Degradation and Protection of Wetlands in Special Nature Reserves in Vojvodina

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Degradation and Protection of Wetlands in Special Nature Reserves in Vojvodina Degradation and Protection of Wetlands in Special Nature Reserves in Vojvodina Degradation and Protection of Wetlands in Special Nature Reserves in Vojvodina Stojanović, Vladimir1 Introduction cal and technological accomplishments Wetlands, with their swamps, marshes leave an impression that man is independ- and water surfaces on peat land, natural ent of nature. However, natural disas- Abstract and artificial, steady and periodical, with ters, such as floods, storms, erosions, and In accordance with ecological, economic, stagnant or running water, are becoming droughts - suggest the opposite. The real- scientific and cultural importance of wet- an area of interest in the field of environ- ity is that the civilization is still quite de- lands and their ecosystems, in the last cou- mental protection. They have a key ecolog- pendant on nature and the ecosystems in ple of years there has been a much greater ical function as regulators of water regime the surrounding area. The historical de- interest in these areas and their adequate and as places of rich biodiversity. These ar- pendence of man and society in wetlands preservation. Moreover, that is because eas often unite significant economic, cul- is noticeable on the example of special na- wetlands are considered to be areas af- tural, scientific and recreational values of ture reserves in the valleys of the rivers in fected by various phenomena. As condi- their territory and that is why they have to Vojvodina. A medieval town of Bodrog, tions of natural-geographical environment be preserved. Human ecological faltering which is also mentioned as the centre of became favourable, numerous floodable and the loss of these kinds of ecosystems the whole region, was located on the terri- plains emerged in valleys of big rivers in can cause a serious damage to the environ- tory of special nature reserve “Gornje Po- Vojvodina, both in geological and the near ment (The Convention on Wetlands - bro- dunavlje”. Its ruins date back to the begin- past. Inundant zones in alluvial river plains, chure, 2000). ning of 17th century. An old fortress with thanks to hydrological flood processes at It was not unusual for valleys of large a tower, next to the Danube and the Tis- times of high water levels, were extreme- rivers and their floodable plains to become za, can be seen on the old coat of arms of ly favourable for the development of het- centers of the earliest civilizations. Many the region (Radovanović, 1997). The ruins erogeneous plant and animal world. When wetlands played an important role in the of the medieval fortification Bač, once the man appeared on the historical stage of development of human society. That is historical centre of this part of the Panno- natural and authentic entities of Vojvodi- simply reflected through the importance nian plain, is placed north of the special na, building settlements near big rivers of water in human life. Advanced techni- nature reserve “Karađorđevo”, in the me- by the rule, i.e. where life conditions were the most favourable - these kinds of areas gradually started disappearing. Now, great effort is invested in order to preserve them. The research was conducted in the fol- lowing special nature reserves: “Gorn- je Podunavlje”, “Karađorđevo”, “Koviljsko- petrovaradinski rit”, “Obedska bara”, “Stari Begej-Carska bara”. Key words: Degradation, Nature reserves, Protection, Serbia and Vojvodina 1 Vladimir Stojanović Faculty of Natural Science, Department for Geography, Tourism and Hotel Figure 1 Geographical position of wetlands in floodable plains of rivers in Vojvodina; 1. Management, Trg Dositeja Obradovića 3, SNR “Gornje Podunavlje, 2. SNR “Karađorđevo”, 3. SNR “Koviljsko-petrovaradinski rit”, 4. Geographica Pannonica 09/2005 Pannonica Geographica 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia SNR “Obedska bara” and 5. SNR “Stari Begej – Carska bara” 24 Vladimir Stojanović ander of the Mostonga river. Still, there are old walls of the Kupinik fortification on the rim of Obedska bara. It belonged to Hun- garian and Serbian rulers and historically recognized as rather important. These his- torical components are just one of the cri- teria for the recognition of values and im- portance of wetlands. Naturally, the times have changed and wetlands have gained a completely differ- ent function lately. Their strategic impor- tance got lost, whereas economic impor- tance is constantly rising, in accordance with their natural resources. The same situation is in Vojvodina as well. At one moment, especially before the protec- tion of wetlands, natural values in flooda- ble plains of big rivers in Vojvodina were seriously endangered. An abundance of wood material and other