AAR of World at War 25 Keren, 1941: East Africa

Orders to Sudan Based Forces

January 30, 1941

From: Commander in Chief, , General Archibald Wavell

To: Commander of the Northern Front, Lieutenant-General


Your orders are to pursue the enemy down the road to Keren employing both 4th and 5th Indian Divisions. Upon capturing Keren, await further orders from the Middle East Command. Good Luck and Godspeed.

The Battle of Keren has the Savoia Grenadiers defending against a Commonwealth assault aimed at the capture of the town of Keren, of the Italian colony in . Keren is of strategic importance as the railroad and road junctions are keys to the access of Amara and the Red Sea port of .

February 5, 1941.

Turn One

Administration Phase. Both players check the supply status of their units. All of the troops by E.R. Bickford of both sides begin in supply.

Production: Commonwealth Bombardment. The Lise’ Patterson British player wants to suppress enemy units before bringing them to battle, © 2012 Decision Games so he uses his artillery to bombard the Italian positions. The 4th Indian Bakersfield, CA. has three artillery units which are fired at the position near Mount Sanchil. As a result, one Italian colonial battalion is eliminated and two artillery batteries are suppressed. The artillery with 5th Indian Division has no line of sight to an enemy posi- tion so there is no fire from them.

WW 25 | AFTER ACTION REPORT | AUG–SEP 2012 A1 KEREN 1941 Italian Bombardment. The two batteries on Mount Sanchil are suppressed and therefore cannot fire. The rest of the Savoia artillery batteries are unable to sight the British units so there is no return fire.

Commonwealth Movement Phase. This allows all of the player’s unsup- pressed units to move. The 5th Indian Division advances forward from Happy Valley toward the objective peaks, the Pimple and the Pinnacle. The terrain hinders the advance somewhat, but some progress is made. Then two bri- gades march around the Pinnacle along the road to the west. The Italians have created an avalanche on the western side of the Pinnacle to inhibit move- ment. Part of the 4th Indian Division marches toward Mt. Sanchil while the railroad is secured on the flank. One brigade protects the peaks on the western end of the Cameron Ridge.


Italian Ranged Fire. The Italians to launch an assault against the The Italian artillery also fires. The ranged fire on the Commonwealth suppressed unit on the Pinnacle. battery on Brig’s Peak targets the Brigade on the main road near This results in the complete destruc- Commonwealth Brigade heading to the Pinnacle. Some of the tion of the African Battalion. The the main position on Mt. Sanchil. This artillery is also employed and Commonwealth captures the objective. fire has no effect. The Italian artillery this yields positive results; the also fires at the Commonwealth Commonwealth troops retreat. Turn Two forces advancing along the main roadway and this forces a retreat. Italian Movement. One of the powerful Administrative Phase African battalions advances to take Both sides check supplies and Movement & Ranged Fire control of the Pinnacle. The cavalry are okay. The two suppressed During the Commonwealth Movement from the east also advances to cover the Italian units fail to rally. Phase, the 5th Division advances ’s left flank. Other forces up the center. One brigade occupies move forward to protect the Dongolaas Bombardment Phase the Pimple, while the Brigade on the Gorge. Italian reinforcements are Major-General Heath orders the Pinnacle presses on northward. A colo- rushed forward to the front lines. 5th Indian Division’s artillery to nial battalion occupies the Pinnacle bombard the Italian cavalry units on in the former unit’s place. Then along Commonwealth Ranged Fire. the eastern side of Mount Falestoh. the road, two more of the 5th Division’s Commonwealth fire suppresses the As a result, suppressing both bat- brigade units move into contact with African battalion on The Pinnacle. talions. Then the 4th Indian Division’s the Savoia Division. Likewise, the 4th artillery fires at the Italian infantry Indian Division marches on toward Assault Phase. The Italians can- on the southern side of Mt. Sanchil, the suppressed units on Mt. Sanchil. not conduct any assaults. The also resulting in suppression. Both peaks on Cameron Ridge are Commonwealth, however, decides secured by a Commonwealth Brigade.

