The Foothills County and Town of Okotoks Joint Council Meeting Agenda

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The Foothills County and Town of Okotoks Joint Council Meeting Agenda THE FOOTHILLS COUNTY AND TOWN OF OKOTOKS JOINT COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA Tuesday, November 24, 2020 1:00 PM via live stream Pages 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 3. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING 3.1. Intermunicipal Committee Meeting – October 27, 2020 2 4. BUSINESS 4.1. Review of the Intermunicipal Committee Terms of Reference* 7 4.2. Appointment of co-chairs – Town & County 4.3. Terms of Reference – Intra-regional Transportation Analysis – Town & County* 14 4.4. Response to Foothills County Fire Chief’s Letter Regarding Median Closures – Town* 24 4.5. Provincial Program Seeking Participants for Circular Use of Plastics, Opportunity for Eco Centre to Participate – Paul Lyons, Town* 27 4.6. Raw Water Project 5. IN CAMERA (This portion of the meeting may be closed to the public if a matter to be discussed is within one of the exceptions to disclosure in Division 2 of Part l of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act. S. 24(1)(a)) 5.1. Functional Study for 338 Avenue Interchange - Town & County 6. MOTIONS ARISING 7. NEXT MEETING DATE The tentative next meeting date of the Intermunicipal Committee is Tuesday January 26, 2021, at 1:00 p.m. 8. ADJOURNMENT UNADOPTED MINUTES OF THE FOOTHILLS COUNTY AND TOWN OF OKOTOKS INTERMUNICIPAL COMMITTEE HELD ON OCTOBER 27, 2020 VIA VIDEO CONFERENCING PRESENT Foothills County Town of Okotoks Reeve Suzanne Oel Mayor Bill Robertson Councillor R.D. McHugh Councillor Tanya Thorn Councillor Delilah Miller Councillor Alan Alger (alt) Councillor Rob Siewert (alt) Councillor Larry Spilak (alt) Councillor Jason Parker (observer) STAFF Harry Riva Cambrin, Municipal Manager Elaine Vincent, Chief Administrative Officer PRESENT Ryan Payne, Chief Administrative Officer Ralph Ettenauer, Finance & Systems Director Jeff Edgington, Supervisor of Infrastructure Jeff Greene, Development Services Director Julie McLean, Senior Planner Susan Laurin, Community Services Director Jessica Clement, Legislative Services Chris Radford, Infrastructure & Operations Director Kelly Stienwand, Protective Services Director Nancy Weigel, Corporate & Strategic Services Director Christa Michailuck, Corporate Strategist Jeremy Huet, Interim Engineering Manager Rob Dickinson, Growth & Water Security Manager Janice Storch, Legislative Services Administrator REGRETS Councillor Ken Heemeryck 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Robertson called the meeting to order at 1:08 p.m. 2. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Items 5.1 and 5.2 were moved to precede item 4.3. Item 4.4 was added – Okotoks Erratic UNESCO designation. MOTION By Councillor Miller that the October 27, 2020 agenda for the Intermunicipal Committee be adopted as amended. Carried Unanimously 3. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING 3.1 Intermunicipal Committee Meeting - September 8, 2020 MOTION By Councillor Thorn that the minutes of the Intermunicipal Committee Meeting held September 8, 2020 be adopted as presented. Carried Unanimously 4. BUSINESS 4.1 Median Closure Correspondence Harry Riva Cambrin, Foothills County Municipal Manager, reviewed a letter received from the Honourable Ric McIver, Minister of Transportation dated October 5, 2020. Jeff Edington, Foothills County Supervisor of Infrastructure reviewed aerial maps depicting the configuration of each proposed median closure. Harry Riva Cambrin, Foothills County Municipal Manager, provided information that Foothills County Council has supported proceeding with the signalization of the intersection at 306 Ave and Highway 2A with no input of funding from either the Province of Alberta or the Town of Okotoks, and it is the intent of Foothills County Council to proceed with traffic lights at this intersection. Jeremy Huet, Town of Okotoks Interim Engineering Manager, provided an update on the status of the discussions with Alberta Transportation. Alberta Transportation has indicated that it is likely to receive funding for an interchange functional study. Both Administrations and Alberta Transportation have discussed the possibility that the functional study could also include the transportation analysis of the intermunicipal impacts of the median closures. Alberta Transportation will prepare a Terms of Reference for review by both Administrations as to what will be included in the functional study. These Terms of Reference are likely to be ready in a few weeks for review by each Administration. Councillor McHugh provided information that Foothills County has posted the letter from Minister McIver and a letter from the Foothills County Fire Chief regarding the proposed median closures on the County’s website. Councillor McHugh encouraged the Town of Okotoks to review the