Digital Object 10.1036/0071393722 Identifier) Given, Accessed with e-Reader In-text citation: (Schiraldi, 2001) Electronic Version of a Menn, L., & Dronkers, N. (2017). Psycholinguistics: Introduction and applications. Print Book: No DOI Retrieved from http://eds.a.ebscohost.com.ezpxy.fanshawec.ca/ehost/basic? Note: Use the URL of the home In-text citation: (Menn & Dronkers, 2017) page of the eBook database. Chapter in an eBook Beidler, P. (2009). Fear itself. In K. Bernheimer (Ed.), Fairy tale review: The white issue (pp. 19-30). Retrieved from http://site.ebrary.com/ Note: Use the URL of the home page of the eBook database. In-text citation: (Beidler, 2009) Reference Work Online: No Heuristic. (n.d.). In Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary (11th ed.). Author, No Date Retrieved from http://www.merriam-webster.com/ Note: Use the URL of the home In-text citation: (“Heuristic,” n.d.) page of the reference work.


 For physical items, use the general format: Contributor (Function). (year/date). Title [Medium]. Location: Studio or distributor.  For resources retrieved online, use the general format: Contributor (Function). (year/date). Title [Medium]. Retrieved from http://www.etc

Television Broadcast Mansbridge, P. (Chief Correspondent). (2015, June 9). The National [Television broadcast]. Toronto, ON: CBC News. Note: The period comes after the square bracket description of the title. In-text citation: (Mansbridge, 2015) Palfreman, J. (Director). (2010). The vaccine war [Television series episode]. In M. R. Television Series Episode Sullivan (Producer), Frontline. Boston, MA: Central Broadcasting Service. In-text citation: (Palfreman, 2010) Video Westera, D. (Producer), & Downy, D. (Director). (2013). Spirituality in health care Note: Include a time stamp [DVD]. St. John’s, NL: School of Nursing, Memorial University. (hours:minutes:seconds) when citing a In-text citation (paraphrase): (Westera & Downy, 2013) for audio/visual material. direct quote In-text citation (direct quote): (Westera & Downy, 2013, 32:17) Nishimura, Y., Suzuki, T., Ujiie, S. (Producers), & Takahata, I. (Director). (2013). The Movie tale of the Princess Kaguya [Animated motion picture]. Japan: Studio Ghibli. Note: If available, include producer(s) First in-text citation: (Nishimura, Suzuki, Ujiie, & Takahata, 2013) and director(s). Subsequent citations: (Nishimura et al., 2013) Movie Sachs, L. (Director and Producer). (2013). Your day is my night [Hybrid documentary]. New York, NY: Argot Pictures. Note: The same person is the director and producer. In-text citation: (Sachs, 2013)

Document created in collaboration with the Learning Centre January 2019 APA REFERENCES & CITATIONS 10 APA REFERENCES & CITATIONS YouTube Video UNICEF. (2015, April 23). Little children. Big dreams [Video file]. Retrieved from Note: The author is who https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIHucfatYpM posted the video. In-text citation: (UNICEF, 2015) TED Talk Roy, D. (2016, March). Deb Roy: The birth of a word [Video file]. Retrieved from Note: The speaker of a TED talk https://www.ted.com/talks/deb_roy_the_birth_of_a_word is used as the author. In-text citation: (Roy, 2016) Music Recording Coldplay. (2014). A sky full of stars. On Ghost stories [CD]. London, UK: Parlophone Records. Note: The album name is in italics. In-text citation: (Coldplay, 2014) Podcast Carlin, D. (2015, May 5). Blueprint for Armageddon VI [Audio podcast]. In Hardcore History 55. Retrieved from http://www.dancarlin.com/ In-text citation: (Carlin, 2015)

