(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,175,297 B2 Burk Et Al
US009 175297B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,175,297 B2 Burk et al. (45) Date of Patent: Nov. 3, 2015 (54) MCROORGANISMIS FOR THE (2013.01); C12N 15/52 (2013.01); C12N 15/70 PRODUCTION OF 1,4-BUTANEDIOL (2013.01); CI2P 7/18 (2013.01); C12Y 101/01157 (2013.01); C12Y402/01055 (75) Inventors: Mark J. Burk, San Diego, CA (US); (2013.01) Anthony P. Burgard, Bellefonte, PA (58) Field of Classification Search (US); Robin E. Osterhout, San Diego, CPC .......... C12N 15/81, C12N 15/70; C12N 9/10: CA (US); Jun Sun, San Diego, CA (US) C12N 9/93 (73) Assignee: Genomatica, Inc., San Diego, CA (US) See application file for complete search history. (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this (56) References Cited patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS U.S.C. 154(b) by 283 days. 4,048,196 A 9, 1977 Broecker et al. (21) Appl. No.: 13/449,187 4,301,077 A 11/1981 Pesa et al. (22) Filed: Apr. 17, 2012 (Continued) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (65) Prior Publication Data GB 1230276 4f1971 US 2013/O109069 A1 May 2, 2013 GB 1314126 4f1973 Related U.S. Application Data (Continued) (63) Continuation of application No. 13/009,813, filed on OTHER PUBLICATIONS Jan. 19, 2011, now Pat. No. 8,178,327, which is a continuation of application No. 127947,790, filed on Abe et al., “BioSynthesis from gluconate of a random copolyester Nov. 16, 2010, now Pat. No. 8,129,156, which is a consisting of 3-hydroxybutyrate and medium-chain-length continuation of application No.
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