Tuesday, November 24, 2020 1:00 PM via live stream





3.1. Intermunicipal Committee Meeting – October 27, 2020 2

4. BUSINESS 4.1. Review of the Intermunicipal Committee Terms of Reference* 7 4.2. Appointment of co-chairs – Town & County

4.3. Terms of Reference – Intra-regional Transportation Analysis – Town & County* 14

4.4. Response to Foothills County Fire Chief’s Letter Regarding Median Closures – Town*


4.5. Provincial Program Seeking Participants for Circular Use of Plastics, Opportunity for Eco Centre to Participate – Paul Lyons, Town* 27

4.6. Raw Water Project

5. IN CAMERA (This portion of the meeting may be closed to the public if a matter to be discussed is within one of the exceptions to disclosure in Division 2 of Part l of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act. S. 24(1)(a)) 5.1. Functional Study for 338 Avenue Interchange - Town & County


7. NEXT MEETING DATE The tentative next meeting date of the Intermunicipal Committee is Tuesday January 26, 2021, at 1:00 p.m.


PRESENT Foothills County Town of Okotoks Reeve Suzanne Oel Mayor Bill Robertson Councillor R.D. McHugh Councillor Tanya Thorn Councillor Delilah Miller Councillor Alan Alger (alt) Councillor Rob Siewert (alt) Councillor Larry Spilak (alt) Councillor Jason Parker (observer)

STAFF Harry Riva Cambrin, Municipal Manager Elaine Vincent, Chief Administrative Officer PRESENT Ryan Payne, Chief Administrative Officer Ralph Ettenauer, Finance & Systems Director Jeff Edgington, Supervisor of Infrastructure Jeff Greene, Development Services Director Julie McLean, Senior Planner Susan Laurin, Community Services Director Jessica Clement, Legislative Services Chris Radford, Infrastructure & Operations Director Kelly Stienwand, Protective Services Director Nancy Weigel, Corporate & Strategic Services Director Christa Michailuck, Corporate Strategist Jeremy Huet, Interim Engineering Manager Rob Dickinson, Growth & Water Security Manager Janice Storch, Legislative Services Administrator

REGRETS Councillor Ken Heemeryck


Mayor Robertson called the meeting to order at 1:08 p.m.


Items 5.1 and 5.2 were moved to precede item 4.3. Item 4.4 was added – Okotoks Erratic UNESCO designation.

MOTION By Councillor Miller that the October 27, 2020 agenda for the Intermunicipal Committee be adopted as amended. Carried Unanimously 3. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING

3.1 Intermunicipal Committee Meeting - September 8, 2020

MOTION By Councillor Thorn that the minutes of the Intermunicipal Committee Meeting held September 8, 2020 be adopted as presented. Carried Unanimously


4.1 Median Closure Correspondence

Harry Riva Cambrin, Foothills County Municipal Manager, reviewed a letter received from the Honourable Ric McIver, Minister of Transportation dated October 5, 2020.

Jeff Edington, Foothills County Supervisor of Infrastructure reviewed aerial maps depicting the configuration of each proposed median closure.

Harry Riva Cambrin, Foothills County Municipal Manager, provided information that Foothills County Council has supported proceeding with the signalization of the intersection at 306 Ave and Highway 2A with no input of funding from either the Province of or the Town of Okotoks, and it is the intent of Foothills County Council to proceed with traffic lights at this intersection.

Jeremy Huet, Town of Okotoks Interim Engineering Manager, provided an update on the status of the discussions with Alberta Transportation. Alberta Transportation has indicated that it is likely to receive funding for an interchange functional study. Both Administrations and Alberta Transportation have discussed the possibility that the functional study could also include the transportation analysis of the intermunicipal impacts of the median closures. Alberta Transportation will prepare a Terms of Reference for review by both Administrations as to what will be included in the functional study. These Terms of Reference are likely to be ready in a few weeks for review by each Administration.

Councillor McHugh provided information that Foothills County has posted the letter from Minister McIver and a letter from the Foothills County Fire Chief regarding the proposed median closures on the County’s website. Councillor McHugh encouraged the Town of Okotoks to review the letter from Fire Chief Saulnier and provide comment at the next IMC meeting. Mayor Robertson supported the review of the letter by both the Town of Okotoks Fire Chief and the RCMP.

Page 3 Both Councillors Thorn and Miller emphasized the importance of a functional study regarding the signalization of the intersection on Highway 2A at 306 Ave.

The Committee discussed the rationale and advisability of the two municipalities conducting the interchange functional study and the intermunicipal transportation analysis rather than relying on Alberta Transportation.