Image: Online, Basic Format Eastland, J. (Photographer). (2012). Just after sunset [Photograph]. Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunset#/media/File:Burning_Yellow_Sunset.jpg In-text citation: (Eastland, 2012) Image: Online, No Author Japanese geisha [Photograph]. (2012). Retrieved from http://thebookboy.co.uk/memoirs-of-a-geisha-arthur-golden-review/ In-text citation: (“Japanese Geisha,” 2012) Image: Online, No Author, [Untitled photograph of baby chimpanzee]. (2015, May 6). Retrieved from No Title http://abcnews.go.com/US/baby-chimp-keeva-surrogate-mother-biological- Note: Use a brief description of mom-properly/story?id=30860166 the image for the title and a full date for news article. In-text citation: (“Baby Chimpanzee,” 2015)

Painting in Online Collection Renoir, P. A. (1876). La Promenade [Oil on canvas]. Retrieved from http://www.frick.org/collection/areas_collection Note: Use the URL for the home page of the collection. In-text citation: (Renoir, 1876)

Map: Online City of London. (2013). Bike and walk map [Electronic map]. Retrieved from https://www.london.ca/Pages/Default.aspx In-text citation: (City of London, 2013) Datasets Canada, Open Data Portal. (2015). Antenna radiation patterns [Data file]. Retrieved from http://spectrum.ic.gc.ca/pub/gcopendata/antpat.txt Note: Use a date appropriate for span of data. In-text citation: (Canada, Open Data Portal, 2015)

PERSONAL COMMUNICATION  Personal communication is cited in-text only because the reader cannot retrieve it. Do not include personal communication in a references list.  Incorporate personal communication sources into sentences and/or use parentheses.  Material from course management software (like FOL) is cited as personal communication. However, APA notes an exception: if your primary reader (your professor) has access to the course material, you can treat it as a retrievable source and include it in your references (see Supplementary Material). In a sentence: In a HLTH-3026 lecture on May 3, 2015, Professor Jones stated that… Class Lecture Notes In parentheses: (B. Jones, personal communication, May 3, 2015)

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Class Handouts In a sentence: In a HLTH-3025 class handout on May 6, 2018, Professor Gray argued... In parentheses: (C. Gray, personal communication, May 6, 2018)

Lecture Notes: In a sentence: In a HLTH-3025 class document posted to FanshaweOnline on May 6, Posted to FanshaweOnline 2018, Professor Gray demonstrated...

(Course Management Software) In parentheses: (C. Gray, personal communication, May 6, 2018)

PowerPoint Presentation: In a sentence: In a PowerPoint document posted to FanshaweOnline on May Posted to FanshaweOnline 6, 2018, Professor Gray illustrated...

(Course Management Software) In parentheses: (C. Gray, personal communication, PowerPoint slides, May 6, 2018)

ATERIAL Library and Media Services. (2015). Outreach services [Brochure]. London, ON: Brochure Author. Note: This brochure is published by the author. In-text citation: (Library & Media Services, 2015)

Environment and Natural Resources. (2010). Severe storms: What to do (Cat. No.: Government Document PS472/2011E-PDF). Ottawa, ON: Public Safety Canada. Note: Use the full agency name only in the first in-text citation. First in-text citation: (Environment & Natural Resources [ENR], 2010) Subsequent citations: (ENR, 2010) Report from a Private Wildlife Habitat Canada. (2014). 2013-2014 Annual report. Ottawa, ON: Author. Organization First in-text citation: Wildlife Habitat Canada [WHC], 2014) Note: Use the word "author" if the publisher is the same as the author. Subsequent citations: (WHC, 2014) Commission. (2013). 2013/2014 London transit ride guide [Map]. Map (1:25,000). Toronto, ON: mapmobility.com First in-text citation: (London Transit Commission [LTC], 2013) Subsequent citations: (LTC, 2013) Sevenpifer, D. (2015, March). Teaching, learning and research guide for faculty. Poster Presentation Poster session presented at the Research & Innovation Day of Fansahwe Note: Include the year and month College, London, ON. of the event. In-text citation: (Sevenpifer, 2015) Farish, M. (2014). A regional geography of Canada [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved PowerPoint Presentation: from http://www.k12studycanada.org/resources_pps.html Posted Online In-text citation: (Farish, 2014) Previously published work: Use the citation information in the course pack to cite it as the original source. Custom Course Materials: Reprinted From Another Original material: Cite this as an anthology compiled by the professor and Source/ Original Material published by the institution. Example: Smith, J. (2018). The danger of isolationism. In M. Jones (Comp.), Selected readings in gender and inequality (pp.24-34). London, ON: Fanshawe College.

