Nettpublisering ved Forvaltningsorgan for AKPs partihistorie ( 2012


NK 15,- No. 17 July 1985 elected No. 1/85 SIDE 3

• f141111n11F Pal Steigan inter- viewed about his last visit to China I would assert that in mate- rial terms China is under- going a very sound develop- ment. What worries China's friends is whether socia- lism and the leading role of the working class will surv- ive this process. For det ti- me being we consider it too early to draw any prelimi- nary conclusions. SIDE 8 AND 9

PHOTO: PETER M. JOHANSEN The Soviet Union: lanced Caoilalisin

PHOTO: ARNE TRiELDAL In recent years people the world over have time and again been shocked by the political adventurism of the Soviet go- vernment. Inside the country all opposition is silenced by the dictatorship. This is a fact. It shows the imperialist class content of the Soviet government administration. SIDE 10 AND 11

AKM•1) developed The struggle for women's liberation is world-wide. The picture shows a woman in a refugee-camp in the Tigre provinse. PHOTO: SVEIN TORNAS into a maturejarty I All other political parties in will claim that the WCP(m-I) is insigni- The Women's Question ficant, mostly because it has no parliamentary re- AKP(m-I) sees women's struggle peoples and nations. At the same ti- presentative in the national assembly. But that doesn't for liberation over the whole world me it is necessary to look critically at prevent the huge social- as an important revolutionary poten- «the woman question's» place in the democratic party to name tradition of marxism-leninism. We in WCP(m-I) as their most im- tial. Marxist-Ieninists must lead this portant opponent in the tra- struggle and fight for directing it AKP(m-I) believe we have taken im- de-union movement. against the bourgeoisie and imperia- portant steps in this direction. SIDE 2 AND 3 PHOTO: LEIF GABRIELSEN lism and in this way create a united SIDE 6 AND 7 front among the world's supressed Nettpublisering ved Forvaltningsorgan for AKPs partihistorie ( 2012

2 CLASS STRUGGLE JULY 1985 How has the AKPon-i) of Norway Developed into a Mature Party? Many people from different countries ask me why it is so that the Workers' Com- munist Party (m-1) of Norway has not only 4111t **WA Airo A survived the general crisis of the western Ag; communist movement, but has also succeded in doing a lot of good work. I use to answer that it is due to a happy mixture of objective

xwo conditions, skill and luck, says Pal Steigan, ' "Nor the former leader of WCP(m-1), in this arti- .11P 11!Ni '4110,,, 41F cle. That is of course a not very scientific poit, „ , , summing-up, so my point has to be explai- :Pitt e ned a little further. ly

In a way the revolutionary rough over the tradeunion #011N000141), 4 P movement in Norway is a sort movement, hitting down on of anachronism. It is one of anything faintly resembling the stronger of the new par- radicalism, not mentioning ties in the most tranquil and communism. At the same reformist country in Europe. time it managed to play the With the general state of architects role for the state- splits and demoralization that monopoly capitalism in Nor- you find in the ml-movement way. The bourgois parties in on our continent, it isn't to be Norway are all social democ- The picture shows AKP(m-1)'s 3rd anniversary in 1976. PHOTO: KLASSEKAMPEN expected that you should find rats whatever they call them- a revolutionary party with a selves. This position of vement following the youth- and become as one with broader movement. This has ding of the norwegian mar- countrywide organization, a strength also became a weak- movement, namely against them, trying to chart routes been the case with the strike xist-leninist has all the way daily newspaper, a lot of ness when the youth move- norwegian membership in the towards victory for these mo- movement, the leftwing of been our newspaper. Foun- tradeunion militants and lots ment erupted. That move- Common Market. This pro- vements. This has been the the anti-common market mo- ded in 1969 as a monthly of other activities too. But ment had to rebel against the longed the waning time from case with the strike-move- vement, the movement «Klassekampen» (The Class still it is there. All other poli- establishment, and therefore the student movement and ment, with the anti-Common against Soviet expansionism Struggle) has been an impor- tical parties in Norway will against socialdemocracy in all gave the marxist-leninist Market movement, with the in the northern areas. tant lever for organizing the claim that the WCP(m-1) is its hues, also against the so- movement good conditions movement of the samic nati- The party has been concer- party and creating revolu- insignificant, mostly because cialdemocrat «communist» for growth. And so on. It was onal minority and many ned with classanalysis and its tionary and progressive pu- it has no parliamentary re- party. The mere lack of any a matter of being at the right others. program is developed from a blic opinion. When the party presentative in the national other alternative, the gravita- place at the right time. classanalysis of Norway. The was formed in 1973 the news- assembly. But that doesn't tional field of the young Of course there couldn't Composition same with its military policy paper allready had developed prevent the huge social- marxist-leninist movement have been a marxist-leninist There has been a fairly good and its work with the woman- into a weekly and 4 years later democratic party to name was strong enough to attract movement of any significant quality of the party mem- question. it finally became a daily. WCP(m-1) as their most im- lots of dissidents. It also suc- strength in a country like bership and cadre. From the The newspaper has allways portant opponent in the tra- ceded in winning over some Norway if there hadn't also start there was a strong link Importance of focussed on the interests of de-union movement. The sections of the social- been some skilful work. I be- with the former generation the working class and the claim of insignificance does democrat youth movement, lieve that our party has gai- radical workers' movement anti-EEC struggle working people and on soli- neither prevent the biggest socialdemocracy then being ned some experiences during and with the national resis- In the early seventies the ru- darity with oppressed peoples bourgois newspapers from at- at its nadir among young peo- our developement, that may tance during the second ling class and most political as well. It has demasked a lot tacking the party every now ple. be of interest to comrades in World War. Though most of parties in Norway wanted the of under-cover-activity co- and then in their editorial co- Another objective factor other countries as well. But I the membership were young country to join the Common mitted by the ruling circles of lumns. Nor does it prevent was the impotence of the old stress that these are our own people, high school and col- Market. But there developed Norway, it has become a lojal the party's daily from being party. The Communist Party experiences and _I would not lege students, they were most- a massmovement against organ of all people fighting one of the most frequently of Norway had become so insist that they are compatible ly from working class or radi- membership among the wor- for justice. At any time wor- quoted newspapers in the much a copy of the social- to conditions elsewhere. Most cal intellectual background. kers, peasants and fishermen. kers on strike or women ac- country. democrats in its domestic po- probably they are not. The party managed early to This movement had a consi- tivists or foreign workers ha- The claim of insignificance licies, and very much of an recrute some of the most ac- derable impact on all political ve found their interests best also runs counter to the fact echo of the Kremlins in its tive and radical young wor- activity in the country for represented by «Klassekam- that the electoral alliance in foreign policy that it lacked I. Theory and practice kers to the party. Together more than two years. Mass- pen». which the party plays a lea- all possibilities of attracting From the very outset the the students, young workers demonstrations, rallies, pro- I am totally convinced that ding role polled enough votes young revolutionaries. It ml-movement in Norway was and a few veterans form a testcampaigns and so forth. if it hadn't been for the daily in the capital in the latest wasn't even militant in trade- dedicated to practical revolu- healthy body of dedicated re- The ruling echelon of the tra- our party would have been elections to become represen- union affaires. tionary work. The cadres volutionaries. It wasn't a par- deunions were in favour of much more seriously harmed ted by two out of 85 delega- For various reasons the studied theoretical works of ty of «ivory-tower-revolu- membership, but rank and by the international crisis of tes. In spite of all wishful basis for trotskyism and si- marxism, but insisted upon a tionaries», but rather prac- file members voted against. the ml-movement by the turn thinking from our opponents miliar tendencies is very scar- practical stand. «The proof tical folks with a matter of The ml-movement was ac- of the seventies. It has also it must be admitted by any ce if not non-existing in Nor- of the pudding is in the ea- fact way of handling things. tively campaigning against been an important lever for neutral observer that the way. ting», was one of the catch- membership from the very tuning the party into the day- WCP(m-1) is alive an' kickin'. There has nor been any words of early norwegian outset, taking no notice of the to-day problems of the nor- militant tradeunionist tenden- marxist-leninists. Therefore Application fact that official chinese wegian society. You simply How has the party wor- cy outside of the parties. the movement did its best to of principles spokesmen were positive in cannot develope a communist ked it's way to this posi- Therefore the young ml- take part, and a leading part There wouldn't have been a their attitude. daily on abstract issues. movement became the sole re- at that, in the class-struggle in ml-movement without the ge- Though in its infancy the tion? presentative of important seg- Norway. At the same tame, it neral principles of marxism- ml-movement initiated a uni- 6. «Proletarization» As I said, partly because of ments of the radical tide of tried to not be falling prey to leninism, Mao Zedong ted front against the EEC, Having gained the hegemony objective factors. Here some the sixties and early seventies. practisism. When the crisis thought. But nor would there whose membership totalled on the universities in the early people may object, saying When it comes to the luck hit the ml-movement, the have been any further develo- 25 000 i 1972. By this vigou- seventies the ml-movement that the class struggle in our of the movement, it so hap- WCP(m-1) had a cadre com- pement whitout concrete rous activity the ml-move- decided to encourage a vast country is at a low level corn- pened that it drew winners at paratively well versed in application. ment won new activists and a part of its university and pared with almost any other some important stages of its ml-theory and at the same ti- The ml-movement has de- firm foothold in norwegian highschool students to quit country in Europe. That is developement. First the marx- me a cadre with some expe- veloped a policy of its own, society. This campaign also their studies and become wor- true. ist-leninists managed to take rience from class-struggle. with strategies and tactics focused the party's interest kers. Houndreds did, in two But the objective factors I over the entire youth organi- The ml-movement has tried alike directed towards the si- on the concrete economic and waves, and added to a rather am talking about is somewhat ration of the Socialist Party, with a varied degree of suc- tuation in Norway. It was social conditions of Norway. small number of members in different. It has to do with partly due to extreme clumsi- cess to integrate with real soon clear to us that no other We also learned that all par- the factories. In spite of some the dominating position of ness on the partys side. Se- movements among the prog- party could solve our pro- ties must define a strategy on shortcomings, some anti-in- norwegian socialdemocracy. cond the movement had be- ressive people in Norway. blems, so we better had to try their own, not relying on any tellectualism and some ultra- IDuring the fifties the social- come properly organized Under the slogan «serve the to solve them ourselves. On other party to do it. leftism in the beginning this democrats acheived a posi- when the youth movement people» there has been a many occations the concrete draw was a strategic consoli- tion as a pivot in the political erupted in bigger scale. Third consistent pledge of the party analysis of the party has be- Daily newspaper dation of the ml-movements arena in Norway. It rode it there came a big popular mo- to promote these movements come a guideline for a much A mainstay in the partybuil- in the working class. Most of Nettpublisering ved Forvaltningsorgan for AKPs partihistorie ( 2012 *CLASS STRUGGLE JULY 1985 3 The Fourth Congress of AKM•1): A new Leadership Elected The fourth congress of AKP(m-1) was held in De- cember 1985. On the congress agenda was adopti- on of a new General Program of the Party, some smaller revisions of the party's constitution and finally, election of the Party's Central Commitee General Program.

