Contributed by Terry Moyle

Royal Gazette 2 March 1872


The Wesleyan Methodist Chapel is now undergoing repairs and is temporarily closed. The Wesleyans have borrowed a chapel in the village built some years ago by the United Methodists but now disused by this connection. On Sunday evening there was a crowded congregation in this place of worship and all the aisles were fully occupied. Shortly after the service was commenced by the Rev G Cartwright, superintendent minister, a slight cracking sound was heard. This was followed by a louder crack and the whole of the back row of pews in the gallery disappeared, then the second row and soon the gallery became a complete wreck. The gallery that gave way is not an erection on pillars but the pews rise step by step from the floor, occupying about a third of the length of the chapel.

Royal Cornwall Gazette 17 August 1872

St Keverne Wesleyan Sunday School tea treat at Kennack

Cornish Telegraph 6 January 1887


The Wesleyans of St Keverne last week held a bazaar with the object of obtaining money to reduce the debt in their place of worship. Mrs. Bickford‐Smith of Trevarno opened the bazaar and the sum of £56 was realized. Considering the agricultural depression the amount obtained was most satisfactory.

Cornish Telegraph 3 September 1891


The new Wesleyan minister – the Rev J W Graves, the newly appointed Wesleyan minister before leaving Devonport was presented by the friends at Kerstreet with an electroplated inkstand and a pair of gold rimmed spectacles and the friends at Kingsand gave the Rev gentleman a purse of gold as an expression of their love and respect towards him.

Royal Cornwall Gazette 7 April 1892


At St Keverne Wesleyan Quarterly meeting the Rev W H Thompson, Chairman of the District, presided. A debt of £530 on the chapel last year had been reduced to £240 and the amount raised for foreign and home missions had increased. In view of such satisfactory reports, surprise was expressed at the determination of Mr. Graves, the superintendent, to resign at the next conference after only one year’s stay. Never in the history of the Circuit had a minister resigned after so short a term.

Royal Cornwall Gazette 27 October 1898


At St Keverne Wesleyan chapel on Sunday Mr. Robert Nicholls of St Martin drove home the lesson of perfected life and a completed character. If life was right, death would be right and the issue glory.

Cornish Telegraph 20 October 1887


The Wesleyans – on Wednesday Harvest Thanksgiving services were held in the Wesleyan chapel the preacher being the Rev J Harris of . The decorations were most artistic. A public tea was provided in the schoolroom. The Quarterly meeting was held the same day, the Rev W J Winter in the chair. The attendance was good and the state of the Circuit considered hopeful.

Royal Cornwall Gazette 21 January 1887


The Committee thankfully acknowledge the receipt of the following collection per Hospital Sunday and otherwise – St Keverne Wesleyan Circuit £3 – 3s – 0d

West Briton 25 July 1907


1.30pm Public luncheon 3pm Organ recital Organist Mr. W.Howlett Mus.Bac. Helston 4pm Sermon by Rev.W. Hodson Smith 5pm A Public Tea 6.30pm A Musical Evening Soloists Miss Rosetta Buzza, late of the Royal College of Music, London, Mr. E.Rowe, Mr. Sedgman and a large choir Organist Mr. W.Howlett Mus.Bac. Addresses by Revs Hodson Smith and J.Higham Mr. William .James will preside Luncheon tickets 2s Tea tickets 9d Collection at each service Weather permitting tea will be served in a field. Mr. J.Roberts, Helston, will have a stall.

Cornishman 10 January 1907

ST. KEVERNE St. Keverne Wesleyans have decided to light their new chapel by the Litz system of illumination. St Keverne Wesleyan Quarterly meeting was held at St. Martin on Wednesday. The Circuit accounts showed but a small balance in hand. The retiring Circuit stewards (Messrs F.Knowles and W.F.Phillips) were thanked for their services and Messrs Joseph Williams (Manaccan) and James Rogers (Roscarnon, St Keverne) were elected for the next term of three years. It was unanimously agrees there should be a simultaneous mission throughout the Circuit during the first two weeks of February. A vote of sympathy with the Rev. Joseph.Higham was passed.

Cornishman 15 June 1911


Henry Roberts of Rosenithon, St Keverne brought an action for slander against John Eustace of Mehall, St. Keverne The plaintiff (Henry Roberts) lived at a place near St Keverne and was in the habit of attending the Wesleyan chapel. And in connection with that church he held the office of local preacher, a trustee and a teacher in the Sunday School. The plaintiff brought the case because the defendant said of him to three people that “Henry Roberts has been caught in the hedge with a young woman carrying on disgracefully”. The plaintiff contended that that contained the imputation that he was a man of depravity and immorality. The plaintiff had been a local preacher for 6 years, a trustee 3 years and a Sunday School teacher for 12 years. The words were uttered to three men – Matthew Uren, James Stephens and Fred Roberts (plaintiff’s brother). The chapel which the plaintiff attended was half a mile from where the plaintiff lived and the plaintiff, at the request of parents, from time to time accompanied young girls home from chapel to the village (Rosenithon) at night. Evidence was given by Matthew Uren, James Stephens and Fred Roberts bearing out Mr. Lawrence’s statement (Council for Plaintiff) Cross examined by Mr. Clark (Council for Defendant) the last witness (Fred Roberts) said on the evening before the defendant made the remarks to him, the plaintiff and the Rev.Alexander Mayes went to the defendant’s house to endeavor to get him to retract the statements and apologise. The defendant, however, declined to do either as he said he had never used the words. Henry Roberts (Plaintiff) said that after the report had been circulated, he attended the little chapel at Tregowris to preach when the congregation consisted of one person. The usual congregation was 15 or 16. He felt that if the slander circulated about him was proven, he would be expelled from the society. Rev Alexander Mayes, Superintendent Wesleyan Minister at St Keverne, explained to hos lordship the method under which local preachers were appointed. If the plaintiff was guilty he would be expelled by a meeting of the society. The Judge said the difficulty was that that was not a court of morals. They had to sit upon the issue of slander. The defendant then went into the box and on oath said that he knew the plaintiff. He had never seen him in a hedge with any young woman and had never told anyone that he had seen plaintiff carrying on disgracefully in the road. It was agreed that the only point for the jury to decide was whether the words were used or not. The Jury after a short deliberation returned a verdict for the defendant, the foreman stating that they thought the words were not spoken. A verdict for the defendant with costs was accordingly entered.

