Vol. XXXK-NO. 4 November 17, 1993

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Spelmanites Offered Opportunities in Communications

by Maleka N. Ingram Advertising Worldwide. Saatchi & goal of the Workshop is "to seek out Department of an agency, and Print Spelman College Career Planning Saatchi is one of the top three some of the most creatively talented Traffic operator. He later worked as a and Placement Center expands their advertising companies in the world. students at America’s finest colleges copywriter, and President and head of focuss on Careers in Communication. Gossett spoke to students in class and universities to introduce them to the Creative Department. Barbara Brown and Cheryl and at an information session about the creative work of advertising, and to When asked about the present being McGinnis, Director and Assistant opportunities and the future outlook of encourage them to consider the the opportune time for minorities in Director of the center, are concentrating advertising. advertising industry as an option." advertising Gossett commented, "It is more on opportunities for careers in His main purpose was to introduce Gossett suggests this will be a time for time to open our [advertisers] eyes." communication. and open the field of advertising to businesses to become familiar with This comment sends a positive message Earlier in the semester an entire day students who think they are interested, students. And a time for students to of change and realization of how was planned for people interested in the but are not sure. As part of his plan make contacts and gain experience. minorities will be depicted in communication field. Major Gossett and the American Advertising Students must go through an application advertising. advertising agencies, newspapers, and Foundation have developed the Milt process. Information can be obtained Gossett displays a genuine concern radio stations were represented. Gossett Creative Workshop. from Ms. Brown in the Career Planning about educating students about On Wednesday, November 10, Two students from Spelman College & Placement Office. Gossett’s advertising. This concern was made students were given the opportunity to will be selectively chosen to participate experience in advertising include even greater when Gossett came in listen and speak with O. Milton in the Workshop. This Workshop will working in the Mail Room of an contact with a Spelman student. Gossett Gossett. Gossett is the Chairman include a two day all expenses paid trip agency; Shipping Room of an agency; said, "I had to find out about that Emeritus of Saatchi & Saatchi to New York in Spring of ’94. The secretary in the Print Production school, Spelman College." The Quiet Analysis of Kathleen Cleaver by Kiini Ibura Salaam group people who equated freedom Fugitive Slave Act expanded the right to pervaded by racism. It creates the Staff Writer with the right to own and acquire oppress throughout the country. context in which we live by enhancing property. The acquisition of property Some thirty years later, the Plessy vs white supremacy and making Emory Assistant Professor of Law, was based on slavery. Therefore, Ferguson case made "separate, but discriminatory practices legal. Cleaver’s Kathleen Cleaver spoke at Convocation Cleaver concludes that in the United equal" legal. Both the Dred Scott case talk exposed the vast discrepancies Thursday, November 4. Dr. Gloria States, political equality and freedom and the Plessy vs Fergusen case ruled between the formal guarantees of the Tinubu, Assistant Professor of was directly tied to the ownership of that a person could be denied specific law and social realities the law Economics at Spelman, introduced slaves. civil rights based solely on their skin promotes. Cleaver with the poem "Nzinga We, as slaves, were the property color. Through this comparison, Throughout her presentation, Revisited" by Atlanta poet and griot and were therefore denied liberty, Cleaver proved that progress is not Cleaver fidgeted and exhibited Askia Toure. freedom and rights. As property, implicit in law. Though laws may nervousness. This introverted Dr. Tinubu chose the poem because slaves were turned into things and were change, the reality of life does not demeanor is a direct contrast to what it portrays woman building, creating recognized as people only in criminal necessarily improve. we Spelman students are accustomed and sacrificing for a better future. For law, i.e. when they broke the law or In 1954, the Brown vs Board of to. We expect convocation speakers to Dr. Tinubu, "Nzinga Revisited" ran away. Education ruling was a major victory for boldly march into Sister’s Chapel and captures the essence of what Cleaver is The central paradox of civil rights. It decided unanimously that loudly proclaim their womanhood. as she fights for a significant place for history is that the rise of slavery and "separate, but equal" was illegal. But Cleaver, instead, entered quietly and "oppressed minorities" in law. the rise of liberty took place why, asks Cleaver, a positive ruling for dismantled the law in soft tones. The tall, thin unimposing woman simultaneously. As Cleaver sees it, the Brown vs the Board of Education, but Some sisters took her unassuming analyzed and presented the theme of Constitution protected and legitimized not a couple of years earlier for Plessy speaking style as a signal that sister "How the Law Protects Oppressed the right to oppress by the very basis of vs Fergusen? Cleaver had nothing to teach. These Minorities" with a classic professor-like property ownership. In the 1950’s, Cleaver asserts, the sisters were indeed sorely mistaken. If approach. Describing the law as In 1857, the Dred Scott case and the United States was in competition for they closed their ears to Cleaver, they "complex, important, and persuasive," Fugitive Slave Act granted whites the world power. In their fight against the missed a clear analysis of our position Cleaver asserts that "Law generates the right to "recover" escaped slaves in the "evils" of communism, they certainly in the law. If they closed their minds social relationships that we’ve come to North. The Supreme Court proclaimed could not continue to discriminate to Cleaver, they missed the opportunity think of as normal, such as the the Missouri Compromise, which against blacks. Discrimination was a to embrace a sister-activist who has relationship between parent and child, declares that all states above the Mason mockery of democracy and the United come a long way personally, between races and between police and Dixon line are free states, States was pressed to portray their professionally and politically. If they citizen." unconstitutional. Using the premise that system as superior. closed their hearts to her, they rejected The history of law in our country, a white man should be able to take his In her soft, professor-like tone, a sister survivor. Cleaver explains, was created by a property anywhere he pleases, the Cleaver concluded that the law is Spelman Spotlight, Atlanta, GA November 17, 1993

Spelman College Final Exam Schedule Fall 1993-1994

Note: Exams scheduled after 4:00p.m. at Spelman will be given during ON BEA T the last official scheduled class session(s).

by Dominique Jones Exam Date g Timet. Williams and Watson Acquitted Wednesday, Dec. 15 8:00 am. -10:00 am 11:00 a.m. MWI Wednesday, Dec. 15 10:30 a.m. - ¡2:30 pin After weeks of deliberations, jury shake-ups, and the threat of 2:00 p.m. MWF Wednesday, Dec. 15 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 pm. mistrial, Damian Monroe Williams, 20 and Henry Kieth Watson, 29, 3:50 pan. TTH Wednesday, Dec. 15 6:00 pm. - 8:00 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 16 8:00 am. -10:00 am. were acquitted on 1 counts in relation to the Reginald Denny beating 9:25 am. TTH 9:00am. MWF Thursday, Dec. 16 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m that occurred during the L.A. uprisings of 1992. The much publicized 10:00 a.m. MWF 'Thursday, Dec. 16 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. trial’s verdicts came as a surprise; because so much attention was 4:00 p.m. ÍMWE Thursday, Dec. 16 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. 1:00 pm. MWF Friday, Dec. 17 8:00a.m. -10:00am given to the videotapes. However, in the defense of the two young 2:25 p.m. TTH Friday, Dec. 17 10:30 am. -12:30 p.m men, their attorney, Edi Faal, asked jurors to focus on the 8:00 a.m. MWF Friday, Dec. 17 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. circumstances of the riot; which led to the notion that the beating was 3:00 p.m. MWF Friday, Dec. 17 6-00 p m.-3.00 p m ■ Noon ,,/jMWF Saturday, Dec. 18 8:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m. not premeditated. On the final count facing the defendants, Watson 8:00 a.m. TTH Saturday, Dec. 18 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. was found guilty of the misdemeanor charged and was released with time served; while Williams, for disfiguring Denny with a brick, was found guilty of aggravated mayhem, and will serve up to eight years ATTENTION! Georgia Voters in prison. The political education and Giuliani Wins. Campbell & Lomax will Runoff. ELEVATION OF THE BLACK WOMAN GOP Claims Governorship in New Jersey. In a devastating defeat, Mayor David Dinkins of New York, lost VOTE! Nov. 23rd his seat to former New York District Attorney, Rudolf Giuliani. In a contest that was speculated and possibly confirmed to be based on race, Giuliani was abe to generate a small edge over the incumbent. SPELMAN SPOTLIGHT In Atlanta, Georgia, two candidates, from a ballot of twelve, were able to survive the first round and more towards the runoff. STAFF This special election will be held November 23. Bill Campbell and Michael Lomax generated sizeable percentages of the Atlanta vote Riché J. Daniel and will move to compete for the mayoral slot. The key issues Edilor-in-Chief Associate Editor / will continue to focus on crime, ethics, and the property tax. The Advertising Manager Maléka N. Ingram Spelman Colleger Political Action Committee is tentatively planning an informal debate between the candidates. SECTION EDITORS

Republican, Christine Whitman beat incumbent, Governor Jim National/Intemational News Dominique Jones Florio, Democrat for the New Jersey Governorship. She will Naledi Saul become New Jersey’s first female governor, as well as the first Campus News Felice Winston Republican governor in twelve years. Health Melissa Johnson Arts & Entertainment Kanika Williams Senator Packwood Must Turnover Diary Prerogative Stephanie Dunning Candice Jenkins On November 2, 1993, the senate voted 94 to 6 to subpena the Expressions Sports LaDessa Pearson diaries of Oregon, Republican Senator Bob Packwood. This Press Release Tahra Edwards inquiry is in relation to his sexual misconduct. Packwood has been accused of making unsolicited sexual advances to ten of his female COPY EDITORS staff members. The 8,200 page diary is said to document his advances as well as details of criminal violations. In his defense, Donna Cherry he wants to withhold the diary because it will also incriminate Tahra Edwards Sonya Byrd laNea Dora other members of Congress as well. Meredith Kendall Kiini Salaam Sonya Daniels Tiffany Adams Southern California Ignites Since Tuesday, October 26, 1993, the coastal communities of LAYOUT Los Angeles, California have experienced disastrous wildfire. These fires have been the result of a combination of arson, the Layout Editor LaDessa Pearson fierce Santa Ana winds, and the dry brush of the area. Homes Karen Cook Erica Leonard have been burned completely to the ground and lives have been devastate. This is the most devastating natural disaster since the mid-western floods of the summer of 1993. The Spelman Spotlight welcomes letters to the editor, artwork and submissions Memorial to Women in Vietnam to be Dedicated to Expressions. Edirorial opinions expressed on these pages do not necessarily represent the editorial position of the Spotlight. All submissions will be considered On Thursday, November 11, 1993, Veteran’s Day, a memorial for publication as space permits. Submissions should be sent through Campus Mail to those 11,000 women who served in the Vietnam war will be via P.O. Box 1234. dedicated. The statue which depicts female nurses coming to the The Spotlight is published bimonthly and has a circulation of 2,500. The aid of a wounded soldier will become apart of the Vietnam War Spotlight staff meets on Mondays at 7:00 p.m. 'The office is located in Ixwer Memorial National Monument. The sculpture, designed by sculptor Manley, room 104. Linda Goodaker, has toured the United States for three weeks, prior to the unveiling. Page 3 Spelman Spotlight, Atlanta, GA November 17, 1993