Adoption of the new Gene- ral Program was preceded Armed revolution by almost two years of party The chapter on socialism in discussions. Two topics we- the new General Program re particularly focused in states that historical ex- the discussion: socialism perience teaches the neces- and the liberation of wo- sity of armed revolution men. against the bourgoisie. Re- gifif gardless of the will of the This is the new leadership of AKP(m-l). From the left Arne Lauritzen, Kjersti Ericsson and Jorun Gulbrandsen. PHOTO: BERNT EIDE Sum up experiences people, the bourgoisie will To this day, socialist not resign power and privi- mobilize the working class socialism into communism. leges unless they are forced forces in the struggle for women, and 50% belongs to revolutions have been suc- and the rest of the working The communist party must communism. Socialism will cessfully carried through to do so. remain a critical element in the working class. Pal Stei- people as the rulers of the not automatically solve the gan, who has been leading only in countries very unlike The program also states state, and to pave the way society, with strong roots Norway in economic struc- that the state form of socia- women's question and do the party for 9 of the twelve for the abolishment of the among the working class away with all kinds of disc- years of its existence, resig- ture and political tradition. lism has to be the dictator- division of labour. Democ- and the working people. It is necessary to sum up ship of the proletariat, ba- rimination and oppression ned his leadership, but re- racy of the working class The party must fight against of women. But socialism both positive and negative sed on the class alliance be- signs of degeneration and mains a member of the cen- and the people, not ad- will create a new foundation tral committee. Steigan was experiences in the history of tween the leading working ministrative measures from the formation of a new pri- socialism. Further, it is ne- class and the rest of the wor- for the struggle, making it warmly thanked by the the state, also must be the vileged class in socialist so- possible to build the econo- congress for his hard and cessary to decide which king people. main method in the suppres- ciety. principles and experiences One main point in the mic and political conditions inspiring work during these sion of the bourgoisie. for the full liberation of wo- 9 years. The new leader of are generally applicable to party discussions has been The role fo the com- Women all socialist revolutions and the importance of democ- men. To carry this through, the party is Kjersti Ericsson. munist party in socialist so- The new General Program a strong, independent, orga- Political deputy leader is Jo- socialist societies, and racy for the people in socia- ciety is another important closely links the liberation nized Women's movement run Gulbrandsen, and orga- which have to be modified list society. point. The role of the party of women with the develop- will be necessary. nizational deputy leader is and tailored to the specific must be that of the van- ment of communist society. 50% of the membership Arne Lauritzen. conditions in different Democracy guard of the working class The struggle of women for of the newly elected Central countries. Democracy is necessary to in the struggle to develop liberation is one of the main Committee of the party are the people who followed the ml-movement took directly revolutionaries didn't want to ciple for all revolutionary fluenced by the party. There our ability to take counter- call to become workers have part in these movements and work inside the trade-unions, parties, a demarcation line is a general consensus that so- measures against the liquida- managed to take roots and became the most reliable for- but to set up brand new ones between true and sham marx- me of their works have been tionist trend that hit the become experienced and res- ce in supporting these wild- instead, untinted by socialde- ism. among the most important ml-movement a couple of pected leaders among their cat-strikes. We developed a mocrat influence. We de- ones on a national scale in a years back. fellow tradeunion members. whole series of measures and nounced that line. If we Womens movement whole decade. Although we support com- Without this move, the means to forward the success hadn't I really doubt if we The new womens' movement In general the revolutiona- rades in other countries as far party would not have been of this movement. Since sup- would have hade a marxist-le- started in 1970. In most coun- ry cultural workers have been as our small means allow, we able to profit lastingly from port for the strikes was prohi- ninist party today. tries this movement is named trying to create art that would will never be subject to the di- the feminist movement, but serve the people, but they ha- rectives of any other party. the youth-movement. There bited by the trade-union cen- United Front ter, funds had to be collected in Norway the name of ve done so in many different are also reasons to believe 14. Unified leadership that the party was more resis- outside the tradeunion-net- It has been a principle for our «Kvinnefront» (Womens' ways using many different tant to the ideological crisis work. The party launched a party to carry out united Front) has became synony- techniques and approches. and democratic when that became the vou- lot of new principles for front work. We have worked mous with the womens' Our cultural workers have ad- sentralism gue. union work. Against social- for united fronts between movement. The marxist-le- ded a lot to the partys in- The central leadership of the democrat top-level control we workers and small peasants ninist were the main initiators fluence and also played an party has never been split. 7. Tradeunion work promoted baselevel activism. and fishermen, between wor- of the front and have been important role for the self- The leading comrades have At the end of WW2 the so- Against splittism according to kers and students, between actively promoting this move- respect of the working peo- taken part in a collective lea- cialdemocrats launched a trade we launched broad uni- working people of different ment for fifteen years. One ple. dership and there are only ra- «joint program» in which the on solidarity and unity wor- nationalities. It mostly has result of this is that bourgois re cases of fractionalism. trade unions gave up their in- kers-students. Against cor- been «unity from below», but feminism has had a narrow 13. International work Though the leadership has de- dependence and pledged to ruption we launched a style of in some cases even «unity foothold in Norway. The mo- Our party has carried out a veloped all the time, there has enhance profits in exchange membership-control and from above». vement has allways been an lot of international work and never been any major deser- activist force promoting the solidarity work. Party mem- for wellfare and job security. hardworking shopstuarts. It The national question tion from the leading bodies During the fifties all revolu- can all be summed up in the interests of the great majority bers have been working as of the party. tionaries and communists we- «class-struggle line» versus Our party has never yielded of the women. At the initiati- medical workers for libera- The WCP(m-1) practices re stamped out of trade-union the «classcollaboration line». to trotskyite «national nihi- ve of Kvinnefronten the 8th tion movement, the party has democratic sentralism and posts and the unions became (Class collaboration meaning listh». We have fought vigou- of March has become a day carried out innumerable cam- our experience is that this or- tools of classcollaboration. collaboration between wor- rously against any attempt to of protests and rallies almost paigns in solidarity with the ganizational principle is indis- This situation prevailed kers and capitalists.) undermine the national sove- on a par with mayday. peoples of the third world pensable in a revolutionary until the end of the sixties. In the beginning of the se- reignity of Norway, and at The party has taken many and with the working people party. Then some baselevel unions venties there was a debate be- the same time we have fully important initiatives in the in other countries in general. One major cause of the broke these fetters and waged tween two different approa- respected and supported the struggle for full emansipation This work has played a great partys relative success is that strikemovements in spite of ches to the trade-unions. So- right of self-determination of women, and even in the role for the orientation of the we managed from the very top-level veto. The young me people calling themselves for the samic national minori- last few years there has been party and the radical section outset to unite all significant ty in Norway. We have a an upsurge on this front, in of the working class move- marxist-leninist forces in one program for national military which party comrades have ment. And it has also had organization. This has added resistance in case of any mili- played a great role. From our measureable impact on the to the gravitational field of tary attack on Norway. point of view a neglect of this society as a whole. the party, that is made it mo- important field would have It has been and is our phi- 10. Against re attractive to more people. been wrong in principle and losophy and our pledge that This concludes my brief social-imperialism lead to setbacks in practice. we always will carry out soli- summary of some of the most The WCP(m-l) has allways darity work. As a party we important experiences of our fought against Soviet social- Culture have also gained a lot from party. There most certainly imperialism and been in the The party has played a signi- this work. We have had the are shortcomings in such a forefront for supporting the ficant role in many fields of undivided pleasure of taking brief account. Please blamo peoples in Afghanistan, Po- culture during the seventies, part in the valuable experien- them on me, not on the party land, Eritrea and others being especially litterature and arts ces of other partys and revo- Pal Steigai oppressed by socialimperia- and also theater. A genera- lutionary organizations. I be- lism. tion of young writers and ar- lieve that this experience has We hold that this is a prin- tists have been strongly in- been an important reason for

