A Survey of School Library History from the Eighth to the Twentieth Century

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A Survey of School Library History from the Eighth to the Twentieth Century This file is part of the following reference: Clyde, Laurel A. (1981) The magic casements: a survey of school library history from the eighth to the twentieth century. PhD thesis, James Cook University. Access to this file is available from: http://eprints.jcu.edu.au/2051 788 BIBLIOGRAPHY 789 "BIBLIOGRAPHY This bibliography includes documents and works cited in foot- notes. It also includes bibliographies and surveys which provided a substantial number of references to further sources. Not listed are the numerous general histories of education and librarianship con- sulted, unless reference was made to them in the chapter on "The Historiography of School Libraries" or in footnotes. Also not listed are the many standard reference tools used, including dictionaries, general encyclopaedias, encyclopaedias of education or librarianship, biographical dictionaries, and atlases, Some of which were used only once to establish a date, a location, or the correct title or date of publication of a work. Omitted, too, are the many indexes and abstract- ing publications, covering the fields of education and librarianship, which were used to locate books, manuscripts, and articles, including Library Literature, Library and Information Science Abstracts, British Education Index, Australian Education Index, The Education Index, ERIC (Educational Resources Information Centre) services, Newspapers in Australian Libraries, and the British Museum (now the British Library), Library of COngress, and State Library of New South Wales published catalogues. The bibliography will be set out in the following way: 1. "MANUSCRIPT "SOURCES 2 • MONOGRAPHS a) GoverumentPublications i) United Kingdom ii) United States of America iii) Australia b) "General Monographs c) Literary Sources" d) Histories of Individual "Schools 790 e) Published School 'Li br ary 'Cat al ogue s f) School Prospectuses' 3. ARTICLES 4. MAGl',ZINES AND 'PERIODICALS a) School Magazines b) Other Magazines and Periodicals 5. THESES 6. UNPUBLISHED SPEECHES 'AN D 'REPORTS 791 1. MANUSCRIPT "SOURCES ALDENHAM SCHOOL, Elstree, He"rtfordshire, England. Cuttings Scrapbook, f r om 1881, held in the s chool library. n Aldenham School Library Catalogue, 1883 n, in the" school libra,ry. BEDALES SCHOOL, Petersfield, Hampshire, England. First Minute Book "of the Committ ee of Librarians, begun in 1908/9, held in the school library. BODLEIAN LIBRARY, Oxfoz'd , England. " The Wase Col l e ct ion , CCC .Oxon. 390/1 to 390/4. Harrow School, s chool fees acc~unt for 1851 for Master John C. Boucher. In the John Johnson Collection. Tonbridge School, account for Easter term fees, 1862. In the John Johnson Collection. DR. WILLIAMS' LIBRARY, London, England. King' s Norton School Library Catalogue. MS.Gl.l (Baxter MS) • DUNFERMLINE PUBLIC LIBRARY, Dtulfermline, Scotland. ~U1fermline Public Library Committee Minute Books. EDINHURGH PUBLIC LIBRARY, Edinburgh, Scotland. Photographs and notes on the history of the library. GUILDFORD MUNIMENT ROOM, Guildford, Surrey, England. Austen Papers, BR/OC/7/1. IPSWICH GRAMMAR SCHOOL ARCHIVES, Ipswich, Queensland, Australia. Correspondence from 1864. LANCASTER ROYAL GRAMMAR SCHOOL, Lancaster, Lancashire, England. Minutes of the Library Committee from 1928. MITCHELL LIBRARY, Library of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. The Bonwick Transcripts, Boxes 49 and 50. MONTROSE ACADEMY, Montrose, Scotland. Grammar School Library Borrowers' Bookv­ Montrose Grammar School Library Receipt Book. catalogue of the Books in the Old Library of the Montrose Grammar School, May 1841. NATIONAL LIBRARY OF WALES, Aberystwyth, Wales. A Bibliography of Sir John Ballinger's works in the National Library of Wales, MS . 14,653 .'' 792 QUEENSLAND STATE ARCH IVES, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Department of Public I n s t ruc t i on Files, "Li b r a ry Various" . RUGBY SCHOOL, Rugby, Northamptonshire, England. "Hea d master's School Library List": a MS paper book catalogue. Archival material relating to the school's history, and made available through the Temple Reading Room at the Sc h ool . SHREWSBURY SCHOOL, Shrewsbury, Shropshire , England . Shrewsbury Borough Library, deed No.11385, at the Libra ry; a copy a lso at the School. Notes in the school library by a former Librarian,S t a c y Colman. Shrewsbury School Library Benefactors ' Book, dating from 1596 . Shrewsbury School Library Borrowers ' Book, begun January 1736. UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS MUSEUM OF THE HISTORY OF ~DUCATION, Le e d s, England . Coll e c t i on of school advertisemen t s , do c ument s, and p hotographs . WARWICKSHIRE COUNTY RECORD OFFICE, warwick, Warwi cks h i r e, England. Att l e bo r ough Baptist Sunday School Library, book record. MS book ,CR992 /l2. WINCHESTER COLLEGE , Hinchester, Hampshi re , England . Liber Albus, College Muniment, Chest 1, No . 48. 