Director Ensures Better Cafeteria Food by Susan Taltey in sodium) such as: thyme, rosemary, Addressing the concern of taking says, "that problem should be alleviated. Judging from the constant and garlic powder. food out of the cafeteria Iligganbothaim While the Grill may not have certain complaints of students around campus After taking these things into commented, "there must be some form items in their kitchen, they are almost there seems to be more hunger pains account, the cafeteria must choose of control." The cafeteria has to always upstairs in the cafeteria, where and midnight cravings, than full foods students will like. This is done produce enough food for 1178 students. all of the food is kept. Even when the stomachs and satisfied students. by meeting with Spelman Women’s When students take eight chocolate Grill is open at eleven o’ clock at night, Students complain about the variety of Action Coalition (SWAC). And chip cookies instead of four it interferes those who work in the grill have access food, the food’s nutritional value, and keeping production records to evaluate with productivity. The cafeteria is to the cafeteria storage rooms and refrigerators upstairs." why food cannot be taken out of the the acceptability of the most popular forced to increase the supply and spend Everyone is in agreement that cafeteria. foods. They also talk to students. "We more money. This money could be Spelman has room for improvement. Mary Higginbothaim, Spelman’s welcome all ideas, we want any spent on improving the quality of food. Improvement cannot be made without Food Service Director, explained suggestions students may have... we’re This includes fruit, bread, and other the help of everyone, students as well as exactly what goes into the planning of here for you," Higginbothaim says. items students like to take back to their the cafeteria staff. New ideas are all meals served. There is a suggestion box located rooms. Iligganbothaim further explains underway. A student food committee is The first thing considered is the directly outside the exit doors of the this is why the cafeteria has an in the process of being formed. food’s nutritional value. The cafeteria cafeteria. This box is available for unlimited seconds policy and why they Iligganbothaim and staff are also must adhere to the daily requirements students to put any complaints, also allow any student that has an tossing around the idea of putting a "Hot of the USDA. This means making sure comments, or food ideas for the menu. activity conflicting with a meal to take Box" in the cafeteria. This would make foods from all four basic food groups Many of the ideas suggested take food out of the cafeteria in carry-out are served. only a week or two to put into effect. trays. "We will work with the seconds of vegetables and other items The cafeteria tries to make the For example, the new chicken students," Iligganbothaim once again accessible to students alleviating long lines. The cafeteria hopes to have this meals as healthy as possible by cooking sandwiches that are now served is a states. everything in vegetable shortening direct result of a student’s suggestion. In conjunction with the cafeteria is completed by January. With any luck instead of animal fats. The food in the A suggestion by another student may The Grill in Lower Manley. In response students will soon be able to leave the vegetarian line does not contain salt. provide a wider variety of cereal by the to students’ complaints about availability cafeteria with smiles on their faces and food in their bellies. The food in the other lines are first week in November. of foods on the menu Iligganbothaim seasoned with herbal seasonings (low Diversity Necessitates

Physics It Takes the Best of Both Worlds to Prepare You for an Club International Affairs Career by Kera '/. Bell Contributing Writer Combining a multidisciplinary academic tradition with real- The Physics club held its first meeting as a chartered organization on world job skills, the M.A. Program in International Relations at September 30, 1993. the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse The Physics Club was organized to provide a source of information to University gives its graduates the edge in the international job physics majors, to encourage arena. comradeship among physics majors at Spelman, to encourage women to Outstanding faculty committed to effective pursue majors at Spelman, and to Advanced technology learning environ­ teaching and thoughtful advisement. provide community service to the ment and global teleconferencing. Atlanta University Center community. Spelman physics majors are scattered throughout the campus so this Summer Internship programs In Washing Alumni network of more than 6000 professional was a good opportunity to converse ton, D.C. and Geneva, Switzerland. graduates worldwide. with others taking courses here at Spelman along with electives at Clark- Atlanta University and Morehouse Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs College. We have many wonderful ideas we Syracuse University want to make concrete including a laser show, and if you want to know more about what we are doing, or if you YeS , I would like Information on the Maxwell School's Professional M.A. Program in International Relations have ideas you would like to share, come to the next meeting November Name:______—------18, 1993 in Tapley Hall Room 110. It is going to be an exciting and Address:______promising year for the Physics Club and we want you to be a part of it. City/State: ------—------— —------All science and mathematics majors are welcome to join. Current School:______—------—------Questions about the Club can be addressed to either of the following: Please mall to: International Relations Program Irene Calizo, president Syracuse University 222-9456 314 Lyman Syracuse, NY 13244-1270 Stacy Lewis, vice president 688-5245 Page 4 Spelman Spotlight, Atlanta, GA November 17, 1993

Spelman Stalks Mascot SPELMAN COLLEGE by Nicole Martin Contributing Writer BASKETBALL SHCEDULE 1993-1994 Why doesn’t Spelman College have a mascot? This question has surely gone NOVEMBER through the minds of every student, yet it is unanswered. 10 HOME 4:00 PM BLUE & WHITE For a school that has been SCRIMMAGE around 112 years, has it been 19 & 20 AWAY TBA BETTY MCCLENDON that hard to find a symbol or However nothing more was (MORRIS BROWN, concept that best represents the done as far as making it official STILLMAN, CAU) essence of a Spelman Woman? other than making the selection. 27 AWAY IBA METRO CLASSIC According to Dean Freddy (GEORGIA STATE, The jaguar was the mascot CLAYTON STATE, Hill, during the 1989-1990 chosen. KENNESAW) school year the Spelman Student Selecting a school mascot is Government Association held a a very important responsibility DECEMBER competition election to instal a and input is needed form mascot for Spelman College. everyone. l HOME 7:00 PM CLAFLIN 4 AWAY 6:00 PM PAINE 5 HOME 2:00 PM FISK 9 HOME 7:00 PM agnes scorr SPORTS BRICFINES COMINE SOON JANUARY ------©------15 HOME 7:00 PM JUDSON 19 AWAY 5:30 CST SULEMAN 22 AWAY 'IBA GEORGIA SOUTH­ Backstage Spotlight- WEST® 24 AWAY 6:00 PM FISK Pharcyde and Intro 26 HOME 7:00 PM CAU 28 HOME 7:00 PM BENNET By Kanika Williams Kanika: I noticed that Fat Lip Arts & Entertainment Editor wasn’t in your last video and he also FEBRUARY Delicious Vinyl and Atlantic wasn’t present tonight, where is he? recording artists Pharcyde and INTRO Tre: Yeah Fat Lip is working on a few i AWAY 5:00 CST TUSKEGEE were two of the headliners at the things. Morehouse College Homecoming 3 AWAY 7:30 PM AGNES SCOTT Concert. 9 HOME 7:00 PM TUSKEGEE Pharcyde is the Cali hip hop group 16 HOME 7:00 PM SULEMAN best known for their hit single "Passing INTRO 26 & 27 AWAY IBA WESLEYAN Me By". INTRO is the R&B trio Kanika: Now that your has whose self-titled album just went Gold. gone Gold, what’s next for INTRO? INTRO is best known for hits like Kenny: We still have our production "Love Thang", "Let Me Be the One", company Smoken so we’re going to "Come Inside" and their remake focus on doing some more producing. "Ribbon In the Sky". Kanika: Who have you produced in Here is an excerpt from the interview the past? with Tre and Romye of Pharcyde and Kenny: We did some work on Mary J. Kenny "G-Love" Greene of INTRO, Blige’s album; we produced some tracks FREEDOM after the concert.... for Boyz II Men, Chaka Kahn, and now we’re doing some work with Take 6 and EQUALITY PHARCYDE Men at Large. We are also working on Kanika: Who were some of the a soundtrack for House Party 3 and PROGRESS artists that influenced you and your some Christmas stuff. rap style on your debut album Kanika: How do you distinguish CIVIL RIGHTS Bizarre Ride II the Pharcyde! yourselves from all of the other male NAACP Tre: God, our musicians...and Polonius singing groups out today? 1 influenced me. Kenny: By our music and vocal Romye: No one person influenced me. capabilities. I think we have a I used to name people in the past but distinctive sound now. People used to now I realized that doesn’t make a say we sounded like Aaron Hall but difference. I really think it’s all about we’ve established ourselves now. People EQUALITY creativity you know? People are doing can turn on the radio and say, "that’s their own things now and doing what INTRO". Our sound is distinctive works for them now. because we concentrate on mixing a 27 Million Black people Kanika: After the success of this little old with a little new. album, what projects do you have Kanika: What are your plans for want it, but only 500,000 planned for the future? the future? Tre: Well we’re getting ready to start are fighting for it. Why don’t our second album which should be out Kenny: After we finish doing college you make that number 500,001. soon. tours and the Budweiser Superfest Romye: We’re also doing some more Tour, we’re going to start a new concerts. We’re getting ready to go to concert tour with UMV, II D Extreme, For more informationcontact: England to start on some soundtracks and Toni Braxton. Tawaina Turner 523-1317 too. Page 5 Spelman Spotlight, Atlanta, GA November 17, 1993

