Archives ACT Finding Aid Ted Griffiths Report ACT Rural Leases in the 1970’s Introduction This index lists the rural blocks and associated leaseholders in the Australian Capital Territory circa 1975. The headings are self-explanatory although it should be noted that some of the division borders have changed, for instance Section 103 Narrabundah is now Section 103 Symonston. Also some of the block areas use older measurements. The following is a guide to assist in working out the area of these blocks: Chains (length) : 1 chain = 66 feet or 22 yards - 80 chains = 1 mile Perches (area) : 1 perch = 30¼ square yards - 40 perches = 1 rood Roods (area) : 1 rood = 1/4 acre or 10,890 square feet Who was Ted Griffiths? We believe he was Edward Joseph Griffiths, a public servant who lived at Nursery Cottage at Acton until the early 1950s when he moved to Hotham Crescent in Deakin. ACT Memorial has an entry for Edward Griffiths here: This listing corresponds to the entry for Edward Joseph Griffiths in the book: Seniority List of Officers in the Second and Third Divisions – 1972, Australian Government Publishing, Canberra, 1973. He most likely worked for the Department for the Interior then later, the Department of the Capital Territory which was the Department responsible for leases during that time. If you have any information on him please contact us: mailto:
[email protected] Territory and Municipal Services Territory Records Office ArchivesACT GPO Box 158 Canberra ACT 2601 Telephone (02) 6207 5726 Facsimile (02) 6207 5835 Version 2 26 October 2010 DISTRICT / LESSEE, LICENCEE OR DEPARTMENT / WATER GEN PLAN DIVISION BLOCK SECTION AREA PURPOSE AGISTEE ADDRESS TENURE AUTHORITY RATES NO.