Tf.0310. Nettpublisering ved Forvaltningsorgan for AKPs partihistorie ( 2012 4 CLASS STRUGGLE JULY 1985 The Social-Democrats are Pursuing Non-Socialist Policies Arne Lauritzen, the former head of the Workers' Communist Party (marxist-leninist) policy advisory committee, now deputy head, wri- tes here about the tactical situation prior to the autumn elections in Norway. He maintains that the Norwegian social democratic party is the main tactical enemy of the Workers' Communist Party (AKP m-1) in the election and that the non-soci Mist policies it pursues are identical to the policies of the Norwegian Conservative Party (Hoy- re). The Conservative party holds office in Norway today. — The main question in the tics: They have to have gath- rease in support in the opini- coming period will be our re- ered around them so many on polls. They are making lationship to the Norwegian activists that they can carry little headway and have not , the Norwegian out an effective election cam- done so for a long time. social democrats. Up until 1 paign; in other words the par- The activity of mem- May we will be pressured time ty structure has to be streng- bers: Spot checks around the and again to participate in the thened to such an extent that country in the last few «broad front of the Left» enthusiasm spreads both months give in the main the against the conservative for- within and outside the rank same result. The Labour Par- ces and the Willoch govern- and file of the party. The ty has problems mobilising its ment (the conservative go- struggle over 1 May and be- own members. Sure enough vernment in power at pre- tween the Labour procession quite an effort is being made sent). May Day will be col- or the class-struggle processi- to activize parts of the trade oured by the coming parlia- on will be an important indi- union movement into cam- mentary () election cation of how to be able to paigning for the party. The campaign and the demand present policies which can be first phase went ahead last made of us will be «Join with recognised as a real alternati- autumn when a number of us against the blues, vote La- ve to those of the Willoch go- courses were held; a sort of bour». vernment. ideological rearmament, of — Our point of view is Let us look more closely at which we were the specific summarized in the concept this prerequisite: target. A = B (social democrat equals First, the question of But the real pay-off is yet non-socialist) but if this to be whether the Labour Party to come and it is reported that more than pure rhetoric, we currently has enough momen- the Labour Party lacks cadre must be capable both of tum to give the party inc- members and new recruits are showing that A really is the reased support amongst the few. same as B in addition tO being voters. My assertion is that The old faithfuls are ma- aware that nuances are to be Labour has mroe problems king all the effort. In a num- found. We are faced there- than it can deal with. Had I ber of places it is reported fore by a tactically difficult been asked nine months ago I that AUF, the social democ- Gro Harlem Brundtland, the leader of the social-democratic party of Norway. PHOTO: LEIF GABRIELSEN situation, both as far as 1 would have answered that La- rats' youth organization, is May is concerned but also in bour were sure to win the growing, but that the situati- Iron and Metal Workers' budget difficulties in . budget in the city council. relation to the entire period election. Today I am not so on seen as a whole leaves Union) and his associates ar- Deep contradictions have 4. The political and organi- up to the Storting elections. It sure. The six points which fol- something to be desired. ranged action-days against been revealed within the sational changes which the looks as though the entire low serve to reinforce my The Labour Party is pla- the fiscal budget and linked DNA, from the time when the Labour Party has attempted political scene will be colou- doubt: gued by dissension in impor- this with election campaig- struggle against the budget to initiate have proved of litle red by a choice between the tant concrete issues. The lead- ning for Labour. A number began with the compromise worth. I have mentioned the two largest parties, the La- Six points ers of the iron and metal wor- of clubs and unions in the shi- agreement proposed by the Days of Action which were bour Party and the Conser- 1. The Gallup poll. If the La- kers have for nearly two years pyard industry protested and Labour members of the Mu- organised by the Iron and vative Party, and that many bour Party are to bring about desperately tried to mobilise the effect was neglible. Shipy- nicipal Employees' Union, Metal Workers' Union. The people will be taken in by La- a political situation in the the union, and especially the ard workers do not have via 'Let Oslo Live' (a grass- attempts at mobilising the bour's tactical argument: election campaign from shipyard workers, for the much confidence in the La- root demonstration against trade unions haven't been «We have to unite now; oust which they will fully benefit, election campaign. The Days bour Party being able to the decimation of manufac- painless either. Gro Harlem the Willoch government». then they ought to have the of Action in 1983 were a fia- straighten out the situation turing industry in the capital), Brundtland can still manage moral advantage of being sco. In Stavanger the Iron and very many disagree with and the demonstration on to rouse standing applause at well placed in the opinion and Metal Workers' Union The prerequisite for Skyteen's attack on the «Yes, 10 December by 10 000 trade federation meetings, for polls. Everyone is talking has 4,000 members. Of these, we'll work» action when his union members — to Stolten- example of the Commercial the Labour Party about the effect of wear and only four manned street- response to the struggle to sa- berg's (the leader of the La- and Office Employees' Uni- There are one important tear on the Willoch govern- stands on the Day of Action. ve shipyard jobs is election bour Party group in the city on, and the national con- conditions which have to be ment and a similar effect on In 1984 the picture was even campaigning for Labour. council in Oslo) boundless lo- ference is used solely for the fulfilled if the Labour Party the Labour oppostion. But more clear-cut. Skyteen (the Another example of a seri- yalty to the Conservative Par- Labour's election campaign. is to succeed with these tac- Labour cannot boast an inc- chairman of the important ous split can be seen in the ty over the treatment of the But I think that Labour itselv

CLASS STRUGGLE SUBSCRIPTIONS BACK-COPIES is the international bulletin of Klassekampen, the daily pa- 4 copies by surface mail: If you want, we send you back-copies of Class Struggle. per of the Workers' Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist), Norwegian kroner 60,- or U.S. dollar 7,- The main content of the available copies is: WCP(m-l), Norway — Arbeidernes Kommunistparti (mar- Special air mail rates on request. No 16 1984 xist-leninistene), AKP(m-I). Payment should be addressed to: Declaration to the International Communist Movement Its purpose is to inform readers: Class Struggle, from the Central Committee of AKP(m-l). of superpower aggression against Norway P.O. Box 211, Sentrum No 15 1981 of class struggle in Norway 0103 Oslo 1 Declaration to the international communist Movement. (from of struggle against modern revisionism in Norway NORWAY the 3rd Congress of AKP(m-I)) of the activities and policy of the Norwegian Marxist- Postal account no.: 2 32 35 90 No 14 1979 Leninist movement, comprising the AKP(m-I) and its two Bank Cheques can be made out to Military program of AKP(m-l) youth organisations, the Red Youth (Rod Ungdom) and the Class Struggle, Norwegian Economy Communist Student League of Norway (NKS) — Norges P.O. Box 211, Sentrum Kommunistiske Studentforbund. 0103 Oslo 1 National minority in Norway and their struggle Letters to the editor or to the AKP(m-I) should be addressed NORWAY No 13 1979 to: Class Struggle, P.O.Box 211, Sentrum, 0103 Oslo 1, Printed by A/S Duplotrykk, Oslo Comments on the open «Letter of the CC of the PLA and the NORWAY. Governement of Albania to the CC of the CPC and the Gover- Responsible editor: Sigurd Allern. nement of China». Part V to VII. The international commition of AKP(m-I) can be reached on No 11 1979 phone 047-2-38 42 50 (Peter M. Johansen). Comments on the open «Letter of the CC of the PLA and the Governement of Albania to the CC of the CPC and the Gover- nement of China». Part I to IV. Nettpublisering ved Forvaltningsorgan for AKPs partihistorie ( 2012 5