Aid Proceedure Disturbs Student by Stefanie Dunning Prerogative Editor I didn’t really understand how this familiar with a student’s file. This one voice their concerns in a safe and I am relatively pleased and happy could happen. Was my note completely on one interaction will provide a constructive way and space. There with my Spelman experience thus far. disregarded? Did it accidently fall in relationship by which students and needs to be room for students to voice I am in my second year, and find that the trash and was therefore never read? employees can feel there concerns about all offices and I have made wonderful friends in And if the note was read and the that each student is a person with needs their staff. fellow students, professors, and message misunderstood why didn’t and concerns instead of a social The purpose of this article is not to administrators. I find that people are someone contact me-my phone number security number. degrade any employee at Spelman, as most of the time willing to help and aid was on the note. What would have 2) Mandate that there be a counselor each employee in his or her own way one another in any way they can, and been so difficult about inquiring as to on duty during all listed hours. is doing what they feel is a capable and that overall, things are done with a why I wanted another copy sent? There Many times there are meetings which good job, but to simply clear the air and smile. had to be a reason. employees of the college are required to say that there is room for That is why when things go wrong, I was told that I would have to bring to attend and therefore no one is in the improvement. For matters as important it stands out so glaringly in my mind. the rejection letter before I could office. as Financial Aid, the utmost care and When a college official is inefficient or reapply. Why wasn’t I told this the first Make these meetings public so that attention should be given to all students. indifferent it is quite noticeable time I went into the office? The reason students know not to come to the office And we as students need to do more because I don’t find this to be the probably is because the woman I spoke during these hours-otherwise, there than tell our roommate when things go common practice. I experienced to wasn’t really knowledgeable about should be someone in the office at all wrong with financial aid, or any office something such as this recently with the procedure. That is understandable- times. that makes a mistake and where we in the financial aid office. everyone is not going to know 3) Create a system for the evaluation We all know how important this everything. But upon hearing my turn have to pay the price. If we say of financial aid personnel. It is nothing, then nothing will change. particular office is to our lives. What problem, why didn’t she refer me to important that students are able to happens here determines what kind of another staff member who could be of semester we will have - will we have some assistance? And if one wasn’t to get a part time job? Will we have to available why didn’t she schedule an take out another loan at high, high appointment for me? These actions The Elie Wiesel Prize interest? And most importantly, will seem only logical in the face of such a we be able to stay in school at all? simple, common, and everyday situation. in Ethics When so many inevitable things can How many students enter the office go wrong - i.e. there not being enough of financial aid daily with problems 1994 ESSAY CONTEST money and so on - it seems that people similar to mine? Probably a few-so would be all the more enthusiastic why aren’t the employees familiar with hemes about making sure that the things that policies by now? How can I depend on T : go right follow through so that there someone to help me who knows little Identify and Respond to the Most are no problems where there don’t have more about financial aid procedures than Critical Ethical Problem in Government, myself? to be. rofessional or ocial ife Many of us don’t understand the It is vital for employees of the office P S L significance of the problems with of financial aid to be knowledgeable financial aid until it happens to us. I about policies and procedures if they are Identify and Respond to the Ways am one of those unsympathetic Spelman going to give advice to students-and if in which Great Writers Have Addressed sisters. I turned my head from the sister they are not for whatever reason, Contemporary Ethical Dilemmas complaining about a mistake that cost students should be referred to someone her a lot-or that has her puzzling over who is knowledgeable. Eligibility: Senior Undergraduates Deadline: Jan. 14. 1994 what to do. Some of us tend to think Too often students are shuffled from that financial aid only goes on in the one employee to the next not because No more than three (3) essays from the same college, university or spring(when we are applying) and when they are being referred in a friendly way campus will be considered in any one contest year. Essays must be registration begins. But financial but because the other employee does not submitted by a college or university on behalf of its students. matters go on all year round-ask want to be bothered and the painful look irst rize $5,000 econd rize $2,500 someone in the financial aid office, in the eye of the employee in the office F P : S P : they’ll tell you. of financial aid is, "please don’t have a There Prize: $1,500 This is my story of mayhem with the problem". It must be a painful job, office of financial aid. Like many having a load full of disgruntled and Two Honorable Mentions: $500 each students at Spelman, I qualified for a unhappy students in and out of the Stafford Loan. I filled out the necessary office all day. For entry forms and further information, please write to: paper work-late, at my own fault. I At the same time, it is painful to be The Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity didn’t expect things to happen overnight, a student hanging in the balance not 1177 Avenue of the Americas, 36th Floor after all, I was late with my paper work. knowing exactly where she stands in New York, NY 10036 But, the lender that I specified on my regard to her financial matters, it is application rejected me. painful to have wonder at night if you’ll Upon receiving this information, I be able to matriculate next semester. went to the office of financial aid and It’s disturbing and it doesn’t help the told them the name of another lender academic process at all. Award-Winning Hair Designer that I wanted to reapply to. The lady at I am not the first student to be the front desk told me to leave my disgruntled and a little unhappy about Sherita Cherry application(the one the first lender had the situation and inefficiency of the sent back to me)and a note saying what financial aid office. Stacy Abrams, invites you to give I wanted done. I did. I left my social Vice President of the SGA, wrote a your hair a new style security number, my phone number and letter earlier this year to Mr. of Life and Beauty my request and stated that it was an Cunningham about the Office of emergency, Financial Aid. She made several TUESDAY ONLY $18 I was pleased that the process had suggestions for improved efficiency Shampoo/Set been so easy. Then, one day on a which I also think would be helpful ELITZ hair salon whim-about two weeks later-I came in and problem solving: 698 Cleburne Terrace, NE to check on the status of the loan. They (off Ponce de Leon) Atlanta, GA 30306 ^Appointments Necessary had mailed the loan application back to 1) That there be an assigned (404) 892-2442 the same lender that had rejected me. financial aid officer for each student. 280-M-l-S-S (Pgr) Imagine my dismay. This is necessary so that officers are Page 6 Spelman Spotlight, Atlanta, GA November 17, 1993

The purpose of Spelman Lesbian Bisexual Alliance is multifaceted, with emphasis on the political, educational and social deuelopment of the members and the Spelman Board Changes Strategy College community. Our first goal is to promote a safe, non-judgmental space By Felice Winston where lesbian and bisexual womyn feel comfortable Campus News Editor Thursday of the month, usually in discussing experiences and issues affecting and reflecting As students of Spelman College, we Lower Manely. our Hues and on and off campus, fl special focus will be on are encouraged to serve our To aid students who have a specific the holistic deuelopment ii.e. political, spiritual, etc.) of community. interest in certain areas of community African American lesbians and bisexuals and our roles on In an effort to help, the External service the board has three committees: campus and in the larger society. This will be achieued by Affairs Board (EAB) was created. bimonthly meetings, groups speakers and intra-group Last spring the organization voted to Women's Issues - discussions. change the name from EAB to the (Chairpersons) Our second goal is to educate the Spelman College Spelman Community Service Board. Melissa Johnson, community about the lesbian and bisexual community and According to one of this year’s co- Serenthia Thomas the diuersity within it. This will be done in an effort to chairperson, Raven Warren (the other and Celeste Walley dispel stereotypes/controlling Image that exist about co-chairperson is Adrienne Edwards), Education - "We decided people weren’t lesbian and bisexual womyn, specifically African American (Chairperson) participating because they didn’t know Felice Winston womyn. This goal will be accomplished through forums and what EAB was." speakers on the diuersity and uiability of lesbian and When asked to define the Spelman Hunger and Homelessness - bisexual existences, newspaper and literary magazine Community Service Board Warren said, (Chairperson) submissions and informational posters. "An organization that gives students the Rachelle Kirby opportunity to participate in the community as a group. To have things If you have an interest in one of the already organized so they can pick committees, have an idea for a new what they want." committee or just want to become a Intolerance Threatens Community: The board has already completed member of the board, please attend one three projects so far this year: AIDS of the meetings. Lesbians/Bisexuals Abused at Spelman Walk Atlanta, The Annual Halloween The Spelman Community Service Carnival and The Buddy System ( as a Board does not have a set number of amongst several students on Spelman’s by Maleka Ingram part of Breast Cancer Awareness members or a required GPA. campus. Associate Editor Month). The only requirement is a dedication Recently the Lesbian and Bisexual The intolerance of some students Meetings are held every first to the community. Alliance (LBA) became officially has surfaced concern among chartered on Spelman’s campus. administrators. The organization consists of 24 Dean Freddye Hill commented that active lesbian and bisexual members. the negative reactions and feedback The organization’s main purpose is are "a specious argument for those to emphasize the political, educational who are intolerant, to want to deny and social development of its members others the right to express themselves and the Spelman College Community. and to be full and partial members of Lesbians and bisexuals have existed an academic community." on Spelman’s campus throughout her The stereotypes and controlling history. images people have of lesbian and LBA has unofficially existed for the bisexuals have led to mistreatment and past three years. isolation towards some members. The question arises "What made Part of LBA’s goal is to "educate them finally come out of the closet?" the Spelman community about the In answer to this question members lesbian and bisexual community and of LBA expressed a need "to promote the diversity within it." a safe, non-judgmental space where One member stated that "people lesbian and bisexual womyn feel tend not to fear things they know comfortable discussing experiences and about." issues affecting and reflecting our loves The intolerance of some heterosexual on and off campus." Spelman students seems to be a threat to This need involving public awareness the academic community rather than the and acceptance has caused disruption presence of the Lesbian and Bisexual Alliance.

