NANCY PINEDA-MADRID Boston College - School of and Ministry (STM) 140 Commonwealth Avenue Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts 02467-3931 (617) 552-2285 / e-mail: [email protected]

ACADEMIC APPOINTMENT Associate Professor of Theology and Latino/a Ministry, Boston College, School of Theology and Ministry. Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. 2012 – present. Assistant Professor, 2005 – 2012.

EDUCATION Ph.D., Systematic and Philosophical Theology; Graduate Theological Union; Berkeley, California, 2005 Dissertation: “Interpreting Our Lady of Guadalupe: Mediating the Christian Mystery of Redemption” Major Advisor: Dr. Alejandro García-Rivera M. Div., Seattle University; Seattle, Washington. B.B.A., Loyola Marymount University; Los Angeles, California.

RESEARCH INTERESTS Soteriology Feminist (U.S. and Third World) U.S. Latino/a Theologies North American Pragmatism and Religious Thought

TEACHING Feminist Theologies and the Question of Salvation Christology American Pragmatism and Theology Seminar in Practical Theology U.S. Latino/a Theology Theological Foundations

AWARDS, GRANTS, AND RECOGNITIONS Loretto Legacy Award for Religion and Theology, 2012 Boston College Faculty Fellowship Sabbatical, 2012-2013 Named in America Magazine (Feb 2011) as one of seven of the Next Generation of Promising Catholic Theologians Louisville Institute’s First Book Grant, 2007-2008 The Rev. Francis L. Markey Dissertation Grant for Catholic Women in Ministry, 2002-2004 Lumen Gentium Award (Co-Recipient), 1994 Seattle University Centennial Alumni Award, 1991 Seattle University Multicultural Awareness Award, 1988

PUBLICATIONS Books  Suffering and Salvation in Ciudad Juárez. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2011.

 Hope: Promise, Possibility, and Fulfillment. Paulist Press, 2013. (Co-editor)

 The Holy Spirit: Setting the World on Fire. Paulist Press, November 2017. (Co-editor)

Pineda-Madrid –August 2017 Page 1 Book Chapters & Journal Articles (Refereed) “¡Somos Criaturas de Dios! – Seeing and Beholding the Garden of God” In Planetary Solidarity: Global Women’s Voices on Christian Doctrine and Climate Justice. Edited by Grace Ji-Sun Kim and Hilda P. Koster. (Fortress Press, 2017): 311-324.

“Practical Theology Along the Border and Beyond: Women, Suffering, and Religious Practice” In Catholic Approaches in Practical Theology: International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Edited by Claire E. Wolfteich and Annemie Dillen. (Leuven: Peeters Publishers, 2016): 167-184.

“Sex Trafficking and Feminicide along the Border: Re-membering Our Daughters.” In Living With(out) Borders: Catholic Theological Ethics on the Migrations of Peoples. Edited by Agnes M. Brazal and María Teresa Dávila. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 2016: 81-90.

"Feminicidio: Interrogación al Cuerpo Roto de Cristo." Revista Teología, Tomo LII, no. 119 (Marzo 2016), 189-207.

“Feminist Theory and Latina Feminist/Mujerista Theologizing” In Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Latino/a Theology. Edited by Orlando O. Espín. London: Wiley-Blackwell, 2015: 347-363.

“Hope and Salvation in the Shadow of the Tragedy” In Hope: Promise, Possibility, and Fulfillment. Edited by Richard Lennan & Nancy Pineda-Madrid (Paulist Press, 2013)

“Social Salvation in the Shadow of Feminicide” In Translating Religion, College Theology Society Annual Volume 58. Eds. Mary Doak and Anita Houck. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 2013: 87-103.

“Resistiendo al Feminicidio, Interrogando la Salvación” In La Teología de la Liberación en Prospectiva. Tomo I – Trabajos Científicos. Ed. Fundación Amerindia. Montevideo, Uruguay: Doble clic, 2012: 718-726. e-book.

“Redemption, Latinas, and the Contribution of Rosemary Radford Ruether” In Voices of Feminist Liberation: Writings in Celebration of Rosemary Radford Ruether. Edited by Emily Leah Silverman, Dirk von der Horst and Whitney Bauman. Bristol, CT: Equinox, 2012: 151-170.

“Feminicide and the Reinvention of Religious Practices” In Women, Wisdom, and Witness: Engaging Contexts in Conversation. Edited by Rosemary P. Carbine and Kathleen J. Dolphin. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2012: 61-74.

