The Council of Foothills County met by way of electronic communications for a meeting on January 27, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. Present were Reeve S. Oel, Deputy Reeve R. Siewert, Councillors R.D. McHugh, J. Parker, A. Alger and D. Miller, Municipal Manager H. Riva Cambrin, CAO R. Payne, Director of Planning H. Hemingway and Manager of Legislative Services S. Barrett. Reeve Oel called the meeting to order at 9:01 a.m. Deputy Director of Public Works M. Gallant, Manager of Infrastructure J. Edgington and Manager of Agricultural Services, Parks & Recreation J. Porter were in attendance for a discussion period with Council. COUNCIL AGENDA Moved that Council approve the agenda for the Council meeting of January 27, 2021. CARRIED ADDITIONS TO COUNCIL AGENDA Moved that Council approve the additions to the agenda for the Council meeting January 27, 2021. CARRIED LOG HAUL ISSUES Moved that Council direct administration to contact parties responsible for the upcoming log haul and request that additional signage be placed on Plummers Road identifying the presence of increased truck traffic and advising caution for the duration of the haul. CARRIED Moved that Council direct administration to investigate the implementation of a ‘No Parking Zone’ on 306 Street West. CARRIED CAPITAL EQUIPMENT PURCHASES – PUBLIC WORKS, TRUCKS, SANDER/PLOW, DECKS AND WATER TRUCK Moved that Council authorize the following Capital Equipment purchases: One (1) 1-ton truck GMC $37,051.00 One (1) 2-ton truck Ford $46,628.00 Two (2) truck decks FalCan Industries $32,285.00 One (1) sander Drive Products $10,052.00 One (1) plow Drive Products $12,376.00 One (1) tri-axle highway truck RJames Western Star $199,100.00 One (1) 22 cube water tank Goldec Hamm’s Manufacturing Ltd. $81,146.00 All prices are subject to applicable taxes and US dollar exchange rate adjustments. CARRIED TREE REMOVAL REQUEST – FOOTHILLS SCHOOL DIVISION Moved that Council authorize the Agricultural Services Department to provide assistance to the Foothills School Division by performing the removal of three spruce trees from the Blackie School property. CARRIED SW 26-22-04 W5M – REQUEST TO KEEP GATE LOCKED TO JUNE 15, 2021 Moved that Council acknowledge the request submitted by B. and C Kalynchuk and direct administration to instruct the landowner that locks must be removed from the subject gates immediately. Council further directs that administration communicate with landowners adjacent to the road allowance located along the east boundary of N 27-22- 04 W5M to determine interest to the closure of the adjacent road allowance for the purpose of licensing. CARRIED & FOOTHILLS COUNTY INTERMUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN The public hearing in connection to the proposed Vulcan County and Foothills County Intermunicipal Development Plan was opened. In attendance was D. Young. An Intermunicipal Development Plan must address future land use, the manner of and proposal for future development, provision of transportation systems, co-ordination of intermunicipal programs relating to physical, social and economic development, environmental matters and any other matter related to the physical, social or economic development of the area. The IDP must also include a procedure to be used to resolve any conflicts between the municipalities, a procedure to be used to amend the plan and provisions relating to the administration of the plan. The current Vulcan County & Foothills County IDP was adopted in 2015 under Bylaw 82/2015 and upon review, it was deemed appropriate to make amendments to better address certain requirements of the Municipal Government Act. The public hearing was closed. BYLAW 4/2021

Bylaw 4/2021 was introduced into the meeting to authorize the adoption of the Vulcan County and Foothills County Intermunicipal Development Plan. Councillor McHugh moved first reading THE BYLAW WAS PASSED FOR ONE READING WARD – SE 21-20-28 W4M – MUNICIPAL RESERVE PARCEL Moved that Council is in support of the request for continued license of the County owned parcel located within SE 21-20-28 W4M and thereby approve license of the subject property identified as Plan 1528, Block R5, Ptn. SE 21-20-28 W4M by W. Wayne Ward for a period of three years. CARRIED NW 26-22-04 W5M Moved that Council direct administration to inspect the undeveloped portion of road allowance extending south from 1315 Drive West, adjacent to the west boundary of N 27-22-04 W5M to determine whether the road can be maintained by the County and provide Council with recommendation. CARRIED STEWART – NE 09-19-28 W4M – DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 18D 035 Moved that Council accept the variances as acknowledged revisions to the development plan(s) and consider the development approved under development permit 18D 035 to be complete. The related file will be archived. The conditions of the permit remain in effect for the duration of the development. CARRIED GOLF REVITALIZATION LTD. / EHLERT – NE 01-22-01 W5M / N1/2 06-22-29 W4M / SW 5-22-29 W4M – REDESIGNATION & SITE SPECIFIC AMENDMENT