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GRAND OPENING SPECIAL OFFER: 50% OFF REGISTRATION FEE!! Page 7 Spelman Spotlight, Atlanta, GA November 17, 1993 Coming Out of the Dark by LaDessa E. Pearson What people do in their privacy is their Layout Editor business. No one wants to know what any­ body else on campus is doing (less we are NOTE: Before you read this article, sit just noisy), so why care about what les­ down. THE PRESIDENT’S OPEN LINE bians/bisexuals are doing. For all you know they could be doing what their par­ 1 went to a Lesbian Bisexual Alliance ents paid for them to do — studying. (LBA) meeting about a month ago. ! Our whole school for Christ? Perhaps walked in and guess what 1 saw? Girl, let TO: The Spelman College Community not, because Christian doctrine focuses on me tell how they were watching a movie. loving thy neighbor as you would have Why, the sheer nerve of them to be out her love you! That all people should be and on campus -- and watching a movie. treated with respect and dignity. As if that was some kind of feminine thing FROM: Johnnetta B. Cole “No one has the monopoly on truth." to do! Only the Creator is able to assert truth and 1 know that every person on campus that which is false. wants to know the name, number, rank and Spelman is to teach us to love ourselves serial number of everyone there so here With this Open Line, I add my voice to a conversation in which many of you and cherish one another in our variance. It goes . . . (forgive me). . . because I’m not on campus are now actively engaged For some, the conversation has been has been diversity that has fueled our evo- going to be able to do it. prompted by the recently chartered Lesbian and Bisexual Alliance (LBA) as a lut ion and development and still aids in I felt isolated and alienated at the meet­ our progression as a people. We can not ing to the point I wanted to hold up a sign recognized student organization at Spelman. For others, it is a conversation in withstand the exterior pressures with a dis­ stating: I’m heterosexual which you have been involved for some time as you have struggled to find united front. So what about it? answers to the complexities of prejudice, discrimination, and intolerance. “You can say what you want but until However, I realized that this was only a you act and think on it — it means noth­ faint inkling of how they feel every mo­ ing. How do you act on something that is ment of everyday on campus. The best I should say, first of all, that I am extremely pleased that the conversation has laughed off!?!” thing for me was that once I left the room 1 begun. Ax an academic institution, we have as our primary goal to struggle with How violently are we disempowering would be empowered as a majority - the our sisters who can’t even verbally vali­ societal norm. and to confront a range of issues—including those that are difficult and on which date their existence? 1 sat listening intently to the members’ we might disagree. Secondly, I say, what better venue for the conversation than People are easy to label, categorize and message(s) killing stereotypes and myths. this institution which is dedicated to the education of African American women. stereotype when the labeling doen’t in­ “‘There were eases of homosexu clude “us”,“we”, or “me”! ality in Africa.’ ‘You don’t look We must ask how we can use our experiences as African Americans and as How many times as individuals have like a bisexual or homosexual -- women—two categories which are still subject in 1993 to both subtle and overt we stated something and have it taken to because there’s no certain look discrimination and prejudice—to inform our thinking about other forms of be the statement of all African Americans? Endless, numbers of times. attached to being lesbian/bisex- discrimination and prejudice. ual.’ ‘We’re not going to sleep Yét, it is easy for one to say all women with short hair cuts (naturals) are homosex­ with everybody.’ ‘No lesbian These conversations will be ongoing—both formal and informal, in classrooms ual if one has the miss priss look. wants to sleep with you -- it’s To define a group of people is to limit just your arrogance making you and in residence halls. 1 hope, however, that as the conversations proceed, you their growth. “You are pushed into a cul­ think we want you.’ will be mindful of one point: tural definition". And it is a cultural defi­ ‘Homosexuality is not a disease nition because it is a way of life. However, -- it can’t be cured.’ ‘Being Spelman Colleges is a community. Ax such, each member of this community lesbians/bisexuals are not “less than a per­ lesbian doesn’t mean you can’t son” or “destroying the race”! identify with the Black strug­ has the right to work, to study, to live, and to learn without interference to their However, it is not easy to dispel the gle.’ ‘Clod made me the way I wellbeing , their safety, and their peace of mind. We must have as our cardinal myths about homosexuality/bisexuality when out members perpetuate vile stereo­ am therefore this is why I am.’ rule that our own individual beliefs and values do not give us license to dictate types. It would seem that any out ‘Society allows people to drink, those beliefs and values to others. Most importantly, our own individual beliefs lesbian/bisexual would choose to conduct smoke and have sex, but not to and values do not give us license to discriminate against those whose beliefs and herself with dignity and self-pride in order be gay.’ Homosexuality/bisexu to combat the misnomers. ality is not about sex -- caring, values are different, not to impede in any way their ability to participate fidly in It may be self-fulfilling to present one­ love, more than sex.’ campus life. Every Spelman woman has the right to develop her fill potential self as she is truly. Yet, it is not sensible and ‘Bisexuality is not confusion.’ while here and to soar to her own heights. irresponsible to do so if it creates an even ‘Bisexuality is a sexual orienta­ more negative environment for other les­ bians/bisexuals. tion , not an inability to choose 1 challenge each of you to enter into, and to continue, conversations about On a campus where essentially all les­ between homo-/hetereo- sexuali­ the complexities of intolerance and discrimination. Stretch your horizons! bians bisexuals are in the closet, it ty.’ and ‘Homophobia is a form would be disrespectful as well as, rude to of oppression.’”. Learning from those who are different than yourself can be the most rewarding force them out of the closet. In an en­ 1 believe that everyone should have learning you will have. vironment where lesbians/bisexuals are their personal space in which no one thought to be sex craving fiends, one should invade. should not act in that manner. It is un­ It embarrasses me that we as a student nerving and unrealistic to view every sis­ body are so homophobic — that we must ter as a future mate or convert. desecrate LBA materials, discriminate The open existence of the LBA has af­ against sisters, and divorce ourselves as a forded Spelman students to practice what community of sisterhood. Yes, I did mean we preach — to love, honor, cherish, and re­ to say sisters and sisterhood, because we are make changes to improve life. right to express themselves. Freedom is a spect the Black woman. The first and most all Spelman women working toward the What makes us afraid of lesbians and bi­ fundamental foundation of this nation. important step in opening the door to this empowerment of self and community. If sexuals? Is the fear of succumbing to And as an oppressed people, it is disgust- problem is to have respect for everyone re­ we’re undermining one another we can’t temptation (personal desires)? file burn-, Jngly ironic how easily we suppress other gardless of her sexual preference. be working toward a better environment ing Hell fires of damnation? The rer jnorities’ rights. The last is to be open-minded in ab­ for posterity. sion and disgust of deviant behi^or'.’ deny anyone’s right(s) is inhumane. sorbing materials. Take advantage of the One can’t expect for the student body Lear of the unknown9 It surpluses me that as a conscious and fact that the LBA “is out” and ask mem­ to accept lesbians, bisexuals, and the LBA No matter what the reason^)’ is are it politichily correct campus that we bers puzzling questions that you want to if our student leaders do not take the first doesn’t explain why we have become so allow the AjJC Alabama State Club to know. Read pamphlets if available, go to step. Officials not signing posters and fly­ violently condemning of^ffesbianit/bisexu- have flyers with, the Confederate flags on forums, do research if necessary or if you ers is not the way to set examples of accep­ als. it, but won’t let a chartered Spelman orga­ are interested. But, don’t be prejudicial in tance or tolerance. Everyone deserves re­ Have we been oppressed for so long nization place flyers around campus. condeming others without having well spect whether you like her or not. We need that we no longer" have compassion for If this were an issue of racism the entire founded reasons! to begin to act like adults — face our fears other oppre ssed peoples? Is 11 that we are Spelman community wofrt-d be in an up­ and handle controversial issues without assimilated>iuo such a repressed culture roar. If we heard abouNmn African constant faculty (adult) intervention. that we ^relieve it is our right to sit in American women’s club being discriminat­ It is a shame that our Sister-Mother judgm^mt of others? ed against at a white institution wfe^would President Dr. Johnetta B. Cole felt she ’ so we, the oppressed, turn into the be protesting before we knew what organ i - needed to set us straight as young Impressive manipulator only to suppress zation was being denied. Yet, we can ope •Heterosexual African American adults. Dr. Cole merely needed to know ourselves. We, as African American women, ly discriminate against not only African-'" Women have the highest rate of that the group finally existed on campus. _ know the tribulations of the “oppressions American women, but our sisters. HIV infection. However, our disruptive and disrespectfp ’ : of racism and sexism, yet turn around to If we were called: niggaz, spooks, oreos, behavior (ie. ripping up flyers, beinmxfis- oppress lesbians and bi sexual s. ’’ b*tchcs, hoes, or tricks, we would literally lowest rate of HIV trans­ criminatory, and just down triflingjr^iould Spelman is supposed to be a sisterhood of be ready to fight. It is perfectly o.k. to dis­ mission is through Lesbians. have never escalated to the poioCthat Dr. supporting threads weaving a tapestry of respect someone else by calling them: Cole felt it necessary to addrcss'the student unwavering love and support for the up- homos, faggots, confused, dykes, hutches, body. Those sisters doing these: tired and liftment of all sisters. and freaks. elementary deeds know^fbu’re wrong and I want all of my sisters to be empowered How quickly we forget our Initiation you know need to sta through their matriculation at Spelman. pledge to forever support our Spelman sis­ There is no reason why any sister When we walk down the street with heads ters in all of their endeavors. 1 don’t recall held high we should be confident in our •» l.'.'Q Hiergflagdinfl Icthiaftt fir hliPKUalfci *A11 quotes are from members of the should feel thrj^fc^d^risgjgjg^gjjgggig^. Lesbian Bisexual Alliance in attendance at and disempowered while on this campus, existence. and now it is too late to exclude. the October 11, 1993 meeting. These per­ especially by her sisters. A campus whose By no means, I am not trying to be­ It doesn’t matter if we agree with their come a champion for the LBA. But, I do ways of life, or not. Frankly it isn’t our sons wish to remain anonymous, but want­ embodiment of strength has/is propelling ed their opinions expressed. thousands of African American women to believe that every person should have the business! Page 8 Spelman Spotlight, Atlanta, GA November 17, 1993 Prerogative Security Crackdown: Campus Safety by LaDessa E. Pearson Layout Editor time to ensure that all non dorm to maintain the safety of till students. It and that it is quickly assessable. If you buildings are evacuated and locked is the students equal duty to share in see someone on campus after visitation It takes approximately three minutes down after 12:00 is now. The time to the responsibility of protecting herself or suspicious looking call security. to run across campus. Yet, it took three have security placed at the front gate and her sisters. Everyone should know security’s minutes for campus security to respond and-between the LLCs at all times, and There are a number of things that we number is 525-6401 by memory in case from DST to LLC I in an emergency make hourly sweeps is now. Because, can do to ensure our safety. There arc of an emergency. situation . Why? alter someone is raped, molested, robbed self defense classes offered by It is up to all of us, security, staff, A better question might be why are or killed it will be much too late fora the Spelman security every faculty and students, to make this there an increasing number of cases of security crack down. Tuesday at 6:00p.m. in Giles campus a safe environment for men leaving campus well after visitation fhe fact that these incidents are room 14. Everyone should lock her everyone. hours? Perhaps, we should revert to happening at 2:30 and 7:00 in the door when leaving and double check it collecting ids at the gate and having morning proves that security is working before going to sleep. Students should campus sweeps to remove stragglers on an honor system. This system is never leave the front or back entrances after hours. We are not running a hotel, based on the fact that once the clock open after midnight. If you don’t want therefore, the only men that should be strikes 12:00 all men are going to run to be sale at least be responsible enough allowed on campus after 12:00 should off campus. Anyone having been to a to protect y our sisters from a possible CLASSIFIEDS be security, selected staff, and Dr. Cole’s Lower Manley party knows that men attack and close entrance doors. husband and son. linger and chat and linger on campus It is this responsibility that should Are we waiting for an actual rape to when they know they' need to be off. If move us to encourage the security occur on campus before we get better security can remove these people guards to continue to do a good job or a lightening, a more effective fence, and loitering on the weekend they should be better job. If they look tired -- t;dk with EXTRA MONEY more secure buildings? Well, it will be able to secure the campus during the them. If they’re sleep -- wake them too late then. week. up -- because if they’re sleep they ’re FULTON COUNTY LIBRARY The time to install more lights on Instead, of moving people through not doing anybody ¡my good. NEEDS YOUR HELP: campus is now. The time to erect a new the parking lot, maybe we should be Another protective measure is to buy fence with circular barb wire (barb wire more concerned with removing them pepper mace (more effective than regular Volunteers are needed to assist the is ineffective if it is turned the wrong from campus and keeping them off. mace). Sisters if you are going to carry Atlanta Pulton County Public Library way) at the top and bottom is now. The However, it is not up to security alone mace make sure you know how to use it System with the New Auburn Avenue Research Library on African-American Culture and History. Work as a tour guide, docents, greeters, and staff of the library shop. Vegetarian’s Perspective on For more information call 730-1963 Dining In or 730-1876. by Candice Jenkins Expressions Editor bar. I forgot to get my own dressing a thought: from my room so I’ll have to make do My five thousand dollar room and I run into Spelman’s cafeteria at ten with the greasy Italian that Gourmet board check pays for the slabs of beef, A TTENTION GRAD UA TING minutes to six; I have just made it out Services provides. Today the carrots pork and chicken that other SENIORS!! of my last class. Now I’m starving, and look frighteningly old and there is no Spelmanites are busy gulping down, all Students interested in pursuing a all I want is a reasonably pleasant, broccoli. To my further dismay the things that for various health reasons, I master’s or doctoral degree in fusion healthy meal to finish off my day. I cucumbers are covered in cheese and can’t eat. As I walk out of Alma energy, applied health physics, check the "Healthworks" line when I bacon bits because there aren’t enough Upshaw, I wonder why other radioactive waste and industrial walk in. I am a vegetarian, so I have scoops on the salad bar. I settle for vegetarians and I don’t get a discount on hygiene qualify to participate in the high hopes that this will have lettuce and dressing again. this yearly fee. After all, the foods that Oak Ridge Institute for Science and something to offer me. No, more baked I get to my seat and taste my beans. we eat are the most inexpensive to Education. chicken. And a noodle casserole Oh, the bitter taste of disappointment. purchase-beans, rice, potatoes, fruits Applications will be accepted covered with cheese. I wonder if the They are tasteless, as usual. I wonder if and vegetables. Of course half the time through January 31, 1994. For more school’s meal planner knows that many these cooks have ever heard of onion, I can’t even eat them, because they’re information contact Sandra Johnson or vegetarians, like myself, don’t eat or garlic. Or bay leaf, or cumin, or a poorly prepared. The logical thing to do Marcia DeMarcus, ORISE. Fellowship chicken, fish, or dairy products. little cayenne. . . but that seems to be is to buy my own groceries and cook in Programs, Oak Ridge Institute for I move on to the main line, glancing too much to ask. I shovel down what I my dorm. But I can’t afford that, and Science and Education, briefly at the fast food station. I hope I can of the tasteless mixture, then find besides, I’M ALREADY PAYING Science I Engineering Education won’t have to resort to a plate of fries myself wandering towards the fast food SPELMAN TO FEED ME. So maybe Division, P.O. Box 117 Oak Ridge, for dinner again. Ah, there are black- line to satiate my still raging hunger. I’m just wasting hard-earned money on Tenn 37831-0117. Or call Sue Wright eyed peas and rice among the side Stuffed with french fries but not at all a bunch of tasteless, unhealthy, inedible at (615) 576-3309 or 1-800-569-7749. dishes. I combine those on a plate, get satisfied, I finally prepare to leave the and undigestible food. Not a very some green beans and head to the salad cafeteria. But as I go, I’m seized with pleasant after-dinner thought. services GROUPS & CLUBS Raise up to $500-$1500 in less than a Syracuse University week. Plus win a trip to MTV SPRING Division of International Programs Abroad X. 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Service Act Creates Options for Students

