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Red River Prospector, 1901-1907 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

4-6-1905 Red River Prospector, 04-06-1905 Fremont. C. Stevens

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,.J ..u. J. - JJ" CTJftREirr COHTJNDBTJMS. official Directory. The New Fisb and Gap Law. i jrngatmg rlaut5 V about ninety SELECTED SINGli LABXXIE3. j three millions of dollars. In .1902, Why is oread I'.ke the sun? Becauee flGHTER AMONG IMMORTAL ajCW MEXICO. when it'rlsos it is light. m-- Oonnoil Subatujta for Council in Among the trees, that are moat irrigation plants were in use Which v.v ihe largest Island before aPeofeaslonal Pugilist of SagLanc eltive to the wind are' the cherry, the W M.Andrews Peleg-at- to Congress Bill fo. 51, An Act for the better different states and territories, Australia was discovered? Australia., ,t Whoae LI In WnU the walnut, the black poplar, u Otetp Governor. protection of gajpe an'mals, birds ? WI1..1 traae phould l.e recommended e, , . t west of the salubrious area mi. ter Abbey. ibfi service-tre- the ash. and certain nr nDBnid Secretary jo a short pcr?on? Urocer (grow, sir). of pine. pines,, espe and fish, within the Territory of nties Other A. Mowlsoa Internal Revenue Col of the western wheat and corn Why Is the letter A the best remedy cially the mountain varieties, and also l. IJew AJexico It provider for a pen- f fighter M O. Llewellyn an aril, tor a deaf woman? Because It That a prize Is burled li certain lira, are very resistant to Surveyor General. growing states, there 'is Westminster abbey Is widely alty of from $1Q0 to $500 and im knowi v. Ind. George W. Prltchard Att'y General. belt approximately three hundred "because It happens to be of from lg monfiy wet? Whn lt au9 mentioned li Qnanah Parker, the noted Coman- G. M.Poraker U. S. Marshal. prisonment thirty to ninety whn the official d emery guide which ever miles in width and Stretching (dew) in the morning and missed che chief, announces he is ft dem- M. R. Otero Register Land Office. (Jays for shooting any elk, moun visitor buys, and many are the ejacu that the ocrat, and will support Judge Parker Fred M tiller Receiver Land Office. from Canada to the gulf. The M" latlna of pious horror that have bee. tain sheep, beayer or ptarmigan. ')' hai had been 1ow WaJ- - fsr the presidency. In an interview W. H.H.Llewellyn Solicitor General. 'r,. iv-- region covers Approximately who WOuici "She" have bten? Sh uttered over such scandaloua desecra democrat, ijij; The territoral game warden is and ace uanab said: "Me heap Hiram Hadley Sup't Public Instruction, e tion of this most famous of all sanctu me; authority to two-fifth- s of the exclu-- j foul judge, he my man named to M Krnt a patmitfor C9try - ftriea of dead. But Brough Treasure, . 1 cmdltion might hand- the John nephew; my Indians all demo- - ; 3 Under wht ton Is rtally much more worthy the oaprora ot liHavers that inter- - sive of Alaska ana other putiying Df. Uliej n a wall? "rata all lor Parker. ' W. G. Sargent Auditor. nereneti eurh honor than many who are In fer witli t.ii of law- -j '.( they became bricli (be cambric). The general Impression prevails that V. Safford Traveling A u tor opaiatiou any posefiaions. Ipigation aioue is terred there, writes a London corre Warden, Why Is a watch-d- o , tilpner by n'ght rubber la a product like wheat or corn, I'ge B Otero Game and Pish hi ditch. It establihes a closed needed to wV-- - a large part of apondent of the Louisville Courier hen kgr tfjT kte'-a""- ! be Is let 0t at be obtained from a given tree. Thi A. A. Keen Commissioner of Public - .'journal. He aas a great van in hli (o season of five years for antelope, region one of the most pro- In r.iarni.'g. Idea is quite erroneous. It has been i,Hndi. tllis light and taken 'n tie way. He fought bis way to the toi oou-wni- te or were on: 1,000 different species pneasants, quail wiia Axvcltive areas of the United States. If the ttpnelMt invluc to of his profession by pluck anc sumated that Bursum Superintendent ef -- and .90 p!''L"!i;. L)car with may he ippcr fl.''e ;(Urs WOU.d et bard hitting maiulalned himself then crmtaiq rubber, though commercial I'enlteutiary. horns The apolicatinn of hat greatest quantities have been obtained :her latcT' qpse letters which for several years. He lived to a greei W. J. Mills Chief Justice Supreme killed with a gun only from Sup ,11 " puly 40 or B0. of all fertilizers, water at the right er "t." old age and wis (long employed as i Court. lumber 15 to October 81 Turtle la jfaMgeroui easoa There is a merchant In New- Tori; quanity,wjll Winch tbe Verger In the abbsy bafore he died li time and in the right ycur In th- - viotxjs. a- -d who has made a by the, ae John R. McFle District Judge. doves may be killed with gun only jf the tu w.lK 1789. He nlahcd to have the words fortune of farm- In t'1'- celery. years he has lshplied B. 0. Abbott District Attorney. convert it into the finest hy? he arlnf, e4rae 'eee "Champion Pr'..o Hunter of England,' pf For ?0 from August J to September 30. stowera rdsiiio, tue nothing eise. In season be buys It A. Dristrlct Gttrk. pastoral lands. Not all shoot, the hv and whloJ, constituted his claim to fame ' Greeted quail, wild turkey, moun- ing and hi. 11, ..h U (bull ' In car-loa- d lots. Qut of season ha Inscribed on hi;; tmii.s'one. ,But th TAOS COUNTY. prairie of this country can be irrigated then dean of tr ' bbry would not per keepa large guantUiea frozen la ice. tain arouse or ehioUeu may for which he jjlg . he of it can and A Diredevil Hide mlt It, and on to J 'ablet to his mem obtains pcloes. Gusdo be killed with a gua only during but a greater portion ceiery comes gut as brittle as glass. Allc. orj In the West Clolster Broughton l Manuel Chacon Commissioners October, JJovember aiwl December. it will be turned from deserts into often ends in a sad accident. To Is New who. Commended to iho .remembrance o There a York barber Jose A. Lopez heal accidental injuries.use Buck-len- 's -- No. 12 He was a ser-- The penalty is a fine from $50 to orchards, gardens and farms. Fx posterity merely a a "YCeoman of thi wears a shoe. Jose M. Median lirinafurrer. . n 1 ..... rinHman. u-- V nltaH ll.T $10Q Arnica Salve. "A deep wound Guard." Whai .63 time cornea, as Gonzales Recorder and imprisonment from thirty perimentally, irrigated areas of when 6" will hawe to begii hi- - .t.hiniv h. a brother in K""P in my hu accident'writea raust. f DinlelSieneios Bup t of Schools. lo suj,y iays. Uue-Ua- it ot the hpo h;g desert have produced yoo bush toot.from removing bOtteS frow tbe abbey t: the old country whose foot is so IjIk Thedore S!huele, of Columbus, O., ready-mad- e Judge. is to be into the county ma..'- room 1 if ;!iose who are reall: that no shoe can found Manuel Garcia Probate fumed els of potatoes to the acre, while jto fit him- Whep'he iveeds n.ow paio I'i, y, "caused me great pain. Physieiane deserving of Iff rrent there, hones Tom as Rjyera. Assessor. school fund. prohihks the sec the average in the United ijtstes Broir-hton'- s be of shoes he buy a side of leaihv a:i.L Buoklen's Aruica John ej;u njt lb. Silviano Lucwro Sheriff iug of i4iuh fish or iracn killed in were helplese.but first ta .distr. i. ;'. .Kiea's for a sbpemaker, who fAlhiOA I903 was 85 bushels. Mexico- msiu-ran- Salve quickly henltd it." Soothes nf-- i TopnU bn footgear at home. His foot is 'Jn New in auy hotel, t Prise Ofhtera h magic. at, idols, but ft WA. ,t be difficult to can largest in all Germany, about No, U or boirdin honse. For tj,e a'id heals minis like 2c They aro manufacturing pipes Frightful Suffering Relieved. ct'.ve of any we.-- i;:s:lo more remo;. jn size. gerriug or sale ol game fish or game F. 0. Stevens'. from the pntV that land to gl'iry Vast We have th skunk all ta our- Sufering frightfully from the out of asbestos and. condensed brought from outside of the terri- that of a p'ltnYhrt t'ct In the hoi; selves In North America. He lives virulent poisons of undigested food, !n:--i- upper quiet of out! of thl; Jn Canada as far north a the milk. tory a speoial permit must be ob- of Lula. Miss., took s Is buried-o- ne rivejc, is dis- C. G. Grayson, BEST. temple of fame plumber part of Mackenzie and tained from the territorial gaffr6 GET THE Philip (' t r 'o-- ' Maj other res tinctively a North American animal. Dr. King's New Lite Pills, "with do- Siuipion tunnel whih is 12J penalty is a fine from warden. The 1 OH lhan flint hie I'xed pipes nm Ke Is found throughout our broad tho raa n 1. " lie writ.HH. "that I W88 paiw Me., to , eoldercd irp hi'i tor iV'esiailBSle: main fioni Portland. miles long is opened up. It con- 825 to $100 and imprisonment jn BtoiDftch Rnd : -- l mldi. school. But mi si.-- o wl!' .be tonne and from to Los Angeles. For jajl 30 to 0') davs in the abby u inn: HIli artifice some reason be seems to have preju- nects the two countries of Italy fern xrders give way tQ theif toai(5 Ux. whom thfl POfMspt never forsej, tb dice against Nova Scotia, and Is not a line,. tive jwoperties. 25c at F. C, Imiaortal tin er John H'myan. known in Newfoundland. The akunic and Switzerland in straight Letter, guaranteed. t- really a very r..peclabie toast, and engioeer- - Wasliingfoa Stevens' 8tore, It is one of the greatest j PAID SMO. 3 OF PIPES cr.iinqt. be severely blamed for maKlng bimsurf obnoxious hie enemies. ' to lnur of the age, WATS OF WREBTJUEB. Pari. Tobacco Moires "Hire JBan; Some bold experimenters assert that " ft fee nc ,of very eating. y.'ashitTgton inc.y fhe Ken to Color Their the skunk is xood Ancient wrestlers were permitted to ih; Ot IN t y least Of "the cities of JXeortwL auma,. The peo important rub their hands on the sand in the VOTES IN GENERAL. to-d- diiiMMHig th pi 'he IJiii Si r"ri !v iivna, but wrestlers of are de- c using resiji, drug any "With the fr-.- ii of the hobby is hell, pray what Is taking iia j barred from or If war a v., cojtiterct and iua,iui:actures, . Dti leMMi 'i , envokJ.ij: jneei.-- . .im pipes," said auto-mobl- Erie for water wae preparation to increase the tenacity pleasure jaunt with an untamed city emanates, Haittuiuclar, Phi .jj,;hia, report, miles away but fioia this of their hold. Hv:dld. hav. Erie ie thiee hundred In Gsecian and Roman wrestling Recently Enlarged the there At leajrt & half docen woman In the through legislation and adminis-tio-n WITH sprung up eoaCLMii wliijh jnal.e i bu,'.trKs3 professional life of Chl if put that plan in opera-eac- bouts the bodies and limbs of the and but they tmpulses of 1 lie greatest en- business of coloiug tUt-- pipe- receive 'IQwOoa per year from wrestlers were plentifully anointed 25.000 Nor Words Well, In th. water supply will be with oil and grease. The object o New Gazetteer of the TVorlcJ "How, do they do, it? wocatiens. their terprises known on this half of &",oa) their - with more tban titles, based on the saoat natural way imaginable. B. man; Ibis was to prevent a hold being su- latent ounsus rcturnJ. lie took his mowlclne like a hear nov. a M- ablindaace Prpetual. the globe. We great by an opponent. - o artl- - Blogr-.phlcr- tl moklr.g tem. In Paris there are twi whlchlatxxeay that he left It lying right cured New Dictionary which employ about 1,000 men t deal about the San Doniingan cles of agreement, however, state ox- - oontalnlntr tlio nr. nos of over 10,000 uotod .trma in front of the clock where his careful persons, of ti, douth, utc. sinoi-.e- They are paii plicitly .that no oil or grease shall be I date btr. .do nothing .but .wife bad placed it to catch his eye. Secretary Hay of the State De question, ,tj!;e Pavama Cana. ar- hour. They smoke mil Fdlted hv W. T.nAIIKIS.Ph.D., I.L.D., tt eenta an India perhaps, a greatur TJultedStuteJ Cumualaaiouerof Eduuatloa. they can smo!" hs. variety t t wbw fa iu Hrope on R treaties and the regu- and Romans wres- - tobacco in order rltat of plants 'than any other i' bitration Ancient ttrerks Quarto . gettlm tied In a state of complete nud- 2380 Paces a great length of time without. the world, having 16,000 spfc has lation of trusts. These fithtr Vtm FUtM. 6000 UbitrUIons. Ricli Bh.llnct. native vacation for his health, given gigantic ity, or with a strip of cloth around a headache. while the flora of the entire con- - Needed Every Home "I seen these men at work :!, the that the are of such lnowentous import- their Ibtni. Modern wrestlers wear in have anent of Suxee oly embracee abou; a statement to press Also Webster's Coltogiaf'Dictlcniry Thar are a queer set. Some of then iu sldn lights on their lower llnibs. with aooo. ance that they are ever the In Turkey, how- mt ma Liutmiuu. persons of hlirh educational at ocean trvp across the Alantic has arms anl lorso hire. Edition 7il0sliL.-K- . Illsil'-W- i are One peculiar feature of the bee is RenlM talnments, who, being. out ot othtr era public ee, but there going on ever, leather dnwers are the ru'e. and De Luxe tdilior. : i3' ,.'..:, in the west is the practice of benefited health. It is hoped Mm plft'-t- r a I. 14 S brntiful Liu4n,ga. not objict to sitting in his the grip may be put upon them. In ployment.ido .Ueepinfr swarms on floating heehouaes,, . . in what was once rared on the "llicUoujj'VTlnkW."ir. ruadiug smo..iug. U'l Switzerland the drawers or the belt l.'.uctnunl lAuitute. eool spot, and to that they may follow Ow atieare he will soon be able to take his American them. maps as the "Great may be grasped in order to secure a G. & C. MERRIAM CO.. a snap for paetures. by , - -- to fad new Bower This, pre8ident.g cabinet. hold. Publisher-- Kj:rl.- field, Mara. "Others of these hired smokers was done in Kgypt thousands P''-- ,u th Desert" and almost as little nevr, m, ignorant fellows, who bve gel yf.Ti a,to. known as the darlc continent .of achieved success in anything bu colleges ve The Brailian government lb Tb medical of the Africa by Americans of forty smoking. i'wlss universities have more women' . hm diner an navy. VA few women in 'be gatherir" c!an nan. tea reuum ior tne.t year n It years ago--a work which in im they are all evrry loo.-ln- wrteki ;but show 981 women to 703 men. At Bemv COUBj8t of three battle stips, each portance is scarcely second to the "Some of the smokers are dlsea.-- i i . 'tnn ...... The Smait Set Mam of them have B at Lausanne 171 and at Geneva 161. At of lil.OOO ton3 displacement; three Panama Canal or to the mainten- il l does not tuUSFU' tus person w jurnriu- - Geneva women have Just been Of ance of Monroe Doctrine. ' armored enusers, each the buyi the fine mcertebsnm pine li ted to practice law. Miss Nelly Fav 9,ooo on, for the plwes are boiled and ba..i the pioneer woman etuwriey aix torpedo The people of the United States germs. ft tolg displacement; to eliminate all Poisonous compounds cannot be used are distinguished ,for their readi- puqjose. officials in Paris are trying t three submarines a trans- - should Jiave a "The to destroy flies without danger, but boats; labor-savin- Marines up this bUttHSS, claiming tb ness to adopt g system; menial rec.cation .break .the tallowing mixture is both efflca f ton.; and a training Gcniiiue U endangers the health of the eloua and safe. Thoroughly ml to-- and methods in their industrial enr'ainine.tmt.iid - of i5 gather one teaspoonful of black pep- 8hip of ii,000 tons. affairs, but it has taken them a are the .motives ijfVeW AJuin'num Horse Shoea. and two tablespoonfubj of cream. long time to become impressed Q? MAGAZINE?. array alumlnun-norseshoe- MOST SUCCESSFUi. In the Russian Tlace a little ot thia in a saucer where President lioosevell has started of to have been with the importance intensive are said irn. flies abound. It Is a good plan also, (3. .complete, one each uuiul)er) are ti.v most "A i and iu at Its novels vi with good results. few horses to waab the inside of window panes on his vacation is Teas fanning by meaus of artificial ir Klnland drarooua were fir a- j of both hemispheres. the with weak solution of carbolic acid, the present time attending the Re- rigation. We have been slow to biilliant authors chosen, and ehod viih one ainmtnui for this will prevent flies from set- each. Th. of that! luwtpu WWlfWyy.njwknn ipri U hiumn hoe and three iron shoea tling on them. union ul the Rough Riders, his leam, possibly because its riiiuM m experiments ehowett IkaJ tbe alumi fablaed ground "tickle wih th" preserved the foot bet- the American interest. sum shoea FEatlJUJTE TADS AND FANCIES,. r Spanish than the Iron ones. viuit boe laughed with the harvest." entire field of verse- - pathos, love, ter there he goes to Col- Its poetry covpnng the The Wtudaor Ue la a popular favor war. Proiu is of July Bo ?eatlon. This what our Fourth most popular poetsumeu and Bia hunt-iu- g tenderness is by the - tte. sepjud a tew weeks . . aJ , ,. ,, .,. humor, wagea ot aud the apeak- orado, to l iw wcmc us "Tire ef the modish c- - orators tievi death." Delft blue t m women, . er, "Is era. iu the wilds of too Rocky we belived tkeui, in spite of the ofilhci, -- I'm in favor of starttn' a strike tr The velvejt ca hoc boo. is a. fancy of jokes, witticisms, sketches, etc., are admittedly the most have 'em raised." yelled the w Mountuius. fact that we wuld all the time Its suddenly v.alug un. Cuica the season delegate, see the worn out fields of the mirth-provokin- Kecord-Heral- d. Yok 8 when used on shirt waists are fo molded after, the 1830 type. I'he hOettMM of the four U. a- - Eastern Appalachian Slope or Brond-ehouldere- . ... 