MOTION By Councillor Thorn that a joint Terms of Reference between Foothills County and the Town of Okotoks be brought forward to the next Intermunicipal Committee Meeting November 24, 2020, that includes both the interchange functional study and the intraregional transportation analysis of the impact of median closures. Carried Unanimously

MOTION By Councillor McHugh that the letter received from Minister McIver dated October 5, 2020 be received as information. Carried Unanimously

4.2 Master Shared Services Agreement

Chief Administrative Officers Elaine Vincent and Ryan Payne, reviewed the joint annual report regarding the Master Shared Services Agreement.

Discussion occurred regarding the rationale and history of the inclusion of the cost sharing between the two municipalities for the Okotoks cemetery in the Master Shared Services Agreement.

MOTION By Councillor Miller that the Master Shared Services Agreement report be received as information. Carried Unanimously

Page 4 5. IN CAMERA

MOTION By Councillor Thorn that the meeting go In Camera as the matters to be discussed during this portion of the meeting are within one of the exceptions to disclosure in Division 2 of Part l of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act at 3:08 p.m. Carried Unanimously

5.1 Land Designation (FOIP s. 24(1)(c)(g)) 5.2 Water Update (FOIP s. 24(1)(b)(c)(g))

In Attendance All Elected Officials and municipal staff present remained in the In Camera meeting except Jessica Clement, Ralph Ettenauer and Christa Michailuck.

MOTION By Reeve Oel that the meeting come out of In Camera at 3:52 p.m. Carried Unanimously

4.3 Water Update

Rob Dickinson, Town of Okotoks Growth & Water Security Manager, provided an update on the water pipeline project and notified the Committee that the prequalification process has been shortlisted and the project will be awarded November 6, 2020.

Harry Riva Cambrin, Foothills County Municipal Manager, provided an update regarding Foothills County water related projects.

MOTION By Councillor Thorn that the Water Update be received as information. Carried Unanimously

4.4 Okotoks Erratic UNESCO Application

Councillor Miller, Foothills County, provided information that the most appropriate body to spearhead the application for the UNESCO Historical Site designation of the Okotoks Erratic would be the Foothills Historical Committee.

Discussion occurred regarding what may qualify the Okotoks Erratic as a UNESCO historical site and the benefits of receiving such a designation.

MOTION By Councillor Miller that the Foothills Historical Committee spearhead the application for the UNESCO Historical Site designation of the Okotoks Erratic, and that the Committee keep the Intermunicipal Committee apprised of the application progress. Carried Unanimously

Page 5 Note: The Town of Okotoks Legislative Services Team has reviewed this document and approves of the recommended amendments.

Municipal District Of FoothillsFoothills County and Town of Okotoks INTERMUNICIPAL COMMITTEE Terms of Reference

1.0 Background and Context Initially, the mandate of the Municipal District of FoothillsFoothills County / Town of Okotoks Intermunicipal Committee (IMC) (“the Committee”) had been informally outlined. There was a reference to the committee and its role and composition included in an appendix of the Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) approved in the fall of 1998 by Councils from both municipalities The 1998 appendix labelled “Part II – Background” in the IDP indicated that although the Committee had no official legislative status or decision-making authority Committee members were encouraged to share information, discuss matters of intermunicipal concern and make recommendations to the respective Councils of the two municipalities. The Committee played a key role in the preparation of the 1998 IDP as well as the current IDP, which was adopted by both Councils in July 2016. The Committee has continued to meet on a regular basis and have successfully negotiated agreements regarding annexation, joint services and numerous other intermunicipal matters.

2.0 Purpose The purpose of the Committee is to facilitate the working relationship between the two municipalities, the ongoing sharing of information between elected officials and municipal staff and to provide a forum in which to review and comment on a range of topics of interest to both municipalities. The Committee forms an integral role in the conflict resolution process on matters that cannot be resolved at the staff/administration level.

3.0 Objectives The objectives of the Intermunicipal Committee include: a. Establishing working relationships for the purpose of implementation of mutual goals; b. Maintaining positive intermunicipal relations while also playing an important role in the resolution of any intermunicipal conflicts that may arise; c. Better understanding each other’s strategic interests; d. Providing direction on lands of mutual interest; e. Cooperatively interfacing on Provincial matters; and f. Creating long term strategic plans, processes and programs that benefit residents of both municipalities and the region.

Page 66 4.0 Role of the Committee There are a number of activities that fall within the mandate of the Committee: a. Sharing information, communicating concerns and ensuring continued cooperative relations between the two municipalities; b. Undertaking conflict resolution utilizing interest based resolution processes; c. Managing conflicting positions and building trust and partnership while striving to respect viewpoints and differences between the two municipalities; d. Developing joint solutions to challenges, standing together as one voice and supporting one another on matters that impact both municipalities; e. Overseeing implementation of, and amendments to the Intermunicipal Development Plan; f. When assigned by respective Councils, acting as the Annexation Negotiation Committee for the purposes of negotiating matters of Annexation; g. Providing Committee recommendations to respective Councils on various Intermunicipal matters.