WW 25 | AFTER ACTION REPORT | AUG–SEP 2012 A3 KEREN 1941 Colonial battalions due south of for a Commonwealth Victory. The Most of the Italian ranged fire is the peak of Mount Sanchil. The battle is only one quarter of the way ineffective, but one Commonwealth enemy units are both suppressed. The through. The Italians are receiving unit is suppressed on the Pimple. Commonwealth has overwhelming a steady flow of reinforcements. strength in this firefight and both of Now the Italian forces in the south the Italian units are eliminated. February 6, 1941 fall back toward Fort Dologorodoc, while more reinforcements are The end of the day arrives. February Turn Three pushed toward the center. 5, 1941 has seen the Commonwealth forces attack the Italian positions Administrative Assault south of Keren. At this point the Both sides check for supply and are The 4th Indian Division launches Commonwealth has collected a net found within their respective supply an assault against the two Italian of 19 VP. A total of 40 VP are required radii. It should be noted that the 4th Indian Division is deployed on their Carrying Supply sides, effectively lengthening their supply capabilities. The Commonwealth player man- ages to rally its lone suppressed unit, but the Italians fail miserably, leaving several units suppressed.

Bombardment Phases The Commonwealth artillery unleashes a barrage against the Italian positions on both Mount Sanchil and Mt. Falestoh. Some of the Italian infantry is suppressed as a result. Some of the fire has no effect. One of the advantages of suppressing a unit is that it will be unable to use defensive fire as the attacking units move into contact.

The Italians respond with artillery bombardment. The Italian guns at Fort Dologorodoc and on the road from Keren both manage to hit battalions from the 5th Indian Division, leaving them suppressed. Suppressed units cannot move in that state. This will likely hamper the attack from the south. Then the guns on the other side of the Italian position fire at the 4th Indian Division. One of this forma- tion’s battalions is also suppressed.

Commonwealth Movement and Italian Defensive Fire Next, the Commonwealth forces conduct movement. These are still intent on bringing the Italian army to battle. Consequently, the Italian forces near Fort Dologorodoc issue defensive fire and this manages to suppress several of the 5th Indian Divisions battalions. Also one of the 4th Indian Division’s units is driven back in the Dongolaas Gorge.

The Italian units on Mount Sanchil employ defensive fire against the 4th


Indian Division. This forces one of the Commonwealth battalions to fall back.

Italian Movement and Commonwealth Defensive Fire The Italian commander re-deploys his lines near Fort Dologorodoc. This takes them out of the line of assault. Slowly, Italian reinforcements are showing up. The Commonwealth army orders defensive fire. This leaves a colonial battalion suppressed.

Assault Phase The 4th Indian Division launches an attack against the Italian position on the peak of Mount Sanchil. This posi- tion is defended by two Italian artillery battalions. One is destroyed during the assault while the second battalion Turn Four easier for the Italian forces as their becomes suppressed. The objective supply depots are more toward the remains in Italian hands though. Administrative Phase center of the map rather than the map Both sides return their artillery units edge, where the Commonwealth supply to the unfired sides. The Italian player depots are. The Commonwealth is checks his supply status. Supply is also fully supplied, but the 4th Indian


Division’s battalions are still flipped talions. It is suppressed as a result. Commonwealth Movement to their carrying supply modes. The Then the artillery on Brig’s Peak and Italian Defensive Fire combat ratings are reduced to simulate fires and damages one of the 4th The 5th Indian Division pushes a detachment of troops from each bat- Indian Division’s battalions. ahead with its advance toward Fort talion being used in hauling supplies, Dologorodoc. The Italian defenders ammunition and provisions forward. issue defensive fire. Only one of Most of the Commonwealth Army’s the artillery units manages a hit, troops recover from suppression. The suppressed Italian units do not recover.

Bombardment Phase The 4th Indian Division’s artillery fires at the Italian position on Mount Sanchil. This causes a couple of enemy battalions to become suppressed. The 5th Indian Division fires one artillery battalion and suppresses another Italian unit near Fort Dologorodoc. The other artillery battalions do not fire as they prepare to move to the road to gain a better position.

