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Download Publication AMORPH!03 > SUMMIT OF MICRONATIONS > 29.- 31.08.2003 > HELSINKI > FINLAND EDITED BY OLIVER KOCHTA-KALLEINEN DESIGNED & ILLUMINATED BY SASHA HUBER & PETRI SAARIKKO 004 AMORPH!03 > SUMMIT OF MICRONATIONS 29.-31.08.2003 > HELSINKI > FINLAND PROTOCOLS THIS BOOK IS PUBLISHED AS A DOCUMENTATION OF THE »FIRST SUMMIT OF MICRONATIONS« THAT TOOK PLACE AT THE AMORPH!03 PERFORMANCE FESTIVAL WWW.MUU.FI/AMORPH03 PUBLISHED BY TAITEILIJAJÄRJESTÖ MUU RY / ARTISTS’ ASSOCIASION MUU TOIMITUS / EDITED BY OLIVER KOCHTA-KALLEINEN KÄÄNNÖKSET / TRANSLATIONS BY SARI MONNI, MIKKO KALLIO GRAAFINEN SUUNNITTELU / DESIGN BY SASHA HUBER & PETRI SAARIKKO WWW.S-H-Y.ORG PAINO / PRINTED BY ART-PRINT OY, HELSINKI AMORPH!03 FESTIVAL: MUU-TUOTANTO / PRODUCED BY ARTISTS’ ASSOCIATION MUU / TIMO SOPPELA, MIRVA PULKKINEN, ESSI OJANPERÄ 2005 © ARTISTS, AUTHORS, EDITORS & MUU ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ISSN 1458-5561 ISBN 951-96553-6-0 MUU MAGAZINE 2/2005 M UU ARTISTS’ ASSOCIATION NERVANDERINKATU 10 00100 HELSINKI FINLAND WWW.MUU.FI Image credits: Giger, HR 125. Hasting, Sean 58. Huber, Sasha 70-73 (world maps), 91, 184. Kalleinen-Kochta, Oliver 82, 96, 132, 150, 160, 180, 182, 183. Susan Kelly 152, 153, 155, 157, 159-165. KREV 70-73. Ladonia 78, 79. Monaco, Julie 124. NSK 89-91. Pitkänen, Jyri 63, 95, 106, 107. Saarikko, Petri 8, 9, 18, 33, 50-51. Sealand 56, 59. SoS 123, 127, 130, 131. TR 108-110. Turkia, Mika 117. Weyd, Tierry 71 (bottom image). Yakowlef, Christian 166-179. 005 NAME: CONTENT 006 ESIPUHE / FOREWORD > TELLERVO KALLEINEN & OLIVER KOCHTA-KALLEINEN 008 PART ONE: TEXTS 010 SOMETHING HAPPENS > SUSAN KELLY 016 AN ABSURDIST CHOREOGRAPHY OF THE STATE > SUSAN KELLY 019 NIGHTMARES FALLEN FROM THE TREE > MIKA HANNULA 022 MICRONATIONS AS CAPITAL, CULTURE, STRATEGY & NEW WORLD ORDER > SEZGIN BOYNIK 026 STATE SIZE & DEMOCRACY > VOLKER VON PRITTWITZ 029 RESEARCH NATIONS > TIMO HONKELA & PETRI SAARIKKO 034 SOCIETY VS. FREAK > MARITA MUUKKONEN & TOMAS TRÄSKMAN 038 MICRONATIONS - FROM UTOPIAN COMMUNITIES TO SPACE SETTLEMENTS > OLIVER K-K 050 PART TWO: MICRONATIONS 052 INTRODUCTION MICRONATION 053 SEALAND 057 CONSTITUTION OF SEALAND 060 PRESS-CONFERENCE 30.8.2003 065 KREV - THE KINGDOMS OF ELGALAND-VARGALAND 068 ROYAL FERTILIZATION 069 CONSTITUTION OF KREV 070 KREV WORLD MAP 074 KREV STATEMENTS 075 LADONIA 079 CABINET OF LADONIA 080 MICRONATIONS AND ART 083 THE LADONIAN WAY 085 NSK - NEUE SLOWENISCHE KUNST 086 NSK-STATE IN TIME / THESES OF THE NSK-STATE 088 NSK POST OFFICE 090 NSK-STATEMENTS 092 NSK-STATE OPENING ADDRESS AT FINLANDIA HALL 093 LAIBACH SONG TEXTS 094 THE STATE NSK AS THE BASIC MODEL OF ALL THE OTHERS 097 DWARF STATES, POST-STATES & THE RETRO-STATE: THE NSK STATE NOW > ALEXEI MONROE 103 TRANSNATIONAL REPUBLIC 105 MANIFESTO OF THE FIRST TRANSNATIONAL REPUBLIC 111 GOLD AS THE FOURTH POWER OF GLOBAL DEMOCRACY 113 ARE YOU REAL? > EDWINA BLUSH 117 THE TRANSNATIONAL 118 E-MAIL CONVERSATION BETWEEN GEORG ZOCHE AND MIKA HANNULA 121 SOS - STATE OF SABOTAGE 124 »SABOTAGE« SCULPTURE MANIFESTO BY HR GIGER 126 SUMMIT OF EGONATIONS – HOW NOT TO START YOUR OWN COUNTRY 128 NOTES OF SEDUCTION 132 PART THREE: PROTOCOLS 133 TRANSCRIPT OF ROUND TABLE TALKS