5.0 Scope The following are examples of topics of current interest, but it is acknowledged that the Committee is able to address any item that is of interest to Committee members and is of an intermunicipal nature: a. Provincial and regional planning initiatives; b. Sub regional matters; c. Intermunicipal planning; d. Intermunicipal servicing strategies; e. Transportation planning – including roads, pathways and public transit; f. Matters regarding growth management and annexation of land; g. Environmental issues; and; h. Shared Servicing and Cost sharing strategies;

6.0 Constraints The Committee has no official legislative status or decision-making authority but can provide recommendations to each Council, as well as give direction to respective staff.

7.0 Membership

7.1. Number of Representatives Up to a maximum of three (3) elected members of each municipality should be appointed by each of the two Councils for membership on the Committee including a nominee for the position of co-chair. When an appointed Committee member from a municipality is unable to attend, any other member of that Council may attend as an

Page 7 Page 7 alternate in their place. Only elected representatives of the MD of Foothills County and the Town of Okotoks are considered Committee members.

7.2. Co-Chairs Each Council will appoint one nominee each for the positions of Co-Chair and Alternate Co-Chair. Co-chairs should be acknowledged by the Committee at the first Committee meeting after each municipality holds their respective organizational meetings. In the absence of either Co-Chair the designated Alternate from that municipality will chair in their absence. Should both the appointed Co-Chair and Alternate Co-Chair from one municipality be absent, the Co-Chair or Alternate from the other municipality may assume the duty of Chair at the discretion of the Committee. Support Administration from each municipality is assigned to support the work of the Committee. Administrative support persons are not considered Committee members. of the Committee The Committee may invite guests to present and/or contribute at Committee meetings. Guests may be private consultants, staff or other Council members from the respective municipalities, representatives of organizations, the Province, other municipalities or special interest groups. Guests are not considered Committee members Support Staff members from each municipality are assigned to support the work of the Committee. Staff may be required to take meeting notes, present, contribute and provide updates and information at Committee meetings, however they are not considered Committee members.

8.0 General Operating Principles

8.1. Scheduling Meetings All efforts should be made to hold a minimum of four meetings per year however; on- going monthly scheduled meetings are encouraged. “Special meetings” may be requested by either Municipality. Special meeting requests should be submitted to the CAO of either the County or the Town, who will have the authority to direct staff to organize a meeting at the earliest date possible. Requests for cancellation of meetings should also be submitted to the CAO of either municipality in writing with reasons for the cancellation. The matter can then be directed to administration to reorganize the meeting and contact all appropriate members and guests of the meeting cancellation.

8.2. Chairing Meetings Meetings will be co-chaired by elected County or Town representatives on an alternating basis (one time the County will Chair, the next time the Town will Chair the meeting).

Page 8 Page 8 Co-chairs should be appointed acknowledged by the Committee at the first Committee meeting after each municipality holds their respective organizational meetings. In the absence of either co-chair, the co-chair may appoint an alternate chair in their absence.

8.3. Meeting Locations Meetings will generally be held at alternating Municipal administration buildings. However, meetings may be held at any location deemed appropriate by the Committee members. Meetings of the committee may be held virtually when deemed appropriate by the CAOs of both municipalities. Virtual meetings must be live-streamed to allow for public access. Live-stream recordings will be made available for viewing through each Municipality’s website in accordance with their respective record management policies.

8.4. Public Accessibility

8.4.1. Advertising Meetings The Committee meetings will be advertised in accordance with the requirements of the MGA by each respective municipality in a manner of their choosing.

8.4.2. In CameraClosed Sessions In accordance with the MGA, the Committee members may choose to close all or part of a meeting to the public. The Committee must pass a motion to go in camerato closed session.

8.5. Annexation Negotiation Committee As indicated in Section 4.0, the Committee may act as the Annexation negotiation Committee (ANC) for the purposes of negotiating matters of annexation when appointed by their respective councils to do so. When the Committee wishes to act as the ANC they need not hold a separate meeting, but may pass a motion to act as the ANC for a portion of a meeting and then make a second motion to revert back to the Committee for the remainder of the meeting.

9.0 Roles and Responsibilities

9.1. Chairman

Page 9 Page 9 One co-chair from each municipality will be appointed by Committee members. The co-chairsChair of a meeting will be responsible for ensuring that the meetings follow parliamentary procedure is followed utilizing Roberts Rules of Order.