1 READING Again. d effects wW prevalj ,.. . . Those Oiria . ,,. of the West. 60 PACES DELIGHTFUL on.., dn .mi think of mv new t season.. ,niu;uo "r J the rainless .deserts - cheap illustration, editorial shoes? Quite nobby, aren't they? Orchid of a aurple ahade la popular- Hue of entry of homestead" location The Census Bureau wports up to No page cue wasted on knobbv I,. v.u thav" are rather ...... iul In, avanlnv wur.. . discn-sion- s. i...... MB " I. . IBU- J- . show that private enter- wearying essays and idle first-cla- ss cniropouni iili"" 1902 vaporings or but I think any Tllored neckwear In Madras and I" increasiitR rapKMy. nine the knoua. Philadelphia vogue: prises had established irrigation and rcfivsh could rejwve .linen Is enjoying considerable u t,mt eiuinio.riults 0f the Every page will interest, charm 90. Press. tlght-nttln- Liouw Doaice, nearly ten mil- The ayi. j. svstems covering 12. W per year. Remit cVpie, P. O. ot front, is the new- - kind are coining to tho Sun Subscribe now i' Glasgow's Waste Paper. mueh pointed la right lions of acres, the equivalent of Glasgow makes 17,500 a or tegistered letter to Till S1 ART SE1', The city of shine Territory and that in goodly miles, o. lo put Txpress order, year profit out of waste paper cot! Bhrrt waist sleeves tend toward the (,000 stpiare Liverpool BO with a somewhat wider I Avenue, ew or.. o.l In the atreets. has bishop order, tiefwctoft ntiiiiliorB. Ntw obiectivclv an area three timf .is 45 ilth pat1.. -- . .decided to add 10 lu ipcome in tfcft cuJt than in the ir nUrigbt, Sv.' ta Ke New large as the State of Connecticut. JJ. B. Sample Copies Sent Viae ju r'icalioo aAm1 . - coj-t- of coustnuting these in. The Red River Prospector SENTENCE SERMONS. OBSERVATIONS BY THE CYNIC. 6AYS ANIMALS SPREAD ILLS. Little Bins are never alone. The truth generally baa a sting in Physician Declares There Is Peril In "THROWING THE MAIL" tail. Playing With Pets. its , RBD R1VKR, NEW MEXICO. Nothing Is holy unless It Is helpful. "The utmeist core should be exer-- On Night Watch in the Registry Flattery either makes frlende or else'' In mingling with animals of nil. A stiff man Is not always a straight breaks them. apecies. Under no circumstances: of the Chicago Postoffice me. should one allow a dog to lick his' Jupiter II .nia to have another Some people drop out of a social set hand, as the tongue of the animal Is moon. Hope it parasiteR Isn't "full!" Good cheer 1. often better than cold and others climb out. Infested with innumerable 'TIs the snngulne springtime season. A Vole from the Pouch Room rash. and hydrophobia and other diseases King Peter Is said to be losing his When they Hwamp us hip and thigh, Section. may be transmitted in this manner." The public'! tweet unreason We are Jollying the game along all the No Rane man ever forgets those mind. Might be worse pre-:cpt- Dr. M. of Rush Medical might be his "Connect those letters," In their cry. strenuous day. There are no promises without who owe him money. John Dodson crown. Yes. the April rush Is coming. Fully yourselves together, boys, you've college gave this warning in the It And sweeps with thunderous ronr. the right of way. "Animal Para-Bites- Hon the stamp machines are humming Hustling heavy mall sacks across the Ynu can't dodge the collector when course of a lecture on A New York man says Hull ail Room before Chicago Medical So- he has lost riming kettles snore. Pouch floor. You cannot leach where you do not j there's tho devil to pay. the $20,nno at pinochle. Wrestling with the "Overland'' dumped ciety. Must have loet Inside the door. touch. a heap of too. "Look nllve. there. Hough and Heady. an exhaus- time. Jerk I liosc pouches through the d.ior, Grappling with the big bulging sacks Trolley cars, as well as hats, may The lecturer has made ( luster 'round there, strong and steady. from Frankfort on the Spree. study of his subject. He made Smelling ocean sal- Tombstones always behave them- be blocked while you wait. tive A New germ Twist those chunks .ilong the floor. the salt brine the was found York expert holds bank Hurry up the 'Main OuyV calling vage of the sea. selves. tho statement that trichina notes responsible for the anew, Roasting all the fresh young cubs when In 2 per cent of hogs. It is due much disease. ''i'ir decks and start they sojer long. Silence may be golden, but money the C41 own good. While ten tons of mall are sprawling. to with which they health is JlBgers, llondy. shove her through!" Tuninu up the old night bunch with some Brooding over troubles only hatches often talks in silvery tones. the careleasneas rousing song. were ral8. .1, he aald. and even cook- The dear, delicious public's notes swamp jut new one's. No royal family ever yet found Then the Pouch Room's nil commotion, ing does net always kill the parasite. has Fraught us left and right. A maiden's blush dooan't always an umbrella that was a perfect pro- lth keen and lusty life. Throwing mnll from dewy morn tons of It was deel tred that a ham that was Tons of mall sweep like the ocean. mall at night. Folks who often burn out a fuse sit symbolize tho pink of propriety. tection In a reign of terror. Swamping all 111 stubborn strife. infected ant, boiled for ten or twelve up The pretty girls get valentines couched jften In the dark. "Loosen there, quit your dreaming. In rippling rbvme. hours would still be unlit to eat, as Rouse- up from your studious trance, The Postal Clerk gets In his woik hust- Don't be fooled by the girl with London dispatches say "Ball dresses Keep your eye on Ronily teaming. ling all the time. All boueat doubt, has Its destination d;eamy eyes. Sho is generally wide the heat at the bone would not be JlgKers. stop your song and dance!" gnme through which re very low in the back," but they Wc are Jollying the along la some great truth. awake. greater than 180 Fahrenheit, the star-strew- n night. ther-ger- are still very Ugh on the bill. The mall Is the pulse of the nation. Connecting every scrap of mull that was not sufficient to destroy And gauges statu of the the times. dawns upon our sight. The best amen to a sermon 1k tbe It is the hardest thing in the world Bir And measures Trade's fierce exultation, Sweet and low ncross thu snow the sup- guarded Thomas Upton is to build three When Commerce grows big or declines. ple reindeers glide, cne that comes on Monday. to understand why other people are "The mosquito must be yachts for cup Thu Postal Clerks ure deserving more up poor Claus last against," the lecturer, "as the next race. Three money. Tho crooks held Santa not satisfied. continued is supposed to Jocund Chrlstmns tide. . it shown they spread be a lucky number. They are working like heavers nil night. We hills aerial song, Take care of your living, and your has been that They're as busy heard the sleigh yellow as bees hiving honey. their mellow, tinkling chime. dying will take care of Itself. The average man says it's hard to the germ of malaria end If you think of They are hustling in thick of the fight. The silvery spell like chiming hell that fever." In conclusion, the lecturer writing a letter that rings like honeyed rhyme. his friends; the "good thing" says you wind-swep- t, will want burned when read by You are young and you're life's work be- Shy. piquant irlrls with curls No man who is doing good work is It's impossible. advised cleanliness in all things as a the intended recipient, don't write iL ginning. beneath the mistletoe. coming. preventive of disease from animal You are keen for the Joy of the fight. With rose-lea- f face and fawn-lik- e grace sorry to hear the Master You arc eager for striving and winning, and lustrous eyes aglow. When adversity comes around ask- parasites. Nlver say ar.nything unniclsaary un- You exult In the pride of your might. Hut the boys behind the pouches are con- la A word In vour ear 'ere you wander necting all the mall. It Is a noble thing to die, but it ing where we live, some kind friend less ut's something koind. An' If ut'a To plunge In the thick of the fray. They have no time for pleasure, throw usually harder and more noble to live. is always ready to point the way, and Latin Now Little Used. koine ut's nlcissary. Baltimore Amer- Have a care ere your treasure you squan- ing stations on the rail! Lai In has been the language of civil- der. JAMKS E. KINSEtXA. even to do the knocking. ican. And waste all your gifts by the way. Registry Division. Chicago Postoffice. It gives a man a moral squint to ization since before the Christian era, (he look more at condition than at char- This is an Illustration of English and contains about all Intellectual Gen. six- Funston says dejectedly, acter. as I treasures of the world till the sho is spoke: once said to a years "There's nothing new in anything." Tea an girl: "Will you not marry me?" And teenth century. For a thousand Funston should quit reading maga-Bine- Ideal Stimulant put in one 1, early all who wrote ha.1 to write In When all creeds can be she said: "Yes, 1 Will not marry ycf." casket it will be because they are no Latin to get readers, and nearly all Every little while there is an out- and affording a feeling of comfort to It in to longer alive. WHY HE FAILED AS A MAN. who read had learn order The New York Press discusses the cry against the practice of tea and that hardly anything else can give, kiow what was written. Before tho origin of the honeymoon, and for once coffee drinking. Lately It has been nnd this without any noticeable un- Many men nothing because they Latin, the Greek was the principal alleged do He stopped growing. In Its life is not very angry in large that the degeneracy observed comfortable after effects. Cesplse the little things and despair language of civilization, which grad- type. In the lower classes of Great Britain Of course, in our civilization thero Greek, black of. the great ones. He was not greater occu- ually passed Into the modern 13 largely due to Immense quanti- some who too much of many than his the are take pation. while the Ijtttn passed into the Italian, ty of king- own good, The queen ant of a colony some- tea which is drunk in that things for their but even Some people thfnk they are dodging French and Spanish, forking Into three dom. Without any doubt a few peo- In tlieso cases it is hard to say that to be a times lays eggs at the rate of 80,000 the devil when they are only playing He never to look on principal branches. It ceased ple do too evil is great learned the cen- day. a great drink much tea and would the as as sometimes o spoken in a It Is pity that there peek-a-bo- with him. sunny side. language the seventh are not queen hens. bo better without it. But charged. The practice of giving large tury. In modern times our great lan- as in China, mny quantities of strong to in- de- be the salvation tea mere Few better serve Satan than those guages have sprung up (largely of a people much greater which is common among cer- He stuffed his pockethook, but A California astronomer has found from evils. fants, who are always watching for a chance rived from the Latin) namely: the decoction ad- of poorer starved his brain. another moon for Jupiter, which the The has, at least, the tain the classes of our cities, to scold the boys and girls. German. French, English and Russian, may vantage of having been sterilized by of course, cannot be too strongly con- world's Intel- latter have if he will call and He never learned to take tho drudg- which now contain the Identify his property. heat, and water-drinkin- in China has demned, but it is astonishing how ' something wrong with the lectual treasures, so that there is noth- many There is ery out of his work. its dangers, as many an old traveler infants seem to thrive on it. religion that cannot stand transplant- ing more written in Latin or Greek Alex- can testify. There should be some discrimina- about all is valuable is trans-lute- d Scotland ha9 beaten. ing from the cathedral to the kitchen. He had no use for which and that The Immense quantities of tea used tion in the general condemnation of sentiment modern languages. Latin ander Wilkie, of Upper Cralgie, Perth, Kenry F. Cope in Chicago Tribune. couid not be cashed. into boasts a beard more than eight feet without apparent damage by some of st'ch stimulants as tea and coffee. and Greek are still Indispensable to long. Is growing. the most robust peoples In the world They probably do moro good than specialists in history and archaeology, It still FEW LITTLE TRAILERS. He did not live in his upper stories, other than the Chinese, such, for ex- and we should welcome their year becoming less so to harm but in the of being. but are each ample, as the Russians, tho Hudson use if by any means or to any extent basement his A Judicious baking of your old and of borrowing grows with- others. money bay voyagers, and of they can be a substitute for The habit ragged paper might destroy the lumbermen made very effort. He lost his early by tho north, does not testify to evil things that are worse, if the out much friends neglect Admiration Disgusted Gcrky. the microbes. There are reasons why its and habit and had no to new effects on general health, were universal in some of our unsani- time cultivate Maxim Gorky went to the theater at it wouldn't do to boil it. under Arrogance leaves behind a trail of ones. proper conditions. For a cold coun- tary communities we might find it the Moscow one evening to see a play by a 111 feeling and enmity. beau- try It Is almost an ideal stimulant, safeguard against many serious evils. popular writer. Instead of paying at- Lillian Russell is lecturing on He regarded his business as e ty In New York. Some of dis- reviving the energies, ren after al- Journal of American Medical Asso- tention to the stage the entire audi- her Acting a part possesses the danger means of making a living i said most apparently complete exhaustion, ciation. Instead ence rose and greeted Gorky with pro- carded husbands are to rerarrt of being carried too far. a life. her as c. reenter "bote.," indeed. digious acclamation. Then ho deliv- address: "What on emiV-ar- e is not entirely free from He never to ered this Prosperity learned enjoy little you staring at me for? I am not a . ven now that it has been shown heartaches and ill feeling. things, to see tho uncommon paper many germs, Deadly of Nature serious in the dancing girl nor the Venus of Milo nor that bills tarry Freak common. n drunkard just picked out of the riv- while dimes and nickels have few, Never put entire faith in the friend some people will persist in preferring The g. rernmeflt of tbe K public of pony. Under the tree were the bones er. 1 write stories; they have the luck who derides all your other friends. He made life a grind, out of I Nicaragua has sent experts from the ol goats, hogs, burros and hundreds which to please you, and am glad of it. But. the bills. he got neither pleasure, profit in- crpital to examine a remarkable and of birds, Is supposed boy, nor that is no reason that you should keep it that the Don't undertake to "bluff" unlesB struction. deadly tree was recently discov- coming upon heap bones, on staring. We have come here to see The news that Chicago is trying to that the of you know your oponent thoroughly. I lay me," ered on the hacienda of Senora Maria stopped to investigate and that both a charming play. Be good enough to revise "Now with a view He never learned to lubricate his Gasteazoro, near town of Petacal-peque- , boy and pony were overpowered by ettend to that and leave me alone." to Its Improvement, will astonish peo- the charity which covers a multi- machinery with laughter department of Chinandega. To the deadly fumes from the tree. The life's a:d More delighted than ever, the audi- ple who hadn't supposed that Chicago tude of sins often is a terrifically bad good cheer. ever knew It. the tree has been given the name of Since that time the tree has been ence shouted with joy. Qoriqt jumped del dlablo, or tree of devil. exnmined to a by per- fit. out of his seat and left the theater in arbol the limited extent was only one Its discovery was made through the sons on the hacienda, and deadly There side of his na diBgust. J. P. Morgan is going to cruise in its It is belter to take time by the developed, and was a son of Gas- Aiong lure that the H is a jkI disappearance of Senora operation has been noted. the g tho Mediterranenan. forelock than to hold on to his coat money-makin- side. O. S. Marden in Knew Her Cook Book, Anyway. teazoro. Several days later the body 1 ranches of the tree are small valve- deal of a relic, and Mr. Morgan, hav- tails. "Success Magazine." An East Side settlement teacher de- of boy and carcass of the pony like projections, open at the ends. ing a taste for such things, may the the It was trying to develop the idea of the be was riding were found under the is believed that the poisonous fumes cide to buy it. One may be sensitive to a degree BROTHER DICKEY'S SAYINGS. fraction with a primary class. tree in a remote part of the hacienda. issue from these valves. A bird light- -- that gives it the appearance of Jeal- "Now, children," she said, "If a Mary It was noticed that a sickly sweet odor ing on a branch of the tree Is caught Miss Anabelle Fanton says a ousy. Fer all de slngin' er de in woman has six eggs and takes three from the tree, and those and held fast, and within a few min- saints woman can thoroughly enjoy her emanated dis worl, mighty few er dem wants of them to make a cake, what part house-cleanin- g who removed body of the boy be- utes the bloodvessels of Its body if she goes at it right. the Very often the less a man has to ter swap real estate wid heaven. doe she use?" This doesn't appear to help the man came suddenly dizzy while under Its burst. News of the discovery of the say the greater reputation he gains was a puzzled silence on the Closer of tree spread throughout Nicaragua There of the house any. branches. examination the has for wisdom. Rent day comes roun' so frequent part of the little class. Finally, a body disclosed the that sev- ban caused among boy's fact and consternation ter de po' man, It's no small, girl, with a look of bloodvessels had burst, and later the Indians. It is said that similar wonder he Isn't the fashion editor mistaken In eral A show of confidence inspires a feel- cast a wishful eye to dem mansions raised a timid hand. th-.