Southern Forest Life Plant List

Southern Forest Life Plant List

Southern Forest Life Botanical Inventory Regeneration after the Border Fire of January 5, 2020 FIRST MODE OF FAMILY GENUS SPECIES SUB-SPECIES COMMON NAME REGENERATION REGROWTH APIACEAE Hydrocotyle laxiflora Snking Pennywort FeB 8 sproung APIACEAE Platysace lanceolata ShruBBy Platysace FeB 27 seedlings APIACEAE Xanthosia pilosa Woolly Xanthosia APIACEAE Xanthosia tridentata Hill Xanthosia APOCYNACEAE Marsdenia rostrata Common Milk-vine FeB 5 sproung APOCYNACEAE Tylophora barbata Bearded Tylophora FeB 8 sproung ARALIACEAE Polyscias sambucifolia Bipinnate leaves Ferny Panax ASPARAGACEAE (suBf. Eustrephus lafolius WomBat Berry Lomandroideae) FeB 29 sproung ASPARAGACEAE (suBf. Lomandra confer>folia leptostachya Lomandroideae) ASPARAGACEAE (suBf. Lomandra filiformis filiformis Lomandroideae) FeB 15 sproung ASPARAGACEAE (suBf. Lomandra glauca Pale Mat-rush Lomandroideae) FeB 15 sproung ASPARAGACEAE (suBf. Lomandra longifolia longifolia Spinyhead Mat-rush Lomandroideae) Jan 28 sproung ASPARAGACEAE (suBf. Lomandra mul>flora mul>flora Many-flowered Mat-rush Lomandroideae) FeB 27 sproung ASPARAGACEAE (suBf. Thysanotus juncifolius Branching Fringe Lily Lomandroideae) ASPLENIACEAE Asplenium flabellifolium Necklace Fern ASTERACEAE Cassinia longifolia Shining Cassinia FeB 27 sproung ASTERACEAE Coronidium elatum elatum Tall Everlas7ng ASTERACEAE Coronidium scorpioides Bu[on Everlas7ng FeB 27 sproung ASTERACEAE Cotula australis Carrot Weed Jan 28 sproung ASTERACEAE *Facelis retusa Annual Trampweed FeB 27 ASTERACEAE *Gamochaeta sp. Cudweed FeB 8 sproung ASTERACEAE Helichrysum leucopsideum Sa7n Everlas7ng FeB 27 ASTERACEAE *Hypochaeris glabra Smooth Catsear ASTERACEAE *Hypochaeris radicata Cat’s Ear/Flatweed Jan 28 sproung ASTERACEAE Lagenophora gracilis Slender Lagenophora Jan 26 sproung ASTERACEAE Ozothamnus obcordatus major Grey Everlas7ng FeB 11 sproung ASTERACEAE Senecio hispidulus Hill Fireweed FeB 27 sproung ASTERACEAE Senecio linearifolius arachnoideus Cobweb Fireweed ASTERACEAE Senecio prenanthoides Common Forest Fireweed ASTERACEAE Xerochrysum bracteatum Golden Everlas7ng FeB 27 seedling BIGNONIACEAE Pandorea pandorana Wonga Vine FeB 27 sproung BLECHNACEAE Blechnum car>lagineum Gristle Fern Mar 5 sproung BRYACEAE Rosulabryum capillare Moss CAMPANULACEAE Lobelia anceps Angled LoBelia CAMPANULACEAE Lobelia dentata Toothed LoBelia CAMPANULACEAE Wahlenbergia stricta stricta Tall BlueBell FeB 7 sproung CAMPANULACEAE Wahlenbergia gracilis Australian BlueBell FeB 27 sproung CAMPANULACEAE Wahlenbergia mul>caulis Tadgell’s BlueBell FeB 17 sproung CARYOPHYLACEAE *Ceras>um balearicum Common Mouse-ear Jan 28 sproung CASUARINACEAE Allocasuarina lioralis Black She-oak FeB 27 seedlings CELASTRACEAE Stackhousia monogyna Creamy Candles Paul Whitington, 7th March, 2020 read the full story at: !1 of !6 FIRST MODE OF FAMILY GENUS SPECIES SUB-SPECIES COMMON NAME REGENERATION REGROWTH CHENOPODIACEAE Dysphania pumilio Small CrumBweed FeB 4 sproung CLUSIACEAE Hypericum gramineum Small St John’s Wort FeB 16 sproung COLCHICACEAE Burchardia umbellata Milkmaids COLCHICACEAE Schelhammera undulata Lilac Lily FeB 27 sproung COMMELINACEAE *Tradescan>a fluminensis Trad, Wandering Jew CONVOLVULACEAE Dichondra repens Kidney Weed FeB 27 seedlings CUPRESSACEAE Callitris rhomboidea Port Jackson Pine FeB 29 seedlings CYATHEACEAE Cyathea australis Rough Tree Fern FeB 8 sproung CYPERACEAE Causs flexuosa Curly Wigs CYPERACEAE Cyathochaeta diandra Sheath Sedge Jan 28 sproung CYPERACEAE Cyperus lucidus Cu[y/Cung Grass CYPERACEAE Ficinia nodosa KnoBBy CluB-rush Jan 26 sproung CYPERACEAE Gahnia clarkei Tall Saw-sedge Jan 26 sproung CYPERACEAE Gahnia radula Thatch Saw-sedge FeB 27 sproung CYPERACEAE Lepidosperma sieberi Sandhill Saw-sedge FeB 1 sproung DENNSTAEDTIACEAE Pteridium esculentum Bracken Jan 15 sproung DICKSONIACEAE Calochlaena dubia RainBow Fern Jan 26 sproung DILLENIACEAE Hibber>a acicularis Prickly Guinea-Flower FeB 27 sproung DILLENIACEAE Hibber>a aspera aspera FeB 8 sproung DILLENIACEAE Hibber>a empetrifolia FeB 27 sproung DILLENIACEAE Hibber>a dentata Twining Guinea-Flower FeB 27 sproung DILLENIACEAE Hibber>a fasciculata Bundled Guinea-Flower FeB 27 sproung DROSERACEAE Drosera auriculata Sundew ELAEOCARPACEAE Elaeocarpus re>culatus Blueberry Ash FeB 14 sproung ELAEOCARPACEAE Tetratheca pilosa lafolia Pink-Bells FeB 27 seedlings ERICACEAE Acrotriche serrulata Honeypots/Ant’s delight ERICACEAE Astroloma humifusum CranBerry Heath ERICACEAE Brachyloma daphnoides daphnoides Daphne Heath FeB 27 sproung ERICACEAE Epacris impressa Common Heath FeB 20 sproung ERICACEAE Leucopogon affinis Lance Beard-heath FeB 8 sproung ERICACEAE Leucopogon ericoides Pink Beard-heath ERICACEAE Monotoca ellip>ca Tree Broom-heath ERICACEAE Monotoca scoparia Broom-heath EUPHORPBIACEAE Amperea xiphoclada xiphoclada Broom Spurge Jan 24 sproung EUPHORPBIACEAE Beyeria lasiocarpa Wallaby Bush FABACEAE (SUBF. Aotus ericoides Common Aotus sproung, FABOIDEAE) Jan 26 seedlings FABACEAE (SUBF. Bossiaea heterophylla Variable Bossiaea FABOIDEAE) FABACEAE (SUBF. Bossiaea obcordata Spiny Bossiaea FABOIDEAE) FABACEAE (SUBF. Bossiaea prostrata Creeping Bossiaea FABOIDEAE) FABACEAE (SUBF. Bossiaea cordifolia Showy Bossiaea FABOIDEAE) FABACEAE (SUBF. Daviesia ulicifolia ulicifolia Gorse Bi[er-pea FABOIDEAE) FABACEAE (SUBF. Desmodium gunnii Southern Tick-trefoil FABOIDEAE) FeB 23 sproung Paul Whitington, 7th March, 2020 read the full story at: !2 of !6 FIRST MODE OF FAMILY GENUS SPECIES SUB-SPECIES COMMON NAME REGENERATION REGROWTH FABACEAE (SUBF. Dillwynia glaberrima Smooth Parrot-pea FABOIDEAE) FABACEAE (SUBF. Dillwynia rudis FABOIDEAE) FABACEAE (SUBF. Euchiton japonicus Creeping Cudweed FABOIDEAE) FeB 27 seedlings FABACEAE (SUBF. Glycine clandes>na Twining Glycine FABOIDEAE) FeB 4 sproung FABACEAE (SUBF. Gompholobium lafolium Golden Glory Pea FABOIDEAE) FABACEAE (SUBF. Goodia lofolia lofolia Golden Tip, Clover Tree FABOIDEAE) FABACEAE (SUBF. Hardenbergia violacea Purple Coral Pea FABOIDEAE) FeB 27 seedlings FABACEAE (SUBF. Hovea heterophylla FABOIDEAE) FeB 27 seedlings FABACEAE (SUBF. Indigofera australis Austral Indigo sproung, FABOIDEAE) Jan 26 seedlings FABACEAE (SUBF. Kennedia prostrata Running Postman FABOIDEAE) FeB 27 seedlings FABACEAE (SUBF. Kennedia rubicunda Dusky Coral-pea FABOIDEAE) Jan 26 seedlings FABACEAE (SUBF. Pultenaea retusa