The exception would be that motions only require one mover, (no seconder is required).

9.2. Committee Members Committee members are appointed by each municipality to the Committee. Each Committee member is responsible for attending scheduled meetings, representing the interests of their municipalities, working cooperatively to resolve conflict and define solutions to challenges facing the Committee.

9.3. Administration One or two primary staff members from each municipality are assigned by each Municipality to assist and support the objectives of the IMC. The primary IMC staff member(s) is/are responsible for hosting alternate meetings. Staff from the host municipality will: a. Prepare agendas and information packages for Committee members and circulate the same at least one week in advance of a meeting, b. Ensure appropriate personnel are available to provide presentations to the Committee to facilitate discussion of agenda items. c. Record meeting notes during the meeting. Within approximately one week of the meeting, the meeting notes are circulated to the partner staff member of the other municipality for comments and changes, requesting all changes back to the author within approximately one week. At the completion of the staff level review, the hosting staff member will provide the draft notes to the partner staff member for distribution to Committee members, a minimum of one week prior to the next meeting. d. Prepare for all anticipated components of the meeting in order that the meetings are efficient and well run. In addition to the duties associated with hosting meetings, the primary staff members may be assigned by the Committee to work independently or jointly to prepare projects, presentations, written correspondence and proposals on behalf of the Committee. Primary staff members from each municipality are responsible for maintaining a complete record of undertakings of the IMC.

10.0 Governance

10.1. Quorum Quorum is defined as a minimum of two (2) Committee members from each Municipality in attendance at an Intermunicipal Committee Meeting.

10.2. Quorum Required

Page 10 Page 10 Quorum is required before the Chair can open an Intermunicipal Committee Meeting.

10.3. Decision Making While the IMC is not a legislative body, it must make decisions, provide direction to staff and give recommendations to Councils. Decisions are made by voting, and the desired result is a consensus position. Where a consensus position on a motion for a decision or a recommendation to Councils cannot be achieved, the decision or recommendation must include an explanation of the dissenting position. All direction to staff should be based on a consensus position of the Committee in order to avoid confusion and to ensure that staff time is used efficiently.

10.4. Voting Voting is done by a show of hands. If the motion is not supported unanimously, the Committee members must decide if they can proceed with the motion, if the matter requires more discussion or if it should be revisited at a later date. When all efforts have been exhausted to achieve consensus, a motion may stand, but must include the dissenting position. Alternatively, the Committee may wish to commence with the protocol associated with Conflict Resolution.

10.5. Conflict Resolution The Committee is encouraged to use the Conflict Resolution protocols outlined the Intermunicipal Development Plan, to resolve any disagreements that may occur. .

11.0 Information Management

11.1. Recording of Proceedings a. Staff of the municipality chairing/hosting the meeting is responsible for drafting meeting notes, the distribution of notes and agendas, and the general administrative co-ordination of meetings. b. Committee members and staff can suggest changes to the draft meeting notes to the author in advance of the next IMC meeting or to the Committee members at the IMC meeting. All suggested changes will be contemplated by the Committee members in advance of approving the Draft Notes. Once the Draft Notes have been approved, they will be marked as Approved Meeting Notes and become part of the public record.

11.2. Retention of records Staff from both municipalities will co-ordinate and retain Committee records including agendas and minutes.

11.3. Internal Communication a. Staff shall provide advisory support to the Committee, including background information, resources and advice to Committee members to assist them in their role.

Page 11 Page 11 b. All meeting notes and other communications internal to the Committee should be distributed by staff to Committee members in a timely manner. c. Staff shall maintain a record of all internal communications. Draft notes are not part of the IMC record; all approved notes are part of the IMC record. d. The record of the Committee’s communications and approved meeting notes shall be made available for review by the public upon request.

11.4. External Communications

11.4.1. Recommendation to Council: All recommendations to Councils as well as minutes of the matter at Council meetings should be distributed by staff to Committee members in a timely manner. Staff shall maintain a record of Recommendations to Councils, decisions and minutes regarding IMC business.

11.4.2. Communications with other external groups, such as the press, the public, NGO’s, or provincial government departments: Committee members may direct staff to prepare letters, information packages / notices, presentations, host public meetings on IMC business. The development of a graphic showing logos and information from both Municipalities may be undertaken in order to facilitate communications on behalf of the IMC.

11.5. Information received by the Committee Studies, surveys, projects and other information as directed by the Committee members or considered by either members or staff as of interest to the Committee shall be collected and distributed by staff to Committee members in a timely manner and shall be maintained as part of the IMC record for future reference.

