NONPROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID PHILADELPHIA, PA PERMIT NO 1832 588 North Gulph Road King of Prussia, PA 19406 THe Magazine of PaLMer THeoLogicaL SeMinary WWW.PALMERSEMINARY.EDU SUMMER 2014 610-896-5000 The 2014 Orlando E. Costas Lectureship Presents Dr. Carlos F. Cardoza-Orlandi Misión a la Puerta/Mission at the Door Friday Esperanza College October 3, 2014 4261 North 5th Street 9:30 - 11:30 AM Philadelphia, PA 19140 RSVP by September 25, 2014 to:
[email protected]. Includes complimentary continental breakfast. Presented by Palmer Theological Seminary of Eastern University, Diane chen, interim in partnership with the Esperanza Capacity Institute. Palmer Dean, Speaks at Dr. Duffett’s inaugural chapel Mitchell Lectures Trafficking Honoring Medley PASSING OF THE BATON: REV. DR. EDWIN APONTE APPOINTED AS NEW PALMER DEAN FAITH COMES FROM HEARING. RAISE YOUR VOICE. NOT JUST A DEGREE – A COMMITMENT TO CHANGE Palmer Theological Seminary’s pioneering Doctor of Ministry in Leadership of Missional Church Renewal Program focuses on helping Christian leaders grow as responsive agents of God’s transforming power. The program affirms a vital relationship with Jesus Christ as the source of renewal. It looks inward at the transformation of individuals and churches, and outward at the transformation of communities and the world. It captures the essence of what it means to be the Church. The program is designed to deepen the student’s role in leading with increasing professional, intellectual, and spiritual integrity. The goal is to provide a level of knowledge, theoretical clarity, and competence commensurate with the highest degree for practice of ministry.