fry Contributing Writer expected until next summer. In October of this year, the Clinton Sharon Freeman, a senior at administration passed a bill that will Spelman College, participated in a trial eventually enable U.S. college students program this summer in Ohio. to work in a type of homebound Peace The program was the Corps in order to supplement their Ohio/Wesleyan University Summer educational costs. Service. Sharon’s service site was at a This bill is titled the National teen drop-in center. Sharon admitted Service Trust Act. It will "provide that a good portion of her time was education grants students would earn spent playing cards and watching through national service." television. She said the program was The grants will be worth $4725 for very unorganized and a result of white each term of service, with a maximum guilt. of two terms. While participating in "I don’t think this program should the program, students will receive a exist. This money should be channelled minimum of $7400 per year for living into already existing programs that allowances, health care, and daycare really make a difference," stated benefits. Sharon. She added, "most of the Photo by LaDessa Pearson According to the U.S. government, service sites this program had were at Morehouse students protests US troops in Somalia these terms of service are: one year places that didn’t really need help. full-time, two years part-time, or three The government says it’s still years part-time if a student is in school. working out the kinks in the Act. Troops in Somalia: White I louse officials say it is up to However, only time will tell for sure the states to establish offices where what the outcome of this program will Students Rally for U.S. Withdrawal students can sign up, no sign-ups are be. by Tommy Stephenshaw by Students for Afrikan-Amerikan After a small but spirited rally on Empowerment(SAAE). The the steps of Woodruff Library on October 22, 1993, students marched organization plans to keep up the back to Morehouse campus and protest until President Clinton pulls built a symbolic replica of an U.S.troops out of Somalia. Afrikan shantytown. The We must support our brothers shantytown, located on the campus and sisters around the world. We green between Clark Atlanta must also realize the situation in University and Morehouse College, Somalia is directly related to our serves as more than just a visual situation here. They have Operation protest to the U.S. war on Somalia. Hope and we have Operation Weed It is also an attempt to raise the and Seed. We are all Afrikan consciousness of students in the people and we must stick together! Atlanta University Center. Free Somalia! We as Afrikans should be aware For more information call:593- of the true nature of America’s 6058. How do you tell a 4-year-old interests in Somalia. U.S. oil companies have already she may never be 5? claimed two-thirds of the land in Somalia, according to the January 30th issue of The Pittsburgh Courier. These companies can’t get to the oil unless a government sympathetic to American interests exists in Somalia. The U.S. also wishes to dump toxic waste in Somalia and other Afrikan countries, according to Covert Action. Plans have been made to place a landfill, capable of holding 11 million tons of hospital and industrial waste in Somalia. These are a few reasons for the U.S. invading Somalia under the guise of "Operation Hope." The only real "hope" is the U.S. imperialists hoping to get richer quicker by taking advantage of our Afrikan brothers and sisters. If you haven’t seen the shantytown yet, you are encouraged to stop by with any questions or comments. There is someone there 24 hours a day to talk to you. We would appreciate your support. American Red Cross The shantytown was organized Page 10 Spelman Spotlight, Atlanta, GA November 17, 1993 National/International News

dominance in the political economic Serbian aggression against Croatia sanctions, and everyone was wary to by Naledi Saul accept poor refugees fleeing the war The war in former Yugoslavia affairs of the country. and Slovina increased, with the Serbs annexing territory and expelling non- zone in a time of serious recession. threatens to continue through a second Between 1941 until his death in Serbs from the land. In April 1992 the The Clinton administration sent harsh winter. The territory that was 1980, Marshal Josip Tito came to Serbians invaded Bosnia in an attempt military planes to drop food and once known as Yugoslavia has a power. He gained support from the to create a pure "Serbian Republic". medical supplies to the Bosnian history of both religious and political U.S. who viewed him as a possible ally Serbia also denied the autonomy of Muslims and pledged to help enforce instability. in the Cold War against Stalin and the weaker provinces, such as the Albanian any lasting peace agreement. Though Before World War I, the region and now defunct Soviet Union. Tito ruled dominated Kosovo and Vojodina. At Yugoslavia boarders on seven people were distributed between the Yugoslavia with an iron hand, countries, when the U.S. looked to the Austrian, Hungarian and Ottoman controlling the friction between the the heart of the Serbian aggression was European Community for support, they empires. The Serbians managed to different groups. But with his death the the fact that the Serbians were unwilling found a floundering Europe unwilling create a small kingdom. discord between the groups resurfaced. to relinquish political and economic to entangle themselves in a war with no After World War I, the Treaty of During Tito’s reign, Yugoslavia control of Yugoslavia. clear sides. Versailles took the region away from officially became a multinational In Serbia they began the expulsion of Serbians took this lack of reprisal as the declining empires to create a "land country recognizing six southern Slav all non-Serbs. In the states occupied by minorities, such as Bosnia and Croatia, the go-ahead to continue their "ethnic of the Southern Slavs", Yugoslavia. peoples. The Serbians, Croats, they claimed their citizens were in cleansing" campaign, building The Slavs were not a tribe of a Macedonians, Montenegrins, Slovens danger and began invading and concentration camps and creating single people. They had different and later the Bosnian Muslims were all thousands of refugees. Numerous dialects, languages, customs and legitimized as distinct nations in the expanding their boarders. peace treaties brokered by U.N. beliefs. federation. There was no recognition Though the U.S. recognized the officials were repeatedly broken, with In the north, European culture and for other groups such as Albanians, unfolding disaster, President Bush each side blaming the other for the ideas dominated the Roman Catholic Hungarians, gypsies and Turks also offered only diplomatic aid. The fall of resurgence of violence. Slovens and Croats, but there was also living in the region. After Tito, the the Soviet Union meant Yugoslavia had The situation continues to a population of Eastern Orthodox differing ethnic ideas overcame the no immediate U.S.'strategic interest. In deteriorate as the Bosnain Muslims, Macedonians and Serbs. In the south, political ones. By 1991 the federation the European Community (EC) there rather that accept the latest U.N. the Albanians and Bosnian Muslims dissolved with Croatia and Slovinia was also the fear of long term military entanglement if EC troops were sent. brokered peace plan, are choosing to were influenced by the Ottoman being the first to declare independence. Though this war was taking place in fight through a second winter. The Empire. They sought world recognition for their their back yard, this crisis demonstrated Muslims dispute the new land partition In 1918, the former Serbian new independant nations but found little the weakness of a community that had agreements giving a significant amount Kingdom joined and expanded into the wholehearted support. James Baker III, not yet established a joint political or of their land to the Serbians, claiming country known as Yugoslavia. Though Secretary of State at the time, urged foreign policy. Some advocated that military aggression should not be officially a land of three tribes; Croatia and Slovina to remain part of sending troops, others suggested rewarded. Serbians, Croats and Slovens; Serbia Yugoslavia instead of encouraging the was the largest and most important possibility of restructuring a looser United Nations republic. Serbia attempted to assure its federation. continued on page 13