- t was disclosed by trees have been discovered In Portu- saying leaf green is one of the the same condition ing of friendlinesB even in a disposed-to-b- In de Bky! "Ah, I thought Jennie would know," gal ' newest shades for aowns? Our un- an examination of the remains of the and 'urea. enemy. said the teacher. "Well, what part derstanding is that Mother Eve wore Dar's 'nuff joy in dla worl' ter set de would she use, Jennie?" that shade exclusively. It is not safe to presume that no stars an' I reckon dey "I think she would usp the yolks," of one can find anything in your dolngB would dance ef dey didn't have a ventured the young hopeful.-Yor- A man defends a snit for separate Tricks the Tornado over. to gossip idee dat sich high capers would shock Tribune. maintenance brought by his wife on de angels. the ground that she "held hands" A typical tornado acts as follows: It eral hours. The wind's great velocity THE PITH OF IT. Achievement. Is prostrates every in Its while playing cards. But what else a obstacle path, It may be true dat de Gospel A mnn once rnlled at this world of sin. high, 6,000 top. its effect is not only to hurl objects Rut nobody seemed to care. would she hold at such a game? feet in diameter at the A straight, party man frequency f itched a sword into de worl'. hut his voice a before It and to produce an explosive raised with mighty Abl 100 feet in diameter at the bottom. It leaves a crooked trail. won I thinks 'bout de wickedness O'er the hardships we have to bear. .'Herald reports re- action in its vacuum, but also to lift He. wanted to revolutionize The the travels with a forward motion, cover- roun' us, de pity is It didn't fetch world on S hnsls and wise bodies In a vertical direction. The vnsl cent production of a comic opera ing fifteen to sixty miles an hour. The genius works because he roust ; one er dese guns what th-o- a 11 go that everybody could have a prize. A velocity as high as 600 miles an But nobody seemed to care. "without horse play or a topical song." The outer edge of the top revolves at other people because they must eat. Inch shell. We earnestly recommend that a Car- hour in the lower tube has been re- So he sought the distress that was near the rate of seven miles an hour; the ported. Measurements of some re- his door. negie medal be forwarded to the pro- Once the sheepskin was the symbol a powerful long experience, somebody to rim near the bottom of the vortex at cent have been computed Atter Then seemed care. ducer. tornadoes by of the student; now it is the pigskin. Solomon, lookin' over his whole life, And he eased the burden that smarted 200 miles an hour. In the lower tube meteorologists. The great waterspout sore said de whole business wuz wanlty neighbor with prlefs to i.i thus produced tremendous centrifu- of Aug. 19, 1896. In Vineyard sound, For the bear News comes from Madrid that King FRAGMENTS. wexatlon er sperrit. But I reckon And he spoke kind wolds In a humble gal force, a partial vacuum causing ob- seven and a half miles tc way Alfonso himself is in no hurry to get northeast of wuz dey wam't no divorce laughed jects in its path to explode and pro- Cottage City, Mass., had a dat kaze And with the children In their married and thinks that two years tube extend- "Don't you know? Why. his collec- In day an' time play ducing temperature. ing courts his Atlanta And did life's duty from day to from now will be plenty soon enough. a low from the cloud to the surface of of 'returned with thanks' slips 's day. generates of sea, tion Constitution. And somebody seemed to care. This must be discouraging to the fair This cold the sheath the a distance of 4,200 feet, was eald to be tbe largest In tbe country." (YaaMrf teiMHAff 3,400 candidates. Ik vapor that makes the funnel visible in feet in diameter at the top, 170 con- THE VALUE OF EXAMPLE. the form of a cloud and causes a feet at the narrowest part (1,500 feet The trouble with some men who Has Stevenson's Books. densation, producing electric dis- above the sea) and 250 lev- Cupid Hoch frankly admits that he feet at sea never get ahead is that when they get To have your child truthful, be Lieut. W. E. Saffe.. (, recently of charges, just as in thunderstorms on el. It revolved at rate of navy, carried for money What the Mrs. the fourteen $11 In their pockets they become tiuthful. the but now of the Department Hoch aggregation married him for Is u large scale. The tornado's duration miles an hour at the top and 350 haughty. of Agriculture, hus about two hun- may vary from a few minutes to sev miles an hour bottom. a mystery. As Hoch is as bomely as at tbe To have him temperate, be temper- dred books from tbe library of a gargoyle it must have been his When a woman becomes desperate ate tn all things. Louis Stevenson. Among them Is the winning ways. for "some one to love" Bhe is likely Bible which belonged to Stevenson's a to think she loves the first man who To have him kind to others, be father. i.leut. Safford bought the A Chicago man threatens to go Into In Perilous Position happens along. yourself kind to others. books In Samoa and took them to court for the purpose of having twins Guam and Manila with him when ha I,. Davis, Phila- smoothly up to the middle of condemned as public nuisances. If The late Clarke the "What is Scribbleton distinguished To have him honest, present to him was on duty In those places. distinguished journalist, has third act. Booth, as Fate has any irony still on hand he delphia's Maltravers. the tor?" - yourself a living example of hon- OTICB. hero, Bat, then, in his daughter's sittin- should condemn blm to become the a broad knowledge of the American One thing is certain: The woman esty. The chief part of a child's No. ?5I. g-room, his head bowed In hYs Ih the District. Court of Taos county father of triplets. stage, together with a great number who wears glasses is never taken to kisa.f ledge comes through observation. In hands. The wife of Maltravers was .the First Judicial District, in the Df theatrical anecdoteB. be a frivolous person. Acts mean more to him than speech. Territory of New Mexleo. surgeon day very ill. The poor fellow feared that Lulu Sower, plaintiff, vs. Willis E A New York the other Mr. Davis would often tell a story bower, defendant. on tho wrong woman. He she was nigh death's door. To the operated narrated to him by to Prescribe healthful- amusements, above named defendant: might have explained to the students that had been "HIb daughter, to comfort him. of- It would be Interesting know if Vou urn bereliv nntitleO that the early presidents and other great and so far as you can, tal:e part in above named plaintiff has brought whom the operation was per- Edwin Booth. fered him some refreshment, but he the against you in the District before begin, evor Hpeculated them. ult Court "Booth," he would "once refused the offer. men of the nation as for Taos county. New Mexico, the ob-rtt- it formed that no harm had been done, o. being " I to whether there would be more auu sun to' obtain a de- as he bad had the practice and the played at tho old Arch street theater 'No, no, dear child, cannot eat,' cree of divorce from you on 1;. rye whiskies uumed by your n the students bad seen turn perlorm. tf Philadelphia, the hero's part in an be said. streets in after Prove to him life that of sbandoninent and thorn. good name Is to be chosen before and for alimony. And you are drama. These were his "Tho play had gone well up to this liereby notified that unless you enter girl has to be- 'irl days, when his weight was not loint. But now, when the gaunt great riches. your appearance in said cause on or An American refused ...u day 01 May, A. D, bird's. Thu hero Booth no, child, I can- Why protest against the complexi- bu.or luiii IMS come the bnao of a titled foreigner. much more than a said, 'No. dear Judgment will be rendered In said way supposed to be robust, but uooth not eat,' a young Irishman up in tbe ties of modern civilization? The un- Tench him that riches are not to be ,...... nn, t voi- - hv default and She Is a relative of the Vanderbllts allegations In said complaint the appear- - sang savage would have though t despised, but should be got by be taken wnd an heiress. In the absence of was unable to give him that gallery out: tutored nver as true, and judgment rendered thereon we are to de- at: ce. '"Can't eat? You can't eat? The the a ill. In Uiles of an vil- dolnrt harm to others; Uu when A. M. HEROKItE. full partlcilars unable Clerk of the District cide whether this Is a miracle or tbe "Well, one Saturday night, the old- - sn'nts forbid I was a mutton chop lage, deteriorating and of baneful in- should be treated oh a trust, (Seal.) Court result of a wild desire for notoriety. fkbhloned drama progressed vary b fore ye.' " fluence. It is u mutter only of degree. not as hoard. Philadelphia En William McKeun. attorney for plain, . office address, N. -- Chicago Record-Herald- Qitirer. tiff. Post Taos, M FIRST USE OF ANTHRACITE. OUR NATIONAL PASTRY. If yon don't g?t the biggest and best TWO MEN NEW IN DIPLOMATIC It's your own ,'ault. Defiance Starch Denver Directory At Pa., DIs. Pie, Great Dessert, Espe- Is for sale everywhere and there Is Wilkesbarre, Was Made the American positively nothing to equal It In qual- SERVICE OF THE UNITED covery That It Would Burn. cially in Ne England. ity or quantity. A STATES Tho old Foil House, nt Wilkesbarre, $40 Saddle for "Pie Is consumed chiefly by the na- Pa., where anthracite coal was first A wnmnn hutps to see her first gray tive liub-bal- Americans," said Clerk Fortune, Imlr come almost as miich as her ld c.o.d. turned in a grate, nnd where ita Chicago, hales- to see tits gu. $25 of to the Milwaukee Sentinel. last one ovt time progress as a marketable commodity "Foreigners eat very little of It. A only w offer thU Is nMp, Rtel horn, beiran. to be destroyed and remod- Clcrman, for example, might eat three drwbte rim-bra- wool- - eled until all outward semblance to pies a year, while a good Yankee Jttipd klrt 2l3-ln- Hitrrun leatlH the famous tavern hns disappeared. would consume as many In a week. TEA em. Iteel lent ntlrii'pa, war In the heart of the big new building, The English, the Italians and the The modestest thing in the rnnteu in evrry French arc small pie eaters. The Eng- ntit t which is to take its place, there will Kin hi Irn old for 140 he preserved the lish eat plum pudding nnd the itulians world is tea. It is only tea! vrry where. t'atftlof heavy room whero like fruit. New England and the Mld-nl- e raftered states constitutes the area of The Fred Mueller greatest The President should not feel bn-- J SaddleftHarnessCo. consumption, but the pie belt shout the t.iiiurc oi the measure to in- 14111411 Larimer St.. extends far beyond that, as pie Is ex- crease lils salarV There are others in If! Ienvf r. Colorado. tensively all through West. the same boat. eaten the STOVE "15 PAIRS of every known mnk Pie Is eaten much more generally in "f tove, furnace or rangt- A- the North than in the South. Chicago Men. 1331 Knwrenc nver. Phone 7 20. is a great pie center. St. Ixiuls Is not ALL SICK WOMEN BLACKSMITHS' so good. Milwaukee also ranks low. K'lrdwitre it Iron t o.. Iftt One would not think that there are V. W, means for ascertaining in re- SHOULD READ LETTER THK FAIR (OKNI4 K WORK the facts MRS. FOX'S MetHl KRrllulita, atnmueo: '"! celling, gard to pie consumption, but I have piping'. enl Ute. tile ... mntil rnofe, etc. gathered statistics on the subject dur- ing past two years In All Parts of the United States Lydia INTERNATIONAL FOOD ihe which enables E. Vegetable Compound STOCK me cor- Pinkham's to compute with reasonable Has Effected Similar Cures. WRITK O. K. AUY ft CO., UKN VRK rectness the consumption of pies in RANHH F"rMl rineft In the -- !nte, W0 arrrfl every state Union. are 10 in the Pies Many wonderful cures of female Ills ml leu from Denver; perpetual water made in greater for- rltfht. Call, or nddroa., Md) At , Denver. varieties than are continually coming1 to light which merly, supplies brought, NTKI-Agen- -- and the are have been brought about by Lydia E. yU A t- m Imndh'thn hetft elllng Fire from greater distances In fact, from KitfngulHheron arth. Highe-tawar- d m Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and Purrhaae Kiooeltlnn Kxcltmive Territory. The all parts of the world. The reason of l lrf hunt 'o., IMACnro-iad- Bid., Deliver, nCMt. pies made from green fruit have been prolonged and pies are made of BROWN PALACE HOTEL canned fnilt the year round. The Ktimpenn plnn, 1.3Q mid upward. Charles Graves. (a Thomas J. O'firien time-honore- mince pie has become a 7f ' JWAWJR3071 MICHIGAN Christmas dessert whose place Is sure AMERICAN HOUSE 'I'll.' KnislerToSwaden AndNorway. Sfjmsfaz Tb DenmarTe. and beyond dispute. There is no ex- bent t2 per day hotel In the West. American port trade In pies, because in crossing Charles H. Graves, appointed min- Thomas J. O'Brien of Grand Rapids, Old Fell House. the ocean the crust would become COLUMBIA HOTEL th,e experiment took place, and the soggy, which, of course, Is the reverse ister to Sweden and Norway by Presl-Jen- t Mich., the new minister to Denmark, ft. Raten ll.f.O to 12.00. American plan Identical grate and fireplace where an- of the desired condition. It is a fact Roosevelt, is a Duluth, is a lawyer, and for thirty years has resident of thracite coal first burned. which would surprise many persons, y been general counsel for Grand Minn. He Is president of the Graves-Uanle- the however, that pies are often shipped Rapids He was The experiment in tho old grate spe- Oxford Hotel presl-Jen- and Indiana railroad. of miles coun- Denver. One block from I nh.n Dnmt. insurance agency, and t hundreds across this I the Republican candidate for Supreme cially built for the purpose by Judge reproof. C. H. MOIWK. Mgr. of the Duluth Telephone com- try." Court judge In 1883, and has been a Jesse Fell, then one of the leading pany. Mr. Graves succeeds W. W. delegate to national conventions. Mr. men in the community, took place on WHOLESALE MILLINERY Thomas Maine, who min- Feb. 11, 1808. almost 100 years rgo. He Found at Last. " (til t B tH of has been O'Brien succeeds L. S. Swenson of THK AKMS I ItONti TDBHKB CO.. ister at Stockholm since 1880, with the Minnesota, who has represented the had written In letters to relative de- Alston, Mich., March 13th (Spe- 171trt 1730 ft. DenTr sxceptlon of years Copenhagen since scribing the achievements, and for cial.) After suffering for twenty the three from United States at AND BAGS 1894 to 1897. 