letter from Fire Chief Saulnier and provide comment at the next IMC meeting. Mayor Robertson supported the review of the letter by both the Town of Okotoks Fire Chief and the RCMP. Page 3 Both Councillors Thorn and Miller emphasized the importance of a functional study regarding the signalization of the intersection on Highway 2A at 306 Ave. The Committee discussed the rationale and advisability of the two municipalities conducting the interchange functional study and the intermunicipal transportation analysis rather than relying on Alberta Transportation. MOTION By Councillor Thorn that a joint Terms of Reference between Foothills County and the Town of Okotoks be brought forward to the next Intermunicipal Committee Meeting November 24, 2020, that includes both the interchange functional study and the intraregional transportation analysis of the impact of median closures. Carried Unanimously MOTION By Councillor McHugh that the letter received from Minister McIver dated October 5, 2020 be received as information. Carried Unanimously 4.2 Master Shared Services Agreement Chief Administrative Officers Elaine Vincent and Ryan Payne, reviewed the joint annual report regarding the Master Shared Services Agreement. Discussion occurred regarding the rationale and history of the inclusion of the cost sharing between the two municipalities for the Okotoks cemetery in the Master Shared Services Agreement. MOTION By Councillor Miller that the Master Shared Services Agreement report be received as information. Carried Unanimously Page 4 5. IN CAMERA MOTION By Councillor Thorn that the meeting go In Camera as the matters to be discussed during this portion of the meeting are within one of the exceptions to disclosure in Division 2 of Part l of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act at 3:08 p.m. Carried Unanimously 5.1 Land Designation (FOIP s. 24(1)(c)(g)) 5.2 Water Update (FOIP s. 24(1)(b)(c)(g)) In Attendance All Elected Officials and municipal staff present remained in the In Camera meeting except Jessica Clement, Ralph Ettenauer and Christa Michailuck. MOTION By Reeve Oel that the meeting come out of In Camera at 3:52 p.m. Carried Unanimously 4.3 Water Update Rob Dickinson, Town of Okotoks Growth & Water Security Manager, provided an update on the water pipeline project and notified the Committee that the prequalification process has been shortlisted and the project will be awarded November 6, 2020. Harry Riva Cambrin, Foothills County Municipal Manager, provided an update regarding Foothills County water related projects. MOTION By Councillor Thorn that the Water Update be received as information. Carried Unanimously 4.4 Okotoks Erratic UNESCO Application Councillor Miller, Foothills County, provided information that the most appropriate body to spearhead the application for the UNESCO Historical Site designation of the Okotoks Erratic would be the Foothills Historical Committee. Discussion occurred regarding what may qualify the Okotoks Erratic as a UNESCO historical site and the benefits of receiving such a designation. MOTION By Councillor Miller that the Foothills Historical Committee spearhead the application for the UNESCO Historical Site designation of the Okotoks Erratic, and that the Committee keep the Intermunicipal Committee apprised of the application progress. Carried Unanimously Page 5 Note: The Town of Okotoks Legislative Services Team has reviewed this document and approves of the recommended amendments. Municipal District Of FoothillsFoothills County and Town of Okotoks INTERMUNICIPAL COMMITTEE Terms of Reference 1.0 Background and Context Initially, the mandate of the Municipal District of FoothillsFoothills County / Town of Okotoks Intermunicipal Committee (IMC) (“the Committee”) had been informally outlined. There was a reference to the committee and its role and composition included in an appendix of the Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) approved in the fall of 1998 by Councils from both municipalities The 1998 appendix labelled “Part II – Background” in the IDP indicated that although the Committee had no official legislative status or decision-making authority Committee members were encouraged to share information, discuss matters of intermunicipal concern and make recommendations to the respective Councils of the two municipalities. The Committee played a key role in the preparation of the 1998 IDP as well as the current IDP, which was adopted by both Councils in July 2016. The Committee has continued to meet on a regular basis and have successfully negotiated agreements regarding annexation, joint services and numerous other intermunicipal matters. 2.0 Purpose The purpose of the Committee is to facilitate the working relationship between the two municipalities, the ongoing sharing of information between elected officials and municipal staff and to provide a forum in which to review and comment on a range of
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