BYLAW 65/2020 Bylaw 65/2020 was reintroduced into the meeting to authorize the redesignation of the 59.89+/- acre portion of SW 5-22-29 W4M, Plan 0512789, Block 3, Lot 1 within SE 5-22- 29 W4M, the 99.9 acre portion of NE 5-22-29 W4M, the 133.45 acre portion of NW 5- 22-29 W4M, the 22.31 acre portion of N½ 6-22-29 W4M, and the 18.65 acre portion of NE 1-22-1 W4M from Agricultural District to Recreation District, with a Site Specific amendment to the Recreation District land use rules to allow the existing golf course development and facilities on the subject properties, and for the currently proposed development of a Driving Range Structure with Indoor Amenity Space accessory to the Golf Course use as a permitted use. In addition, the Site Specific Amendment is to allow for a minimum side and/or rear property line setback distance of 1.5 meters from any adjacent Recreational District parcel, and to further amend the Recreation Land Use District to allow for the future Subdivision of one additional parcel of 11.1+/- acres subsequent/concurrent to a Boundary Adjustment to consolidate 9.0+/- acres from Plan 0512789, Block 3, Lot 1 within SE 5-22-29 W4M into the 59.89 acre portion of SW 5-22- 29 W4M, in order to bring the existing Golf Course operations into compliance with the current land use bylaw and to allow for the proposed development of the driving range structure and future boundary adjustment. In their consideration of the criteria within the City of IDP, SSRP, MDP2010, LUB 60/2014, GMS, and Heritage Pointe ASP; Council is of the opinion that that the proposed Redesignation of the subject lands and Site Specific Amendments to the Recreation District, would not be detrimental to the nature of the area and will not unduly interfere with neighbouring residential land uses or materially interfere with or affect the use, enjoyment, or value of neighbouring properties. Moved second reading THE BYLAW WAS PASSED FOR TWO READINGS Councillor McHugh moved third reading THE BYLAW WAS PASSED RECESS Moved that Council recess to sit as the Subdivision Approving Authority. CARRIED MASON – NE 26-21-01 W5M – REQUEST FOR SUBDIVISION Moved that subdivision of one 3.08 +/- acre Country Residential Sub-District “A” parcel from the NE 26-21-01-W5M, Plan 0312897, Block 7, Lot 10 with an 11.45 +/- acre Country Residential District balance parcel has been evaluated in terms of Section 654 of the Municipal Government Act and Section 7 of the Subdivision and Development Regulation and therefore it is recommended that the application be approved as per the tentative plan and that a variance be granted to Section 14 and 15 of the Regulation for the following reasons: - The application is consistent with Section 7 of the Subdivision and Development Regulations; -The subject lands have the appropriate land use designations. In consideration of the criteria noted in Residential Policy 3 of the MDP2010, the Subdivision Authority is of the opinion that the application is compatible with the surrounding area and will not unduly interfere with neighboring land uses or affect the use, enjoyment, or value of the neighboring properties. Further, in accordance with Sections 654 and 655 of the Municipal Government Act, the application is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. Subdivision to be effected by Plan of Survey, pursuant to Section 657 of the Municipal Government Act, or such other means satisfactory to the Registrar of the South Land Titles District; 2. It is the applicant’s responsibility to provide a Real Property Report or an ‘as built’ drawing signed and sealed by an Alberta Land Surveyor, certifying the location of the adjacent municipal road(s) and water well(s) within the boundaries of the appropriate properties and that the site plan is surveyed according to municipal setback requirements; 3. Completion of all pre-release conditions as noted in the executed Municipal Development Agreement to the satisfaction of the County and where applicable the appropriate external agencies. These conditions include: a) Payment of the $11,300 per new lot Community Sustainability Fee; b) Submission of all required Engineering Review Fees; c) All utility right of way agreements, easements, licenses and installation. 4. Public Reserve: to be provided by cash in lieu of land based on $57,163.00 per acre on account of 10% of the 3.08 +/- acre lot, to continue to be deferred by caveat on the 11.45 +/- acre balance parcel; 5. All accesses to be located and culverts and approaches to be installed to current Municipal subdivision road construction standards, to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department; 6. Landowners are to pay all arrears of taxes on the existing parcels prior to finalization of the subdivision; and 7. Submission of subdivision endorsement fees. CARRIED BARKLEY – NW & SW 22-20-03 W5M – REQUEST FOR BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT Moved that the boundary adjustment, whereby 80.93 +/- acres from Ptn. SW 22-20-03 W5M is consolidated into NW 22-20-03 W5M, resulting in one 21.0 +/- acre Agricultural District