“Celebrating Our Latina Feminist Foremothers: A Response to Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza” The Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, vol. 27 no. 1 (Spring 2011), 110-114.

“Latina Theology” In Liberation Theologies in the United States: An Introduction. Edited by Stacey M. Floyd-Thomas and Anthony B. Pinn. New York: NYU Press, 2010: 61-85.

“Latina Feminist Theology: Charting Future Discourse” In New Feminist : Many Voices, Many Views. Edited by Mary E. Hunt and Diann L. Neu. Woodstock, VT: SkyLight Paths, 2010: 21-29.

“Holy Guadalupe . . . Shameful Malinche?: Excavating the Problem of ‘Female Dualism,’ Doing Theological Spade Work.” Listening: Journal of Religion and Culture, vol. 44 no. 2 (Spring, 2009), 71-87.

“Social Suffering, Its Aftermath and Questions of Redemption.” In Secularization Theories, Religious Identity and Practical Theology. Eds. Wilhelm Gräb & Lars Charbonnier. Berlin, Germany: LIT Verlag, 2009: 235-242.

Pineda-Madrid –August 2017 Page 2 “Through the Leaven of Popular Catholic Practices: Women Transforming Church.” In Prophetic Witness: Catholic Women’s Strategies for the Church. Boston College’s C21 Series. Ed. Colleen Griffith. New York: Herder & Herder, 2009: 188-196.

“On Mysticism, Latinos/as and the Journey: A Reflection in Conversation with Mary Engel.” The Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, vol. 24 no. 2 (Fall 2008), 178-183.

“Latinas Writing Theology at the Threshold of the 21st Century.” In Women-Centered Theologies for the 21st Century. Edited by Rosemary Radford Ruether. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress, 2007: 55-65.

“Traditioning: The Formation of Community, The Transmission of Faith.” In Futuring Our Past: Explorations in the Theology of Tradition. Edited by Orlando Espín and Gary Macy. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Press, 2006: 204-226.

“Latina Roman Catholic Theologies.” In Encyclopedia of Women and Religion in North America. Edited by Rosemary Skinner Keller and Rosemary Radford Ruether. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2006: 1193-1200.

“Guadalupe’s Challenge to Rahner’s Theology of Symbol.” In Rahner Beyond Rahner: A Great Theologian Encounters the Pacific Rim. Edited by Paul Crowley. Kansas City, MO: Rowman & Littlefield, 2005: 73-85.

“Notes Toward a ChicanaFeminist Epistemology (and Why It Is Important for Latina Feminist Theologies).” In A Reader In Latina Feminist Theology: Religion and Justice. Ed. María Pilar Aquino, Daisy Machado and Jeanette Rodríguez. Austin, TX: UT Press, 2002: 241-266.

“Überlegungen im Hinblick auf eine chicana-feministische Epistemologie (und warum sie für feministische Latina-Theologien von Bedeutung ist).” In: Glaube an der Grenze Die US-amerikanische Latino- Theologie. Raul Fornet-Bentancourt, (Hg.). Freiburg: Verlag Herder, 2002: 180-210. (Translation of “Notes Toward a ChicanaFeminist Epistemology”)

“Latina Theology.” In New Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 8. Edited by Berard Marthaler, et. al. Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press and Gale Group, 2002: 369-370.

“In Search of a Theology of Suffering, Latinamente.” In The Ties That Bind: African-American and Hispanic-American/Latino Theology in the United States. Edited by Anthony B. Pinn and Benjamin Valentin. New York: Continuum, 2001: 184-199.

Book Reviews Across Borders: Latin Perspectives in the Americas Reshaping Religion, Theology and Life. Edited by Joerg Rieger. Theological Studies (forthcoming)

Ain’t I a Womanist Too? Third Wave Womanist Religious Thought. Edited by Monica A. Coleman. Theological Studies (forthcoming)

Death in the New World: Cross-Cultural Encounters, 1492-1800. By Erik R. Seeman. Journal of the American Academy of Religion. 80, no. 1 (March 2012): 263-66.

(co-authored with Eduardo C. Fernandez, SJ) Introducing Latino/a Theologies, by Miguel A. de la Torre and Edwin David Aponte. Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology, 22 June 2010

Desterradas Hijas de Eva: Protagonismo y Marginación de la Mujer en el Cristianismo Primitivo, by Fernando Rivas Rebaque. Theological Studies. 70, no.3 (September 2009): 699-701.