resources, and even a thought about potential cultivat- ed fields on their territory - represented a danger for these unique natural complexes. The decision to protect wetlands, through the protection of special nature reserves, gives us hope that these areas, in the spir- it of sustainable development, will be pre- served for future generations (Stojanović, 2004). However, is everything that simple and without problems? Researched model Law on the environmental protection in Serbia identifies the following types of pro- tected natural resources in Serbia: nation- al park, park of nature, area of exception- al natural values, nature reserve (general), special nature reserve, natural rarities. Special nature reserve can be defined as “an area where one or more natural val- ues is fully expressed and which needs to Figure 2 Special Nature Reserve “Gornje Podunavlje” - potential Ramsar area be specially protected, or natural phenom- firm a hypothesis on the importance of nu- advantages. That is why it is necessary to ena that need to be closely observed or di- merous components in these wet, swampy harmonize all the needs and put them rected” (“Official Gazette of the Republic areas. The economic importance lies in the in the correlation with protective func- of Serbia”, No. 66/91). development of forestry, hunting, fishery tion. The solution of that task lies in the Special nature reserves - “Gornje Po- and tourism, and some other activities as smart usage that today, at the beginning dunavlje”, “Karađorđevo”, “Koviljsko- well, that can be a source of important in- of 21st century, is called sustainable usage. petrovaradinski rit”, “Obedska bara”, come. The income could be also used to That kind of usage enables present genera- “Stari Begej-Carska bara”, are placed on cover expenses of the environmental pro- tions to use resources, without causing any the banks of big rivers in Vojvodina - the tection. Special nature reserves, i.e. areas damage to future generations. Sustainable Danube, the Sava and the Begej. The im- that they cover, helped the population of usage should also help man support natu- portance of the ecosystems in those re- surrounding places in cultural develop- ral prosperity in ecosystems. serves is in direct relationship with riv- ment, a thing that is noticeable even today ers that created them, both in the present in styles of their houses, settlements and The importance of wetlands - through floods, and in the past, histori- customs. Special nature reserves in Vojvo- In valleys of big rivers, wetlands are con- cally-geographically observed – through dina are the gathering point of many re- sidered important as controllers, i.e. fac- the evolution of their basic characteristics. searches and scientists of different profiles tors of flood prevention. These natural reg- Those are mainly “wet areas” or “wetlands”, and interests, a fact that irrefutably proves ulators are cheaper than artificial systems where marshes and swamps prevail. Two their scientific function. Excursion impor- of expensive protection and far cheap- of the mentioned special reserves belong to tance is performed by a large number of er than reclamation of flood consequenc- Ramsar areas (“Obedska bara” and “Stari excursionists, fishers, and tourists as well, es. Neglecting these facts, i.e. building of Begej-Carska bara”), and another two are that seek alienation from modern, chaot- dikes along the rivers, forces many coun- recommended to also become Ramsar ar- ic way of life in these kinds of natural en- tries to restore ecosystems of wetlands. eas (“Gornje Podunavlje” and “Koviljsko- tities. All these confirm the interest of dif- The fact remains that dikes represent an petrovaradinski rit”). ferent economic and social categories in efficient way of flood protection. Howev- Special nature reserves in Vojvodina, the usage of special nature reserves, which er, their building is sometimes uncompro- when observed for the very first time, con- actually only proves a thesis about their misingly performed when surrounding 09/2005 Pannonica Geographica 25 Degradation and Protection of Wetlands in Special Nature Reserves in Vojvodina also given to future generations, according to the principles of sustainable develop- ment – to the same or even greater extent. That is why efforts should be made to fit- ac tivities such as forestry, fishery, hunting, industrial production within the frames which would never endanger the natural scope of resources. Degradation of wetlands The influence of humans on special nature reserves is evident and fiercely alters eco- systems of these protected natural resourc- es. The key influence upon these wetlands was observed during 19th and 20th centu- ry, with expressive meliorative works that spread over Vojvodina. Significant chang- es in the ecosystems of special nature re- serves were achieved
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