parcel (Ptn. SW 22-20-03 W5M) and one 240.88 +/- acre Agricultural District parcel (NW 22-20-03 W5M) has been evaluated in terms of Section 654 of the Municipal Government Act and Section 7 and 16 of the Subdivision and Development Regulation and therefore it is recommended that the application be approved as per the tentative plan and that a variance can be granted to Section 14 of the Regulation for the following reasons: - The application is consistent with Section 7 of the Regulation; - The subject lands have the appropriate land use designations; and Further, in accordance with Sections 654 and 655 of the Municipal Government Act, the application be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. Boundary adjustment and consolidation to be effected by Plan of Survey, pursuant to Section 657 of the Municipal Government Act, or such other means satisfactory to the Registrar of the South Alberta Land Titles District; 2. It is the applicant’s responsibility to provide a Real Property Report or an ‘as built’ drawing signed and sealed by an Alberta Land Surveyor, certifying the locations of the adjacent municipal road(s), water well(s) within the boundaries of the adjusted parcels and that the site plan is surveyed according to municipal setback requirements; 3. 5 meters located along the southeast corner of NW 22-20-03 W5M and adjacent to the corner of 378 Avenue W and 232 Street W, is to be surveyed out for future road widening concurrently with the Plan of Survey, to the satisfaction of the Public Works department; 4. Public Reserve: As per the Municipal Government Act and the County’s Municipal Reserve Policy, reserve is to continue to be deferred by way of Caveat(s); 5. Council acknowledges the existing quonset and sheds located along the west boundary of the newly adjusted 21.0 +/- acre parcel to be considered as non- conforming. 6. All accesses to be located and culvert and approaches to be installed to current Municipal subdivision road standards, to the satisfaction of the Public Works department; 7. Landowners are to pay all arrears of taxes on the existing parcels prior to finalization of the subdivision; 8. Landowners are to provide all utility easements and agreements, to the satisfaction of the County and the utility companies; 9. Submission of subdivision endorsement fees; CARRIED ADJOURN Moved that the meeting of the Subdivision Approving Authority adjourn and that Council continue with its regular agenda. CARRIED ROAD REQUEST – NE 01-20-01 W5M Moved that Council authorize construction of roadway on Meridian Street, north of 434 Avenue West, for the purpose of providing access to NE 01-20-01 W5M. Construction of the road is to be at the sole expense of the landowner and is to be engineered and constructed to the county’s road standard as per direction from the Foothills County Public Works department. CARRIED CAPITAL EQUIPMENT PURCHASE – PUBLIC WORKS, THREE ½ TON TRUCKS Moved that Council authorize the Capital Equipment Purchase of three 2021 GMC Sierra Crew Cab ½ Ton trucks from Okotoks GMC for a total cost not to exceed $108,159.00 plus applicable taxes. CARRIED REQUEST TO CANCEL COUNCIL MEETING – MARCH 17, 2021 Moved that the Council meeting of March 17, 2021 be cancelled to allow for Council’s attendance at the Spring RMA convention. CARRIED LUNCH Moved that Council adjourn for lunch. CARRIED CONFIDENTIAL – CLOSED MEETING OF COUNCIL Moved that, in accordance with Section 197 of the Municipal Government Act, Council move into a Closed Meeting at 1:07 p.m. to discuss Add On Agenda Item #17, Personnel, as per Section 17 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP). Municipal Manager (CAO) H. Riva Cambrin and CAO R. Payne attended the closed session of Council for the purpose of providing information to Council. CARRIED RETURN TO OPEN MEETING OF COUNCIL Moved that Council return to their open meeting of Council at 1:25 p.m. CARRIED CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER BYLAW BYLAW 5/2021 Bylaw 5/2021 was introduced into the meeting to establish the position of Chief Administrative Officer; to establish and define the powers and duties of the Chief Administrative Officer; to provide for the appointment of the Chief Administrative Officers as Designated Officer; and to delegate powers, duties and functions to the Chief Administrative Officer. Moved first reading THE BYLAW WAS PASSED FOR ONE READING DESIGNATED OFFICER BYLAW BYLAW 6/2021 Bylaw 6/2021 was introduced into the meeting to establish the positions of Designated Officers for Foothills County. Moved first reading THE BYLAW WAS PASSED FOR ONE READING XPLORNET COMMUNICATIONS INC. G. Fleet of Xplornet Communications Inc. was in attendance for a meeting with Council to discuss Xplornet’s deployment strategy for the purpose of providing high speed internet within the County and request Council’s support to their application for funding under the Universal Broad Band Fund. CONFIDENTIAL – CLOSED MEETING OF COUNCIL Moved that, in accordance with Section 197 of the Municipal Government Act, Council move into a Closed Meeting at 1:32 p.m. to