Blunt Bush-pea FABOIDEAE) FABACEAE (SUBF. Pultenaea daphnoides Large-leaf Bush-pea FABOIDEAE) FABACEAE (SUBF. *Trifolium repens White Clover FABOIDEAE) Jan 26 sproung FABACEAE (SUBF. Acacia falciformis Hickory Wa[le MIMOSOIDEAE) Mar 1 seedlings FABACEAE (SUBF. Acacia implexa Hickory, Lightwood MIMOSOIDEAE) FeB 18 sproung FABACEAE (SUBF. Acacia suaveolens Sweet Wa[le MIMOSOIDEAE) FABACEAE (SUBF. Acacia terminalis angusfolia Sunshine Wale MIMOSOIDEAE) FABACEAE (SUBF. Acacia cognata Bower Wale MIMOSOIDEAE) FABACEAE (SUBF. Acacia mearnsii Black Wa[le MIMOSOIDEAE) Jan 26 seedlings FABACEAE (SUBF. Acacia ulicifolia Prickly Moses MIMOSOIDEAE) FABACEAE (SUBF. Acacia ver>cillata ver>cillata MIMOSOIDEAE) FeB 4 sproung FABACEAE (SUBF. Acacia obtusifolia Blunt Leaf Wa[le MIMOSOIDEAE) Jan 27 seedlings FABACEAE (SUBF. Acacia longifolia longifolia Sydney Golden Wa[le MIMOSOIDEAE) FeB 27 seedlings GENTIANACEAE *Centaurium erythraea Centaury GERANIACEAE *Erodium cicutarium Common Storksbill GERANIACEAE Geranium homeanum Rainforest Crane’s-Bill FeB 4 sproung GERANIACEAE Pelargonium inodorum Kopata FeB 27 seedlings GLEICHENIACEAE Gleichenia microphylla ScramBling Coral Fern Paul Whitington, 7th March, 2020 read the full story at: !3 of !6 FIRST MODE OF FAMILY GENUS SPECIES SUB-SPECIES COMMON NAME REGENERATION REGROWTH GOODENIACEAE Goodenia ovata Hop Goodenia GOODENIACEAE Scaevola ramosissima Hairy Fan-flower FeB 27 sproung HALORAGACEAE Gonocarpus teucrioides Germander Raspwort FeB 27 seedlings HYPOXIDACEAE Hypoxis hygrometrica Golden Weather-grass FeB 25 sproung IRIDACEAE Patersonia glabrata Leafy Purple-Flag IRIDACEAE *Sisyrinchium iridifolium Blue Pigroot JUNCACEAE Juncus sp. Jan 28 sproung LAMIACEAE Plectranthus parviflorus Cockspur Flower LAURACEAE Cassytha glabella glabella Slender Devil’s Twine LAURACEAE Cassytha phaeolasia Rusty Dodder-laurel LINDSAEACEAE Lindsaea linearis Screw Fern FeB 27 sproung LOGANIACEAE Mitrasacme polymorpha Varied Mitrewort LORANTHACEAE Amyema pendula pendula Drooping Mistletoe MALVACEAE Lasiopetalum ferrugineum Rusty Velvet-Bush MALVACEAE *Modiola caroliniana Carolina Mallow FeB 27 seedlings MYRTACEAE Angophora floribunda Rough-Barked Apple Jan 28 sproung MYRTACEAE Callistemon citrinus Crimson Bolebrush FeB 4 sproung MYRTACEAE Calytrix tetragona Common Fringe-myrtle MYRTACEAE Eucalyptus consideniana Yertchuck FeB 8 sproung MYRTACEAE Eucalyptus cypellocarpa Mountain Grey Gum FeB 1 sproung MYRTACEAE Eucalyptus globoidea White StringyBark Jan 28 sproung MYRTACEAE Eucalyptus obliqua Messmate FeB 10 sproung MYRTACEAE Eucalyptus sieberi Silvertop Ash FeB 5 sproung MYRTACEAE Eucalyptus longifolia WoollyBu[ FeB 27 sproung MYRTACEAE Kunzea ambigua Tick Bush MYRTACEAE Kunzea ericoides Burgan Jan 29 sproung MYRTACEAE Leptospermum brevipes Slender Teatree FeB 27 sproung MYRTACEAE Leptospermum con>nentale Prickly Teatree FeB 27 sproung MYRTACEAE Leptospermum polygalifolium polygalifolium Yellow Teatree FeB 8 sproung MYRTACEAE Leptospermum myrsinoides Heath Teatree MYRTACEAE Leptospermum trinervium PaperBark Teatree MYRTACEAE Melaleuca armillaris armillaris Giant Honey-myrtle MYRTACEAE Sannantha pluriflora Twiggy

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