University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Red River Prospector, 1901-1907 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 4-6-1905 Red River Prospector, 04-06-1905 Fremont. C. Stevens Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/rrp_news Recommended Citation Stevens, Fremont. C.. "Red River Prospector, 04-06-1905." (1905). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/rrp_news/63 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Red River Prospector, 1901-1907 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. RED RIVER PROSPECTOR. NO. RED HIVE!, T?4QS OOUlfTT, NEW MEXIOQ. THURSDAY, APKIL 6, 1906. 84 ,.J ..u. J. - JJ" CTJftREirr COHTJNDBTJMS. official Directory. The New Fisb and Gap Law. i jrngatmg rlaut5 V about ninety SELECTED SINGli LABXXIE3. j three millions of dollars. In .1902, Why is oread I'.ke the sun? Becauee flGHTER AMONG IMMORTAL ajCW MEXICO. when it'rlsos it is light. m-- Oonnoil Subatujta for Council in Among the trees, that are moat irrigation plants were in use Which v.v ihe largest Island before aPeofeaslonal Pugilist of SagLanc eltive to the wind are' the cherry, the W M.Andrews Peleg-at- to Congress Bill fo. 51, An Act for the better different states and territories, Australia was discovered? Australia. p.um, ,t Whoae Rriui.ni LI In WnU the walnut, the black poplar, u Otetp Governor. protection of gajpe an'mals, birds ? WI1..1 traae phould l.e recommended e, , . t west of the salubrious area mi. ter Abbey. ibfi service-tre- the ash. and certain nr nDBnid Secretary jo a short pcr?on? Urocer (grow, sir). of pine. pines,, espe and fish, within the Territory of nties Other A. Mowlsoa Internal Revenue Col of the western wheat and corn Why Is the letter A the best remedy cially the mountain varieties, and also l. IJew AJexico It provider for a pen- f fighter M O. Llewellyn an aril, tor a deaf woman? Because It uiaa.ee That a prize Is burled li certain lira, are very resistant to Surveyor General. growing states, there 'is Westminster abbey Is widely alty of from $1Q0 to $500 and im knowi v. Ind. George W. Prltchard Att'y General. belt approximately three hundred "because It happens to be of from lg monfiy wet? Whn lt au9 mentioned li Qnanah Parker, the noted Coman- G. M.Poraker U. S. Marshal. prisonment thirty to ninety whn the official d emery guide which ever miles in width and Stretching (dew) in the morning and missed che chief, announces he is ft dem- M. R. Otero Register Land Office. (Jays for shooting any elk, moun visitor buys, and many are the ejacu that the ocrat, and will support Judge Parker Fred M tiller Receiver Land Office. from Canada to the gulf. The M" latlna of pious horror that have bee. tain sheep, beayer or ptarmigan. ')' hai had been 1ow WaJ- - fsr the presidency. In an interview W. H.H.Llewellyn Solicitor General. 'r,. iv-- region covers Approximately who WOuici "She" have bten? Sh uttered over such scandaloua desecra democrat, ijij; The territoral game warden is and ace uanab said: "Me heap Hiram Hadley Sup't Public Instruction, e tion of this most famous of all sanctu me; authority to two-fifth- s of the exclu-- j foul judge, he my man named to M Krnt a patmitfor C9try - ftriea of dead. But Brough Treasure, . 1 cmdltion might hand- the John nephew; my Indians all demo- - ; 3 Under wht ton Is rtally much more worthy the oaprora ot liHavers that inter- - sive of Alaska ana other putiying Df. Uliej n a wall? "rata all lor Parker. ' W. G. Sargent Auditor. nereneti eurh honor than many who are In fer witli t.ii of law- -j '.( they became bricli (be cambric). The general Impression prevails that V. Safford Traveling A u tor opaiatiou any posefiaions. Ipigation aioue is terred there, writes a London corre Warden, Why Is a watch-d- o , tilpner by n'ght rubber la a product like wheat or corn, I'ge B Otero Game and Pish hi ditch. It establihes a closed needed to wV-- - a large part of apondent of the Louisville Courier hen kgr tfjT kte'-a""- ! be Is let 0t at be obtained from a given tree. Thi A. A. Keen Commissioner of Public - .'journal. He aas a great van in hli (o season of five years for antelope, region one of the most pro- In r.iarni.'g. Idea is quite erroneous. It has been i,Hndi. tllis light and taken 'n tie way. He fought bis way to the toi