Royal Cornwall Gazette 31 December 1911


The sacred cantata “Glad Tidings” was well rendered in St Keverne Wesleyan Chapel on Christmas night by a choir of upward of 30 voices under the conductorship of Mr. W.Carvossa Graves. It proved a gratifying success and the chapel was well filled with an appreciative audience. The collection which amounted to £4 ‐7 ‐6 was in aid of circuit and choir funds.

West Briton 3 October 1907


The Rev J Higham presided at a Quarterly meeting of the St Keverne Wesleyan Church. There was a large attendance. The accounts were considered satisfactory. It was decided to hold a Circuit Sunday School convention at St Keverne on Fest Sunday November 17th. The Harvest Festival service was held the same day. The Rev Joseph Higham preached in the afternoon and a public meeting was presided over in the evening by Mr. Joseph Williams, Circuit Steward. After the service members of the choir presented the organist Mr. J. Stuart Rule with a handsome electro‐silver tea service as a token of respect on the occasion of his marriage (today Thursday) to Miss Alice Rogers of Roscarnon, St Keverne.

West Briton 7 January 1915


The Rev. John N Broad presided at St Keverne Wesleyan Circuit quarterly meeting held at St martin on New Year’s day. There was a large attendance of representatives. The Circuit Stewards, Messrs J Stuart Rule and Edward Lawrence reported a small adverse balance on the quarter. The Rev J N Broad reported the number of members to be 272, an increase of two. Mr Henry Lyne read the Lay Agents Fund Account. Mr. Lawrence was re‐elected senior steward and Mr. John Nicholls junior steward. Mr. J Lambrick junior was elected secretary to the quarterly meeting and Mr. J Williams class leaders secretary. Mr. F Knowles was re‐elected chapel circuit secretary and Mr. Henry Morkam treasurer to the Local Preacher’s Horse Hire Fund with Mr. E Williams as circuit temperance secretary. It was resolved to hold a circuit gathering at St Keverne in June. After tea a meeting of the circuit Sunday School Council was held and also a meeting of the circuit Class Leaders.

Cornishman 31 October 1929


A pretty wedding took place in St Keverne Wesleyan Church on Tuesday when Mr. Alfred Melville Nicholls younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Nicholls of Trelan, St. Keverne was married to Miss Irene Augusta Pascoe younger daughter of Mrs. Pascoe of Alexandra Villa, St Keverne and the lat Mr. Henry Pascoe. Rev F. Chenalls Williams officiated. The bride who was given away by her uncle Mr. J. Martin wore a white georgette dress with bridal veil kept in place with a wreath of orange blossom, silver shoes and stockings to match and carried a shower bouquet of white chrysanthemums. The bridesmaids were Misses Isobel Nicholls (sister of the bridegroom) and Miriam Martin (cousin of the bride) who wore dresses of lemon georgette with wreaths of small velvet flowers, stockings to match and black suede shoes. They carried bouquets of lemon and peach coloured chrysanthemums. Mr. Jack Hocking (Gunwalloe) was best man. On leaving for the honeymoon at Torquay, Southampton and London, the bride wore a dress of suede georgette, a brown face‐cloth coat with a fur collar and cuffs and hat to match.

West Briton 3 May 1923


Falmouth Pike’s Hill Choir gave the sacred cantata “The Fall of Babylon” in St Keverne Wesleyan Church last week. Afterwards the choir was entertained to supper. Mesdames E. Sowell, J Martin, F Rule and Miss I Rogers presided at the tables. The proceeds on behalf of church funds amounted to £7. Mr. Ernest Sowell made the arrangements.

West Briton 17 October 1912


Wesleyan Harvest Thanksgiving – services were held on Sunday, the preacher being Mr. James Eade. The chapel was very tastefully decorated. On Tuesday the Rev. J. Bullock (Coverack) preached and in the evening a public meeting was presided over by Mr. Henry Lyne, senior circuit steward, who was supported by Rev. J. Broad, Mr. W T Lyne and Mr. William James.

Wesleyan Quarterly Meeting – of the St Keverne Wesleyan Circuit was held on Tuesday and was presided over by the Rev. John Broad, newly appointed minister. There was a good attendance from the several parishes. The accounts showed receipts £40 – 11s – 7d and expenditure £41 – 5s – 9d. The membership is 281. A vote of sympathy was passed with Mrs. Higham on the death of her husband the Rev. Joseph Higham, a former minister in the Circuit. The Lay Agents Accounts presented by Mr. R. Lawrence showed that receipts met the expenditure. Mr. J. H. Morkam read the Horse Hire Account showing a balance in hand of £1 – 17s – 10d. Mr. F. Knowles was re‐elected treasurer of the Worn‐Out Preachers Fund. Mr. T H Medlyn was thanked for past services and was re‐elected Temperance secretary and Mr. Morkam was re‐elected treasurer of the Horse Hire Fund. Mr. J Williams ( St. Anthony) was re‐elected Sunday School secretary and Mr. W T Lyne was re‐ elected Circuit Class Leaders secretary. Mr. R Lawrence was re‐elected secretary to the Lay Agents Fund. It was resolved that a Sunday collection be given to the local Nursing Association and the and hospitals.

