University of Central Florida STARS PRISM: Political & Rights Issues & Social Movements 1-1-1946 The Americanism of socialism Eric Hass Find similar works at: University of Central Florida Libraries This Book is brought to you for free and open access by STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in PRISM: Political & Rights Issues & Social Movements by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Recommended Citation Hass, Eric, "The Americanism of socialism" (1946). PRISM: Political & Rights Issues & Social Movements. 524. Socialism By ERIC HASS The Americanism of Socialism By Eric Hass Socialism is international. Yet, it i3 not un-American. Indeed, as this work by the Editor of the WEEKLY PEOPLE shows, the principles and aim of the genuine So- cialist movement are in complete harmony with the forward-looking traditions estab- lished by the rebels of 1776. Revolt against the tyranny of a foreign ruling class was American. Loyalty to a foreign king was un-American. Even the rcactionists of the present day are forced to admit that-in order to prove their "Americanism." 8Similarly, the Socialist demand for the end of modern capitalist despotism is American. The times call for it. The needs of the working class majority demand it. The threat of civilization's collapse makes it imperative. Read this pamphlet. It refutes a host of lies spread by the capitalists. It demon- strates that Socialist Industrial Unionism is the bearer of new freedom for the Amer- ican people.