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.. : Dclrotcd to the Critical Investigatibn of Scientific Socialism. It represents a partisan Effort to spread Socialist Education, and to estab- lish clarity in the Labor Movement. Its Ecli’corial Policy is outspokenly ~larsial7-a~~-!:l-essive, revolutionary and dc.5tructivcly constructive. it advocatesICcvolution,not Palliation ; the Indnstz-ial Republic, not State Capital- 183-l 85187 EAST BROADWAY ism ; and holds t!Jat the Reconstruction of Sdciaiist Prjnciples and Tactics must es- scntially- he predicated upon the Kecogni- tion of that irrefutable Contention: that J. E. ERON, A.B., A.M., Principal Right without Might is moonshine. From the January-March Number The Revolution in Germany Hop into the aeroplane of pro- Fred. H. Hartmann gress by learning something new Bolshevism or Socialist Industrial Unionism? that will GET you somewhere. Herman Richter Revisionism and Anarchism . Anton LPannekoek Come to the ERON SCHOOL; we Karl Marx and the Polish Question will show you How to Save Time Dr. John J. Kallen and how to rise to a position of The Proletarian Philosophy of Joseph Dietzgen Social Usefulness. A. A. Doblin The Genesis of Religion Register NOW for the Winter Thoughts on Nietzsche I. A. Gold&tin Term. The Socialist Party of Canada and the Radical Review A Discuvion on the Source of Proletarian Power in P.irtianlx and Class Power in General J, Barrington and Karl Dannerberg And contributions from TATHAS SCIIWAKTZ, DAVID S. REISZ, N. Pam and others Twenty-five Cents per Copy 112 rages One Pollar per Year --__ P~ISli~hcr! QtIxrtzr!y by I For Sa!e at the Rand School Rook Store. ad ~~~~e~~~~l Sn!?jxts. i J ----A ----..--_-___I_-------- _-___.-_ --- --.-.---I - .- ;:. Del-otcd to the Critical Investigatibn oi Scientific Socialism. It represents a partisan Effort to spread Socialist Education, and to estab- lish clarity in the Labor Movement. Its Editorial Policy is outsp0lWnly ~Iarsiall-ag!gressive, revolutionary and destructively constructive. It advocates Revolution, not Palliation ; the Indust!-ial Republic, not State Capital- 183-l 85-187 EAST BROADWAY ism ; and holds that the Reconstruction of Skiaiist Prjnciples and Tactics must es- serltiallv be predicated upon ihe Kecogni- tion of-that irrefutable Conteiition : that J. E. ERON, A.B., A.M., Principal Right without Might is moonshine. From the January-March Number The Revolution in Germany Hop into the aeroplane of pro- Fred. H. Hartmann gress by learning something new Bolshevism or Socialist Industrial Unionism? that will GET you somewhere. Herman Richter Revisionism and Anarchism a Anton: Pannekoek Come to the ERON SCHOOL; we Karl Marx and the Polish Question will show you How to Save Time Dr. John J. Kallen and how to rise to a position of The Proletarian Philosophy of Joseph Dietzgen Social Usefulness. A. A. Doblin The Genesis of Religion Lucien Sanial Register NOW for the Winter Thoughts on Nietzsche I. A. Goldstein Term. The Socialist Party of Canada and the Radical Review A Discussion on the Source of Proletarian Power in ?.irticul7r and Class Power in General J. Harrington and Karl Danxrberg fc$g&~,!~ i I/ I: ; , g$ //:i N. PAnI. and others i~~~&zzd, Twenty-five Cents per Copy t 9 qgp$F- 112 rages Y;B One Dollar per Year --__ P~.~!;likX? Qn?.rtz-!y by ?‘$.iE jy; gDj &!!!L, RgT;,,V ~~~~ P’BJBLISg$;JiK”e ASS(-jGiiAylOpj I Day and Evening Cmws 202 East 17th Street P?v.v York City En d Regents’ and CollegeEntree For S;a!e at the Rand School Rook Store. ---~- -_I -___. -_-------_-_--- ____ __.- ---, -.-- -I: MADISON SQUARE GARDEN. New Year’s Eve, December 31, 1918. By BERTHA H. MAILLY S’l‘KIKIS(; protest against the cannot spare the time to take it in the suppression of educational pro- regular six months’ course. They give El gress and academic freedom in evening and Sunday hours to the course the United States to-day is ior a period covering two years. The voiced by the Rand School of Social Sci- class was made possible by the generosity ence. It is the only large educati,onal in- of the Jewish Daily Forward which of- stitution in the United States in voicing fered to contribute 30 scholarships of $50 that protest, and it is altogether fitting each to Socialist Party members who that it should be a school of the workers should be accepted by a committee. There that so clearly utters the note of warning. were aded to this group of thirty scholars, It is the workers today that are at last forty-five others who enrolled, so that the opening their eyes to the brutal facts of class numbers about seventy-five. the present form of society and are remak- The Full-Time class is unexpectedly ing states and institutions. So is it not large, for the unusual conditions led