West Briton 25 June 1908


At St Keverne Wesleyan Church on Thursday last a service was conducted in the afternoon by the Rev George C. Mayes of Truro after which a public tea was provided. In the evening Sir George J Smith of Treliske delivered his popular lecture “Our Church” which was greatly appreciated by a good gathering. A silver collection was in aid of the new building.

Cornishman 7 April 1904


The Circuit Quarterly meeting was held at St Keverne on Wednesday afternoon, the Rev. J. Wesley Davies presiding. The meeting gave a hearty welcome to the Rev William Slack, Chairman of the District on his first visit to the Circuit. The financial statement showed a small adverse balance. Foreign missions – increase of 3 guineas. Worn‐Out Minister’s Fund – substantial increase. Membership increased by 3 on the quarter but decreased on the year owing to removals. The Sunday School and Band of Hope showed a decrease in membership. The Chairman reported that the debt on St Martin new chapel was reduced to £500. Total cost £1700. The Rev J W Davies accepted a hearty unanimous invitation to remain a third year. The Circuit stewards Mr. F Knowles and Mr. W F Phillips consented to attend the synod and Mr. Edwin Rule was elected as an additional representative. The meeting recommended the trustees of the various chapels to introduce the new hymn ‐book the first Sunday in September. In the evening the Rev William Slack preached an able, inspiring sermon.

West Briton 29 March 1923


At St Keverne Wesleyan Quarterly meeting the Circuit Stewards (Messrs. W T Lyne and James Rogers) reported receipts for the quarter £64 and expenditure £75 – 19s – 11d. The Rev Joseph Birkbeck who presided reported a membership of 221 the same as last year. The stewards and Mr. Fred Williams were appointed to attend the District synod in May with the secretary Mr. Leonard Lambrick as deputy. The Rev. Joseph Birkbeck accepted an invitation to remain in the Circuit for a second year. In the evening the Rev E J Chapel gave a lecture on “Peter Mackenzie”. Mr. W T Lyne presided.

West Briton 18 June 1908

The annual tea of St Keverne Wesleyan Sunday School took place on Tuesday of last week in fine weather. The teachers and scholars assembled at the schoolroom in the afternoon and, after an address had been given by Rev Joseph Higham, a procession was formed and the usual walk headed by Redruth Hungarian Band. Tea was provided in a field near the village where various games were healthily indulged in and a very enjoyable time spent. A short address was given in the evening by Rev. J Higham.

Western Morning News 28 December 1927

The annual bazaar in connection with St Keverne Wesleyans was held in the public room on Boxing Day. The opening ceremony was performed by Mr. E G Courtis of Helston. Mr. F H Rule was the bazaar secretary and the stallholders were Tea tables – Mrs. Richard Coad and Misses Thirza Giles and M Hocking Fancy stall – Mesdames F H Rule, J Sowell, P Collins and Misses E Rogers, W Sobey and Ivy Pascoe Choir and Sunday School – Misses M Gertrude James, Gwen Eustice and W Gilbert Sweet stall – Misses Marjorie Wearne, Winnie Liddicoat and Miriam Martin Farmers Stall – Messrs J Rogers and R Coad Hoop‐La – Messrs J Stuart Rule and W J Rogers Shooting gallery – Mr. William T Moyle Bran Dip – Misses Edna L Moore and Winnie Lory Guessing Competition – Misses M Peet and Edna M Moyle In the evening the secretary announced that the proceeds in aid of trust funds totaled £51 – 6s. On Christmas Day at the Wesleyan Church a carol service was held, the Rev G Tinsley Peet being the preacher. Mr. J Stuart Rule was at the organ.

Western Morning News 17 January 1930

The teachers of St Keverne Wesleyan Sunday School held their annual meeting on Tuesday, Rev F Chenalls Williams presiding. The attendance of scholars, officers and teachers was reported to have been excellent.

Cornubian and Redruth Times 31 December 1904


In connection with the St Keverne Wesleyan Church on Monday a bazaar and sale of work was held in the Council School. Opened by Dr. Leverton Spry, useful and fancy articles were displayed for sale. Various amusements were provided including magic lantern, gramophone entertainment and fish pond etc. Refreshments were also provided. The bazaar was again opened on the following day. The ladies again showed their usual ability in displaying the various articles to the best advantage.

West Briton 28 March 1907


Rev W Slack presided at the Quarterly meeting of the St Keverne Wesleyan Church and was supported by Messrs. Joseph Williams and James Rogers. The Rev Joseph Higham accepted the unanimous invitation to remain in the Circuit a third year. The Lay Agent and Horse Hire accounts were presented by Mr. E Rule and were considered satisfactory. Tea was provided by Misses Susan Rule and M A Rogers.

Cornubian and Redruth Times 30 March 1883

After preaching at St Keverne Wesleyan Church on Sunday evening, the Rev D Williams of Helston and his son were thrown out of a trap and injured.

Western Morning News 6 May 1931

At a meeting of teachers of St Keverne Wesleyan Sunday School on Monday, Rev F Chenalls Williams presiding, a vote of condolence was passed with Mrs. Rule on the death of Mr. Frank Rule who was actively connected with the work of the church.

West Briton 8 February 1923


Choir Supper – the St Keverne Wesleyan choir had their annual supper last week. The minister, Rev Joseph Birkbeck, spoke highly of the choir and also of the organist and choirmaster Mr. J Stuart Rule. The supper was given by the trustees.