The policy of the social de- mocratic party becomes more and more similiar to the policy' of theo- pen bourgeoise par- ty of Norway. Here symboli- ced by the leader of the bourgoise party, Keire Wil- loch and the lea- der of the social democrats, Gro Harlem Brundt- land. PHOTO: BERNT EIDE is counting its chickens before These six points show, I tland (leader of the social de- jobs. They have been cheated the Federation of Trade Uni- Housing Bank to its pre-1980 they're hatched. One thing is belive, that the Labour Party mocratic party) promised full twice. DNA states in its draft ons (LO) demand 40,000 new level is estimated at NOK to enjoy oneself in an assem- is struggling against the cur- support to the iron workers working programme (New dwellings per year — in the 5-7 billions. This sum is the bly of largely faithfuls; quite rent, a current which is per- and was given resounding Growth for Norway) that fiscal budget the Labour Par- reason why Labour's housing another to win support at haps proving a little too applause. One of the de- «The Labour Party believes ty propose 31,000-35,000. policy is almost identical to grassroot level in the trade strong. The other prerequisite mands was, and is, that per- substantial restructuring is This is a compromise and as that of the Conservatives. In unions. Referring once again for success for the Party's manent installations should necessary in industry. The far as financing is concerned, sphere after sphere we see the to the Commercial and Cleri- «united front tactic», is that be built at Norwegian yards. Labour Party will maintain the Willoch government has, same pattern. The now so in- cal Employees' Union, La- they manage to present poli- The day after these promises the main pattern of popula- through various tactical ad- famous «Long Term Prog- bour received NOK 750,000 cies which can be seen to be were made at the national tion settlement and safeguard ditions in the autumn of '84, ramme» of 1981 drew up the at their national conference real alternatives. The biggest conference of Iron and Metal stable local communities. presented a housing con- Labour Party's main policies. but the delegates at the con- problem facing Labour in this Workers, Gro Harlem Restructuring must therefore struction programme which And in budget after budget ference who aggressively de- respect is the innate class con- Brundtland and the rest of in the first instance be be- doesn't differ much from that these policies are concretized: fended misuse of the party tradiction in its ranks. the Labour Party voted down tween occupations, compa- of the Labour Party. — Cutbacks in the health and will probably not be so cock- a proposal from the SV (So- nies and branches of indus- Another example is the in- social welfare sectors, try, and should not result in sure when they return to their The two faces cialist Left Party) for the es- terest on loans in the State neutralisation of the de- local environments. A conc- tablishment of a state-run or- large-scale local unemplo- Housing Bank. The Building mand for a six-hour work- rete example is the threat of of the Norwegian der distribution office. If this yment and pressure to mo- Workers's Union and the Fe- ing day, withdrawal from the Com- Labour Party had been adopted it would ve.» deration of Trade Unions de- no opposition to the Con- mercial and Clerical Emplo- One face is turned toward the have been the first step to- Ask people in Horten, For- mand that interest be reduced servative Party's campaign yees' Union and the Union of bourgeoisie and is actively en- wards fulfilmment of the iron de etc. what they think about to 8 01o. In their alternative fi- to decimate the sickpay Civil Aviation Employees gaged in developing capitalist and metal workers' demands. this, when Labour simult- scal budget for 1985 the La- system. Not a word about (1200 members). strategies in order to get capi- The most important task fa- aneously presents an alterna- bour Party demand an inte- this in Labour's draft The fiscal budget. For talism through its crisis and cing the members of the La- tive fiscal budget which, in re- rest rate of 10,5 per cent. A working programme for reasons which I will explain make necessary adjustments bour Party working in the lation to that of Willoch, only half percent increase (or re- '85—'89, later, the DNA cannot pre- while keeping profits intact. Iron and Metal Workers Uni- appropriates 37 millions more duction) of the interest on the working hour regula- sent an alternative budget The other of its two faces is on looks, for many Iron and to the shipyard industries. State Housing Bank loans tions are being undermi- which clearly shows the dif- turned toward the working Metal Workers Union mem- And the DNA states as much would mean increased/dec- ned; the normal working ference between the Labour class and promises «defence bers, like being the stifling of in its working programme: reased living expenses of day is under attack. Party and the Willoch go- of the welfare state» and «full any attempt to raise oppositi- «Less emphasis should be NOK 200 per month. In issue after issue we can de- vernment, and with that the employment». At the same on against cut-backs as, for placed on those forms of as- We maintain that the La- monstrate the similarity be- mobilisation effect it would time as the Labour Party had example, «Yes, to work». sistance which give poor utili- bour Party has paved the way tween Labour and Conserva- have. On the contrary, in the 59% of the votes of the work- Take for example the re- sation of capital and labour.» for the policies which the Wil- tive policies. The struggle for past four months Labour has ing class in 1981, an in- cent case of Horten Shipyard. This quotation means in fact loch government have pur- 1 May could become tactical- actively said that the pressure creasing part of the same Have they proclaimed full that when the bourgeoisie ha- sued in the past few years. ly complicated. A preconditi- of expectations must be dam- 5907o were hit by policies ini- support? No, and during Sy- ve problems with profits i.e. The trend in interest rates on for our being able to reap pened down. This happened mical to the working classes, se's (Conservative Minister of «poor utilisation of capital on loans from the State Hous- the best possible result is that most recently at the impor- formulated by the self-same Industry) manoeuvres last au- and labour», support sche- ing Bank is a good example of we manage to demonstrate tant annual meeting of the Labour Party. This situation tumn they supported this qui- mes are cut back, resulting in Labour policies being inimi- the similarity between A and Troms County Labour Party is the Labour Party's Achil- te uncritically. In Aftenpos- unemployment. cal to the working classes. In B (between Laour and Con- in January where Einar Forde les' heel; it pervades the Par- ten on 20 January it is stated 1980/81 the DNA raised the servative policies). Peoples' pointedly warned against ty. If we make proper use of plainly that the Ministry of Example number two: interest on loans from 71/2 to memories are often short and such expectations. The La- this class antagonism it will Industry would like to sell Housing policy 10 1/2 07o. In other words, seve- it will be an important task to bour Party is on the verge of give us great chance to mano- Horten Shipyard. Has La- Many in the Labour Party ral thousand kroner in inc- remind them of everything being caught in its own net, euvre. A striking example of bour raised a storm of pro- now acknowledge that it was reased living expenses for that the Labour Party prefers and the consequence is that this is the exposure, by the test? No. The Party is just as this Party that started the de- most people. The Conservati- to forget. The Long Term people have trouble in distin- Oslo divison of the Red Elec- interested as the Conservati- cimation of the State Housing ve Party and the Willoch go- Programme and the increase guishing between the Labour toral Alliance, of Stoltenberg ves in reconverting the shipy- Bank. DNA members, such vernment have followed this in interest rates on State Party and the Conservative and the Labour Party in con- ard industry. In other words as Torbjern Berntsen, openly up by raising the interest level Housing Bank loans are in Party. nection with the increase of cutting it back to a size which requested help to pressure the first from 101/2 to 11% and this context almost classic Membership trend. The nusery school fees in Oslo. is commensurate with both Labour leadership at the then from 11 010 to 1207o. examples, but we must also Labour Party set itself an am- We maintain that A = B. capacity and profits. At the housing conference of the show how Labour conducts bitious target in 1982. They Let us look at one or two im- same time the Labour Party, Oslo Trade Union Federation A B itself in the various political aimed at achieving 200.000 portant issues and see how & Co., propose the export of in June last year. There is a We are entering a period in issues. members by 1985. We are things really are. capital on a large scale. A key intense antagonism between which the large numbers of I choose to finish where I now in 1985 and the in- word for both Conservatives Labour members in the Nor- students who left school in began. The main issue for the formation we have received The struggle for jobs and Labour is reconversion. wegian Building Industry the 60s are now joining the 1 May is our relationship to clearly indicates that they will What is the Labour Party We maintain that reconversi- Workers' Union and the lead- housing queue. Willoc's po- the Labour Party. Progress not achieve more than doing to protect jobs in, for on of industry will mean re- ership of the Labour Party licies in recent years have or decline of the May Day 170-180,000. It is interesting example, the shipyard indus- conversion to unemployment. about the level and financing made it almost impossible for movement depends on how to note that 20,000 new mem- try? The LKAB (a major iron ore of housing construction. many to buy a house. But it skilled we are in exposing the bers were enlisted in 1982 but Let us return to the nati- plant) in Narvik is a prime 10,000 fewer new dwellings was the Labour Party who Labour Party and getting that the enlistment campaign onal conference of the Iron example. The union has ag- means 20,000 more unem- started the decimation of the people to choose between was less successful in '83 and and Metal Workers' Union in reed twice to cut-backs and ployed building workers. The State Housing Bank — and class collaboration or class '84. 1982. Gro Harlem Brund- has been promised alternative Building Workers' Union and the price of restoring the struggle. Nettpublisering ved Forvaltningsorgan for AKPs partihistorie ( 2012 6 CLASS STRUGGLE JULY 1985 The Women's Question a Key Question for the working Class In this article, Siri Jensen — leader of AKP(m-D's Women's Committee — takes up the party's policy concerning «the women question». It is the communist party's duty, she says, to place itself in the vanguard of the struggle for women's liberation, and to avoid division of class according to sex. It is also important to fight rep- pression of women within the communist party itself, she says, and points out the importance of critisizing the marxist-leninist tradition on this point. In Norway today, women ed working class, and are to cilities or care for old people constitute a half of all em- be found in most professions. according to necessity — for ployees and aproximately At the same time, women example, 90-95% of care half of the employed working have a special position which for the elderly is private, that class. Large groups of the basically rises from the tasks is to say the women's respon- working class's closest allies society imposes upon women sibility. It is, furthermore, in the petit-bourgoisie are wo- within the family, and the still a fact that women are men; nurses, teachers, social division of labour between squeezed out of jobs to the workers. Employment sexes — which society deci- advantage of men, when it amongst women has increa- des. This duality is expressed comes to cut downs and re- sed notably in the last 10 in many forms. On the one ductions. Real unemploy- years. At the same time, this hand, women are less eco- ment is highest amongst wo- has meant that women have nomically dependent on men men. been drawn to a larger extent — marriage is not the only Women take an active, into class struggle, and «the possibility. Women, with or though much smaller, part in woman question» has forced without children, can man- political life and mass organi- itself upon the political order age, more or less, on their zations: Women organize of the day. own income or with the help themselves and demand grea- Women, however, are con- of social security. Women ter influence. Women have centrated in relatively few can divorce. fought to gain the right to professions. A third of all On the other hand, single self-determined abortion. working women are to be women and single providers At the same time women's found within education, are the poorest members of freedom is limited by the de- health and the social sector, a society, with many economic mands of the family and be- fourth within trade, hotel and problems. Economies is still cause they are still to a great restaurant, an eigth in indus- an important factor in limi- extent regarded as men's pro- try. 2007o have office work, ting the right to divorce: perty. Maltreatment of wo- 13% nursing, 11% work in Women's low wages and wor- men within the family, rape, shops and 9% are cleaners. king hours meke many wo- pornography and prostitution men dependent on their hus- contribute to holding women Lower wages bands. down. Increased employment Women earn less than men. In one way it is accepted and increased conciousness as The women are double working, bouth taking care of their families and contributing to de income of the Wages are lower and the fact that women have jobs, in- to one's own rights lead to a family by wage labour. that half of the employed wo- cluding traditionally male stronger will to struggle and bilities to combine full job tral task for a revolutionary women demand that working jobs. The labour market is di- men work part time, makes jobs, and women look upon with family, rights for part-ti- marxist-leninist party. vided according to sex and the difference greater. themselves increasingly as class organizations take up; me workers etc. employees with the right to to a greater extent, their si- women are concentrated in More than two thirds of At the same time emplo- Grounds for routine type jobs with low women are employed — the work alongside men. tuation and demands. yers know exactly how to ma- AKP(m-1) considers this to repression of women status and low pay. Half the remaining third stay at home. ke use of women's situation number of working women These figures show that Private work be a key question for the wor- to press wages down, increase under capitalism women have a special posi- At the same time, women are king class as a whole. have part time jobs. These wage differences and under- The grounds for repression of conditions arise again be- tion in working life. dependent upon adapting Today the trade unions do mine the normal working women under capitalism are their jobs to the needs of their not give priority to cases of cause the family will always We believe that it is impor- day. women's position in the fami- choose the «easiest» way to tant to understand women's families — husband's wor- importance to working class This is possible, not be- ly and a society based on di- dual position in our society: king hours, possibilities of women — wages for those secure a necessary income. cause women show less soli- vision of labour according to This means that the man has Women are in working life, child care etc. Society does who earn the least, shorter darity, but because they are Sex. constitute half of the employ- not increase kindergarten fa- normal working day, possi- full time work and is the main crushed between the demands In addition to class repres- provider, because his work of work and family. The eight sion, which affects women in has a higher value than the hour day is too long, in as the oppressed classes, women woman's. Capitalism will ne- much as women have a se- are repressed as a sex in two ver give everyone full time cond job at home. Many wo- ways: work. men must ask for special con- the bourgeoisie represses tracts for shorter working women Capitalism secures women hours, usually on the emplo- men represses women. as a huge reserve army of la- yer's terms with lower wages bour power. The consequen- The bourgeois ces of this family system af- and fewer rights. fect all women, whether or The only possible answer repression of women not they live within a family, to this is a joint struggle for a The family is a part of socie- whether they are heterosexual 6 hour day with full wage ty's basic organization and of or homosexual. All women compensation. capitalist relations of pro- meet the market divided ac- As long as the unions duction. It carries forth bour- cording to sex, and low couldn't care less, employers geois property through in- can offer women lower wages wages. heritance. The family and not Throughout the entire his- because they are «provided society has the main responsi- tory of class society, the ru- for». In todays situation, wo- bility for providing for those ling class has oppressed wo- men can become a lever to without income. In this way men particularly, and given press down wages. Therefore, the bourgeoisie is spared men privileges. This colours we believe that the struggle enourmous expenses. all institutions and relati- for women's rights is today Historically speaking, men necessary to strengthen wor- onships, careers, politics, have been the family provi- school, the media, church, king class unity and to meet ders. Women stand in a the unions etc. the bourgeois offensive. It is stronger economic position of course, a condition for today, because they represent The ruling ideology mobilising the female half of half of all employees. Yet wo- the working class, which has men are still economically de- elevates men and the worst circumstances and pendent on men. Many hund- represses women most to win through fighting. reds of thousands of women Pornography and prostitu- Woman are dependent upon adapting their jobs to the needs of their families. PHOTO: LEIF GABRIELSEN This struggle must be a cen- do not have income giving tion present women as objects Nettpublisering ved Forvaltningsorgan for AKPs partihistorie ( 2012