12.0 Costs and Budget All costs associated with the Committee shall be jointly shared between the municipalities. After the first organizational meeting, Committee members will confer with their respective Councils regarding the size and origin of their portion of the IMC budget. Each Council shall decide which types of spending the IMC has the authority to approve and which items shall require approval by the respective Councils.

13.0 Maintenance and Refinement of Terms of Reference

13.1. Maintenance of the Terms of Reference These Terms of Reference shall be maintained by staff.

13.2. Review of the Terms of Reference These Terms of Reference shall be reviewed at the first meeting following the start of a new political term or when Committee membership changes.

13.3. Amendments to the Terms of Reference

PagePage 12 12 Amendments to these Terms of Reference may be proposed by the Committee, through staff, to each respective Council. The Terms of References may only be changed by mutual decision of the respective Councils.

Page 13 Page 13 WATT #310, 3016 – 5th Avenue N.E., Calgary, AB T2A 6K4 (403) 273-9001

` Town of Okotoks Foothills County 2020-11-17 5 Elizabeth Street 309 Our File No: 3827.T01 P.O. Box 20 Box 5605 Okotoks, AB T1S 1K1 , AB T1V 1M7 Attention: Jeremy Huet – Acting Engineering Services Manager Jeff Edgington – Supervisor of Infrastructure, Public Works

To: Jeremy Huet & Jeff Edginton Re: Intermunicipal Transportation Analysis

Thank you for the opportunity to provide you with a proposal for the WATT Consulting Group team to complete the intermunicipal transportation analysis for the Town of Okotoks and Foothills County related to the planned median closures along Highway 2 and the impacts that will have on the transportation network.

BACKGROUND To address safety concerns along the Highway 2 corridor, median closures are planned at the highway’s intersections with 306 Avenue, 338 Avenue and 370 Avenue. Ultimately an interchange is planned for Highway 2 and 338 Avenue, which is the number three ranked priority project in the “South & East Calgary Regional Transportation Study” (ISL, June 2020). A functional plan for the Highway 2 and 338 Avenue interchange is currently in the scoping stage with Alberta Transportation (AT) working jointly with the Town and County.

In addition to the median closures, there is a desire from local residents to explore fully closing the west leg of the Highway 2 and 306 Avenue intersection.

SCOPE OF WORK Based on our understanding of the work, as discussed in the November 12, 2020, pre-proposal meeting with Town and County staff, the following scope of work is proposed:

Task 1 – Intermunicipal Transportation Analysis

 The transportation model that was developed for the “Town of Okotoks TMP Update: Network Analysis” (WATT, July 2020) will be used as a starting point for the analysis. This model represents the p.m. peak hour and incorporated land use data from Foothills County and the City of Calgary Regional Model. o Future land uses in the model will be reviewed with the Town and County to confirm whether information in the model still represents future growth plans.

WATTCONSULTINGPage 14 GROUP.COM WATT CONSULTING GROUP 2020-11-17 To: Jeremy Huet & Jeff Edgington Our File No: 3827.T01 RE: Intermunicipal Transportation Analysis

 Aligning with the existing transportation model, the following three analysis horizons will be included in the analysis – existing (2020), 15-year (2035), and 25-year (2045). o Note – at the pre-proposal meeting, a 10-year analysis horizon was discussed. However, the existing model does not include a 2030 analysis horizon. To develop one would require addition fees, beyond what is included in this proposal. If requested, WATT will provide a scope of work and fees for development of the additional modelling scenario.

 As confirmed with the Town and County, the following 19 intersections will be included in the analysis (illustrated on the attached map): o Highway 2 / Highway 2A / Highway 552 (2 intersections within the interchange) o Highway 2 / 306 Avenue E / Township Road 212 o Highway 2 / 338 Avenue E (Township Road 210) o Highway 2 / 370 Avenue E (Township Road 204) o Highway 2 / Highway 7 / Highway 547 (2 intersections within the interchange) o Highway 2A / 16 Street E / Township Road 213A o Highway 2A / 306 Avenue E o Highway 2A / 332 Avenue E / Township Road 211 o Highway 2A / 338 Avenue E o Highway 2A / Highway 549 / Elizabeth Street o Highway 2A (Southridge Drive) / Highway 783 / Highway 7 o Highway 7 / Bick Rock Trail (16 Street W) o Highway 7 (2A) / 32 Street E o Highway 7 (2A) / Southbank Road / Range Road 292 o Highway 7 (547) / Highway 2A / Field House Drive E o 338 Avenue E / 32 Street E o 338 Avenue E / 48 Street E

 Intersection capacity analysis for the p.m. peak hour will be completed using the Synchro software package at the above noted intersection for each of the analysis horizons. o Projected intersection traffic volumes for the future horizons (15-year and 25- year horizons) will be derived from the transportation model future scenarios. o Existing intersection traffic volumes will be based on available traffic data from Alberta Transportation (2019 100th highest hour volumes), the Town and the County. . For any intersections without existing traffic counts, traffic volumes will be taken from the “Town of Okotoks Transportation Master Plan Update” (WATT, September 2016) existing model scenario and scaled up/down based on information from near-by intersections.