On behalf of the National Children’s Home and Orphanage a collection was taken at St Keverne Wesleyan Sunday School, which with the annual boxes returned made a total of £10 – 7s – 6d. For this sum a cheque was forwarded to Rev W Hodson Smith.

Royal Cornwall Gazette 19 July 1900


The Wesleyans of St Keverne are to be congratulated on the very successful issue of their effort to put a new organ in their pretty church. They had a bazaar during the Christmas and secured the sum of £50 which was deposited in the bank as the nucleus of a fund for an organ. Friends from far and near have been appealed to by the energetic superintendent of the Circuit Rev W G Corke and the appeal was generously responded to so that they decided to have the instrument at once at a cost of about £130. Messrs. Hele and Co. of Plymouth were the builders and a very fine tone two manual organ has been erected in the church. The opening services were held on Thursday. The Rev A E Sharpley of Truro was the special preacher to a fairly good congregation. The event of the day following a luncheon and tea was a great public meeting when the church was well filled by an enthusiastic congregation. The choir rendered in good style two appropriate anthems – Mrs. W G Corke presided at the organ. The net cost of the organ was £133 – 6s and the amount raised including the proceeds of the day was £133 – 7s giving a balance of 1s. The Doxology was sung most heartily when the result was announced and the day’s programme concluded with supper.

West Briton 8 July 1915


The Rev J N Broad presided at the Quarterly meeting of St Keverne Wesleyan Circuit held at Coverack. The accounts presented by Messrs. R Lawrence and John Nicholls (Circuit stewards) showed receipts £42 – 13s – 4d and expenditure £40 – 10s. Rev John N Broad reported the number of members to be 270 with 30 on trial. The next meeting will be held at Manaccan.

West Briton 12 April 1923

St Keverne Wesley Guild met on Thursday when papers were given by Messrs. N Tonkin and A H Willey and Miss D Bosustow. Rev Joseph Birkbeck presided. The cantata “The Holy City” was ably rendered by St Keverne Wesleyan Choir under Mr.J Stuart Rule at Coverack Wesleyan chapel anniversary

Cornishman 16 January 1908

St Keverne Wesleyan Choir on Monday gave an enjoyable sacred concert at Coverack in aid of the fund for lighting the chapel. This was a special effort to raise £24 to replace paraffin lamps in the chapel with acetylene gas. The programme which consisted of solos, anthems, quartettes and duets were contributed to by Messrs. Frank Rule, Sidney Retallack, F and J Rule and John Pearce, the Misses Bunster, A and D Rogers and the choir.

West Briton 14 June 1923


St Keverne Wesley Guild tennis club ground has been opened. The president this year is Mr. J Stuart Rule and the secretary Miss Florence Birkbeck.

Home after 16 years – Dr. William Martin of the Alexander Hamilton Institute, New York has returned to St Keverne after an absence of sixteen years. Dr. Martin is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Martin of Tregoning, St Keverne. He is a graduate of Columbia University and Drew Theological Seminary in New York and for many years was a minister in and around New York. During the War he served as a captain/chaplain of infantry in the US forces. He will be returning to New York on June 16th on the SS Paris. Dr.Martin preached at St Keverne Wesleyan Church on Sunday.

West Briton 17 May 1923

An old St Keverne lad – services at St Keverne Wesleyan Church on Sunday were conducted by Mr. Thomas Sowell the station master at Bugle and an old St Keverne boy. The chapel was well filled at both services.

Cornishman 12 August 1925


The wedding took place at St Keverne Wesleyan Church on Wednesday of Miss Laurenia Alice Lory Rogers second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J H Rogers of Treglohan. St Keverne and Mr. Paul William Birkbeck third son of Rev J and Mrs. Birkbeck of the Manse, St keverne. The bridegroom’s father officiated and Mr. J S Rule presided at the organ. Given away by her father, the bride was attired in a dress of Ivory Calanase silk trimmed with lace and embroidered with silver beads and a tulle veil held in place with a wreath of orange blossom. She carried a bouquet of white roses and sweet peas. There were two bridesmaids – Miss Florence Birkbeck and Miss Winifred Rogers, sisters of the bridegroom and bride respectively who wore green dresses with hats and shoes to match. They carried bouquets of hydrangeas and pink roses. Mr. B Birkbeck, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. The reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents and the bride and bridegroom left for Bideford where the honeymoon is being spent. The bride travelled in a cedar wood tailor‐made costume with hat and shoes to match.

West Briton 11 October 1915

St. Keverne Wesleyans – Harvest Festival services in connection with St Keverne Wesleyan Church were very successful. There was a large attendance at the meeting on Tuesday evening when Mr. Trebilcock of Redruth presided and addresses were given by Miss Broad, Captain R Bennett () and Rev J N Broad. The last named referred to the death of Captain T C Agar‐Robartes at the Front and said that it was not very long ago that Lord Clifden generously gave them the freehold of the ground on which the Manse was built. The church was beautifully decorated for the occasion and the choir rendered special music at each service, solos being sung by Misses Roberts, K Roberts and Mr. John Pearce. Mr. J Stuart Rule presided at the organ.

West Briton 6 April 1916


Sr Keverne Wesleyan quarterly meeting was held at St Keverne on Wednesday. The Rev John N Broad presided and was supported by Rev Herbert Rider, Chairman of the District and a large number of representatives of the circuit. Messrs. R Lawrence and John Nicholls (Circuit Stewards) reported a small deficiency on the quarter. The Rev John N Broad reported 281 members in the Circuit, an increase of 17. Mr. J Stuart Rule read the Sunday School report and the Temperance report was presented by Rev J N Broad. Mr. F Knowles gave the Circuit chapel report. The Rev J N Broad accepted an invitation to remain in the Circuit for a fifth year.

