Puibliiitif Inspectors
if 1 5 .00. ESTABLISHED JULY 2, 1356. U. S. WEATHER BUREAU, August 27. Last 24 Hours' Rainfall, SUGAR. 96 Degree Test Centrifugals, 4.11c, Ter too, SS2.20. Temperature, Max. 81; Min. 71. Weather, fair. 88 Analysis Eeets, lis. 93,id. Per Ton, $90.00. VOL. 1m, NO. 8441. HNONLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 1909. PRICE FIVE CENTS. HONORED CITIZEN ANSWERS L ILI UQKALA AUSTRALIA LEADS KAISER 1Y RAISE LAST SUMMONS IN LEGISLATION EARTHLY F VON ENTERS THE "T7 ZEPPELIN Labor Commissioner Weinstock Teiis of Condition of the LIST Working Man. TO PRINCELY RANK "Landing in Hawaii is like reach- ing an oasis in the desert of financial depression," said Harris Weinstock of Queen Feels Political San Francisco yesterday. Mr. Wein- Honolulu Wins stock arrived on the Chfjro Maru from tiiill Guardsman Honors Harriman Pulse as to Kuhio's the Orient, being on the homestretch n of a tour around the world. May Undergo OperationEndurance Prize Successor. A year and a half ago, commission- ed by Governor Gillett, of California, Goes to Farnum Latham Second, to study labor conditions throughout the world, Mr. Weinstock left San Polities is in the air again and there Francisco. Since then he has visited is more certain talk nowadays that all of the countries of Europe, has Prince Kalanianable has no desire to (Associated Press Cablegrams.) been in India, China and retain the delegateship. In fact it is Palestine, Japan, and also in Australia and New BERLIjtf, August 28.- - This city is preparing to give Count Zep- pretty certain that Queen . Ialiuokalani understands that the Prince will no Zealand.
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