The struggle for women's liberation has long traditions in Norway. The sign to the left sais We want the night back», and the one to the right: «Fight against all oppression otwomen». PHOTO: KIRSTEN KARLSEN AND SAMFOTO to be used by men. Pornogra- their struggle in all areas. struggle and fight for wo- be replaced by new basic The struggle for are repressed in AKP(m-1) phy has developed into a po- Women have strengthened men's premisses in class groups which the people just as they are in all other werful capitalist industry their political power. Because struggle. choose for themselves. These women's liberation parties and organizations. It which scoops in enormous repression of women touches We have in Norway today must have the following: and the progression is impossible to put a full stop profits on sadism and con- all women no matter class, the beginnings of such an or- — equal relationship between of socialism to this without changing so- tempt of women. there is the basis for a broad ganisation. «Kvinnefronten» men and women Socialism gives the possibility ciety. But it is absolutely ne- Under capitalism, the most alliance amongst women. (the women's front) has exis- society (and not each se- to create the material grounds cessary to take up the fight, important form of repression Women in the working ted in Norway for 13 years. It parate little group of peo- for getting rid of the repressi- and this is what women in of women, is the bourgeois- class have a special historic has an anti-capitalist plat- ple) must have the respon- on of women. But historical AKP(m-1) have done. ie's repression of women. The role in this movement. To- form, and has always fought sibility to provide for and experience shows that socia- Repression within the party bourgeoisie has the most po- gether with the other women for ordinary women's inte- take care of its members. lism does not automatically can be seen, for example, in werful interest in defending of the working people (small rests, for work, kindergar- All members (also child- lead to women's liberation. the fact that it is women who the institution of the family farmers, women intellectuals dens, self-determined aborti- ren, the aged, and those Formal equality for women is do most of the «invisible» or- and division of the labour etc.), they are all repressed as on, against pornography and unable to work) are econo- relatively easy to carry ganizational work — while market according to sexes, both class and sex. As well as for international solidarity. mically independent and through. But this is easily pa- men stake out the political which repress women. this they must fight the re- «Kvinnefronten» has carried self-sufficient. Such a ralleled with women's real re- line. Furthermore women pression of men from their on the fight against all at- group would not be there- pression. As long as the fami- wear themselves out on most own class. They must lead the tempts to isolate women's fore the economic basis of ly exists, it will be the grounds house and family work. Men's repression society, but a freely chosen of women women's struggle and be at struggle from the struggle for man's privileged position Women's political and or- the same time an especially against imperialism and the social community. with women as man's serv- ganizational experience is Men in all classes and areas of important leading force in two superpowers, the USA To reach such a development, ant, and idea of women as se- hardly noticed and women's society repress women by class struggle against the and the Soviet Union. Today struggle is necessary through- cond grade members of socie- condition in the working class force of their own privileges. bourgeoisie. They must do «Kvinnefronten» is fighting out the whole period of so- ty. There will also be deeply and as part of the working They are an active power away with capitalism both to especially for the six hour cialism, during which women rooted reactionary habits and people, is seldom treated as against women's liberation. free themselves as workers, working day with full wage will be the motive force and ways of thinking which will «important politics». Tthis si- In the family men repress and as women. compensation, against wo- will be opposed by men. take a long time to get rid of. tuation is aggrevated by the women and have privileges at A women's organization is men losing their jobs, against To reach theh goal of full The ideological fight must fact that few women have ta- women's expense. This can be therefore also a necessary pornography and violence to women's liberation, socialism go hand in hand with the ken leadership. The result seen for example in the eco- ground for women's libera- women, and for active inter- must, from the word go, struggle to change the mate- being that women in and rela- nomic, social and sexual re- tion and thereby for revoluti- national solidarity work — work to transfer tasks from rial basis for the supression of ted to the working class, are pression of women and child- on and socialism. Also here, including support of the free- the family to society, and to women. It will also be ex- not mobilized in the fight ren. Men allow their careers women of the working class dom fighters in Afghanistan. break down division of la- tremely important to develop against the bourgeoisie. and interests go before their must play a leading role. The front has groups in bour according to sex. an independent and strong The party emphasizes families. They greatly in- The women's movement many places in Norway and This demands the develop- women's movement under so- therefore active and particu- fluence women's lives with cannot win if it is limited and shows influence outside of its ment of the forces of.produc- cialism. lar work on the women pro- their choices. Men have the steered by illusions that wo- own ranks. «Kvinnefronten» tion, total rearranging of so- The struggle for women's blem, firstly taking up re- right to decide what is impor- men can liberate themselves has lead the 8th of March ciety and a change in way of liberation has a lot to say for pression of women in society, tant for the trade unions, po- without changing the whole Movement in Norway. In re- thinking. This is absolutely the socialist democracy and but also giving importance to litical parties and all social li- of society. More and more cent years the 8th of March necessary to liberate women the strength of the proletarian the struggle against repressi- fe. women understand this, has been celebrated with de- as a force in production and dictatorship. If women do on within the party. The de- Men's repression of wo- through struggle. monstrations and meetings in in the ruling of society. Wo- not have the same real rights cision to include at least 50% men in the working class and In the same way, women in 30-80 different places. men must have economic sel- as men to take part in politi- women members of the cen- amongst working people, is Norway cannot gain libera- AKP(m-1) has many active freliance. Wages must in- cal work, then half of the tral committee, has been one of the most important tion isolated from the wo- members of «Kvinnefron- crease and become equal to working class and the people adopted by voting. Experien- hindrances for increased uni- meen of the rest of the world. ten». men's wages. Women must have only formal democratic ce so far show that there are ty and strength in the working Today imperialism is the be secured entrance to jobs rights. In this case women's enough qualified women, if class — both in the day to day most important hindrance to The struggle which earlier have been male energy cannot be mobilized one looks for them. struggle and in the struggle the bettering of women's si- for socialism dominated, especially in po- for the building of socialism The party tries also to take litical and economic areas. up women's position as a part for revolution. Women must tuation. Women and wo- and communism and class struggle against the gain power in workers' orga- men's movements must take Society must take over inc- bourgeoisie. of its political line in several In the debate on AKP(m-l)'s nizations and these organiza- their part in the fight to crush reasingly, responsibility for To get rid of the repression areas — for example the uni- newly adopted programe, the tions must support womens' imperialism on a world wide provision and care, create of women, is to abolish the ons. women question was a central struggle. Women must rebel scale. The women's move- free kindergartens for all family, division of labour ac- AKP(m-1) sees women's factor. The struggle to make against men's privileges and ment must tie close bonds children, medical care centres cording to sex, private pro- struggle for liberation over an end to the repression of repression. Men of the wor- over the whole world to learn for all who need them, build perty and the market. Wo- the whole world as an impor- women has for the first time king class must support wo- and to develop a common care facilities for the elderly, men's struggle under so- tant revolutionary potential. been discussed as an absolute- men's struggle and fight re- struggle. and give direct economic cialism is therefore bound to Marxist-Leninists must lead ly necessary part of the pression of women, or they subsidies to all children. the fight for communism. It this struggle and fight for di- struggle for socialism and damage the whole working If the economy is to deve- is of course a duty for the recting it against the bour- Kvinnefronten communism. class and its allies. To fight lop in this way, women must communist party to lead the geoisie and imperialism and («the women's front») The debate has also poin- against the repression of wo- have power. The women's struggle for women's libera- in this way create a united in Norway ted out that a central task for men amongst the people is a movement and the working tion. front against the world's su- necessary prerequisite for the AKP(m-1) looks upon the the socialist economy must be class must fight for the goal pressed peoples and nations. liberation of the whole wor- building of a nation wide wo- to create the possibilities for of women's liberation in all The fight against At the same time it is neces- kers' movement. men's organisation as a stra- full women's liberation. aspects of planning and the repression of sary to look critically at «the tegic task. An organization This means a stop to divi- production. An economic woman question's» place in The women's movement for women in all types of jobs sion according to sex in all plan without such goal would women in AKP(m-I) the tradition of marxism-leni- The increase in women's paid and life situations, of all ages, areas of society. Todays insti- freeze old repression of wo- itself nism. work activity is an important who can stake out a political tution of the family, which men and make the progressi- AKP(m-1) is a part of Nor- We in AKP(m-I) believe we reason for the broad women's line for the different areas of supresses women, must be on towards communism im- wegian society and is influen- have taken important steps in movement which takes up women's struggle, lead mass abolished. The family must possible. ced by it. Therefore, women this direction. Nettpublisering ved Forvaltningsorgan for AKPs partihistorie ( 2012 CLASS STRUGGLE JULY 1985