Cornishman 7 April 1926

A pretty wedding was solemnized at St Keverne Wesleyan Church on Saturday between Mr. Charles Henry Treneer, second son of Mr. E Treneer of Porthallow and Miss Emily Alport Eddy, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Eddy of Churchtown, St Keverne. The Rev G Tinsley Peet officiated and Mr. J S Rule was at the organ. The bride who was given away by her father was dressed in a jumper suit of saxe ‐ blue repp. The bridesmaids were Miss Phyllis Treneer (sister of the bridegroom) and Miss Kathleen Nora Eddy (sister of the bride). Mr. James A Eddy (brother of the bride) was best man. A reception was held at the home of the bride. Later in the day the couple left for Grampound where the honeymoon is being spent.

Cornishman 14 July 1926


The death occurred at Little Tregowris last week of Mrs. James Noye aged 82 years. The deceased had been in failing health for a long time. The funeral took place at St Keverne Wesleyan Church on Sunday. Rev J N Broad of and a former minister at St Keverne officiated. The death took place rather suddenly on Thursday evening at Alexandra Villa, St Keverne of Mrs. Ada Martin, wife of Mr. William Martin, aged 70 years. The funeral took place on Sunday at St Keverne Wesleyan Church on Sunday. Rev J N Broad of Liskeard and a former minister at St Keverne officiated. The principal mourners were Mr. William Martin (widower), Mr. John Martin (son), Mr. D Medland (grandson), Mrs. Edith Pascoe (daughter), Miss Irene Pascoe and Miss Miriam Martin (granddaughters), Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nicholls and Mr. T Medland.

Western Morning News 13 February 1939


St Keverne Methodists annual Sunday School tea, prize distribution and entertainment was held on Friday. The tea was served in the Sunday School presided over by Mrs. Richard H Jewell and Misses Edna M Moyle, Janie Willey, Nora James, Sylvia King and Kathleen N Eddy. In the evening an entertainment was given in the parish public room. Rev W S Gifford (resident minister) presiding said that the Sunday School had the largest number of scholars on the Lizard Peninsula or Helston or north of Helston. Mrs. Ernest Sowell and Misses Edna M Moyle and M Berriman were responsible for training the scholars. All the children did well. Mr. Thomas Cock of Exeter presented the awards. It was exactly 50 years he said since he received his last book from St Keverne Wesleyan School.

Cornishman 24 March 1926

Reporting a membership of 246, Rev G Tinsley Peet presided at the quarterly meeting of St Keverne Wesleyan Circuit. He accepted an invitation to remain in the Circuit for a second year.

Cornishman 11 January 1917


The quarterly meeting was held at St Martin on New Year’s Day, the Rev J N Broad presiding. Messrs. R Lawrence and J Nicholls (Circuit Stewards) reported that there was a balance in hand of £21‐ 3s – 2d. and Rev John N Broad reported the number of members to be 264 against 274 last year. Mr. R Lawrence retiring senior circuit steward was thanked for his services and Mr. J Nicholls was elected in succession to Mr. Sam Lambrick as junior circuit steward. Mr. S Lambrick junior was re‐elected as secretary to the quarterly meeting. The following were also thanked an re‐elected – Messrs. F Knowles Circuit chapel secretary, Mr.Henry Morkam treasurer Local Preachers Horse Hire Fund, Mr. H Lyne treasurer Lay Agents Fund and Edgar Williams temperance secretary. Mr. J Cooke was elected Class Leaders secretary and Mr. J Rogers treasurer of the Aged Ministers Fund. Messrs. A Trenery, W James, J H Rogers, E Pearce and Miss Mitchell were elected to the Sunday School Council.

Cornishman 7 July 1926

St Keverne Wesleyan Quarterly meeting was held at Coverack with the Rev J H Rider (Chairman of the District) presiding supported by Rev J N Broad in the absence of the Rev G Tinsley Peet the Circuit superintendent minister. The Circuit stewards Messrs. F Knowles and S Williams reported a balance of £4. Mr. J Nicholls reported an adverse balance on the local preachers travelling fund.

Cornishman 13 October 1904


St. Keverne Wesleyan Quarterly meeting was held on Thursday, the Superintendent the Rev J Wesley Davies presiding. The income was reported to be in excess of the expenditure while membership had decreased by 2. The following were thanked and re‐appointed. Mr. Richard Coad treasurer of the Worn‐Out Minister’s Fund, Mr. Richard Lawrence Temperance secretary, Mr.Stuart Rule and Mr. Henry Lyne secretary and treasurer for Foreign Missions. Mr. Edwin Rule and Mr. Henry Lyne were elected representatives to the Cornwall District Ciouncil. There was a prolonged conversation on the proposed amalgamation of the Helston, and St Keverne Circuits. It was unanimously agreed that Rev J W Davies and Messrs. F Knowles, W F Phillips, E Rule, W T Lyne, H Morkam and J Plomer should be appointed by the St Keverne Circuit and report to the next meeting.

Cornishman 21 October 1915

Helston Wesleyan, Helston United Methodist and St Keverne Wesleyan Circuits have amalgamated upon the conveyance hire and motor cars are now to be used jointly. The innovation is much appreciated by the ministers and local preachers and during the winter months will obviate many long hours spent in driving across the bleak downs of the Lizard promontory.