1897. some time had contended that if prop- years from Rheumatism and Kidney WRAPPING PAPER erly ignited the "stone coal," as it was Troubles, and spending a fortune in through the advice, of Mrs. Plnkham, The Carter, Rice & Carpenter Paper Co. of Lynn. Mass., which is (riven to sick then called, would burn, but his doctors and medicines that, brought I ii ki liottn In the WeHt.SnitipIt Mnmlfino women absolutely free of charge. ttnvM on rfMiiMt. Niw. lH'iti 31 lllnkee-t- friends laughed at him. Nevertheless him no relief, Mr. James Culet of this Mrs. l'inkhara has for many years he studied the problem until he decid- place has found a complete cure for made a study of the ills of her sex ; SALARIES NATIONS ed that it was necessary to have a all his aches, pains and weakness, in she has consulted with and advised JOB PRINTING PAID HEADS OF draught to make it keep going. Dodd's Kidney Pills. thousands of suffering women, who Cheapeat on Karth. Mall order promptly filled. we fro-- anH of whn yon ten-Inc- owe not only their health but la ampha prire He then hau the grate built of Naturally Mr. Culet feels much elat- TheOWKNN riUNTIN'i CO.. l. nver. Colo. bars, forming the front and bot- ed over his cure and gives great even life to her helpful advice. tom of a box that he set in brick, and credit to the remedy that gave him Mrs. Fannie D. Fox. of 7 Chestnut In this he placed the stone coal, light- health. Street, Bradford, Pa. , writes: DENVERJEST Abdul Hamld of Turkey $10,000,000 Dear Mr Pinkliam It, Sultan ing it from below by means of splin- "Yes," Mr. Culet says, "my rheuma- Absolutely pure! Z Nicholas Czar of all 7.500,000 " I suffered for a long time with womb for our new premium It, the Russlas ters of wood and keeping up such a tism and Kidney Troubles are all trouble, and Anally was told by my physician ll.t. Ths Oeyserlte Somq aif. Co.. Oenver. Wilhelm It, Kaiser of the German Empire 4,000,000 draught with a bellows that tho coal gone and I feel like a new man. that I hail a tumor on the Wfcmb. I did not King 3,080,000 to submit to an operation, so wrote you Victor Emanuel III.. of Italy soon glowed red hot. He found, too, Dodd's Kidney Pills did it. Before I want E. E. BURLINGAME A CO.; Austria-Hungar- y 2,775,000 for advice. I received your letter and did as Franz Josef t, Emperor of quickly I y that when red hot It ignited used them spent a small fortune you told I am completely m 2,300,000 ine, and ASSAY OFFICE Edward VII., King of Great Britain other coal placed upon it, and, proud on doctors and one remedy and anoth- cured. My doctor says the tumor ha disap- laboratory Mutsuhlto. Mikado of Japan 2,250,000 of his success, he told his neighbors. er. I cheerfully recommend Dodd's peared, and I am once more a well woman. Batabliihed In Colorado, 1866. Samples by mail of King Spain 1,400,000 I believe Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- express will receive prompt and carelul attention Alfonso XIII.. of They would not believe him until Kidney Pills to anyone suffering tion ' from pound is the best medicine in the world for Sold & Silm Bullion R4THd'pMu,lBcdH"d8Ai:,rr-Concentra- Leopold It, King of Belgium 700,000 they had, as he wrote, "ocular demon- or Kidney women." Rheumatism Trouble." 100 Christian IX.. King of Denmark 700,000 stration of the fact." Day after day Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure The testimonials which we are Tests 'i,0,0,,",1",,!0 King and Norway 700,000 women W36-1- 7 Oscar II., of Sweden the old room In the tavern was crowd- sick kidneys. Healthy kidneys take grateful . Jo Lawrence St.. Dearer , Colo. C, 630,000 beyond a doubt power oi Carlos King of Portugal ed with the people of the little village all the uric acid cause of Rheu- establish the the Lydia K. I'inkham's Vegetable Com- Georgios t, King of Greece 575,000 and the travelers who passed through matism out of the blood. That's why REUIABLsE ASSAYS of 300,000 pound to conquer female diseases. Oolu .75 Hold and rlllver ... f itir Wilhelminn Maria, Queen the Netherlands and soon to all parts of the region Dodd's Kidney ...I Uold- Pills always cure Women suffering from any form of !:!'Bd ,:5 - "liver. Cupper.. 1.50 Prlthvi "Shamsher Jung, Maharajah of Nepal 250,000 where outcroi pings of coal had been Rheumatism. (lolrt. RftoriH 240.000 female weakness are invited to OGDEN ASSAY CO., Peter t, King of Servla discovered the news was borne. promptly communicate with Mrs. ht:S!St' Carol I., King of Roumanla 237,000 I'inUliatn. at Lynn, Mass She asks Emile Ix)ubet, President of France 150,000 GOLF CLUBS OF NEW DESIGN. Noxious Coloring in Butter. nothing in return for her advice. It is Theodore Roosevelt. President of the United States 50,000 Professor Wiley of the Bureau ot absolutely free, and to thousands of Nicholas I., Prince of Montenegro 41,500 Changes Made That Will Interest Chemistry at Washington, who Is con- women lias proved to be more precious Francesco Alvez. President of Brazil 40,000 Devotees of the Game. ducting the adulterated food experi- than gold. Porfirio Diaz, President of Mexico 40,000 The English golfing invention ments, complains that he is utterly un- latest procure purpose any Robert Comptesse, President of Switzerland 35,000 relates to golf clubs, particularly to able to for his Manuel Amador. Pieslde-"-,o- t Panama 10,000 type, and for butter. He also denounced the p those of the "putter" has use of the coal tar dyes with whicli its object increasing of the accuracy butter is colored. Baying that they of blow, says Golf Illustrated. The VERY FEW, IF ANY, the "overburden the kidneys." This is an CIGARS SOLD AT 5 face or striking surface of the club as Instructive comment on the United CLAIMS A. M. PALMER. CORN MOST IMPORTANT CROP. CENTS. COST AS Opportunities DEATH heretofore constructed has been made States laws which prohibit the color- MUCH TO MANUFACT- Get out of the rut. We can help you. flat, but according to this invention ing of artificial butter, even with palm URE. OH COST THE MiinuKeiM. SiiperintcniiontH. StilrHmeu. In Theatrical World Already Enormous, the oil, HuyerH, Bookkeepers. Stenographerx, Man Prominent Product Could club face Is concavely curved so which is perfectly wholesome, but DEALER AS MUCH AS m.i Easily Be the Oenenil Men. Mining Knfrlneers, Succumb to Apoplexy. Doubled. that preferably the face becomes part permit the coloring of genuine battel Kleitriehins. Assayed. man- In round numbers with coal tar dyes or anything else. riiemlstK and competent men In special A. M. Palmer, the theatrical the farmers ol of a sphere. The radius of the curve it line. We market your ability. Address ager, who was stricken with apoplexy the United States raise about 2,500.000 may vary in accordance with require- MERCANTILE! EXCHANGES, day in a hospital. bushels of corn each year. 3in Charles bids;.. Denver. Colo. March 6. died next The rmlae DISFIGURED BY ECZEMA. CREMO He was 67 years old. of this crop usually exceeds J1,000,0C0,-000- . FIG was ttair-ty-flv- e These figures are so enormcus Northern Grown Albert Marsham Palmer Wonderful Change in a Night In a IF THE DEALER TRIES TO Seeds that In the abstract they Peep o" Day r years a manager of plays and almost stir Month Face Was Clear as Ever Sweet Corn, Old Inruhnt-o- eonctption. The SELL YOU SOME OTHER Handsome 'catalogue Tree Trie ll:,lnes In that time he rose from iase American corn Another Cure by Cuticura. Seed I'll., IStl Fifteenth SI .. Itenver. Ciilo. players. crop is the most important crop obscurity to national prominence, had that ASK YOURSELF WHY? is grown. But In spite of enor- and fortune also. A year ago the "I had eczema on the face for five fame mous figures which fortune, went Into bank- must be used in months, during which I In ho lost his expressing time was his wife opened a milli-n- t the size of this crop, the the care of physicians. My was ruptcy, and agricultural department face store in New York. at Washing so disfigured I could not go out. and it SEEDS r's ton declares It POULTRY SUPPLIES was born in North that could be doubled was going Iroin bad to worse. A A. M. Palmer without adding one acre to the pres- Krt lllHutrnted 'nlnloKur. Stonington. Conn., in 1838. He was friend recommended Cuticura. The To, for 16c. ent producing area and without any first night I Plants THE LEE PIONEER SEED CO. from the law department of FIG after washed my face 000 pi suited to graduated bothersome Increase of time, money Mvre trardeni nd ' Denver, i York, did ot with Cuticura Soap, and used Bftlltrs Detain man iit oiui 'olorailo. thu University of New but Cuticura AtnsirtR. Thr la raon fur tma. labor to the farmer. This & He appeared in the wonderful Ointment and Resolvent, It changed W awn mar 000 KCrftfl for th DM not follow law. undertaking could be accomplished, nf our u itrriintcd ed. 1870. as wonderfully. From that day I was In order to Induce jou to try them. theatrical world about unpre- - the department has proved, simply by able to go out, and in a month the v make you the following ten years beginning In 1872 he using pedigreed Lw ceaeitieu uner: For corn for seed. 1 be treatment had removed all scales and For 10 Omnim rotpia Union Square the- I OOU , . 41a Laue 1 was manager of the average yield last year was twenty-fiv- scabs, my Karl wi and face was as clear as 10OU me .! Taralpa, SEEDSSpecial rates to gardeners. Best Im- of Madison Celery ater, and afterward buahels to the acre, br.t a large MM Mm! ported Price-lis- ever. (Signed) T. J Soth. .117 S'gg tOOO si ! paltUMHe, and -American Block. t BpU-d- Catalog- number of farmers who followed the 1000 ld Oataaa, and free to all applicants. Street. Brooklyn, N. Y." lOOO Rare Leealeea HaAUaaa, guidance of science raised the yl'ld ments, and It may be convenient to 1000 Alertenlj Brilll... KWer. THE L. A. WATKINS MDSE. CO. nackan-t-- (tain enffi- - on to employ more one putter having Above iitcd fin to w their farms fifty and even 100 than "He's Bpent a lot of money on Sim lelent need to grow 10.000 plaAte, fur isas mat Wmm uver. oio. for use with Duenvie 01 DrutiMi bushels to the acre. Kansas City curves suitable different ii. the past six months." "Yes. a long and lota ami lots of cbulo HIV THK fiUNUINK. Journal. The head of the club may be I vegetable, together with our graft shots. engagement makes a fellow short." ail a i. mu tiowtrs, formed of metal or wood and curved rutta. mtv... ftll for "Civil Official 10 In etainpe and tble notice. Hancock Disc War" Designation. throughout, being the same or ap- ttig catalog atone, au. Plow The senate has officially gone on proximately the same thickness at Every housekeeper should know I0HN A. SallER SEfD 0B. "Beware of Imitations." If your w.n.u. La Wis. dealer does not carry It write us for record as preferring the words "civil any point or the thickness may vary that if they will buy Defiance Cold Crosse, reference to nearest aftent. Made also to in reversible style. war" designate the prolonged strug- according aB it may be found desira Water Starch for laundry use they gle The between the states. Those vigor- ble to distribute the weight and to get will save not on!) time, because It Plattner Inplement Co. ous patriots who ta.k-In- State Agents, Denver. Colo. still Insist on the required balance. Figure 1 is a never sticks to the lrc n. but because about "the rebellion" may each package 16 ox. one Ths well perspective view of the wooden putter contains full most eareful farmers take notice. While pound nih- - r NOCK the senate was con- and figure 2 is a plan of the same while all Cold Water kndgardem-rHever- where 6 sidering the postofflce appropriation club head. The head A is provided Starches are put up in pound pack- place oounuence lu ferry's Seeds t be never tall. GARSIDE bill Mr. McComaa proposed an amend- B and strik- ages, and the price Is the same, 10 kind tbat with the usual horn plate Manufacture. ment that will allow "soldiers of the ing face Al formed with n concave cents. Then again because Defiance of of war the rebellion" a preference In curve of horizontal radius. The curve Starch is free from all injurious chem- of Hydraulic, the transfer railway mall clerks to may be circular or of otder geometri- icals. If your grocer tries to sell you Electric, The Lite A. M. Palmer. 12-o- clerical service in the departments. cal form. a package it is because b& has Belt Power fiq.uaie theater, and of Palmer's the- "Make It soldiers of the civil war. It a stock on band which he wishes to have been tbeaiuudard fuMV yean. Hand and SidewaJI . He was a founder and for four- Ib more courteous," dispose of before he puts Defiance. ater. Senator Bacon of Cat Provided for Her Kittens. in iuoy are uoi an exocrluiei:.. . teen years president of the Actors' suggested. "That Is entirely He knows that Defiance Starch has OUl DJf "11 dealers, ltlo.1 An old lady cat felt that she was Auuuai . for Fund of America, and one of the agreeable." replied Mr. McComas. printed on every package In large let- theaBklns. ELEVATORS "I .lying before her kittens were weaned. D. M. FERRY a CO., and vice president of the should have It and "16 De- aaVaO founders drawn that way at She could hardly walk, but she dlsap ters hgures ozs." Demand Detroit, Mich. city. Irately he flrat," till I Players' club of this and the amendment as amend- peered one morning, carrying a kitten. fiance and save much time and mouey 'horn munager for Mans- ed was and is-- WttKcr f., hp.d been Richard forthwith adopted Chicago and came back without It. the annoyance of the iron stick new i : it. .. field. Chronicle Next day. quite exhausted, she did Ins. Defiance never sticks. this with her two other kitten t, and A CLEAN , HEALTHY SKIN What becomes Hie money Bandbolm'a cxenift then died. She had carried each kit- uf a mu and akin Remedy DEMPSTER WINDMILL Cost of Printing Postage Stamps. Long Time Needed to saves liy nut smoking'-- ' Roast Bullock. ten to a separate cat, each of which Purifioft, Then Html. JVOOD AND I HON PUMPS. Bold by all Postage stamps were printed and l'oelilvvly rurei Kcxenifcv, Plniplu, firnt-i'luH- dealem. Il they are ( Although roasted whole for lUKOCt twelve was nourishing a family and accepted KruptlOD. HftOf alld all offered by your mer-lmi.- us for gummed by contract for fifteen cents of the akin, Au almoin write hcui'8 over coke fires, a bullock, cut the new fosterling. St. James Ga- in ( tit ii lou; ii m.i uea rent dealer. per 1,000 paper being supplied TEA cure for Dandruff or Kcalp dlaeaae. the up and distributed among 500 poor zette. ftl.OO Per Bottle. Bond for FREB00atUtT8. Co. government In 1840. They The Plattner Implement by the people at Sunderland, England, was Tea is fine, Aik your druggtet or burlier or lend K much cheaper now. coarse or tea 8 AND HOLM DRUG 00., D Xuncft, Iowa. Htute Atrents. Kpiiver, Colo. are printed found to be still uncooked. Pauper Decorates Workhous. or weed, W ft Won A male Inmate ot Uckfleld Work- harsh or smooth, JOHN W turuy, UOHKIS, PATENTS I" T Experiment with Ebony Trees. Carlyle's Estimate of Musicians. house, Sussex, England, has painted ffaawa 3 n II W mmwu iik t MM. ebony will keen or soft, heavy or bright; It Is believed that thrive Thomas Carlyle once told Dr. Jo- a number of excellent views on the meion Bureau. ijiniuctvU war, aluoav In certain parts of California, and achim, the well-know- violinist, "I walls of one of the main corridors. but words are Iftauuatlugcutiiue, tett? some trees trom northern Mexico will subjects Include Westminster empty. don't care generally for musicians; The Unit f Syrup.raw county Wrlu tor our Kuowltdf ll.i.ik A be planted In Butte as an they're a nempty, wind-bagg- sort of bridge, the Houres of Parliament, Heulllla A BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIER In luu. luiil ptople." Pevensey cattle and Devil's dyke. CURES catarrh ot the stomach. Brighton. Red River Prospector ?F0R HEALTHY AND LONG LIFE NERVOUS HEADACHE RED RIVER, NEW MEXICO, Famous. Texan wno3fnvu both North and South MARRED A YOUNG WOMAN'S HAP- Simple Rules, the Observance of Which Will Double PINESS FOR SEVEN YEARS. was the period 1840-186- Clay, Cal- Capacity for Work and Pleasure NAME8 AND THEIR MEANING. and Last or wt of houn. Webster, Benton, Houston, Inl- - K.