793 2 • MONOGRAPHS a) Government 'Publications i) United Kingdom ENGLAND. Board of Education. .'Handbook 'o f 'suggestions for Teachers. H.M.S.O., London 1927. ENGLAND. Board of Education. Memorandum on Libraries in State­ Aided Secondary 'Schools'in England. (Educational Pamphlet, Number 51). H.M .S.O., London, 1928. ·ENGLAND. Board of Education. Memorandum on the Secondary School Building Regulations; 'Ci r cul ar '1364 , 19 May 1925. ENGLAND. Board of Education. Reports, 1902, 1904, 1910-11, 1912-13. ENGLAND. Board of Education. Consultative Committee on Books in Public Elementary Schools. Report. H.M.S.O., London, 1928. ENGLAND, Board of Education. Consultative Committee on primary Education. Report. H.M.S.O., London, 1931. (Hadow Report) • ENGLAND . Central Advisory Council. Half Our Future. H.M.S.O., London, 1963. (Newsom Report) • ENGLAND. Department of State. Public Schools Commission. Public Schools and Colleges: Report of lIer Majesty's Commissioners appointed to inquire into the Revenues and Management of certain Colleges and Schools, and the Studies pursued and Instruction given therein; wi th an Appendix, and Evidence. 4 vols. H.M.S.O., London, 1864. (Clarendon Report). ENGLAND. Royal Commission on ~e State of Popular Education in England. Report. H.M.S.O., London, 1861. (Newcastle Commission) • ENGLAND; Schools Inquiry Commission. Report of the Commissioners. 21 vols. H.M.S.O., London, 1868. (Taunton Report) • ENGLAND. Board of Education. Report of a Committee Appointed by the President of the Board of Education to consider ·the ·Supply, Recruitment and Training 'of Teachers 'and Youth Leaders. H.M.S.O., London, 1.944.•. GREAT BRITAIN. Board of Education. Report of·the ·Consultative Committee 'on Books 'in Public Elementary Schools. H.M.S.O., London, 1928. GREAT BRITAIN. Department of Education. The use 'of ·Book s . (Education Pamphlet Number 45). H.M.S .0., London, 1964. GREAT BRITAIN. Department of 'Educat i on ' and Science. .Abraham '} \O S S . ·Cen t r e . (Building Bulletin Number 49). H.M.S.O., London, 1973. 794 GREAT BRITAIN. Department of Education and Science. The School ·Library: An Approach·to the Problem of Teaching the Use and Enjoyment ·of Books; With Notes on the Essentials of a Good ..School Library.. H.M.S.O., London , 1952. GREAT BRITAIN. Ministry of Education. ·The·New Secondary Education. H.M.S.O., London, 1947. GREAT BRITAIN. Ministry of Education. Regulations Prescribing Standards for School Premises. H.M.S.O., London, 1945. GREAT BRITAIN. Ministry of Education. Report, 1948. H.M.S.O., London, 1948. GREAT BRITAIN. Ministry of Education. School and Life. H.M.S.O., London, 1947. GREAT BRITAIN. Ministry of Education. The Story of a Post-War School Building. H.M.S.O., London, 1957. GREAT BRITAIN. Select Committee on Public Libraries. Report. 2 vols. H.M.S.O., London, 1849. SCOTLAND. Committee of Council on Education in Scotland. Annual Report, 1896-97. n..p , , Edinburgh, 1897. ii) United States of America BEUST, Nora Ernestine. School Library Administration: An Annotated Bibliography. (Bulletin 1941, Number 7). U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, 1941. BEUST, Nora Ernestine. School Library Standards, 1954. (United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Office of Education, Bulletin 1954, Number 15). U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, 1954. CLAXTON, P.P. The Public School System of San Francisco, California. (Federal Bureau of Education Bulletin 46). U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, 1917. DARLING, Richard L. Survey of ·School Library Standards. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, 1964. HEFFERNAN, Helen and POTTER, Gladys Lamb. Effective Use of Library Facilities in Rural Schools. (California Department of Education Bulletin Number 11). Department of Public Instruction, Sacramento, California, 1934. JOHNSON, B. Lamar. The Secondary-School Library. (U.S. Education· Office Bulletin Number 17). U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, 1933. 795 LATH ROP, Edith Anna. Aids 'i n Book 'Se l e ct i on f or Se cond ary School Libraries. (U.S. Office o f Educat ion Pamphle t Number 57) . U.S. Government Printing Of fice, Washington, ' 1934 . LATHROP, Edith Anna. 'Ai ds 'i n 'Book Selection 'fo r 'El e ment a ry 'School Libraries . (U.S . Of fice o f Education Pamphlet Numbe r 65 ) . O. S.',Gove r nment Print i ng Office , l~a shington , 1935. LATHROP, Edith Anna : , School" and 'Coun t y Library 'cooper at i on . , U.S . Government Pri nting Office, Washington, 1930. UNI TED STATES OF AME RICA. Educ ation al Pol ici e s commission. Purposes of Education i n American Democracy . U.S . Government Pr i nt ing Of f ice , Wa Shington, 1938. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Office of Education . Education for Victory . U.S . Gove r nment Printing Office, Washington, 1945. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA . Office of Education. Public School Library Statistics, 1962 -63 . U.S. Government Pr i nt i n g Office, Washington, 1964 . UNITED STATES OF AME RICA. Office of Education. The Secondary­ School Libr ar i an . (National Survey of Secondary Education, Office of Education Bulletin 17) . U.S. Government Printing Office , Washington, 1933. WARREN , S . R. an d CLARK, 'S.W. their history, c ondi t i on , Off i ce , Wa shingt on, 1876.

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