RESOLUTION A.237(VII) Adopted on 12 October 1971
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RESOLUTION A.237(VII) adopted on 12 October 1971 ACCELERATION OF THE MARITIME SAFETY COMMITTEE’S WORK PROGRAMME RESOLUTION A.237(VII) adopted on 12 October 1971 ACCELERATION OF THE MARITIME SAFETY COMMITTEE’S WORK PROGRAMME ,~TER-GOVERNMENT AL MARITIME Distro oNSULTATIVE ORGANIZATION GJ~~NEHJ~L 1 I,:,. ivT -l T__ ;/ -h) es. 2_:J-:-, 7 I 2 Noveuber 1971 Ori~inal: ENGLISH IMCO I I I 1\SSEivriBLY - 7th session I L6enc1a iten 10 ! I /i.CCELER! .. TION OF THE M.ARITIME Sl~FETY I Cm.TI\IITTEE' S VWHK PROGllliMME f{CSOLUTION t.. 237 (VII) adopted on 12 October 1971 THE LSSEMBLY, RECJiLLING tho.t He solution 1 of the Interno.tiono.1 Conf cr-encc on Prevention of Pollution of the Sea bJ Oil~ 1954, callins for HThe cooplete avo.i.dancc as soon as practicable of c1ischarco of persistent oil into the scaH was reaffiruecl by the 1962 Conference, RECALLING ALSO that Resolution L.176(VI) adopto~ on 21 October 1969 invited the Maritine S2Jety CoL1uittee to proceed vri th its work on nar'Lnc pollution with all possible speed w.ich a view to achievinc early iopleoentation of effective oeasures for the prevent1.on and corrcr'o L of nar-Lne pollution and to co-operate fully vvi th other interested orcanizations in carryinc; out this task, RECLLLING FURTHER the decision to convene .in 1973 an International Conference on Har'Lrie Pollution for the purpose of preparing a suitable international agreeoent for plncinc restraints on the contaoination of the sea, land and air by ships, vessels and other equipuent operating in the uarine environnen.t, RESOLUTION A.237(VII) adopted on 12 October 1971 ACCELERATION OF THE MARITIME SAFETY COMMITTEE’S WORK PROGRAMME - 2 - L VII/Res.237 NOTING that Resolution A.176(VI) invited the Eei:1be:r· States to recognize the need for urGency in applyinc effective control neasures for preventing pollution of the nar-Lne enva.r-onnerrc frou ships1 vessels and other equipL1ent and to subnit to the Oreanization necessary Lnfor'nat Lon £or this purpose, NOTING FUilTHER that there has arisen within a s i zab'Le portion of the world scientific conuunity the conclusion tho:t tho introduction of oil into the sea has a harDful effect on the food chain, ffECOGNIZING that the oceans of the worlcl can no Longer be considered as unliuited waste duupinG r;rounds, BEING CONSCIOUS that the pollution of the seas causes vast econooic and aesthetic haro, URGES governnents to inpleoent the provisions of the 1969 auendnents to t:ne International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil, 1954, as soon as possible without awaiting the r'e sul, ts of the International Conference on Ilar'Lne Pollution 1973, so that the narine envircm:.1ent can be afforcled the Luned Lat.e protection in the 1969 anendnent.s , DECIDES that tte Irrter'nat.Lcna.l Conference on Marine Pollution 19731 shall have as its oain objectives the achieveoent, by 1975 if possible but certainly by the end of the decade, of the conp Le te eliDinatJon of t!1e viilful and intentional pollution of the sea8 by oil and noxious substances other than oil, and the oinioization of acci~ental spills, DECIDES FURTHER that the Maritine Safety Cor.1nittce should direct its appropriate Sub-Cormf ttee to give first priority to the problen of achievinG these Goals. RESOLUTION A.237(VII) adopted on 12 October 1971 ACCELERATION OF THE MARITIME SAFETY COMMITTEE’S WORK PROGRAMME .