-- . ...I With Her Rorlnl lutln and Agatha G!itAT ComDfRATE IfAfflS Breckinrldee. tkmnlna. Cars these he Tlirpnteneil 1i nnn Hr Retire- Is a Greek name, the Good ment IIuw Nlie 'tm ne. knew Intimately. Upon the southern Daily Exercise. the man, "I am a band master now." ' Every sufferer from nervous hendache Tall nnd rugged, every line of bis states he saw the war cloud burst Clerks, bookkeepers and thousands To live a natural life Is the only all knows how completely one Caesar, Latin name, means Hairy face Indicating Indomitable will, there of this he saw and part of this he of other Indoor workers suffer from safeguard against One it unfits for was. tuberculosis. tho and pleasures of life. Any Kan. stood upon the western bank of the tho lack of pure air and muscular ex- climate may do as well as another if duties or over-exertio- or ir- Red river a stalwart young fellow of He was with at ercise. If an attempt la made to be- only you live out of doors, get plenty little excitement, Montgomery regularity brings it on. Sometimes the Oliver Is of Roman origin, an Olive twenty years. In his hand a small and at Richmond. He gin systematic exercise, or an hour or of cold, fresh air, bathe the body with saw pain is over tho whole head. Again it Tree. bundle tied in a blue handerchlef his the confederacy rise and he saw so Is spent in digging or chopping cold water daily, simple, nutri- eat is liko a nnil driven into the brain, or a eDtlre wardrobe. In his pockets a $10 it fall. He met and chatted with Lee wood, undue soreness and fatigue are tious food and take as much exercise and and wedge splitting it open, or a band tight- Milk and Happl-MM- , bill issued by the hank of Holly Jackson Stuart and Johnston produced. disagreeable as possible Edltha are Saxon, This result without exhausting the one it is all in Springs, Miss. his entire fortune. and Beauregard and Gordon. He wore often stops experiment. body. ening about it. At time the Instead tho top of the hend, another it is all His face was setting Gun the gray when McDowell was routed of discouraging very at toward the the trial, the tho Douglas Is Gaelic, nnd he looked at the first Manassas, and he was soreness great at tho base of skull. signifying Dark Texasward. should point out the Inherited Consumption. Most can be traced to some Gray. It was of May 29, 1839, vi taring It when the great Lee, on that need body. headaches the afternoon of the Some people think that because faulty of the blood. When the nnd us young man looked real- April morning in 18C5, said to the he If In Btto the he the work were persisted and their parents died with consumption, blood is Beauty or charged with poison, James Ib of ized in all of great land be- roes of the Army of the Virginia: gradually Hebrew origin, the that the Increased the stiffness would they are doomed by Jie same plague. and the nerves nro imperfectly nourished fore him was none to whom he "Men: We have fought througi soon disappear, and In place is there leave its This not so. Cases of Inherited and tho digestion weak, one of the com- might look for aid. His future was his this war together. I have done thi a general feeling of increased vigor. consumption are very rare. The real I you. My monest results is frequent nnd severe Daniel Is Hebrew, meaning God Is alone. About him on every side were best could for heart is toi The nerves are strengthened and the reason why so many In a family suf- Judge. full to say more." headaches. the foes of the frontiersman, but not bodily activities quickened. The ef- fer from tuberculosis Ib to be found The important thing is to get rid of the for a moment did his feet falter; not The uniform of gray was worn b; fect is not alone on the muscles used, elsewhere than in heredity. 1 diseased condition of the blood tha Roxana Is a Reagan after that. He still wore upon Is Persian name, the Day for a moment did his heart fall. He but each organ. The blood The afflicted member does not know causes tho nttack by the nse of a remedy Dawn. was strong with the strength of one when, with Jefferson Davis, he starte' purified and the digestion strength- the necessity for personal cleanliness, on that fateful ride to the southward that will do tho work quickly and who knows himself, and without fear ened. for religiously collecting and burning thoroughly. What is that remedy? The Harold, the Champion, Is of Saxon he took up his Journey Into a strange ftom Richmond. The effects of a prolonged Bedentary all matter spit up. The use of the wrigln. Through the period of reconstruc experience of Miss Ellen McKenua fur- land. life are overcome only by working off ordinary pocket handkerchief and the : tlon he passed. And he lived to re nishes the auswer. She says Three score and six years after, the the accumulated poisons and creating washing of it in the family laundry more than seven years I was a Matthew, eight- Joice that the men who plundered th "For a Jewish name, signifies young man, now in his six and an appetite for new pure food. This Is is a constant source of danger. Rice great sufferer from nervons headache aud A Gift. ca- South in her poverty, oppressed her ii ieth year, had closed a marvelous built up in the body, and thus the paper handkerchiefs or old linen dizziness. My stomach was disordered, reer. In his life he had served under her weakness and mocked at her i whole man Is renewed. should be used and then burned. calamity In and I became so restless that I conld not Esther is a Hebrew word meaning three flags, had honored and been hon- her were cast down. th Exercise must be carefully Increased The person himself is almost harm- of of sit still any length of time. Dizziness 8ecret. ored by the people In whose cause he times depression, of failure, dis and adapted to the Individual muscu- less. It is only the lack of care In couragement, he turned his face to interrupted my work greatly. At first1 was as valiant in war as he was wise lar strength. The weakest muscles scattering the genus that makes him so severe, 'the ward the morning, he looked to the the attacks were not bnt they Huldah. from Hebrew, means A ir. peace, and finally. In the fullness of must be brought up to the standard a dangerous companion. These bad gradually grew more violent, finally WeaBel. dawn of a new better day. Shoul and years and achievement, passed to his and of the others. practices are usually due to Ignorance. beenme so was on point der to shoulder he stood with the acute that I the eternal rest. For feeble persons who are not It Is not necessary to isolate the pa- of relinquishing my membership the Meredith Celtic, great men who emancipated and re- in is the Roaring of Born In Sevier county, , able to do the desired work, massage. tient for the protection of the family. different organizations to which I be- the Sea. 8. deemed the land he loved best of all. Oct. 1818. end dying at his home at Swedish movements and mechanical Each person not affected should longed." , In a talk with a some Palestine, . March 6, 1905, the friend timo exercises should be employed. breathe fresh air, exercise out of "What saved yon from that necessity?" Constantino is Latin, signifying the activities of before his death. Judge Reagan said : For more robust persons, walking, doors, eat simple food, daily simple "I am hoping bathe "A very thing; the call of a Resolute. furnish an inspiration to all Ameri- to have time to write horseback riding, rowing, bicycle rid- and sleep eight hours each night. member of one of the strongly a little something on very clubs.who cans. In the Republic of Texas he a subject ing and especially swimming are to be This will increase the body's vital advised mo to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Isaim, a near and to me. I am fighting Hebrew name, means fcught In many campaigns against the dear not recommended. power and resist the deadly genus before giving up. I acted on her sugges- I ughter. Indians. In the State of Texas he the war over again. God forbid that 1 which may be in. tion once, say breathed The rest at aud after steadily using this served the commonwealth as should one word to revive the How to Have a Clear Head. of the family being thus fortified, the great blood and nerve remedy for two dying of passion Catherine, a Greek name, means the of Its , justice of the peace, sat embers and prejudice. The man who desires to have a clear patient should in the pro- mouths, my liendnches nnd my dizzi- Pure One. in its legislature and upon the bench. What I would do and wllat I would head, a brain keenly a'.lve to the tection. ness entirelv disappeared. Then he went to Congress and was have all true southrons do is to pre- subtle influences of the universe about Let him study to prevent germs Miss McKeuna is secretary of the the Associated Ladies' Guild, and resides Eugenia and Eugenie are French, counted one of the ablest members of serve the true, loyal spirit of the con- him, alert to respond to every call from being scattered broadcast at federacy a No. 48 Wait street, Roxbury, Mass. Dr. Well Born. the House, which he left in 1861 be- and take positive stand made upon It by the bodily organs un- through the house. Then all co- againRt let Williams' Pink Pills havo cured many cause he believed it his duty to cast the perversion of the history der Its supervision ready to receive operate In the fresh air cure of of the hundreds of similar cases, aud can be Agnes is of German origin, the his fortunes with the confederacy. the conflict and Its causes. impressions from the infinite Source patient, and he may live in peace and confidently recommended to drive nil Chaste One. Under the stars and his was "It is not for the past that I would of universal thought, and capable of pleasure, gradually fighting his way poisons from the blood aud to give needed bars flgtit, Ugh political preferment. First Post- but for the future. It Is not for thinking the high thoughts of God back to health, and in no way dan- strength to tho nerves. Every druggist Moss, a Hebrew name, means master General ml the Confederate ourselves, but for our children. It is after Him, must live simply, abstemi- gerous to his friends. keeps them. for Drown Out. States of America, he relinquished them to perpetuate all that is ously, naturally, and must avoid every When every consumptive intelli- that post to become secretary of Its noble and grand and manly In the his- harmful and Inferior food. He will gently with family tory the "Yes," remarked Mrs. Malaprop, "It Lucy is the feminine origin of the treasury, devoting his energies and of their fathers and forefathers; select the choicest foodstuffs. These and physician, the day of "inherited was a grand sight. First came the Latin Lucius. his fortune to a cause loved and to keep aver In mind and bring to consist of fruits, nuts, dextrinlzed consumption" will be passed. king, carrying a spectre in his hand he and eye fondly hoped might prevail. But when the of all the world the history grains that is, well toasted grain and wearing a beautiful red mantle all Deborah is of Hebrew descent. Big of war the true history, of the confederacy, preparations, toasted bread, trimmed with vermin. It was a grand the fortunes decreed that the toasted Stomach. sight." nifying a Bee. southland should not depart the Union and the causes, the real causes, which wheat flakes, etc. He will eat spar- The majority of people never stop led up returned to his people to advocate con- to the war between the states.' ingly, naver to repletion. He will to think that the stomach is anything Dorcas Is from Greek, This passing of of con- the signify ciliation and unity. the "last the exercise out of doors at least two or more than a receptacle for things that COMMISSIONER GARFIELD'S RE- lng a federates" to Wild Rose. Ripe In experience, he again became calls mind the cabinet three hours dally, living as much of have been chewed. They get hold of PORT ON BEEF INDUSTRY. a legislator of the nation, serving as of the South. Its chief, Jefferson Davis. the time as possible In the open air. something that tastes pood and swal- Its Ir-- YOU a senator from 1887 until 1891, father- vice president. Alexander H. Ste He will sleep eight hours at night. low it Into the stomach to get out The report of Commissioner Gar- WOULD BE YOUNG. phens. it ing the "Reagan interstate commerce of Georgia He will take a vigorous cold bath of the way, so there will be room for field on the beef Industry has" at last was secretary of state; C. G. Kep in the sunlight; nothing beau law," which as afterward amended Mem every morning on rising, and will take something more. That might be all been published. It must be some- mlnger of , secretary ol what of a surprise to those who havo UfOl or sweet grows or ripens in the by Senator Cullom of Illinois became at least two or three times a week, right if the stomach were a garbage the treasury; L. P. Walker of Ala- warm, been indulging in wholesale adverse darkness. the law which is now in force. a cleansing bath, just before box that could bo . carried off and bama, secretary of war; S. R. Mallory criticism upon the methods of the The life of Judge Reagan links the going to bed at night. He will con- emptied; but nature Intends the stom- Chicago of Florida, secretary of the navy, and packers, as it discloses facts Avoid fear in all Its varied forms ol history of the old with that of the serve for useful work every energy ach for another purpose. We are and figures which dearly show that history- Judah P. Benjamin of , at expression; It Is the greatest enemy new. His work was strenuous, of mind and body. He will endeavor constructed of what we eat. We should the great food producers have been -making. torney general. The companion For more than sixty-fiv- e and to live righteously In the largest sense Btop to think of that. We should be innocent of the serious offenses with of tho human race. peer of such men years and during the greater part of as William L. Yan of the word. careful what we swallow, for it be- which they have been charged. They cey, "the morning star of session"; have been ft'1 a long time accused by Avoid excesses of all kinds; they this period he was in the political comes brain, heart, limbs, blood; and Benjamin H. Hill, R. Barnwell Rhett, Air newspapers Ail over the country of are injurious. The long life must be Night and Consumption. if we are to have good blood, clear James L. Orr. R. M. T. Hunter, Augus- The old fallacy night extortionate prices demanded, and ob- a temperate, regular life. that air is a brains, sound minds, sturdy legs and tained, of depression of values of cat- tus H. Garland and Ixnils T. Wigfall dangerous miasm it not yet dead. strong arms, we must eat food that In the Senate, and Meredith P. Gentry, tle at the various stockyards where Cultivate Much has been said about fresh air, is capable of making that sort of tis- their business is conducted, of enor- the spirit of contentment; Roger A. Pryor and Thomas S. Bo all discontent and dissatisfaction outdoor life and sunshine for tubercu- sue. mous profits wholly disproportionate cock In the House, his was a position losis. Many victims have experienced to the capital employed, and, in gen- bring age furrows prematurely to the both enviable and influential. face. the healing power In these natural Foot Prints of Alcohol. eral, of so carrying on their business In 1876 Judge Reagan was In the agencies. But too often the consump- Employers find that those addicted that the public, under an organized turmoil of the Hayes and Tllden con tive, after a day in the sunshine or to use system of spoliation, were being Don't allow yourself to think on the of alcoholic beverages are robbed for iheir exclusive benefit. test, and although he believed that the iu the cold, crisp winter air, depended your birthday that you are a year old- retires not to be on. Even if they We find now, however, that not a latter was elected and the former seat for a night's sleep In a dark, stuffy, are always at their work the charac- er, and so much nearer the end. ed, single one of these charges has been he accepted the decision for him- airtight room. Don't be afraid of ter of it suffers just in proportion to sustained but, on the contrary, that self and saw it accepted by the South night air. of- Never look on the dark side; their indulgence. Now this condition rigid and searching investigation, take with absolute loyalty and absolute Open the bedroom to sun ficially made, has resulted in com- sunny views of everything; a sunny all the is only a sign of disease in certain con- He witnessed all the Interest- possible during the day. room plete acquittal. thought drives away the shadows. The trolling centers In the nervous sys- ing political and social developments will then be dry, though cold. Damp- Instead of extortion it is shown that tem. In this simple condition, as well no industry can be found so that have made for progress In three- ness is dangerous and more apt to oc- where Be a child; live simply and natural- years. as In a multitude of other diseases of narrow a margin of profit prevails score Throughout his long life cur in a closed than in a wide-ope- n ly and keep clear of entangling alli- the nervous system, we may trace the the actual records and original en- he conserved the boy into the man room. Keep foot-print- at least one window in s of alcohol. Here we have tries, to which the commissioner had ances and complications of all kinds. and stood for honor, justice and truth. the bedroom open day and night, sum- an explanation of the overcrowded in- free access, showing that the high- Pioneer, surveyor, lawyer, soldier, mer and winter. door should est net profit any of packers Dont live The shut sane asylums of to say nothing the to eat, but eat to live. legislator. Jurist, statesman, patriot, off made on their sales of beef was two Many the chamber from the rest of the of the army of sufferers at large. Sta- of our ills are due to overeat- honest gentleman, John Henninger house. In the morning the patient and three-tenth- s per cent in 1902 and ing, to eating wrong tistics from France and other Euro- the things, ant! Reagan, true to himself and false to should be taken quickly into a warm in one Instance that the profit realized to Irregular pean countries show that the increase in 1904 was one eight-tenth- s per eating. Exchange. no man, leaves upon the (roll of room for the cold sponge bath. and fame a name which adds luster to the of insanity is parallel with the Increase cent. glory of the country. Henry Barrett In the consumption of alcohol per cap- The variations in the market prices PASTE JEWELS. Insidious Poisons. ita. for cattle are exhaustively treated Chamberlin in Chicago Record-Heral- The poisonous effects resulting and no evidence of any kind was dis- The last chapter of la The Late John H. Reagan. from the use of tea and coffee arc covered, or even hinted at, tending to usually christened Duty. FEAR INVASION OF "TRADE." RECIPES. arena. He remembered the great tar- very decidedly manifest to one who show that values of cattle are in the iff debate of 1832, which has given thought to this question, slightest degree Improperly affected are resulted in Fashionable and Exclusive New York- Cheese Straws.