Jesus is My Uncle: Christology from a Hispanic Perspective, by Luis Pedraja. dialog: A Journal of Theology. 39, no. 4 (Winter 2000): 305-307.

Pineda-Madrid –August 2017 Page 3 Stories We Live - Cuentos Que Vivimos: Hispanic Women’s Spirituality, by Jeanette Rodríguez; and Hagar’s Daughters: Womanist Ways of Being in the World, by Diana L. Hayes Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology, 7, no. 2 (November 1999): 47-49.

San Martin de Porres: The “Little Stories and the Semiotics of Culture,” by Alex García-Rivera. Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology. 5, no. 3 (February 1998): 68-71.

Pastoral Works “Agradecida por el viaje, aunque tenga desvios . . ., Thankful for the Journey even with its detours . . .” In ¡Oye!, 2015, Vol. 11, 26-27. Edited by Carmen F. Aguinaco. Issue Entitled: Listen to God’s Call.

“Guadalupe – ‘Dar a Luz’” In All Holy Men and Women. Edited by Thomas Kane. Paulist Press, 2014: 195-202.

“New Perspectives; New Questions: What to Next for Liberation Theology?” In Conversations, Fall 2013, no.44, 30-31. Edited by Patrick Howell, SJ. Issue Entitled: Justice in Jesuit Higher Education.

“Instilling Faith: The Power of Religious Symbols.” C21 Resources, Fall 2012, 30-31. Edited by Thomas Groome. Issue Entitled: “Handing On the Faith”

“The Blessing of a Latino/a Religious Worldview.” C21 Resources, Spring 2012, 5-6. Edited by John F. Baldovin. Issue entitled: “Catholics: A Sacramental People”

“How can we live a more faithful life?” Today’s Parish, vol. 40 no. 3 (March 2008), 19-22.

“The Blessing of a Latino/a Religious Worldview.” Church, vol. 23 no. 4. (Winter 2007), 5-8.

“Listening Deeply to the Word in Our Midst.” Today’s Parish, vol. 38 no. 7 (Nov/Dec 2006), 19-22.

“Work.” In Way to Live: Christian Practices for Teens. Edited by Don Richter and Dorothy Bass. Nashville, TN: Upper Room Books, 2002: 111-124.

“Parish Pastoral Councils: Responding to Cultural Diversity.” In Developing a Vibrant Parish Pastoral Council. Edited by Art Deegan. Mahwah, New Jersey: Paulist Press, 1995: 107-131.

Work Accepted for Publication “A Theological Impasse – Feminicide and Hope” In Violencia Sexual y Religión: Prácticas Interculturales de Teología Feminista de la Liberación. Edited by María Pilar Aquino & María Carmen Servitje (Bogotá, Columbia: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Forthcoming 2018)

“The Mount of Olives.” In The Land of Jesus: Meditations. Edited by Hosffman Ospino. (Corby Books: Forthcoming 2017)

“The Holy Spirit and the Pilgrimage of Faith” (co-authored with Richard Lennan) In The Holy Spirit: Setting the World on Fire. Edited by Richard Lennan & Nancy Pineda-Madrid (Paulist Press, November 2017)

“Tráfico sexual y feminicidio a lo largo de la frontera: Re-membranza de nuestras hijas” In Arqueologia de la violencia: nuevos paradigmas en el pensamieto y el lenguaje para la praxis no violenta. Edited by Carlos Mendoza Álvarez & Héctor Conde Rubio. (Ciudad de México, D. F.: Universidad Iberoamericana, A.C.: forthcoming 2017)

“La Guadalupe, The Bible, Pentecost” In Latinos/as Theologians Reflect on the Bible. Edited by Fernando Segovia and Francisco Lozada. (Forthcoming)

“La Teoría Feminista y la Teologización Feminista/Mujerista Latina” In Encuentro Iberoamericano. Edited by Felix Palazzi Von Buren and Rafael Luciani. (España – Forthcoming 2018)

Pineda-Madrid –August 2017 Page 4 Work in Progress That the Daughters Might Live: Guadalupe - A Living Symbol. Under contract with Orbis Press (Maryknoll, New York)

EDITORIAL RESPONSIBILITIES Guest Editor (one issue), Listening: Journal of Religion and Culture, vol. 44 no. 2 (Spring 2009) Issue entitled: “Modern Reflections on Mary”

Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Theological Studies, 2016 - present

Member, Editorial Board, Offerings: A Journal of Practical Theology and Spirituality, 2017 – present

Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Hispanic/Latino/a Theology, 2017 – present

SCHOLARLY PAPERS, LECTURES, AND PRESENTATIONS (SELECT) “Gender Justice in Church and Society – A View from North America.” Plenary lecture at the 2017 Network Council Meeting of the International Network of Societies of Catholic Theology (INSeCT). Bangalore, India. July 2017.

