

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held at the Community Pavilion, Llys Ben, on Tuesday 14 February 2017 at 7.00pm

Present: Councillors Alan Challinor, Graham Cook, John Golledge, Glenis Jones, Martin Richardson, Steve Robinson and Linda Thew.

In attendance: Sharon Jeffries, Clerk

1. Apologies for absence Apologies were received from Councillor Elaine Price (illness); Councillor Hilary Astbury (illness) and Councillor John Lamb (work commitments as a result of Councillor Astbury being ill).

2. Declarations of Interest Councillors Martin Richardson, Graham Cook and Bill Tait declared a personal interest in relation to the Pavilion.

3. Public participation No members of the public were present.

4. Visitor - peso Amy Hughes from North Police The Clerk explained that she had made contact twice with PCSO Amy Hughes but had received no response. The Clerk agreed to contact her again.

5. To approve the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of 10 January 2017 and Extraordinary Meeting of 3 February 2017 and confirm they are a correct record and therefore in accordance with Standing Orders by being signed by the Chairman

The following amendments were noted for the minutes of 10 January 2017:

Item 8 - it was only Year 6.

It was resolved:

A Councillor Richardson proposed and Councillor Thew seconded that the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of 10 January 2017 be approved subject to the amendments noted.

Motion carried.

www.northophallcc.org.uk The following amendments were noted for the minutes of 3 February 2017:

Apologies had been sent from Councillor Glenis Jones regarding her non-attendance at the meeting.

The dates stated should refer to 3 February 2017 not 2016.

It was resolved:

B Councillor Tait proposed and Councillor Richardson seconded that the minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of 3 February 2017 be approved subject to the amendments noted.

Motion carried.

6. Matters arising - to follow up on matters relating to the previous meeting Councillor Robinson reminded members that the meeting to discuss the complaint about the two Councillors did not take place.

7. Grants Sub Committee - verbal update The Clerk raised the issue of the planning application which had been returned because a scaled drawing of the new railings is required. Councillor Cook has agreed to complete this. Councillor Thew gave a detailed update following the meetings she had had since the last meeting. Meetings have been held with June Morris and Alan Roberts from County Council. Seats will be donated and the tree will be crowned. Responsibility for the boundary fence is currently trying to be ascertained. The monument will be restored by Taylors in Buckley.

Members discussed their disappointment at the lack of engagement from the College. Even though there had been delays from the Community Council side the lack of engagement regarding the practical work has been noticeable. Councillors agreed that a complaint should be made.

It was resolved:

C Councillor Richardson proposed and Councillor Challinor seconded that a letter of complaint regarding the College's engagement and participation in the practical aspect of the project be made to the College Principal and for Councillor Sharps to be copied into the letter.

Motion carried.

The Clerk explained that the costs for the project needed to be re-visited.

I Signed ;.' . 72/16

www.northophallcc.org.uk 8. Risk assessment update The Clerk advised members of her concerns regarding the delivery of the outcomes in accordance with the targets on the two grants the Community Council had received. This was because the large volume of complaints and correspondence and administration in relation to additional meetings since November 2016 meant that she had had no time to work on the grant projects. The Clerk agreed to contact the two grant bodies and update members at the next meeting in order to consider any risks in relation to the grant monies being recovered.

9. Clerks report and consideration of action plan The Clerk highlighted items in the action plan requiring action. Members agreed to close the youth participation item. Members requested the Clerk address the lack of action on the Transformer and on the matters raised with Hannah Blythyn. The Clerk advised members that a grant application had been received and this would be placed on the agenda in March. A request for the Pavilion funding had also been received. This is budgeted for in 2017/18 and would be paid in April 2017.

10. Budget report 2016/17 The Clerk talked through the budget monitoring report in detail and it was noted by members.

11. Dog fouling Members discussed the large volume of complaints that they had received from members of the community about dog fouling. Councillor Thew agreed to speak to Enforcement at Flintshire County Council to ascertain what they were doing in response to the complaints received. The Clerk advised members of the cost of FLVC printing off posters and laminating them. Members discussed mailshots to residents and posters being put up in the village as well as stickers on the bins. Members agreed to decide on what action they should undertake once Councillor Thew had spoken to Enforcement.