--Rol-I scraps of puff or by packers at any of There certain phases of truth- the passage of nullification and has made careful observations in controlled no the act by ers in Commotion. paste thin, and sprinkle with nut the chief centers of the industry. fulness with which man will wound South Carolina. He relation to It. The sallow complexion, a woman. could recall the Fashionable New Yorkers who live cheese, grated; fold, roll out, and On the whole, the report completely Forty-sevent- h common among women of fight made by Andrew Jackson against on the exclusive street the higher sprinkle again, and repeat the pro- dissipates the prevalent idea that the United States bank. block between Fifth and Madison ave- classes who have reached middle life, cess. Then place on Ice to harden. great fortunes are being amassed by Poets are born just the same at young illegal em- As a man he was thrilled by nue reported to be much disturbed the almost universal nervousness When cold, roll in rectangular shape and Improper methods other poor unfortunates. cry, among American women, many ployed by western packers, showing the "Remember the Alamo," and over the purchase by a modlBte and one-eigh- th of the of an Inch thick; place it that notwithstanding the high prices it may be said that he never ceased house formerly occupied y Richard common digestive disorders, and the pan, When you are dining with a poet-s- end on a baking and with a pastry for beef prevailing in 1902 the busi- to be inspired by Sam In- increasing prevalence of nervous or Houston's Canfleld as a gambling resort. It Is cutter dipped in hot water, cut Into was less in a few provisions on ahead. junction, He saw sick headaches, afford to the experi- ness remunerative than the Republic of Tex- understood that the house Is to be con- strips four or five inches long, and years characterized by normal values, as set Its star in the flag of the Union. Into a tailoring enced physician ample evidence of the She who hesitates has to to verted establishment. less than a quarter of an inch wide. both for cattle and product. He says hustle He saw the great West and toxic or poisonous character of tea, 1902, catch up with ljove. Southwest Among the dwellers on the block are Bake In a moderate oven. "that the year Instead of being won Into the circle of civilization. Ho Perry Belmont, the Boardmans, the coffee, and the allied beverages, cocoa one of exorbitant profits, as has been well-know- Easter Lily Cake. Bake sunshine felt that the war clouds were forming and chocolate. The n ef- commonly supposed, was less profit- Love that has to knock longest Alexanders, the Stevenses, the Gilder cake in layer tins not more than one as early as 1840, and he many fect of these drugs in producing wake- able than usual. In fact, during the (usually lingers longest. witnessed the ileeves, the Baxters and more inch thick wheu done; also bake an- when compromise of ten years later. By New York's fulness, banishing as if by magic the months the prices of beef were of ultrafashionable folk. gel food in the same way. With a the highest, some, at least, of the him the "Dred Scott" decision was They fear tha' proposed sensation of fatigue, affords sufficient Life is a lottery and they who draw this commer- fancy pastry cutter of lily design cut leading packers were losing money heard as It came fresh from lips cial Is evidence of their poisonous character. prizes generally lose them the next the establishment the entering the white cake into small cakes. on every bead of cattle slaughtered. of Taney, and "Uncle Tom's Cabin" wedge on block for No one would doubt for a moment the turn of the wheel! New Plo their the invasion the suushlne cake in the It was not possible to advahce the Orleans was read and given his Is poisonous character of a drug capa- Cut of beef In ayuue. careful of trade that driving society off same way, and put one of the yellow prices full proportion to 'he thought almost the moment it came Fifth avenue. As a result of the ble of producing irresistible drowsi- great advance in the prices of cattle In a person weary. flowers on top of the white, with a from the prers. alarm some curiosity Is ex- ness who is not at that time." white filling between. Cover the top re- SUNFLOWER PHILOSOPHY. When the r in pressed as to the school of The power of a drug to produce wake- After all that has been written morals layer with white Icing, upon great, in- occurred in the Senate Judge prevailing In a fulness in a person strongly inclined of the sunshine flecting the business cident district which protests comes on top, terest engaged In marketing An Atchison girl whose name Keagan was a member of Congress. against a to sleep as the result of fatigue, is or If tho white flower the and is dressmaker but tolerates a with a yellow distribution of the product of one of June really looks like June. As a His associates were the great men of gbinbler. equally evidence of its poisonous char- cover the white tinted icing. The cakes might be served the greatest of our national indus- rule a girl whose name is June looks acter. is gratifying to all separately with the lily formed from tries, it fair minded more like July or August. Gulf Stream Lore. Railway House Party a Fad. people that the prejudiced attacks 1b The Only Safeguard Against Tubercu- icing put on the top using white for upon It said that the gulf stream Is run- The railway house party is a rap-Idl- it have failed of verification; and yellow for the centers. When people who are not very well ning so much more rapidly than for- growing institution among Amer- losis. the petais and the great western packers may be low-leve- l for acquainted begin to gossip, a boy on merly that sailing ships can not make ican multimillionaires. The hiring of Tuberculosis is a disease. Tomato Sauce. Put half a can of congratulated having passed headway against a special car for People are not subject to it until their tomatoes over the fire in a stewpan. through such a searching and thor- thin ice doesn't feel his way more its current. This eighteen full fares ough official investigation unBmlrched. in Is from bodies have become weakened and a cuarter of a minced onion, a carefully. "river the ocean" caused by the New York to the Pacific coast is with The results of this Investigation, waters of the Gulf of Mexico piling of common occurrence. One Pacific their whole constitution undermined. little parsley, a bay leaf and half a based as It is upon exhaustive data, When it is said that a man is pa- up until that oval caldron rises two or coaBt magnate makes the trip regular- It used to be thought that one could teaspoonful of salt. Boll about twenty officially obtained and verified by oiily tient, the world believes it has found three feet higher than the waters in ly every few months In Ins own pri- not have tuberculosis if he ex- minutes. Remove from the flre and United States government experts, a bero. the Florida strait, about vate car, seldom with anything aboard ercised bis lungs. A man who had strain through a sieve. Melt in an- must be accepted without hesitation, urn. m miles broad, forms the only but his private secretary and bis valet. this disease went to a professor in other pan a tablespoonful of cocoanut 8B the Investigation was made under ;"or circumstances that guaranteed com- Those women who look "as If a egress for the waters, which flow He pays $5,662 mileage for the single Vienna advice. The professor or dairy butter and as it melts, sprin- said, "You had better get a horn of flour; plete accuracy with a possible dispo- wind could blow them away," can through this narrow outlet, between trip and declares he saves that much and kle in a tablespoonful stir indeed, money learn to play it, to your with sition to arrive at entirely .usually sweep and dust all around Key West and Cuba, at a speed of in the amount of businesa ho exercise until It browns a little. Mix the different results. tram-acts- . lungs." "Alas, (heir heavier sister. eight or ten miles an hour. professor," answered tomato pvlp and It Is ready for use. ORDERED UP HOME RUNS. Does Your Doctor PE-RU-- NA CATARRH Know When the Chemistry Professor Para- CONQUERS THE WORLD OVER. lyzed What's the matter with you ? If hn dons, good." Perhaps It Is for them, but It the Professional Coach. th chrtnces are he may help you, but Eddie Ashenhack. one of baseball's many can't be for vou. tlmns women call on their family Hn. R, V. N. best comedlsns, dropped Into physicians, suffering, an they Imagine, Pianos. Buffalo. T.t the one from dyspnpsla, another from heart i?P,r "r I suffered for four rears with Cleveland's liainiog camp down at disease, falling of womb and general female weak- another from liver or kidney dis- ness, had terrible barkarhra and headaches Atlanta the other day and told this ease, another from nervous exhaustion and especially distressing times at monthly story. or prostration, another with pain hero periods. Our family physician presrrllied and there, and In this way they all pre- ereral remedies but although he was an old "I wsh coaching I'm University of sent allko to and excellent doctor he was unable to relieve North in 1902," re- themselves and their easy- me. Carolina ball y Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription was going and Indifferent, or over-bus- doctor, brought my marked Ash, "and 1 was out, with tho separate and dlstinot to attention and spoken of so diseases, for which highly that I decided to change mcdlrlnoa squad one day when the of he, assuming thorn to be such, prescribes and take that. I was Indeed pleased to And vrofessor his Hill and potions. In reality they are that thla remedy relieved my pains within chemistry came over with a note book all only tympUmxt caused by some womb two days, and at the next period, there was full or advice. He was an officious disease. The physician, Ignorant of the a great change for the bettor. After ten of suffering. weeks' use of the "Favorite Prescription ' animal and handed me all kinds of caui MMMUHMM this prac I waa only cured my general - not but health wise tips how to run a Finally tice until large bills are made. The suf- was much better than it had been for three team. enng pationt gets no bettor, but proba- years. I took on flesh, my complexion be- he walked up with this: cy by worso. reason of the delay, wnmi came smooth and cloar. ana I now enjoy the "'Oh I say roach!' treatment ana consequent complications. best of health, thanks to Dr. Pierre's cdlclent " A proper medicine like Dr. Pierce's Fa- rwmody. 'Yes, professor,' said I, 'what If vorite Proscription, directed to cause Mrs. A. K. Rortnkr, It?' the Boventh Street, Portland. Oregon. would have entirely removed the rtlaotse, " 'When .vou get a man on each cor thereby dispelling all Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription got those distressing ner of symptoms, and Instituting comfort In- tains no alcohol, Is entirely vegetable and the bases have the bases quite stead of prolonged misery. It has been was tho first exclusl "oly woman's tonic occupied, as it were 1 wish you well said that ,Ta disease known is heir on tho market it has sold more largely would instruct the batler lo knock the cured." In cases almost Innumerable, In the past third of a century than any ball sfter all other medicines had failed to othor medicine for women. over yonder.' and he pointed help and doctors had said there was no All other compounds Intended for wom- to a bunch of weeds four and a hall cure possible, the use of Dr. Pierce's Fa- en only are made with alcohol, or alcohol niles away, if it was a foot. Order v.'.-.-.i- . i i essv 3 Is component. :i vorite Prescription, supplemented when a large Thlsalrohol Injures ing up home egga The necessary by the modloal advice and the nerves. Tho little red corpuscles of runs like ham and Population of of Dr. Pierce, has resulted In a the blood are shrunken by alcohol. All or a bottle of beer. and irarmanent cure. The such compounds, therefore, do harm. "I thought he was joking at first the Earth is Esel Is People's Medical con- of these cures attested not only "The Adviser" ttrtil I saw he meant It. I got by the entire disappearance of pain, but tains several chapters devoted to the 'Have by a gain of flesh, a clear complexion physiology of women, with directions for to do this and hold my job?' I asked I,400,000,000. and a choerful disposition. which every woman ought Mm. 'If I have, what times dons tho Curbs Obstinats Casks. " Favorite to read. A paper-boun- copy sent abso- next train leave?' Prescription " is a positive cure for the lutely free on receipt of 21 one-cen- t One Million cloth-boun- "Well, I poet complicated and obstinate cases of stamps to pay for mailing only; or before got through I had leucorrhea, excessive flowing, painful 31 stamps. Address Dr. K. V. t- compromise and agree to have the Die Annually menstruation, unnatural suppressions Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. trick turned every other time." of end irregularis, prolapsus or failing of pw. Sniper Is the womb, week back, "female weak- LJY . Di&rT'f 'cS largely a mat-to- r Catarrh. ness," anteverslon, retroversion, bearing-dow- n rf rICrCC of good Mamma's Company Voice. sensations, chrenlc congestion. In- health, and good health Is largely mat- "Who is that in the parlor, Nellie?'' flammation and ulceration of the womb. ter of healthy activity of the bowels. Dr. asked the little sister. Inflammation, pain and tenderness of tho Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure constipa- ovaries, accompanied with "internal tion. They are safe, sure and speedy, "Nobody but mamma and Fred." re- heat." and once taken do not have to lie takon plied Nellie. Reliable dealers recommend " Favorite always. One little "Pellet" Is e gentle "Oh, yes, there must be someone Prescription." With tricky ones, some- laxative, and two a mild T.T. IhA xenrlrl else," rejoined the little girl, "for a mfAr Pernna la '- thing else that pays them better will cathartic. They never Da aevrQ rvVXWTNjyv'MWUnrTV ""V NJ -e MBFAT Mr Ma Kobauly be urged upon you as " Just as gripe. By all druggists, r vIICL3 mamma has company voice on." A. known and used for catarrhal ihhlw Amf It was a little squib under the head- diseases. The I'eruna Girl has ing of "Fun," which n member of the traveled 'round tho globe. Saved by a Herte. A Ixndon Judge has decided that fr.mily read aloud from the paper. Her face is familiar everywhere that That the Btable of John V. Hubbard $1.80 ts enough for a man to pay for The about who heard civilization reaches. wife's bonnet. "Oh. wise circle the table of New Brunswick was not entirely his Easter It smiled one a good Universally Praised. ar.U upright judge!" Come over. antl said. "That's destroyed by fire with Its thirty horses joke." But a more thoughtful mem- From Africa to Greenland, from Man- Is to Intelligence of due the remarkable Shake In Your shoes. ber turned it over in her mind. She churia to Patagonia, tho face the An Extensive Laboratory. displayed by an old gray horse, known girl is familiar and the praises of From Hawaii. Allen s Foot-Kas- a powder, cores pain- was the mother, and she admitted to Peruna To supply this remedy to the whole as Ben, says Dumb Animals. The an- Fcruna as a catarrh remedy are heard. Prince Jonah Kalanianaole, delegate imal smelted smoke, broke away ful, smarting, nervous feet aud ingrowing herself that it was more than a joke world taxes to the utmost one of tbe in Congress from Hawaii, writes from from nails. the greatest comfort discovery Successful In North and South. his manger, went to room In which It's that In many instances it was sober best laboratories in the United States. Washington, D. as follows : the of the age. Makes new shoes easy. A Peruna crossed the Rquator several C, George groom, sleeping, truth. It came home to her heart with A Word From Australia. Witt, a was for sweating feet. Sold by ago, to find the Southern "I can cheerfully recommend your on eertain cure all great significance, for she acknowl- years in and kicked the door until Witt made druggists, 25c. Trial package KB. same triumphant suc- Walter II. Woodward, Bomadier Peruna as a very effective remedy for his appearance and Fit edged to company Hemisphere the raised an alarm. Address A. S. Olmsted, Lo Roy, N. Y. herself that "the career Royal Australian Artillery, Hobart, coughs, colds and catarrhal