The Italian artillery is now fired. The guns at Fort Dologorodoc targets one of the 5th Indian Division’s bat-

A6 WW 25 | AFTER ACTION REPORT | AUG–SEP 2012 EAST AFRICA but this one is in the Dongolaas time. The 4th Indian Division rallies units east of the fort in retreat. Gorge, not against the main both of its suppressed units. Now Commonwealth reinforcements attack on Fort Dologorodoc. the 5th Indian attempts the same. arrive from Scescilembi Valley and None of the 5th Division’s suppressed advance toward the Dongolaas Gorge. Italian Movement and units successfully rally. This might Commonwealth Defensive Fire hamper the next round of combat. Italian Movement and Some of the Italian reinforcements Commonwealth Defensive Fire have made it to the front lines. Commonwealth Bombardment Phase Italian reinforcements march Units pass through the Dongolaas The Commonwealth player selects forward from Keren. There are Gorge to help defend the fort on Mt. targets for both the 4th and 5th Indian numerous artillery units available Falestoh. These receive defensive Divisions’ artillery barrage. One Italian but these move slowly. Since the fire from the Commonwealth units unit is hit on the ridge near Brig’s line of sight is blocked by ridges, the which are poised to assault. Peak and is forced to retreat. The 5th artillery battalions are attempting to Indian’s artillery suppresses Italian move toward the center of the map Italian Assault Phase units defending in Dongolaas Gorge. area. There is little effect from the The Italian formation near Fort Commonwealth’s defensive fire. Dologorodoc attempts a preemptive Italian Bombardment Phase attack. This is a 3-1 odds attack, but Now the Italian commander attempts Italian Assault Phase it goes rather poorly for them. One to slow the Commonwealth assault The Italian units in Fort Dologorodoc of the Italian units is eliminated force with bombardment. The barrage counterattack the 5th Indian Division as a result. The other assaults are against the 4th Indian Division manag- to the south. One battalion is targeted. postponed as the Italian player’s es to push two battalions back toward It has already been suppressed by morale has dropped a bit. Cameron Ridge. Then artillery from defensive fire. As a result of the Fort Dologorodoc leaves a battalion of assault, the Commonwealth bat- Commonwealth Assault Phase the 5th Indian Division suppressed. talion retreats, but remains intact. The 5th Indian Division attacks Several 4th Indian Division units east several Italian units along the flanks of Mt Sanchil are also suppressed. The Commonwealth Assault Phase of the fort. These assaults go nowhere. Italian artillery is starting to stem the The 5th Indian Division conducts an Nonetheless, the Commonwealth tide of the Commonwealth’s advance. assault against the Italian position forces press on. Another assault is due west of Fort Dologorodoc. These conducted against an Italian colonial Commonwealth Movement units have been suppressed so their battalion in Dongolaas Gorge. The and Italian Defensive Fire was little defensive fire as the 5th enemy unit is eliminated. The units of the 5th Indian Division Division pushed forward into contact. continue to prepare for an attack As a result, an Italian colonial bat- Next, the 4th Indian Division against Fort Dologorodoc. The talion is eliminated. This brings the assaults the Italian position on Mt. Italian defensive fire sends the Commonwealth’s VP up to 34 points. Sanchil. This is successful, and the Commonwealth captures the peak of Mt. Sanchil. Another attack along the ridge to the left forces an enemy battalion to flee in retreat. With the current Italian losses, and the captured objectives, the Commonwealth player has a net of 33 VP, of the 40 necessary for victory in this scenario.

February 7, 1941. The Commonwealth has had a fair amount of success, but the Italian reinforcements are increasing as time passes. Expect some counterattacks.

Turn Five

Administration Phase The artillery returns to its unfired sides. Both players attempt to rally their suppressed units. None of the Italian units manage to rally this


Turn Six

During the Administrative Phase, most of the Commonwealth battalions rally. Three remain suppressed however. A few Italian units rally, but most of the suppressed units remain in disarray. Both sides conduct bombardments. The Commonwealth has three air missions available. One mission strikes the Italian artillery on Brig’s Peak. The enemy guns are suppressed. Then an air strike targets Fort Dologorodoc, leaving the Italian position suppressed. Another strike hits to units on the flank of the fort and these retreat to the north. The Italian artillery has virtually no effect this time. As it rolls in, it is on low ground which reduces its effectiveness.