Document created in collaboration with the Learning Centre January 2019 APA REFERENCES & CITATIONS 12


Short Direct Quote: 2 In their provocative analysis of the region, Henderson and Jones (2014) suggest Authors “peace is crumbling” (p. 203). Note: The punctuation comes after the in-text citation. Note: The date must follow the authors' names if the names are used in the sentence.

Long Direct Quote: More Smith (2014) reveals school than 40 Words is one of the most essential forms of socializing children. It shows how to Note: Use a free standing block of effectively share, cooperate, and communicate with their fellow peers. Without double-spaced text and omit quotation marks. The punctuation school, children would be left to develop such skills without the advantage of goes immediately after the quote (before any in-text citations). having friends to experience such trials and tribulations with. (p. 244)

Paraphrase: More than 6 Pfeufer et al. (2010) determined there is a significant correlation between Authors the electrocardiographic PR interval and atrial disease. Indirect Source Jackson indicates that children need supportive networks at home and school (as Note: Place only the secondary cited in Smith, 2014, p. 89). source in the reference list: (Smith). Note: Smith wrote about Jackson's idea in his book. Use "as cited in" to indicate the source in which you found Jackson's idea so that others can also look it up. Information Obtained from Global warming is negatively impacting polar bears (Brown, Rickert, & Jones, 2 or More Sources Note: Arrange alphabetically; use 2016; Davis & Taylor, 2014; MacKenzie, 2015). semi-colons to separate sources. A Work Designated as (Anonymous, 2012) Anonymous Online Quote: No Available (Simmons, 2015, para. 5) para. stands for paragraph Page Numbers, No Headings Online Quote: Headings, But No Available Page Numbers Green energy is the only way to reduce humanity's carbon footprint (Williams, Note: Use the heading and count the paragraphs from the heading 2014, Conclusion, para. 1). to determine a paragraph number.

Interview or Other Personal In-text citation incorporated in both the sentence and parentheses: Communication When asked about the situation regarding cars parking in bicycle lanes, Councilor J. R. Roberts (personal communication, November 21, 2016) stated that driver Note: Incorporate citation education was of key importance. information in your sentence and/or in parentheses as best In-text citation incorporated in only parentheses: fits your writing. City representatives agree that driver education is needed to ensure proper use of bicycle lanes (J. R. Roberts, personal communication, November 21, 2016).

Citation Use Example 1: Smith (2015) argued that self-regulation is linked to higher educational outcomes. Note: the date must follow the Example 2: In his 2015 study, Smith argued that self-regulation is linked to higher author if the author is used as educational outcomes. part of a sentence and the page number must follow a direct Example 3: Self-regulation is linked to higher educational outcomes (Smith, 2015). quote. Example 4: Smith (2015) proved that "children who practice self-regulation score higher on standardized tests" (p. 35). Note: If you include information Example 5: In addition, a study indicates that "children who practice self- as part of your sentence, you regulation score higher on standardized tests" (Smith, 2015, p. 35). don't need it in parentheses.