The Lesson

risk that a new landowner class will emerge in the rural areas — as witnessed in many other Third World countries. Pal Steigan cites issues which tour, Pal Steigan said that the delegation worked on. very critical questions were put to the Chinese comrades Gains undermined? throughout. — There is a danger here that the gains won through socia- 4 Open hosts lism will be undermined, he — Compared with previous emphasizes. And the dangers visits our hosts were relatively are quite obvious, in my view. open. They gave close atten- It remains to be seen how the tion to our questions and pro- Chinese Communist Party vided us with a wealth of ma- and the Chinese people will terial to take home. meet this situation. Our sin- In September-October 1984 a delegation from the central committee The Workers' Communist cere wish is that China will Party (marxist-leninist) has succeed in building up a mo- of the Workers' Communist Party (marxist-leninist) headed by Pal not adopted a viewpoint on dern socialist country with an Steigan, was in China. Six comrades spent three weeks visiting Bei- the economic reforms in advanced technology and cul- China. We belive unreser- ture. But we realize there are jing, Shanghai, Shandong province and the economic zone in Shenx- vedly that major changes in many obstacles to be over- hen. This was Pal Steigan's fifth visit to China. On previous occa- the economy were necessary come. For det time being wt. sions he has met Mao Zedong, Chou Enlai og Hua Guofeng. This in order to modernize China. consider it too early to draw But we will not take a stand any preliminary conclusions. time he, and the entire delegation, met Hu Yaobang. The delegation on the concrete measures now At international level we also participated in the celebration in Beijing of 1. Oktober - the being carried through. We see noted China's support to li- clear dangers associated with beration movements, e.g. in 35th anniversary of the establishment of the People's Republic. the economic reforms which Kampuchea, and its general we discussed openly with our support to the Third World. there is a lot of new housing. purely economic factors. Chinese hosts. Will the gap China gives large and valua- Greater prosperity Many of the political slogans A question we consider im- between poor and rich in ble support to those strugg- Class Struggle has asked Pal have been --replaced by ad- portant is the role played by China become so wide as to ling against imperialism and Steigan what he found most vertisements for Sony and In- the working class in Chinese amount to a cleavage between hegemonic desires. There can conspicuous in today's ternational. A question which society, given the new econo- the classes? Does the manu- be no doubt about that. But China. remained unanswered was mic reforms. What of trade facturing industry being deve- at the same time there ap- — The greater prosperity, whether China would develop union rights? What power loped through joint ventures pears to be doubt regarding without a doubt. The shpps in a commercial direction in does the working class have? with overseas companies con- China's views on the situation carr' more merchandise, peo- the time ahead, with political On the question of how the tain the beginnings of an ur- in the Soviet Union and Eas- ple are better dressed and issues taking second place to delegation approached the ban bourgeoisie? Is there a tern Europe. It is no secret Nettpublisering ved Forvaltningsorgan for AKPs partihistorie ( 2012 *CLASS STRUGGLE JULY 1985

to Learn From China: marked economic progress WCP(m-l) — which have made in the most backward sworn by «Chinese solutions» rural areas. We feared that to political problems they progress had only been made have faced. in the advanced rural areas. Otherwise, the capital Beijing Independent had changed a great deal, — The most important lesson with large new housing pro- to be learned is that the Chi- jects in evidence. Obviously nese always did what they there are immense ecological themselves considered right. problems. Waste gas from in- Ignoring the Komintern's di- dustry is a major problem. At rectives, Mao applied marx- the same time, energy utiliza- ism's general pinciples to the tion is low. The Chinese face actual conditions in China. that there are differences of great challenges here. That is why there was a revo- opinion between our two The visit to one of the eco- lution in China. And that is parties in this respect, dif- nomic zones was a novel ex- why we cannot emulate China ferences which we discussed perience for this delegation. today. Mao once said to some frankly with our hosts. And I must admit that the foreign guests who praised strategy presented to us for China uninhibitedly: «Go Develope relations the next 70 years, with the home and forget everything Pal Steigan relates that the aim of creating a deveoloped you've seen!» visit was concluded with a modern China, was more Pal Steigan emphasizes mutual desire to develop re- comprehensive and ambitious how important it is to cool lations between the Chinese than realized. It was slightly one's ardour once in a while. Communist Party and the surprising to discover how — A significant weakness WCP(m-l) of Norway in a well informed they were of of the young revolutionary number of fields, for example the new technological revolu- movement in the Western through further tours by spe- tion. I would assert that in world was that we too failed cial delegations. material terms China is un- to listen to what Mao said, he I should stress that the dergoing a very sound deve- says in conclusion. visit was carried through ba- lopment. What worries Chi- • sed on the principle of parity na's friends is whether socia- lism and the leading role of Right: What will the future bring between the WCP and the him? PHOTO: LEIF GABRIELSEN CCP, he says. the working class will survive What was the greatest this process. China has al- Beneath: China is prospering. surprise of the visit to China? ways occupied a central role New houses are built and the We chose the same rou- in the young revolutionary shops can offer a geat variety of te as in 1981. The biggest movement, and many are the commodities. surprise was probably the parties — including the PHOTO: PETER M. JOHANSEN sr-;?7,-- 7 07.

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,;'400,k0404:* Nettpublisering ved Forvaltningsorgan for AKPs partihistorie ( 2012 10 CLASS STRUGGLE JULY 1985

The Soviet Union Advanced Capitalism On 8 February 1948 the Yugoslav party lea- was the first time a Communist leader ques- der, Djilas, returned from a meeting with tioned the nature of the Soviet state. The Stalin in Moscow and reported to the Yugo- Soviet Union's international prestige was at slav party leadership: «We must expect to its peak at this time. Djilas' statements have to manage on our own and not count would never have been believed by com- on any assistance. The Soviet government munists around the world if they had been will subordinate us to their own policies and made known outside the borders of Yugosla- force us down to the same level as the oc- via. cupied countries of Eastern Europe». This