The Commonwealth continues to push its attack. The 5th Indian Division is still trying to secure a victory by capturing Fort Dologorodoc. The 4th Indian Division has achieved its objectives. The Commonwealth artillery is attempting to suppress the Italian troops on Mount Sanchil to prevent any counterattack. Italian defensive fire leaves one of the 5th Division’s battalion suppressed.

Now, the Italian forces advance for a potential counterattack but these are quickly suppressed by the Commonwealth’s defensive fire. The functional Italian units do not assault as these are not supported with enough strength to see a good chance of success.

The 5th Indian Division resumes its attack on Fort Dologorodoc. There is a strong Italian Alpine battalion on the eastern side of the fort. The Commonwealth player declines the opportunity to attack. Instead, he con- centrates on the position to the west of Fort Dologorodoc. This results in the elimination of a weak Italian colonial unit. The Commonwealth VP climbs to 35 points. Still five short for victory.

February 8, 1941

Turn Seven

Both sides are doing well in maintaining their supplies. The 4th Indian Division is mostly employing detachments to lengthen their supply lines, but they are not facing much opposition on Mount Sanchil. Most of the Commonwealth units recover from suppression, and about half of the Italian force also recovers.

The Commonwealth air units attack destroy one of the Commonwealth Fort Dologorodoc and destroy one Next, the 4th Indian Division regains battalions near the fort. (-2 VP). unit and leave the rest of the posi- the position on Mount Sanchil, The Commonwealth commander tion suppressed. (This raises the to prevent the Italian army from conducts an assault against the Italian Commonwealth VP to 36 Points.) Then reclaiming the 10 VP objective. The infantry that is caught between Fort two of the artillery on Cameron Ridge 5th Indian Division resumes its attack Dologorodoc and the Dongolaas fire at an enemy colonial battalion near Fort Dologorodoc. The Italians Gorge. The Italians are forced to and it is eliminated too. (37 VP). The are suppressed in that area, but still retreat, but have no retreat path and Italian artillery concentrates its fire quite strong as they are defending are destroyed instead. (+2VP). on the Commonwealth force deployed with African and Alpine battalions. on Mt. Sanchil’s Peak. This results The Italian defensive fire manages to in the unit retreating to the south.


Turn Eight concentrates on the Commonwealth Alpine battalion at Fort Dologorodoc. units along the road near Dongolaas The Commonwealth has excellent Most of the Commonwealth units Gorge. This unit is eliminated. (-2 VP). odds from the strength masses here, are rallied during the Administrative but the fortress has a die roll modifier Phase. One remains suppressed. The Commonwealth player redoubles as a defensive benefit. The battle is The Italian morale is still faltering his effort at Fort Dologorodoc. The resolved and the result is not what the and several units continue to suffer African battalions on the eastern Commonwealth hoped for. The Italian from suppression. Both sides are flank of the fortress employ defensive unit receives only a suppression result. maintaining their supply lines. fire and manage to suppress the The 4th Indian Division’s supply two Commonwealth battalions on This brings the First Battle of Keren to line is attenuated though. the flank. The rest of the Italian a close. The Commonwealth has netted defensive fire is ineffective. 37 VP. This is not enough for victory The Commonwealth calls an air strike though. A total of 40 VP was needed to into Fort Dologorodoc. This effectively Then the Italians advance. The win the battle. Therefore, the Italians destroys the African battalion. (+1 Commonwealth uses defensive win and there will likely be a Second VP) The Alpine unit there is also fire. This has little effect. The fire Battle of Keren in the coming months. suppressed. Then the Commonwealth is held against the fort because the player employs his artillery which Commonwealth needs to capture this drives some of the Italian units to win at this late point in the battle. back in retreat. Other units become During the assault phase, a massive suppressed. The Italian artillery attack is launched against the Italian