“Feminicidio: Interrogación al Cuerpo Roto de Cristo.” Lecture in Spanish at Capilla Jesucristo Liberador, Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas (UCA). San Salvador, El Salvador. June 2017.

“Sin as Alienation, Salvation as Theosis & Communion” Presented as a response in the Human Trafficking and Modern Day Slavery - Interest Group of the Catholic Theological Society of America (CTSA) at the Annual Convention. Albuquerque, NM. June 2017.

“Believing in a God Who Saves” Presented a paper at Beauty and Knowledge, Love and Justice: A Symposium Celebrating the Theological Contribution of Roberto Goizueta. Boston College. Chestnut Hill, MA. April 2017

“Violence Against Women: “A Crucified People”? Presented as The 2017 Most Reverend John McCarthy Lecture on the in the 21st Century at St. Edwards University. Austin, Texas. March 2017

“Traversing Along Theological Borderlands – A Response to Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza’s Congress of Wo/men: Religion, Gender, and Kyriarchal Power” Presented at Harvard University Divinity School. Cambridge, MA. March 2017.

“Interrogating the Ways Religious Female Symbols Function to Limit Women Speaking.” Presented a lecture at a Symposium of the European Society of Catholic Theology (ESCT), European Society of Women in Theological Research (ESWTR), and the International Network of Societies for Catholic Theology (INSeCT). Universität Wien. Vienna, Austria. September 2016.

“Anti-Blackness, Catholicism, and Ethics – A Response.” Presented at the Anti-Blackness and Christian Ethics Symposium. Boston College. Chestnut Hill, MA. September 2016.

“Bold Mercy: A Response to Paul Crowley.” Response to a Plenary Session at the Catholic Theological Society of America (CTSA) Annual Convention. San Juan, Puerto Rico. June 2016.

“Feminicidio: interrogación al Cuerpo roto de Cristo.” Presented a lectura (in Spanish) at the 2nd Congreso de Teólogas LatinoAmericanas y Alemanas entitled, Espacios de Paz: Signos De Estos Tiempos y Relatos de Mujeres. Facultad de Teología de la Universidad Católica Argentina. Teologanda y Agenda. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Marzo 2016.

“Feminicide – Interrogating the Broken Body of Christ.” Presented as The LaSalle Lecture on Religion and Culture at La Salle University. , PA. February 2016. Pineda-Madrid –August 2017 Page 5 “Tráfico Sexual y Feminicidio a lo largo de la Frontera: Re-Membranza de Nuestras Hijas.” Presented a lecture at the Seventh International Colloquia entitled, Arqueología de la Violencia. Universidad Iberoamericana. México, D. F. Octubre 2015.

“Feminicide – Interrogating the Broken Body of Christ.” Presented as the Charles S. Casassa, S.J. Lecture in Catholic Social Values at Loyola Marymount University. Los Angeles, CA. October 2015.

“Feminicide - Interrogating the Broken Body of Christ.” Presented a paper to the Women’s Consultation on Constructive Theology at the Catholic Theological Society of America (CTSA) Annual Convention. Milwaukee, WI. June 2015.

“Feminist Theory and Latina Feminist/Mujerista Theologizing.” Presented a paper to the Systematics Colloquia of the Theology Department at Boston College. Chestnut Hill, MA. April 2015.

“That the Daughters May Live” Presented the 2015 Sr. Ellen Joyce Lecture at the College of St. Elizabeth. Morristown, NJ. February 2015.

“Borders, Resistance, and Theological Imaginings of Home – A Response.” Presentation given to the Asian North American Religion, Culture, and Society Group at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Religion (AAR). San Diego, CA. November 2014.