Peder Martin Lysestol was clear to us that the Soviet help when statistics show in the throes of a crisis. Whe- Union was no longer a socia- steadily decreasing growth reas the country up to 1970 list society. Subsequently the and crises in the economy! was a net exporter of grain, Today the evidence is that struggle against the false Historically it is precisely the import surplus was now there is much to be said for communism and against so- statistics which have been the growing ever larger. The So- the Yugoslav criticism. cial imperialism played an im- Soviet Union's best «friend». viet Union, which had always Through the forcible in- portant role in our work. While the capitalist countries emphasized the importance dustrialization campaign in After the Soviet entry into in the West were undergroing of being self-supporting in the thirties the bureaucracy Czechoslovakia in 1968, the the world crisis in the thirties, grain, soon had to import and technical intelligentsia occupation of Afghanistan in the Soviet community was grain from its arch-enemy, had moved further and fur- 1979 and the events in Poland being methodically develo- the USA. During the seven- ther away from the working in 1981, more and more prog- ped. Although today Western ties and eighties the import class and the people. The War ressives have taken a view economists doubt Stalin's surplus has been in the range had given rise to a system of against parts of, or the entity growth figures somewhat, it 15-40 million tonnes annual- privileges for the highest of, Soviet policy. But, at the is at all events clear that eco- ly. Concurrently meat im- echelons. Russian chauvinism same time the Soviet Union nomic growth in the first two ports were increased sharply. had become steadily more ap- has acquired new friends. As five-year periods stood at 5 to Between 1971 and 1980 the parent. After the War profits a superpower with large eco- 12 per cent. Labour produc- country had to quadruple its were given a more central nomic, political and military tivity was on the increase and imports of meat. Or, as the position in the economy, at resources the Soviet Union the country was in the process expert on the USSR, M. the same time as the Soviet has played the part of «prog- of turning into an industrial Goldman, says in his book government took complete ressive» vis-à-vis liberation great power. Despite the lar- «USSR in Crisis»: «Sixty-five ' control of the economic and movements and nations ge-scale devastations of war years after the revolution political development in the which have struggled against the economy was shortly once food rationing häd to be in- East European peoples' de- U.S. imperialism. Moreover, again able to show good re- troduced in many large ci- mocracies. This type of nega- the large Soviet market acts sults. Up to the early 1960s ties». Kruschov's plans to tive aspect of the socialist as a magnet for capitalist GNP expanded by 5.5 to 6 make up the ground lost to Soviet Union was becoming groups and opportunists the per cent annually. (In the pe- the USA in just a few decades ever clearer. The counter- world over. For them it is riod 1946-62 growth in Nor- sound today like a pipe- revolution which was carried therefore important to tone way was 4.7 per cent). Re- dream. Despite the fact that through after Stalin's death down the criticism of the So- ference was still made to the the population of the USSR is had been «in preparation» viet Union. These factors, Soviet Union's «brilliant» re- 20 per cent larger than that of for a long period. For the in- and the fact that Soviet socie- sults. However, the growth fi- the United States, GNP is still ternational communist move- ty is as closed as it is, have gures soon became less im- only about 60 per cent of the tions. These differences have. ment this first became clear meant that there is still much pressive, and for the period American figure. led to the existence of a capi- after the 20th party congress confusion as to the nature of 1976-80 economic growth talist superpower like the in 1956. It was from this the social system in the Soviet was down to 2.8 per cent an- Can the USSR be said USA where the economic role point that the Chinese Com- Union. The fine phrases nually. (By way of compari- to be capitalistic? of central government conti- munist Party (CCP) began its about socialism, the leading son, annual GNP growth for In my view the declining nues to be relatively small. At criticism of the Communist role of the party, the planned Norway was 4.2 per cent in growth figures do not show the same time we have a small Party of the Soviet Union economy etc., blur the picture the same period.) that capitalism is superior to capitalist country like Nor- (CPSU) — criticism which in- and serve to disguise the true socialism. However, they are way in which some 50 per deed led to a complete breach facts — capitalism in an ad- Productivity falling a strong indicator that drastic cent of GNP is utilized by the after 1960. vanced form: Social Imperia- Economic growth in capitalist changes have taken place in state or is redistributed by Split in the view of the lism. In this article I will pre- Norway stood 50 per cent the Soviet system. More to way of the government bud- sent some of the material over the growth in the socia- the point: can it be asserted gets. There are captalist coun- Sovjet Union which shows the Soviet Union list USSR. Statistics were no that a country with a tightly tries where almost the entire Throughout the world com- to be capitalist. In the first longer on the Soviet Union's and extensively controlled banking system and all main munist parties and revoluti- instance I will examine the side. Not only was GNP ex- economy is capitalistic? industries are nationalized. onary groups became split in economic system. panding very slowly; labour In the main the idea that (In Norway, for example, all their view of the development productivity had been falling capitalism characterizes the largest industrial concerns in the Soviet Union. When, in since 1970 and per capita con- countries with a highly deve- are today state-controlled.) the 1960s, those of us who Planned economic sumption showed very slow loped manufacturing sector, At the same time there are subsequently formed the growth or crisis? growth. In the five-year peri- private monopolies and ex- countries where government Workers' Communist Party It may be useful to take a od 1976-80, consumption tensive merchandise trade is business operations are on a (marxist-leninist) were in the look at what the system has increased by only 1.6 per cent most probably correct. But, very small scale. In the article youth movement, we had achieved,.N before going on to annually, (compared with at the same time, there are «Economic problems of So- connections with the Soviet criticism of a more theoretical about 2 per cent annually in clearly wide differences be- cialism», Stalin puts forward Party's youth movement. nature. Practical experience Norway). Agriculture had al- tween the social systems of two crucial criteria for distin- From 1967 onwards we had in is, as we know, the most im- so long shown signs of weak- the capitalist countries. They guishing capitalism from so- reality adopted a standpoint portant source of knowledge. ness. From about 1970 on- differ in regard to historical cialism: on the conflict between the Pompous statements on «vic- wards it became steadily clea- background, level of develop- 1. The means of producti- Soviet Union and China. It tory for socialism» are no rer that the Soviet Union was ment, and also class condi- on are not community- Nettpublisering ved Forvaltningsorgan for AKPs partihistorie ( 2012 *CLASS STRUGGLE JULY 1985

A lot of the industry built up un- der Stalin is now old and out of function. It is difficult to mo- dernize in a country where so much mony is used for the mili- tary purposes. PHOTO: NTB

the size of the various owner- which goes to consumption of fect. Evidence for this: The groups. luxuries by the rich. How- economy of the Soviet Union The state controls without ever, it is also used for ex- has developed more and more a doubt the most important pansion within the large il- into a war economy. The mi- means of production. It is legal sector. All who have tra- litary-industrial complex and state property which provides velled in the USSR have en- heavy industry tap the coun- the basis for the power of the -11:1117/eA":" countered the black market. try's resources. The consumer ruling class in the country. According to estimates by goods sector and service sec- However, there is little doubt Western economists, this tors are greatly underdevelo- that major contradictions market accounts for 20-25 ped. The people's basic needs also exist within this system. per cent of GNP, i.e. a mar- are not being met. People still After the reforms of 1965 the ket larger than the entire nati- have to queue for basic ne- individual trades and enter- onal product of Norway! All cessities. The quality of con- prises have acquired greater kinds of article are sold — sumer goods is very poor. To- independence. The struggle from machinery and equip- day the USSR has to import for credits, projects and pri- ment which are stolen from large quantities of consumer ces lays the basis for nume- state enterprises to imported goods from Eastern Europe. rous contradictions within the luxury cars or foreign cur- Hungarian and Yugoslav eco- state economy. Given favour- rency. There is no reason to nomists I have spoken to say able conditions the individual doubt that the Nomenclature that «the Soviet Union takes state enterprises can raise itself takes an active part in everything we can deliver. profits and thereby the stan- the illegal market. Trips to They don't ask about quali- dard of living of the emplo- the West provde them with ty». The following explana- yees, in the first instance both access to foreign cur- tion for this was given by a those at director level. rency and to goods which can Hungarian economist at the be sold on the poorly supplied Ministry of Finance in Buda- The collectice sector Russian market at a huge pro- pest: «The Soviet Union com- 11 The collective sector is mainly fit. pels us to deliver «peace mer- to be found in agriculture. chandise» so that they them- The collective farms control selves can invest in the war in- yj The Nomenclature — dustry». In recent years the Soviet defence appropriations Left: Consumer goods are scarse representatives of the have stood at 12-15 per cent in the Soviet Union. This is from people or a ruling class? the vegetable-marcet in Kiev of GNP, a figure that is parti- which is private. Does the dominant state sec- cularly high given the eco- PHOTO: ARNE TR,TLDAL tor not guarantee that the so- nomic problems facing the cialistic sector of the econo- country. Beneath: From the harbour in my wins over the private sec- Riga, where Soviet interests are tor, and that all means of strong. PHOTO: BJORN WESTLIE Privileges Another factor which shows hovi% the leaders of party state have distanced themsel- ves from the people is the ex- tensive system of privileges. The Nomenclature is a secret list of the privileges accorded to certain posts. This privile- ged echelon is estimated to number 227,000 persons (Matthews, Privilege in the Soviet Union, London 1978). Other authors have also ar- • rived at figures of this order. In the first place the Nomenc- lature enjoy salaries three to four times the average. As a rule they have a chauffeur- driven car, luxurious country cottages, special vacation owned, but privately owned. me 90 nationalities, over 100 about just as much land as production come under the spots, and their own stores 2. In a system of commodi- languages and wide variation the state farms. Collective control of the working class carrying imported, high qua- ty production, labour is also a in economic development. In property is a form of group and the working people? A lity consumer goods (they commodity. this system contradictions be- property which, through tra- prerequisite for this is of must in no event suffer from Additionally, we may inc- tween the nationalities are de with the state and trade on course that the state property the inadequate output of con- lude Lenin's criteria for capi- rife, particularly between the the market, has its own eco- is controlled by the working sumer goods). They also have talism having developed into national minorities and the nomic interests. About class. This was at one time the their own health service as imperialism — the concen- Russians. The Ukrainian na- 20-25 per cent of the Soviet case in the Soviet Union. To- well as special advantages as tration of capital in monopo- tionality numbers approxi- population today live on col- day the facts show that the regards education for their lies, merging of bank- and in- mately 50 million and ac- lective farms. ruling class which governs the children, etc. dustrial capital and capital counts for about 20 per cent In the Soviet Union there is state and the enormous state Is it possible to assert that export. of the population. The Uz- both a legal and an illegal pri- enterprise is the Nomenclatu- this upper class stratum re- Does the Soviet system beks number about 10 milli- vate sector. The legal sector is re, a party-appointed stratum presents the working class exemplify the distinguishing on, and a number of other to be found in agriculture. It of the community which lives and the working people. No. marks of capitalism described nationalities are over 5 milli- is well known that the USSR on the «backs of the people». On the contrary this is an by Stalin and Lenin? on strong. There are contra- today is dependent on the pri- Can this be proved? Let us echelon which has obtained dictions between the state and vate producers for meeting look at some facts: right of ownership over the the collective sector and be- the country's needs for im- if the state was controlled means of production. Thus, Who controls the means tween the state and the priva- portant food products. Some by the people the plans for the most important means of of production? te sector. All these contradic- 4 per cent of the Soviet Uni- the economy would also re- production are today not the Today one type of Soviet cri- tions are between groups on's land area is in private flect the people's needs. This «people's property» but the tic asserts that the USSR is a which control the means of hands. Yet this area accounts in no way tallies with the si- property of an echelon com- super-centralized social sys- production. Thus, there is for 60 per cent the country's tuation in the Soviet Union. prising well under 1 per cent tem controlled by the No- clearly no question of a single potato production, 40 per The plans are decided over of the country's population. menclature. They say that the centre of power. cent of fruit and eggs and 25 the heads of the people. It is With its control of the means country has one set of capital I will come back later to per cent of meat, milk and ve- not the people's needs but the of production this ruling class resources. This bears little re- the Nomenclature, the most getables (M. Goldman: USSR party leadership's strategic can buy labour which is ex- powerful of the power groups in Crisis, New York 1983, pa- plans which Gosplan bases it- ploited so as to increase the lation to reality. The Soviet power and wealth of the ru- Union is the world's largest in the country. I shall include ge 83). Through private trade self on when the country's fi- state in extent. There are so- some data in order to show much capital is accumulated ve-year plans are put into ef- ling class. Nettpublisering ved Forvaltningsorgan for AKPs partihistorie ( 2012