12. Town and Community Council elections in May 2017 The Clerk drew member attention to the upcoming elections. Councillor Richardson explained that the Deputy Monitoring Officer would be sending out application packs. The 20 March 2017 is the date for completion. Details of the local election process will be put on the community Facebook page and on the website.

13. Correspondence received: The Clerk made reference to the list of correspondence she had circulated. She made reference to: FCC Best Kept Communities Competition - members do not wish to participate. North Wales Police update - acknowledged. WAO governance report - the Clerk will update members in more detail at the next meeting about areas the external auditor will review. Request for street map of Northop Hall -Clerk to advise that one can be obtained from County Hall.

The Clerk advised members that agenda items were requested for the next County Forum meeting on 28 February 2017. Councillor Thew and Councillor Cook agreed to attend to ensure the Community Council . esented.

Signed . 73/16 www.northophallcc.org.uk 14. Planning matters The Clerk advised members that application reference 056503 was being discussed at Committee and if members wished to attend they need to advise Planning of this fact. Planning application 056503 was discussed and no objections were raised.

15. Highway matters The Chairman stated that he had been contacted by a resident about Llys Ben being blocked at school collection times. This results in the road and resident driveway access being blocked and emergency vehicles would be unable to get through. Members suggested that they should request the local PCSO monitor this issue and once they assess the situation further action can be considered.

It was resolved:

o Councillor Golledge proposed and Councillor Challinor seconded that the Clerk request the PCSO for Northop Hall monitor parking around the school and on Uys Ben at peak school collection times.

Motion carried.

Councillor Cook proposed an amendment to this resolution in that the Community Council should request residents only parking. Councillor Challinor suggested that members needed to have more information about the extent of the problem and options available to address it first

Councillor Jones highlighted the potholes on Village Road which were outside 'Gentone' and further on towards Northop. Councillor Robinson highlighted that generally the road is in a poor state and is getting worse and is actually breaking up at the new road junction. The Clerk agreed to raise the issues with Neil Hickie.

16. Street lighting matters The Clerk agreed to follow up the street lights that had been replaced being adopted by Flintshire county Council with Neil Hickie.

17. Report from any meetings or training attended by members Councillor Jones updated members about the School Governors meeting she had attended that evening. The Ofsted rating is green and the school is currently at full capacity.

18. Items relating to footpaths & stiles No items relating to footpaths or stiles were raised

Signed . 74/16

www.northophallcc.org.uk 19. Accounts for payment The Clerk discussed the payments that needed to be made, which included members allowances for 2016/17 for members that had requested the allowance (to cover the costs of stationery; telephone and other incidentals)

The payments were:

HMRC tax £85.60 (cheque 101529) Sharon Jeffries - salary and expenses £460.53 (cheque 101530) Councillor Steve Robinson 206/17 allowance £100.00 (cheque 101531) Councillor Bill Tait 2016/17 allowance £100.00 (cheque 101532) Councillor Graham Cook 2016/17 allowance £100.00 (cheque 1015330 Society of Local Council Clerks 2017/18 membership £103.00 (cheque101534) One Voice Wales 2017/18 membership £192.00 (cheque 101535) One Voice Wales training costs £70.00 (cheque 101536) Flintshire County Council - street lighting costs £543.51 (cheque 101537) Wales Audit Office 2016/17 audit fee £221.40 (cheque 101538) Councillor Linda Thew 2016/17 £100.00 (cheque 101539) Councillor Martin Richardson 2016/17 allowance £100.00 (cheque 101540)

Members agreed the payments and cheques were signed.

In view of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted at this meeting, the Clerk explained that it was in the public interest that the public and press be excluded from the remainder of the meeting.

It was resolved:

E Councillor Jones proposed and Councillor Cook seconded that a resolution be made under

L e P li B ies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 that the public and representatives of the a cas edia e excluded from he meeting during the consideration of the following :::t.---

~ -----,.,------.• ------_._ " '" '" '" 75/16


Ordinary Meeting of the Council held at the Community Pavilion, Llys Ben, Northop Hall on Tuesday 14 February 2017 at 7.00pm

Member Item Agenda No Refers Councillor Martin Representative on Pavilion Committee. 17 Richardson Councillor Graham Representative on Pavilion Committee. 17 Cook Councillor Bill Tait Representative on Pavilion Committee. 17

Signed :: . 76/16