“A Roycean Approach to Evil” Presented a paper to The Philosophy and Theology Workgroup of the College of Arts & Sciences at Boston College. Chestnut Hill, MA. October 2014.

“Seeing, Hearing, Beholding the Garden of God.” Panelist for a gathering of the Boston Area Regional College Theology Society. Boston, MA. October 2014.

“Latin@ Contributions to Practical Theology” Colloquium panelist for Boston University Center For Practical Theology. Boston, MA. October 2014.

“Resisting Evil, Pursuing the Good,” Presented a lecture at the Graduate Theological Union (GTU). Berkeley, CA. April 2014.

“Suffering and Salvation in Ciudad Juárez.” Lecture at De Paul University. , IL. October 2013

“Resisting Evil in Ciudad Juárez, Catching Glimpses of Salvation,” The Annual Costas Lecture at Andover Newton Theological Seminary. Newton Centre, MA. October 2013.

“Theologizing to Transgress – A Response to the Rising Tide of Feminicide in the Americas.” Presentation given in a Select Session (INSeCT) entitled: The Transformative Role of Theology in Church and Society, of the Catholic Theological Society of America (CTSA). Miami, FL. June 2013.

“Resisting Feminicide, Interrogating Salvation.” Presentation given to the International Academy of Practical Theology (IAPT). Toronto, Canada. April 2013.

“El dualismo entre Guadalupe y la Malinche.” Presentation as an Invited Lecturer to the Universidad Iberoamericana. México, D. F. March 2013.

“Salvación social en la sombra del feminicidio.” Presentation as an Invited Lecturer to the Instituto Mexicano de Doctrina Social Cristiana (IMDOSOC). México, D. F. March 2013.

“Resistiendo al Feminicidio, Interrogando la Salvación.” Presentation as an Invited Lecturer for the Congreso Continental de Teologia at Unisinos (Universidad Jesuita). São Leopoldo/RS, Brasil. October 2012.

“Símbolos Religiosos y la Subversión de la Violencia Contra la Mujer.” Presentation as an Invited Lecturer for the Cuerpos y Fronteras: Transformando la Violencia y Rescatando la Justicia conference at El Colegio de la Frontera Norte (COLEF). Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México. September 2012. Pineda-Madrid –August 2017 Page 6 “Social Salvation in the Shadow of Feminicide.” Plenary Speaker at the annual meeting of the College Theology Society (CTS). San Antonio, TX. June 2012

“Religious Symbols, Transgressing Boundaries & the Subversion of Violence.” Presentation to the annual colloquium of the Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States (ACHTUS). St. Louis, MO. June 2012.

“Women’s Suffering, Practices for Resisting Violence, and the Question of Salvation.” Presentation as Invited Lecturer to St. John’s School of Theology. Collegeville, MN. March 2012

“Encountering God – Seeing the Poor as a Reflection of the Divine.” Presentation given at Stonehill College. Easton, MA. February 2012.

“La Guadalupe, The Bible, Pentecost.” Presentation given to the Bible in Racial, Ethnic, and Indigenous Communities Consultation at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Religion (AAR). San Francisco, CA. November 2011.

“Alejandro García-Rivera’s Theological Cosmology and Its Roots in Pragmatism.” Presentation as Invited Lecturer at De Paul University. Chicago, IL October 2011.

“Guadalupe: An American Pentecost” Presentation as Invited Lecturer for the Mary in Our Day Conference at The College of Saint Scholastica. Duluth, MN August 2011.

“‘Turning the Subject,’ Black Women’s Bodies and the Unsettling Contribution of M. Shawn Copeland.” Presentation given in the Theological Anthropology Topic Session of the Catholic Theological Society of America (CTSA). San Jose, CA. June 2011.

“Feminicide, Religious Symbols and Soteriological Questions.” Presentation as Invited Lecturer to Our Lady of the Lake University. San Antonio, TX March 2011.

“Overturning Gendered Stereotypes of Latinas: Guadalupe and Malinche.” Presentation given to the Religion in Latin America & the Caribbean Group at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Religion (AAR). Atlanta, GA. October 2010.

“Feminicide, Practices of Resistance, and the Possibility of Salvation.” Presentation given in an Invited Session of the Catholic Theological Society of America (CTSA). Cleveland, OH. June 2010.

“Social Suffering – A Vital Point of Departure for Practical Theology.” Presentation given to the Practical Theology Continuing Group of the Catholic Theological Society of America (CTSA). Los Angeles, CA. June 2007.