oou-wni- te or were on: 1,000 different species pneasants, quail wiia Axvcltive areas of the United States. If the ttpnelMt invluc to of his profession by pluck anc sumated that Bursum Superintendent ef -- and .90 p!''L"!i;. L)car with may he ippcr fl.''e ;(Urs WOU.d et bard hitting maiulalned himself then crmtaiq rubber, though commercial I'enlteutiary. horns The apolicatinn of hat greatest quantities have been obtained :her latcT' qpse letters which for several years. He lived to a greei W. J. Mills Chief Justice Supreme killed with a gun only from Sup ,11 " puly 40 or B0. of all fertilizers, water at the right er "t." old age and wis (long employed as i Court. lumber 15 to October 81 Turtle la jfaMgeroui easoa There is a merchant In New- Tori; quanity,wjll Winch tbe Verger In the abbsy bafore he died li time and in the right ycur In th- - viotxjs. a- -d who has made a by the, ae John R. McFle District Judge. doves may be killed with gun only jf the tu w.lK 1789. He nlahcd to have the words fortune of farm- In t'1'- celery. years he has lshplied B. 0. Abbott District Attorney. convert it into the finest hy? he arlnf, e4rae 'eee "Champion Pr'..o Hunter of England,' pf For ?0 from August J to September 30. stowera rdsiiio, tue nothing eise. In season be buys It A. Dristrlct Gttrk. pastoral lands. Not all shoot, the hv and whloJ, constituted his claim to fame ' Greeted quail, wild turkey, moun- ing and hi. 11, ..h U (bull ' In car-loa- d lots. Qut of season ha Inscribed on hi;; tmii.s'one. ,But th TAOS COUNTY. prairie of this country can be irrigated then dean of tr ' bbry would not per keepa large guantUiea frozen la ice. tain arouse or ehioUeu may for which he jjlg . he of it can and A Diredevil Hide mlt It, and on to J 'ablet to his mem obtains pcloes. Gusdo be killed with a gua only during but a greater portion ceiery comes gut as brittle as glass. Allc. orj In the West Clolster Broughton l Manuel Chacon Commissioners October, JJovember aiwl December. it will be turned from deserts into often ends in a sad accident. To Is New who. Commended to iho .remembrance o There a York barber Jose A. Lopez heal accidental injuries.use Buck-len- 's -- No. 12 He was a ser-- The penalty is a fine from $50 to orchards, gardens and farms. Fx posterity merely a a "YCeoman of thi wears a shoe. Jose M. Median lirinafurrer. n 1 ..... rinHman. u-- V nltaH ll.T $10Q Arnica Salve. "A deep wound Guard." Whai .63 time cornea, as Gonzales Recorder and imprisonment from thirty perimentally, irrigated areas of when 6" will hawe to begii hi- - .t.hiniv h. a brother in K""P in my hu accident'writea raust. f DinlelSieneios Bup t of Schools. lo suj,y iays. Uue-Ua- it ot the hpo h;g desert have produced yoo bush toot.from removing bOtteS frow tbe abbey t: the old country whose foot is so IjIk Thedore S!huele, of Columbus, O., ready-mad- e Judge. is to be into the county ma..'- room 1 if ;!iose who are reall: that no shoe can found Manuel Garcia Probate fumed els of potatoes to the acre, while jto fit him- Whep'he iveeds n.ow paio I'i, y, "caused me great pain. Physieiane deserving of Iff rrent there, hones Tom as Rjyera. Assessor. school fund. prohihks the sec the average in the United ijtstes Broir-hton'- s be of shoes he buy a side of leaihv a:i.L Buoklen's Aruica John ej;u njt lb. Silviano Lucwro Sheriff iug of i4iuh fish or iracn killed in were helplese.but first ta .distr. i. ;'. .Kiea's for a sbpemaker, who fAlhiOA I903 was 85 bushels. Mexico- msiu-ran- Salve quickly henltd it." Soothes nf-- i TopnU bn footgear at home. His foot is 'Jn New in auy hotel, t Prise Ofhtera h magic. at, idols, but ft WA. ,t be difficult to can largest in all Germany, about No, U or boirdin honse. For tj,e a'id heals minis like 2c They aro manufacturing pipes Frightful Suffering Relieved. ct'.ve of any we.-- i;:s:lo more remo;. jn size. gerriug or sale ol game fish or game F. 0. Stevens'. from the pntV that land to gl'iry Vast We have th skunk all ta our- Sufering frightfully from the out of asbestos and. condensed brought from outside of the terri- that of a p'ltnYhrt t'ct In the hoi; selves In North America. He lives virulent poisons of undigested food, !n:--i- upper quiet of out! of thl; Jn Canada as far north a the milk.
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