WATTCONSULTINGPage 15 GROUP.COM WATT CONSULTING GROUP 2020-11-17 To: Jeremy Huet & Jeff Edgington Our File No: 3827.T01 RE: Intermunicipal Transportation Analysis

 Signal warrant analysis will be completed at the following intersections – Highway 2 / Highway 2A / Highway 552 (both the east and west terminals) and Highway 2A / 306 Avenue E. o The signal warrant analysis for Highway 2A / 306 Avenue E will be completed both with and without the full closure of the west leg of Highway 2 / 306 Avenue E.

 Preparation of a summary report (memorandum) to detail the methodology, analysis, and findings. The report will also include the following: o Commentary (but no detailed analysis) on where traffic shifts to in the 2 future horizons when comparing the network with and without the planned interchange at Highway 2 / 338 Avenue E. o A high-level assessment (no detailed analysis) for staging the median closures. This will assume that the 338 Avenue intersection at Highway 2 stays open (all- turns) at the existing and 15-year horizons. o One in-person meeting to present the findings of the analysis to Town and County staff is included. It is assumed that this would be an in-person presentation at the Town of Okotoks Municipal Centre.

The following is excluded from the proposed scope of work for the intermunicipal transportation analysis:  As the existing transportation model for the Town and County is a p.m. peak hour model, a.m. analysis is not included in the proposed scope of work.  Conversion of existing (or to be completed) peak hour traffic counts to AT’s 100th highest hour format is not included in the proposed scope of work. The existing intersection capacity analysis will be based on either available data from AT or existing (or to be completed) peak hour traffic counts, depending on the intersection.  Analysis of existing or future interchanges will be limited to capacity analysis of any intersections within interchange (e.g. at the interchange terminals).

Task 2 – 338 Avenue E (15 Street E to Northgate Boulevard) Assessment

This task includes a review of the existing traffic operational conditions along 338 Avenue E from 15 Street E to Northgate Boulevard, including the two median breaks located between the intersections. Following the review of existing operational conditions, concepts will be developed for addressing the issue of u-turns happening along 338 Avenue, west of Highway 2A (related to 15 Street E being a right-in/right-out intersection). The following is included in this task:

 Traffic counts (a.m. and p.m. peak hour) at 338 Avenue E / 15 Street E and 338 Avenue E / Northgate Boulevard (including u-turns at Northgate Boulevard);

WATTCONSULTINGPage 16 GROUP.COM WATT CONSULTING GROUP 2020-11-17 To: Jeremy Huet & Jeff Edgington Our File No: 3827.T01 RE: Intermunicipal Transportation Analysis

 Tally of the number of u-turns happening at the two median breaks during the traffic counts & observation of the impact of these movements on the corridor’s safety and operations;  Development of concepts for the corridor to address u-turns along the corridor; and  Inclusion of the findings in the Task 1 summary report (memorandum).

Task 3 – Optional Traffic Counts

For those intersections where there is no recent (2019) data available from AT, traffic counts can be completed to provide more accurate existing condition analysis. Traffic counts (including both the a.m. and p.m. peak hours) would be completed at the following intersections:

o Highway 2A / 16 Street E / Township Road 213A o Highway 2A / 332 Avenue E / Township Road 211 o Highway 2A / 338 Avenue E o Highway 2A / Highway 549 / Elizabeth Street o Highway 7 (2A) / 32 Street E o Highway 7 (2A) / Southbank Road / Range Road 292 o 338 Avenue E / 32 Street E o 338 Avenue E / 48 Street E

Task 4 – Optional Presentation to Intermunicipal Committee

As an optional task, WATT proposes to present the findings of the intermunicipal transportation analysis to the Okotoks / Foothills County Intermunicipal Committee. It is assumed that this would be an in-person presentation at the Town of Okotoks Municipal Centre.

SCHEDULE It is anticipated that the draft summary report would be able to be completed within four (4) weeks of receiving notice to proceed if the optional traffic counts (Task 3) are not included in the approved work plan.

If it is decided to proceed with the optional traffic counts (Task 3), then it is anticipated that the draft summary report would be able to be completed within six (6) weeks of receiving notice to proceed. However, please note that WATT’s offices will close at 12-noon on Thursday, December 24, 2020 and will reopen on Monday, January 4, 2021. This holiday closure may impact the timing of the report’s completion.