“‘Shameful Malinche? Holy Guadalupe?’: Excavating the Problem of ‘Female Dualism,’ Doing Theological Spade Work.” Presentation as Invited Lecturer to the Theological School at Drew University. Madison, NJ. April 2007.

“Social Suffering, Its Aftermath and Questions of Redemption.” Presentation to the International Academy of Practical Theologians (IAPT). Berlin, Germany. March 2007.

“Imaging Guadalupe and the Quest to Be Fully Human.” Presentation as an Invited Lecturer to the bi-annual conference entitled, ‘Education, Labor and Emancipation.’ Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez (UACJ). Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México. September 2006.

“A U.S. Latino/a Crucible — Imaging the Theology-Ministry Relation.” Presentation to Harvard Divinity School’s Nuestra Voz Conference entitled, ‘Theology and Ministry in the U.S. Latino/a Context: Crossing Borders, Redefining Margins’ at Harvard University. Cambridge, MA. April 2006.

Pineda-Madrid –August 2017 Page 7 “Guadalupe: Resurrection Midst the Body Social.” Presentation given in a Selected Session of the Catholic Theological Society of America (CTSA). St. Louis, MO. June 2005.

ACADEMIC COURSES TAUGHT IN SPANISH “La mujer en la teología latinoamericana.” Visiting Professor. Taught a four session course at la Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas (UCA) – San Salvador, El Salvador. June 2017.

“La salvación en la perspectiva de la teología feminista.” Taught a three session course for El Departamento de Ciencias Religiosas y la Cátedra de Teología Feminista. Universidad Iberoamericana. México, D.F. March 2013.

ACADEMIC, COMMUNITY, AND ECCLESIAL SERVICE (SELECT) International & National Committees Consultant to the Secretariat of Cultural Diversity in the Church, United States Catholic Conference of Bishops (USCCB); Conceptualized and moderated the Emerging Catholic Hispanic Leadership Initiative. San Antonio, TX. September 2011.

Member of Selection Committee for Louisville Institute First Book Grants. Spring 2011.

Invited participant at the Segundo Simposio Teológico Interamericano. Centro para el Estudio del Catolicismo Latino/a, Universidad de San Diego y Instituto de Misionología Missio MWI, Aachen, Alemania. San José, Costa Rica. June 10-15, 2008

Invited participant at the Holy Spirit Colloquium, a seminar of Duquesne University, Theology Department. Pittsburgh, PA. May 2008.

Invited participant at the Primer Simposio de Teólogas Feministas Latinas, Latinoamericanas, y del Caribe. (By invitation.) Centro para el Estudio del Catolicismo Latino/a, Universidad de San Diego y Instituto de Misionología Missio e.v., Aachen, Alemania. Ciudad de México, D.F. July 6-11, 2004

Consultant to the Office of Migrant and Refugee Services of the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops (USCCB); Conceptualized and moderated the National Consultation Meeting to develop an Asian and Pacific Task Force. San Francisco, CA. May 2003.

Consultant to various Catholic institutions and organizations, including but not limited to Columban Fathers, Catholic Diocese of Oakland’s Department Directors, Hispanic Ministry Office, and the Pastoral Planning Office; Catholic Charities of the East Bay; California Province of Jesuits; Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange County; Concord Hispanic Ministry and others in areas of pastoral planning and multi-ethnic affairs. Berkeley, CA. 1996 - 2002.

Chairperson of the Program Committee and the Coordinating Committee for the 25th Anniversary Celebration of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) a national anti-poverty program sponsored by the Catholic bishops of the United States. National Conference of Catholic Bishops/United States Catholic Conference (NCCB/USCC). Washington, D.C. November 1994 - November 1995.

Board Member of the National Catholic Campaign for Human Development Committee (CCHD) of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops/United States Catholic Conference (NCCB/USCC). Washington, D.C. 1992-1996.

Board and Executive Committee Member for the Institute for Theological Studies, a graduate program of Seattle University. Seattle, WA. 1989-1992.

University Service – Boston College Co-organizer of the symposium: Beauty and Knowledge, Love and Justice: A Symposium Celebrating the Theological Contribution of Roberto Goizueta. April 2017 Pineda-Madrid –August 2017 Page 8 Member of the School of Theology and Ministry Education Policy Committee (EPC). 2015 – 2017.

