Lucerna 24, July 2002
iucsrna -Iuf;t 2##; lucerna Roman Finds Group Newsletter 24 Contents Editorial RFG Vicg-Presidgnt . ., . r, r . r . r . 2 I would like to thank all the contributors to Catherine lohns: selected bibliography . 2/24 this issue far their work, especially as I Catherine lohns: retirement speech . ., . 3 brought the deadline forward. Coopered object from Dorchester . ., 7 Lucerna 24 ls out now in order to publicise Ngxt RFG Meeting . r, ., !, . r . r ! . ., . 10 the University of Durham's conference on Odd brooch, any idgas? .,, . ! r .,, . 11 Roman Finds on July 6th-7th, further details Bone styli . r . r . r r . r r r . r . r . r 11 of which will be found on pp 17 and 25, and Referencing policy for contributors . Lz inside the back cover. It is not too late to Some portable antiquities from Hants . 13 book a place. New wax spatulae from . Suffolk,, !4 The most important item in this issue is the Morg arnulgts . r r ., . r . r . t . r r 15 announcement that we now have Vice- Candlesticks in Roman 15 a Britain........ Presidefrt, Catherine lohns (p 2). Catherine Crossword bytDigger' 16 ,,,.,.,,, !., worked at the British Museum for nearly 35 TRAC r r r t r ! r r . r . r . ! r . r 16 years, a cheerful source of information and Roman Finds Conference in Durham . !7 guidance. Her retirement speech was a very FRG autumn mggting r . ., r, ., !, .,, ! !7 pertinent and perspicacious assessment not Thg Cattgrick gallus . ., ., .,, . ., . 18 . only af the current climate at the British The RFG's meeting at Segedunum . 22 Museum but also of the wider world.
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