discuss Agenda Item C2, Xplornet Communications Inc. as per Section 16 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP). Municipal Manager (CAO) H. Riva Cambrin, CAO R. Payne, Director of Planning H. Hemingway, Manager of Legislative Services S. Barrett and IT Manager H. Jacobsen attended the closed session of Council for the purpose of providing information to Council. CARRIED RETURN TO OPEN MEETING OF COUNCIL Moved that Council return to their open meeting of Council at 2:25 p.m. CARRIED XPLORNET COMMUNICATIONS INC. – UNIVERSAL BROADBAND FUND Moved that Council issue a letter of support to Xplornet’s proposal to the Universal Broadband Fund for development of backbone fibre and Fibre to the Home service within Foothills County. CARRIED NETWISPER RURAL INTERNET SOLUTIONS Moved that Council issue a letter of support to NetWisper’s proposal to the Universal Broadband Fund for the purpose of providing high-quality, cost-effective internet solutions to residents within Foothills County. CARRIED LOWER HIGHWOOD FLOOD MITIGATION PROGRAM Moved that Council acknowledge the letter received from the Honourable J. Nixon, Minister of Environment and Parks, in response to the updated Town of High River / Foothills County grant application for the Lower Highwood Flood Mitigation Program, advising that additional funding is not being considered at this time. CARRIED BILLS AND ACCOUNTS – January 27, 2021 Moved that EFT’s 015611-015616, 015618-015619, 015621-015630, 015632-015635, 015638-015642, 015644-015647, pre-authorized payments dated January 5, 2021, January 6, 2021, January 11, 2021, and January 19, 2021 and the following bills and accounts totaling $977,449.19 be approved for payment: EFT No. Vendor Name Vendor Amt. EFT015610 1009720 Alberta Ltd. $11,076.44 EFT015617 Con-Site Construction $737,949.01 EFT015620 First Impressions Promotional $7,323.86 EFT015631 MPE Engineering Ltd. $16,246.60 EFT015636 RMA $68,928.47 EFT015637 RMA Fuel Ltd. $5,936.65 EFT015643 Town of $10,780.59 Pre-Authorized Payments Vendor Name Vendor Amt. January 15, 2021 Canada Life $119,207.57 CARRIED LETTER TO CMRB – GROWTH PLAN PROCESS Moved that Council acknowledge the letter to Chris Sheard, Chair of the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board (CMRB) from Reeve Dan Henn, outlining the County’s significant concerns with the processes and directions of the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board (CMRB) Growth and Servicing Plans. CARRIED REQUEST TO COUNCIL – DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 17D 002 Moved that Council acknowledge the request to amend approvals granted under Development Permit 17D 002 and direct the applicant to make separate application for the proposed uses for consideration by Council. CARRIED MUNICIPAL RESERVE PARCEL INFORMATION Moved that Council accept the County’s Municipal Reserve inventory report for information purposes. CARRIED REQUEST TO ADD ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE INVOICES TO TAXES – TAX ROLL 2103120000 Moved that Council authorize the addition of unpaid accounts receivable invoice for customer ID 223740 to the associated tax roll 2103120000 in the amount of $1,500.00. CARRIED MINUTES Moved that Council adopt the minutes, as amended, of its January 20, 2021 Council meeting. CARRIED CONFIDENTIAL – CLOSED MEETING OF COUNCIL Moved that, in accordance with Section 197 of the Municipal Government Act, Council move into a Closed Meeting at 6:05 p.m. to discuss an Emergent Item as per Section 17 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP). Municipal Manager (CAO) H. Riva Cambrin, CAO R. Payne, Director of Planning H. Hemingway, Manager of Legislative Services S. Barrett and IT Manager H. Jacobsen attended the closed session of Council for the purpose of providing information to Council. CARRIED RETURN TO OPEN MEETING OF COUNCIL Moved that Council return to their open meeting of Council at 6:15 p.m. CARRIED COMMITTEE REPORTS Council provided the following information and updates on the Council Committees attended for the period of January 21 to January 26, 2021: - Reeve Oel: Town of Okotoks / Foothills County IMC, CMRB Land Use and Servicing Committee. - Deputy Reeve Siewert: Westwinds Communities Board Meeting, Agricultural Service Board Meeting, CMRB Land Use and Servicing Committee, Town of Okotoks / Foothills County IMC. - Councillor Alger: CMRB Land Use and Servicing Committee, Westwinds Communities strategic planning meeting, Library HR meeting, Town of Okotoks / Foothills County IMC, Westwinds Communities Board Meeting. - Councillor McHugh: Town of Okotoks / Foothills County IMC, Provincial Agricultural Service Board Conference, Agricultural Service Board Meeting. - Councillor Miller: CMRB Land Use and Servicing Committee, Agricultural Service Board Meeting, Foothills Regional Services Commission (Landfill and Waste Treatment), Fire Board meeting, Town of Okotoks / Foothills County IMC. - Councillor Parker: Town of Okotoks / Foothills County IMC, Fire Board meeting, Sheep River Health Trust. ADJOURN Moved that Council adjourn at 6:17 p.m. CARRIED