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"UnQuestioned Integrity” 901-8569 Matthew Withers Rekindl es Debate Office Mathematician by Tahra Edwards Press Release Editor and the Senate to discredit Thomas Anita Hill. Clarence Thomas. because he was a conservative and did Whom do you believe? Is the issue not follow the same beliefs as the MfiTHEMfiTICfiL SOLUTIONS really that simple now? Was it ever? majority of Blacks who are Democrats. PRIVATE TUTORIALS The 7 Stages theater, nestled in Atlanta’s Little Five Points, sought to A female black student believed that explore the simple, or not so simple Iliomas was only chosen to appease the issue of sexual harassment (and all the Black voters regardless of if he was Mathematics conflicts that arise by just saying the truly qualified. Chemistry The entire audience basically agreed words). They presented Marne Hunt’s Physics "Unquestioned Integrity" which ran that both Hill and Thomas lost more than they gained. from September 24-October 24, 1993. The comments and questions were Former Spelman College student and Director Andrea Frye along with endless. I enjoyed listening to every bit the three person cast gave a clear cut of it. and accurate portrayal of the Senate The true power of Mame Hunt’s Judiciary Hearings-with an appreciated "Unquestioned Integrity" was that it got folks talking again. surprise. I had truly believed that as usual, Hunt’s opinion was clear: regardless of what Hill and Thomas said or did Americans had swept an embarrassing STOP CRYING past or present, their integrity was on ugly episode under the rug of trial, broadcasted to the world. convenient forgetfulness. (¡ItOW IIP AND 1)0 SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR WOULD In 1991, the Hill Thomas Hearings Questioned and damaged. forced men and women to take a good Marsha A. Jackson gave an accurate long look at their conduct with and portrayal of Anita Hill, a woman whose attitudes about one another. life work, and credibility was slipping Issues such as sexual harassment, through her fingers just because she office etiquette, race, male/female spoke up. relationships, boss/worker relationships, Ron Himes gave a more heartfelt, the media’s responsibility, the emotional plea for his dignity, and government’s ability to be trusted were reputation as Clarence Thomas than raised because of the hearings. Clarence Thomas gave for himself. Name the issue, it relates to the Del Hamilton,.represented the enfire hearings. A person’s integrity takes a senate judiciary committee- complete lifetime to build and strengthen and it is This indispensable book rates 166 companies and their products on their records of environmental with a lack of sincerity, fairness, and really scary that in one fell swoop it can responsibility, promotion of minorities and women, and public disclosure. Written by the Council on Economic Priorities (CEP), researchers of corporate responsibility, it is a social ‘‘report card” that tells compassion. be damaged beyond repair or wiped out What brought life to "Unquestioned you the inside story. From Ben & Jerry’s to Sony. From Honor Roll corporations to the “X-RATED”. completely. Integrity" was the dialogue the STUDENTS SHOPPING FOR A BETTER WORLD can help you: audience had during the intermission. ■ Find a socially responsible career A facilitator from Channel 5 first ■ Identify companies which are environmentally aware Trick or Treat: ■ Locate companies which engage in equitable hiring and promotion of women and minorities asked "Whom do you believe, Anita ■ Select brands and products made by companies that adhere to the highest ethical standards Hill" ten to twelve hands were raised; ■ Avoid buying from major polluters "Clarence Thomas" four hands; "or are A Nightmare ■ Avoid companies which discriminate against women and minorities you neutral?" the rest of the audience. CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-729-4237 Hands shot up, opinions flew, and the Before ORDER STUDENTS SHOPPING FOR A BETTER WORLD! debate was on. A middle aged black woman forcefully brought up the point that Christmas □ $7.49 Per copy including postage. whites have always been interested in by Sabrina Hawkins □ ACT NOW. Join The Council on Economic Priorities at a special STUDENT RATE of $20 and receive a copy of tne sexual relationship between black Arts and Entertainment Editor STUDENTS SHOPPING FOR A BETTER WORLD ABSOLUTELY FREE men and women and the hearing were What happens when Halloween □ Credit Cards Accepted on Student Membership orders Circle One: Master Visa Amex Card #______Exp. Date------just a glorified form of sexual ghosts and ghouls decide to take over entertainment. Christmas? Tim Burton’s (Batman, Check or Money order should be made out to: CEP, 30 Irving Place, New York, NY 10003 Heavy stuff. Edward Scissorhands, and Beetlejuice) Name______Telephone______latest movie A Nightmare Before Then there were the popular Ad d re ss ______-______—______i questions (that never seem to satisfy Christmas answers that question with a people with an answer) of why Hill creative and enjoyable story that is ... STUDENTS SHOPPING FOR A BETTER WORLD ._j waited so long or why she did not say bound to touch every moviegoer. anything to Thomas when he made the Burton’s dark imagination and offensive comments. creativity with animation explode on to A black man sitting behind me could the move screen. Goldman, Sachs & Co. not believe that a "sista" could not tell a This was an animated treat to the "brotha" to leave her alone. eyes. 85 Broad Street | New York, New York 10004 Another black man responded that It was full of life-like characters, Tel: 212-902-5254 unfortunately all black men and women dark humor, delightful music, the joy do not have that type of relationship and of Christmas, and the excitement of that there was a difference in power, Halloween. The world that Tim Burton created Thomas was Hill’s boss. Sarah Minnoch A black male college student pointed consists of different lands which are out that the Senate was reluctant to each responsible for a certain holiday. Corporate Communications Department believe Hill because it would force them Jack the Pumpkin King (a very thin to reflect on their treatment of women in skeleton with a pumpkin-sized head) the office and maybe even encourage decided that he was bored of being the more women to come forward with King of Halloween. things they had done in the past. Trick or Treat A white man said that Anita Hill was forced by the feminists, Blacks, liberals, continued on next page Spelman Spotlight, Atlanta, GA November 17, 1993

Line Up Shows Fewer Black Programs

by Kanika Williams comedy George, starring the former Due to the networks failure to Arts & Entertainment Editor heavyweight boxing champion George develop quality dramas and serious In comparison to last year, this fall Foreman. black oriented programs, black actresses O What's season line up includes fewer new He plays a retired boxer who starts and actors have been limited to programs that cater specifically to black an after school program. The show airs comedies if they want to work at all. Going a audiences. Saturdays at 8:00 pm. Blacks are multi-faceted people with In fact of the major networks, only ABC also unveils its new comedy wide ranges of character. We have on ABC and Fox are adding new black Thea starring comedian Thea Vidale. shown time and time again that we can oriented sitcoms to their fall line up. The show airs Wednesdays at 8:00 pm. be the clowns and the wisecrackers but Fox is this seasons leader with three Hang’n with Mr. Cooper returns to we also should be able to show that we AROUND new black programs. ABC this fall but with some minor too have depth and the capabilities of The Fox Network features the changes. Not only will this show gain engaging in insightful, thought Sinbad Show starring the comedian the addition of Raven Symone but provoking programs. TOWN Sinbad as a single parent raising two stand up comic Marsha Warfield as Until we are included in all aspects foster children. well. of television programming, we will jk fffl jùtA- a This show airs Thursdays at 8:30 As for NBC, after the cancellation of continue to lose our staying power in memi mumM raan pm. four black oriented programs last this industry. m A newcomer also this fall is Robert season, they have decided to try their Townsend’s new variety show hand at other programs. Townsend Television, which airs Nonetheless, The Fresh Prince of Bel Sundays at 7:00pm. Air will return to NBC this fall with a Living Single, a show about four cast change. Daphne Maxwell-Reid will black career women living and learning replace Janet Hubert Whitten as Aunt in New York, airs Sundays at 8:30 pm. Vivian. "The Program" Scores The show stars rapper Queen Latifah, CBS will be airing several new black comedian Kim Coles and actresses Kim mini-series this season. Fields and Erika Alexander. Louis Gosset Jr’s Return to Returning this fall to Fox are the Lonesome Dove will be airing in Writer 0, Cast 21 highly rated shows Martin, Roc, and In November and Bill Cosby will reprise by Becky Patterson James Caan, who played the writer in Living Color. his role as Alexander Scott in an I Spy Staff Writer the movie "Misery," did an excellent job ABC kicks off the season with new made for television movie. I cannot believe that they actually acting as the head coach of the football charge people to see this movie! team. "The Program" should be shown as Craig Sheffer was out to pull tears as a preview to one of the blockbusters in the Heismann Trophy candidate. the theatre. A major reason for the huge turnout Pearl Cleage Ignites This movie is from Touchstone of male viewers, in addition to the Pictures, and has a rating of "R". football theme, was Halle Berry, who added sensitivity to the story. I must give thanks to writer/director Lastly, there was Omar Epps. For David S. Ward on his attempt to Mental UJake Up Call those ladies who enjoyed seeing him in maintain the focus of the movie on "Juice," I strongly advise you to go see football. by Tahra Edwards Mike Tyson. this film. He is worth every bit of the Press Release Editor For once, I did not have to cringe at She speaks of Dee Barns, the six or seven dollars you will pay. Do yourself a favor, possibly a life the sight of a woman parading around broadcaster beaten up by rap artist Dr. Overall, the movie was not an awful, saving, eye-opening favor. Read in her birthday suit, while a man sits Dre at a press party. "B-type" movie. author, playwright, Pearl Cleage’s new there in a towel, or some other type of She proclaims the beauty of Julie It did have its moments. book Deals with the Devil and Other garment (blatant sexism). Dash’s Daughter’s of the Dust. For example, a huge portion of the Reasons To Riot. If by the end of the It was a refreshing change to hear And she speaks of Atlanta film was taped on the beautiful campus book you are not "mad at Miles" and the males in the audience feigning an University students. Reacting to the of Duke University. ready to riot, then something is wrong. upset stomach as some of the many wake up call- the Rodney King verdict. Besides, wherever the story lacked Pearl Cleage does not "bash" men. locker room shower scenes flashed At the risk of offending millions of something, the cast made up for the She tells the truth as she sees it. She across the big screen. jazz fans she criticizes Miles Davis for loss. tells the beautiful truths of love, trust, I, digress. his abusive behavior towards women. If I could rewind time though, I and mothehood. And the awful, gritty, Let me return to what should be the She asks "How can they hit us and would have and could have waited for grimy, and sad truth of women being most important aspect of any movie - still be our leader? Our husbands? the movie to come out on video. killed, raped, and brutalized by the Our lovers? Our geniuses? Our the plot. hands of men they thought they new friends?" She answered herself by I must have missed something. and loved-men they trusted. saying, "They can’t... Can they?" Was there a plot in this movie? Trick or Treat continued from previous page Cleage holds everyone accountable: She has a valid point. I am pretty sure the main idea of men and women. Outraged at the lyrics of rap group 2 the story was somewhere in the middle Everyday was a preparation for Cleage writes in her novel, "What I Live Crew (Cleage has something to say of boy-meets-girl, girl-has-boyfriend, Halloween. do is write about what I see and what on that issue also) but not at Miles boy-wants-girl-any way. He happened to come across I feel and what I know in the hope that Davis? Cleage asks what is the There were a few other stories Christmas land and felt the joy of it will help the people who read it see difference? Why is one better than the going on also. Christmas. more and feel more and know more." other? One storyline followed a player who He decided to bring back a tree, Essays on love, sex, and roses show Deals with The Devil and Other was addicted to steroids, while another presents, and other tokens of Christmas the beauty of life that is so often Reasons to Riot forces you to ask followed a player and how alcoholism to inform the citizens of Halloween overshadowed by violence. questions of people who brutalize affected him as well as his family life. land of his new discovery. She speaks favorably of late night women and do wrong—regardless of I have to admit that I liked the ideas The goblins and monsters take over talk show host Arsenio Hall. His their position or reputation. behind the storylines, but the writer did Christmas. ability to thrive in lily white, good ole It also forces you to realize that not seem to combine them effectively. After learning a few Christmas boy, Hollywood five nights a week black women do not have to accept There were too many characters, carols, kidnapping Santa Claus, with the help of a multicultural and being the punching bags of black men and not enough time to develop them. constructing a fleet of skeleton multigender staff earns her and the servants of society. Although the characters were reindeer, making a Santa suit for Jack compliments. I am fired up. extremely confusing in the beginning, and packing up possessed toys, the An essay about her mother is I am "Mad at Miles", ready to riot and the movie’s pace was set at light little gremlins thought they had especially heartwarming. and awfully proud to see Pearl Cleage speed for the first twenty minutes, there Christmas under control. Besides, what She speaks of Robin Givens and walking on Spelman’s campus. were some highlights of the movie. else is there to Christmas? Spelman Spotlight, Atlanta, GA November 17, 1993

