
Meeting: Pool Illogan Community Network Meeting

Date: 23 November 2016

Time: 7.00-9.00 pm Pool Innovation Centre, Pool, Redruth. Location:

Present Title/Representing Councillor Ian Thomas (Chairman) Councillor (Redruth South) Charlotte Caldwell (Community Link Officer -CPIR) Catherine Piggott Cornwall Cornwall (Communities Support Assistant – CPIR) Barbara Gregory NHS Kernow Claire Leandro Service Director Adult Care & Support Councillor Malcolm Moyle Cornwall Councillor (Pool & Tehidy) Councillor Joyce Duffin Cornwall Councillor (Mount Hawke & Portreath) Gillian Howes Local Resident Mark England Cornwall BMX Stuart Kitto Local Resident Carol Kitto Local Resident Mary Anson Lanner Parish Council Christopher Rowe Local Resident Julia Rowe Local Resident Ted Williams Local Resident Alan Reed Local Resident Tracey Burgess Local Resident Sadie Willoughby Local Resident Tracey Callaway Local Resident Helen Chapman Local Resident Robert Drew Carn Brea Parish Council Christine Deli Local Resident Barbara Ellenbroek Redruth Town Council Steve Medlyn Local Resident Tina Baker Local Resident Grayburn Owen PCDT Jacqueline Merrick Camborne Town Council Neal Chambers NHS Kernow Terry Stanton Local Resident Tim Sutton Local Resident Stevio Sutton Local Resident Zoe Fox Camborne Town Council Apologies for absence: Councillor Mark Kaczmarek, Councillor Paul White, Councillor David Ekinsmyth, Councillor Jude Robinson, Councillor Mike Eddowes, Ivor Corkell, Mel Martin, Anne-Marie Young, Peter Sheppard, Illogan Parish Council, Amanda Mugford (Camborne Town Council), George Le Hunte, Allister Young, Deborah Tritton, Sally Piper, Portreath Parish Council, Bev Price, Kirsty Hickson.

Item Key/Action Points Log Number (Action by)

1 Welcome Introductions & Apologies.

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2 Presentation on the Sustainability & Transformation Plan for Cornwall & Isles of Scilly (NHS & Social Care)

See presentation. Claire Leandro and Barbara Gregory gave a presentation on the draft plan and invited the audience to submit comments in writing via the website.

There were positive and negative responses to the presentation proposals and the key issues which worried people were;

 Centralisation of services leading to poor access for the most vulnerable in society  Loss of the human touch – and fewer GPs working longer hours and being more stretched  Concerns for those in rural areas where transport to centralised services is very poor and infrequent  Issues and concerns over telephone and IT support – face to face GP visits are what people want  Concerns about how realistic these changes are and how much they will cost  Impact on care for elderly and loss of wardens and supported accommodation not being suitable and fit for purpose  Concerns that the homeless and other vulnerable groups are not being consulted properly  Investment in prevention services is important


Question & Answer Session:

Barbara Ellenbroek – Redruth Town Council Q) Supported living accommodation. Are we talking about high rise flats? That is not suitable living accommodation.

A) The accommodation will be jointly proposed and prepared. The Council and health colleagues will work together, there will be extra care housing for older people. We are happy to take comments back.

Zoe Fox – Camborne Town Council Q) Cornwall Housing had supported accommodation, warden controlled. This is no more. There are not enough GP’s. We need more recruitment. Where is the sustainability?

A) GP’s are very stretched. This is being discussed at a very high level and is at an early stage.

Helen Chapman Q) Sheltered housing, the wardens have been scrapped. Why will it be any different? Where are the resources? How will it work if there’s no security and no funding? What guarantees can you give us that this strategic plan will stay the same and work in the future?

A) Our plan looks at it altogether. We are looking at early wins, it is very challenging.

Bob Drew Carn Brea Parish Council Q) You said “The elderly people over the age of 75, the situation will only get worse,” I find this quite offensive, why didn’t you phrase it that “numbers of elderly people will increase.” The situation in London is different to the situation down here, you cannot base down here on a model for London, transport systems and access to services is better. What do you mean the hospital bed based care system?

A) Cities are different, I am sorry I used a bad example. What I meant was that we are striving for less bed stays and have more patients who are treated at home.

Jacqueline Merrick – Camborne Town Council Q) The input strategy needs to be more efficient, we need to focus on healthy lifestyles, education through schools etc.

Terry Stanton Q) We need prevention. How do you engage? What is engagement?

A) We need to involve and use them, how to bring them round, this is the start of the engagement.


Charlotte Caldwell – Cornwall Council Q) Given the acute level of homelessness are you planning a consultation with the homeless?

A) How do we make sure these voices are heard? We need to get to these groups.

Councillor Ian Thomas – Cornwall Council Q) There is a lot of concern over mental health. Many people are transferred out of the county to get treatment. How is this value for money? Should there not be a facility in Cornwall?

A) The debates go on, are their needs similar enough, does it suit them all. We will look at that, can we create provision locally?

Q) 800m savings. We don’t want cuts, closures and centralisation. The integration of health and social care. How do you share value for money. Is it lip service?

A) This is not the final plan, this is technically a draft outline of the strategic case. We welcome input. The link to comment will be published with the minutes and on the Council’s website.

Barbara Ellenbroek – Redruth Town Council Q) Patient Participation Group, a lot of surgeries have these. Are you talking to them?

A) We have been to a few, we encourage them to participate.

3. Presentation and Update on the Cornwall BMX Racing Club Project for Carn Brea (Mark England)

See presentation. Mark England gave a presentation by way of an update on the proposed plans for the BMX Race Track at Carn Brea.

A discussion followed regarding this and there were mixed views of those for and against the ideas presented. A summary of the key points raised were:-

 The land proposed was used by everybody in the area, not for fly tipping and it was actually adjacent land where the pictures of fly tipping were shown, which was misleading the audience;  The community would be deprived of access to this land;  Dogs are walked on this land, it is an open space;  No building should be erected on this land, it should be kept as an open space;  There is a covenant saying it could not be used, this legally should still stand;


 The site is saturated and there is no drainage and it floods that’s why it can’t be used as a cricket or rugby field;  It is a bridal track and cannot be fenced off;  The membership for the club at £20 a year is too expensive for low income families;  There is an abundance of wildlife on the field;  The photos of the tipping are spurious and travellers are few and far between;  It is at the foot of Carn Brea and this needs to be kept green;  Will there be lighting – answer no;  How safe is the traffic problem?

The Chairman invited positive comments to create balance to the debate and a local resident and ecologist believed it was a really good project as long as the constructive comments are addressed going forward. 4. Any other business & date/topic of next meeting

The next meeting will be as below.

Future meeting: Tuesday 7th February 2017. All meetings are to be held at Pool Innovation Centre from 7 pm to 9 pm.

Contact Officers:

If you have any queries about the Community Network Panel, please contact:

Name Role Telephone Email

Charlotte Community Link 07805860511 [email protected] Caldwell Officer

Cath Communities 01736 336770 [email protected] Piggott Support Assistant

Address: Communities and Devolution Team, One Stop Shop, St John’s Hall, Alverton Street, Penzance, Cornwall, TR18 2QR.

Website: pool-and-redruth/?altTemplate=_Standard