Jackson Public School District Business Office Post Office Box 2338 Jackson, Mississippi Telephone: 960-8799 Fax Number: 960-8967 ADVERTISEMENT REQUEST Name: Company: Fax No. Mary or Caroline Clarion-Ledger 601-961-7033 or 1-888-516-9220 ext. 3302 Katrina Jackson Advocate 601-948-4122 Jackie Hampton Mississippi Link 601-368-8481 LaTisha Landing MS Development Authority 601-359-5290 Acct. 212327 P. O. 545514 - The Clarion-Ledger P. O. 545512 - Jackson Advocate P. O. 545513 - Mississippi Link Notice: Please Email Invoices electronically for Payments to Bettie Jones @
[email protected] and CC: Adatisha Evans at
[email protected]. Proof of Publications are to be mailed to JPSD Attention: Bettie Jones Clarion Ledger March 02, 2021 and March 09, 2021 Jackson Advocate March 05, 2021 and March 12, 2021 MS Link: March 05, 2021 and March 12, 2021 Date/Time April 09, 2021 @ 10:00 A.M. (Local Prevailing Time) Bid 3175 Forest Hill High School Performance Arts Renovation I hereby certify that the above legal ad was received. Newspaper: _______________________________ Signed: _________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Electronic Bidding Advertisement for Bid 3175 Forest Hill High School Performance Arts Renovation Sealed, written formal bid proposals for the above bid will be received by the Board of Trustees of the Jackson Public School District, in the Business Office, 662 South President Street, Jackson, Mississippi, until 10:00 A.M. (Local Prevailing Time) April 09, 2021 at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read aloud. A Pre-Bid Conference concerning the Forest Hill High School Performance Art project will be held at 2607 Raymond Road, Jackson MS 39212 on Tuesday, March 23, 2021 at 2:00 PM.