The annual rally of the St Keverne Wesleyan Circuit was held at St martin Wesleyan Church on Wednesday. The preacher in the afternoon was Rev E E Bennett (Superintendent Redruth UMC). Those who presided at the tea were St Keverne – Mesdames William James and Ernest James Manaccan Mrs. E Lyne and Miss P Williams St Martin Mesdames H Morkam, and P Lambrick and Misses J Lambrick and J Thomas Coverack Mesdames G Stafford Hart and E Pearce Speaking at the evening meeting were Revs E E Bennett and F Chenalls Williams (Superintendent St Keverne minister). The singing was led by the combined choirs of the Circuit, the soloists being Miss Miriam Martin (St Keverne) and J Thomas (St Martin) and Mr. John C Eustice (St Keverne). A duet was sung by Misses Martin and Thomas. Mrs. H Morkam (Sworne) was at the organ. Thanks were proposed by Rev Williams and seconded by Mr. J Williams (Circuit steward). The proceeds were in aid of trust funds.

Cornishman 16 November 1905


Miss Harriet Pearce about 10 o’clock on Saturday morning discovered that the Wesleyan Church was on fire. Edwin James, smith, raised the alarm and nearly all the villagers were soon at the spot. There was a general feeling that the building which was erected in 1839 was doomed. Mr. Roskruge, the postmaster, Mr. Nicholls of Porthallow and Mr. Joseph H James of Coverack resolved that, at all events, a determined effort should be made to save it. They set to work with a will and assisted by Messrs. Bailey, Frank Nicholls, Mark Retallack and others they stubbornly fought the flames with the result that the fire was confined to the organ loft and vestries although all the windows and paintwork were greatly affected by the heat. P.C Trehane rendered efficient service and helped to place out of danger the safe containing valuable property. The organ, vestries and other parts of the chapel were completely destroyed and the damage is estimated at £600.

Cornishman 19 November 1924

St Keverne Wesleyan Band of Hope was re‐opened on Wednesday under the presidency of Rev John N Broad, superintendent minister, a lifelong abstainer and temperance worker in many parts of the country. Special hymns were sung led on the organ by Mr. J Stuart Rule. The officers of the Band of Hope are President Rev J N Broad Superintendent Mr. Norman Tonkin of Porthallow Treasurer Mr. William Rogers Secretary Mr. Richard Jewell of St Keverne.

Cornishman 21 November 1907


At a Wesleyan sewing meeting at St Keverne on Wednesday Mrs. Edwin Rule accidentally fell and sustained a fracture of two ribs. She was attended by Dr. Leverton Spry and is confined to her bed.

Cornishman 12 October 1905


St Keverne Wesleyan Quarterly meeting was held at St Keverne on Thursday. Rev J Higham presided supported by Rev R Nicholls and Mr. W F Phillips (Circuit steward). There was a representative gathering. A heart welcome was given to the new Superintendent minister, the Rev Joseph Higham. Mr. Phillips presented the financial statement which showed a balance in hand of £6. The Lay Account Fund and the Horse Hire accounts were considered satisfactory. Messrs. Edwin Rule and Samuel Lambrick were elected representatives to Cornwall Wesleyan Council, Rev Joseph Higham and Mr. Stuart Rule Missionary secretaries, Mr. R Lawrence Temperance secretary and Mr. W F Phillips Education secretary. It was unanimously agreed that a collection take place in the Circuit on behalf of the West Indian Mission and the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Fund.

Cornishman 6 July 1911


Rev Alexander Mayes presided at St Keverne Wesleyan Quarterly meeting at Coverack. Receipts were £43 – 12s – 8d and expenditure £41 – 13s‐ 8d. The membership is 316, the same as last quarter. For Connexional Funds the Circuit raised £61 – 8s – 1d. Towards the Lay Agents Fund £11 – 5s had been raised. Mr. Edwin Rule resigned the office of treasurer which he had held for 20 years and Mr. R Lawrence was elected in his place.

West Briton 2 July 1903

The St Keverne Wesleyan Circuit held its Quarterly meeting at Coverack on Thursday afternoon, Rev J Wesley Davies Superintendent presiding. Little change in the finance and membership was reported. The Circuit picnic is to be held on August bank holiday. At the local preacher’s meeting in the evening, Rev J W Davies read “Hints to Local Preachers on the preparation of a sermon”.

Western Morning News 4 January 1928


A concert with community singing was given in St Keverne Wesleyan Church on Monday by the St Keverne Brass band under bandmaster John Martin assisted by the Wesleyan Choir in aid of the organ restoration fund. Rev G Tinsley Peet (St Keverne) presided. The soloists were Miss Miriam Martin, Miss Nora Hocking and Messrs. William Hodge, B Tripp, Sidney Roberts and Frank Rule. Mr. J S tuart Rule the organist accompanied the vocal solos and anthems.

Western Morning News 16 March 1929


The annual choir supper in connection with St Keverne Wesleyan Church was held on Wednesday in the Sunday School. Those presiding at the tables were Mesdames J S Rule, W Rogers, J Martin, J Thomas and Misses Winifred Rogers, Edna M Moyle, and Kathleen N Eddy. After the supper the company partook of games. Mr. J Stuart Rule was M.C. Cornishman 11 October 1906


St Keverne Wesleyans held their Quarterly meeting on Tuesday, Rev Joseph Higham being in the chair. The membership report showed a falling off while the finances were slightly better. The consideration of missionary affairs was remitted to the various leaders’ meetings. The officers were thanked and re‐elected. A harvest thanksgiving meeting followed. Mr. Edwin Rule presided. Addresses were delivered by Rev Joseph Higham and Mr. R Nicholls.

Cornishman 1 July 1925


St Keverne Wesleyan Quarterly meeting was held at Coverack, Rev Joseph Birkbeck presiding. Messrs. James Rogers and F Knowles (Circuit stewards) reported receipts of £85 and expenditure of £71. The number of members was 278.