WATTCONSULTINGPage 17 GROUP.COM WATT CONSULTING GROUP 2020-11-17 To: Jeremy Huet & Jeff Edgington Our File No: 3827.T01 RE: Intermunicipal Transportation Analysis

FEES The fees to undertake the intermunicipal transportation analysis, including all optional tasks, is $30,200 plus GST. Disbursements are charged at 8% of the total labour cost. A detailed cost breakdown based on the individual tasks is attached.

PROJECT AUTHORIZATION As per the current corporate policy; we can proceed with the required work following:  Written authorization to proceed by completing the attached form and return it to the undersigned.  Please also confirm which of the project tasks to proceed with.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS  If there are significant changes in the scope of work, requiring a budget adjustment, we will notify the client in writing and get approval prior to undertaking the additional work.  We expect payment of our invoices within 30 days.  We reserve the right to stop work on a project at any time should the account become outstanding for an excessive amount of time. Work on the project would then resume once the account is brought up-to-date.  We note that the payment of the fees outlined above is not contingent upon approval of the project by the approving authority.

We look forward to working with you on this project. Please feel free to contact me at 587- 432-3282 if you have any questions.

Sincerely, WATT Consulting Group

Niki Burkinshaw, P.Eng. Regional Lead, Transportation C 587-432-3282 E [email protected]


WATTCONSULTINGPage 18 GROUP.COM WATT CONSULTING GROUP 2020-11-17 To: Jeremy Huet & Jeff Edgington Our File No: 3827.T01 RE: Intermunicipal Transportation Analysis


I ______hereby authorize Watt Consulting Group to proceed (print name) with the work as outlined in this proposal on behalf of ______. (company name)

______Signature Date

Billing Information

Contact Name: ______

Address: ______



Telephone: ______

Email: ______

Method of Invoicing: ☐ by mail ☐ by email

WATTCONSULTINGPage 19 GROUP.COM Page 20 Fee Estimate:

Town of Okotoks & Foothills County - Intermunicipal Transportation Analysis

Team Member B. Nelligan N. Burkinshaw R. Bird Support Staff Admin. TOTAL

Graphics/T Sr. Sr. Transportation E.I.T / Role raffic Advisor Engineer Tech. Counts Hourly Rate $275 $210 $135 $120 $80 HOURS FEES EXPENSES Task 1 - Intermunicipal Transportation Analysis 2.1 Project Administration 2 6 2 10$ 1,970 2.2 Review of existing information 1 2 2 5$ 935 2.3 Review land uses & model scenarios update (2 future scenarios) 1 4 12 17$ 2,555 2.4 Operational and capacity review (19 intersections, 3 scenarios) 4 4 28 36$ 4,740 2.5 Preparation of the draft memorandum 2 6 4 8 1 21$ 3,390 2.6 Meeting (in-person) to present draft memorandum to Town & County 2 3 3 8$ 1,540 2.7 Preparation of the final memorandum 1 3 2 4 1 11$ 1,735

Task Total Hours 9 28 10 57 4 108$ 16,865 $ -

Page Task 2 - 338 Avenue (15 St E to Northgate Blvd) Assessment 2.1 Traffic counts / operational observation, 2 intersections + accesses 2 2 $ 420 $ 1,000

21 2.2 Development of concept plans 1 2 8 4 15 $ 2,255 2.3 Inclusion in memorandum 2 4 2 8 $ 1,200

Task Total Hours 1 6 12 6 0 25 $ 3,875 $ 1,000

Task 3 - Optional Traffic Counts 3.1 Traffic Counts - $500.00 per intersection (AM & PM counts), $ 4,000 8 intersections*

Task Total Hours 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ - $ 4,000

Task 4 - Optional Presentation to Intermunicipal Committee 4.1 Optional presentation (in-person) to Intermunicipal Committee 3 8 11 $ 2,505

Task Total Hours 3 8 0 0 0 11 $ 2,505 -$

Total Hours 13 42 22 63 4 144$ 23,245 $ 5,000

* Additional traffic counts can be accomodated at the base rate of $500.00 per intersection. FEE SUMMARY

Fees $ 23,245 8% Disbursements $ 1,860 Expenses $ 5,000 Total (excl. GST) $ 30,105 Terms of Reference

[Foothills/Okotoks Boundary transportation Study]

Background • This project was initiated by the Foothills County / Okotoks intramunicipal committee in October 2020. • Due to the proposed closures of the Hwy 2 intersections (306 ave, 338 Ave, and 370 Ave) there is a need to investigate the effects of these on the remaining boundary interasections. • The funding will be shared between the municipalities. • This study may assist in informing Alberta transportation on outside effects of the intersection closures and provide guidance for approving or funding imtersection improvements in the area.