AT FINLANDIA HALL 29.8.2003 152 LOBBY > SUSAN KELLY 166 PORTRAITS OF MICRONATION FOUNDERS BY CHRISTIAN YAKOWLEF 180 ESTO TV 182 SIPERIA MANIFEST 185 H ARAKKA ISLAND 186 GLOSSARY 190 THANK YOU / KIITOKSET 191 MUU ARTISTS’ ASSOCIATION MARKED DOCUMENTS WERE CREATED DURING THE 1ST SUMMIT OF MICRONATION OR IN RESPONSE TO IT. 006 NAME: TELLERVO KALLEINEN & OLIVER KOCHTA-KALLEINEN FOREWORD »We meet to commemorate the period, when the The topics of the Summit hadn’t been decided inhabitants of this new world attained the power to beforehand, to allow an agenda emerge freely during withdraw from the control of the old world, and to the talks. In that way, the round table talks and the form a government for themselves.« summit itself were also an open ended social experi- – Robert Owen »Declaration of Mental Independence« ment. We were excited to see what direction the proclaimed on July 4, 1826 discussions would take and what kind of interactions would emerge. It came nevertheless as a surprise Friday, August 29, 2003: about 20 people are posing that the reasons and motivations of declaring a in front of the Finlandia Hall. Odd-looking flags are micronation differed in magnitude. Large parts of streaming in the wind with the massive tower of the the summit therefore were occupied with carving National Museum of Finland lurking in the picture. out the positions and opinion of the six participants We are witnessing the taking of the group photo of of the meeting. the First Summit of the Leaders of Micronations. The photo session is a part of the diplomatic pro- Several issues could not be fully explored during tocol and the absurd staging of a summit meeting the short time. The question, how the imaginative of DIY countries, some of them the smallest in the and experimental politics of micronations could be world, others probably the biggest states of the uni- turned into a real transformative force, how micro- verse. The site for the gathering is well chosen; the nations could behave »as agents of change« would Conference for Security and Co-operation in Europe require some further consideration. At the end of the (CSCE) opened in the very same building on July 3, summit the delegates therefore unanimously voted 1973 with 35 states sending representatives. Thus, for having a further summit meeting. We would the Summit of Micronations commemorated – un- hope that continuing of such gatherings would invited of course – the 30th anniversary of the start lead to a new »Helsinki Process«, undermining the of the »Helsinki Process« which built the first bridge establishment with utopian visions and experimental across the iron curtain and blazed the trail towards politics, making the micronations not only enclaves the current state order in Europe. The appropria- of difference, but also forces of change. tion of the historic site and history itself – a form of subversive affirmation – was one of the strategies Presenting now »Protocols« we make all materials tested by the summit. from the Summit available to the public. In addition to thoroughly documenting the meeting, we have »As an experiment in curatorship, organisation and asked the participating heads of states and a number performance, the meeting produced a situation