After the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan in 1979 more and more progessives have taken a view against parts of, or the entity of, Soviet policy. PHOTO: KJELL GJERSETH, PETER M. JOHANSEN, KLASSEKAMPEN

years the Soviet Union has ex- land, Hungary or East Ger- warfare over markets be- tered into in a «good at- USSR, 56 per cent of her Is labour a commodity? panded vigorously outside the many are greatly impeded by tween the imperialist coun- mosphere». This, it may be clothes exports and 50 per But this of course presup- country's own borders. The «compulsory deliveries» to tries is sharper than at any ti- noted, was immediately after cent of non-electrical ma- poses that labour is a com- division of Europe after the Soviet Union. me since World War II, the the entry into Afghanistan. chinery. modity, i.e. that the worker World War II marked the By way of illustration, sizable Soviet and East-Euro- The Norwegian govern- At the same time Yugosla- sells his labour for pay which start of what was to become pean markets are a tempting ment is to conclude a new via received 47 per cent of its is worth less than the wealth the Soviet empire. With the proposition. trade agreement with the So- oil needs from the USSR, he creates. After the econo- approval of the Western po- to permit an increase in ex- Through long-term agree- viet Union after the general which also supplied other im- mic reforms of 1965 it beca- wers, the Red Army was able ports to the West which ments the USSR will become election this year. There is portant raw materials. Soviet me clear that the position of to secure a development in would bring in foreign cur- a steadily more important little doubt that it will mean a influence on Yugoslavia's ex- the worker on the labour Eastern Europe that served rency necessary to repay the supplier of energy to Western new step forward for ternal trade today is on a par the party publishers, «No- Soviet interests. Stalin's stra- heavy dollar debt, are hinde- Europe. The high point of «cooperation», regardless of with its influence on the other rosti Press», issued the boo- tegy was now clear: What red by the Soviet Union's in- energy cooperation so far is whether the Conservative of countries of Eastern Europe. klet: «Soviet economic re- serves the Soviet Union also sistence that Hungary conti- the major gas agreement of the Labour Party is in office. This means in the next instan- form and its critics». Page 43 serves socialism. Eastern Eu- nue to deliver the goods nee- 1981. This agreement will Some people maintain that ce that economic pressure can states the following: «... an rope was developed so as to ded by the Soviet Union. The provide 13 per cent of Wes- trade serves «both parties», be turned into political and increase in profits can only be fit into the Soviet ecnomic large Ikaros bus factory in tern Europe's supply of gas in and it is clear that so long as military pressure. The Soviet achieved by economizing on strategy. The strong concen- Budapest is an example in the 1990s. The enormous pi- trade is carried on at a low le- Union has long demanded materials, labour and finan- tration of capital around the point. Realignment of pro- peline of 5,500 km was built vel the imperialists in the military base facilities on the cial resources». This was a state monopoly, the military duction with a view to inc- with the aid of Western cre- Kremlin will have no decisive Adriatic coast. Will the crisis signal for extensive rationali- power and the desire for grea- reased exports to the West is dits of NOK 10,000. Germ- influence on the other party's in the Yugoslav economy and zation. Nicolaus relates that test possible profits have ma- impossible so long as the So- man, French, British and Ita- policy. However, there is lit- Soviet pressure compel them production switches in the in- de the USSR the most ex- viets demand regular delive- lian firms are involved. tle doubt that the Kremlin's to give way? dustrial chemicals industry pansive imperialist power of ries of buses to meet their Norwegian trade with the goal is to use trade as a means meant a 10-15 per cent re- our time. Since the mid-60s own transport requirements. Soviet Union has up to now of acquiring influence, and duction in employee num- the USSR has steadily inc- There is little doubt that been fairly modest. However, later power. Conclusion bers. Although there is of- reased its involvement outside the USSR keeps a close watch it is clearly increasing. Nor- In recent years people the ficially no unemployment in the Comecon area. on attempts in Eastern Euro- way's exports to the USSR world over have time and the Soviet Union there is no Control of Eastern Europe pe to strengthen links with grew by almost 50 per cent again been shocked by the doubt that workers made re- enables the USSR to secure Western Europe. The East between 1977 and 1983. This Yugoslavia political adventurism of the dundant through rationaliza- for itself the necessary ma- German party leader Honeck- is far stronger growth than The best case in point is Yu- Soviet government. Inside the tion measures have long gone chines and consumer goods er's trip to West Germany for Norwegian exports ove- goslavia. Yugoslavia lies in country all opposition is si- without work. Nicolaus also without having to use con- was stopped precisely because rall. The value of Norway's the «grey zone» between East lenced by the dictatorship. states that 59 per cent of the vertible currency. Through the Soviet government consi- exports to the USSR is and West. Its location is stra- This is a fact. It shows the im- workers change jobs once a increasing control of coun- dered that cooperation was in around NOK 1,000 million. tegically important given its perialist class content of the year! The workers are ex- tries in the Third World such this case being taken too far. It is also characteristic that border far into Western Eu- Soviet government adminis- ploited in that the surplus as Cuba, Vietnam and Ethi- The West German govern- after the invasion of Af- rope and its long Adriatic tration. However this is not wealth, they create is utilized opia it can also secure cheap ment had indeed offered East ghanistan, Norway entered coastline. Between 1948 and only the result of «erroneous by the upper echelons of in- raw materials without using Germany about 1000 million into a ten-year cooperation 1955 virtually all trade be- policy» of great-power chau- dustry and the state for their foreign currency. Among U.S. dollars in credit. agreement with the Soviet tween the USSR and Yugosla- venism. The policy followed own class interests. The wor- other things this makes it Union. A five-year trade ag- via was at a standstill. Howe- is a consequence of the policy of a powerful nation charac- king class is left with a wage possible to reserve Western Trade with Western Eu- reement was signed simult- ver, from 1955 onwards, the which, compared to that of currency for purchases of ne- aneously; this includes deli- USSR concentrated on win- terized by monopoly of the the Nomenclature, secures cessities such as grain or for rope veries of paper and other im- ning over Yugoslavia by state. Analysis of the coun- them only a very poor stan- know-how such as modern At the same time as the Soviet portant Norwegian export «peaceful» means. Yugoslav try's economy shows it to be a dard of living. The so-called electronics or advanced Union keeps a close watch on products. manufacturing industry had society in which a small Rsocialist» development has oil-drilling equipment. It also the countries of Eastern Eu- Kongsberg Vdpenfabrikk problems gaining entry to the group, the Nomenclature, not narrowed the gap be- allows economic resources rope, it fully concentrates its (a major Norwegian arms Western market. But trade controls the most important tween the leader class and the within the Soviet Union to be efforts on strengthening its manufacturer) has entered in- with the Soviet Union was an means of production. They people. To the contrary. In earmarked for heavy indus- own trade and cooperation to four agreements where, easier matter. As early as in acquire wealth by gross ex- many areas the disparities ap- try, production of energy, with Western Europe. among other things, delive- 1965 the Soviet Union was ploitation of the country's pear merely to be increasing. and manufacture of weapons The economic crisis and ries of important computer Yugoslavia's most important working class and of people and other war equipment. the political differences of equipment are involved. export market. In 1980 the in countries which fall victim The countries of Eastern opinion between the U.S.A. It is typical of the Western Soviet Union was both Yu- to their imperialist adventu- Maximum profit can Europe function today as and Western Europe are ex- bourgeoisie's unprincipled goslavia's main export and rism. economic «leaseholders» for ploited in order to strengthen attitude to Soviet imperialism import market. Some exam- only be secured through the Soviet economy. At- the Soviet Union's position. that Minister of Trade R. ples: According to Yugoslav the «empire» tempts to reform the econo- There is little doubt that in a Steen (Soc.Dem.) stressed trade statistics, 78 per cent of In the course of the last 20 my of Czechoslovakia, Po- world in which the ecnomic that the agreements were en- her shoe exports went to the