Purpose This ToR serves as the guiding document for the Foothills/Okotoks Boundary transportation Study. The goals for the Study are to • Develop a boundary transportation model looking at conflicts and solutions for traffic in the study area • Guide Alberta Transportation and Municipal intersection improvements within the study area • Advise both the municipalities and Alberta Transportation of the effects of the closures of the Hwy 2 medians on the other intersections and roads in the study area. • Provide information and requirements for intersection improvements.

Decision Making Decisions on the direction or additions to the study will be by the Okotoks/Foothills IMC comitee. • Changes to the proposed study may have dollar value attached and will need to be approved. • County and Town Staff will provide direction and technical advice to both the committee and consultant.

Page 22 Proposed Study area and intersections.

Page 23 Foothills County / Town of Okotoks Intermunicipal Committee November 16, 2020


Issue The Town of Okotoks Fire Chief and the Director of Protective Services have reviewed the correspondence submitted to the Intermunicipal Committee from the Foothills County Fire Chief regarding the impacts to access and response times for emergency vehicles subject to potential median closures along Highway #2.

Motion Proposed by Administration That the Intermunicipal Committee draft follow-up correspondence to Alberta Transportation requesting a review of the impacts to emergency vehicle access to Highway #2 subject to the future closing of medians at 306, 338 and 370 Avenues, and that consideration be given to mitigation options should these closures occur.

Report, Analysis and Financial Implications The Intermunicipal Committee has supported interim closures of medians at 306, 338 and 370 Avenues along Highway #2 as short term strategies pending future construction of an interchange at 338 Avenue.

Foothills County Fire Chief has submitted a letter to the Intermunicipal Committee regarding concerns related to potential impacts to current emergency response times and reasonable access, subject to future median closures at 307, 338, and 370 Avenues along Highway #2.

In reviewing these concerns, Okotoks Fire Chief Trevor Brice agrees to the negative impacts to northbound highway access and general response times for emergency crews subject the planned closures. Although there is an anticipated decrease in incidents at these intersections once traffic is not allowed to cross the medians, emergency response will still occur, and reasonable access points will be required. The suggestion to evaluate and potentially mitigate these impacts by Alberta Transportation is supported by Chief Brice.

It is the Town of Okotoks’ understanding that a variety of strategies are available including the closure design itself however the options and standards rest with Alberta Transportation. It is recommended that a review of impacts to emergency vehicle access and mitigation strategies should be requested of Alberta Transportation in collaboration with both the Foothills County and Town of Okotoks’ Fire Departments.

Attachment(s) 1) Letter from Foothills County Fire Dept.

Prepared by: Kelly Stienwand Protective Services Director November 16, 2020

Page 24 Hwy 2 Median Closures at 306, 338 and 370 ave’s and the effects on Local Fire Service response times.

Page 25

Page 26 Foothills County / Town of Okotoks Intermunicipal Committee November 24, 2020


Issue The possible participation of the Town of Okotoks Eco Centre in the Province of Alberta’s strategy regarding plastic recycling is provided to the Intermunicipal Committee for information.

RECOMMENDATION BY ADMINISTRATION That the Intermunicipal Committee forward a recommendation to the Town of Okotoks to continue to investigate opportunities to increase diversion and protect the landfill.

Report, Analysis and Financial Implications In 2019 the Eco Centre processed 890 metric tonnes (MT) of material, 67 MT was plastic (#s 1-7 including EPS-(Styrofoam) and bags & film). In recent history the marketing of recycled plastics has been challenging and Administration continues to find local markets.

The Province of Alberta recently announced an initiative to move towards a circular plastics economy by 2030, that will capture and retain the value of plastics across their lifecycle, while supporting ’s commitment to 100 per cent reusable, recycled plastics as part of the G7 Ocean Plastics Charter. Managing plastic waste by developing markets through industry-operated recycling programs, such as extended producer responsibility (EPR), will allow the continued production of plastics for new products.

A provincial motion was tabled and passed unanimously on October 26 with support from the government and opposition to further examine the feasibility of implementing measures such as EPR that balance the environmental and economic needs of Albertans.

The Town of Okotoks will continue to advocate for change to the current waste management system (through bodies such as the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association and Recycle Council of Alberta) and will seek to participate in provincial waste diversion initiatives with adequate emphasis placed on hard to manage items.

Attachment(s) n/a

Report prepared by: Paul Lyons Waste Services Manager November 2, 2020

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