Cornishman 15 December 1904

Mr. Edward Richards of London, formerly a scholar of St Keverne Wesleyan Sunday School, has sent £3 towards the new hymn ‐books presented to the scholars.

Western Morning News 29 November 1927


The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon at St Keverne Wesleyan Church of Mr. William John Nicholls who died at Trelyn Lane, St Keverne. The Rev G Tinsley Peet (Superintendent minister) officiated. The organist Mr. J Stuart Rule played the Dead March. The chief mourners were Mr. Richard Nicholls (son), Mrs. J Martin (daughter), Miss Gladys Nicholls (daughter), Master Richard Nicholls (grandson), Miss Miriam Martin (granddaughter), Mr. Reginald Phillips (nephew), Mrs. Jane Phillips (sister), Mr. John Martin (son‐in‐law), Mrs. R. Nicholls (daughter‐in‐law), Mr. A Beletti (nephew), Mrs. A Beletti (niece), Mr. and Mrs.. Mrs. J Hannibal S James, Mr. and Mrs. William James, Mr. Albert James, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest James, Mr. and Mrs. W J Tripp and Mrs. W E Giles (cousins), Mrs. R Retallack, Mrs. J Kelly, Mr.William Martin and Mr. William. Bunster. Others present included Messrs. James Rogers, Richard H Jewell (St Keverne Wesleyan Sunday School), Mr. Lewis Morrish (clerk parish council), Messrs. J Stuart Rule and Francis H Rule (Wesleyan Trustees), S Collins (representing W. Collins and Sons, Gweek). Bearers Messrs. Orlando Nicholls, William Hodge, Ernest Sowell, Sidney Peters, Mark J Retallack and Henry Retallack.. Mr. Nicholls who was 75 years of age had for over 60 years carried on business as a builder and for more than 30 years acted as organist of St Keverne Wesleyan Church, was a member of the Parish Council for 20 years and a member of the Falmouth Lodge of Oddfellows.

Cornishman 10 January 1923


The St Keverne Quarterly meeting on Thursday, Rev Joseph Birkbeck presiding, considered the scheme for Methodist union and on the motion being put 17 voted in favour of the scheme and 2 remained neutral. The Circuit stewards Messrs. F Rule and W T Lyne reported receipts for the quarter to be £63 – 10s and expenditure £69 – 6s. The number of members was 221, a decrease of 3. Mr. W T Lyne was re‐elected Circuit steward for the ensuing year. Mr. Leonard Lambrick was re‐ elected secretary to the quarterly meeting and Mr. F Knowles re‐elected circuit chapel secretary. Mr. J Nicholls was re‐elected treasurer of the Local Preachers Horse Hire Fund. It was reported that £35 – 8s had been sent to foreign missions during the quarter. Mr. Frank Rule was appointed auditor of the foreign missionary fund and Mr. Stuart Rule Circuit auditor.

Cornishman 30 October 1902


Some carpenters repairing the roof of St Keverne Wesleyan Chapel were annoyed in their work by a colony of bees which had made their home there for several years and it was found necessary to destroy them, brimstone being used for this purpose. At 7 o’clock some people who were going to a home meeting noticed flames issuing from the part where the carpenters had been at work and an alarm was quickly raised. Fortunately the ladders were already in position and plenty of help was on hand. With a good supply of water the fire was quickly got under control.

West Briton 3 January 1907


A successful two day bazaar in aid of the new building was held on December 26th and 27th. The bazaar was opened on the first day by thirteen young men and on the second day by twenty little girls. Their joint contribution amounted to £20 and in spite of the very prevalent influenza and the severe weather the total proceeds of the bazaar amounted to £103, a very gratifying result. Mr. Mace received the purses and Miss Mace received the childrens purses. The stallholders were Fancy and drapery – Mrs. Edwin Rule, Mrs. T H Richards, Mrs. Samuel Lambrick, Mrs. Mace, Mrs. George Retallack , Miss Lilian Nicholls. Miss James, Miss Rule, Miss Rogers, Miss M A Rogers, Miss Ann Rogers, Miss ralph, Miss Ann Lory and Miss Bray. Refreshments – Mrs. Joyce, Mrs. Ada Martin, Mrs. William Rogers, Mrs. Edith Pascoe, Mrs. Luttley and Mrs. Bray Fishpond – Misses L Lambrick, D Rogers and E James Messrs. John Hearle, William Rogers and Richard L James also worked well to ensure success. Mr. W Rowe (Porthleven) sent £5 Mr. J Mace £3 Sir Vyell Vivian £2 Mr. J Jeffrey £1 Mr. W Treloar £1 There is still a large amount needed before the local Wesleyans can claim the promised grant from the Connexional Fund. £1300 has been obtained towards the total cost of £2600 for the complete scheme. The date of the opening has been fixed for March 19th 1907.The following officials are working strenuously and hopefully as there is still between £300 and £400 to obtain before even the promised grant will be forthcoming ‐ the Rev Joseph Higham, minister (who recently by a trap accident broke an arm in 3 places), Messrs. Edwin Rule and William James (treasurers) and Messrs. T H Richards and J Stuart Rule (secretaries). On August bank holiday next it has been decided to hold a bazaar on a large scale at Manacle Point, St Keverne when it is hoped that Wesleyan friends in the district will spend an enjoyable day and help to swell the funds.