of experts to critically review and comment upon the and a singular experience that toyed with our most summit. In this way we hope to lay the groundwork embedded relationships to the states we live in. for further summit meetings of micronations with a While providing insight into the micronation phe- more specific agenda. nomenon, the summit also explored various miming strategies, strategies of (over-) identification, and We would like to express our thanks to all partici- repetition, which were employed by all of the micro- pants, contributors, helpers and supporters of the nations and by the summit meeting structure of the Amorph!03 festival. festival itself. On the issue of the power or limita- tions of these strategies, Amorph!03 complicated Tellervo Kalleinen and and opened up many questions,« writes Susan Kelly Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen in her first evaluation of the Amorph!03 Festival. Curators of Amorph!03 007 FOREWORD/ESIPUHE > KOCHTA - KALLEINEN ESIPUHE »Tapaamisellamme haluamme vaalia sen ajan Amorph!03:n festivaaliarvioinnissaan. muistoa, jolloin uuden maailman asukkaat saattoivat irtaantua vanhan vallan ikeestä ja muodostaa itselleen Jotta huipputapaamisen agenda voisi vapaasti hallituksen.« muotoutua, ei käsiteltävistä aiheista oltu sovittu – Robert Owenin henkisen itsenäisyyden julistus 4. etukäteen; kyseessä oli sosiaalinen kokeilu, jonka heinäkuuta 1826 lopputuloksesta ei ollut tietoa. Oli yllätys huomata, kuinka paljon kuuden osallistujamaiden syyt ja Perjantai, elokuun 29. päivä vuonna 2003: parisen- motivaatiot vaihtelivat keskenään, ja kuinka paljon kymmentä ihmistä poseeraa valokuvaajille Finlandia- aikaa mikrovaltioiden lähtökohtien ja mielipiteiden talon edessä. Oudonnäköiset liput lepattavat tuulessa hahmottamiseen tarvittiin. Kansallismuseon mahtavan tornin varjossa. Olemme todistamassa maailman ensimmäistä mikrovaltioiden Kokouksen lyhyt aika ei riittänyt kaikkien asioiden johtajien huipputapaamista ja sen virallista valo- käsittelyyn. Kysymys siitä, kuinka mikrovaltioiden kuvaustapahtumaa. Tapahtuma on osa diplomaat- kuvitteellinen ja kokeellinen politiikka voitaisiin tista protokollaa ja absurdia näytelmää, tee-se-itse muuttaa tranformatiiviseksi voimaksi tai miten -valtioiden huipputapaamista. Osallistujat edustavat mikrovaltiot voisivat toteuttaa rooliaan »vaikutta- maailman pienimpiä ja jotkin ehkä maailmankaikke- vana voimana muutokselle« edellyttää väistämättä uden suurimpia valtioita. lisäpohdintaa. Huippukokouksen lopussa delegaatit äänestivätkin yksimielisesti uuden huippukokouksen Kohtaamispaikka on tarkkaan valittu - rakennus on tarpeelliseksi. Toivomme, että yhteenkokoontumisten täsmälleen sama, jossa avattiin Euroopan turvalli- jatkumo voisi jatkossakin johtaa uuden »Helsinki- suus- ja yhteistyöjärjestön (ETYJ:n) kokous prosessin« alkamiseen, joka kalvaa uomia jäykkään 3. heinäkuuta 1973, jolloin paikalla oli edustajia 35 valtavirtaan utopistisilla visioillaan ja kokeilevalla maasta. Mikrovaltioiden huippukokous juhlisti – tie- politikoinnillaan, luoden mikrovaltioista erillisalueita tenkin kutsumatta -»Helsinki-prosessin« alkamisen vaikuttavamman muutosvoiman. 30-vuotispäivää.
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