Journal of the Native Orchid Society of South Australia Inc Print Post Approved .Volume 36 Nº 7 PP 543662/00018 August 2012 NATIVE ORCHID SOCIETY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA PO BOX 565 UNLEY SA 5061 The Native Orchid Society of South Australia promotes the conservation of orchids through the preservation of natural habitat and through cultivation. Except with the documented official representation of the management committee, no person may represent the Society on any matter. All native orchids are protected in the wild; their collection without written Government permit is illegal. PRESIDENT SECRETARY Geoffrey Borg: Robert Lawrence ph 82948014, or 0488 356 720 Email.
[email protected] Email:
[email protected] VICE PRESIDENT Kris Kopicki COMMITTEE Bill Dear Bob Bates Cathy Houston Pamela Monk EDITOR TREASURER David Hirst Marj Sheppard 14 Beaverdale Avenue Telephone 8344 2124 Windsor Gardens SA 5087 mob. 0419 189 118 Telephone 8261 7998 Email:
[email protected] LIFE MEMBERS Mr R. Hargreaves† Mr. L. Nesbitt Mr H. Goldsack† Mr G. Carne Mr R. Robjohns† Mr R Bates Mr J. Simmons† Mr R Shooter Mr D. Wells† Mr W Dear Mrs C Houston Conservation Officer: Cathy Houston telephone 8356 7356; Email:
[email protected] Field Trips Coordinator: Wendy Hudson. Ph: 8251 2762, Email:
[email protected] Trading Table: Judy Penney Show Marshall: B Jensen Registrar of Judges: Les Nesbitt Tuber bank Coordinator: Jane Higgs ph. 8558 6247; email:
[email protected] New Members Coordinator: Vacant PATRON Mr L. Nesbitt The Native Orchid Society of South Australia, while taking all due care, take no responsibility for loss or damage to any plants whether at shows, meetings or exhibits.