West Briton 8 August 1907


Bank Holiday was a great day with the St Keverne Wesleyans, the occasion being the dedication of the organ built at a cost of over £260. The proceedings commenced with a public luncheon which realized £7 and was presided over by the Rev Joseph Higham, resident minister. The toast list was a very short one, including “The King and Royal family” and “Success to the new organ”. Mr. Edwin Rule thanked all their friends for rallying to their assistance once more. They could congratulate themselves on the state of Methodism in the district. They had one of the most beautiful sanctuaries in the county and they had bought the freehold of the site so that it could be handed down to future generations. Helston friends had done well for St Keverne Wesleyans all through. Introducing Mr. T H Richards, the chairman said that he was the man to whom they owed much and he could give them instruction in the art of money‐ getting. Mr. T H Richards pleaded for large collections throughout the day. Mr. William James also spoke and read a letter from Mr. P D Williams, C.C. wishing them every success. At 3pm and excellent organ recital was given by Mr. Howlett Mus.Bac. of Helston Miss Rosetta Buzza of sang beautifully. Afterwards at 4pm Rev W Hodson Smith preached to a crowded congregation. The afternoon’s offertory realized £4 – 16s. At 5 pm a large crowd assembled for tea in a field kindly leny by Mrs. R Nicholls. The field overlooked Falmouth Bay and presented a bright scene as the weather, fortunately, held until late in the evening. The tables were presided over by the ladies of St Keverne and the tea realized £9 – 6s. The musical evening was a great treat and the church was crowded. Mr. William James presided. The programme consisted of organ solos, solos, anthems by the choir and vocal solos by Miss Rosetta Buzza (late of the Royal College of Music, London) and Messrs. H J Sedgman and E E Rowe of Helston. In the middle of the programme Mr. T H Richards read the financial report showing that £200 was required before they could receive the Connexional grant and towards that amount Mr. Richards and Mr. Edwin Rule had collected £66 – 14s. from friends entirely outside the Circuit. The collection during the evening and promises then made brought the total for the day up to £137. Wesleyan friends are also greatly indebted to Mrs. Joyce for securing a handsome baptismal font of serpentine stone. Members of the choir had previously subscribed £31. It was gratifying to all concerned that on the day of the opening and dedication the whole remaining cost of the organ was wiped off and an amount was placed towards defraying the debt on the new chapel. It is proposed to hold a bazaar at Christmas to secure the remaining portion of the £230‐, namely £87 which is required to meet the demands of the Connexional Chapel Committee. When that had been done the trustees expect to have a debt of but £400 and the interest on this latter amount will be fully met by the annual income of the trust. Altogether the prospect is a very bright one and will undoubtedly rejoice Methodist well ‐ wishers throughout the County of Cornwall.

West Briton 11 April 1912


Rev Thomas Hitchen presided at the quarterly meeting held at St Keverne. Rev Hodson Smith ) Chairman of the District) was present and about 25 others. The stewards accounts showed receipts £36 – 11s – 6d and expenditure £45 – 8s – 8d with a previous adverse balance of £2 – 19s – 10d. The total adverse balance was £11 – 16s – 11d. Votes of sympathy were passed with the late Mr. John Roskilly’s family and the late Mr. John Rogers’ family in their recent bereavements and with Mr. Thomas Rule in his illness. Mr. Richard Lawrence presented the Lay Agent’s account showing that the income met the expenditure. Mr. H J Morkam presented the Horse Hire account showing a balance in hand of 2s – 11d. The number of members was given as 283 with 12 junior members. Mr. W T Lyne was elected to attend the District Synod with the Circuit Stewards. Mr. J Williams read the Sunday School statistics and Mr. W T Lyne the chapel schedule. Missionary receipts were £36 – 6s – 2d for the year. The Rev T Hitchen was invited to be the minister for the ensuing year but no decision was arrived at, the matter being left in the hands of the Chairman of the District, the stewards and the minister.

Cornishman 2 July 1914


Held at Coverack on Tuesday, Rev John N Broad presided over a good attendance. The Circuit stewards, Messrs. Stuart Rule and Richard Lawrence reported a small adverse balance on the last quarter which was afterwards met. The Rev John N Broad reported the number of members to be 269, an increase of 43 with 17 on trial and 17 in junior classes. Mr. F Knowles reported that the proceeds of the Circuit Rally held at St Martin last weekend amounted to £9 – 2s – 2d. and a vote of thanks was passed to Mr. Knowles and the St Martin friends for arranging the same. A very hearty and unanimous invitation was given to the Rev and Mrs. Broad to remain in the Circuit a fourth year, the invitation being accepted.

West Briton 6 January 1916


Rev John N Broad presided at the quarterly meeting of the St Keverne Wesleyan Circuit held at St Martin on Friday. receipts amounted to £39 – 18s – 11d with an expenditure of £39 – 13s. The number of members was 264. The Circuit stewards were elected for the ensuing year as also were the following – Messrs. J Lambrick (secretary Quarterly meeting), F Knowles (Circuit Chapel secretary), Henry Morkam (treasurer Horse Hire Fund), Samual Lambrick (treasurer Auxillary Fund), E Williams (secretary Class Leaders) and Stuart Rule (Temperance secretary).

West Briton 1 April 1915


St Keverne Wesleyan Quarterly meeting was held at St Keverne on Thursday, the Rev John N Broad presiding supported by Rev J H Cartwright (Chairman of the District). Messrs. R Lawrence and J Nicholls (Circuit stewards) reported receipts during the quarter of £43 – 15s – 10d and expenses of £44 – 1s. Rev John N Broad reported that there were 269 members and 34 on trial, an increase of 40 on the year. Mr. F Knowles gave the report of the Local Agents Fund. Mr. Kenneth Roskruge was appointed secretary and Mr. Frank Rule auditor of the Foreign Missionary Fund to which over £38 had been subscribed that year. The Rev John N Broad accepted an invitation to remain in the Circuit for the fifth year.