Brand Nubian Delivers Mystifying Messages

Something like "This is where we By Tahra N. Edwards What was most impressive was Side so close to their references to Allah. ran out of things to say about Allah so Just when I thought I couldn’t take A, filled with tracks giving praise to In their song "Meaning of 5%," we’ll talk about ourselves and women." another unoriginal, messageless rap CD Allah (Muslim God). someone speaks about the 5% being the Side A was definitely my favorite; up pops Brand Nubian. It was refreshing to see these young righteous teachers who are hated by the but there were a few songs on Side B Their latest CD, In God We Trust, men express their religious beliefs 10% who are the evil doers. The 85%, the masses of people, are being turned that I enjoyed. is filled with funky music and spiritual throughout their art. against the 5%. "Love Me Or Leave Me Alone" was messages, which many of today’s Of course they preached but In the next song, "Pass the Gat," a nice ultimatum style rap with a fresh artists are lacking. somehow they managed to sound not mother----- is used so many times; for beat. One need not be a hard core rap fan "too preachy" and kept the music a moment it made me wonder how I also liked "Punks Jump Up To Get to enjoy this CD and I would upbeat. I especially enjoyed "Ain’t No much Brand Nubian really believed in Beat Down," which is the song most recommend it for those who have had Mystery" and "Meaning of 5%." enough of the silly meaningless rap what they were saying in reference to popular on this CD. What really kept me into this CD Even though Side B is different, tunes that are played so often on the Allah. was the diversity of the songs. Brand Nubian still keeps the momentum radio. As a music listener, I am very much No two songs sounded alike. going and their songs jammin’. Unfortunately, Brand Nubian was aware of curse words being used to All too often, many rap songs on a For some odd reason, it is not able to keep the musical brillance relay a message about the reality of CD are variations of the same beat. fashionable for rappers to have a song consistent throughout the entire CD. what is going on. Not on Brand Nubian’s In God We dissin’ women on their CD. There were a few falters. Nevertheless, better judgement Trust. should have been used as to where their This time, Brand Nubian was not the They mixed a little jazz, reggae, songs should be placed on the CD. exception. Muslim prayer, and speech excerpts Souls Of In God We Trust is more of a fitting How disappointing it was to hear with clear coherent messages. name for Side A. Side B simply needs "Steal Ya ‘Ho" on an album entitled In My biggest problem with this CD Mischief Show another name. God We Trust. was the excessive use of curse words The only, and I mean only, thing that Much Flava On kept Brand Nubian above water was the music. Everyone is allowed a mistake and Debut Album this song was definitely Brand Nubian’s. However, the excellence of the rest otJjgfiting of the CD outweighed this blunder. by Kanika Williams Overall, Brand Nubian’s In God We Arts & Entertainment Editor Trust is a wonderful CD. For those who limit the California Hard core rap fans as well as those Bay area hip-hop sound exclusively to ¡Latest who are not can relate to and enjoy this that characterized by Hammer, Too CD. I wish that I could find another Short or Spice 1, you will be rudely group to compare Brand Nubian to but awakened by the sounds of Souls of they just are not comparable. Mischief. Their unique style puts them in a Musically, with producers like Del, league of their own. , and Jay Biz behind the boards, the Souls can’t lose. Their style of has more of an East Coast Çp/nn/ng Health Clinic groove to it rather than the Zapp or P- continued from page 14 Funk flavor expected from West Coast Spelman College’s Women’s Health rappers. Clinic does not administer Ovral or any Lyrically, prove other morning after pill at present. that they have talent and staying power. However, for further information about During a time when many artists New School Drops your contraception options, contact seem to concentrate solely on the Planned Parenthood, Emory University’s musical aspect of hip-hop, it is very Another Phat Album Medical Center or private gynecologists refreshing to hear a group that by Stephen Goosby in Atlanta. obviously returns to the original focus Rap music is a relatively new This album showcases the It is crucial that we be informed of rap music-lyrical excellence. phenomenon in which few artists can complexity, the vivacity and the about all contraceptive options, so that if A-plus, , , and are claim that they have made innovative diversity of the Leaders rhyme or when we must make a choice, we can the four soulful members of Souls of changes. technique. do so from a well informed position of Mischief. They are the second group Some of the pioneers of hip-hop are An added treat is the addition of strength. from the crew ’93, Jungle Brothers, Boogie Down Milo in De Dance, the groups DJ, to started by , Productions and Run DMC. the powerful combination of lyrical Information taken from Vital Signs to drop an album. Recently, rap music was blessed styles. Issue 1, 1993, Natioanl Black Women’s Del the Funky Homosapien’s album, with the discovery of a new pioneer for The near perfect lyrical chemistry of Health Project publication. I Wish My Brother George Was Here, a "new school" of hip-hop...Leaders of Dinco D, Charlie Brown, and Busta debuted two years ago. the New School. Rhyme has only been enhanced by the This album surprised many hip-hop The 1991 release of Leaders of the addition of Milo. enthusiasts because the content of his New School’s A Future Without A Past The album also presents some of the United Nations set the standards for hip-hop in the 90’s lyrics and his overall sound greatly most complete musical production continued from page 10 differed from what many expected from therefore making it a classic. efforts in recent hip-hop history. All of Bay area rappers. From the popular east coast stomp the 18 tracks are packed with "beats" But with dwindling world support, Souls of Mischief continue this dance craze to the invention of the that are destined for clubs and high the U.N. fears a shortage of flavor of rap with their new album ’93 energized rhyme style, this group powered car speakers. humanitarian aid supplies during the ’Till Infinity. definitely lived up to its name. Where Future Without A Past may long winter ahead. The Clinton Del the Funky Homosapien and Once again Leaders of the New have left a few listeners questioning the administration, with its entanglement in Casual should be dropping their new School has left an innovative mark on musical quality, tracks by Sam Sever, Somalia and Haiti, is apprehensive soon. the rap mucic scene. The group’s Backspin, R.P.M., and Raheem Isam, on about sending troops into another Hopefully ’93 ’Till Infinity is sophomore effort, T.I.M.E (The Inner the new album T.I.M.E, will provide unstable area. With the European indicative of the quality of music that Mind’s Eye), is an album that will reassurance and restore your confidence Community’s continuing hesitation can be expected from the undoubtedly set standards once again in their capabilities... THIS JOINT IS about intervenion, an uncertain future HIEROGLYPHICS crew in the future. for hip-hop in the future. PHAT!! lies ahead in the war tom region. Page 14 Spelman Spotlight, Atlanta, GA November 17, 1993 New Pills Prescribed by Melissa Johnson 'failure). double dose 12 hours later. Ovral, like important to recognize that it has not Health Editor Political controversy over abortion RU-486, prevents implantation of the been approved by the FDA and should Thousands of morning after pill has prevented other possible morning fertilized egg into the uterus. After a not substitute more traditional methods prescriptions are issued each year in after pills from entering the American medical evaluation, women who have of birth control. It is nevertheless wise United States college health services, market. had unprotected sexual intercourse, are to consider the morning after pill as a clinics, Planned Parenthood offices, Many universities fear distributing victims of sexual assault or are worried viable contraceptive option and emergency rooms and gynecological information on the contraception. about an unwanted pregnancy after sex specifically as an alternative to the offices. Yet, many people continue to The heat of pro-choice, right to life where birth control has failed may surgical abortion procedure. perceive the morning after pill as a debates is the question of when life request the post-coital contraception. Several Spelman College students, method of contraception used only in begins. Many believe pregnancy cannot RU-486 is licensed in China, who have been administered the France. begin until the implantation of the France, Sweden and the United morning after pill, have sighted several Robert A. Hatches, professor of fertilized egg in the uterine wall. Thus, Kingdom. However, Ovral, a product advantages of the pill over the surgical gynecology and obstetrics at Emory since, RU-486 prevents implantation in manufactured by Wyeth-Ayerst, has not procedure. It is much less expensive; University School of Medicine and been approved by the FDA and the first 72 hours, some do not consider many university campuses offer Ovral at director of Emory’s family planning therefore, cannot be marketed as a the method to be abortive. a cost of $5-10. Women who take the program says, "It’s available, it’s legal, However, those such as Richard morning after contraception. morning after pill are spared the it’s safe." Glasow, education director of the Nevertheless, Ovral can be prescribed heightened physical and emotional The technical term for the morning National Right to Fife Committee, by a doctor. trauma of a surgical abortion procedure. after pill is "post-coital contraception." believe, "The union of the sperm and It is often prescribed as a birth Although a varying degree of nausea The French abortion drug, RU-486, has the ovum is the beginning of life." control pill for women with abnormally and cramping are to be expected, the been proven to be highly effective. Use of the morning after pill as a heavy menstrual periods. According to a additional fear of infection and potential However, there are other existing contraceptive device is certainly a study using 800 Scottish women, complications are minimized. methods of morning after reported in the New England Journal, personal choice. However, it is contraception. Prescribed by 133 of RU-486 is safer with less side effects Health Clinic the 170 Planned Parenthood affiliates than the standard high dosage birth continued on page 13 across the nation, the most commonly control pill. Side effects include nausea, used morning after pill today is an oral vomiting, headache or breast tenderness. contraceptive called Ovral, composed In the 1960’s and 1970’s, of high amounts of estrogen and diethylstilbestrol (DES) was prescribed progesterone. as a morning after contraceptive. Ovral is effective only if taken Doctors later found that DES caused within 72 hours following sexual severe nausea and vomiting, proved a intercourse. The standard failure rate from 0 to 2.4 percent and recommendation is a double dose of resulted in birth defects and vaginal or Ovral-two pills followed by another cervical cancer in daughters (in cases of