the strange that thousands are now seeking school management to expect rather a information and enlightenment and train- small group. But it equals the class of ing where tens desired it five years ago. any other year in size and compositon, 50 the machinery of the Rand School i.s and includes students from Arizona, Illi- taxed even in its new and spacious home nois, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, New Jer- In the People’s House and thk great ques- sey, and New York. tion is. “Where shall we put the classes The lecturi.ng and teaching staff is that need to be formed?” larger than ever this year and welcomes “More Room,” “More light,” “More as permanent additions to Algernon Lee books,” “ More training” ; these demands and A. L. Trachtenberg, Scott Nearing al-e significant. When the workers cannot and David P. Berenberg. Among the get what they want and need through the long list are to be found August Claes- governmental channels, and the public sens, Alexander Fichanller, A. A. Gol- school system, they turn to their own and denweiser, James Oneal, Charles A. build universities through their unions. Beard, Benj. E. Kendrick, Lajpat Rai, I. through the Socialist Party, through the M. Sackin, Louis P. Lochner , Benj. Itand School. Mrs. Rand built better Glassberg, Evans Clark, Alex Trachten- than she knew when she established the berg, A. I. Ship&off, Harry :Dana, Felix machinery of the school that ‘has growlr Sper, Herman Epstein, Eugene ‘Schoen, from a couple of hundred students in 1906 B. C. Vladcck, Oswald Garrison Viilard, to what promises to be an enrollment of Joseph Schlossberg, Floience Kelley, Dr. over six thousand in the current year. Geo. M. Price and Alice Henry. Every part of the building is thronged every evening. The gymnasium had had The English Department has six to stop taki.ng registration because the teachers on its staff and its work is limited classes are outgrowing floor and locker only by lack of room space. Workers space and the members of the ePople’s like to study even English in their own House Athletic Association are puzzling school. The Gymnasium staff consists of their brains over the problem. The Sat- four instructors, the leading spirit of urday, evening dances are- crowded; and whom is Luc.y Retting. “muscular Soc&&m” is gaining adherents The starting of schools similar to the fast. Rand School in Boston, Philadelphia, The chief innovation in the school Chicago, and San Francisco, promises a work this year is the establishment of the national chai,n of independent institutions Part Time Training Class in which are of study in the near future. The growth enrolled residents of New York City who of Socialist education is the only present desire the regular training course, but gleam of light in the social darkness. HAPPY NEW YEAR, comrades, to you and all of you, here and everywhere. To the hundred and fifty million proletarians of factory and field in all Russian territories, the pioneer-warriors for human rights and human dig- nity, for liberty and bread. May the new year bring them unity and power, victory and peace, and deliverance from all reactionary onslaughts, domestic and foreign. To the workers of Germany and Austria and Poland and Bohemia, freed from the choking yoke of their sanguinary political and military rulers. May they achieve in the new year their emancipation from economic slavery, and may they rear upon the unshakable foundations of true democracy the enduring structures of free, happy and pacific Socialist republics. To the workers of Great Britain, France, Belgium and Italy, who are emerging strong and valiant and true from the capitalist purgatory of blood and ruin. May the new year brin g them added influence and power in their respective countries, to the end that justice, peace and security be asured to their own peoples and to all the nations of the world. To the workers of the United States, the rearguard in the onward march of revolutionary international labor. May the new year bring them enlightenment and progress, and may they conquer for themselves that position in the government of their country to which their numbers and economic importance entitle them. A Happy New Year, a happy new era, a happy new world! The coming year will probably mark the turning point in human history. It will be a decisive year for international Socialism. It will bring us great triumphs and conquests, but also hard struggles and trials. Let us meet them like men and like Socialists, comrades,-loyally, courage- ously and unflinchingly. A Happy New Year, a happy new era, a happy new world. Saranac Lake, N. Y. December 29, 1918. Page Fitid -..- ~ ANNOUNCEMENT . STORES J. GROSS, Prop. Elegant Club, Ball and 84th St. Cor.