INDIA LIBRARIES Volume 10, Number 2 1991
INDIA LIBRARIES Volume 10, Number 2 1991 t9heygi:o~ in. interest as theyears go by. Journal of the Indiana Library Federation and Indiana State Library INDIANA LIBRARIES Daniel Callison, Edi tor Mary Krutulis, Copy Editor PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE M. Jacqueline Nytes, ILF, Indianapolis, Chair C. Ray Ewick, Indiana State Library, Indianapolis Dan Fast, ILA, Indianapolis Ellie Pulikonda, Tipton Sandra Sawyer, ILTA, Rochester Linda Kolb, ILF Executive Director Production coordinated by Carol Graham, Indiana State Library Word processing by Susan Anton, SLIS, Indiana University, Bloomington INDIANA LIBRARIES is published two to four times a year as warranted by the number of articles re.ceived. Advertising and subscription offices: Indiana Library Federation, 1500 North Delaware, Indianapolis, IN 46202, (317) 638-1500. Address articles for publication to Daniel Callison, School of Library and Informa tion Science, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405, (812) 855-5113, or 855- 2018. Indiana Libraries is indexed by Library Literature, a publication of The H. W. Wilson Company, Inc. ft ~J printed on recycled paper I DIA A LIBRARIE Volume 10, Number 2 1991 Contents Books at War: Indiana's Libraries During WW II ................................................. 2 Noraleen A. Young The Allen County Public Library Fort Wayne, Indiana ...................................... 15 Dawne Slater-Putt Library Unionization and its Ties to the Public Sector: History, Issues, and Trends ..................................................................................
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