Female Condoms Become Reality by Melissa Johnson Health Editor diaphragm. It lines the vagina and The intravaginal pouch, widely covers the labia, preventing sperm from ’ifeAUN PiD iT LA&T known as the female condom, entering the uterus. Reality may be represents another advancement toward inserted long before intercourse and "(GOT . women’s reproductive freedom. If therefore does not break the flow of W is approved by the FDA, it shall be the I lovemaking in the way that many first time that a woman will have the complain the male condom does. It opportunity to choose a device she can « MA X will be particularly useful for women p insert herself to protect herself not only whose partners are willing to use Olv from sexually transmitted diseases, but condoms. Female controlled methods 00 unintended pregnancy. of contraception have been found to Although Depo Proverà was provide more effective protection than recently approved, the FIDA does not methods controlled by men. want to approve Reality, the market When a woman can offer a man a brand name for the intravaginal pouch choice between using "his" or "hers", if approved. The FDA is concerned the gender dynamics change. Simply about the contraceptive’s so called "low urging women to insist that their effectiveness" of 15%, a percentage partners use condoms may be unrealistic shown by virtually all non-hormonal because traditional sex roles in most methods of birth control. cultures do not encourage a woman to Reality, unlike FDA approved Depo talk about sex or to initiate sexual Proverà, is a safe method that does not practices or otherwise control an cause systemic effects. It is woman "yU'j -ÙÜST A QAfcTOtfM intimate encounter. Reality represents an controlled, reversible and provides I I I 'I1—1 OvWAóTefc.i. option for women which does not protection from unintended pregnancies. Vcvtt g'lghX UAMe require a partner’s responsibility. Furthermore, tests conducted by the Women need to be made aware that company on polyurethane have shown methods controlled by them may help it to be stronger and less permeable to reduce their chances of unwanted sperm and viruses than the latex used pregnancies and sexually transmitted in most male condoms on the market. diseases and are considerably safer than Reality is priced at an estimated $2.25 unprotected sex. each and may present an economic barrier for women who can not afford Reprinted with permission from the ■fcfÄR wwW Saw "Testimony for the Obstetrics and H I maudmal. instî-twê -CC.UC, AeosÊ . -«• — the effective birth control. I US. -DepwrVMeMTiV tleAL-Ttt AMb The intravaginal pouch is inserted Gynecology Devises" of the National vkw*M sefcjic.es, . much like a contraceptive sponge or Black Women’s Health Project. Page 15 Spelman Spotlight, Atlanta, GA November 17, 1993

EXPRESSIONS, the Creative Writing section of the "Spotlight," welcomes all AUC writers to submit work for publication. Submissions can be sent through campus mail to Spelman box 796, or placed in the EXPRESSIONS folder on the door of the "Spotlight" office, in Lower Manley. PLEASE CONTRIBUTE!!

Because if You Had Twelve Eggs, You'd Put Ten In My Basket

I promise to glide along smoothly, On Renovation and World Politics Making no sudden moves, I will wrap myself around you Sitting on white chairs smothering your insecurities on a white porch until they loose the strength in the white house to free one more doubt President Clinton hands me a match so I can light my Newport, Then slowly, silently (so as not to alarm you) and the Fire burns on. . . I will tickle you with quilted as we discuss politics fingertips until your laughter digging the mellow smooth sounds of Digable Planets sprouts silvery wings and forms on this lukewarm day childish shapes of joy in the We decide in our ten point world renovation plan air to wipe out the iraqis divide the latin americans If you had twelve eggs and put ten in my basket, steal from the africans support genocide I promise homicide to and suicide always kill off the new generation always force birth control keep sterilize and demobilize the niggers of the world. them And the Revolution moves on. warm.

President Clinton and I discuss, plan, arrange, Kiini Salaam and sign our informal treaty. Spelman College, Senior And We shake hands proving that racism no longer exists. So, as my soul gyrates to the evolutionary, revolutionary beat of my heart And my mind spirals, upward into that purgatorial state The innate characteristic of the Black Eunuch, You Are Only Hurting You I prepare my mind for revolution.

Tonight i come back with my .32 Terrible! rape Hilary, hypnotize Chelsea, and kill his dog. Horrible! fuck animal rights Despicable! The Revolution, lives on. The awful things that old so-and-so did to you! Unforgivable! Nicole E. Coleman Disloyal! Spelman College, Junior How could this be, you were friends for what seemed eternity, and now this. Well you just won't associate with that traitor anymore. The nerve! All the laughs you shared, all the good times. Where to Now? Too bad that fool threw all those things away, or is it you who is the fool? You still see the excitement you shared. Why didn't I kiss you All the joy, yes even the tears. before I let you walk away? You were there for each other, then. At first I thought it was because Can you honestly close the door on those memories just to keep I didn't want my feelings for you on display. a grudge? But now I can see that I care about you Every time that name is called your blood boils, more than I do any other or is that your heart silently breaking? So maybe my actions were meant Sorrow. not to smother. Regret. Well, in case you were too busy scowling to notice, Why didn't I hold your hand everyone else has gone on with their life while you are bitterly as I walked you back? dwelling on the past. Maybe I didn't want the attention You never took the time to see, you are only hurting you! I thought it would attract. But why not? Twila Jackson Why shouldn't I show how much I care Spelman College, Junior Whether or not others are there? I guess the biggest question I have Oooh, Bison. is "What exactly exists?"

Do we have a reason Poise is falling on your butt at Manley and maintaining your to experience this bliss? facial expression. Right now all of my explanations can be summed up as "Our thing is incomplete." Compassion is those that look away. I definitely desire more, but I don't know what you want so I can't really say that what we have is concrete. Sympathy is for your friends that don dark glasses. You could lead me to believe that our future Ever notice how when you lose cool points, the first thing you do is hinges only on my desires check to see who But with that misconception, saw? No matter how serious the blow, the how can we take the level of our relationship any higher? injury can wait till we see just who saw us. What you think is just as important as what I think Flat on my back, at the bottom of the staircase I unsuccessfully Because it takes two to keep the boat afloat slid. or otherwise it would sink. Wondering if the FBI awards new identities to those who lose cool points into oblivion. All I want is for you to tell me Perhaps I'll just dye my hair, wear contacts, and exactly how you feel change my name. And if this joy you experience with me Perhaps I'll just transfer to Howard, where I can start over is for real. fresh. Oooh, Bison. Mentally, are we together near or far? I really need to know because with the way I feel Manley... a lesson in humility. things can't continue the way they are. Ada Brown Randy Walker Spelman College, Sophomore Morehouse College, Freshman (Note: Editors retain the right to decide what will be included in each issue.) Page 16 Spelman Spotlight, Atlanta, GA November 17, 1993

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record store, or any store for that matter, take stock of the 3 services concerned with purchases made on Monarch Notes® Version:

the Citibank Classic card. Citibank Price Protection assures one of the best prices. See the same item The Citibank Classic Visa card will

advertised in print for less, within 60 days, and Citibank will refund the difference up to $1507 To protect be there for you with special stu­ dent discounts, no fee, and a low these investments, Buyers Security can cover them against accidental damage, fire or theft (ordinarily rate...so your own economy will causes for Great Depressions) for 90 days from the date of purchase.4 And Citibank Lifetime be more like a boom than a bust. Warranty'"' can extend the expected service life of eligible products up to 12 years.5 H But perhaps the Call 1-800-CITIBANK, ext. 19. features which offer the best protection are your eyes, your nose, your mouth, etc.—all featured on The

Photocard, the credit card with your photo on it. Carrying it can help prevent fraud or any hostile

takeover of your card. (Insiders speculate that it makes quite a good student ID, too.) Even if one’s card is

stolen, or perhaps lost, The Lost Wallet ” Service can replace your card usually within 24 hours. Tf So

never panic. As we all know, panic, such as in the Great Panics of 1837, 1857, and 1929, can cause a

downswing in a market. But with 24-hour Customer Service, there’s no reason for it. A question about

your account is only an 800 number away. (Panic of the sort experienced the night before Finals is

something else again.) 1! Needless to say, building a credit history with the support of such services can

only be a boost. You’re investing in futures—that future house, that future car, etc. And knowing the

Citibank Classic Visa card is there in your wallet should presently give you a sense of security, rare in

today’s—how shall we say?—fickle market. To apply, call. Students don’t need a job or a cosigner. And

call if you’d simply like your photo added to your regular Citibank Classic Visa card. Here’s the num­ ber: 1-800-CITIBANK, extension 19. H The Law of Student CITIBAN

student’s unlimited wants and needs, while reducing the Risk 9128 0012 395b 1890 Factor in respect to limited and often scarce resources—with LINDA WALKS VISA the greatest supply of services and savings possible—then stu­ ***«* § 2

dents will demand said credit card.” So, demand away—call. Not just Visa. Citibank Visa.

Savings claim is based on a 10-minutc night/weckend call in the 1,911 to 3.000 mileage band using MCI’s Card Compatibility rates vs. AT&T’s standard calling card rates, effective 4/93. Citibank Calling Service long distance usage cannot be applied to obtain benefits under any other MCI partner program or offer, including travel award programs. Offer expires 6/30/94. Minimum ticket purchase price is $100. Rebates are for Citibank student cardmembers on tickets issued by ISE Flights only. 'The Annual Percentage Rate for purchases is 15.4% as of 8/93 and may vary quarterly. The Annual Percentage Rate for cash advances is 19.8%. If a finance charge is imposed, the minimum is 50 cents. There is an additional finance charge for each cash advance transaction equal to 2% of the amount of each cash advance transaction: however, it will not be less than $2.00 or greater than $10.00. JCertain conditions and exclusions apply. Please refer to your Summary of Additional Program Information. Buyers Security is underwritten by The Zurich International UK l imited. Certain restrictions and limitations apply. Underwritten by the New Hampshire Insurance Company. Service life expectancy varies by product and is at least the minimum based on retail industry data. Details of coverage arc available in your Summary of Additional Program Information. Monarch4 Notes are published bv Monarch Press, a division of Simon & Schuster, a Paramount Communications Company. Used by permission of the publisher. Citibank credit cards are issued by Citibank (South Dakota). N.A..«£> 1993 Citibank (South Dakota). N.A. Member FDIC.