Member of the African and African Diaspora Studies (AADS) search committee for a faculty position in theology. October 2016 – January 2017.

“La Virgen de Guadalupe: Un Pentecostés Americano.” Two presentations given, one in Spanish & one in English, for The Church in the 21st Century Center. December 2016.

Faculty Participant, Intersections Villa Faculty Writing Retreat. York Beach, ME. June 2016

Member of the School of Theology and Ministry Dean Candidate Interview Committee. May – June 2016.

Member of the School of Theology and Ministry’s advisory committee on promotion and tenure. 2015, 2016

Chair, School of Theology and Ministry’s Latino/a Theology and Ministry Initiative Committee, 2013-2015

"Race in USA, 2015: Expectations, Concerns, and Hopes" Panelist for a Jesuit Institute presentation. Jan 2015

Member of the Jesuit Institute’s Advisory Board, 2014 – present.

“Doing Holy Mischief” Presented a lecture at a Boston College symposium entitled, Beyond Ignorance, Hostility, and Fear: Organizing for Justice by Embracing Religious and Ethnic Passion. October 2013.

Systematics Area Convener, School of Theology & Ministry, 2013-2014

Member of The Church in the 21st Century Advisory Committee. 2005-2013

Practical Theology Area Convener, School of Theology & Ministry, 2006-2012

Faculty Participant, Intersections Seminar, Focus On Jamaica. Annotto Bay, Jamaica. August 2012.

Member of the Ph.D. Central Admissions Committee for the Theology Department. Spring 2006. Spring 2009.

Member of the Ecclesiastical Faculty search committee for faculty position in Systematic Theology. 2009.

“Women for Others, Leaders for the Church.” Panelist for Church in the Twenty-first Century (C21) event. April 2012.

“On Popular Catholicism, Borderlands Visioning and the Spiritual Journey.” Panelist for Church in the 21st Century Series. September 2009.

“Spiritual Practices and the Sacramental Worldview of Latino/a Catholicism.” Presenter for the School of Theology and Ministry’s Continuing Education series. Feb 2009.

Community & Ecclesial Service Mentor for a non-Boston College Latina PhD Student for the Hispanic Theological Initiative Consortium (HTIC). 2015 – 2017.

“Celebrando Guadalupe” & “Celebrating Guadalupe.” Preached sermon videotaped in honor of the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Spanish & in English for the website Catholic Women Preach. December 2016. See

“Guadalupe: An American Pentecost.” Presented as a lecture for the Diocese of Amarillo. Amarillo, TX. December 2016.

“Tragedy and the Cultivation of Hope.” Presented a lecture at the 2016 Women of the Church Conference. Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology. Ferdinand, Indiana. October 2016.

Pineda-Madrid –August 2017 Page 9 “Wrestling with God, Walking with Hope.” Keynote Lecture at the College of Saint Elizabeth. Morristown, NJ. April 2016.

“El Arte en la Religiosidad Popular” and “Art and Hispanic Popular Piety” Two workshops, one given in Spanish and one given in English at the 2015 Los Angeles Congress. Anaheim, CA. March 2015.

“Que Las Hijas Pueden Vivir” and “Orando Con Nuestros Voces y Cuerpos”. Two workshops given in Spanish at the 2014 Los Angeles Congress. Anaheim, CA. March 2014.

“The New Evangelization and the Moment of Juzgar.” Plenary address for the meeting entitled: Pastoral Hispana de Conjunto a la Luz de la Nueva Evangelización. This meeting was jointly held by the National Catholic Council of Hispanic Ministry (NCCHM); The National Catholic Association of Diocesan Directors of Hispanic Ministry (NCADDHM); and the Federación de Institutos Pastorales (FIP). Las Vegas, Nevada. August 2013.

“Teología Feminista y la Pregunta de la Salvación” Taught a four session course in Spanish for Tepeyac Institute of the Diocese of El Paso. El Paso, Texas. June 2013.

“La Celebración Eucarística en Clave Hispana: Música y Espiritualidad.” Co-presenter for the Annual Hispanic Ministry Renewal Day (in Spanish). Boston College, June 2012; Diocese of El Paso TX Tepeyac Institute, March 2013; Archdiocese of Seattle WA, February 2014; and, Diocese of Amarillo TX, October 2016.

“‘Reading’ Our Lady of Guadalupe.” Presentation given at Oregon Catholic Press. Portland, OR. March 2012.