Document created in collaboration with the Learning Centre January 2019 APA REFERENCES & CITATIONS 13 Figure Citation Guidelines • Figures include, but are not limited to, graphs, scatter plots, info-graphics, maps, drawings, photographs and any other illustration or non-textual depiction. Include figures only if they are necessary to illustrate or clarify the text. • Figures are numbered consecutively as they occur in the paper. • If a paper contains both figures and tables, number them separately (e.g. Figure 1, Table 1). • Figures must be referred to in the text by number (see Figure 1). • A figure should be fully understandable apart from the text. Therefore, all elements should be clearly labeled, and any labels should be defined in a key or legend that appears within the figure or in the caption. • The word Figure, its number and a period are italicized and appear below the figure. • After the figure number, include the following information: a concise description of the figure, spelled-out versions of any abbreviations, and any other information needed to understand the figure. • If the figure is adapted or reprinted from another source, also include a copyright statement. • If the source is a report found online, it would include the following information: From [or Adapted from] Title of Work (p.#), by Author, year (http://url.com). Copyright year by Copyright Holder. Reprinted [or adapted] with permission. • Include a full citation for each item taken from another source in the references list. • Don't include "Reprinted [or adapted] with permission" if you haven't asked permission. For information on copyright see Fanshawe's Copyright for Student's web page: http://www.fanshawelibrary.com/copyright- guide/fair-dealing-for-students/ • As noted above, a copyright statement is included if a figure is taken from another source. For detailed examples, read this article on the APA Style Blog: https://blog.apastyle.org/apastyle/2016/01/navigating- copyright-part-4.html

Example of a Figure Reprinted Directly from Another Source:

Figure 1. Age-standardized death rates for non-communicable diseases in Botswana: 2000-2012. From Noncommunicable Diseases Country Profiles 2014 (p. 36), by the World Health Organization, 2014 (http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/ handle/10665/128038/9789241507509_eng.pdf). Copyright 2014 by the World Health Organization.

Full Citation for References Page: World Health Organization. (2014). Noncommunicable diseases country profiles 2014. Retrieved from http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/128038/9789241507509_eng.pdf

Document created in collaboration with the Learning Centre January 2019 APA REFERENCES & CITATIONS 14 Table Citation Guidelines • Tables are used to simplify text and are characterized by a row-column structure, generally containing data. Include tables only if they are relevant and necessary to illustrate or clarify the text. • Tables are numbered consecutively as they occur in the paper. • If a paper contains both figures and tables, number them separately (e.g. Figure 1, Table 1). • Tables must be referred to in the text by number (see Table 1). • The word Table and its number appear above the table: Table 1. • Place a concise title, capitalized and in italics, that explains the contents beneath the table number. For example, Number of Trials Contributing to the Averages Used in ERP Analysis. • Include any information needed to understand a table, such as spelled-out versions of abbreviations, below the table in a note. • If the table is adapted or reprinted from another source, also include a copyright statement. If the source is a journal article, it would include the following information: From [or Adapted from] “Title of Article,” by A. N. Author, year, Title of Journal, Volume, p.#. Copyright year by Name of Copyright Holder. Reprinted [or Adapted] with permission. • Tables reprinted or adapted from other sources must be included in the references list. • Don't include "Reprinted [or adapted] with permission" if you haven't asked permission. For information on copyright see Fanshawe's Copyright for Student's web page: http:// www.fanshawelibrary.com/copyright-guide/fair-dealing-for-students/ • As noted above, a copyright statement is included if a table is taken from another source. For detailed examples, read this article on the APA Style Blog: https://blog.apastyle.org/apastyle/2016/01/ navigating-copyright-part-4.html

Example of a Table Copied Directly from Another Source: Table 1 Correlation Among Student Grit, Peer Grit, and Literacy Achievement in Addition to the Control Variables of Age, Gender, and Primary Home Language

Note. From "Individual Versus Peer Grit: Influence on Later Individual Literacy Achievement of Dual Language Learners," by C. R. O'Neal, 2018, School Psychology Quarterly, 33, p. 116. Copyright 2018 by the American Psychological Association.

Full Citation for References Page: O'Neal, C. R. (2018). Individual versus peer grit: Influence on later individual literacy achievement of dual language learners. School Psychology Quarterly, 33(1), 112–119. https://doi.org/10.1037/spq0000212

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