- - CANBERRA BUSHWALKING CLUB INC. rat N EVVSLETTER PG Box 160, Canberra City, ACT. 2601. REGISTERED BY AUSTRALIA POST PUBLICATION NO. NBH 1859 60 cents VOLUME 19 JULY 1982 No. 7 EDITOR BiLL Brown, 17 Hale Cres, Turner 487629(H) 486644(W) USEFUL CLUB CONTACTS: PRESIDENT Ann Gibbs—Jordan 487549(H) 480066(W) WALKS SECRETARY: John Street 487325(H) 643245(W) MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY: Lorraine TomLins 723624(W) CONDENSED CLUB DIARY Wed 21 July: MONTHLY GATHERING at the Griffin Centre, Room 1, Canberra City 8pm (Spiders) Mon 26July: COMMIIIEEMEEIING •at Nick Crofts', 35 Foveaux Street, Ainslie, 8 pm. All welcome Thu 29 July: IT CLOSING DATE (Contributions to the Editor Wed 4 August: BUSH OS at Joy Cocker and David O'Connor's, 5 Nielson Street, Garran Tue 10 August: !I_c2LhI19!,i at Bill Brown's, 17 Hale Crescent, Turner, 8 pm. 4 CHANGE OF VENUE FOR CBC MONTHLY GATHERINGS - For several years now Bob Story has arrived earLy at our meetings to open the CSIRO Land Use Research Meetings Room for us, and then stayed patiently until the last of us leave in order to lock up. He has been unabLe to find anyone from CSIRO to do this for him while he goes overseas for four months, so the next few meetings will be held at the Griffin Centre in Bunda Street, opposite Gus Petersilka's coffee shop. Most of them are in Room 1, which is on the ground fLoor at the Bunda Street end. The Griffin Centre is very convenient for those who rely on public transport,. so if this has been your reason for not attending past meetings then come along to the Griffin Centre and you will probably meet somebody who can give you a lift home.
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