“Suffering and Salvation in Ciudad Juárez” Teleconference presenter for Women's Alliance for Theology, Ethics and Ritual (WATER) and their Feminist Conversations in Religion Series. May 2011.

“Social Suffering and the Quest for Redemption -- A U.S. Latino/a Theological Perspective.” Instructor of a week-long course for the Diocese of El Paso’s Tepeyac Institute. El Paso, TX. June 2007.


Catholic Theological Society of America (CTSA), 1999-present  Board of Directors, 2007 – 2010  CTSA representative to INSeCT, 2013 - 2017  Steering Committee, Human Trafficking and Modern Day Slavery Interest Group, 2015 -2018.  Steering Committee, Theological Anthropology Topic Session, 2012 - 2015.  Convener, Selected Session: “Resurrection of the Body in Feminist Theology,” 2005.  Convener, North American Contextual Theologies Continuing Group, 2000-2004.  Committee Member, Underrepresented Ethnic and Racial Groups (CUERG), 2005 - 2007.  Committee Member, AdHoc Committee on Convention Structure Implementation, 2006.

International Network of Societies of Catholic Theology (INSeCT), 2013-2017  Vice-President, 2014-2017  Network Council Meeting, Planning and Moderating. Bangalore, India. 2017  Network Council Meeting, Planning and Moderating. Belo Horizonte, Brazil. 2014

Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States (ACHTUS), 1996-present  Past President, 2016-2017  President, 2015-2016  President Elect, 2014-2015  Vice President, 2013-2014  Board of Directors, 2005-2007, 2011-2013

American Academy of Religion (AAR), 1997-present Pineda-Madrid –August 2017 Page 10 International Academy of Practical Theologians (IAPT), 2006-present

Association of Practical Theology, 2009 – present

Josiah Royce Society, 2009 – present

Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy (SAAP), 2011 – present

ACADEMIC POSITIONS HELD Assistant Professor, Theology Department & School of Theology and Ministry, Boston College, 2005 - 2012 Assistant Professor, Department of , Saint Mary’s College of California, 2002 - 2005 Newhall Teaching Fellow, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California, Spring 2000 Instructor, Dept. of Theology, University of San Francisco, Fall 1998 Instructor, Hispanic Summer Program, Columbia Theological Seminary and Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, Summer 1998 Instructor, Institute for Theological Studies, Seattle University. Summer 1993

OTHER PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Director of Planning Catholic Archdiocese of Seattle. Conceptualized and executed projects for Archbishop Thomas Murphy (deceased) in areas of pastoral planning and multi-ethnic affairs; served as Executive Secretary to Archdiocesan Pastoral Council; served as a primary liaison to Presbyteral Council; hired, supervised and coordinated diocesan consultant staff for pastoral planning (10); conceptualized and moderated diocesan, parish and school planning projects; mediated parish and school conflicts; presented lectures and course offerings on ministry in cross-cultural settings and on U.S. Latino ministry (theology, faith expressions, community organizing). Seattle, Washington. 1992-1995.

Multicultural Ministries Coordinator Catholic Archdiocese of Seattle. Served as liaison to Latino, Native American and various Asian Catholic communities; conceptualized, organized and moderated workshops/retreats/meetings for the various ethnic communities; collaborated with several archdiocesan offices to ensure that their programs responded to the needs of the various ethnic communities. Seattle, Washington. 1989-1992.

Staff Member Jesuit Shalom Center. Conceptualized and moderated workshops and retreats primarily focused on cross-cultural sensitivity; served as a consultant to various church institutions in the area of multi-ethnic awareness. Seattle, Washington. 1988-1989.

Office Manager Pineda-Rodehaver Agency (Property and Casualty Insurance). Supervised employees (5); responsibilities included employee work flow and accuracy, motivation and training; maintained all accounting, tax and payroll records. El Paso, Texas. 1984-1985.

Sales & Management Associate Pineda-Rodehaver Agency (Property and Casualty Insurance). Rotated through management tasks, developed sales skills and obtained a license to sell insurance in the state of Texas. El Paso, Texas. 1983-1984.

Pastoral Missionary Misión de San Jose. Directed a play of the Passion of Jesus Christ; organized a youth retreat; organized bible study groups; supervised food and clothing outreach. Palomas, Chihuahua; Mexico. 1982-1983.

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