trouble." Several neighbors responded promptly. was put cess that has marked its in the voice" entirely too often on Hemisphere. Tasmania, writes : A Cuban Mlmister. Tho lire, which was In the office, was when in the presence of those outside Northern Senor Qneeada, Cuban to A Standard. suffered for years Minister the quickly extinguished. Ben is the We wish to appear "I several with a Gift for President's Son. the home circle. Peruna is a standard catarrh remedy distressing of head and United States, writes from Washington, hero of the stable. our before those whose good condition the D. as The Wyoming and South Dakota at best tho world over. throat, causod by continual colds, C, follows: opinions we desire to gain. But with "Peruna I can recommend as a very cowboys who went to the Inauguration It cures catarrh by eradicating it "My head and nostrils were stopped small-size- be- those who love us how often we speak good medicine. It is an excellent gave a wild West Khow from the system. up of a they left, which was by in irritable, harsh, quick tones. most the time and there was strengthening tonic, and is also an SCIATinOBTOHE fore attended Permanent Cure. my sense of smell was practically the entire junior popula- of discharge, and efficacious cure for the almost universal It obviates the necessity all local affected tion of Washington and a large num- Facing the Facts. is of permanent badly. complaint of catarrh." Gonzalo Be MARSTON treatment and its relief PAIN BUFFERED BY ME. ber of senators. I'd b- quick to sehM Wedlock's fond character. "After two weeks use of Peruna I Quesada. AS GREAT AS MOETAL OAN STAND. cow- bb iscs found condition changed, At the close of the show the Wore I nnt sn by Tnverty cursed. Without a Peer. this quite and From All Quarters of tbo Globe. boys selected a handsome bay cow-pon- y Prii" Insists that "on coffee anil klxsen No other remedy has so completely so I continued to use this remarkable We have on file thousands of testi- For Six Months He Conld Not Turn la and presented it to Theodore We could live very well at the first .' as medicine for over a month. monials like those given Wo can But to quite cat Cv. her view I'm unable. dominated the whole earth Peruna. above. Bed He Tells of a Kemedy Which Roosevelt, jr., who, with his brothers, Thoupli I know, were pushed to tbo Every Tongue. am very glad to say at the end give oar readers only a glimpse (ilven In "I that slight Has Perfect Belief. was In evidence at the performance. wall, In all languages its glowing testi- of that time I was cured and felt in of tbe vast number of grateful letters Young Theodore rode the horse home T could surely provide for our table The case of Mr. Marston shows that If coffee anil kisses were all. monials are written. fine health generally, and am pleased Dr. Hartman is constantly receiving be enred, aud no one afflicted to receive his father's approval of it sciatica can to accept gift. in all climes tho demands for Peruna to give Peruna my honest endorse- from all quarters of the globe in Is'half by should allow himself to be dis- and permission the Perhaps In my views T'm archaic. it The president came out from the ex- FnromanUr anil lacking In dreams! increase. ment." of his famous catarrh remedy, Peruna. heartened. He was first Btrickeu alxmt a ecutive offices bareheaded and stood in But this "love In a pot" frows prosaic, suffered No Odds how attractive It seems: year ago, and for six months he the rain while his son rode up and For a parlor suite, royal of burnish, Just before tbe mosquito season i si i las JSMiJls fjMfs lis JJJaelaWM pain which he thinks the most intense down to show off his horse's gaits. No cash to prmde can I call. Women begin to make open-woi- k 1 Denver possibly Though a home feel sure I could fur- clothes so they can bite through. Directory that any man could stand. When he passed by single footing the nish Asked about the details of his remark- president shouted: If coffee and kisses were all. find Lewis1 "Single STOVE of ever kaown raaM Smokers Binder" ot stove, furnare or roll r ;). A. able recovery, Mr. Marcton gave the fol- "Good doings, good doings," and be - 72a-- There'll be carpets to buy. chairs and straight otgar better- qualify than most t'ullen. 1331 lawisace. Denver, phone lowing account: " I was attacked by a gave his assent at once to acceptance pictures. 10c brands. Lewis' Factory. Peoria. Ill Rl AfyjUITUC '""i wagon maker unpllea, numbness or dull feeling jnst back of my ef the animal by the boy. Hall portieres, fanciful wove; ULMOrvOHII I no aholaaaTe and retail Moore Rugs, curtains of lace, rods ami aj know mut- In evening president invited fixtures. There are men who ilnally consent to Hardware at t'o.. 15th A Waaee. Ienvee. right hip. I didn't what the the the And what's more unromatitie a stove! to work when they can't make a liv-n- was, thought it was simply a all the visiting cowboys to the White How I wish It wars riKht, Prue's con- In any other way. B LW are known hy what they have THK C. . FA lit OOBMIOK WORKS ter but I . house, where they met Mrs. and Miss tention, mtiam grown. For hull a century they Lm Metal KkTlltilila, stamped WA frtllliont. stiffness that would wear awny iu a Kor marriage, wbate'er might befall. p pltiir and slate, tile and metal roofs. short time. It didn't, however, and Roosevelt and other members of the Would be easy as drawing a pension Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrnp. coffee were all. For chllilren teetbtns, softens the sunm, reduces fa family and several callers. If und kisses flsmuislluQ, allays palu, uurus 25c a An- L liiTrDiiiTinuiiI otooi rnnn soon the pain became so very bad that Koy Kartell Greene. wind colic. bottle. 7 by all oealsrs. lSOS Seed - IN CnBHI lUnAL OlUlitX TUUl every step was torture for me. When I sr Dual Tree to an applicant. H II1TK O. K. ADV at Vtt.. IIKNVKK D. finally succeeded in getting home, it was Had Big Game in Net. The man who is slow to see a Joke la- - M. FERRY A CO., kTiTUFV C aolnet. wo. til SS.0O, JB TIDII y "Fishers of Men." believes that he laughs best who Mich. MlbflLII StDLC T, Oroc-r- .,ri..r. Mend for just as much as I could do to reach my When Gov. Gen. Trepoff of St. Pe- laughs the next day. SswEer". list, bon 1. Look, ltao and Blake, Denver. zoom and get to bed. This story Is told of a nice oln resi- tersburg was chief of police in Mos The New Kniclavnd Klevtrte On.. M "lake "The doctor was sent for, and when he dent of Brooklyn, who recently ad- cow, before the establishment of the TO CI'RK A COLD IN OXE DAY Tste Laxative llrolmt inilulut! Taolelit. All drug- - ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES had examined me he said I had sciatica. dressed a class of young women nt an state liquor monopoly, he was told kuih retunii the moatr it it f"ii '" eon. i.. w. wiJftSS" educational institution, and who ad- Urove's nluattire Is uu a box. 23c. He prescribed for me, aud advised me not from the highest quarters to suppress BROWN leave my bed. The advice was vised them to go in for the active life. PALACE HOTEL, to try to the orgies at popular resorts In the Kuropean "Go out and do something and be some- Lots of men who claim to be looking plan. SI .50 and upward. unnecessary for I couldn't get out of thing," he exclaimed; "become fishers town. A few days later the police for justice will rtnil themselves behind ,.,... , - bed if I wanted to. It was impossible for of men," and he wondered why the raided the principal restaurants after the bars if they ever get it. rni liiiDia unTci ,"T,.'n;ll:',',,tkin tm- from one side to uwvunuiniiuitL fnit. me to turn the other. audience tittered. midnight and the next morning Gen. OateS ftats 11 M to It S Americ an I The moment I attempted to move any Trepoff asked of his august master di- National pain became so ex- TEA 'yf'' AMERICAN HOUSE part of my body, the rections for the prosecution of one Greatest ,J1 0ftQ cJen jif beet lit per Amy hoUmi In thr WH.BWKA oerlfl n "'an. cruciating that I would have to lie per- THE SIMPLE LIFE. member of the Imperial family, two is This a better country If J j 811) tm. par acre. I fectly motionless. judges of the high court, a mayor and If Voe cau record In W06. W III beut inat Ill " I suffered this torture for six months Ways That Are Pleasant and Paths deputy mayor, several generals and because we are in it tea Oxford Hotel without getting any relief. Then I dis- many women well known in Moscow For 10c and tnls notice U hw black from Union h t That Are Peace. rV Flrrnnf C. H. HORHK, Mt. charged the doctor, aud on the advice of society, who, among others, had Wa we mall you free lota of farm seed It Is the simple life that gives been country. Ai 1 samples and oar btg catalog, tell AtMII a friend I bought a box of Dr. Williams' arrested In the "cabinets partioulleres" 1 Ing all about this out wonder and WSk length of days, serenity of mind and tB I of other seeds. MikiaWWW Fink Pills aud begau to take them, three of great restaurants of town. And that isn't all. H tnouaaoda body and tranquillity of soul. the the I tjQHN A. WINDSOR HOTEL at a dose, three times a day. I was de- The ended there. SALZERSEEDCOIM Simple hopes ambitions, bound- matter Writa for our Knowladg Hook, A BchilUnjjj t give a thorough trial. aud IHth and S(a Ilrnvrr, ( olo. termined to them by CovV"i I ram.iQ. I began to use ed the desire to do good to one's Sf That's the placa to atop. Kuropeun "Two months after neighbors, simple pleasures, habits, Something as Good. plan. 76c and up. was able to leave my bed and a en- them I food and drink. A lady who is lover of books walk about the house, and a mouth later a book in Detroit. Men die long before their time be- tered store was entirely cured and able to go about "Have you the last Literary D- Around the World Northern Grown Seeds cause they try to crowd too much Into 41 1 iy work as usual. I think Dr. Williams' igest?" she asked. have used your Flab Peep Oar tfwe4 or. Old Trusty Incuba- th'.ir experiences they climb too Brand Slkkere for years tor. Hanaamne cataloaruv f n s. Tim Hulnea Pink Pills are the best medicine I ever The clerk was a young woman, and in the Hawaiian Islands Nred Co. 1S2I hi Oenver. Colo. high and fall too hard. A wise woman found them the only used, and I heartily recommend them to evidently a novice at bookselling. snd SEEDSSpecial to gardeners. Beat Im- writes of the good that a simple diet article that suited. I aia rates anyone who suffers from sciatica. " "I'll see," she said, and presently now In this country ported and American Stock. Price-lis- t has done her: think great and Catalog free to all applicant;. Mr. Marston is a prosperous farmer returned to bay the magazine want- (Africa) and a "I have been using Grape-Nut- s for deal of your coats." THE L. A. WATKINS MDSE. CO. and may be reached by mail addressed was In stock. (nam om application) spar- ed not - Marston, Hampton P. O., about six months. I began rather to ISH Wnxra- St.. 1 olo. SEEDS to Charles P. "I'm very anxious to get a copy," POULTRY SUPPLIES Dr. ingly, until I acquired such a liking HHiHEST WARD WORLD'S FAHU904, New Hampshire. Williams' Pink said the lady. aVree lllamtratrsl 4'ataleaTue. oured nervous for it that for the last three months Pills have other painful look again," said the obliging world-wi- I have depended upon It almost en- "I'll The reputa- THE LEE PIONEER SEED CO. disorders, such as neuralgia, partial par- clerk, and in a few minutes returned. tion ol Tower's Water alysis locomotor ataxia. They are tirely for my diet, eating nothing else proof Olletl Hot runic Ueavrr. 4 'alorado. and "I'm sorry, but the last copy has buyer of old by oil druggists. whatever, but Grape-Nut- s for break- the umbatl been sold. But I have something here the positive worth ot ! - NtW NET PRICES. fast and supper, and I believe I could all garments bearing ffen aft blaik. f OK per US) eet Treea, fruit and ornamen- I will do as well"; and she BjtUV AH 10U When H. Rider Haggard comes to eat It for dinner with fruit and be sat- that think this Sign ol the Fish. ,JH Vtnrb blava. IS per feet tal, small fruits, rosea, will "She" handed the amazed customer a copy Mark, !...' per 100 rret Hhrulta. vines, bulbs ancv Colorado he discover that isfied without other food, and feel A. TOWER CO., Boston, U. S. A. b Mark. kT.tal per feet heilae plains. We aend by is still mistress of the situation. of "What to Eat and How to Cook J. blsrk. !...' I per Hl feet mail poatpuld ami arunrnuleei much better and have more strength TOW CANADIAN CO., LIMITED, tila k, u. 3 par 100 feat up Free PreBS. tik 2 to per Italnrllon. Linger neiu my It "Detroit blsrk, lis fett uata-loK- U to do housework. Toronto. Canada. li .' 1 exureas or rreignt. $100 Reward, $100. 353 in. bli c .. per 100 feet Semi for It. Six- "When I began the use of Grape-Nut- s Helium Aport." blacs, l:u.&e par 100 feet free. Tbe readers of thin psper will be pleased to lssra "Put the in per 100 (eet teen years. Two million, iii Uark, tn Nsrser-Ir-a, Cbel there It st least oott dreaded disease tbstsclsuce I was thin and weak, my muscles It adds to the impresiveness of a blurt, f li. per lo i feet treea. lavtrraatiomal ass been shle to cure la sll IU stages, snd last ts im b ss.0H I'ole. Curs la only positive were so that I was not able to do to dwell some us.. teet Hearer. Cstsrrb. Hall's ('alarrh the soft pulpit discourse at Vlncb !., W M3 per Hn feet cure now known to the medical fraternity, "atarrn to.1' per 100 coostllu-Uoo- any work. I weighed only 108 pounds. on certain points; but this feet being s contlluillonsl disease, requires s length IV Ini h w per OUR SPRING AND SUMMER CATALOGUE Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken I a'.. it lli feet treatment. Nothing that ate did me any good. sometimes has been overdone. VERY FEW, IF ANY. l't-l- n b KSlv.. per 100 fe- -t ai una directly upon the blood and mucous lM mailed fre to any addsreaa I was going down hill was SOLD AT 5 I surfaces of toe system, thereby destroying the rapidly, An earnest preacher who, In warn- CIGARS in: li. si I'Pl.v CO., cna appliatloii- - Dept. M. foundation of tbe disease, sad flying the patient nervous and miserable, with no" ambi- ing sinners against the rocks of ruin, CENTS. COST AS 1Mb nnd renoe Sta.. Denver, nlo. strength by building up tbe constitution and assist- MUCH MANUFACT- ing nsturs In dulng Its work. Tbe proprietors bste anything. My condition Im- up the illustra- TO Watson Oolsmaa, PslSDt ihey tion for had brought favorite t A. so much fslth in lis cursllre Dowers Hist offer proved rapidly I began to eat URE, OR CJST THE niTFIITOKA I I i iimy WajbinBtou.D.i Advice GO. One Hundred Dollars for any caae that It fells In after tion of a shin In imminent danger of DEALER AS MUCH AS til V ,r,. Terms low. Hlirbest rat. THE MAY curs. Brud for llilor teetioionisis, Orape-Nut- s . food. It made me feel on a reef, was prolong- Address f. J. HKNrV 4 CO., Toledo, O. going to pieces Sold by all Druggists. 79c like a new woman; my muscles got ing the horror of the scene, demanding DENVER, COLO. Take Hsu's Family Pills for consUpaiioa. LAWS solid, my figure rounded out, my what must be done, etc.. when he was It NEW PENSION fSS to 126 pounds In a Auuij to NATHAN BICKTORU, ul V at, E. & CO.; Mr. weight Increased interrupted by an Impatient sailor Washington. U. C. E. BURLINGAME It Is said that Cannon has been weeks, my nerves grew steady CREMO fired out of the Mormon church. You few among his listeners with: ASSAY OFFICE -- have probably heard the report. and my mind better m. clearer. My "Pui the hi '.'mm aport, you lubber, Wsipts,s Eyt WaUr Srv ;frlends tell me they haven't seen me and luff!" The Sunday Magazine. IF THE DEALER TRIES TO Est ahUaaeduCaaeeado. 166- - apiesbrmalloa so for years. SELL YOU SOME OTHER V. DKN VER. NO. li Un6. ririrca will reonvranunlil and caretutattentieas look well Sl as Kaunas, asanas end Assayed Grape-Nut- s Liquid Air. GoUaSlwr TEA "I consider the best When Answering Advertisements on puncHaatD. food on the market, and shall never go Dr. Maxim Boyd states that the ASK YOURSELF WHY? Kindly Mention This Paper. CacMtritiM Tuts uv lbs. or car load lota. liquid Write for tenna. A trifle of tea in a dainty back to meats and white bread again ." first pint of air which Prof. ktStt-I- T sa St- - Denver. Co Dewar made cost about $4,000 and Uars in Name given by Postum Co., battlu cup has it a world of rest Creek, Mlcb. was the largest quantity then made. ISii JciikEis?Ii!i?rs?'i? Kt.LslABL,b ASSAYS a reason. To-daj- , eight years after, It Is possible tm at Cuiia-- Hyrup. Tas'es Oood. Use Pl ltd ...I lk t44 slid Silver St l or of stimulant what is the There's eel lu time, noli! ..y drngylBU Lead ... 04d. Wiser. Cooosr 1 si Look In each pkg. for the little to manufacture one litre (nearly BEGGS' BLOOD PURiKIER l"soe Oaad,ItItetorl. sad Itlt-- llici llnuekl BTsTT7raggi ASSAY liZB AreDaho- - Hlreoa, time o'day? book, "The Road, to Wellville." pints) for about 60 cents. CURES catarrh ot the stomach. 06DES Cf . Denser. Colo.

