International Council for the Exploration of the Sea C.M. 1989/H
~, ,. f , I International Council for the C.M. 1989/H:34 Exploration of the Sea Pelagic Fish Commitee CATCH OF SMALL PELAGIC SPECIES BY THE LIVE BAIT BOATS OF THE BASQUE COUNTRY IN 1987 AND 1988 by I. Martin A.Z.T.I.-S.I.O. Txatxarramendi ir1a, Sukarrieta, Bizkaia, Basque Country (Spain) • ABSTRACT The study of the catch of small pelagic species by the live bait boats (for tuna fishing) was started by the Basque Country in 1987. In this paper, estimates are presented on total catch by species, spatia1 distribution of the catches, length composition and age composition (only of anchovy) of the catches of anchovy, Engraulis encrasicholus, pilchard, Sardina pi1chardus, horse mackerel, Trachurus trachurus, and mackere1 Scomber scombrus. .: RESUME L'etude de 1a capture des petits poissons pelagiques pour la peche a l'appat vivant a commence au Pays Basque en 1987. On presente dans cet article, pour l'anchois, Engraulis encrasicho1us, 1a sardine, Sardina pilchardus, le chinchard, Trachurus trachurus, et le maquereau, Scomber scombrus, des resultats sur les estimations de la capture totale par espece, la distribution spatiale de la capture, la composition par taille et age de la capture (seu1ement pour • l'anchois). INTRODUCTION Sampling of the catch of small pelagic species by the boats which use live bait to catch tuna was started by the Basque Country in 1987. Some pre1iminary results refered to anchovy in 1987 were presented by Martin and Lucio (1988). In the present paper, results of two years of sampling (1987 and 1988) and refered to -anchovy, sardine, horse rnackere1 and mackere1 are presented~ .
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