I vtvev ProsDectKW CumIcs Cleland returned from WILLIAM M9KEAN Vol. V. Trinidud,. Colorado, last Tuesday UrVENTIOX AJTT) IWBTJwTBT. B. YOUNG & SONS. evening A new Invention Is the mamifaetarv-fro- J. rairde graaa of cloth, dreea gooda, rsiyiAerf Jivtrfr 7 httrMini. at Red TUcitmcari is to have rppea and otharrtlclea. -- DEALERS IN- - AttorwxV SU'ftr, Too f m'ntff, timmttomtan. Many thousands of workmen In Ham-- . of water works in the near future. are from Iiutk abitalping drinking beer, Practice fty all, i,he Coiuu. using ooffee, seMaer and spirit in lta VBKlfttNT O. RTEUKNtt. Dr. 0. R. Bass was. over fr n place. They are doing thia in aupport of General . Merohandise Eliaubethtown, Monday and Tues- the striking workmen of 11 breweries. A test has been at of-- a TAOS, NKWMK profHgttional made Montreal day on business. device to check the speed of vessels In Ttev Goods, Stapi.eJ and an emergency. The veaeel'a speed is "jUl'l Intarad Second. CIm Matter at the "There isn't much differene be- cheeked by means of fins, controlled from Boots and Shoes Fancy Gkocbbirs open River, New Mexloo,,RotofTice. tween and' Eve," sntd' the lit- the wheel house, which at right nitf ancles to the Tesael's side. who compelled to A E. C. tle girl' was German investigator has recently PRESHlAnd SALTiMEATB. J discovered an exceedingly HATKH OF wear her big sister's cast-o-ff skirts. valuable and HGBttCRlFrlON. Important property of aluminum, which is chum. Weekly, per year $1.50 "How that?" ask her insists In Us application ix a whetting Come and See Our Gaods. and Get Prices. DISTRICT ATTORNEY. "Why Eve had to wear leaves agent, the affect produeeo du cutlery set okly, six mouths 75 with it being most astonishing. and Ihave to wear leavings." The raising of Is FE, N. M 40 lemons a new Indus- Fkly, three mouths try being carried on successfully In The doctor has ordered Mies Florence, Col. The lemons grown In that city arc said to surpass In Annie Bbatty to be t iken to a low-e- r excellence LOCALS. those shlppM from the routhern states, THEMORT5jSrO B. YOUNG, climate. To morrow they will as wall as those received in this. country VALLEY J. leave her for Ft.Garland where from Spain. with P, The telephone Industry of United NofRflf nblio. they will take the train for Canon the : K ? . fial lender. bnei uesa States represents a capital of more than STAGE Ann, City, where her sister Mis. G. L. 1460,000.000, fcip to Lb Jura. covering slightly more RED RIVEB MEW HEX. Maod lives. than 4.000 syftems. with 2.X1R.297 tele- E phones of all i lnd. over which were ex- FREIGHT LN EL m .1. Taos 6. Burns a trip to changed 1902 5,000,-300.0- In a divorce court it was said during more than 1M week. telephone convcrratlona. H. H. HANKINS, Mguager;. by one who claimed to be an ex Bricks are now being made of clean FREMONT O STEVENS. Tim Rea-thmn- has move his pert that a hug would sometimes sand and ground quicklime that are said to be as substantial as granite. They sawmill down near his home place. in- - NOTARY PUBLIC, cure a fainting spell a woman. :ost $2,50 a thousand. The mixed In- Will Tnke You to the Gold Camps ot Hereafter if a woman faints on gredients are forced Into a strong steel H J. Touo his ilauu'hter 8tella, cylinder mold jy means of a screw. After Western Colfax County PROSPFVTOR CFFTCB, Guy, from, your hands, do not run for water :he air has bem tucked from thecyllnder jriImxi, returned the RIVER ttutill yon have tried the pleas-ante- r lot water is admitted, the rock being Red Rivor and PEP N.M. Valley. Termed by the resulting pressure and remedies. beat. La Belle-- New Mex. John Lacanielu) and Louie Mar-tiwi- o DR. A commpn' CLARENCE R. BASS lft yesterday, for Elizabeth-iWB- , Mining Reporter: RACIAL PECULIARITIES. iH Urije Stations at Springer, Cimarron, Ute Creek, .n niinint; business. frequently heard that a Five feet is the minimum' height of Physiciau number of graduates from prf s :he Russian and French conscript. Baldy and Elizabethtown.. Tan to twelve niches of snow sional schools drift into blanches The average Jupanese soldier is not and nore than five feet four wered the town of Bed River, on of work other than that for which Inehei high. Rheumatism is almost unknown la Surgeon, the first morning of A pnl . they were trained. A remarkable lapan. nial-id- The Japanese escape the ELIZABETHTOWN, NBrfUBl examhle to the contrary is to be to a great degree by avoiding the Oou-ttsble- xee3Rive use of alco'.iol Judge S. M. Malletta aud fonnd in the gra'hmtes from the nad tobacco. D. Statelier left this In fasting feats the sect known as POST OFFICE STORE. Nchoo's of Mitten, where it is stated he Jains, in India, Is Taos far ahead of all J. B. LUSK. BNDiB(; on a business trip to that out of 28ttsmdnatHs only five lvals. Fasts of from 30 to 40 days are liive left the profession for which rery ootninon, and once a year the A tornado on April 1, wiped out people absiai.n from food for 75 days. LAWYER they were Trained Wriling in gen- - T-7- Japanese phys-call- Jae 1 ranch. The ranch belongs woir.en are seldom Prompt attention- to all busineu eral terms it. mav he the weak, a fact that Is ascribed to Books, Littlefleld Cattle Company said that ttthe defection of men from lh profes- .he very general adoption by them of intrusted to ;riy care. t scientific system of bodily training, sions in which they started life is a J. Calender is now rtady for furiously enough, the average Jap Drugs, TAOS, NEW MEXICO. mese woman weighs Hie public to call and see the line good thing. Majiy yonng men en- about aa much as ter a business frr which they are .he average Japanese man.. i Gwaarses he is selling at Quest IfotionsA entirely incapable eithor by physi- They are fresh and new. yweesi que, menfal attitude or character. it Af The best thing for them to do is to J. A. Zwerur'e, a prominent min- fowtoies anb Tt not, necessarily T. D. Parker Our MontJi Publicttiju ing man of Elizabethtown, was iu get oat of it. is a confession of weakness. Indeed will keep you posted on our Ihwii uu mining business, yester-iay- . Assaver, Chemist and Stationary. one of the gnest, mining encineers Metallurgist. work and mutbods. Mailed we know followed civil engineering Free to the for mining engineers 1 Mrs. tfc L. Moad of Oanon City. years. 72I Champa Street, ADVERTISiNG MAN U have turned lawyers with great CMorado. arrived last uigbt to help School books for sale at all times and novels to of any responsible house. t-- y, Denver, Colorado. J tein care of her sister, Miss Annie success. Every man should rent Call and see us when you want anything to use Kipling's phrase, to "find in our line. himself." To plough along in a

8ew- - s field of work which he has no me a t Feed Barn far Subscribe to the Prospector: Sis 31 you-wan- your team taken care aptitude is a mistake, either from tJ. W also have H'ay and Grain the point of view of the indvidual It is the OffaMel Organ of th frrsaie H. D. Dutcher. or of society. Red River M'n.n.y; District. Beit Phillips, It is the Oldest Paper in Jhou TheTJnion Sunday sfhool meets Ores and MetaTs: There is a Frank Staplin, way to all classes of ores, no County. Proprietor. Tery Sunday at the school house treat how refractory, but the J&SL are cordially invited to be matter It is the Only Paper Published manner of the recovery of the val- All kinds of Indian Madef Line cf Bin jjieent in the Gold Belt of Northern Taos Goods and Ornaments. 'te W ues is not a secret, by any u;eans. County . T. A. Melson, A. 1. Luce and No man has a monopoly. 90 it. H. J. Lue have returned from the When knowledge is so general Taos. New Mexicoi DENVER sfttkioad where they had been and the fact so well known, one AND ftmorhtinthe Elizabethtown drills naturally marvels at the method R!0 GRANDS Bt painger. of reasoning adodted by the capi talist who follows the lead of some NOTICE. RAI! ROAD faker who has absolutely no know STAGE LINE. Joe Roach or "Shorty" Hoag-fcn- d promptly procured, OH MO FEE. Hffud model, iketoh. fASbiNQ THROUGH ledge of metallurgy, in an effort ur iiliuto rur Iriw on ptuuLAUdtr. Ujox "How FROM to OtiUiu If K. hud Voreirm i'ttttDtBendTrmda-Mftrk- .' will write to Paul, care of the Fail. Fatrett tenia ever offered to InventareJ to get more out of the ore than ? ATE NT LAWYEKS OF IB YEARS' PEACIICE. ( SALT LAKE CITY JUd River Prospector, they will 20.000 PATENTS PnOCUBED THROUGH THEM. there is in it. A number of these Airiueioew ooafldentiAl. ' Seuad advice, leifhfuli n Bout ft. and from Ma Pacific Coin bum Something TO their advantage. eerrloe. Moderate ohergei. fellows have slipped their cables rc. A. SNOW & CO. Ft. Garland to RedRiver. THE POPULAR LINE TO ' Kidney trouble often ends fatally of late and are adrift on the ris PATENT LAWVERS. Opp. I. S. C. LeadvHIe.GienwoodlNpringsAspp.ii Patent Office, WASHINGTON, 0. v tmt by choosing the right medicine ing tide of prosperity- - They are Pi ID GOLD - MANAGER. ft. Wolfe, of Bear Grove, Iowa, derelicts that menace the com-a- ce AND GRAND JUNCTION. cheated death He says:"'f wo years the commerce of the day, and StfitUmt at Ft. Garland, San Luis, Qontllla, Cerro, Qurtta and Red 'sad Kidney Trouble, which River THE MvST DIRECT ROUTE TO ago I should Ipft shunned. - Fe Hew Mexico Poini CtMt&etl Hi'- puiii.siitf-rin- c and MOriCE OF FORKKITUBE. Wad, Canta & all the priorlpftl mwna anil mlDtLfr Masiwliy, bul I took Electric Bitters Last Hope Vanished, Mi l'o C. A. Kudemao bis legal rsprtsautatlve J. H. M0RELAND, cempa la Colorado, "Vtali and Haw wbie4 ejected a complete cure. I "When leading physicians said fek BUY THE or atigi. : ' TOE TOURIST'S FAVORITL LIM )ivu found th m of great ben- W. M. Smithart, of Pekin, la , that MINING ENGINEER TO ALL MOUNTAIN RESORTS. in general debility aud nerve incurable consumption.his last You are bersby notified that 1, tba efit had bas expended one bundred dollon ail tAcoagatralna eejiieppea vita Pallium and Tourtn bleeinar; Cara and keep tham constantly tiope vanished ;but Dr. King's New durina; tbe year ISOi, in labor and AND, U. S. GOV'T. ASSAYER Cousnmption.Caughs upon tb (oIIuwsdk lode claim, im laand, since, as I tiod they hare Discovery for Envelopes For Pifrfeleua,itly lUatttaied hooka tie Ituated Id tbe Had Uiniog Write For Prices And tCLDt, aUuree. in equal. F. C. Stevens, guarantees audColds,kept him out of hisgrave. Hiver Dletrlot ing District, In the county of Tain and Hailing .Sample. I. It k. t. 8. K HOOWH Bpecific com- VFY. mm them at 50c. He says: "This great Territory of New Mexjoo and more fully Wst SB lleo'l agr, fnakaasas eja1fau.atkt.AA deaenbad in U W. Missouri Ave. cov-ORAp- - pletely cured me.and saved my life. tbe location osrttBcats wblob PMif4 a then, have used it for ten are reooded In In tbe mining record of Kansas Citt, MiaapvsU. ADftHNISTRATQK'H NOTICE. Since I tbe County of Taos and Territory of New yeans, and onsider it a marvelous Mexico: '1 lie Exile mining lode ctal-- Km toe I hereby jifen that t havn bran throat and lnng cure."Strictly. sci is recorded August tb Vi'JH, lo Book sainted h th eiobt Court of lao on Ptge If), aaid claim locat- entitle cure for Coughs,8ore Throat bviug beau County, Terrier.ry i f New Mexico aU ed on July 22nd UW9;S,ald amoaot was as-pn- seh.istramr ol the tat of Aupuftus li. or Colds;, sure preventive of Pneu- during tbe aaid year for tbe pur- KILLthe COUCH dcieaMtl, lata a resident of iald Swing Guaranteed, 60c and tl.00 pose of holding aaid claim under tbe pro- and tmi LUNC8 - monia. CURE any Other Writs Tae Ouuoly. sad have qaalifled at auob. visions of Motion SUM, revised statutes of Veu PuiehAsa F. Stevens. u. MACHINE 00MPAHV Hide blad to (aid tat are bottles at 0. , THE HEW HOME SFWINO AI ai tbe United Btatea and aiuaqdmante there-- onAHor, MAaa. to pay aocb to ma Cheated Death. mwDr,Ki!sg's Uidohtedum to. And It within nlnty days after lh Machliws madn io s. ll reiHr. aU Many Sawlnc ' wibut and aorioaa halgn arrvlce of this DMiaa by publication, law of loelity.but the "eVaw Mu ue'' il mada to :n oul -' otaiaia againtt aaid aaiala ar notinad fp.ll or ri-l- o .'oiitj'it u u y "f Wriio to wear. Our euaranty navr Ar- " .1 conultlons Hot . .in 1' me - 3jwin I'jc to 'i!t oil -! vauBaJ alatanianta thereof, to Wlmt a yoiin,- man lilces Ik to look t ot ; He ci. own. i', toga r Wenuii In .ill' '.- .1 iitU .lii'ti . 1 attr.s ' f ' la lI tliotraclt. Thi Hou. n . i.t;. vtlklaiM rar Irm Ik lata ar tucli t j a r rottv mid make remarks wilU tlitt OOel' of tltt, mill icuiloc of li- ''', t ' f.v hoaJ of all nitfl- - 'I'' ' b fd'evay it- - If i. V.Of. . i 'arrad. .t it t. pun rad lips und notiue. your iotereni iu Ibia lode . im Muni by . ..iem. u ' irt nulliariaw KaaMQM r U hTK ms, i. iiilr 1. V, i...t an old uiuii TTlH lnffHal"! JH prop' 'f ' !B dor-- 1 run sals 3V Anj.iaui Mior, it to tool' iato a pretty face add siTibor, j our co- - iwnor. ro iot alt k .IV tV if A J nakt rsmarka eituaa it to part i.'ItOUB- - ' ,iTidlHIll intrnu "tf tint iu .lamea O. (Jill. JO f irn !'.! 1 ul J ' , 11., FlotiBht ad tt.vr, M..rch 18, ISO. l ed ipa and ahowitS white teeth. lh' nit EVat Pre, riretPublicatiou Juu fi 1IW4 Bviui OUluu. Sitti, l ,11111. 1